Aic 07.23

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P.O BOX 30163- 00100
Tel : 254 794 471825
E-mail : 07/23
URL : (White 265)
: 24 MAY

The following circular is hereby promulgated for information, guidance, and necessary action.
Emile N. Arao
This AIC is issued to guide aircraft maintenance personnel, Training Organizations and Approved
Maintenance Organizations in ensuring compliance with the Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations
2018, regulation 5(8), 24, 123, 124 125&126.
The Authority in its commitment to ensure full implementation of the 2018 regulations will, effective 1st
May 2023 to 31st May 2026 issue LWTR and TR as guided below;

a) Issue License without type rating (LWTR) for Aircraft maintenance personnel who meet the
requirements in table 1 below. The Authority recognizes that Aircraft maintenance personnel have
varying degrees of educational background, ranging from the self-taught individual to the holder of a
university engineering degree. Irrespective of educational background, all aircraft maintenance
personnel must undergo a comprehensive technical training that provides the necessary
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience before assuming responsibility over the maintenance
of aircraft as required by the Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations 2018 (as amended)
and ICAO Annex 1 chapter 4.2. Maintenance personnel training for issue of AMEL is divided into the
following three phases:
Table 1.
No. Requirement Compliance
1 Phase One — Knowledge Pass knowledge test in the
Consists of basic training, its completion ensures that a appropriate subject modules of
trainee has the necessary background in terms of knowledge exam conducted by the training
to proceed to Phase Two of the training. organization or Approved Training
Organization (ATO) attended.
2 Phase Two — Skills Submit confirmed proof of skill
Consists of general maintenance practices, practical skills experience gained from a training
and attitude training in order to master essential skills before organization, Approved Training
proceeding to work on airworthy aircraft or components. Organization (ATO) attended or
Approved Maintenance
organization (AMO).
3 Phase Three — Experience An applicant for an Aircraft
Consists of applied practical on-the-job training Maintenance Engineer’s’ License
shall have acquired practical
(Simulated or actual tasks under supervision) and job-
aircraft maintenance experience
oriented maintenance experience. This phase may be
on operating aircraft as required
arranged on the job or in the training center/ATO.
in the regulations through
Trainees are given the opportunity to develop decision- submission of duly filled and
making abilities by applying the knowledge, skills and certified Logbook experience,
attitude learned in Phase One- Knowledge and Phase Two- OJT worksheet etc.
Skills. Tasks are based on actual Maintenance programme
as well as on compliance with regulations, operator or
approved maintenance organization (AMO) procedures
under the guidance and supervision of an Aircraft
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Maintenance Engineer (AME)/ instructor.
1. In practice Phase One and Phase Two may be combined so that the practical aspects can be
linked directly to the theory and performed as such, perhaps on the same day or the same
week so that the trainees can have a better understanding of the topic. There are
disadvantages in combining Phase Two and Phase Three. For example, it can be costly to
rectify errors of skill on a real airworthy aircraft or its components as compared to the relatively
low raw material cost associated with an error made on a bench exercise.
2. Maintenance personnel shall pass knowledge examination in the appropriate subject modules
of exam conducted by the Authority for issue of AMEL.

b) Issue of Category X Compass compensation and adjustment.

An applicant shall:

i) Hold a license without type rating in either Category “A” aeroplane and “C” Engines or Category
‘A&C’ Rotorcraft (piston or Gas turbined Engine) or Category ‘X’ on either Electricals,
Instruments, Automatic Pilots-Aeroplanes or Rotorcraft or Category “R’ Radio
ii) Have passed knowledge test and
iii) submit confirmed practical experience of at least six (6) compass swings.

c) Conversion of AMEL
A person seeking conversion of a foreign license shall be required to sit for a conversion examination
(air law and composite paper). Having fulfilled the requirements of Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing)
Regulations 2018 regulation 24 and passed the knowledge test;

i. The Authority will evaluate the practical maintenance skill gained when acquiring the foreign
license for acceptance and issuance of a Kenyan license.

Note: The skill gained shall be in form of certified aircraft maintenance engineer’s
logbook with proof of practical maintenance skill from a recognized training
organization, Approved Training Organization (ATO) or Approved Maintenance
organization AMO)

ii.An applicant who does not meet (i) above, shall be required to undergo a practical maintenance skill
test administered by the Authority to convert his/her foreign license.
d) Issue Type rating (TR) endorsement on existing AMEL (Aircraft maintenance Engineers Licenses).
To be entitled to exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type or group, the holder of an
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s’ License needs to have his/her license endorsed with the relevant
aircraft ratings. Aircraft will be grouped as shown in KCAA website link:-

1. For group 1 aircraft, the appropriate aircraft type rating.

2. For group 2 aircraft, the appropriate aircraft type rating, manufacturer sub-group rating or full sub-
group rating.
3. For group 3 aircraft, the appropriate aircraft type rating or full group rating.
The applicant shall submit certificates as proof of successful completion of training, practical and
confirmed experience of at least six (6) months for each type or group as specified in table 2 below:

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Table 2


Aircraft Groups B1/B3 licence B2 licence C licence

Group1 (For B1)
• Complex motor- Individual TYPE RATING
powered aircraft. Individual TYPE RATING Individual TYPE
• Multiple RATING
Type training: Type training:
- Theory + examination - Theory + examination Type training:
- Practical + assessment - Theory +
• Aeroplanes - Practical + assessment
certified above examination
• Aircraft
equipped with OJT (for first aircraft in OJT (for first aircraft in
fly-by-wire. licence subcategory) licence subcategory)
• Other aircraft when
defined by the

Group 2 (For B1.1, B1.3, B1.4)

Sub-groups: Individual TYPE RATING Individual TYPE RATING Individual TYPE

(Type training + OJT) or (Type training + OJT) or RATING
2a: Single turboprop
type training or
aeroplanes (*) (Type examination +
practical experience) type examination
(Type examination +
2b: single turbine practical experience)
engine helicopters Full SUB-GROUP
(Type training + OJT) or RATING RATING
2c: single piston (Type examination + based on demonstration type training or
engine helicopters (*) practical experience) on of practical experience type examination
at least 3 aircraft on at least 3
(*) Except those representatives aircraft
classified in Group of that subgroup representatives of
1. that subgroup

Manufacturer Manufacturer
(Type training + OJT) or RATING
based on demonstration
(Type examination + of practical experience type training or
practical experience) on type examination
at least 2 aircraft on at least 2
representatives aircraft
of that manufacturer representatives of
subgroup that

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Aircraft Groups B1 licence B2 licence C licence

Group3 (For B1.2)

Piston engine Individual TYPE RATING Individual TYPE Individual TYPE RATING
aeroplanes (Type training + OJT) or RATING type training or type
(Except those (Type training + OJT) or examination
classified in (Type examination +
Group 1) practical experience) (Type examination +
practical experience)
based on demonstration
of practical experience Full GROUP 3 RATING
based on demonstration of
based on demonstration
Limitations: practical experience
of appropriate experience
• Pressurized
• Metal aeroplanes
• Composite aeroplanes
• Wooden aeroplanes
• Metal tubing & fabric
Piston engine (For B3)
Not applicable Not applicable
non pressurized
aeroplanes of
2000 kg MTOM "Piston engine non-
and below pressurized aeroplanes of
2000 kg MTOM and

based on demonstration of
practical experience
(Applicant must have 5
years practical experience
plus 3 individual type
ratings from different
manufacturers for aircraft
below 2000kg MTOM
endorsed on the license)


• Metal aeroplanes

• Composite aeroplanes

• Wooden aeroplanes

• Metal tubing & fabric


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Sub – Category B1.1 - Category “A” aeroplane & “C” Gas turbines Engines

Sub – Category B1.2 - Category “A” aeroplane & “C” Gas Piston Engines

Sub – Category B1.3 - Category “A” aeroplane & “C” Helicopters Turbine

Sub – Category B1.4 - Category “A” aeroplane & “C” Helicopters Piston

Category B2 - “X” (Electricals, Instruments, Automatic Pilots, Compass

compensation & adjustment and Radio,

i) All applications shall be accompanied by Certificates and proof of experience as required.
ii) Certificates acceptable to the Authority for type rating are those issued by:
a) KCAA approved maintenance training organization; or
b) The manufacturer of the applicable aircraft or component; or
c) Training Organization Approved by the competent authority of a foreign Contracting State and
accepted by the Authority to conduct such course.
d) KCAA Approved Maintenance Organization conducted under an approved training program
compliant with The Civil Aviation (AMO) regulations, 2018 regulation 19.
iii) After evaluation, the Authority may accept type training certificates issued under note (ii) above for
the purpose of type rating endorsement that were first issued on or before the 15th February 2022
provided they meet the following minimum requirements:
a) Type training that covers theory and examination
b) Minimum 3 years’ working experience on the type of aircraft. This experience must be
correctly certified accompanied by a recommendation letter from Head of Quality. The
Experience shall include a representative cross-section of maintenance activities
relevant covering all ATA chapters for the licence category applied for.
iv) All type trainings conducted, and certificate issued after 15th February 2022 shall meet the minimum
requirements of table 2 above i.e;
a) Theory + examination
b) Practical + assessment
v) Experience acceptable to the Authority can be acquired in one or a combination of the following:
a) Maintenance Organization approved by the Authority or another contracting state.
b) Air operator maintenance facility approved by the Authority or another contracting state.
c) maintenance training organization approved by the Authority or another contracting state.
d) military aircraft maintenance facility; or
e) maintenance facility of an appropriate State government agency
vi) New Applicants are required to submit applications in compliance with this AIC.
vii) Those who already applied for both TR & LWTR (booked and waiting to sit practical skill test exam)
are required to;
a) LWTR- submit evidence of skill experience in compliance with this AIC.
b) TR- submit documents in compliance with table 2 requirements including at least six (6) months
experience in compliance with this AIC.
viii) The Current designated examiners appointed by the Authority (attached appendix 2 to this AIC) will
continue serving the Authority in their capacities until otherwise guided.
ix) The Approved STS (Skill Test Standards) posted on KCAA website shall remain for implementation
where applicants cannot demonstrate Phase Two — Skills for LWTR issuance Only.
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x) The Authority will award partial credit(s) for each independent modular knowledge examination (Air
law or Multiple choice or Essay exam) taken and passed as from 26th May 2023. (See AIC for
examination calendar).
AIC 07/22 (White 249) is hereby replaced.

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Below are the current designated examiners appointed by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority who will continue serving
the Authority in their capacities until otherwise guided.

1 Sammy Gachenge Njoroge

2 George Kilonzo Kaundu

3 Kingsley Ongaya Lumumba

4 Tom Makori Orina Achira

5 Satwinder Singh Reel

6 Nelson Kyalo Mwikya

7 Paul Thairu Mugi

8 Juma M. C Mumo

9 Peter Nthiga Njagi

10 Joseph Wafula Walusala

11 Simon Njoroge Mugo

12 Gerald Mwaura

13 Michael Kimeria

14 Benjamin A. Imbenzi

15 Mohammed Uppal Irfan

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