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Caracteristici UM. Metoda de analiza Rezultate Data (perioada) Characteristics Test_method Results Test day (period) Proprietati organoleptice + SR784-3:2009, pet. 3 06.09.2022 Aspect: - produs zaharos, necristalizat, fra spuma, fr corpuristaine vizbile cu ochiu! ber; Consistenta: ~neomogens, vascoasa; Culoare: ~ aurie, cu particule (foarte ici) de culoare alba si dimensiuni diferite; Aroma: = placuté, caracterstica Produselor apicole, usor acrigoard Gust: ~ actu, fra gust strain AnextvAnnex: pagini/pages SEF LABORATORY Sef Colectiv Responsabil incercare/ Executant LABORATORY HEAD/Team head Responsible for testing/Analyst Ord. Ing abing-Andreea Drd. Ing. Utoiu Elena My, ‘REZULTATELE PREZENTULUI RAPORT DE INCERCARE SE REFERA NUMA LA ESANTIONUL INCERCAT RESULTS OF PRESENT TEST REPORT ARE RELEVANT ONLY FOR THE TESTED SAMPLE (COPII ALE PREZENTULU! RAPORT SUNT VALABILE NUMAI CU SEMNATURA SI STAMPILA ORIGINALE COPIES OF THIS REPORT ARE VALID ONLY WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND STAMP Tehn. Ditoiu Alexandrina F07-PB Edita 1; Rev.5 pag. 2 din 2 © scanned wh OnE Scone INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE, PENTRU BIORESURSE ALIMENTARE-iBA Bucuresti NATIONAL RESEARCH& DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE FOR FOOD BIORESOURCES-IBA BUCHAREST loft Sediul social: str. Dinu Vintié, nr. 6, Sector 2, 021102, Bucuresti, ROMANIA Registered office: 6 Dinu Vint Street, 2» District, 0211102, Bucharest Punct de lucru: str. Ancuta Baneasa, nr. 5, Sector 2, 020323, Bucuresti, ROMANIA, C.l.F. RO 27285465 Work point: 5" Ancuta Baneasa Street, 24 District, 020323, Bucharest, ROMANIA, VAT no RO 27285485, Tel./Fax: 031,620.58.33/34, e-mail:, Raport de incercare Test report Data emiterii//ssue date: 3398 08.09.2022 Beneficiar) |] S.C. ROM HONEY GROUP S.R.L. Customer ’ Adresa/ ]} Str, Otului Nr. 151, Baicoi, Jud. Prahova Address ‘Comanda beneficiar! Customer order Inregistrare IBA’ |} 634/30.08.2022 Registration IBA Cod proba’ 2168 Sample code Proba! |! MEL! LIMO t Sample Esantionare! |} pe réspunderea beneficiarului Sampling Prezentare proba/ proba in borcan ambalat in folie plic, 100 g, lot: 1, data prod.: 29.08.2022 Sample presentation Analizel |] fizico-chimice Tests Data primiri’ |} 30.08.2022 Received Caracteristici Metoda de analiza Rezultate Data (perioda) Characteristics Test method Results __ Test day (period) Aciditate cm®NaQH n/100g-—— SR784-3:2009, pct. 4.3 13,25 01.09.2022 Zabér total % Met. Schoorl modif. 58,44 01.09.2022 Zabér direct reducdtor Met. Schoor! modi 57,45 01.09.2022 ee FO7-PB Editia 1; Rev.5 pag. 1 din 2 © scant Caracteristici UM Metoda de analiza Rezultate Data (perioada) Characteristics Test_method Results __Test day (period) ‘Anexa/Annex: paginipages SEF LABORATOR Sef Colectiv Responsabil incercare/ Executant LABORATORY HEAD/Teem head Responsible for spon — Dr. ing, Alina Dobre ing wins Tenn, Cansanta 2 Lab, Veta Mer %f [REZULTATELE PREZENTULUI RAPORT DE INCERCARE SE REFERK NUMAILA ESANTIONUL INCERCAT ‘RESULTS OF PRESENT TEST REPORT ARE RELEVANT ONLY FOR THE TESTED SAMPLE CCOPII ALE PREZENTULUI RAPORT SUNT VALABILE NUMAI CU SENNATURA §} STAMPILA ORIGINALE ‘COPIES OF THIS REPORT ARE VALID ONLY WITH AN ORIGINAL S\GNATURE AND STAMP FOT-PB Edita 1; Revs pag. 2 din 2 © scanned wh OnE Scone PENTRU BIORESURSE ALIMENTARE-IBA Bucuresti NATIONAL RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE fi FOR FOOD BIORESOURCES-IBA BUCHAREST Sediul social: str. Dinu Vint, nr. 6, Sector 2, 021102, Bucuresti, ROMANIA Registered office: 6 Dinu Vintla Street, 2n¢ District, 0211102, Bucharest Punct de lucru: str. Ancuta Baneasa, nt. , Sector 2, 020323, Bucuresti, ROMANIA, C.1,F. RO 27285485 Work point: ¢ Ancuta Baneasa Street, 2> District, 020323, Bucharest, ROMANIA, VAT no RO 27285465, Tel Fax: 031.620.58.33/34, e-mail., www. bioresurse. ro Raport de incercare Test report 3370 Data emiterii//ssue date 06.09.2022 Benicar’ || s.¢, ROM HONEY GROUP SRL. piresal J] si ota nr. 151, Bato, Prahova com staner Oot Fn/30.08.2022 Fcdartontaa |) 63430.08.2022 ae 2469/30 08.2022 Seopis |) MELILIMO oe Pe raspunderea beneficial samo pesertston Prob ambalata in borcan sticla, 100 g, data fabricate: 29.08.2022 Analze/ |] Analize microbiologice (Numar total de germeni, Drojdi si mucegaiur . Tests |) col, Salmonella, Staflococ coagulazé pozitv) Data primi Received |] 30.08.2022 Caracteristici UM. Metoda de analiza —-Rezultate Data (perioda) Characteristics Test method Results __Test de Drojdii $i mucegaiuri ufclg SR ISO 21527-1/2009 <10 30.08,-04.08,2022 Escherichia coli ufclg SR ISO 16649-2/2007 <10 30.08.-31.08,2022 Salmonella ufcl25g — SREN ISO 6579-1/2017_nedetectabil 30.08.-02.09.2022 Numartotaldegermeni ufcig-- SREN ISO 4833-1/2014 <10 30.08.-02.09.2022 Staflococ coagulaza pozitv ufsig-- SREN ISO 6579-12017, <10 30.08.-01.09.2022 FO7-PB Editia 1; Rev.5 pag. 1 din2 © scanned wh OnE Scone

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