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Grade Level Subject Offering Activities

7 Handicrafts 1. Introduction to Handicrafts: Start by
introducing students to the various
types of handicrafts, such as paper
crafts, weaving, knitting, embroidery,
and woodworking. You can also give a
brief history of handicrafts and their
cultural significance.
2. Paper Crafts: Provide students with
paper, scissors, glue, and other basic
supplies and challenge them to create
different paper crafts, such as origami,
paper flowers, and pop-up cards.
3. Weaving: Teach students the basics of
weaving using simple looms made
from cardboard or paper plates.
Students can then create their own
woven projects, such as bracelets,
bookmarks, or small rugs.
4. Knitting: Show students how to knit
using basic knitting needles and yarn.
They can then practice their knitting
skills by creating simple projects, such
as scarves or hats.
5. Embroidery: Introduce students to
embroidery and teach them basic
stitches such as backstitch, satin stitch,
and cross-stitch. Students can then
create their own embroidered designs
on fabric or clothing.
6. Woodworking: Teach students basic
woodworking skills, such as
measuring, sawing, sanding, and
drilling. They can then use these skills
to create simple wooden projects, such
as a birdhouse or a picture frame.
7. Jewelry Making: Provide students
with beads, wire, and other jewelry-
making supplies and teach them how
to create simple jewelry designs, such
as bracelets, earrings, or necklaces.
8. Upcycling: Challenge students to
upcycle old materials into new and
useful items. For example, they can
turn old t-shirts into tote bags or create
a lampshade from recycled materials.
9. Cultural Crafts: Introduce students to
crafts from different cultures around
the world. Students can then create
their own versions of these crafts and
learn about their cultural significance.
10. Entrepreneurial Project: Challenge
students to create a handicraft product
and develop a business plan to sell it.
This will help them develop their
creativity, marketing skills, and
entrepreneurial mindset.

8 Cooking 1. Basic Cooking Techniques: Introduce

students to basic cooking techniques,
such as sautéing, grilling, roasting,
boiling, and steaming. Demonstrate
each technique and allow students to
practice them on different ingredients.
2. Recipe Analysis: Provide students
with recipes and challenge them to
analyze the ingredients, cooking
techniques, and nutritional value. They
can then modify the recipes to make
them healthier or more suitable to their
taste preferences.
3. Meal Planning: Teach students how
to plan a balanced meal, considering
the nutritional requirements of
different age groups and health
conditions. They can then create their
own meal plans and analyze the
nutrient content.
4. Food Safety and Sanitation:
Introduce students to the basics of food
safety and sanitation, including proper
hand washing, food storage, and
cooking temperature. Demonstrate
how to use a food thermometer and
how to read food labels.
5. Cultural Cuisine: Introduce students
to different cuisines from around the
world, such as Asian, European, and
African cuisine. They can then
research and prepare dishes from these
cuisines and learn about their cultural
6. Baking: Teach students how to bake
using basic ingredients such as flour,
sugar, eggs, and butter. They can then
practice making different baked goods,
such as cookies, cakes, and bread.
7. Kitchen Management: Introduce
students to kitchen management skills
such as budgeting, inventory
management, and kitchen organization.
They can then practice these skills by
planning and executing a menu within
a budget.
8. Meal Service: Teach students how to
properly serve and present food,
including plate presentation and proper
table setting. They can then practice
these skills by setting up and serving a
meal to their classmates.
9.Food Critique: Have students critique
different dishes and evaluate them
based on flavor, presentation, and
nutritional value. This will help them
develop their taste buds and
appreciate different flavors and
cooking styles.
10. Entrepreneurial Project: Challenge
students to create a food product and
develop a business plan to sell it.
This will help them develop their
creativity, marketing skills, and
entrepreneurial mindset.

9 Computer Hardware Servicing Peer to Peer Networking

10 Technical Drawing 1. Introduction to Technical Drawing:
Start by introducing students to the
basics of technical drawing, including
drawing tools and materials, line types,
scale, and dimensioning.
2. Orthographic Projection: Teach
students how to create orthographic
projections of simple objects, using
front, top, and side views. They can
then apply these skills to more
complex objects.
3. Isometric Drawing: Introduce students
to isometric drawing and teach them
how to create three-dimensional
objects on a two-dimensional plane.
They can then practice creating
isometric drawings of different objects.
4. Geometric Construction: Teach
students how to use geometric
construction to create different shapes
and angles, including circles, arcs, and
polygons. They can then apply these
skills to create complex shapes and
5. Engineering Drawings: Introduce
students to engineering drawings and
teach them how to read and interpret
them. They can then practice creating
their own engineering drawings of
simple machines.
6. CAD Software: Introduce students to
computer-aided design (CAD)
software and teach them how to use
basic tools and functions. They can
then apply these skills to create 2D and
3D models of different objects.
7. Technical Illustration: Teach students
how to create technical illustrations,
including exploded views, assembly
drawings, and cross-sections. They can
then apply these skills to create
technical illustrations of different
machines and devices.
8. Design Process: Teach students the
design process, including
brainstorming, sketching, prototyping,
and testing. They can then apply these
skills to design their own products or
machines and create technical
drawings to illustrate their ideas.
9. Architectural Drawing: Introduce
students to architectural drawing and
teach them how to create floor plans,
elevations, and sections. They can then
apply these skills to design and draw
their own buildings or structures.
10. Portfolio Presentation: Have students
create a portfolio of their technical
drawings and present it to their
classmates or a panel of experts. This
will help them develop their
presentation skills and showcase their
technical drawing skills.

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