Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students must have:
A. Unlocked difficulties;
B. identified the plot in the story;
C. choose their favorite part of the story and explain why it is their favorite.

II. Subject Matter:

1. Story: Matilda (1996, film directed by Danny DeVito, movie adaptation from Roald
Dahl’s Matilda, 1988)
2. Parts of the Plot
A. Reference:
Dahl, R. (1988). Matilda. Penguin.
B. Materials/Resources Needed:
Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Photos
C. Value Focus:
Independence and growth

III. Procedure:
D. Preparatory Activity

Hello, everyone! How is your day so far?

That’s great! Because today is a good day to learn another lesson which will be Parts
of the Plot.
(read objective)
Before we begin, I want all of you to stand up because we will be singing a little
1. Motivation- DIFFICULTY from the movie Matilda
Mrs. D, Mrs. I, Mrs. F F I
Mrs. C, Mrs. U, Mrs. L T Y

Great job! Was the little song familiar to you? Where did it come from?

2. Review

Remember your assignment of watching the movie, Matilda? Let us check if you did.
Let us arrange the sequence of events in the story using the paragraph. Paste the
right paragraph into the right part of the plot.

Don’t worry about getting it wrong because we are only doing this to see what you
know. Once you are done, I want you to raise your hand once.

1. Exposition -
2. Rising Action -
3. Climax-
4. Falling Action -
5. Resolution -
Box no. 1

Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood and their son head to Spain without
Matilda. Matilda and Miss Honey become a family and never
have to think about their horrible families again!

Box no. 2

Matilda uses her telekinetic powers to write on the chalkboard

and scare Miss Trunchbull, causing her to pass out.

Box no. 3
The Wormwood family is not like any other. Mr. and Mrs.
Wormword don't care that their 5 1/2-year-old daughter
Matilda is a genius, and Matilda doesn't quite realize what she
is capable of until she tries.

Box no. 4

Miss Trunchbull has left the school, and Miss Honey's life is
starting to fall back into place. Matilda is able to skip some
grades and finally feels challenged in school.

Box no. 5

At school, Matilda's life isn't much better. Her teacher, Miss

Trunchbull, is mean and simply horrible, bringing out Matilda's
telekinetic powers and the prankster within her.

Done? That’s great! We will be looking back on that later.

3. Unlocking of Difficulty?
While watching the movie, were there any words that you found hard to understand?
Raise your hands if there are any.

Great! Now we will be looking more into some of the words you have given.

Here are some words that you have met in the story. Choose the word with the
correct spelling and cross out the antonym of this word from the choices.

Does anyone remember what an antonym is?

1. Horrendous, reasembled, esential

a. Horrible
b. Extremely bad or unpleasant
c. A good thing
2. Pekular, fenomenon, inconvenient
a. unreachable
b. attainable
c. inaccessible
3. famili, capable, varyos
a. Competent
b. qualified
c. untrained

Great job! You are now ready to begin our lesson for today.
E. Activity Proper

Our lesson for today will be Parts of the Plot and we will be using the story of Matilda
as our example. Since everyone has watched the movie, we will be reading a short
selection as a review of what happened in the movie.

Now, before reading the selection, we will first see if you remember the characters in
the movie we watched.
Can you tell me the names of the characters in the pictures I will show you?
a. Picture Walk- Show the students all the characters in the story and identify
each. Talk about each personality of those characters.

Can you tell me who this is?

Great! What about this one?

Correct! Now this one?

Perfect! What about this one?

Very good! Now I know everyone would know who this last one is, can you tell me her name?

Very good everyone. Now we will be reading the selection. I need volunteers to read
the lines of Bruce, Lavender, Miss Trunchbull, the cook, and Matilda. I will be the
announcer and the narrator. All of the girls will be the Student 1, all of the boys will
be Student 2, and everyone is Student 3. Shall we do it?

2. Reading of the selection.

NARRATOR: After lunch, the children of Crunchem Hall heard the following
ANNOUNCER: Everyone should come to the Assembly Hall and be seated as soon as
lunch is over.
NARRATOR: Miss Trunchbull, the school’s giant and vicious headmistress, marched to
the center of the stage with a riding crop in her hand.
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Bruce Bogtrotter! Come up here and be smart about it!
NARRATOR: An eleven-year-old boy stood up and waddled briskly to the platform. He
looked terrified.
MISS TRUNCHBULL: This thief, this pirate, this brigand, this rustler sneaked like a
serpent into the kitchen and stole a slice of my private chocolate cake from my tea tray!
BRUCE: No, I didn’t!
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Liar! Cook saw you eat it! Cook, come here! Bruce Bogtrotter
wishes to tell you how good your chocolate cake is!
NARRATOR: The cook, a tall, skinny woman, walked onto the platform wearing a dirty
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Cook, Bruce Bogtrotter simply adores your cake. Do you have
any more cake to give him?
COOK (mechanically, as if rehearsed): I do, indeed.
NARRATOR: The cook disappeared and returned with an absolutely enormous
chocolate cake on a China platter.
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Sit down, Bogtrotter. Since you enjoyed the slice you ate so
much, I ordered the cook to bake an extra-large cake all for you. So why don’t you cut
a nice, thick slice?
NARRATOR: All the children in the hall were waiting for something to happen. They
started whispering.
STUDENT 1: Miss Trunchbull would never give someone a cake out of kindness.
STUDENT 2: Maybe it’s filled with pepper! Or castor oil!
STUDENT 3: Or maybe it’s booby-trapped, and it’ll blow up and take Bruce with it!
BRUCE: I don’t want to eat it.
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Eat it, you little brat! You wanted cake and you’re going to eat
it! Nobody leaves this hall until you have eaten the entire cake! Do you understand?
NARRATOR: Bruce knew there was no way to get out of this mess other than eating
his way out of it, so he took a tentative bite. And another. And another.
MATILDA: Do you think he can do it?
LAVENDER: No. It’s impossible. He’ll be sick before he’s halfway through.
NARRATOR: Instead of slowing down as he ate, Bruce seemed to gain confidence. He
ate a second slice—and a third—and suddenly, he had eaten half the cake! The
students were watching and willing him to continue.
STUDENT 1: Come on, Brucie! You can make it!
MATILDA (whispering): I think he’s going to make it!
LAVENDER: I think so, too! I wouldn’t have believed anyone in the world could eat a
cake that size!
MATILDA: Miss Trunchbull doesn’t believe it either. She’s turning redder and redder.
She’s going to be furious if he wins.
NARRATOR: Like a long-distance runner who sees the finish line, Bruce kept going
and going, and when he finished the last mouthful, the students leapt to their chairs,
yelling and clapping and shouting.
STUDENT 1: Well done, Brucie!
STUDENT 2: Good for you, Brucie!
STUDENT 3: You’ve won a gold medal, Brucie!
NARRATOR: Miss Trunchbull stood motionless, her eyes glittering with fury. She
glared at Bruce, who was too full to move or speak or do anything but sit there with a
grin of triumph on his face. Suddenly, she lunged forward and grabbed the giant China
platter that the cake had rested upon. She raised the platter in the air and brought it
down right on top of Bruce’s head. There was a spectacular crash, and the pieces flew
all over the stage, but Bruce just shook his head a few times and kept on grinning.
MISS TRUNCHBULL: Go to blazes!
NARRATOR: With that scream of anger, Miss Trunchbull and the cook left the stage.
Bruce Bogtrotter had won!

Very good everyone! Now we will see how much you remember what happened in
Crunchem Hall.
3. Comprehensive Check
a.) Who is the school's headmistress?
b.) Who did she call to come up on the stage?
c.) What did Bruce steal from the headmistress' tea tray?
d.) What was the cook wearing when she walked onto the platform?
e.) What did Ms. Trunchbull order the cook to do?
f.) What did the students think when Ms. Trunchbull gave the cake out?
g.) Did Bruce agree to eat the cake?
h.) Did Bruce win and finish eating the cake?
i.) Did the headmistress get angry with Bruce after he finished the cake? What did she
do with the giant China plate.
Great job! Now we will go back to the paragraphs we did earlier. Do you think you get the correct
answers? We will see.

4. Engagement
a. Let us go back to the sequence of the plot you made earlier. The plot has these
following parts:
1. Exposition: An introduction to the story
including the names of the main characters, setting, atmosphere, and weather.
It reveals the main conflicts in the story.

2. rising action: represents an ascending line (indicating rising tension)

This is the critical moment when all escalations of action accumulate
the moment when the overall conflict is finally resolved.

3. climax: the most exciting moment in the story, the turning point for the plot or
the protagonist’s goals.
It marks the turning point in the lives of the characters and sets the stage for the
final chapter of the story

4. falling action: everything that happens because of the climax

including the conclusion of plot points, answers to questions, and character
development. This is where the tension of the story slowly tones down and the
problems start to get fixed.
5. resolution: The resolution tells us what happens to the characters after the
conflict is resolved. It is the ending of the story.
Now look at your arrangement, is it in order? If not, arrange it according to the parts
I discussed above.
The Wormwood family is not like any other. Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood don't care that
their 5 1/2-year-old daughter Matilda is a genius, and Matilda doesn't quite realize what
she is capable of until she tries.
Rising Action
At school, Matilda's life isn't much better. Her teacher, Miss Trunchbull, is mean and
simply horrible, bringing out Matilda's telekinetic powers and the prankster within her.
Matilda uses her telekinetic powers to write on the chalkboard and scare Miss
Trunchbull, causing her to pass out.
Falling Action
Miss Trunchbull has left the school, and Miss Honey's life is starting to fall back into
place. Matilda is able to skip some grades and finally feels challenged in school.
Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood and their son head to Spain without Matilda. Matilda and Miss
Honey become a family and never have to think about their horrible families again!

Well done everybody! Now that we are near the end of our lesson, we will see if you
understand and remember today’s discussion. Everyone, get a sheet of paper, write
your name and section, and answer the following. Answers only.

5. Evaluation
A. Choose from the pool of words the part of the plot that fits the description in each
Rising action Climax Exposition Falling action

1. It is the introduction of the story and reveals the setting and the characters of the
2. It is the final part of the story where the events are resolved, and the story ended.
3. It is the most intense and the highest part of the story.
4. It is the part where the story escalates, and more details of the story are uncovered.
This is commonly where the problem in the story is revealed.
5. It is the release of the tension of the climax of the story. This is where the problem is
starting to be solved.

B. Identify your favorite part of the story. Describe it well using the sentence starter

My favorite part of the story Matilda is

I like it because
The lesson I learned is

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