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Class DAE 2nd Year (A&D)

Subject Fuel Injection & Carburation
Code AD-343
Topic Basic Carburation definitions & Air
Flow Ratios for varying Conditions
Method Lecture
Lecture continuity Lecture 01 chapter 3
No. of Periods 02
Place Class Room
Training Aids White Board, Marker
Reference text Book Fuel injection & Carburation text book
for National Institute for Science &
Technology (Min of Education GoP)
Instructor Engr. Jehanzeb

(Vetted By)

Date: 17 Nov 2017 HOD________________

Contents Time Instr
(Mins) Remarks
1. After studying this chapter, the student would be able to:
a. Describe air/fuel mixture requirements of a petrol/gasoline engine
b. Describe and identify the basic parts of a carburetor
c. List and explain the fundamental carburetor systems
d. Explain carburetor accessories
e. Explain different types of carburetor


2. This chapter introduces the fundamental principles of

carburetion. It discusses carburetor systems, design differences, auxiliary
control devices and carburetor trouble shooting, with special emphasis
on some commercial carburetor design.

3. The process of forming combustible mixture by mixing the proper

amount of fuel with air before admission to engine cylinders is called
carburetion. The device, which does this job, is called carburetor.


4. Of the various factors, the process of carburetion is influenced by:

1. The time available for the preparation of mixture
2. The temperature of the incoming air
3. The vaporization characteristics of the fuel
4. The design of the induction system


5. Atomization is the mechanical breaking up of the liquid fuel

into small particles (but not actually breaking up into atoms).
Atomization is done to produce very quick vaporization of the liquid
gasoline (petrol) by spraying it into air passing through the carburetor

6. Vaporization means the change of phase from liquid to vapour.


7. When any fluid is in contact with a boundary, it produces a force

perpendicular to the boundary. The magnitude of the force produced per
unit area is called the pressure of the fluid. Pressure is therefore defined
as the force acting per unit of cross-sectional area.
Pressure = Force / Cross-sectional area
P = F/A
Pressure of 1 N/m2 is equal to 1 Pa (Pascal)
Usually 105 N/m2 is taken equal to 1 bar.
Atmospheric pressure (Patm) 3

8. Since air has a mass and is subject to the action of gravity, it

exerts pressure. At sea levels the weight of the air column above unit
area of the earth surface, is termed as atmospheric pressure.
The pressure of the earth's atmosphere on a normal day at sea level.
The atmospheric pressure does not remain constant but varies somewhat
with temperature, humidity, altitude and other conditions.
1 atm = 10l.33 kPa
= 14.7 PSI
= 760 mm Hg
= l.013 bar
= 10.3 m of H20
Vacuum pressure 3

9. A vacuum pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure in an

enclosed area. Any space with lower than 14.7 PSI (101.33 kPa)
pressure at sea level is said to have vacuum pressure. The instruments,
which measure the pressure of the fluids below atmospheric pressure,

are known as vacuum gauges.

Gauge pressure 2

10. All pressures must be measured relative to some reference. If

pressure- measuring instrument measures the fluid pressure relative to
atmospheric pressure, then the pressure sensed is termed as gauge

Absolute pressure (P abs) 2

11. Pressure equal to the algebraic sum of atmospheric and gauge

pressure, is called absolute pressure.
Pabs = P guage + Patm
Pressure of the fluid if measured against the reference side keeping as
zero, is known as absolute pressure.

12. The pipe that carries the prepared mixture of fuel and air to the
engine cylinder is called the intake manifold. The suction stroke of an
engine creates a vacuum in the cylinder and produces a gradual
pressure outside the carburetor to the pressures (varying) in the
carburetor, manifold and engine cylinder.
13. This pressure drop causes air to flow through the induction
system and the fuel to be sprayed (in the form of fine spray) from the fuel
jets. The pressure drop at the fuel jet tip is increased by placing it in the
throat of a venturi tube, which increases the air velocity and pressure
drop at this point.
"The vacuum at the venturi throat is called the carburetor


14. Amount of air in proportion to amount of fuel in combustible

range, is known as air-fuel mixtures.
The task of the engine induction system is to prepare from ambient air
and fuel in the tank an air fuel mixture that satisfies the requirement of the
engine over its entire operating regime.
15. In principle, the optimum air-fuel ratio for a spark ignition engine is
that gives the required power output with the lowest fuel consumption,
consistent with smooth and reliable operations, and satisfy the emission
requirements at the required power level.

Air fuel mixture types 1

16. Fuel and air are mixed to form three different types of mixtures:
a. Chemically correct (stoichiometric) mixture
b. Rich mixture
c. Lean mixture

Stoichiometric mixture (14.7:1) 5

17. Chemically correct or stoichiometric mixture is one in which there

is just enough air for complete combustion of fuel. For example to bum
one kg of octane (C8H18) is chemically correct A/F ratio for C8H18 is
15.12:1; usually approximated to 15: 1 (by weight).
18. The chemically correct mixture will vary only slightly in numerical
value between different hydrocarbon fuels.
(Most gasoline have (A/F)stoichio in the range of 14.4 to1 4.7)
[(A/F)stiochio could be between 14.1 to 15.2]
19. It is always computed from the chemical equation for complete
combustion for a particular fuel. Under constant engine conditions, this
ratio can help assure that all fuel is burned during combustion. Stated
another way
A (lambda) = (A/F)actual / (A/F) stoichiometric
If value of A = 1, then the mixture is stoichiometric.
Rich air fuel ratio/mixture 5

20. Rich means that the mixture has a relatively high percentage of
fuel than the stoichiometric ratio. This also means that the mixture, which
contains less air than stoichiometric requirement, is called rich mixture
(Values of A/F ,12:1)

λ = (A/F)actual / (AIF) stoichiometric

If λ <1, the mixture is termed as rich mixture

21. Values of air/Fuel ratios less than stoichiometric will mean that the
mixture is rich. A slightly rich mixture tends to increase engine power.
However it also increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
An over rich mixture will reduce engine power, fuel spark plugs, and
cause incomplete burning (black smoke at engine exhaust).

Lean mixture 5

22. A mixture, which contains more air than the stoichiometric

requirement, is called a lean mixture. (Examples are A/F ratio of 16:1
If λ = (A/F)actual/ (AIF) stoichiometric > 1
= lean
23. If values of Air/Fuel mixture ratios are greater than stoichiometric
the mixture is termed as lean.
24. A slightly lean mixture is desirable for high gasoline mileage and
low exhaust emissions. Extra air in the cylinder assures the complete
burning of fuel. Too lean a mixture can cause poor engine performance
(lack of power, mission etc).
25. There is however, a limited range of air fuel ratios in a
homogeneous mixtures, only within which combustion in a spark ignition
(S.I.) engine will occur. Outside this range, the ratio is either too rich or
too lean to sustain ignition (flame propagation). This range of useful air-
fuel ratio varies from approximately 19: 1 (lean) to 9: 1 (rich).
Note: In case of lean bum engines the A/F ratio may widely varies in
learner side. Briefly
For lean mixtures λ>1
For stoichiometric mixture λ=1
For fuel rich mixture λ<1

A. Mixture requirements for steady state operation

26. Steady state operation means continuous operations at a given
speed and power output with normal engine temperatures. .
For automotive engine there are three main areas of steady state
operation regarding different air-fuel ratios.
a. Idling and low load (rich mixture)
b. Cruising or normal power (lean mixture)
c. High power (rich mixture)

Idling and low load range 10

(A/F ratio approximate 11:1)

27. An idling engine is one, which operates at no lead and with nearly
closed throttle. During idling, the air supply is restricted by nearly closed
throttle and the suction pressure is very low. This condition of low
pressure gives rise to back flow of exhaust gases, which dilute the fresh
charge. Increasing dilution cause the combustion to be erratic. It is,
therefore, necessary to provide more fuel by richening the air-fuel
mixture for smooth engine operation.
28. Actually the presence of exhaust gas tends to obstruct the contact
of fuel and air particles - a requirement necessary for satisfactory
combustion. The richening of mixture increases the probability of contact
between fuel and air particles and thus improves combustion.
Normal power or cruising range (economy driving)
(AIF ratio approx. 16-18:1)
29. As the load is increased from no load or idling condition, the
problem of exhaust gas dilution decreases significantly. In the normal
power range (at part throttle) the prime consideration is usually the fuel
economy. Consequently, in this range it is desirable that the carburetor
provides the engine with the best economy mixture.

Maximum power or cruising range 5

(A/F ratio approx. 12-13:1)

30. When the throttle valve is fully opened, the charge (air-fuel
mixture) must be enriched since the maximum torque (for a given speed)
is being demanded. Moreover, the rich mixture serves as an internal
coolant to prevent valve failure. Mixtures that are richer still are used
sometimes to increase volumetric efficiency by increasing the amount of
charge cooling that accompanies fuel vaporization, thereby increasing
the inducted air density.




Dilution of mixture
IDLING 0-20% by 11: 1 Rich
Exhaust gases
20-75% effective 16-18: 1
utilization of fuel

Full utilization of
MAX.POWER 75-100% 12-13:1 Rich

B. Transient mixture requirement 5

31. Transient conditions are those conditions under which speed,

load, temperature or pressure changes rapidly. The principle transient
conditions of operation are starting, warming up, acceleration and

Starting and warm-up requirement

(AIF ratio approximate 1:1 - 5:1)

32. While starting from cold, much of the heavy ends supplied by the
carburetor remains a liquid or re-condenses on the cylinder walls and the
piston head. The exhaust gas dilution is also a serious problem at this
mode of operation. Although the air fuel ratio at the carburetor may be
well within the normal combustion limits, the ratio of evaporated fuel to
air in the cylinder may be far too lean to ignite and burn. It may then be
necessary to supply temporarily as much as 5 to 10 times the normal
amount of gasoline at the carburetor to obtain enough evaporated light
ends to run on, until the manifold and cylinder parts become warm. As
the engine warms up the amount of evaporated fuel increases and hence
the mixture ratio should be progressively made learner to avoid too rich
evaporated air-fuel ratio.
Heavy Ends: The heavier part of hydrocarbon fuel
Light Ends : The lightest part of HC fuel, vaporizes

Air-fuel ratios with different carburetor systems operating at different

Total (2 Credits) 80

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