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Signed, Sealed, Baby

Copyright © 2022 Ashlee Rose

First Edition

The author has asserted their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be
identified as the author of this work.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form by or by any means, without the prior written consent of the
copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which
it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the
products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
For the fans of the pregnancy trope…
All 3 of you
Other Books By Ashlee Rose

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Other Books By Ashlee Rose

Something New
Something To Lose
Something Everlasting
Before Her
Without Her
Forever Her

Promise Me
Savage Love
Tortured Hero
Something Worth Stealing
Dear Heart, You Screwed Me

Love Always, Peyton

Forever Always, Knight
Way Back When Duet

Welcome to Rosemont
Rekindle Us
Your Dirty Little Secret

All available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited

Only suitable for 18+ due to nature of the books.

A s I sat at the grand conference table in the office , my eyes were

pinned to the documents that were laid on the table.
What was I doing?
Was I mad for agreeing to this?
I lifted my eyes for a second to see him standing at the end of the table,
his brown eyes ablaze as they locked with my stormy greys.
“Sign the document,” his voice was a low grumble sending shockwaves
to my core.
My eyes fell back to the dotted line, my name printed in block capitals.


And next to my name was his.


I scoffed.
What a pretentious name.
A pretentious name, for a pretentious prick.
“Skylar,” he snapped, my eyes meeting with his again. “Just sign the
damn contract.”
I inhaled deeply.
This was going to be fine.
I sign the paper.
I deliver the goods.
I get the money.
All ties cut.
I won’t get attached, I’ll do what needs to be done and then once that
money hits my account, I’m gone.
Five hundred thousand pounds.
Straight in my bank.
It’s just nine months…
Nine months.
One contract.
Don't fall in love.
Before I could think myself out of this situation, I grabbed the pen,
signed the contract then pushed myself away from the table and stormed out
of the conference room, barging into him as I did.
One Month Ago

R unning out of my box bathroom , I clung to the towel that was

wrapped around my body and headed for my room. My apartment was cold,
the heating had gone wrong again, and I couldn’t afford to call another
engineer out to fix it.
For now, it was layers and gloves for bed. I could always shower at my
clients once we’re finished, but normally I want to get up and out as soon as
I can.
I shudder at the thought.
It’s fine, I will save some more pennies before I call yet another person
out to fix it. I need a new boiler, I know that. They keep telling me every
time someone new comes out to fix it but I can’t afford that right now.
The annoying thing is, I have a good job. Not what my parents would
want me to do, but it pays well.
I am a high-end escort to a handful of powerful men.
I wanted to be an interior designer, but I had to drop out of university a
lot sooner than I wanted so never got to finish the course. But the student
debt that I took out unfortunately followed me.
Then on top of my debt, I have my mortgage and my bills, plus I need
to feed myself so by the end of the month I have very little left. Sure, I get
wonderful tips but again, most of it goes on my debt, the rest I put into my
savings until the time I am ready to stop my job, find a man and am ready
to settle down. After what happened to me in my late teens, I never want to
be without again. Saving is everything to me. It’s more important than the
luxuries and much more important than eating.
I turn to look at my small closet of extras that I get gifted, I have shoes
and bags that all girls would die for, plus a closet full of designer clothes
that I get to wear whenever I want, but what are they when you live month
to month on a pay cheque. Yes, I could dip into my savings but I don’t want
to. So, I shall layer up for a few more months (more like years) until I have
my deposit for a dream house. The boiler can wait.
Sighing heavily, I towel dry my hair before getting dressed for the day.
Checking my phone before I leave, I have a message from Harriet
asking if we’re still meeting for lunch. I debated replying no, but I couldn’t
cancel on her again.
I tapped a quick reply letting her know I would see her at one at our
local bistro.
Grabbing my keys and pulling on my light trench coat, I set off for my
Little did I know how much my life was going to change after today.
But hey, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
Chapter One

S tepping out of the car , I pushed my button through my suit jacket

as Guy shut the door behind me.
“Pick me up at ten.” I turned to face him, giving him a soft smile as my
eyes scanned over him. Guy had worked for me since I was twenty-one. His
once black, shiny hair was now dusted with grey around the sides. The
crow’s feet at the side of his brown eyes were more defined now, more
noticeable. But he was growing old gracefully. He was always impeccably
dressed; he wore suits six out of seven days. On a Sunday it was his casuals,
he didn’t do suits on a Sunday. That was his one stipulation when signing
his contract.
“Not a problem sir, I’ll be here for ten.” He nodded and stepped away
from the car.
“Perfect, wish me luck.” I said through a clenched jaw
“Good luck,” Guy grinned, “not that you need it,” he gave me a wink
before heading back towards the driver’s side. He felt more like a father to
me than my own father.
I inhaled deeply, taking a moment. I knew what was coming tonight, no
doubt some bullshit spiel about where I was going with the company and
that I needed to be more serious about my future. I didn’t need to be more
serious; my head was screwed on, I knew where I wanted to go but I didn’t
want to settle. I had my routine; my girls, and I was okay with that. Sure, I
was a playboy, but I was happy with my life. Sex, work, money. That’s all I
wanted out of life.
Fisting my hands in my pockets, I began walking slowly towards the
large manor house in front of me. My oxfords crunched over the stoned
driveway. The exterior of the house was rendered white, the sash windows
sitting in black, wooden frames. The house was old, but it was looked after.
I wish the memories of me growing up here were happy, but they were
anything but. Sighing, I pushed the bad memories from my head. They
stayed locked away. I never wanted to let them out, I never wanted to show
any weakness. Especially not in front of my father, he was the last person I
wanted to see me crumble. I would never break in front of him. He didn’t
deserve it. I swallowed hard.
The company was thriving, I had four hotels that I had built from the
ground up. New York, Paris, London and Dubai.
Sauvage Group wouldn’t be where it was today if it wasn’t for me.
My great grandad opened the first Sauvage Hotel back in the early
nineteen-hundreds, my grandfather taking over when his dad got too old,
my father took over from him and now, I am hoping it is time for me to
finally take over from my dad. My grandfather never took a full back seat,
he took a small step back and watched from the shadows.
Our first signature hotel here in London was still as amazing as ever, it
was the busiest and most definitely the favourite.
But since I have taken over, I have expanded and grown the Sauvage
name and dotted them in the most beautiful cities in the world and I wasn’t
going to stop here.
It was agreed that when I turned thirty-five, majority shares would be
signed over to me. Being the only son, we followed tradition. My family
were old school like that. My sister was head of interior design and was
happy in doing that. Her theme was Gatsby, let’s just say she was a little
obsessed with the story growing up.
My dad’s sixtieth was approaching and I’m sure he will want to hand
over the reins to me, and I am so eager to take on this new adventure.
Climbing the steps to the double, oak doors my parents’ butler swung
the door open.
“Evening master Sauvage.” His tone was curt.
“Evening Jeff,” I smiled as I walked past him and into the large sitting
area where my parents and sister Tabitha were sitting with crystal glasses of
“Ah, Preston. Nice of you to finally arrive,” my father’s tone was laced
with sarcasm. I scoffed, taking a glass of champagne from their maid, Anna,
and joining them on the sofas.
“Busy day at the office, father.” I smiled, clenching my jaw so tightly it
begun to ache. “You know how it is,”
“Yes, so I hear,” he pulled his eyes from me before they landed on my
sister, who in his eyes, never done wrong. She is the apple of his eye.
She knew he treated me differently, he always had. Even as a child, I
was smacked and sent to my room for the littlest thing, but Tabitha was
never scolded or punished. She was sneaky and always done things behind
his back.
I truly believed he didn’t like me, he didn’t love me.
He just had to get on with me because I was his son.
Swallowing the bitter taste that was coating my tongue in champagne, I
looked at my mother who gave me a sympathetic smile. Now my mother, I
adored, and she adored me even more.
I zoned out while my father continued blowing smoke up my sister’s
arse and I done what I done best, drunk alcohol and slowly let myself
“Please excuse me,” I grunted as I stood from the sofa and headed to the
bathroom. I needed five minutes away from my father, his voice grates on
me. His condescending yet disappointing tones were too much. He always
spoke down to me. He never told me he was proud of me, even after
everything I’ve achieved, he couldn’t say those words.
Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes and reminded myself I only had to be
here for a couple of hours.
It’s just dinner.
The sooner we eat, the sooner I can leave.
Opening my eyes, I exhaled and smiled.
Washing my hands, I went to join my parents and sister back in the
lounge, but as soon as I stepped foot into the room, they all stood.
“Dinner is ready my love,” my mum said in a soft tone. I nodded,
turning and heading towards the dining room.
I waited for my mum and my sister to sit down before I took my seat
next to my sister.
She leant over and gave me a kiss, her black hair in loose curls as her
lips pressed into my cheek.
“I’ve missed you,” she smiled as she lay a napkin over her lap.
“Ah thanks,” I smiled, “shame I can’t say the same,” a laugh bubbled
out of me as she swatted my arm.
“Ow!” I groaned, rubbing where she had just hit.
“Don’t be such an arse then,” she laughed.
“Preston,” my father tsked.
“Oh dad, he did nothing.” Tabitha rolled her eyes as she reached for a
glass and took a mouthful. I joined her.
My dad cleared his throat as he shuffled, pressing his long, scrawny
finger into the bottom of his chin. “Now, the reason I asked you both over,
was to discuss the future of The Sauvage Group.”
I felt the excitement buzz through me; this was it. This was the moment
that my life was going to change.
The moment I finally become the majority shareholder and rightful
owner of Sauvage.
I was the CEO at the moment, which was amazing, but I needed more. I
craved more. I was work orientated, I strived to do better, strived to make
the business money and continue to help the company grow. I didn’t have
time for relationships or marriage. I just about had time to fuck, and even
then, it was mainly high-end escorts that I knew were clean and my PA who
also only wanted sex and nothing more. I was good with that. I didn’t want
that commitment.
I sat high in my chair as my dad’s, dark brown eyes met mine. He
twisted his mouth, his eyes darkening as the seconds ticked by.
“Preston, it’s not happening yet.” And I fucking swear I saw the corners
of his lips lift momentarily. His tone was icy, I saw the glee dancing in his
eyes as the words left him.
I felt my heart drop, swallowing the large lump that was lodged in my
“Sorry?” a small laugh came from me, I felt Tabitha’s eyes on me, and
my mum’s smile fell as quickly as it crossed her thin lips.
“I’m not giving you the company… not yet…” he stilled for a moment
as he took a sip of his champagne.
I clenched my fists under the table, when I felt Tabitha’s hand over
mine. Her touch instantly calming my rage.
“The deal was by thirty-five you be married and have a child, born or
not but you have neither Preston. You have until your thirty-fifth birthday to
either have a suitable girl pregnant with the heir of the company or you give
up your shares.”
A blind rage consumed me, a red haze misting my eyes making
everything else surrounding me blur into one.
I stood from the table abruptly, breathing hot hair from my nostrils like
a raging bull that someone is antagonizing with a red flag.
My fists balled by my side, I could hear the low stammers and splutters
from my parents and Tabitha but I wasn’t listening. I was too far gone.
Flexing my hands out and clenching them again, my breathing stilled as I
flicked my eyes open and looked my father dead in the eye. The rage that
once consumed me, mellowed out like the calm before the storm. That is
exactly what this was.
The calm before the storm.
“I am fucking done with you.” My tone flat and monotone.
“Excuse me?” my father’s voice choked.
“You heard me; I am done.” I swallowed down the bile that was making
it’s way slowly up my throat. “You’ll get your fucking heir, then I will take
this business from you and your legacy and watch as you crash and burn.”
Necking down the rest of my champagne, I threw a sorry gaze at my
stunned mother, kissed Tabitha on the cheek then walked out of the house,
not once looking back. Fisting my phone from my pocket, I dialled Guy’s
number and asked him to get to me as soon as he could.
I dropped my head, my heart thrashing in my chest as the blood pumped
fiercely through my ears.
I always knew that this is what was needed for me to be able to take
over Sauvage Group, but I just didn’t think it would actually happen.
Things are different now; people are getting married less. Couples are
starting families much older into their lives and heck, some people don’t
even want children because of their work-horse mentality.
Truthfully, I never wanted children. Growing up with a cold and bitter
man like my father just cemented that for me. The abuse, mentally and
physically, I had endured because of that man whose blood pumps through
my body. It made me sick.
I hated being associated with him.
But now, here we were.
Me being told that I must have an heir to continue building my empire.
But one thing was for certain.
I would never, ever treat my child the way my father treated me.
Whether I wanted children or not, this is my fate.
It’s the way it has to be.
It’s time to continue my legacy.
Smiling when I saw Guy approach, I slipped into the car and spat out an
I wasn’t going home just yet.
Chapter Two

“Y eah , I know ,” I listened intently as H arriet chattered into my

ear about her upcoming wedding.
“And we’ve still got the wedding suits to get, I have my final dress
fitting and I need you and Marley to have your bridesmaid dress fitting
“Harriet,” I smirk as I listen to her voice getting quicker as the panic
creeps in.
“Everything is going to be fine, I am here to help you. We’ve got a
while until then, nothing drastic is going to change. We have plenty of
I heard her inhale deeply.
“I know, I just get so worked up,” she admitted as I heard her clattering
around in her kitchen.
Harriet and her fiancé met at work, it was all very quick and sudden, but
they loved each other very much and that was the most important thing,
Mark works in the stock market and earns a pretty penny. They live in
the city of London in a beautiful penthouse overlooking the skyline. She’s
on the top of the world, and me? I am at the fucking bottom. But one thing
with being at the bottom, is that you can only go up, right?
I felt my phone vibrate, pulling my phone from my ear I saw a name
pop up.
Damn it.
“Harriet, babe,” I interrupted her chatter, “I’ve got to go, I’ve got work.”
I rush out not wanting to miss my opportunity.
“Ooo okay, what one is it? Big and burly or Mr Talker?” she giggled.
“Talker; bye!” I cut the phone off, laughing before opening the message
that came through.

I know it’s late, but I need to see you.

I’ll pay double.

Smiling, I tap back a reply.

Not a problem, any requests?

I watched as the three dots popped up.

No. Just you. As you are. Be there in ten.

Rushing into my bedroom, I ran the brush through my hair and gave my
lashes a flick of mascara. I didn’t ever have to dress up for him, he wasn’t
demanding like some of the guys I worked with.
I didn’t like my job; I didn’t like most of my clients.
But this client? He was wonderful.
Slipping my feet into my trainers, I was wearing jeans and a jumper.
Nothing fancy, but comfortable. Our meeting spot was literally ten minutes
in a taxi. He will probably be there before me, but he would wait and still
pay me for the full time.
My taxi was kerbside within minutes, hopping in I gave him the address
and headed for my destination.
I don’t know what it was about this man, but he gave me butterflies. Of
course, he was handsome and delicious. He had a Henry Cavill look about
him, but he was so much prettier than Cavill.
He was broad shouldered and chiselled like a Greek god.
He is a walking orgasm. A sex god on legs.
Not that I know what that feels like with him, he literally pays me to
talk. I’m like a therapist.
To be honest, a therapist would be a lot cheaper.
Paying for my taxi, I got out and headed into the back of the club that
was in the basement of The Sauvage Hotel.
We always met here. I never went to his. He never came to mine.
We could meet at my boss’ office, he has a stunning glass wrap around
penthouse in the city, but he never wants to meet there either.
I stilled, knocking four times, keeping it consistent on the metal door so
he knew it was me.
He swung the door open, and there he was.
Suited and booted, his white shirt open at the collar, his brown hair
swept to the side. His dark brown eyes glistened as they looked down at me,
mentally undressing me, his eyes devoured every inch of me. My skin
burned with a blush.
He was taller than me, but it wasn’t hard.
I was five foot three, he was a clear six foot six.
“Sky,” he smiled as he stepped back, letting me walk into the warm
“Pres,” I smile back as the metal door clunks shut behind me.
I looked around his office, deep cherry mahogany wood panelled the
large room, which made it look so much smaller, where in fact, it was a
huge space. A dark, brown leather chair tucked behind the large, oak desk
that sat in the middle of the office. Glass shelves were stacked with crystal
decanters of amber liquids which were all full, my mouth watering slightly.
“Drink?” he smirked as he saw me eyeing up the decanters.
“Of course,” I smiled sitting on the cherry red chesterfield that sat over
the other side of the office.
The smells that filled my nostrils were a mix of musk, wood polish and
bourbon. It has since become a favourite of mine because it reminds me of
him. It reminds me of home.
Preston walked towards me and handed me the small crystal tumbler
that was filled with his expensive bourbon.
I thanked him as I took the glass from him, bringing it to my lips. I only
drunk it with Preston. To be honest, I only do a lot of things with Preston.

H e has been a client of mine for about a year now , and not once
has he tried to put his hands on me. But then thinking about it, I’m not sure
if I should see that as a good thing or a bad thing. I know he has other
escorts in his little black book, and I can’t see him wanting to talk to me and
the others as well.
But it’s fine.
I enjoy the quality time with him.
We’re work colleagues.
He sat down next to me with a heavy sigh, in one hand he held on
tightly to his crystal tumbler and the thumb on his other hand rubbed across
the band of his signet ring.
Just seeing that reminded me of just how powerful this man was.
“So, what was this urgent meeting for?” I smiled as I took a mouthful,
leaning against him and nudging into him.
I heard him scoff a laugh as he nudged me back. He stilled for a
moment before turning to face me. He looked so relaxed and carefree sitting
here, his eyes softening as they focused on mine.
He sighed, his head dropping to look at the amber liquid in the bottom
of his glass.
“Pres?” I said softly as I placed my glass on the floor by my feet,
scooting closer to him. Placing my finger under his chin, I lifted his head up
so he had to look at me. I could see the rage in his eyes, they were
glistening with angry tears.
“Preston?” I whispered. I had never seen him like this, and now he was
worrying me. “What’s happened?”
His eyes burned into mine and I swear I felt his rage seep into me. My
heart drummed against my rib cage.
“My father,” he spat out the words as if they were venomous on his
tongue. I didn’t know his father and by the stories that Preston had told me,
I didn’t want too.
I stayed quiet, not wanting to push him. I had learned a lot about
Preston since I began working for him, and one thing I was certain on was
you never pushed him into anything. There have been times where we have
sat in complete silence for hours, all because he wasn’t ready to tell me.
That was fine. It’s how he worked. And I would never, ever push him
into anything.
“He’s made me an unreasonable and unrealistic fucking deal,” he
growled, his large hand pushing through his mop of thick, brown hair.
He swallowed his drink in one mouthful before pushing off the sofa and
walking back over to the decanter that sat on the shelf.
I kept my eyes pinned to his ripped, broad back as I swirled my own
glass of amber in small, circular movements.
Once his glass was filled, he padded back over to me, collapsing into
the chesterfield with a heavy sigh.
I took a mouthful of drink, my eyes steady as I watched him, waiting for
him to tell me. Another deep sigh leaves him.
“I have till my thirty-fifth birthday to have a woman pregnant with my
child, otherwise all ties between me and the company are gone.” His voice
was so dull and flat, no emotion was evident at all.
He nodded.
“Oh, indeed.” He agreed with me.
The silence fell between us again, but it wasn’t awkward. I just didn’t
know what to say back to him.
I sighed, swallowing the last of my drink. I stood, walking to the
decanter and grabbing it by the neck. I looked over my shoulder at him, his
brown eyes ablaze as they roamed over my body.
“Do you want more?” I asked.
He shook his head from side to side.
Pouring my own glass out before placing the bottle back on the shelf, I
strutted over to him.
“What you going to do?” I finally asked the question that was burning
my tongue.
“What can I do?” he half laughed; half scoffed. “I am going to have to
find a suitable woman.” He shook his head from side to side as if he was
having an inner argument with himself.
“I’m sure your father will have a lovely, long line of eligible women
that would jump at the chance to carry your baby,” I smirked, nudging into
“Ha,” he sat back, his legs parted, his long finger tapping on the side of
the crystal tumbler. “He may well have a lovely, long list of eligible
women, but I don’t want any of them.” His eyes fell to his lap.
There it was again.
That comfortable silence.
I took a big mouthful, coating my dry mouth with the burning amber
that glided down my throat like pure silk.
“It’s such a turn on watching you drink my favourite drink,” he smirks,
his eyes meeting mine.
I blushed.
“It’s just a drink,” I shrugged, not wanting to give off any of the other
vibes I was feeling inside. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to
him, I mean, have you seen him? He is divine. Everything about him is
But he was my client.
He didn’t want that sort of work relationship with me, he wanted me as
a friendly ear and nothing more.
Did I wish he was one of my clients like that? Absolutely.
I would love to be in his arms, feeling what these other girls get to feel.
To have him love me, even if it was just for an hour or two. To be made to
feel like the only girl in the world.
But, alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
He wanted me as a friend.
He paid me to listen and give him advice. Not that I was
knowledgeable, but it was nice being needed for something other than sex.
His eyes were still on me, the pull was magnetic, and I found it hard to
ignore. I gave into him, my wide doe eyes finding his.
“How are you going to find someone?” my voice was quiet.
“I don’t know…” his voice trailed off as he took a mouthful. “But I’ll
make it my mission to find someone, I can’t lose the company. I have
worked so hard, sacrificed my teenage years putting in the hours under my
father and grandfather. I sacrificed relationships, friendships, everything.”
He sighed. “I am not about to give it all up now because of some shitty
clause in the family contract.” His voice was rumbling, it vibrated through
me. I could feel his anger pumping in my veins as if his anger was seeping
into me, I felt his anger as if it was my own.
“I get that,” I whispered. I did, I felt his rage and his sadness. It must be
heart-breaking knowing that you have worked so hard for something, only
to have it ripped from your grasp.
He stood, knocking the remainder of his drink back before walking over
to the desk and slamming it down on the surface. I didn’t jump. Just kept
my eyes pinned to him. He smiled at me, striding towards me and holding
his hand out for me to take.
“Come, let me get you home. I have already taken so much of your
evening with my wallowing.”
I smiled back up at him, finishing my own drink and taking his hand. I
felt the familiar bolt that shot through me, coursing through to my core
before exploding and causing my skin to erupt into goosebumps.
Placing my glass on the desk as he led me out the basement of the hotel,
he gripped my small hand tightly.
His driver was waiting outside in a blacked-out range rover. Opening
the door, I climbed in followed by Preston. Once the door was shut, he
placed one of his hands in-between my legs, giving my thigh a reassuring
His other hand was on his phone, scrolling aimlessly through what
looked like a shit load of emails.
The car drive was quiet and not long enough. The driver pulled up
outside my apartment block, and I noticed the distaste and disgust apparent
on Preston’s face.
“This is me,” a weak smile played across my lips.
“You live here?” and I swear I saw his nose turn up. This was the first
time he had dropped me home, normally I make my own way home, purely
for this reason. His snobbery and my poorness do not mix well.
“Yup, I am sorry, but we can’t all live in million-pound houses and
penthouses,” I winked, opening the door before he could say anything else.
“Goodnight, Preston, I hope you find someone that can give you what you
need.” And with a sombre nod, I slam the door shut before running in the
rain and ducking into my apartment block, not once looking back.
Once inside, I stripped down, pulled my pyjamas on and climbed into
I felt heavy from Preston’s offload and suddenly I was exhausted.
Chapter Three

I just sat , watching as she ran into the shit dump that she called
home. How the fuck can she live there?
“Sir, shall I drive?” Guy asked me, pulling me from my stare.
“Please,” I said firmly before my eyes fell back to my phone. I was
ready for today to be over, I have six months to find someone, get them
pregnant and make sure my father approves. I have everything that I could
have ever wished for, but this was not the life I wanted and it certainly
won’t be the life for my future children. As soon as I have full control of
that business then that stupid clause will be gone. It’s ridiculous and stuck
in the old times, Sauvage needed to enter the twenty-first century, but at the
moment it was stuck in the nineteen-hundreds where my grandad started it.
I get we need to keep the heritage; I want to keep it as close to the
original as I can, but changes needed to be made. Big changes.
And I wanted to be the one to do them.
I dismissed Guy once we pulled into the underground car park of the
hotel. Pinging the elevator, I stepped in and rode up the twelve floors to the
top. My home. The penthouse.
Sure, I could make a fortune putting this room up for occupancy at the
hotel, but it was my home. It would always be home.
We had the room to add more than one, but I didn’t want anyone to be
above me. This was my hotel. My dream. My life.
I was happy to get out of my stuffy suit, I hung it up then tossed my
phone on the bed. I needed a shower. I felt tense. Normally when I felt
tense, I would call Ernie and get him to send one of the girls round. I would
fuck her until I was bored of her, then Guy would take her home and I
would sleep like a baby.
But not tonight. No, for some reason I only had one thing on my mind,
and it wasn’t sex.
Stepping under the hot water, the burn on my skin felt good. I needed to
release some of this tension and if the shower didn’t do it, I would go and
have an hour in the gym. Lathering my hair up, I stepped under the rain
forest shower head. I tipped my head back and just let the water cascade
over me, easing over my aching muscles and washing my plaguing thoughts
away, if only for a small moment.
Dressing in shorts and a tee, I slipped my feet into my trainers before
pushing my earphones in. Slipping my phone in my pocket, I let the music
drum through my ears and pulse through my blood as I entered the gym. I
headed straight for the running machine, pumping the incline up as I began
to run. The burn in my legs kicked in quickly, my heart race pumping fast in
my chest. Yes, this is what I needed. To run until I couldn’t run anymore.
I collapsed onto my bed, breathing out of my arse but I felt good.
Turning my phone off, I fell into a deep slumber before everything went
I woke groggy, my head felt heavy and hazy. I completely exhausted
myself last night. My muscles ached with every move as they rippled under
my skin. After I finished running, I moved to weights before finishing the
session off with a round on the punch bag. Running would have usually
been enough, but my mind was too busy. I couldn’t switch off.
Rolling over, I grabbed the hotel phone and buzzed down to front desk.
“Good morning, Mr Sauvage.”
“Morning Linda, can you get me a black americano and eggs with
avocado on sourdough brought up please?” I said gruffly before putting the
phone back into its cradle, not waiting for her answer.
Reaching for my mobile that was lost in the feather down duvet, I saw a
message from my dad.

No point running Preston. You have six months. If you need any
help finding a suitable lady, I am sure I can assist. See you at the
I threw the covers back as I paced up and down, the rage that had left
last night was now back with a vengeance. It was brewing deep in the pit of
my stomach and it was only getting worse as the minutes ticked by.
Smashing my fingers into the screen, I found Ernie’s number.
“Preston,” his voice hummed through the speaker.
“Ernie,” my tone was a lot curter than his.
“How may I assist? I assume Skylar was okay last night?” I could hear
the glee in his voice, the more I used him, the more money he got.
“Skylar was perfect,” I groaned.
The line fell silent.
“Is she clean?”
“Sorry?” Ernie was clearly taken aback by my question. “Preston, you
know all my girls are clean.”
“When was her last test?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose with
my finger and thumb to relieve some of the tension that was consuming me
“A week ago.”
“And how popular is she?” I felt the bile rise in my throat, I wasn’t sure
why. I suppose maybe it’s because I see her as mine and only mine.
“Not overly,” he cleared his throat, I could hear his shoes hitting the
tiled floor. A door closed. “Don’t get me wrong, she could be very popular
if she put herself out a little more.”
“Explain,” I barked.
“She has three regulars, one of them being you.”
“Okay…” I trailed off.
“She cries,” he stopped talking suddenly.
“What do you mean she cries?”
I can hear him fiddling with something in the background.
“Every time she sleeps with them she cries.” I hear him sigh, “but you
know that already, because you’re one of her clients…”
“I have never slept with her Ernie.” For some reason, I felt my blood
boil. I hated knowing that she cries.
“I pay her to talk to me, to be my friend.” I admit, rubbing the knot out
of the back of my neck.
Once more, the line falls silent.
“How much would it cost for her to be exclusive to me?”
“Sorry?” Ernie stammered.
“Don’t sorry me, you heard me. I want her taken off your books. I want
her to be exclusively mine.”
“I can’t do that,” he stammered again.
“Ernie, I have been a very, very generous client over the last four years,
haven’t I?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Mr Sauvage.”
“Good lad,” I taunted. “So, I think you can be a little more
accommodating when I say I want her taken off your books. I am not taking
her, I am not stealing her from your seedy little business, I am asking for
you to get rid of her other clients and leave her just for me.”
“I understand.”
“Are you sure about that? Because believe me Ernie, even if you said
no, I would steal her from you anyway, so I think it’s in your interest to just
agree to my terms.”
“I agree.”
“Excellent. Please block Skylar out for the foreseeable.”
“Perfect, now you have a good day, Ernie.” I cut the phone off before I
heard what he had to say. “Prick,” I smirked at the phone before throwing it
on the bed. I had shit to do. But first, I needed to get ready.
Once I was dressed, I messaged Skylar telling her to be ready for five
I felt excited suddenly; I was looking forward to spending time with her.
Chapter Four

I was out having coffee with H arriet when I felt my phone buzz .
“One second, sorry,” I said with an apologetic shrug. She was deep in
conversation about how everything was coming together for her wedding
and I felt awful interrupting her.
I looked at my phone to see my two of my clients had cancelled.
What the fuck.
“Harriet, I have just got to make a quick call to Ernie, I’ll be five mins.
Go get another coffee,” I smiled, handing her my card before turning and
whizzing out the door. She always bought my coffees and even though I
have given her my card, she will only use hers.
After two rings he answered.
“Ernie!” I said panicked, my heart was jackhammering in my chest. I
needed those clients, I needed the money.
“Calm down,” he reassured me, he was too calm. Ernie was never this
“Calm down!? Ernie! Two of my clients have cancelled, you promised
me that I would always have them and now they’ve cancelled!?” I couldn’t
calm down. I was way past calm. My mind was going into overdrive and
my heart was trying to keep up as it pumped erratically round my chest.
“Yes, they’ve cancelled, but…”
I didn’t give him a chance to finish as I began my spiel of how I didn’t
want to be fired and I was sorry that I cried after sex, but it isn’t them, it’s
me and how I promise to work on it.
“Skylar!” he shouted down the phone, cutting me off instantly. I palmed
away a hot tear that rolled down my cheek, I hadn’t even realised I was
crying. “Breathe,” he said to me, which I did. I closed my eyes and inhaled
deeply. “Right, are you ready for me to explain?” he said, I could hear a
slight smile in his voice.
“Yes,” my voice was shaky.
“The reason your two clients have been cancelled is not because you
cry…” he fell silent for a moment. We both knew it was because of that,
and even if it wasn’t, we both knew it was a big issue.
I swallowed.
“Mr Sauvage has booked you, he has made me cancel both of your
clients. He wants you at his beck and call…” I heard Ernie clear his throat.
“His beck and call!?” I screeched.
“Yup. You now exclusively work for only Mr Sauvage.”
“Oh…” was all I could manage.
“Is that okay?” I could hear the concern in his voice.
I nodded for a moment before remembering he couldn’t see me.
“Skylar?” he called.
“Yes, yes, perfectly fine.” I swallowed the huge, apple sized lump
“Perfect, have a good day Skylar.”
I pulled the phone from my ear and cut it off.
That bastard. What was he up to.
I looked at my phone to see an unread message from said bastard.

Be ready for five.
Pres X

I inhaled deeply before pushing my phone into my back pocket. Well, it

could be worse.
Rushing back into the bistro I saw Harriet smiling as I approached.
“Sorry,” I said, sitting down and reaching for my coffee.
“It’s fine, I was waffling anyway. Is everything okay?” her brows
“Yeah, yeah, just work shit.” I laughed even though on the inside I was
an anxious mess. My stomach knotted before flipping over and over.
“Work shit? Care to elaborate?”
“Basically, one of my clients has hired me exclusively.”
“Ooooo,” she wiggled her eyebrows up and down, “what one? Please
tell me it’s big and burly.” Smirking, she sipped on her latte.
I laughed, shaking my head from side to side as I took a mouthful of my
black coffee.
“Oh no, not the talker,” her eyes widened.
I nodded.
“Who has that much to talk about!?”
“You don’t know him, he has a lot of baggage.” My smile fell. It made
my heart hurt.
I never kept my job a secret from Harriet, I wouldn’t say she was overly
pleased in my job choice but she understood it.
“Well, as long as he is paying you that’s all that matters.”
“Sex is just a bonus.”
I spluttered and coughed on my coffee, grabbing a napkin and patting
my lips.
She threw her head back and let out a deep, belly laugh.
“He doesn’t see me like that,” I shake my head from side to side as I
wipe up my spilt coffee.
“He may do,” she winked.
“Oh stop it,” I threw my wet napkin at her before breaking into my own
“What you going to wear?” she leant closer to me, her eyes glistening.
“I have no clue, I don’t even know where we are going.” I shrugged, “I
will message him later.”
“Make sure you tidy your foo-foo.”
“Oh my fucking god, that’s enough coffee for you!” I exclaimed,
reaching over and taking her coffee before we both erupted into laughter
once more.
I wouldn’t be able to do this thing called life without my Harriet.
Walking into the flat, I saw a note on the side as well as a dress bag
hanging up over my bedroom door.
I stilled, momentarily freaked out.

You’ll look breath-taking

It dawned on me that Mr Preston had gotten Harriet to put the dress
inside. Unless he was some crazy stalker who had my key copied.
I messaged H, quickly asking her and all I got was a wink emoji. How
did he get her number? Pushing the question out of my head, I stepped
towards the black dress bag and unzipped it.
I saw a stunning silver, figure hugging dress. It looked long, too long.
Clocking my head to the side, I smiled.
Once showered, I curled my long blonde hair then pinned it to the side
so the curls cascaded down the left side past my breast.
The dress fitted like a glove, hugging my curves perfectly. I had thick
thighs but a small waist and big boobs. I was the definition of hourglass.
Sure, if I was taller I probably wouldn’t be as curvaceous but here I am, five
foot three and curvy.
Slipping into one of my many designer shoes that were gifted to me, I
finished my look off with a red lipstick.
Grabbing my bag I throw my phone, keys and bank cards into it. I
doubted I would be spending any money, but I wanted to take my card and
at least offer. I debated pulling some money out of my savings, but I needed
to think sensibly. The more I save, the quicker I can move out.
Think of the endgame.
A nice new home that I can make my own, then I can go back to school
and work. That’s the dream.
And hopefully, Preston can help me get there a lot quicker now that I
work exclusively for him.
The buzzer in my small apartment buzzed, I rushed out, pressing the
“It’s me, want me to come up?” he asked.
“No, no!” I panicked looking at my dump of a house. “I’ll come down,”
I rushed out quickly, cutting the buzzer off, opening the door then closing it
behind me.
He wasn’t from this world.
I didn’t want to show him how I lived. I was embarrassed. I know you
should never be embarrassed from where you come from or where you are
in life, but when you envisaged a different life for yourself it’s hard to feel
anything else.
Pushing through the communal door, I saw Preston standing there,
dripping from head to toe in money. He had a black fitted suit that clung to
his toned body, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“Wow, Sky…” his eyes raked up and down my body.
I blushed under his gaze.
“You look…” he stammered over his words, his smile growing as our
eyes met.
“Not bad for a high-end hooker…” I winked which soon knocked the
beautiful smile off of his face.
I pushed my finger to his lips, shaking my head, “It’s nothing but the
truth,” a sad smile played across my lips as I slipped into the back of his car
that Guy was standing next to. Preston slipped in behind me, leaning close
and kissing me on my cheek.
“You look breath-taking.”
I blushed again.
“You already said that…” I nibbled on my bottom lip which caused a
smirk from him.
“So I did,” he rubbed his hand across his chin. “You look beautiful.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself, you scrub up well.” I couldn’t contain
my laughter.
He smirked at me, throwing me a wink before he shuffled back in his
“Where are we going?” I asked as I looked out at the city lights.
“We’re going to a party at my parents’ house.” He rushed out as he
played with the cufflinks on his shirt.
I froze, panic setting in.
“Your parents?! You thought it was a good idea to bring a escort to your
parents?!” My voice was getting louder and higher by the second.
“They don’t know you’re an escort, nor will they find out you’re an
escort.” His tone stays calm.
“But what if they find out…” I stammered; I was panicking.
“They won’t find out, plus, you’re my date. That’s it. I needed a date, I
trust you. I would never trust any of the other girls that you work with
around my family.”
My heart slowed slightly.
“My father throws these charity events every couple of months, gets our
name out there, makes him look like a knight in shining armour when in
reality all he is, is a turd, polished and wrapped in tin foil.”
I couldn’t stop the fit of laughter that escaped me, instantly covering my
mouth in shock that I reacted the way I did.
“Don’t stop laughing because of me, if you haven’t realised now
Sunshine… I’m not his biggest fan. No love lost between me and my
Suddenly, my heart hurt.
No one should feel that way about their parents, no matter how bad they
treated you. But I couldn’t say anything, I forgot what it was like to be
loved, to love, to feel anything other than pain sickening grief.
“We will go in, I will introduce you, we will drink, we will eat then we
will go back home.” His large hand moved to my face cupping my cheek as
I automatically leant into his hand. My eyes fluttered shut as I closed my
eyes, just feeling his touch on mine set a fire deep inside of me. I wanted to
remember this moment forever. The way my skin pebbled under his touch.
“Do you realise just how beautiful you are,”
My opal eyes lifted to look at his beautiful, big brown ones. I could
easily fall into them, losing myself completely to him.
I didn’t have a chance to answer, his driver slowed and pulled into a
long, gravelled driveway. I moved quickly to the middle of the car, my
fingers hooked round the cool metal on the head rests of the seats in front as
my eyes widened at the beautiful mansion in front of me.
“Holy fuck,” I whispered, as I took everything in. It was phenomenal.
I felt Preston’s breath on the side of my face as he sat closer to me, his
eyes also focused forward as he looked at the house.
“It’s something isn’t it…”
“Indeed it is,” I choked out. “I am going to look so out of place,” I
“No, you’re not.” His fingers moved to my chin, turning me to look at
him as our gazes locked.
“You deserve to be here; you deserve to enjoy these luxuries and that’s
exactly what I am going to do for you…” his cryptic message was lost on
me. I was too intoxicated by him. Everything about him was addicting.
He was a forcefield and I was gravitating towards him. Even if I wanted
to stop it, I couldn’t.
“Come,” he whispered, his breath dancing across my skin. He took my
hand, helping me out of the car. It took me a moment to find my footing on
the uneven gravel drive.
“You good?”
I nodded. “Are you?” I asked, pushing my school girl crush aside as I
considered his feelings and how hard it must be for him to be here. I needed
to get my business head on. I was his employee. I needed to push the
feelings back down, this is strictly work. First rule, you don’t fall for the
“I am perfect, Sunshine.” His smile made my insides melt, warming me
from my head to my toes.
“Then let’s get this over with.” I smiled back at him. His grin nearly
meeting his eyes.
I held my breath as he led me into the grand hallway, my jaw dropping
as I took in the surroundings. Creams and golds wrapped around the room
with the odd hint of a deep, emerald green.
“It’s the family crest colours,” Preston whispered in my ear.
“Huh?” I turned to face him.
“Our family crest,” he nodded his head up for me to look above the
central, large staircase. There on the wall was a huge cloth with a lion and a
horse facing each other, they were wrapped in scrolls of green with three
swords in the centre of them.
“Oh wow… you’re a proper posh family.” I laughed, but it was from
“Oh, we are,” he winked, holding his pinkie up for me to see a gold
cygnet ring that had the matching crest engraved.
I swallowed hard.
“Let’s go get a drink.”
I nodded, my legs moving but my eyes still pinned to the crest.
“Stop looking at the crest,” his arm snaked around my waist, his lips by
my ear as he distracted me. My head turned forward; I felt the heat pinch
my cheeks.
We came to an abrupt halt, Preston’s grip dropping from my waist as he
pushed his hand through his hair.
“Father, mother,” he smiled at them, stepping forward and kissing his
mother before he stepped back to be by my side.
“Preston, glad you could make it,” his father’s tone was clipped.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Preston’s tone dripped with
“And who is this wonderful lady next to you?” his father’s eyes averted
from Preston and moved to me.
“This is my Skylar,” Preston looked down at me, his smile spreading
causing small dimples.
My Skylar.
“Skylar,” his father repeated my name as if he was testing how it
sounded on his tongue. “What an unusual name.”
I nodded.
“And where did you two meet?” He asked, his attention moving back to
Preston but not before he gave me one last judging look.
I felt the panic set in, I was sure you could see my heart pumping
through my skin. It was racing. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to
answer him.
“Work,” Preston answered for the both of us.
“Work?” his dad questioned his answer.
“Yes, Skylar is one of my client’s employees, and well, she is too good
for him so I am hoping I can persuade her to come over to the dark side,”
Preston winked at me before he faced his parents again. My eyes settled on
his mother, she plastered a false smile over her face, no emotion on her
botoxed face. If I were to guess, I would say she was petrified of her
husband and that made my heart hurt.
“Well, let’s see if we can make that happen then if she is worth it,” his
father continued speaking to Preston, talking as if I was no longer in the
“I intend too.” He nodded, wrapping his hand round mine as he began
walking, “now if you’ll excuse me, my date is parched.”
His dad nodded back, before turning to his wife and muttering quietly.
I knew they were talking about me. They were probably thinking why
their powerful, rich, handsome son was with someone like me.
And to be honest, I thought the same.
I saw the way the women in this room looked at him, their eyes burning
into my back because I was on the arm of the man every girl wanted.
He was one of the most eligible bachelors and he was mine.
Well, for tonight anyway.
I ignored the dagger stares and focused on Preston, after all, tonight was
about him and only him.
We stopped at a large bar area that was situated at the back of the house,
just off of the large, formal lounge.
“Fancy,” I smirked as I looked at the portraits of old men in army
uniforms, my eyes moved down the timeline until I landed on his father.
“When will you go up there?” I asked, a hint of humour to my voice.
“Never if I have anything to do with it,” he chuckled softly as he
grabbed two drinks.
We clinked our crystal glasses before knocking them both back,
welcoming the burn.
“Another,” I nodded, the burn moving to my cheeks.
“Perfect, my little pocket of sunshine,” he winked as he handed me
another full glass.
“To new adventures,” he held his glass towards me.
“To new adventures,” I chimed, even though I had no idea what these
new adventures were.
“Cheers,” we sung in unison.
We were interrupted by a tall, slim woman with long brown hair and
hazel eyes. She wore a red, figure-hugging dress that had thin spaghetti
straps that sat over her bony shoulders. I watched as Preston’s eyes warmed,
his cheeks flushing as the woman closed the gap.
“Tabitha,” he cooed as he leant into her, kissing her on both cheeks. The
jealousy stirred inside of me, not that I had any right to be jealous.
“Hey, come on now Preston… don’t be so formal,” she smirked as she
turned to face me before she spun and swatted Preston on the chest.
“How rude are you?” she snapped. She smiled at me, “seeing as my
dofus brother isn’t going to, I will. Hi, I’m Tabitha, call me Tab for short. I
am Preston’s younger sister,” she smiled wide at me, wrapping her arms
around me and pulling me into an embrace.
Sister – phew.
“Hi,” I beamed as we pulled away from each other. “I’m Skylar,” I
looked at Preston waiting for him to interrupt but he didn’t.
“Nice to meet you Skylar,” she beamed, holding her hand up to the
barman and ordering a vodka on the rocks.
Preston stepped around his sister and pulled me close.
“How’s the design going for our Dubai hotel? Are we on track for our
grand opening in three months?” He asked as he took a sip. I just stood
feeling like a spare part.
“All on track big bro, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. You
just worry about the boring stuff,” she faked a yawn, patting her hand over
her plump, red lips.
“Boring,” he scoffed. “It’s better than choosing what colour paint to put
on the walls.”
“Oh yeah, because that’s all I do,” she rolled her eyes far back into her
“You’re a interior designer?” my eyes widened with glee.
“I am,” she puffed her chest out, a proud smile on her face.
“Oh wow, I am so jealous,” I blushed, a small laugh bubbling out of me.
“Jealous?” she averted her attention to me now, her eyes steady on
“I studied interior design at college and university but never finished…”
I trailed off as I finished the rest of my drink in one mouthful.
“Thirsty baby?” Preston asked, my cheeks full of the liquid before
swallowing it down. I nodded.
“No way! That’s amazing, but I’m sorry you never got to finish… may I
ask why?”
My anxiety began to bubble, my palms sweaty as my mind worked
overtime trying to think what I could say. I felt both of their eyes burning
into me, I’m sure my throat began to close. Shit, was it hot in here? I swear
I have sweat running down my back.
“Erm…” I coughed, my eyes darting back and forth.
“Let’s put a pin in that conversation shall we,” Preston smiled, ordering
me another drink.
“We will have to get a dinner booked in and we can talk about it all,”
Tabitha grinned. “I’ve got to go mingle; I’ll catch up with you all a bit
later.” She winked before turning and sauntering away into the busy room.
“She’s nosey,” Preston said as he stepped back in front of me.
“She’s not nosey,” I shook my head from side to side. “I just find it hard
talking about that part of my life.”
“And that’s fine, you owe her, or me for that matter no explanation.”
I nodded, swallowing down the burning lump.
He handed me another bourbon, smiling.
“Fancy getting so drunk we don’t remember anything?” he had a
childish grin on his face.
“Why the fuck not?” I shrugged before laughing.

W e stumbled through the door of P reston ’ s penthouse . T his place

was ridiculous. His personal lift was bigger than my whole flat. Okay, slight
over exaggeration but not by much.
I couldn’t see straight, my vision fuzzy. I was so drunk. The bourbon
was still burning my throat.
Preston walked towards the lounge area that overlooked the city, he
pulled his bow tie out of his shirt and flung it across the room. I stood just
looking, the lounge, dining and kitchen area were all painted in a creamy
white paint. The panelling in the lounge sat from skirting board to coving.
The ornate coving wrapped round the room giving it a glisten of elegance. I
loved it here. The floors were high gloss and marbled, it gave a modern
twist on this Victorian style look that Tabitha was going for. The worktops
in the kitchen black marble, the units white gloss. The whole place
screamed money.
“I need food. You hungry?” He turned too quickly, having to hold onto
the wall as he steadied himself.
I laughed.
“I am always hungry, look at me, do I look like someone that doesn’t
eat,” I smirked, wiggling my hips as I ran my hands up and down my side
in a slow, seductive manner.
“I am looking at you,” his smile fell, his eyes darkening as he stalked
over to me.
My heart stopped.
I stilled, my arms falling to my side as I watched him close the gap
between us. Pushing himself up against my body, walking me backwards
until I hit the wall behind me.
“I always look at you,” he growled.
“Pres…” I said breathless, the air snatched from my lungs.
“Sky,” he smirked, his large hands skimming up over my hips before
they locked behind my back, pulling me into him.
“What are you doing?” I whispered. We didn’t do this, we always
“I’m about to eat…” his eyes darkened once more as his lips crashed
down on mine.
And I was his.
Even if only for tonight.
Chapter Five

S hould I be doing this ? N ot really .

Was I going to? Absolutely.
Dropping to my knees, I grabbed her hips and looked up at her for a
moment. Her breaths were heavy, her chest dipping and falling fast as she
watched me.
I had wanted to taste her for so long, but it never seemed the right time.
We somehow fell into the ‘friend’ zone, even though she was an escort, I
never treated her like one.
And never would I treat her like one. Letting my hands glide down the
silk of her dress. It felt amazing against my tingling skin. Once I was at the
hem, I pushed it up over her waist and held the material there.
“Fuck,” I breathed as my eyes fell to her little black g-string. I pushed
my mouth over her covered pussy, nipping and licking through the material
before I inhaled her heavenly scent.
She sucked a breath in through her teeth, her hand moving to my thick
hair as she entwined her fingers in it.
“Take your dress off,” I ordered.
She did as I asked, her fingers moving from my hair as she reached
round the back of her dress and pulled the zipper before letting it fall to her
feet. I knelt back, watching in awe as she revealed her perfect body.
My hands flew to her bare hips, gripping hard as I steadied her. I was
desperate to taste her, desperate to push my fingers deep inside of her and
hear her moan and cry out in pleasure.
I was intoxicated, she was intoxicated but I needed to tell her, well ask
her, before I went any further.
I pressed my forehead to her bare stomach, her pants slowing now.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her hands moving to the side of my head as
she lifted me up to look at her.
My eyes volleyed back and forth from hers.
“I want you Preston, I’ve wanted you from the moment we met…” she
breathed, her voice shaky as she tried to keep her breathing steady and slow.
Hearing her admission knocked the thoughts out of me.
Fuck it all.
I’m giving her what she wants. What I want.
And what I want is her.
All of her.
Even if only for tonight.
Pulling the small bit of material across to reveal her, I pressed my lips
against her bare pussy. Gliding and teasing two fingers over her lips, I
slowly skimmed them down and underneath her, swirling my tips in her
wetness before gently dragging them up.
I wanted her begging.
“So fucking wet,” I groaned against her. I heard her whimper, her hand
skimming down her smooth stomach as her fingers found her clit. They
moved slowly in circular movements, her breaths shallow as the pleasure
coursed through her.
“Such a fucking turn on watching you play with yourself for me,” my
eyes pinned to her expert fingers, working herself up just how she liked it.
Pressing my two fingers at her opening, she bucked her hips forward as
they eased into her.
Moving my mouth closer to her, I nipped at her fingers, parting them
with my tongue as I ran it across her clit.
“My turn,” I growled, my two fingers pumping slow and deep into her.
My tongue lashed at her before I sucked her clit into my mouth. She
cried out, her fingers tugging at the root of my hair.
Moaning into her, I let my tongue glide up and down her folds,
savouring every moment of her. Her fucking pussy was like magic, sweet,
tight and fucking hot. I wanted more of her, I was addicted to the taste of
“Preston,” she cried out, her head tipping back as it hit the wall.
I continued, not stopping the slow torment of my fingers pumping in
and out of her but I kept my tongue fast.
“I’m going to come,” she cried out.
Pulling my lips away from her, I pinned my eyes to her. “That’s it
Sunshine, let me feel that tight little pussy come all over my fingers,” I was
hard as fuck. Diving back in, I sucked and licked as she came, enjoying
every bit of her.
Slipping my fingers from her, I stood slowly and pushed them into her
“Taste yourself baby, see how good you taste.” I whispered in her ear,
her moans filling the room as she sucked my fingers clean.
Fisting myself out of my suit trousers, I held my hard dick in my hands.
“Get on your knees and suck.” I grinned at her as she done just that. She
fell to her knees and greedily took me in her hands. One cupped my balls,
the other stroked up and down my thick cock. She looked up at me through
her thick, long lashes which done something to me. Like a caged animal I
roared, placing my hand over hers as I pushed my cock into her mouth, hard
and fast.
I needed to feel her sweet, plump lips lock around me. I needed to be in
her hot, wet mouth.
“Yes, fuuuck,” I drawled out as she took me like a pro, swallowing me
down the back of her throat before bringing my tip to purse on her lips.
Every time she took me, her tongue ran along the bottom of my cock and
once I was at the back of her throat she deep throated me like I had never
been deep throated before. She knew how to suck dick. Her fingernails
gently traced circles across my sensitive ball sack. I felt them twitch and
tighten as I felt myself getting close to spurting my hot cum all down her
throat. She looked up at me again, smiling when she had my tip on her
tongue, her grin spreading as her eyes glistened. Fisting a handful of her
hair, I grabbed it tightly, tugging at the root as I thrust my cock deep into
her mouth. She was a sight for sore eyes, her eyes filling with unshed tears
as my cock chocked her, making her gag. She had drool running from the
corner of her mouth as she continued taking me deep.
“I’m going to come, oh fuck Sunshine,” I growled, my head tipping
back as my balls tightened, my cock bobbed. She whipped me from her
mouth, swiping her tongue along the tip of me and tasted my cum that was
beading on the tip of my cock. She pulled me out of her hot little mouth,
opened her mouth wide then flattened her tongue under my cock and let me
spurt in her mouth as she pinned her eyes to mine. I swear to fucking god
she saw right into my soul, breaking down all my barriers in that moment.
She was a fucking queen. My ray of sunshine. I was going to put her on a
fucking pedestal and treat her how she deserves to be treated. No more
shitty apartment, no more working as an escort. I was going to save her.
Helping her to her feet, I pulled her into me and wrapped my arms
around her waist keeping her close.
“I think I’m in love,” I whispered before laughing.
“Easy tiger,” she smirked, “it was just a little oral,” winking she peeled
my arms away from her. “Shower with me?” her eyes glistened.
“Of course,” my voice was a low hum as I took her hand in mine and
led her to the bathroom.
Chapter Six

I woke feeling shit . M y eyes were dry , my head was heavy and hazy .
It took me a moment to realise where I was. The bed was beyond
comfortable, and my head sunk into my pillow. I never wanted to move.
I got too drunk last night, I couldn’t remember the last time I got that
I groaned as I rolled over to see a sleeping Preston. I propped myself up
on my elbow and just admired him. His long, black lashes fanned out on his
face, his thick, brown hair was messy with his natural waves showing.
I don’t think I had ever seen a man as handsome as him. Sure, I have a
crush on him but still, he really was beautiful and if people didn’t agree
than I am sorry… they must be blind.
I stretched up, my aching muscles reminding me of last night.
I don’t think we went any further than our little bit of intimacy in the
living room, if we did, I didn’t remember it. Which would be a shame to not
remember what it was like being with him.
I fell back into the bed, pulling the heavy duvet up round my chin as I
lay and pondered over the evening, things were hazy but the more I tried to
remember, the more my mind flashed with snippets of our evening.
I stripped Preston down to his perfect skin, then it was his turn to finish
undressing me. Leading him into the running water his lips crashed into
mine, his tongue sweeping through my mouth. He knew how to kiss. Our
lips were locked, our kiss was heated and messy and so wet but my god, it
was the best kiss I think I have ever had. That’s when things begin to get
hazy again, there was definitely touching and groping but that’s as far as it
went… I think.
“Morning baby,” his gruff voice made me turn my head to face him,
pulling me from my thoughts.
“Morning,” I smiled, suddenly conscious of the way I looked. Did I
have morning breath?
He leant across, my eyes widening as I turned my head to the side
quickly. He placed a kiss on my temple. He was aiming for my lips but I
couldn’t risk it. My hands were over my mouth.
“What are you doing?” he laughed, his thick brows pinching as his eyes
scanned my face.
“I need to brush my teeth,” I blushed, I felt the crimson creep onto my
“Oh, stop it, you do not need to brush your teeth,” he rolled his eyes,
pulling my hands from my mouth. He hovered his lips over mine before
turning his nose up in disgust. “On second thoughts…” he rushed out before
he fell back in the bed and held his stomach, a roar of a laugh escaping him.
He sounded like a child with his boyish laugh that filled the room.
“Oh my god,” I reached for the pillow that was behind my head and
whacked him with it.
“Woah, woah,” he put his hands above his head to protect himself from
my pillow attack. “I was joking!” he cried out before laughing again. He
jumped up, grabbing my wrists and holding me in place. “You’re not
playing fair,” he smirked as he lay over me.
“I don’t play fair,” I smirked back at him.
“We will see about that, now go brush them teeth and I’ll order
I swatted him once more, pushing him off of me.
“I don’t have a toothbrush…” I muttered as I stood.
“Use mine,” he winked, before running his tongue over his bottom lip.
I poked my tongue out in a childish manner, before spinning and
walking towards the bathroom. A hot shower done me the world of good. I
stepped towards the sink and brushed my teeth with his toothbrush, smiling
as I did. Was it disgusting that I was using his toothbrush? I shook my head
from side to side as if answering my own question. We have kissed, his
tongue has literally been in my mouth and down my throat so no, using his
toothbrush was not disgusting.
I felt so much better. I wrapped myself in a dressing gown and walked
back into the bedroom where Preston was laying, one arm behind his head
the other on his phone as he worked through what I was assuming was
“How’s your breath?” he smirked as he dropped his phone into the
“Piss off,” I blushed. “Erm, I need some clothes, I don’t really feel like
going home in a ball gown.”
“Already sorted it, the porter will be here soon with fresh clothes for
you. I apologise, I have guessed your size but seeing as I got the dress size
right, I think I’ll be okay,” he winked.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, breakfast is on route as well. I ordered loads of stuff
off the menu as I didn’t know what you wanted. I hope that’s okay.”
“That’s perfect.”
I sat on the edge of the bed, I didn’t know what to do with myself.
“Come back to bed,” he patted the duvet next to him. Bouncing over to
him I snuggled into him.
“I want to ask you something, but I thought maybe once we’ve had
lunch a bit later I can talk to you. Does that work, or do you have plans?”
I shook my head from side to side.
“No plans.”
“Good, I look forward to it.”
Once the clothes had been dropped off, I got dressed in skinny jeans and
a tee and pulled my hair into a ponytail. Slipping into the new trainers that
Preston sorted out for me.
“You look lovely,” he smiled as he pulled a fitted white tee over his
I looked at myself in the reflection, I wouldn’t say I looked nice but I
didn’t look bad either.
Smiling at him, I grabbed my bag from last night and checked my
phone. I had a message from Harriet but decided I would answer her later
once I was back home.
Slipping my phone back in my bag, I pulled it over my shoulder as I
stood waiting for him. I knotted my fingers together.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he slipped his feet into his trainers.
“Yeah, just feel a little anxious and hungover,” I snorted.
“Don’t be anxious, you have nothing to be anxious about. And I feel
hungover too, that would be the amount of bourbon we consumed.”
My stomach rolled with nausea.
“I don’t think I want to look at another glass of bourbon again,” I shook
my head from side to side.
“You’ll be back drinking them next week,” he shrugged a jacket over
the top of his tee. It seemed weird seeing him so casual. I had only ever
seen him in suits.
“I don’t think I will,” I scrunched my nose up in disagreement.
Silence fell between us as he patted his pockets down and checked the
room to make sure he had everything.
“Do you enjoy living in a hotel room?” I blurted out as he closed the
door, locking it with a key card.
“Why wouldn’t I enjoy it?” he looked at me as we headed for the main
elevator that served the rest of the hotel.
“I dunno,” I squeaked as I pushed the button, calling the lift.
“I get my beds made for me and changed, I get food on demand, and I
can come and go as I please.” Stepping into the elevator, he held the doors
for me to follow.
I pushed the ground floor button and watched the doors close.
“Makes sense.”
Silence again.
“What will you do when you have the baby?”
He looked at me as if I had two heads. His brows furrowed, causing a
crease to form between them.
“Stay at the penthouse, obviously.” His attention faced forward,
“Just don’t think it’s much of an environment to raise a baby… you’ve
got no garden, you will be pent up in that apartment with a newborn…” I
rubbed my lips into a thin line as the silence surrounded us.
“Have you actually thought about this Preston?”
He said nothing. Just stormed from the lift, not waiting for me. Brilliant.
Had I crossed a line? Should I have kept my opinion to myself? Me and my
big foot. Rolling my eyes I followed him like the fucking puppy dog I was
and out onto the busy London street.
“Preston!” I called out as I tried my best to catch him up with my short
He stopped, turning to face me. He waited, and when I was close, he
reached out and grabbed my wrist as he dragged me next to him. He still
kept quiet.
“If you’re going to sulk all afternoon, I would rather you take me
He stilled in the middle of a busy pavement.
“I’m not sulking.” He groaned.
“No? Because from what I have just seen it definitely looks like you are
sulking.” I pulled my hand from his and crossed my arms against my chest.
He rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he snapped, “I was sulking, but only because you scared the shit
out of me. I haven’t thought that far ahead, I haven’t actually sat there and
thought about what I will do when the baby comes. Ideally, I would love to
move out of the penthouse but realistically with my job, it makes sense to
stay here.” He crossed his muscular arms across his chest, mimicking me.
“Ideally I would like to still be with the baby’s mum so we both had the
support of each other but life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.”
I stifled my laugh, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip as I tried to wipe
the smile off my face.
“Why the fuck are you laughing?” Damn he was defensive today.
“Just a weird use of words there. Rainbows and unicorns.”
“Well, life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, is it? Because if it was, it
would be a pretty awesome world, wouldn’t it?”
“Mmhmm, it would.”
“Your voice is laced with sarcasm you piss taking fucker.” And I was
I creased over as I laughed hard, my stomach hurting from the constant
bubble of a laugh that escaped me.
When I finally calmed myself down, Preston was off marching in front
“Oh, my little rainbow lover come back!” I laughed as I walked quickly
to catch him up.
“Yes, my little Pressie.”
“I’m done,” he slapped his hand down by his side, rolling his eyes and
turning on his heel again.
“I’m sorry!” I called out as I began running to catch him up.
We sat at this little restaurant tucked away from the hustle and bustle of
London and it was perfect.
As much as I was feeling rough, Preston convinced me to have a glass
of wine. You know, hair of the dog and all that.
It was a delicious, crisp white. He ordered us both a prawn risotto; I
wasn’t very adventurous when it came to food so I was glad to be with
someone that had tried different stuff to me.
“So,” I said as I finished a mouthful of my wine, “what did you want to
talk to me about?”
Preston wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin before putting it
on the table. He kept his eyes locked to mine as he took a mouthful of his
Why was he delaying it? The longer he took, the more anxious I
“Well, I was thinking after the other night and telling you what needed
to happen.”
I listened; my fingers wrapped tightly around the wine glass stem.
He was waiting for me to respond, but I said nothing.
“It got me thinking about whom I would want to do this journey with…
yes, I have plenty of bachelorettes that would be desperate to give up their
eggs for me, but I don’t want just a bachelorette. I want someone who I
trust, who I know…” His eyes fell for a moment.
My heart skipped a beat or two, as much I wanted to scream out, I
didn’t. I kept my breathing steady, even though I was panicking on the
inside, I was calm and collected on the outside.
“I want to do this journey with you. As soon as my father told me what
had to happen, you were the first person that came to my mind.”
My eyes widened.
“We don’t have to be romantically involved; we can do an insemination
if you didn’t want to sleep with me… even though we sort of got a little
busy last night.” He coughed, clearing his throat. “But I am serious, we
don’t need to date if you didn’t want to. We can help each other out. You
can grow my baby; I can help you financially and get you out of the hell
hole where you live.”
I felt my back go up slightly at his words.
“Hell hole?” I snapped at him.
His eyes widened.
“It might not be a penthouse or a fucking mansion, but it is my home. I
have saved and worked hard to have that hell hole as you call it. It’s not
perfect, I have no heating and I am probably sharing it with more than a
house plant but it’s my home. It’s made me who I am today and to
remember that you don’t have to have money and a massive house to be
I felt my rage burning through me.
“And you’re happy are you?” he questioned, one of his brows sitting
higher than the other. “You’re happy living in your one bed apartment and
being an escort, because when I look at you, you’re smiling and have a
glow to your skin…” he stopped for a moment to take a mouthful of wine
before licking his lips. “I think that’s because of me.”
He was so fucking cocky.
“I guess you’ll never know,” I winked, sitting back to drink my own
He rolled his eyes.
“Just think about it, honestly, what have you got to lose?”
The truth was, I had nothing to lose. He knew that, I knew that.
But did I really want to be tied to him forever?
“Look, take all the time you need…” he stopped for a moment, “but not
too long, because you know, I am on a ticking time bomb. If you want to go
ahead, you can either choose to be involved in the baby’s life, or once the
baby is born, walk away. We can use an egg doner and my sperm that way
you have no tie to it whatsoever. But then if you wanted to raise a child with
me, and have the baby as half of me and half of you, I’ll be happy with that
I contemplated his words for a moment, reaching for my wine glass as I
took a mouthful. My mouth was dry, my throat felt tight.
“I’ll pay you five hundred thousand pounds,” he blurted out.
My eyes widened, as I inhaled the wine along with my breath. I
coughed and spluttered as I hit the wine glass down on the table and
grabbed a napkin.
“Shit, Sky, are you okay?” he asked, but I closed my eyes and held my
finger up to silence him. It took me a moment or two to catch my breath
once more.
“What?” I whispered.
He sat up tall in his chair, readjusting himself as he rested his elbows on
the edge of the table, pressing his finger into the bottom of his chin.
“You heard me, five hundred grand, straight into your bank. Doesn’t
matter if you just want to be a surrogate or whether you want to be
involved, you will still get the money.”
“Yeah I need to think about this,” my hand was trembling now. It would
solve all my money problems, and I could finally move out the hell hole as
he calls it. But he wasn’t wrong. It was a hell hole.
I hated my apartment. I wanted nothing more than to move. Sure, I had
enough saved up for a down payment but then I would be left with nothing
and I really didn’t want to have to start all over again.
I sat and contemplated his offer; he didn’t take his eyes off of mine. I
watched as he leant over, curling his finger for me to move closer to him.
“Can I take you back home?” his voice was low, his eyes ablaze as his
eyes roamed from my eyes to my chest.
“And why is that?” I teased him, pressing my arms together so he could
make out the cleavage in my tee.
He bit his bottom lip, smirking before his eyes dragged up to mine.
“Because, my little peach…” he trailed off, “I want to fuck you.”
I snorted, my cheeks reddening at his words.
“You had that chance last night…” I sat back, my tongue poking at the
corner of my mouth and resting on my top lip.
“We were both pissed as farts, I want to remember everything about
“I think it’s best we just go home, and you let me have some time to
think over your proposal.”
He pouted, sitting back and sighing.
I smirked, finishing my wine as we fell into light chatter and waited for
the bill. I managed to beat him to the card machine, paying for lunch and
praying the whole time that my card wouldn’t decline. Thankfully, it didn’t.
When we walked out, Preston’s driver was sitting kerbside waiting for
us. He opened the door, letting me climb in.
“Hi Guy,” I chirped as I slid across the leather seats.
“Afternoon Skylar,” Guy smiled in the rear-view mirror.
Preston slipped in next to me, I was waiting for him to put his hand on
my thigh like he normally does but he didn’t.
I didn’t say anything, just bit my tongue.
Pulling up outside my apartment, Preston climbed out before helping
me out.
“Thank you for a lovely weekend.” I smiled, pushing my hands into my
back pockets.
“No, thank you for a lovely weekend, it has been truly something
special.” He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me close to him.
I was dying for him to kiss me, internally begging him to kiss me.
But he didn’t.
One of his hands cupped my face as he placed the softest kiss on my
forehead, lingering for a moment. He let go and stepped away from me.
“I’ll speak to you soon, I’ll get a draft contract made up so you can look
at it, then we can go from there.” He smiled but it quickly faltered as he
slipped back into the car. I stood on the pavement and watched him drive
I needed to speak to Harriet.
Chapter Seven

I paced up and down the apartment waiting for H arriet to arrive .

She was bringing Chinese food. I wasn’t overly hungry, I felt nauseous. But
I needed Harriet to talk me down, to tell me if I was being idiotic even
thinking about it.
The buzzer made me jump. Rushing over, I pushed the button to let
Harriet up.
Opening the door to my apartment, she held a bottle of wine up and the
bag of food. It smelt lovely, but I just wasn’t hungry.
“What’s going on? You look like your mind is elsewhere…” I could see
she was worried about me.
“I’m fine.” I nodded trying to reassure her.
“You don’t look fine. I have known you for fifteen years, you’re not
fine.” She shook her head as she placed the bag of Chinese food on the
countertop and reached up for two glasses to pour the chilled wine in.
“I’m assuming we need wine?” her perfectly shaped brows sat high on
her forehead.
I nodded.
The glug of the wine echoed around the quiet room.
She turned, handing me a glass as we moved to the sofa.
“You can eat…” I gestured over to the lonely bag that sat filled with all
our favourite food.
She shook her head.
“I’m not overly hungry,” she smiled as she took a sip of her wine.
I laughed.
“Then why did you bring it over?”
“Cos I know you don’t look after yourself when it comes to food…” she
gave me a warning tone. She was right, I didn’t.
“I eat when I’m hungry.” I shrugged my shoulders up.
“I know, but it’s my treat and then whatever you don’t eat you can save
for tomorrow,” she smiled as she took another mouthful of wine. “Now,
stop avoiding what you invited me over for.”
“I’m not,” I mumbled as I took a mouthful of my own wine.
“Skylar, spill it.”
“Fine!” I rolled my eyes, then tipped my head back as I took a moment.
“Shit, is it really that bad?” she asked as she scooted closer to me.
“No,” I breathed, “I am just being dramatic.” I winked.
She rolled her eyes.
“So, you know the talker…”
“I do, well I don’t but yes, I know him in a sense you tell me about
him…” she wiggled in her seat in excitement. “Is this juicy? Did he finally
bang your arse into next week?”
My eyes widened at her statement causing me to burst into a fit of
“He didn’t bang me into next week, no…” I shook my head as I took a
mouthful of wine.
“Then what?”
“Well, he has told me that for him to be able to take over his company
completely, his father has told him that he has to have an heir by the time he
is thirty-five. He has six months to do that, six months to find someone he
trusts to have a baby with. If he doesn’t then all ties to the business will be
cut. He will lose his shares and basically have nothing. So the night I had to
meet him, he tells me all of this.” Harriet nods along as she listens.
“…Yeah, next thing I know he has got Ernie to cancel my two other
clients because he wants me to himself.” I still can’t believe he even done
that. I didn’t give Harriet a chance to answer, “Fast forward, he takes me to
a party at his mum and dad’s house and oh my god, Harriet. The house was
massive, like stupidly massive. He obviously didn’t tell his dad that I was
an escort, just said that we worked together which you know, isn’t
technically a lie. But anyway, I am going off topic here…” I stopped to take
a breath, my eyes moving to Harriet’s who looked like she was trying to
replay what I said to her over in her own head.
“We got shit faced drunk… like, really drunk. I went back to his and
you know, things happened.”
“Things!? What things?! You said he didn’t bang your arse into next
week? Are you lying,” Harriet narrowed her eyes on me, her index finger
pointing at me.
“No! God no, I am not lying! He may or may not have gone down on
me and vice versa.” I rushed the words out so quickly that I hoped she
never heard me.
“Oh you dirty dogs… this is getting good… but before you carry on,
just how big is he?”
“Big.” I smirked, flashbacks of him flashing through my mind.
“Damn,” she fanned herself down.
“Okay, back on track… that wasn’t the reason I asked you to come
over… we went for lunch earlier, and basically, in a nutshell, he wants to
have the baby with me.” I said trying to sound nonchalant as I sipped on my
Harriet spluttered, spraying me with her wine before she covered her
mouth with her hand.
“He wants you to what?!”
“Thanks for that,” I groaned, stepping up from the sofa and walking
towards the kitchen to grab a tea towel.
“You aren’t seriously thinking about this are you!?” she shouted, her
whole body turning to face where I was.
I shrugged my shoulders up.
“Why are you shrugging? You don’t want a baby do you!?”
“Not particularly, but I’m not getting any younger, and anyway he did
say I could just be a surrogate if I wanted nothing to do with the baby per
“This is just getting crazier and crazier by the second.”
“I know!” I shouted out, pouring myself another glass of wine, “and that
isn’t even the best bit.” I scoffed, sitting back down next to her.
I shook my head from side to side, “No.”
“Then what is the best bit?” she asked, her eyes wide as she waited
eagerly for me to tell her.
“I’ll get five hundred thousand pounds if I do it.”
“The fuck!? Five hundred k?! Nahhh he has got to be winding you up or
“Who knows!” my lips turned up at one corner, clucking my tongue on
the roof of my mouth.
“What are you going to do?”
“I have no fucking clue, hence why I asked you to come over.”
“Well, I am no help. I think I need more wine and Chinese, yes. Let’s do
that, let’s consume our body weight in food then we can discuss this whole
‘paying you for a baby’ idea.”
Harriet shot up from the sofa, placing her wine glass on the counter
before she began dishing up the dinner, smashing the plates about as she
Good, I am glad she feels the same as me.
After we had eaten far too much food, we both sat on the sofa in silence
while Greys Anatomy played in the background.
It felt like it had been hours since we had last spoken.
“What am I going to do?” I whined.
“What is your gut telling you to do?” She didn’t move but turned her
head to face me.
“My gut is telling me to stop being a moron.”
“Brilliant,” she nodded. “And your brain?”
“Brain thinks that five hundred thousand is a brilliant idea.”
“Brain’s stupid, don’t listen to brain,” she moaned. “Heart? We listen to
the heart.”
I sighed.
“The heart is painting the pretty picture of me, Preston and our baby
being a family and living happily, ever after.”
“Christ, your heart is worse than your gut.” She slammed her hand
down on my sofa in frustration.
“Why are you taking your anger out on my sofa?”
“Because I don’t know what to say to you!”
“I don’t know either…” I sighed, turning to face the television for a
moment. My mind ticked over with a pro and cons list, but it was no use.
“I know, let’s do the only reasonable thing that is acceptable to do when
you don’t know what to do with your life. I feel like it’s the best way to
make all them really important life choices…” I smirked as I turned my
head to look at Harriet again.
“And what is that?”
“Ip, dip, dog, shit.”
“I can’t even…” Harriet face palmed herself.
“What? It’s the only way…”
“Bloody hell, you may as well consult your magic number eight ball
that you’ve had since you were sixteen!”
“Oooo yes! Brilliant idea, lemme go get it,” I said with excitement
lacing my voice. “How the hell did I forget about the number eight ball!”
“I was joking!” she shouted out to me.
“Well done Harriet, you’ve always had the brains!”
“I’m done.”
“No! Don’t say that,” I shouted from the bedroom as I raided my
bedside units, “aha! I found it.”
“Stop being sarcastic.” I scowled as I rushed back into the room. “This
right here, this little plastic ball filled with water holds all the answers to
your important life questions, I used to consult this when I wasn’t satisfied
with ip dip dog shit’s answer.”
“Can I go home?” Harriet wailed.
“No,” I shook my head before turning the magic number eight ball over.
I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.
“Should I carry Preston’s baby for five hundred thousand…” I shook the
ball a few times before turning it over.
You can count on it.
“Well… the ball has spoken… it looks like I’m going to have a baby.”
Suddenly nerves crashed through me, my heart rate spiked, and it hit me.
Was I really going to do this?

I slept shit . I tossed and turned all night . I didn ’ t know if I had
made the right decision or not. But either way, I needed to make my mind
up and let Preston know what I had decided because he was on a ticking
I couldn’t keep him waiting, it wasn’t fair. I didn’t want to be the reason
he lost everything. Rolling over with a groan, I looked at the time it was six
It was too early to be rolling out of bed on a Sunday morning. I debated
texting him but I didn’t want to wake him up. I felt agitated, I didn’t know
what to do.
I lay there and think back to the night he took me home, his mouth on
me, his fingers making me come so fucking hard.
I wanted to know what it would be like to sleep with him, the way his
muscles would ripple under that glorious skin of his as we moved together.
I felt hot and bothered; throwing my covers back I stormed for the shower.
The cold of the apartment hitting me, I really needed to get the engineer
But then again, with the money I could just sell up and move and get a
lovely warm house. Just thinking about that made me want to do it.
Shaking the thoughts away, I jumped under the water and let my mind
wander to what it would be like to be pregnant with his baby. Would I want
an egg donor? Or would I want the baby to be half mine too?
That’s what I was struggling with the most, I didn’t know what to do. I
want babies, yes. But not like this. I wanted to be happily married to the
love of my life, have babies and grow old together. But yet, here I was at
the grand age of thirty. Single. Broke. An escort. I would end up being a
lonely old spinster.
The thought of having another women’s eggs inside me freaked me out,
so I don’t think I want that. No, I know I don’t want that.
So the question was, could I part with my baby? Could I sign over
parental rights to Preston and walk away?
I knew the answer deep down.
I just couldn’t bring myself to say it. Because if I said what I was
thinking out loud, I would be a terrible person, the guilt would eat me alive.
Getting dressed into my lounge wear, I sat on the sofa with a cup of tea
as I looked at my phone.
He hadn’t called. He hadn’t messaged.
Maybe he was having second thoughts?
But then again, I haven’t messaged him. Maybe I should message him.
Before I could think and stop myself, I grabbed my phone and wrote
him a quick message. I stared at the screen, waiting for him to reply.

Hey, how are you?

He didn’t reply. It stayed on read.
I moved off the sofa and decided to do some cleaning. I needed to keep
busy so my mind didn’t go to him and all the what if’s that were going over
and over in my head.
I put my earphones in and played music so loud I couldn’t think.
The apartment was spotless, I had done two wash loads and now I was
back on the sofa with a cup of tea. I felt lost. I was normally so busy with
my clients I very rarely had time to sit around and now I didn’t have them
anymore I didn’t know what to do with myself. I finally gave into the
temptation and looked at my phone to see two text messages.

Hey Sunshine, I’m good. How are you?

Everything okay? Not heard back from you?

I smiled.
I tapped a quick reply to let him know I was okay and that I was just
cleaning when he messaged. Popping my phone down next to me, I took a
mouthful of my tea when I heard it buzz again.

Can I see you?

I waited for a moment before deciding what I would say. I did want to
see him but I also worried he would pressure me about my decision.

Sure, pick me up in an hour?

I saw the three dots pop up straight away.

An hour is perfect.

It gave me enough time to get changed and put some make-up on. I
wanted to make an effort for him. I feel like he has never seen me at my
best, even when we went to his parents’ house, I didn’t feel like I had done
Stripping out of my clothes, I chose my lace underwear set. The bra was
red silk with a lace trim over the cups and the front of the thong.
Walking to my wardrobe, I scanned through the clothes. Most of it was
designer, but I didn’t know what to wear for him.
I opted for a black leather skirt, an emerald green spaghetti strap vest
top which I would tuck in, finished off with sky high black Louboutin’s.
Once dressed I looked at myself in the mirror. I was happy with the way
I looked. I curled my long blonde hair then brushed the curls out into soft
I opted for natural make-up with a nude lip but smoky eyes which really
made the green of my top pop against the black. I grabbed my black, quilted
Chanel bag with a silver strap and placed it over my shoulder. Perfect.
Swaying my hips from side to side I walked into the living area and
grabbed my black trench coat. Slipping it on, you would think I was naked.
The length was a little longer than my mini skirt I was wearing.
I felt the heat swarm to the apex of my thighs, before making the rest of
my skin flush with want and need. I had never felt like this before, but I’m
sure it was the sexual chemistry. Once we had slept together, it would no
doubt be gone.
Maybe that’s what I needed to do before I made my choice.
Let him have his wicked way with me before I decide on what I want to
That was it.
Closing the apartment door behind me, I locked up and made my way to
the kerb as I waited for Preston.
I wasn’t standing there long when I saw his range rover pull up. My
stomach swarmed, my heart thumping in my chest.
He opened the window, smirking as it slipped down.
“Well, hello beautiful.”
I smiled, waiting for his driver to open the door for me. I thanked him
before slipping into the car and sitting next to Preston.
“Have you dressed up just for me?” he teased as his hands slipped
between my thighs. His hot hand on my cold skin sent shivers up and down
my spine.
“Not for you no, I dressed up for myself,” I winked at him as I shuffled
in my seat. I don’t know why but I was finding it hard to breathe being this
close to him. I wanted nothing more than to climb on his lap and let him
fuck me in the back of his car.
I was like a horny teenage girl.
“Are you hungry? Thinking we could order room service before we
spend the night together” he wiggled his eyebrows up and down.
I laughed. “Who said I was spending the night with you?”
“I’m not letting you out of my sight dressed like that, you are for my
eyes only.”
I squeezed my thighs together to try and dull the ache that was pulsing
through my core.
“We will see about that.” I rubbed my lips together into a thin line as I
tried to stop the dirty thoughts from invading my mind.
I wanted his mouth on me, his fingers on me, his tongue lapping at my
most sensitive part as my orgasm ripped through me.
I needed him out of my system. I needed to feel what it was like to have
him just this once, that’s all I wanted, all I needed was one night of being
completely worshiped by Preston Sauvage.
I wanted him to own me in every single way.
We pulled into the underground car park that was in the basement of his
hotel. Once we were out the car, he dragged me towards the private lift that
took us straight to his penthouse. The apprehension and excitement was
coursing through me. As soon as the lift doors shut, he turned, wrapping his
fingers around the base of my neck as he pushed me against the wall.
His lips covered mine, finally. His lips on mine, his tongue pushing
through my cushioned lips as it glided round my mouth, our tongues
dancing together and entwining. I moaned into his open mouth, his spare
hand gripped a handful of my hair and tugged my head back so he had
better access to my mouth. Our kiss quickened, the heat was pulsing
through me, my sex pulsing with the need and want of being touched,
kissed, licked and filled.
His hand fell from my neck, moving down the side of my body as his
fingers trailed over the hem of the trench coat I was wearing. His coarse
fingertips drew soft and gentle circles on the exposed skin of my thigh.
Everything felt more intense, I wanted to burst from just having his fingers
on my burning skin.
The lift doors pinged open, a pang of disappointment coursing through
me. I don’t know why but I wanted to stay in there, I wanted him to take
I couldn’t even believe I was having these thoughts. I couldn’t
remember the last time I thought dirty thoughts like this.
I couldn’t remember the last time I had sex for lust and not for work.
With work there is no emotion, there is no chemistry. It is just sex. It’s just
money. It’s just work. I hated it. I would much rather spend my evenings
talking to Preston then sleeping with my clients whom I have no connection
I was ripped from my thoughts when Preston wrapped his hands around
my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed a girly squeal as he
walked me through the penthouse and straight into the lounge, dropping me
on the sofa. I panted, his eyes dark and hooded as he stared down at me.
“Don’t fucking move,” he growled as he turned and walked into the
kitchen area. I sat up slowly, waiting for him to return. I wasn’t alone long
when he came back with an ice bucket, champagne and strawberries.
He placed the bucket on the side and popped the cork before pouring
out two glasses.
“I don’t want fizz,” I frowned, scowling at him.
“Don’t sulk Sunshine, we’ve got all night…” He winked bringing the
glass to his lips and taking a mouthful. I mirrored him and took my own
mouthful. The bubbles slipped down my throat like silk. It was delicious.
I sunk the whole glass before putting it on the table next to me. Preston
smirked down at me.
“Stand up and take that pretty fucking coat off.” He ordered.
My legs were trembling as I stood, unwrapping my coat and throwing it
on the sofa behind me.
“That skirt is very short,” his eyes trailed up and down my body.
“Do you like it?”
“I do, very much but it will look so much better on my bedroom floor.”
I blushed. He placed his own glass down before he put his hand in the
ice bucket and grabbed a cube of ice. Popping it in his mouth he smirked at
me as he stepped towards me, pushing me gently so I fell back onto the
sofa. His hands gripped onto my thighs, his fingers digging into my skin
and marking me. He bent down, spreading my legs as his mouth lowered
over my hot skin. Popping the ice out between his lips he slowly trailed it
up my leg, starting at my ankle, moving up my calf and knee before he
glided it expertly across my thigh and towards my pussy. Just before he got
to where I wanted him, he popped the ice cube back into his mouth before
moving it over to the other thigh, this time starting at the top and moving it
down to my ankle.
Propping myself up on my elbow, I watched him as he grabbed another
bit of ice and popped it on his tongue. I quivered when I watched his tongue
wrap around the cube before it was resting back between his plump lips. He
trailed it over my thighs, the water dripping and running down the centre of
my legs. He edged closer, spreading my legs further apart as he pressed the
ice against my clit, the coldness making me gasp. If it was that cold through
material, it was going to be freezing against my skin.
“Keep still,” he muttered through the ice. His fingers hooked under my
thong as he slowly pulled it down my legs and off of my feet. He inhaled
them before dropping them to the floor next to him.
His hands gripped the top of my thighs, spreading them further apart so
he could dip his head between my legs. He held the ice against my clit as
one of his fingers pushed into me. My back arched as the pleasure ripped
through me. He glided the ice between my folds before popping it into my
opening as his tongue flicked over my clit. The coldness there felt strange
but the pleasure that took over any sensation I was feeling was too much.
“Oh fuck,” I panted as I watched him. His brown eyes found mine, as
his tongue slowly rubbed and circled over my swollen clit. I felt the melted
ice run out of me, his fingers pushing it back into me swirling my arousal
and the melted ice back inside.
“I am going to make you so sore, your tight little pussy isn’t ready for
me,” he moaned against my sensitive skin.
I let my head fall back, my legs began to tremble as his fingers slipped
in and out of me faster now, but his tongue kept its slow assault on my clit.
“I’m going to come,” I cried out, my head snapping forward as I
watched him make me come undone. My orgasm splintered through me,
sending me spiralling into oblivion. My whole body trembled as I rode out
the wave.
Slipping his finger out of me he sucked it clean. “I will never get
enough of your taste, so fucking sweet.”
I was spent. My skin glistened in sweat, my chest was rising and
dipping fast as I tried to catch my breath.
“I’m not finished with you yet,” he smirked down at me.
His hands were on my hips, pulling me down the sofa so I was closer to
“I’m going to fuck you, then I want you riding my cock.” His voice was
barely audible. He pulled his tee over his head then slipped his trousers
down and kicked them off.
Kneeling back down, he pulled me to the edge of the sofa so my bum
was resting on the edge. Grabbing his thick, hard cock, he lines it up at my
opening and teases me with the tip. Slowly edging himself into me.
“It’s too big,” I gasp, “it wont fit.” I feel myself tense.
“Open up baby, your sweet little cunt was made for me.” He purred.
My eyes fell to between our bodies, watching as he pushed a little more
inside of me.
He feels so good.
Little by little he edges in further until I feel him deep.
“You feel amazing, so fucking tight. The way your pussy is clenching
around my cock, fuck… I could come just like this.”
He pulled back, the tip of him sitting at my opening before he slammed
back into me hard and fast. His large hand wrapped round my throat as he
done it again, I smirked up at him ignoring the subtle burn from where he
had stretched me.
“Oh, my baby likes being fucked hard, does she?” he growled, repeating
what he done.
I smiled as he picked up the pace, his cock slipping in and out of me
with ease now. Propping myself up on my elbows, both of his hands were
gripping my thighs as he held them spread, his cock spearing in and out of
me. I could see him fucking me and I don’t think I have ever been so turned
on in all my life. My fingers glided down my body as I began rubbing and
circling over my clit. I couldn’t hold off anymore, the pressure was
building, my orgasm was teetering and watching how his thick cock filled
me to the hilt sent me over the edge.
“Shit,” I cried out, my whole body trembling as I felt the sweat cover
me. “Preston, please, don’t stop,” I begged as my fingers moved faster now,
my legs trembling as his grip tightened on my thighs.
I lifted my eyes from where our bodies were connected and met with
He growled, his body shaking as he came, filling me. My orgasm
crashed through me, crying out as he collapsed on top of me.
We both lay, trying to catch our breath. I was still dressed; he was
completely naked.
“You’re phenomenal.” He whispered as his hands cradled my face, his
lips pressing against mine softly.
“You done all the work,” I smirked as I leant up to kiss him once more.
Our conversation fell silent for a moment.
“Preston,” I whispered.
“Yes Sunshine?”
“I’ll do it…”
Chapter Eight

“Y ou will ?” I was shocked , I really didn ’ t think she would . I felt

weird having this conversation with her while my cock was still inside of
Snapping out of it, I picked my boxers from the floor and gave them to
her as I pulled out.
She held them between her legs as she slowly sat up.
“Sorry, I didn’t even think about a condom…” I furrowed my brow as I
rubbed the back of my head.
“Good job I don’t mind getting pregnant then,” her eyes widened as she
smiled at me.
“Are you sure about this Sky? It’s a big ask of me…”
She nodded, “I really am.”
I bent down, grabbing my trousers and tugging them up. “Let’s go get
cleaned up, then we can eat and discuss further,” I said softly as I leant
down to help her up. Holding onto my hand she stood looking all glowing
and dewy from her orgasm.
“Oh,” she said as she looked down then snapping her head up to look at
me, her cheeks reddening.
“What?” I asked, a hint of concern in my voice.
“Your cum is running down my leg.”
I groaned, my cock hardening instantly.
“You don’t realise how fucking hot that is.” I bit my bottom lip,
reaching for her and scooping her into my arms. “Fuck the clean-up, I need
you again.” I smirked as I walked her into the bedroom.
We sat on my bed, burgers and chips laid out in front of us as we ate
while in light chatter. She looked so pretty sitting there in just my tee. It
swamped her. She was so petite.
“This burger is amazing,” she nodded as she took another big bite,
moaning in appreciation. She had mayo escape, running down the corner of
her mouth. Leaning forward, I swiped it with my thumb before popping it in
my mouth and sucking it off.
She just stared at me. Her cheeks pinching with a red tinge. I loved
when she got embarrassed, I loved watching her cheeks flush.
Once we had finished, I leant back and reached for the contract draft out
of my drawer.
“I only got this back today, hence why it’s in my drawer and not in your
apartment.” Handing it to her, I pulled out the other copy so we could go
over it together.
“Okay, so there are certain bits that may need to be changed, depending
on the options you choose.” I looked at her, watching her read through the
contract. Her brows furrowed in places, her lips turned up as a smile would
cross her face and sometimes her facial expression was emotionless, she
wasn’t giving anything away.
I sat and waited as she flicked through the pages. I hated that we needed
a contract, but I had to cover my arse.
It was my baby.
This was my future, and I couldn’t risk letting anything fuck it up, not
even her. I trusted her whole-heartedly, but people can change in an instant.
She sighed, snapping her head up as the contract rested on her lap.
“So?” I asked, a little hesitant. Rubbing my fingers along the light
stubble on my chin.
“It’s a lot,” a small nervous laugh bubbling out of her
“I know,” I nodded, “but I have to cover every angle.”
She nodded as her eyes fell back to the contract, her fingers skimming
over the front page.
“I understand,” she whispered.
“So first question… egg doner or your own egg?” I asked gently, this
was a massive ask of her so I needed to tread cautiously.
“I want to say my egg, but I feel so confused.” She shook her head from
side to side as she fell back into the pillows.
“Why do you feel confused? Talk it out with me.” I lay back with her,
both of our eyes pinned to the ceiling.
“One half of me wants a baby, but I didn’t want it like this. I wanted to
be married, a new home, not escorting anymore…” She trailed off a
moment, the air thickening with tension and silence.
“I know, but you have given up escorting, sort of...” I said with
hesitance in my voice.
Her brows pinched. “And how’s that?”
“You’re not on their books anymore to be hired out, all your hours are
filled by me. I will pay you your hourly rate from this day forward until you
don’t want it anymore.”
Her mouth dropped open as her eyes widened in shock.
“Preston,” she gasped.
“I can’t have you continuing to work if you’re pregnant with my baby.”
She nodded.
She knew I was right.
Also, I didn’t want her fucking anyone else while she was carrying my
Just the thought alone made my stomach twist and knot as well as
consume me with a burning rage.
“So now it’s just the decision of a doner egg or my own.”
I nodded back at her.
The air grew thick, she sat picking at the skin on the side of her thumb.
She was anxious. I got it. I really did.
Leaning over, I brushed a loose strand of her blonde hair and tucked it
behind her ear. My eyes fell to her now closed ones, her breath caught as
my lips edged closer to her.
“Sleep on it, fuck, take a week if you need too. I’m all in Sky…” she
said nothing, just lifted her chin as if silently begging for me to kiss her, so I
did. My lips locked with hers before my tongue pushed through and swiped
against hers.
I could have kissed her all night, but she needed sleep.
“Go to sleep, petal.” I whispered against her lips, my hand cupping her
cheek as I kissed her forehead.
She said nothing, her fingers traced her bottom lip as her eyes burned
into mine.
I felt it.
I felt the pull.
But this was just a business transaction. Get her pregnant and hope to
God she wants nothing to do with it after.
Chapter Nine

O ne M onth L ater

It had been a month .

A month of me umming and ahhing over this choice. One minute I
wanted the baby to be mine, the next I wasn’t so sure.
I should have just signed the damn contract in my post sex haze, but no,
he had to take me to the bedroom and show me the contract with all the
scary legal shit.
I should have just signed the damn papers. The thought repeats over in
my head.
Laying on my bed, I focus on the ceiling above me.
How had I got into this mess? Oh yeah, I remember. I face palm myself
in agitation and call Harriet. I cannot make this decision on my own.
“Help meeeeee,” I groan down the phone. She didn’t need my shit on
top of her own shit that she was sorting out.
“Sky, I am going to say this as nicely as I can…” She sighed. “Just
fucking let the man impregnate you, carry his child, get your money and get
the fuck out of there.” Her voice boomed through the speaker of my phone.
“I don’t think I have ever heard you swear so much…” I whisper.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to snap, just having my own issues
over in wedding land.”
I sigh, instantly feeling guilty.
“Look, let me get this all sorted with Preston tonight then I will come
over, maid of honour duties, hit me with them. I am here to do whatever
you ask.”
The line went silent for a moment.
“Just don’t forget the wine and snacks,” her voice softer now before we
said goodbye.
Let’s just get this over with.
I carry the baby.
I won’t get attached.
Then we will part ways, for good.
Yeah, that’s the plan.
I dressed in a black, silk midi dress and black stiletto heels. My blonde
hair was in loose curls with two bits clipped back off my face. My make-up
was subtle and I finished my look with a red lipstick. Walking back into the
bathroom, I looked at the side of the sink at the stick that sat there, I was a
week late for my period. I swallowed the hard lump back down my throat as
I saw the plus sign.
We were having dinner with his parents again tonight. I didn’t want to
go, but needs must and this was most definitely a must.
Preston had been sweet and not once pushy, but I knew we were on a
time limit and my piss balling about was helping no one, but now I had the
answer he so desperately craved.
I needed to pull my big girl’s knickers up and just get on with it. Whilst
I was getting ready and waiting for Preston to collect me, I thought about
what I would do with the money he was going to give me. I knew I wanted
to sell this shit heap that I lived in, go back to college and do a night course
while still escorting to keep an income coming in. Once I had gotten
through night school, I would pack in my job and start afresh. Maybe Paris
or Milan, somewhere far away where I couldn’t be reminded of Preston and
what I had left behind. Because let’s face it, at the end of the day I was
potentially leaving my baby behind.
My stomach flipped and I felt nausea rip through me at the thought. My
hand subconsciously moving to my non-existent bump.
The front door buzzed, pulling me from my thoughts. Rushing quickly I
spritzed myself with my perfume and ran for the door. I didn’t need to ask
who it was, I knew it was him.
And honestly, if it wasn’t him, it would only be Harriet. I don’t have any
other friends apart from them two. How sad.
Locking up behind me I headed out the front to see Preston standing
kerbside waiting for me.
“You look stunningly divine as usual.” He grasped my hand, wrapping
his other arm around my waist and kissing me. I felt my skin erupt in
goosebumps, the fire deep inside my stomach igniting and filling me with
the want and desire that I needed from only him.
We hadn’t slept together since our little moment of weakness a month
ago. I needed a clear head around him and sleeping with him wasn’t going
to help.
He let me go, my legs felt like they would buckle but I managed to
stand tall as Guy, his driver, opened the door.
He was donning a black dinner suit, two buttons open at the top of his
white shirt. It was nice to see him not in a tie or bow tie. He looked casual
and delicious.
Preston slipped in and I followed behind him. We lost ourselves
amongst chatter, Preston spent most of the car journey asking questions
about why I wanted to be an interior designer, my reply? The same reason
you want to build and grow hotels. It’s a passion.
“I was thinking, if you’re ready, we can have dinner some place nice
then get the papers signed? I need to get the ball rolling Skylar, but please,
if you’re not ready for this then I need to know by tonight. I can’t wait
much longer,” a weak smile crept onto his face, and I could see the sadness
in his eyes.
“I told you I would do it. So yes, I’ll sign the papers.”
He clasped my hand, bringing the back of it to his lips as he pressed his
lips against the soft skin.
“You don’t understand how happy I am that it’s going to be you.”
I nibbled the inside of my lip, nodding through my own worries and
Pulling up at his parents, Preston helped me out of the car and led me
into the house.
His mum was a lot more welcoming this time, but his father was still a
cold, hard faced man.
I didn’t like him much but would be polite for Preston’s sake.
“Skylar, so nice to see you again,” I could hear the venom that laced his
voice, his small seedy eyes dragging up and down my body. He was like a
venomous snake; one shot of his venom and I would be writhing in pain
and dead within seconds.
He hated me. I could feel it.
But I didn’t care.
Preston wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side
as his lips buried into my hair.
“Baby, go get us a drink.”
“Okay,” I breathed, turning my head to look up at him, his eyes
glistening as his lips covered mine. In that moment, I didn’t want to be here
anymore. I wanted to be at home with him, alone and in his arms.
His hand skimmed down the small of my back before giving me a
gentle tap on my bum cheek.
“Drinks,” he muttered.
“Drinks,” I repeated, turning on my heel and heading for the bar that sat
at the back of the house.
It took me a little longer to work out where I was going, my memory
wasn’t great and this house was just too big.
I ordered one scotch on the rocks, neat and a tonic and lime for me. I
made my way back to the function room. I could hear Preston’s voice
bellowing before I had even got to him.
“I don’t care whether you don’t approve father, I am with Skylar.” I
stood still in my tracks, not wanting to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help it. I
knew I should walk away; I knew it was wrong of me yet I couldn’t force
my legs to move.
My heart fluttered at his words. He was with me. I felt my heart warm
and glow at his admission, even if it was for show, it still made my heart
But my subconscious soon reminded me that he was only with me
because of the baby and more importantly because of his money and legacy.
His father let out a deep laugh, it wasn’t a joyous laugh, no. It was an
evil, menacing laugh.
“Give me a little credit son, Skylar doesn’t work for the Hyton’s hotel,
nor has she ever worked there. I think you forget, you stupid, little boy that
I know everything.” He goaded Preston.
“Oh really, where does she work then?”
“You tell me, seeing as you’re the one that lied.” He hissed.
“Preston,” his mother’s tame voice asked, “is this true?”
“You don’t know shit,” Preston scoffed. “She is from the Hyton Group.”
“Bullshit!” his father’s rage filled the already hostile room.
“Is she screwing you for money? Is that it? Are you paying her to be
your girlfriend, because I know Preston, I know what you’re up to.”
“So you keep saying.” Preston argued back and I could just imagine him
rolling his eyes in annoyance.
The room fell silent for a moment.
“TELL ME!” His father screamed which made me jump, spilling some
of my drink down me. Shit.
Preston’s voice was low and tight as he said the next words that
shattered me completely.
“Okay, sure, she doesn’t work for Hyton, she doesn’t work for anyone
in our world.” He stopped for a moment. “She is a fucking whore. A high
class whore, who I am going to be paying to carry your next grandchild and
the heir of this business. And you know why I’m choosing her?” he didn’t
give his father a chance to answer. “To fucking spite you, because of how
it’ll make you feel knowing that a prostitute will be carrying your blood.”
Preston’s hate and venom seeped from his mouth, his tongue laced with
those hurtful words. I blinked back the sting that was pricking at the back of
my eyes.
I only came back round from my humiliation and shock when I heard
two crystal tumblers smash on the floor.
I shook my head, snapping out of my embarrassment as I strolled into
the large, stately function room.
“I was going to wait till we were alone tonight, but after hearing your
admissions Preston, I thought it would be best to tell you, and what a
perfect time it is in front of your parents.”
My eyes were steady on a flushed cheek, wide-eyed, gawping Preston
as I closed the gap between us. I had never felt so far away from him than I
did now.
His father looked like he was about to drop to the floor from a heart
“Sky… I… I…” Preston stammered over his words. I held my hand up
to stop his poor attempt at speaking.
“I don’t want to hear it,” I snapped, my eyes narrowing. “But you’ll be
pleased to know that this little whore,” I stopped for a moment, ignoring the
burn in my throat, the sting in my eyes from the tears that were teetering on
my lashes ready to fall and ignoring the sound of my heart cracking. “Is
pregnant with your child, Preston. Congratulations.” I just about managed
to finish my sentence before turning on my heel and rushing for the door.
As soon as I was out in the brisk, fresh night air I let the tears fall.
Jumping in Preston’s car, I made Guy drive me to Harriet’s and promise
not to tell Preston where I had gone.
I had never been made to feel as cheap and worthless as he made me
feel tonight.
Even the men that used me just for sex and made me cry had never
made me feel like Preston did tonight.
He made me feel like the whore I really was.
I spent a week at Harriet’s. I couldn’t bear to go home and risk him
coming to find me. I kept my phone turned off and just tried to focus on the
here and now. I had an appointment at his office this afternoon to sign the
contract, part of me wanted to not show and just hide away, take the baby
from him and fuck him over just to hurt him like he hurt me. But I couldn’t
do it, I wasn’t that sort of girl. I agreed to have the baby for him. Not for
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay? Do you want me to come with
you?” Harriet asked as she bounced from foot to foot.
“I’ll be fine, I just need to get this part of it done and then I can focus on
getting the next eight months out the way.” I nodded, wrapping my arms
around Harriet before stepping back. I could see the worry and concern on
her face but she needn’t be worried. “Honestly, I’ll be okay.” I smiled.
Stilling outside The Sauvage Hotel, I inhaled deeply before swallowing
the bile that was creeping up my throat. It didn’t help that morning sickness
was kicking my arse. I was just four weeks pregnant. My boobs hurt all the
time, I was bloated and the sickness was exhausting. I close my eyes for a
moment before pushing through the turnstile doors and head for the
conference room that is next to Preston’s penthouse.
Wrapping my fingers around the door handle, I exhale a slow, long
breath and open the door. His deep brown eyes connect with mine and I feel
the rush of feelings consume me, but they’re soon extinguished when the
sickening feeling creeps over me at the nasty words he spat at his parents
about me. I will never forgive him for that. The words are etched on my
brain forever, scarring me.
“Skylar,” his voice was cautious his eyes pinned on me the whole time.
“Stop, let me just sign the contract,” I sigh, walking over to the table
and I let my eyes wander over. Seeing both our names and I scoff. I hear
him inhale deeply, sucking in a breath. My eyes find his once more and I
can’t deny the ache that crushes me.
“Just sign the damn contract,” his voice splinters through me, anger
misting my eyes. Tightening my grip round the tip of the pen I scribble my
signature on the dotted line then throw the pen across the conference table
in temper.
I push past Preston after signing the contract, his fingers wrapped round
my wrist as he pulled me back to face him. My body pressed against his as
his fingers still clung tightly to my wrist.
“Don’t.” I shake my head before I let him see my eyes, I want him to
see the windows to my soul and lay everything bare for him to see.
His eyes glistened; his jaw clenched as he held his tongue.
“You got what you wanted, let’s not make this anymore awkward than it
needs to be,” I whispered, prying his hands off me and walking out the
It was done.
Eight months. That’s all it was.
Eight, long months.
And once it was done. I was out.
Chapter Ten

T he night after I signed the contract , I spent the whole evening

crying until I had no tears left to cry. The following morning, my eyes felt
like they had grit inside of them. I was robbed of sleep and I finally gave up
at five a.m. I lay in bed and let the last couple of weeks play on repeat in
my head. How had I got here?
Sighing, I threw my hands into the duvet before throwing the covers
back and washing the restless night off me. When I was up, I sat with a
glass of water because everything I wanted turned my stomach making my
nausea roll through my stomach, I told myself that I needed to make my
new life better. I was pregnant, it wasn’t ideal. The plan was to stay with
Preston and when I had the baby we were going to part ways. But now, I
felt alone. I could easily be a bitch and take this away from Preston but I
just couldn’t do it. It was his baby too, I didn’t want our child to grow up
without his father. After my little pep talk, I plugged my phone in and put
my playlist on. This is what I needed. I needed to swallow down the nausea
and the heartache that was consuming me and lost myself for a couple of
I didn’t get much cleaning done, I spent the majority of the morning
with my head down the toilet. I sat back on the sofa, completely exhausted.
I was agitated. I wasn’t allowed to work, Preston continued to pay me, but it
felt wrong. Of course, he was only doing it because he didn’t want me
seeing any of my clients. Selfish bastard.
Drumming my fingers on the arm of my sofa, I sighed heavily. It had
been four weeks since I found out I was pregnant, the nausea had
unfortunately kicked in, but it wasn’t just morning sickness it was all day
sickness. The thought of food hitting my stomach made me dry heave at
just the thought. I was living off bottles of coke, cups of tea and dry
crackers because that was the only thing that didn’t make me throw up. The
buzzer rang through the flat, I tipped my head back and groaned. I didn’t
want to get up. I was too tired. It buzzed again. Pushing off the sofa, I
caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My dirty blonde hair was dragged
into a greasy bun on my head. My once glowing skin was washed out and
dry. My eye bags were dug deep into my skin, dark and hollow. Sleep just
didn’t come, and when it did it was plagued with Preston’s vicious words.
He wasn’t wrong, I was a high-class hooker. But I didn’t expect it from
him. He was the only one who made me respect myself and feel better
about myself but he ripped me down, my walls guarding me once more and
now I saw him just like the others. A client.
A business transaction.
He wasn’t my friend anymore.
Pressing the button for the door release, I heard Harriet mumble.
“About time, I’m freezing my butt off out here.”
I smirked. Opening the flat door and leaving it open, I turned on my
heel and flicked the kettle on.
“What was you doing?” she groaned as she dropped her bags and
wedding folders on the floor.
“Having a poo,” I laughed, shaking my head.
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” her voice was soft as she wrapped her arms
around me for a cuddle.
“Nah, I was just sitting on the sofa. This child just wants to make me
sick all the God, damn time.” I rubbed my flat stomach before I lifted the
kettle and filled two cups before adding the milk.
“How are you feeling now, you know… about everything?” she said
cautiously, tiptoeing round the conversation as we both walked towards the
“Fine, I’m fine.” I nodded, taking a mouthful of my tea.
Harriet’s brows furrowed as her eyes narrowed on me while she took
her own sip of her tea.
“I don’t believe you,” she chimed.
“Then don’t believe me, but I am telling you I am fine.”
She nodded before rolling her eyes.
“Anyway, enough about little old me, what do we need to do for the
“Glad you asked,” she smiled, placing her tea down on the messy coffee
table. Her brows sat high in her forehead for a moment before she looked
round the flat.
“I know, it’s a mess… I haven’t had the energy.”
“Want me to help?” she asked.
“No! I’ll do it tomorrow, I have no other plans except from sit here and
fester, so now, go and get your folders. I want to see what is left to do!”
She gave me a warm smile, then turned to get her bags and her folders.
She plopped herself back down next to me, opening the folder and running
through the list.
“Okay, so we need to look at maybe getting you a different dress,
because you’re going to have quite a bump in six months.”
“But I like the dress,” I pouted, crossing my arms across my chest.
“I like the dress too, but we need to be sensible. So have a look through
these magazines and see what you like.” She smiled.
An hour had passed and the dress was picked. Instead of a fitted
sweetheart neck fishtail style, I had chosen a cuffed shoulder dress with a
flowing skirt in a sage green.
“Okay, so maid of honour duty, can you make sure everyone has
RSVP’d to the hen do? I don’t want to be a lonely bride with just you
there…” she winced, “no offence.”
“None taken,” I smiled. Harriet had organised it all by herself. We were
having cocktails in a classy bar in London, then for dinner before going to
see a male strip show which I for one was really looking forward too.
Magic Mike eat your heart out.
“But yes, I will sort it.” I smiled before standing and re-filling the kettle
with water.
“I can’t stay hun, I’ve got to go and sort suits for the groom’s party.”
I sighed. I saw the sadness in her eyes and the guilt that consumed her
in that moment. “I’ll see if I can meet them there…” she trailed off fishing
for her phone in her bag.
“It’s fine, honestly. Go and do wedding stuff. I’ll call you later.” I
smiled weakly as she gave me a ‘are you sure?’ look. I nodded, answering
her silent question. She nodded back, turning and seeing herself out. Once
she was gone, I cried.
I woke from my sleep to my phone buzzing , turning over I grabbed
my phone and saw Preston’s name.
I answered.
“What?” I groaned. I was groggy and miserable.
“Hey my little peach, how are you feeling?”
“Tired. What do you want Preston?”
“I want to see you.”
“Well, I don’t want to see you.” Huffing, I rolled over in my bed,
tugging the duvet over my head.
“Too bad, I am outside.”
“Fuck sake,” I muttered under my breath as I cut the phone off. Pulling
myself out of bed, I padded heavy footed over to the door, swinging it open
to see a pleased Preston holding bags of shopping.
I didn’t say two words to him, just turned on my heel and walked into
the flat. I heard the bags hit the countertop as I slumped on the sofa, pulling
the throw over me.
“Are you going to talk to me?” He asked, both hands fisted deep into his
pockets as he stepped cautiously over to me. I had to fight the urge to look
at his stupid, handsome face because I would forget what happened and
welcome him with open arms.
“Are you sorry for calling me a whore?” I spat the disgusting words out,
shaking my head as I felt my anger begin to rise.
He said nothing, just dropped his head in shame.
“Didn’t think so,” I turned to look at him quickly. His shoulders
slumped, the toe of his expensive shoes kicking into the hardwood floor.
“Just go, Preston. I am over this.” I sounded exasperated. It was because
I was. I was over it. The little slither of hope that I had for me and Preston
when I said I would carry his child, our child had wilted away to nothing.
We could have been a family; we could have made it work but now he
disgusted me. If I wasn’t pregnant already, I would have told him to shove
his contract and his money up his arse.
“We don’t need to be friends; you don’t need to turn up at my house like
the doting father and boyfriend. You just need to be there for the
appointments, that’s all I ask and need of you. So go back to your life, your
apartment and whatever you used to get up to before you came and derailed
my life.” I sighed, my throat tight as the burning lump wedged itself there. I
swallowed hard, but it didn’t ease the pain or the feeling. The tears stung
behind my eyes as they pricked but I wouldn’t let them fall, not in front of
Preston anyway.
“Just go,” my voice trembled, I begged him. I didn’t want him here.
Because every time I looked at him or felt the buzz he gives me when he is
near is too much to bear. All I hear when he opens his mouth are his
lashings of vicious words.
I didn’t dare look up, I just listened and waited for him to leave.
And he did.
The flat door closed and as soon as I knew I was alone, hot tears rolled
down my cheeks.
Chapter Eleven

P ulling my phone from my bag , I looked at the time .

“Oh, shit. Harriet I’ve got to go!” I rushed out, my eyes widening as I
pushed away from the table.
“Is it scan time!?”
I nodded, pulling my bag over my shoulder.
“Is he who shall not be named going to be there?”
I shrugged, “I emailed him a few weeks ago with the date and time but
who knows.”
“You’ve not heard from him?” she asked as her brows furrowed.
“Not a peep, but honestly, I am fine. It’s good for me.”
She didn’t look convinced.
“I’m sorry, I’ll call you shortly. I really have to go.”
“It’s fine, go. I’ll just cry into my wine as I try and sort the table plan
out.” She smirked as she shooed me away.
“I’ll be back soon, you’ve got this. We have five months till the
wedding, plenty of time.” I smiled, rushing for her front door and onto the
The summer weather was finally making an appearance, the trees and
flowers were full bloom and the sun was beating down on my skin. Today
was a good day.
I sat in the waiting room of the private doctor’s surgery, of course
Preston couldn’t just go to a normal hospital. I flicked through the baby
magazines more out of boredom. I didn’t want to get attached. As soon as
this baby was born, I was gone. I keep that thought in mind in hopes I’ll
believe it when it comes to it.
My skin began to prickle, my palms a little sweaty at the thought of me
having to go in alone. He would show, of course he would. This is his baby.
This is what he wanted, what he needed to be able to carry on.
I saw a young male doctor come out, his brown hair was glossy and
pushed away from his face, his arms were toned and sculpted as the sleeves
of his white doctor coat were rolled up around his elbows. His cool, green
eyes dance with mine and I feel my heart flutter in my chest.
“Skylar?” he calls out and I spring from my chair, I begin to walk
towards him when I hear the doctor’s office door swing open. And there he
Mr tall, dark and incredibly fucking handsome wearing one of his
signature suits.
I felt doctor dreamy look over at a slightly out of breath Preston before
looking back at me.
Oh shit, he thinks we’re dating.
“I’m here, sorry…” Preston breathed as he began to walk beside me.
“Shame was hoping you would have missed it,” I spat, tsking as I did
and smiling at the doctor. “He isn’t my boyfriend or anything, I’m just
carrying his baby.” I smiled but not before giving Preston a filthy look over
my shoulder.
Take that.
I felt Preston’s eyes burn into the back of my head, but I didn’t care. I
was going to make him feel how he did me. I am going to make his life hell.
If he thought I would bend over backwards and let him back into my
life, then he was wrong.
We might be tied by blood and DNA but that’s the only ties there is.
“First off, I am Doctor Spencer.” His lips tugged on either side.
“Nice to meet you,” I gave him a wide grin.
“Okay, lay down Skylar, let’s get this scan done and check the baby,”
doctor hottie smiled at me.
I did as he asked, lifting my t-shirt up and waiting for him to put the gel
on my stomach. I heard Preston growl as Dr Spencer’s hands moved over
my stomach as he felt softly.
“So how many weeks do you think you are?” he asked as he grabbed
the probe and turned the screen on.
“Around ten, eleven I suppose.” My mind drifting back to the one night
of passion me and Preston had. I thought that it was it for us, that we would
ride off into the sunset on the back of a white horse ready to begin our
happily ever after.
But they don’t exist.
I am proof of that.
“Perfect,” he smiled at me before shaking the gel bottle once with force,
“this may be a little cold.”
I smiled back at him and I felt the warmth flush to my cheeks. Preston
coughed and cleared his throat.
“Are you choking?” I spun my head to face him, false concern lacing
my voice.
“Nope, just wondered whether you forgot that I was still here.” His
voice was low and gruff, he was pissed off. I wanted him to be pissed off.
He fucked this up for both of us. Yes, I was being petty by flirting with the
doctor in front of him, but I was only doing it because I knew it would get a
rise out of him and that’s what I wanted. I wanted him to know how angry
and betrayed I felt by him, how cheap and worthless he made me feel when
I overheard the conversation that he had with his father. Yes, I was a whore.
I never claimed not to be, but to hear it with such vicious venom coming
out of the mouth of the guy that has made love to you, claiming you heart,
body and soul, well… it fucking hurts.
“Didn’t forget.” I smirked, turning to face the doctor. He pressed the
probe onto my stomach, silence filled the room as he studied the screen.
“Aha, here we go.” The once silent room is now filled with a train like
thumping that is echoing round the room. “You’re measuring bang on ten
and a half weeks, congratulations to you both.” I didn’t miss the Doctor’s
coy tone, his side look to Preston every three seconds or his extra touchy
hands that rubbed and stroked my hand or arm at any given moment.
“If you go out to reception when you’re ready, we will get your next
scan booked and also take you down for your bloods.”
I felt my face pale, my palms instantly clammy.
“Bloods?” I stammered, grabbing the tissue from him and wiping the
excess gel off before hopping off the bed and pulling my top down.
“Yes,” Doctor Spencer looked at me confused.
I didn’t say anything, I was trying so hard to concentrate on my
breathing and not hyperventilate and pass out.
“You have to have bloods to make sure that you and the baby are okay,
they literally take five minutes if that.” He stood from his desk and grabbed
our paperwork before leading me to the door and back into the light and
bright waiting area. The large, square room had floor to ceiling beautiful
sash windows. The surgery was a converted old Victorian town house, the
character sung from the walls, all the original coving still intact. In every
corner there was a plant of some sort. I can’t keep plants alive. I felt my
chest begin to rise faster now.
I froze as Doctor Spencer gave the receptionist my files and muttered
softly to her, both of their eyes on me.
“It was lovely meeting you Skylar, I will call you in a couple of days
when I have your blood results.”
I nodded. I couldn’t speak.
I hated needles, the fear that was pumping through my blood now was
making my heart race and my head light.
“I’m going to go…” Preston’s soft voice pulled me from my thoughts, I
reached out and grabbed his hands shaking my head from side to side,
silently begging and pleading for him not to go.
He turned his upper body back round to face me, his eyes falling to
where my fingers were digging into him before our eyes met.
“What’s wrong…?” he whispered.
“Don’t go,” I whispered back, my throat tight and constricted.
He didn’t say anything, just nodded and slipped his fingers through
mine as he led me towards the lift.
I was sitting in the leather recliner chair as the nurse began prepping the
needle. I felt the tears begin to prick behind my eyes, the lump in my throat
thick and burning.
“Sky…” Preston moved towards me, scooping my hand in his. “What’s
“I don’t like this…” my eyes moved to where the needle was sitting in a
cardboard dish before I turned back to Preston.
“Oh baby, I know, they’re not nice but you need them done so they can
make sure you’re okay.” His fingers squeezed round my hand before his
thumb brushed against the back of it.
The nurse edged towards me as I froze.
“It won’t hurt,” the young nurse smiled at me.
“Can you just tell me when you’re going to do it.” My voice low and
“Surely that’ll make it worse,” she said, “would you rather not me just
do it?” her tone was clipped.
“No, she asked you to let her know when you’re doing it.” Preston
answered before I had a choice, his voice a grumble.
She didn’t say anything, just nodded.
“Okay, Skylar… I’m doing it now.” Her voice was cool and calm, I felt
a small scratch on my arm. I turned to give Preston a thankful look and
that’s all I remembered before I passed out.
“Sky, baby…” I heard Preston’s voice, my eyes were closed, my mind
“Pres?” I cooed, my eyes fluttering open as the bright white of the room
made my eyes hurt.
“Shit, are you okay?” I could hear the concern in his voice, my eyes
closing for a moment before I opened them again. I tried to sit up but
Preston shook his head from side to side, his fingers brushing away the hair
from my face.
“Take it easy, just give yourself a minute or two.”
I sighed, letting my eyes close. I inhaled deeply, letting the air flow
through my lungs. It felt good to fill my lungs with fresh air.
“I’m fine,” I reassured him. I sat up slowly, swinging my legs over the
side of the bed. My head spun, making my eyes feel like they were moving
too quickly for me to focus. Pressing my hand to my head, I stilled.
I heard the chair scrape on the tiles of the hospital floor as Preston was
up and next to me.
“Honestly,” I warned him, my eyes narrowing on his, “I am fine.” I
snapped as I jumped off the bed.
He didn’t say a word, he just followed. He stayed close, but not close
enough that I felt my heart beat race, my skin prickle in goosebumps and
my breath catch. The constant pull that I feel from him was unbearable, but
at the distance he was it felt just right. I could deal with that. I could breathe
easier knowing that he was just behind me. As soon as I was out in the fresh
air, I stilled. Closing my eyes and letting my head tip back to feel the
beating warm sun on my face.
He stood beside me. Our fingers close to touching but not close enough
for it to happen.
“So, fear of needles huh,” I feel his eyes burning into the side of my
head. I try not to, but I give in to temptation. Turning to face him I see his
lips twisting into a smirk.
“You could say that, yes,” my tone is clipped. I want to be myself
around him, like the way it was before he hurt me. He can apologise all he
wants; it won’t change anything.
Chapter Twelve

I sat in my office staring out the window ; I felt hazy . I couldn ’ t

get the scenario of what happened between Sky and me out of my head. I
can’t believe I let my father push my buttons to the point I reacted the way I
did. I wasn’t this guy. I wasn’t an arsehole. I didn’t make girls feel like shit
about themselves, yet I made the one person I trusted and actually like, feel
like no more than dog shit on the bottom of my shoe.
My father knew what he was doing, he was provoking me knowing I
was going to react. And react I did. All I saw was red, I was so fucking
angry, and I couldn’t bite my tongue. I knew I had crossed the line as soon
as the words slipped out of my mouth. They tasted venomous on my
tongue. But I still said it. I felt remorse, I felt sick to my stomach at my
betrayal. How could I have done that to her? I had no clue how to make it
right, how to make it better. I apologised, fuck have I apologised but it was
no good. I have debated sending her a gift or flowers but knowing Skylar,
she would cut the fucking heads off of them and send them back to me.
I sighed, spinning back round in my chair. The office door opened, and I
saw Tabitha walking towards me.
“Sis,” I smiled, standing from my desk and pushing my button through
my jacket.
“Bro,” she winked as we embraced, I kissed her softly on her cheek
before walking over to the drink counter and pushing a button on my coffee
“Please,” she nodded, pulling the chair out and sitting down, plopping
her folders on my desk.
Filling both of the short coffee cups, I turned and headed back towards
my desk. Handing one to Tabitha, before sitting back in my desk chair.
“So, what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked as I took a sip of the bitter
“I have the plans for the Abu Dhabi hotel, thought you would want to
see them and sign them off,” her brows pinged high.
“Tabitha,” my own brows sat high in my forehead, causing a crease.
Rubbing my chin with my hand I couldn’t hold my smirk.
“When have you ever wanted me to sign something off?”
Her cheeks blushed.
“Exactly,” I laughed as I pushed back in my chair. “What do you want?
And I mean that in the nicest possible way.”
She rolled her eyes.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay, and well, if Skylar was okay
I sighed, letting my head fall forward for a moment.
“I’m okay, wracked with guilt and a knot the size of a football in my
stomach but I am as good as I can be.” I shrugged my shoulders up.
She gave me a weak smile, her hand reaching over and stroking the
back of mine before giving it a gentle squeeze.
“And Sky…?” she said with hesitancy at her shortening her name.
“Sky is well… Sky”
“Meaning she is fucked off with me and only checking in with me when
it’s something to do with the baby.”
“And you want…?”
“I want her to forgive me, I like her, like really like her and I’ve fucked
it up. Any chance I had of something with her is gone.”
I heard Tabitha sigh, her ring tapping on the glass of her coffee cup. Her
red lips twisted round before she rolled them, a tell-tale sign her brain was
ticking away.
“What is it?” I asked a little abruptly. I knew her too well.
“Is she…?”
“Is she….?” I mimicked her.
“You know… a…?”
I knew what she wanted to ask.
“Yes. But not like you’re thinking.” I nibbled the inside of my lip.
“What do you mean?”
“She isn’t a whore. She is a high end escort. I never slept with her while
I was her client. I used to go and talk to her, she was better than any
therapist I had.”
“Dad knew what he was doing, it’s like he doesn’t want me to have the
hotels. He is looking for anything to get me out, well, it’s too late because
she is pregnant and that was the condition.”
Tabitha stayed silent. Her eyes fell to her lap as she picked the skin
round her perfectly manicured nails.
“Tab…” I growled; I felt my blood begin to boil.
“He is still saying he isn’t giving you the hotels.”
“What?” I snapped, standing from the desk and slamming my hands
down on it hard making her jump at the noise that echoed around my large,
minimalistic office.
“He said he won’t have any grandson of his associated with a hooker;
that you are bringing shame to the Sauvage name and if you bring the baby
up then you’ve lost your right to the business… to the family…”
“Are you saying what I think you are?” I asked, my voice trembling.
“You’ll be cut off.”
Chapter Thirteen

I t had been two weeks since I had seen P reston . T wo weeks since my
He hadn’t been near me. No messages, no calls.
But then why would he? He had everything he needed. He knew my
appointments, but yet for some reason, silly old me thought he would still
be here.
He isn’t interested in me, I knew that. The hot as fuck sex was pure lust.
Months of just talking and nothing more grew into tension. We made sure
we fucked the tension out of our friendship and now here we were.
I was pregnant and alone.
He was no doubt out dating or fucking another whore.
I felt my stomach roll with nausea.
My phone vibrates on the coffee table, I sigh reluctantly as I move
forward and check the screen. My brows pull when I see a number I don’t
“Hello,” I say quietly.
“Skylar? It’s Dr Spencer, is now a good time to speak?” his voice is
“Oh, hi. Yes, yes of course. Is everything okay?” my heart thumped in
my chest. The fear that something had come up on my bloodwork spiking
my anxiety.
“Yes, it’s all fine. Your bloods are good, I would recommend to
continue taking your pre-natal vitamins.”
I sighed, relieved and nodded like he was sitting here.
“Okay, that’s fine.” I smiled into the phone.
The line crackled with silence for a moment before he began to speak
“Please pardon my manners here, and I apologise if this comes across
rude in any way…” he trailed off.
“Go on.”
“Well, I was wondering if I could take you for dinner? I know you told
me that the guy at your scan wasn’t your boyfriend, but I needed to ask.”
I blushed, my heart skipping a beat.
“He isn’t my boyfriend, no. There is nothing going on between me and
Preston romantically…” I stopped for a moment, the realisation sinking in,
“there is nothing between me and Preston at all anymore, the only thing we
have between us is this baby.”
The line fell quiet again.
“And yes, I would love to go for dinner,” I beamed.
“Oh, excellent. Tonight okay?”
“Let me just check my diary.” I lied. Of course, it was fine. I had no
plans. The only person I had plans with was Harriet but she was away this
weekend at the venue tasting the wine for her wedding.
“Yup, tonight is perfect.”
“Okay, perfect. I’ll get you at seven, is that okay?”
“Seven is fine,” my tone was curt and clipped. I didn’t mean for it to be,
but it was just another punch in the gut, making me remember what Preston
put me through. Dr Spencer was handsome, sweet and kind and yet I was
pining over someone who saw me as nothing more than a prostitute.
“Okay, I’ll see you at seven. Bye Skylar.”
“Bye…” I trailed off, I didn’t know his first name.
“Bye Aiden, see you at seven.”
The phone went dead before the panic set in.
Fuck it.
I text Harriet in a rush.

Me: I have a date tonight!! Help!?

She replied instantly.

Harriet: Ooo, a date with who?? Is it your baby daddy?

I rolled my eyes.

Me: No! It’s with the hot doctor from my scan. What do I wear?!

The three dots appeared.

Harriet: Where are you going?

My eyes widened.

Me: I have no idea. Two minutes.

I come out the screen of my message to Harriet and message the number
that Aiden called me from.

Me: Hi Aiden, it’s Skylar. Sorry for messaging, but where are we
going tonight? Just so I know what to wear. X

He replies almost instantly.

Aiden: Smart casual. Can’t wait to see you.

My heart thumps as I find Harriet’s name again.

Me: Smart casual!?

Harriet: Dress. Wear a dress, a little pair of heels and curl your

“Okay, I can do that. I have loads of nice clothes and shoes. It’s fine.” I
said out loud to the empty flat. Quickly glancing at the time, I exhaled
slowly. I had two hours. Two hours to not panic, two hours to decide what
to wear, two hours before a proper date. A date where no one was paying
me for my time. A date where they actually wanted to take me out instead
of using me for sex.
I run for the bedroom and take one look at myself in the mirror. Jesus, I
needed a shower.
Once I was washed, shaven and moisturised I stared at my wardrobe. I
had no clue what to wear. Was a dress to eager? Would it show I was easy?
No, no of course not.
Loads of girls wear dresses for dates.
I dropped my towel and looked at my little belly that had begun to pop,
or it could just be bloat. Either way, it was making me conscious. I didn’t
want to wear anything too tight, too restricting because as soon as I eat it’ll
Ignoring the niggling in my brain that is my subconscious, I grab a thigh
length black tube dress. Sure, it’s tight, but it fits nice. Slipping it on, I turn
to the side, trying to hold my stomach in before letting it out. Pointless. My
little bloat pouch will be seen. It’s not like my pregnancy is a secret to him.
I slipped my feet into chunky heeled boots and brush the ends of my
hair out. I looked so dull and washed out, the sickness was still so fierce in
the morning.
Puffing out my cheeks I sit on my bed and drop the contents of my
make-up bag on the duvet. I layer foundation, highlighter and brush bronzer
on my cheek bones and finish off with a flick of mascara. I didn’t fancy
doing my lipstick, just smudged clear lip balm over them to stop them from
getting dry.
I calmed myself down, I felt like I was sweating. I probably was
I swallowed, trying to coat my throat in anything other than dryness. I
looked at the clock, I had five minutes. All I wanted to do right now to calm
my nerves was to down a glass of wine. You know, Dutch courage and all
It’s fine.
It’ll be fine.
I paced up and down the floor of the small flat, my heart racing ten to
the dozen. I honestly felt like it was skipping beats in my chest which was
causing me to feel breathless.
Jumping when the buzzer sounded through the flat, I rushed over,
pushing the intercom and answering.
“Who is it?” I said in my calmest voice. I didn’t need Dr McHottie to
know that I was a nervous ball of energy on the inside.
“Sunshine.” His delicious, deep hum of a voice sent butterflies straight
to my core.
My blood ran cold, no, no no.
“You can’t be here. Go.” I snapped.
“Let me up Skylar.”
“No,” I shook my head.
“Oh, thank you kind sir,” I heard Preston’s voice slip away before the
click of the communal door shutting.
I rushed around the flat, but I don’t know why.
Shit, shit, double shit.
Aiden will be here any minute, and fucking Preston is outside my door.
I still when there is a gentle tap on the door, I rush over looking through
the peep hole already knowing who it is.
Slipping the chain across the door, I open it slightly so he can’t force his
way in. Not that I think he would but I would rather him be that side of the
“What do you want?” I say through a strained smile, my heart
constricting and thumping hard against my ribcage as if she was trying to
escape to get to the man who had a hold on her.
“I wanted to come and see you, it’s been a while, and well… I miss
I want to lunge myself at him, smash my lips into his and let him show
me just how much he misses me but I can’t.
“You lost the right to miss me.” I snarl, the bitter side of myself rising,
my walls growing higher by the minute.
“Shut up.” I snap, “You don’t get to call me that anymore.” My
hormones raging, my temper flying. I slam the door shut, spinning and
pressing my back against the door. I needed a minute.
The door buzzed again.
Pressing the button, I stayed quiet for a moment.
“Skylar?” I heard Aiden’s voice come through the speaker.
“Yeah, come up,” I stammer before letting go of the button. I grab my
bag and turn for the door.
It didn’t matter what I done, because either way Preston was going to
see me going out with the doctor whether I liked it or not.
Slipping the chain across and letting it hang down on the back of the
door, I reached for the door handle and inhaled deeply, holding my breath
before swinging the door open.
My eyes locked with a clenched jaw Preston, his head turned and his
eyes narrowed and pinned to—I’m guessing— a just as shocked Aiden.
I step over the threshold, closing the door behind me softly and locking
I turn to see Aiden standing on the second step, his fingers wrapped
around the stair rail.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Preston roared, spinning his head
round to look at me again.
“I’m taking her out,” Aiden piped out.
“Like fuck you are.” Preston growled, reaching for my arm and pulling
me into him.
“Preston, let me go.” I plead.
“No,” he shook his head. His grip tightening on the top of my arm.
This was not happening.
“Preston… please, you’re hurting me.” He instantly let go, looking
down at me so I could see the pain in his eyes.
“I have to go…” I whispered, stepping away from him and towards a
smirking Aiden.
“You look beautiful,” his voice was quiet, but not quiet enough for
Preston not to hear. All I could do was smile.
Once at the bottom of the steps, I looked back to see Preston just
standing there, defeated.
If I didn’t know better I’d think I had broken him.

“I thought you said nothing was going on between you and

Preston,” Aiden said as he cut into his rare steak. I clenched my teeth
together, taking deep breaths through my nose to try and ride the nausea
out. I couldn’t stand the smell of steak or the smell of the oil and fat that it
was cooked in at the moment.
“There isn’t,” I gritted out, reaching for my water and taking a big
“Didn’t seem that way earlier,” he licked his lips as he took a mouthful
of his own water.
I nodded, trying to do anything to distract me from the smell that was
invading me, but it was no use, my stomach rolled and I knew I couldn’t
hold it in anymore.
“Please excuse me,” I rushed out, pushing up from the table and running
through the busy restaurant. As soon as I pushed through the door of the
ladies toilets, I hunched over the bowl and hurled the contents of my
stomach up.
Standing slowly, I held my stomach and wiped my mouth with the back
of my hand.
I pulled my phone out of my bag, my stomach rolled once more. I
wanted to text Preston to come and get me, but I couldn’t do that to Aiden.
It wasn’t fair, and it was a mega bitch move.
I dampened a paper towel from the towel dispenser and pressed it
against the back of my neck. I was hot and that didn’t help with the sickness
that was crashing over me like a tidal wave. Inhaling deeply, I discarded the
tissue paper, washed my hands and headed for the door. Aiden’s concerned
expression soon faded once he saw me walking back towards him.
“You okay? I was worried about you,” he said as he rushed out of his
seat to pull mine out.
“I’m fine, just a little nauseous.” I nodded, taking a mouthful of water
then patting my mouth with a napkin.
“Let’s go,” he smiled, leaning across and rubbing his thumb across the
back of my hand.
“Are you sure? You’ve hardly eaten.” I felt bad, guilt nibbling away at
my insides.
“Positive, we can grab a burger on the way home,” he winked, leaning
back and signalling the waiter.
I leant down and reached for my purse to get my card out but he shook
his head.
“No way, this is my treat. I asked you on a date, not the other way
round,” he let out a soft chuckle as he threw his card down on the table.
I blushed, slipping my card back into my purse. I felt bad—no—I felt
awful that we were leaving and for some reason even worse knowing that
he paid.
“Shall we?” he asked softly, standing and holding his hand out for me to
take which I did gladly.
I was a little surprised when I didn’t feel the spark, that feeling of
adrenaline pumping through me and it disappointed me. I always felt it with
Preston which only made my heart plunge into the acid of my stomach.
He led me out to his waiting car, opening the door and letting me slide
in. Plugging myself in, I tapped my fingers on my lap as I waited for Aiden.
I smiled as he slipped in, he leant across and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
No buzz, no fire burning in the pit of my stomach like I read in many of
my romance novels. I sighed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. Just tired,” I rubbed my lips together into a thin line.
“Not a problem, I’ll take you home unless you want food?”
I shook my head from side to side, “No thank you,” I gave him a weak
smile. “I am really sorry about tonight, I thought the sickness was subsiding
as I only get it of a morning now but seems my little munchkin wanted to
play games,” I smirk.
“It can come and go throughout unfortunately, call my clinic tomorrow
and I’ll get you some anti-sickness tablets sorted. It should help,” he gave
me a weak smile as he pulled kerbside to my street.
“Thank you so much again, and I am so sorry.”
“Skylar, don’t say sorry. We can always do it again,” he leant across,
tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I blushed.
Fear crippled me suddenly, my stomach churning and rolling. Maybe
this isn’t morning sickness. My hands felt clammy, my head beginning to
bead with sweat.
“Shit,” I whispered, my hand cupping my mouth but it happened too
quickly. Aiden couldn’t even move if he wanted to, my spare hand gripped
onto his as the contents of my stomach covered his car, myself and him.
My eyes widened, the smell of sick prominent.
I was fucking mortified.
“Oh my god,” I whispered through hot tears that were streaming down
my face.
Aiden said nothing, just closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He opened
the door, stepping out ever so slowly before walking to my side.
Even covered in my sick he was still a gentleman.
He opened the door and held his hand out for me.
“Aiden, I…”
He shook his head, “It’s fine,” he smiled.
My heart thumped.
“Do you want to come in? Clean off?”
He dropped my hand and stepped back, “No thank you, I think I am just
going to go home and throw all of this in the bin,” he waved his hand up
and down his body before laughing which made me laugh.
“I am so sorry.” I whispered as I walked onto the pavement and toward
my house.
He followed, making sure I made it into my apartment block.
“I’m fine, go home and burn your clothes,” I half laughed.
“I’ll call you later?”
I nodded.
He turned, walking quickly to his car and speeding off down the road.
He won’t call you, pukey pants.
My subconscious snarled.
Pushing through the communal door, I stilled. The hairs standing on the
back of my neck, my skin prickling in goosebumps. I turned, looking over
my shoulder to see a light grey Mercedes G-Wagon. Relief swept over me,
never would I have been happier to see a stranger’s car over Preston’s
Range Rover but I can’t think about him like I used too.
Sure, the feelings are still there. The way my heart sings along to the
beat of his, the way his voice breezes over my skin bringing me back to life.
The way my soul combusts with a ray of bright colours, bringing my
mediocre grey and white world to a rainbow of colour. He was the colour to
my soul. The key to my happiness. But I had to push those feelings away,
lock them in a teeny tiny box and keep him there. I couldn’t go there with
him again.
I can’t get attached.
Letting the communal door slam into its frame I climbed the stairs. I
needed to get this sick stained dress off me. I needed a shower. I stunk. I
was disgusting.
Dumping my bag inside my flat, I shut the door behind me. Pressing my
back against the surface, I let my head fall back and closed my eyes.
Sighing, I kick my shoes off and peel my sick covered dress and let it
fall to the floor. I was exhausted. Once in my bedroom I slipped my
knickers and bra off and headed to the bathroom, letting the shower run for
a minute to get the hot water to kick in. I stood, running my hand under the
water. Nothing.
Damn it.
The tears prick and sting the back of my eyes.
Turning the dial off, I grab a towel and wrap it round myself. I need to
get the boiler done, I have the money now, all thanks to Preston. I am just
being too protective of it. The hot water lasts just enough for one shower,
which I’d had earlier, I don’t know why I thought it would last for a second.
The silence was interrupted by a bang on the front door.
“Fuck’s sake,” I muttered under my breath. Holding my towel tighter
round my body, I padded across the apartment to the peep hole.
“Go away!” I shout through the door.
“Let me in, just for a second.” His voice was rushed.
I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him. I was hungry, I was tired, and I
was fucking disgusting.
Sighing, I slide the chain across, opening the door and walking back
towards my bedroom.
“Sky?” he called out as the door closed behind him.
I ignored him. I needed a minute. I needed a breather. I needed to move
away from him because of the magnetic pull that I felt constantly when he
was near.
He tapped on my bedroom door, his eyes scanning round my tiny
“What do you want?” I spat, tears filling my eyes as I faced him.
“Baby,” he sighed, rushing towards me and cupping my face. “What’s
wrong? Did that cunt hurt you?” his sweet tone was soon replaced by anger,
his jaw tight and I swear I heard his teeth grind.
“No, he didn’t and he wouldn’t.” I shook my head, letting my head fall.
“He isn’t an arsehole.” My eyes now burned into the floor. Unlike you, you
Adonis God arsehole.
“Is it because you were sick over him?” he asked which made me snap
my head up so quick I was surprised I didn’t give myself whiplash, my eyes
widening as I took his smug expression in.
“You saw?”
“Of course, I saw, I’ve been sitting out front since you left.”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course you have,” I pulled his hands from my face
and stepped back.
Preston leant down, pressing his mouth against my tummy.
“Good job, looking out for Daddy,” he grinned, gently fist bumping the
baby through my bump.
“Stop it,” I groaned, stepping back and sitting on the edge of the bed as
the tears began to fall, realisation slowly seeping in.
“Why are you crying?”
“I am fed up Preston.” I nibble the inside of my lip, I don’t want to cry.
“Of?” his brows pricked as he fisted his hands into his suit pocket.
“Everything,” I fall back on the bed, holding my towel in place.
I felt the bed dip, Preston laid down beside me.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way…” he muttered, “but you stink.”
Then the tears fell even faster. I smudged my mascara with my hands as
I tried to wipe them away.
“I know! I know I stink, why do you think I am just laying here in a
towel!?” I scream, standing from the bed and spinning to face Preston. “My
boiler doesn’t work, I only get enough hot water from the immersion for
one shower a day and for some stupid reason I thought I could greedily
have another one.”
I couldn’t even try and stop the tears now, even if I wanted too. They
were just rolling down my face, staining my cheeks through my foundation.
Preston rushed in front of me, cupping my face in his large hands as he
placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Come home with me, pack a bag and come and stay with me for a few
nights. I’ll sort this all out.”
I didn’t say anything. I wanted to argue back, I wanted to stamp my feet
like a spoiled brat and tell him no, but I was too tired and I desperately
needed a shower.
I nodded, pulling out of his grasp and walking to my wardrobe. I
grabbed a lounge suit and headed for the bathroom, slamming the door
behind me.
It wasn’t long before I was sitting in the grey G-Wagon that was sitting
out front. I scoffed. I should have known it was stalker Joe.
I looked behind me at the contents of my life in three duffel bags, that’s
all I had. Most of it was bought by my clients, I didn’t have much when I
bought my apartment.
“You okay?” Preston asked, his fingers wrapped round the steering
wheel as his eyes landed on me.
“Fine,” I mutter, knotting my fingers together as I shut the conversation
down. The rage and anger I felt towards Preston was still burning away, I
needed to calm myself down but it was proving rather difficult. I didn’t
even know what I wanted from him. He had apologised, he had given me
space and shown up when I needed him, yet it still wasn’t enough.
I don’t think anything would be enough.
He pulled into the underground car park for the hotel then grabbed my
bags. I let myself out and headed towards the lift that took us straight to his
I strolled through to the lounge area, sighing as I looked over the lit up
“You okay?”
“You’ve already asked me that.” I snap, turning and snatching the bags
off him. “I’m going for a shower.”
He rubs his lips together, his own sigh leaving him as he stalks towards
the kitchen and leaving me be.
Laying in the tub, I hid under the bubbles. This felt amazing. The hot
water blanketing me, the oils I used from Preston’s toiletry cupboard
making me feel totally zen, and glad I decided to soak in a bath rather
shower. I looked around the large bathroom, this room must be the size of
my flat. It was ridiculous. The dark grey slate tiles wrapped round the room
giving it an edgy, modern feel. You would think it would make the room
dark, but the darkness was soon lifted with the large mirrors, bright lights
and silver accessories dotted around, plus it had a floor to ceiling window
that overlooked the city through lightly frosted glass. I could see out, but no
one could see in thanks to the mirror coating on the outside. It was simply
stunning. I felt my blood pump at the thought of working on a project as
beautiful as this.
I needed to do something more, I needed to be something more than a
high-end escort. Preston is paying me a wage, plus the money at the end
with the baby. I will have the money.
Letting the thoughts sink in for a moment, I made a choice. I wasn’t
holding it off anymore, I was going to sell my shitty flat, and enrol into an
interior designing course. I smiled; a heavy weight felt like it had lifted. A
waft of lavender filled my nose, breathing it in deeply and returning to my
moment of zen.
Nothing could ruin this moment.
Or so I thought until Preston walked in.
Moment ruined.
“Here,” he said softly, tiptoeing into the room.
I turned to look at him. I’m sure I had a look of pure disgust on my face.
He handed me a peppermint tea, “Drink this. It’ll settle your stomach.”
He smiled sweetly and suddenly I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I was
being horrid to him.
“Thank you,” my voice was soft, my eyes wide and doe like as I looked
up at him.
“It’s good you haven’t been sick anymore,” he reached down, his thumb
brushing over my cheek before his hand moved around to the back of my
“I don’t think I have anything left in me.”
“What have you eaten today?”
“Dinner that I threw back up.”
I saw his brows pinch and furrow.
“Sky, you’re pregnant, you cannot live off one meal a day.” His tone
was harsher now but not horrible, he wasn’t scolding me and he wasn’t
angry with me.
“I know,” I muttered as I tore my eyes away from him.
“It’s fine, I’ll look after you Sunshine.” He smiled, leaning down and
placing a kiss on the top of my head before he turned and walked out of the
room leaving me once more, alone with my thoughts.
Once out of the bath, I headed towards the lounge area. I had dressed in
a silk nightie, I felt hot and my tummy felt bloated and constricted. Maybe I
should have gone for shorts and one of Preston’s tees.
I was a little disappointed that I didn’t see Preston. Did I want to see
him? Yes. But also, I didn’t. He clouds my mind, clouds my judgement.
Walking to the kitchen area, I saw a tray with a silver dish over the top. The
smell made my stomach groan, the hunger ripping through me.
Lifting it up I saw sliced chicken, mash and greens. I licked my lip,
trying to contain the saliva that was currently forming in my mouth. I
smiled at the little note that was sitting on the tray next to the plate.

Won’t be long Sunshine, just business.

Preston X

Folding the note back over, I started going through the drawers to find
the cutlery. Sitting at the breakfast bar, I managed a couple of mouthfuls
before I felt full. I wanted to eat more, but I didn’t want to push it and make
myself sick again.
I cleaned up after myself and suddenly, I felt at a loss. I walked to my
bedroom and found my phone, checking the time, I pressed Harriet’s name
and waited for her to answer.
“Hey beautiful, how was the date?” I could hear the excitement in her
“Oh you know, it went great. I threw up in the restaurant and then threw
up all over Aiden when we got home so yeah… don’t think I’ll be hearing
from him again.” I sighed.
“Oh no,” she whispered down the phone. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I feel better now that I am clean and have a tummy full of food.”
I run my finger along the edging of the cabinets in my bedroom as I listened
intently. She spent the next ten minutes telling me all about the wedding
and that she thinks they’ve done everything they can until the big day now.
Moving from my room, my feet carried me out to the hallway. I didn’t want
to go anywhere in particular; I was just walking aimlessly around the
penthouse when I came to Preston’s office. I pushed the door gently,
revealing a beautifully decorated office. It was similar to the one in the
basement where we used to have our meetings.
I headed straight to the books, running my fingers along the spines
when I stilled, seeing a baby book.
“Harriet, I’ll call you back,” I mutter, cutting the phone off and putting
it on the desk.
I pulled the book out, opening it on the folded pages. My heart burst.
Preston had tabs, post it notes and little notes scribbled all throughout
the book.
He was excited. He was preparing. He was trying to be perfect.
My eyes scanned the shelves for the next book. This one was all about
mums to be.
My heart swelled in my chest.
I had loved Preston from the early days that he crashed into my world in
the best possible way. I had a crush on him as soon as I met him, but the
love side of our relationship stemmed a few months after. He treated me
with kindness and was attentive to my needs, even though we never done
anything other than talk he always put me first. He still did. Yes, he hurt me.
But we were having a baby together and I didn’t want our child to grow in a
hostile home all because I couldn’t get my feelings in check. I had to
protect my heart, I had to protect myself because walking away from
Preston and the baby would surely kill me.
Yes, this was moving fast, but the love side of it—if I was truly honest
with myself—I had loved him for years.
Chapter Fourteen

I sat at my father ’ s dinner table , listening to the bullshit he was

spilling out to me. I hold my hand up, silencing him.
“I am going to say this once, so make sure you listen.” I narrow my
brown eyes on him, “Skylar is pregnant with my child, your grandchild, the
rightful heir to the business…” My father tried interrupting, but I didn’t
allow it. I stood up from my seat, banging my hands on the table.
“If you don’t want to give me the company because of her past then you
can go and fuck yourself. Because I am not giving up my child, you know,
the one you wanted me to have and more importantly, I am not giving
Skylar up. So you either deal with it, or lump it. Either way, I wash my
fucking hands of you.” I snarl, shaking my head. I tug the cygnet ring off
my finger and throw it onto the table before turning and walking out of the
house and into the waiting car.
“Sir,” Guy greets me.
“Take me home,” I sigh. Resting my head in the chair and unbuttoning
the top two buttons of my shirt. I just want to go home.
I rush through the busy hotel, heading straight for the lift and hitting the
PH button. I felt agitated but as soon as I saw her, I knew those feelings
would melt away completely.
Kicking my oxfords off as I stepped into my home, I tugged my jacket
off and threw it on the side table in the hallway. I unbuttoned my shirt, then
loosened my cufflinks, shoving them into the pockets of my suit trousers.
It had just gone nine, the city was still buzzing but in here, it was
deathly quiet.
“Sky?” I call out, but she doesn’t respond. I walk into the lounge area,
smiling as I look over to the sofa. She is curled up with a blanket pulled
under her chin, blissfully asleep.
I walk over, the smile still on my face as I look at her every detail. Her
thick, honey blonde hair is tucked behind her ears, her dewy, glowing skin
tinted with the perfect sun-kissed tone, her pink, plump lips parted as the
soft snores escape them. All that’s missing is me seeing those beautiful opal
My eyes moved from her as I saw the laptop screen, my heart thumping
in my chest. She’s selling her apartment? I roll my lips; this is good news.
Because now, she has no reason to leave me. I won’t let her leave me. I am
never going to let her out of my sight again.
I lean over, scooping her up in my arms and carrying her to her room. I
kiss her forehead, lingering a little longer as I drink in her scent. Vanilla and
cocoa butter. Sweet and delicious.
If I had to choose between the hotels or her, it would always be her.
It has always been her.
I have loved her from the first moment I met her. My heart pulling me
towards her at any moment it had wanted. My soul knew I loved her before
I consciously did.
It’s as if my soul had been searching for her, walking this earthly plane
with blinkers on.
Until her.
Chapter Fifteen

T wo M onths L ater

I huffed , rubbing my bump as I climbed out of bed . O r more like

rolled. Me and Preston had found our groove in the last couple of months. I
still lived here, we agreed it was best for us both and the baby, of course.
Things seemed to have shifted between us. He hadn’t laid a finger on
me, but neither had I on him. It was as if he was waiting for me to tell him it
was okay. But the thing is, I didn’t know if I was ready to take the step yet.
He had been very preoccupied with work, I wanted to ask if he needed me
to do anything, but I felt like I was overstepping a little.
I had begun my interior design course, with the help of his sister Tabitha
and my apartment was going through on its sale. I undervalued it because I
just wanted it gone and once all of this is done and finished, I will move out
of the hotel and find my forever home.
I sipped on my tea as I waited for Preston. We were going out for the
day, but he hadn’t told me where we were going. I was a little apprehensive,
but I was also excited.
He had me dress in a long ivory gown, with little cuffed sleeves and a
lace overlay. It was beautiful. I joked that he was taking me somewhere to
elope, but he was very quick to tell me that wasn’t what he had planned and
for some reason, the disappointment seared through me like a knife.
The dress was fitted at the top of my bump, then flowed down to my
feet. I felt like a Greek Goddess.
Preston walked round the corner, his eyes trailing up and down my
body. He looked delicious, he was wearing an opened collar shirt, tucked
into navy jeans. It was nice seeing him a little more casual.
“You look beautiful, Sunshine.” He smiled at me, kissing me on the
cheek, then leaning down to kiss my bump and fist bump it like he has done
every single day.
“As do you,” I blushed.
“Ready.” I nod, stepping towards him and slipping my fingers through
his. I felt a buzz vibrate through me, a whoosh in my lungs as my heart
danced in my chest. This was too fast. Pulling my hand from his, I fiddled
with the chiffon overlay of my dress just to keep my hands busy.
The music played softly in the car as we fell into easy chatter, but that
easy chatter soon turned to more serious topics.
“Where do your parents live? Do they know about the baby yet?” he
asked, his hand moving across to my bump to rest there.
“They don’t live anywhere.” I cough, clearing my throat. He turned to
look at me as we stopped at traffic lights.
“What do you mean?”
“They died in a car accident. I was six.” I swallow the lump that had
grown in my throat.
“Sky,” he whispered, his eyes softening as the sadness consumed him.
“It’s fine. It was a long time ago,” I sniffed, waving my hands in the air
trying to dismiss the conversation.
“What happened to you?” His soft voice vibrated through me. Moving
his hand from my bump, he wrapped his fingers back around the steering
“I was moved in with my grandma, she passed when I had just turned
seventeen. I lived with Harriet and her parents for a couple of years which I
was grateful for and then, well… I met Ernie.” My voice stopped suddenly.
“That’s when you got into escorting.”
I stayed silent, just nodding.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“Don’t be sorry,” I smiled at him, my eyes glassy with the unshed tears.
“If it wasn’t for Ernie, I wouldn’t be here now…” he could take that
anyway he wanted. I knew what I meant, and deep down he did too.
“But I am. I am sorry that I didn’t rescue you sooner. I am sorry that you
have had to go through hell for the last eight years. I am sorry that you have
had to do things that you should never have to do, just to get by.”
“But you’ve got me now, well… for the next four months,” my smile
falters slightly. “Maybe a little longer if this baby goes over.”
He didn’t say anything, just tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
Pinching my brows, I looked at the little cove we had pulled into.
“Why are we here?” I asked as my eyes continued to take in the
beautiful scenery in front of me.
He tapped the side of his nose before winking at me. He opened the
door, holding my hand and leading me down near the shore. The warm
summer breeze danced in my hair, the smell of the sea salt water comforted
He smiled, taking my hand in his.
“What are we doing?” I edged into him, whispering. My pulse raced
with anticipation.
“Just wait,” he smirked, pulling his phone out and pressing someone’s
number. “We’re ready.” He ordered, cutting the phone off and slipping it
into his pocket.
I saw someone walk towards us with a tripod and a camera. I began
feeling really nervous, but not a fearful nervousness like I did when I was
sitting in the hospital waiting room only to be told my parents had died. No,
this was an exciting and happy nervousness, because whatever was about to
happen was going to change my life.
“You ready, Sunshine?” he asked, squeezing my hand tighter.
“Ready,” I whispered.
Within a few minutes, I heard the sound of a plane engine, I went to turn
round when Preston tugged my hand, making my eyes fall to our hands
before looking at him.
“Just look up,” he whispered, the glint of a glisten running through his
And I did.
I looked up and saw a plane fly over us, dropping blue powder down
and around us.
“Oh my god,” I whisper, turning to face Preston and throwing myself at
him. “We’re having a son!?” I cry through happy tears, wrapping my arms
tightly around his neck.
“We’re having a son,” a lone tear escaping his eye as he held me close.
“How did you manage this?” I asked, laughing as I swiped the tears
“Just asked Dr Dufus to give me the sex in an envelope, I wanted to
surprise you.”
“Dr Spencer,” I rolled my eyes.
“Whatever. But yeah, I wanted to surprise you. And it was worth every
penny.” He leaned in, covering my lips with his. My whole body sagged
into him, his tongue stroking across mine as he claimed me.
I was in heaven. It was perfect.

I paced up and down the apartment . P reston had work meetings all
afternoon. I had done my coursework and now I was at a loss. I couldn’t
even clean because the maids do it every morning. All of our meals are
cooked by Preston’s head chef and delivered. There is literally nothing for
me to do. Even Harriet had done everything wedding wise. It wasn’t going
to be long before they said the big ‘I do.’
I decided to lay on the sofa and read one of my spicy romance novels. I
had only been with Preston a couple of times before everything happened
and the horniness I was feeling was on another level. I read a while longer
then looked at the time on my phone, it had just gone six. Closing my book,
I left it on the sofa and headed to my room. Laying on my bed, I hitched the
black silk skirt of my nightie up past my hips.
I felt wrong for doing this, but I needed a release, and I wasn’t going to
get that from Preston anytime soon. He was no doubt dating or fucking one
of Ernie’s girls. He didn’t feel the attraction like I did. I could see it in his
eyes, he doesn’t look at me like that.
I was just a carrier for him. For his child.
Pushing the consuming thoughts from my mind, I reach down and grab
my vibrator, placing it next to me on the bed. I glide my fingers up my
thighs, working myself up. I close my eyes, seeing Preston instantly and
everything I want him to do to me. My finger tips brush over the front of
my thong, teasing myself before slipping them down my legs. Letting my
knees drop, completely exposed. Two of my fingers land on my clit and I
rub in gentle, circular motions. The pleasure that coursed through me felt
incredible. I couldn’t remember the last time I had done this. Grabbing my
vibrator with my spare hand, I turned it on and pressed the head of the shaft
at my soaked opening, teasing myself by slipping the tip in then pulling it
out. My fingers sped up as I imagined it was Preston’s thick cock nudging
at my opening, stretching me.
Suddenly, my eyes flicked open to see Preston standing there all suited
and booted and looking fucking incredible. I should stop, but his presence
only turns me on more and I can’t help myself.
I moan, my orgasm beginning to build. Preston’s eyes are ablaze with
desire and want. His strong, chiselled jaw clenched as he tried to restrain
Pushing the vibrator into me again, this time a little further, making my
back arch. My fingers were massaging my clit, bringing me closer to my
sweet release.
Preston stalked towards me, dropping his suit jacket to the floor and
crawling up the bed. He snatched the vibrator from my soaked pussy,
causing me to whimper at the loss.
Next he ripped my fingers off my hot, needy clit.
“This is mine,” he growled, his thumb pressing my clit, two of his thick
fingers pushing deep into me. I felt my pussy stretch round his fingers. He
pumped them in and out of me slowly, his lips pressing at my inner thigh as
he nipped my sensitive skin.
“Preston,” I whimper as he continues.
My head falls back, my hips bucking forward as my pussy grinds down
onto his fingers.
“Don’t stop,” I pant as I snap my head forward, watching as he fills my
pussy with his fingers. “I’m so close,” I cry, my legs begin to tremble as I
feel the heat pooling deep in my stomach, my pussy throbbing.
His fingers are ripped from me when the buzzer of the front door
sounds, ringing around the large penthouse. He kneels back, looking at his
watch. I lay there in front of him, exposed and needy for him and he just
“I’ve got to go…” he muttered, climbing off the bed. “I’ve got a date.”
He bent down to grab his suit jacket and walked out of the room,
slamming the bedroom door behind him and not once looking back.
I walked out of my penthouse to see Guy standing there, along with Pricilla.
I scowled at both of them. I said nothing. I was raging with myself,
internally battling with my thoughts. I should just fuck this off and go back
to the woman I want. But I don’t.
My feet keep on moving, my brain arguing with my heart. My
subconscious reminding me of what a pretentious prick I am. An absolute
arsehole. I should have just left her alone, but I couldn’t. Her scent is
addictive; she is addictive. She is a craving I just can’t seem to kerb.
She was pissed at me, angry as fuck with me for months. I could do no
right in her eyes. Then suddenly tonight, all is forgotten. There is no way
she would have let me touch her before. In the last few weeks something
has shifted between us. I can feel it, so I am sure as fuck that she can feel it
too. Then we had the gender reveal today, fuck it was perfect. I sigh, patting
the inside of my suit jacket and feeling the small, square box. It would have
been so easy to drop to one knee at that moment and ask her to marry me.
I smirk to myself, my lips pulling at one side. Man, my dad would drop
dead in front of me when he finds out that is my intention.
This wasn’t just a date. It was a business date. With the words that my
father said ringing loud in my ears, I knew my days at Sauvage were
limited. I had my finger in many pies and contacts blowing up my phone
with the new plans I was looking to roll out. I was going to take this
motherfucker down once and for all.
Sitting at the dinner table, Pricilla signed on the dotted line. My lips
twitched, pulling into a smile as my eyes lifted to meet her wide amber
“Okay, so business is done Preston, how about we take this back to my
room…” she purrs, her foot rubbing up my leg, edging closer to my groin.
I tsk, curling my fingers around the crystal tumbler as I knock the
burning liquid back.
“Not tonight, Pricilla, I already have plans.” I nod, holding my hand up
to beckon the waiter. Throwing my AmEx down on the receipt, I wait for
him to take payment before standing, buttoning up my suit jacket and
striding towards Pricilla. I place a soft, friendly kiss on her cheek.
“I’ve ordered you another bottle, Guy will be back to pick you up in an
hour.” I wink.
“Pleasure doing business with you Preston,” she winks back at me then
takes a mouthful of wine.
“The pleasure is all mine,” I smile, before strolling towards the exit of
the restaurant.
Sitting in the back of the car, I am trying to work out the best course of
action. I shouldn’t have told her it was a date, her mind will be going into
overdrive thinking that something is going on behind her back when in
reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
I could just own up and tell her, but I don’t want her to feel guilt and
shame at the words my father exchanged. She would bolt. And I couldn’t
have that. I needed and wanted her in mine, and this baby’s life. Forever.
I sat on the sofa, legs stretched out in front of me as I snuggled under a
fluffy blanket. It wasn’t particularly cold, but I wanted to be cosy. I had
managed to calm myself down from earlier, and as much as I was fucking
annoyed and frustrated I didn’t get my orgasm, I am even more annoyed
that I gave into Preston and then he just left.
He was a selfish son of a bitch.
I sighed heavily, fisting my hand into my candy bag that I sent Guy to
get me earlier in the day. I hadn’t had much of a craving, but recently I just
wanted to eat fizzy fish sweets.
Shoving two in my mouth, my eyes were pinned to my kindle. Scoffing,
at least the female lead in my book was getting a good dicking, sighing,
“Must be nice,” I muttered.
Baby boy was wriggling in my stomach, reminding me that he was here
and that he would always love me. But that feeling of love was soon
replaced with sickening grief at the reminder that I won’t get to love him,
and he won’t get to love me.
It was in the contract.
Everything was to go to Preston.
After all, he was his baby. He paid me for him.
I tentatively rubbed my bump as I forgot everything for a millisecond. I
heard the familiar beep as the front door of the penthouse was opened then
softly closed.
My heart drummed in my chest, but I didn’t look up. As much as I
wanted to, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of
seeing my red rimmed and swollen eyes. He didn’t deserve to see the tears
that I had cried for him.
“Sky, baby,” he called out.
Don’t baby me. I ignored him.
Flicking the page on my kindle, I fisted my hand back into the sweet
bag and shovelled another two fish into my mouth.
I heard his piss expensive shoes clicking on the high gloss floors. The
sound making my skin prickle and my senses wake.
“There you are,” his voice was soft but hesitant.
Nothing but silence fell around the room.
He stood for a moment, before I heard him mumble something under his
“Shame your teeny dick didn’t drop off,” I muttered as he walked away,
slamming his bedroom door behind him.
Chapter Sixteen

T he next morning , I was awake bright and early . I t ’ s a shame I

can’t say I was feeling refreshed. I felt like shit. I tossed and turned most of
the night just replaying the scenario from last night over in my head. What I
should have said, what I should have done. And when I finally managed to
let myself drift off, I was awoken by heartburn.
I padded into the kitchen, flicking the coffee machine on. I allowed
myself one espresso a day, I needed a little kick today, so I chose a double.
Leaning over the worktop, I drank my coffee in silence while picking at
fruit and granola.
I heard my phone ping, reaching for it I saw my notification on my
calendar. We had an appointment with Dr McHottie at ten a.m.
I didn’t see him outside of appointments after I was sick. He messaged a
few times, I messaged back, but it soon fizzled out. Maybe if we met at a
different time and different place it may have worked, but let’s be honest…
now isn’t the right time for me to be dating. Then again, maybe it was.
Preston doesn’t seem to give a toss about it so why should I?
I huffed, placing the bowl in the sink and walked towards my bathroom
so I could brush my teeth then I would wake his lordship.
Once done, I edged towards his room quietly. His door was ajar, so I
pushed it gently to see him sitting at his desk tapping away on his computer.
“We have to leave in twenty.”
“I’m fully aware, just finishing up this email. I’ll be five minutes,” he
replied. He didn’t turn to look at me, but why would he? I ignored him last
night and he knows he fucked up.
I didn’t respond, just closed the door behind me and started gathering
my bags. I felt like this pregnancy was flying, I was coming up to nearly six
months. My bump was growing by the day and so were my ankles. Tapping
my phone, I made a mental note to speak to the doctor about it, just so I
could make sure I knew what I was doing. I could look on the internet, but
then no good comes from that. I will end up finding out some scary and
terrifying issue online so best to just ask the doctor.
Waiting at the door, Preston appeared in a crisp white shirt and sand-
coloured chinos. He looked very handsome, but I wasn’t going to tell him
“Ready?” he asked, I nodded and slipped my sunglasses onto my face.
That way I could eye him up without him realising.
Preston let the music fill the car so there was no awkward silence
between us. I wanted to speak to him, ask him how his day was and tell him
how his baby was kicking and wriggling most of the night but I couldn’t
seem to find the courage to speak to him.
Pulling into the road where Dr Spencer’s surgery was, Preston turned
the music down.
“Look, I know you’re pissed with me…” he started by saying, pulling
into a space on the road. “And I shouldn’t have left you last night or said
what I did.”
I kept my mouth shut. Pressing my arms across my chest, my eyes
forward as I stared at the car in front of me. It was a nice car. That’s what I
need to buy next.
“It wasn’t a date, per se,” he continued.
Maybe a little mini, something not too small but not too big. It’s only
for me.
“It was a work date, an important work date.”
Or an Audi, a little Q3, they’re nice too.
“I have a lot going on with the hotel, which I am dying to tell you but I
can’t just yet.”
Yeah, I think I’ll go for the Audi. A nice grey colour.
“Sky, please, don’t freeze me out.” His voice took on more of a begging
tone now.
“Cool,” I chirped, reaching down for my doctor’s notes and bag. I
opened the door and stormed into the doctor’s office, not once looking
behind me.
From now on, just call me petty Pam.

T o say the doctor ’ s appointment was awkward was an

understatement. Preston just eyed Aiden down the whole time, I didn’t even
think he was listening. I couldn’t stop thinking about his face when I threw
the contents of my stomach up over him.
Good news was, baby boy was doing fine. I was measuring well and the
swollen feet weren’t a cause for concern at the moment. I was to elevate
them where I can and if they don’t improve I am to call him. He told me it
could be an early sign of pre-eclampsia, but everything that went with it
wasn’t showing.
I edged down the steps of the doctor’s office cautiously, Preston rushed
to hold my hand but I yanked it from him.
“I am more than capable thank you, I do a lot of things by myself
without you.” I scold him, holding my head high and walking to the car.
“Do you feel him move a lot?” Preston asked as we pulled down the
country lanes, he wanted to take me to lunch and have a chat about what
has been going on. I didn’t decline, but I didn’t agree either. Truth was, I
was starving so I was grateful that he was ignoring my brattish behaviour.
“Yup,” I sighed, looking out the window.
“Next time he moves, can you tell me? I would love to feel him.”
I nodded. Whether he saw it or not was another matter and honestly, I
didn’t care if he saw it or not. See, petty Pam.
The summer breeze was filling the car, the sweet smell of the blossom
trees that were arched over the pretty lanes as Preston headed towards one
of his favourite places was consuming me and I couldn’t inhale their
perfume fast enough. I loved summer. It was my favourite time of year. Our
baby would be born just as we go into autumn, and Harriet’s wedding felt
like it was just round the corner. The months were whizzing by.
I felt Preston’s eyes burning into me, the pull was too much, the tension
at boiling point. Thoughts rushed through me, playing fantasies in front of
me. I wanted to climb in his lap and ride his thick cock until we’re both
exploding around each other. Sighing, I gave in. I looked at him with big,
wide eyes.
“Please forgive me?” he whispered.
I couldn’t muster the words; the stubborn streak was too strong inside of
me and I just couldn’t bring myself to say yes. Rubbing my lips together, I
bent down to get my water, but as I did, my eyes locked on the view in front
of me. A large 4x4 veering over to our side of the road. Slamming my hand
into the dashboard, I couldn’t move in time before screaming.
That’s all I remembered before everything fell silent, and I was plunged
into a never-ending sea of darkness.
Chapter Seventeen

I groan , rubbing my head . I opened my eyes , my vision blurry . I t

took me a minute to realise what had happened. Closing my eyes again, I
sat back and inhaled deeply. Slowly opening them again everything started
to focus. The 4x4 that rammed into the front of the car was completely
totalled but empty. I pressed my fingers to my forehead and felt wetness.
Looking at my fingers, I noticed they were covered in blood. My skin
erupted in a blanket of shivers when I turned to see Skylar slumped in the
“Sky…” I panicked, unstrapping myself and rubbing my thumb across
her cheeks. “Baby,” I called again. Nothing.
She had blood coming from her ears and nose. My eyes scanned over
her perfect face when I saw she had blood around her hairline too. Pressing
my fingers to her neck, I felt a soft pulse.
“Shit,” I cried, fishing in my pocket for my phone and calling 999. We
weren’t waiting long before the emergency services arrived, removing her
gently and safely from the car before putting us both into the back of the
The paramedics were all over her and checking her vitals throughout the
journey. They had the baby hooked up to a monitor too, it brought me
comfort hearing his steady heartbeat.
All I wanted to do was scoop her up and never let her go. How had this
happened? I was looking, I was paying attention. I didn’t veer over; I know
I didn’t. This wasn’t my fault but it didn’t help appease the guilt.
Sighing, all the noise and the chatter was blurring around me. I couldn’t
focus, everything was just too much. My mind was chaotic and all I wanted
to know was that she was going to be okay.
She needed to be okay.
They both did.

S itting in the nurse ’ s room , my head was being glued . T he sting was
bearable, but the ache in my gut wasn’t. I hated not knowing. I hated being
pulled away from her. I wanted to go with her, begged in fact to go with her
but I wasn’t allowed.
The nurse was trying to make small talk but I wasn’t listening. I was
zoning out, my eyes constantly searching for the doctor that whisked Skylar
away. My head thumped, my eyes felt heavy but I ignored the feeling,
pushing it further down into my gut.
My mind drifted back to when Skylar was still pissed at me, her little
frown line that creased in her perfect skin forming right between her
eyebrows as the rage of hormones overtook her tiny body.

“W hy are you being so over the top ?” I scoffed , placing her decaf
americano on the side alongside her all butter croissant.
“I am not being over the top,” she scowled at me. “I didn’t want decaf.
I am exhausted, I am nauseous and I am sick of drinking tea!! I just want a
fucking coffee and an almond croissant, but no, you couldn’t even do that
right…” storming over to her cup and the bag with her food in, she grabbed
it and shoved it into my chest.
“Take your shit food with you and don’t forget to close the door on your
way out.”

I sighed loudly at the memory , she was like a ticking time bomb . I
never knew when the detonator would slip and send her into explosive
Then we had the sad hormones.
“S ky , baby …” I rushed to her side where she was knelt on the floor
with hot tears rolling down her reddened cheeks. “What’s happened? Are
you in pain? Is it the baby?”
She shook her head from side to side, then finally tilted her head back to
look at me.
“Then what?” my brows pinched before I quickly smoothed them out,
not wanting to upset her even more.
“We didn’t have any brown toast, you know, that’s fine… no big deal.
I’ll just have white…” she choked, “but then, I saw this leaf on the floor,”
she stopped, picking up a green plant leaf and holding it up for me to see.”
“Right…” I had no fucking idea where she was going with this but I
wasn’t about to ask and risk pissing her off.
“Well, before I had my toast, I wanted to clean the leaves, give Pam a
little wash,” her glassy eyes locked on my plant in the corner of the room.
I nibbled the inside of my lip, laughter wanting to roll out of me but I
contained myself.
“So, I wiped her leaves down, she was a bit dusty. Then I topped her
soil up with water and somehow I must have broken or snapped one of her
leaves… and I feel awful,” she fell into me, my arms wrapping round her as
I let her cry.
It took everything in me not to burst into laughter, but to her, this was a
big deal. It was Pam.

“A ll done ,” the nurse chirped , pulling me from my flashback .

I nodded, standing from the chair.
“We will get you some pain killers to ease the dull ache, but your vitals
are good and we couldn’t see any signs of concussion from the crash.” She
smiled softly as she grabbed the clipboard with my notes on it and began
scribbling down on it.
“And Skylar? My girlfriend? Where is she?” I could hear the
desperation in my voice, the sheer panic that something bad had happened
and I wasn’t there to hold her hand and reassure her that everything was
going to be okay. Of course it was going to be okay, more importantly, of
course she was going to be okay.
“We have no news at the moment, if you take a seat in the waiting room
just to the left of the corridor and a doctor will come and find you shortly.”
I nodded, I felt the rage consuming me but I had to keep my cool. This
was not the place to lose my shit.
Sitting in the cold and dark waiting room, I rubbed my head, wincing as
the dull ache continued to thrash over my skull. Closing my eyes, I replayed
the moments of the crash in my head. I recognised that 4×4, I just didn’t
know why. The back lanes are normally pretty quiet during the day, the odd
car flies down there, but this car veered over like he was aiming for us.
Was he aiming for us?
Fisting my hand into the inside pocket of my coat jacket, I pull my
phone out and start scrolling down the names till I see Tabitha. Clicking her
name, she answers almost instantly.
“Hello,” her voice is low as I hear a door click behind her.
“Tab,” I stand, steadying myself as a dizzy spell crashes over me.
“Where are you?”
“The hotel, I came looking for you. Where are you?”
“At the fucking hospital,” I grit out, pushing my hand through my hair,
my teeth clenched as I tried to not let the rage consume me. This was not
the place.
“Are you okay? Is Sky okay?” I can hear the apparent panic in her
“I’m fine, Skylar, well… I don’t know,” my voice falters for a moment,
a burning lump lodging itself into my throat. It doesn’t matter how much I
try to swallow it down, it wouldn’t budge. Coughing softly, I clear my
throat. “I need you to stay clear of me, of us for a while. I need to keep us
all safe, you included…”
“What the fuck has happened?” her voice grows louder, the panic
“I don’t know, well, I do, but I don’t.” I groan as I rub my head again,
black dots forming in my eyes. I blink them away.
“A car crashed into us, down the back lanes from the city to Lowdells. I
wanted to take her to the country house for the weekend. That lane is pretty
private, it only leads to Lowdells and a couple of the warehouses. Sure, it’s
used as a cut through but it’s not a common road.”
“Shit,” I heard her whisper.
“But the thing is, I recognised the 4×4, it was blue with silver trim but I
can’t for the life of me remember the badge.” I groaned in frustration, why
was everything so hazy and blurry. Nothing was making sense; confusing
was clouding over me. My fingers pressed to my temple as I tried to ease
the thump that was slicing through my head like a knife. I honestly felt like
it was splitting in two.
“I know whose car…” Tab’s voice began to fade out.
“What?” I questioned, stumbling towards the nurse’s station. I needed
“Preston?” I heard Tab’s voice, but it sounded far away.
“Skylar,” I cried out, “I need to tell her I love her,” my words were
slurring. I continued trying to get to the counter, my legs feeling heavy, my
head pounding.
“Nurse…” I mumbled before I fell to the floor. My phone slipping out
of my hands, my knees hitting the ground before my upper body followed,
my head bouncing off the tiles before it all went black.
Chapter Eighteen

My eyes felt heavy , my head was banging and throbbing .

“Where am I?” I muttered, my voice sounding like a constant hum, I
doubt anybody would be able to make sense of the words I was trying to
Fighting the urge to keep my eyes closed, I opened them. Instantly, I
was hit with the bright white of the lights. I force my eyes tightly shut. It
was too much. They hurt.
Inhaling deeply, I slowly opened them again. This time, I took a
moment to let them adjust. Looking round the room, my heart dropped
when I saw I was lying in a hospital bed by myself. I was all alone. My
hand instantly moved to my bump, my eyes following when I felt my heart
beat slow. He was still in there. He was safe. But where was Preston?
The soft kicks against my hand gave me the reassurance I needed. Even
though I could hear his heartbeat through the monitor that was next to mine,
I still wouldn’t have relaxed until I felt him move.
Letting my head fall back to the pillow, I took a moment to let all of this
sink in. Then it hit me like a speeding freight train that was passing through
the station. The crash. Panic rose once more, bile racing up my throat as I
felt the burn. It didn’t matter how much I swallowed it down, I couldn’t
stop it.
“Preston,” I called out to the empty room, trying to sit up, I cried out in
pain. “Preston!” The tears were falling, I had no control. I was too
overwhelmed. I had no idea what had happened to him, did he make it out
of the crash?
Turning my head, I saw the call nurse button. I pressed it over and over
“Help!” I cried, my thumb still hitting the button as the buzzer rang and
echoed around the room.
An older nurse came darting through the door, the look of sheer panic
and concern written all over her face. Grabbing my chart from the bottom
of my bed, she scanned through it, flicking the pages.
“It’s good to see you awake,” she smiled, stepping across the room and
towards my bed. Pulling a torch from her pocket she shined it in my eyes,
making me squint and pull away.
“How’s the pain?” she asked, as she went back to jotting notes down on
her clipboard.
“Fine,” I bite. I lied. It wasn’t fine. I was in complete agony. But I
wasn’t going to tell her that. All I cared about was my son and Preston.
Her eyes find mine for a moment and I glower at her.
“Where is Preston?”
Her eyes drop to her clipboard for a moment, breaking our glare.
“Where. Is. Preston?” I grit out, my own frustration taking over me.
“He is in ICU,” she sighs, no emotion in her voice. To her, it was
nothing. To me, it was my whole world. Popping the chart back into it’s
holder at the end of the bed, she turned to face me.
“ICU?” My voice was barely a whisper. Intensive Care Unit.
“How is your head?” she asks, completely ignoring my question. She
moves her hand to my head and gently looks through my hair. I wince and
tug away from her, the burning sensation rips through my scalp. The fuck?
“Why is Preston in ICU?” I ask another question.
I bring my hand to my face and jump at the pain I felt. It splintered
through me.
“Why does my face hurt?” My eyes widen as I look at her.
“You took a lot of force from the dashboard before the airbag deployed.
You have broken a cheek bone and your nose. You’re going to be sore and
bruised for a while.” I could hear the sympathetic tone of her voice. Now
she wants to show some emotion.
“Preston,” I cry, and this time, I choke out the sob.
“Once you have eaten, I will take you to see him. He has been asleep for
a few days now, as have you…”
“Sleep?” I can’t even fathom to string sentences together.
“Like I said, you took the brunt from the dashboard when the other car
hit you. Were you not strapped in? Leaning down? Bent over?” Her
questions attacked me.
My mind flashes back to the crash, replaying it over in my head.
“I was leaning down to get water. I looked up just as I saw the car in
front of us.” I swallow the lump back down into my throat.
“You split your head from your crown, down to your front hairline. We
had to take you to theatre and stitch the wound with staples.”
My eyes widened in horror, my hand automatically moving to the top of
my head, my fingers skimming over the metal that was literally holding my
scalp together. I winced, my heart thumping in my chest as I pulled my
fingers away as if the staples had just burned my skin.
“I need to see Preston,” I throw the covers back, trying to get out of bed
and scream as pain slices through me from my ankle up to my hip.
“You also broke your knee cap.”
My eyes narrow on her, “Get out.” I snap.
“Sorry,” she is taken aback by my order.
“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I scream. “It has taken for me to move, or ask
you a question to find out what happened to me. I don’t want you looking
after me, get me someone else,” I cry, the hot tears rolling down my cheeks.
I screw my face up and let them fall, palming them away occasionally. I’m
scared, I’m nervous, I am in pain, and I just want to know Preston is okay.
“I just want to see him,” I whisper sob, “I need to tell him how much I
love him.”
The nurse scarpers out of the room leaving me alone once more.
Chapter Nineteen

E verything feels loud , sounds that never bothered me before now

sounded like nails on a chalk board. I wanted to scream out, tell everyone to
be quiet. But I couldn’t.
I tried. Fuck did I try.
But I couldn’t.
My eyes failed to open, it was as if they were fused shut.
But all my mind was consumed with was Skylar.
I wanted to tell her I loved her. That I had always loved her.
Silence fell over me suddenly, the feeling of tranquillity coming over me.
Pure relaxation.
Was this what death felt like? A sudden sense of freeness? A sudden
sense of calm?
No, no no. I couldn’t die.
This wasn’t death. I fought to stay away from the tunnel of light that you
hear about, pulling back and away from what would ultimately be the end
for me. I wasn’t ready to die. I couldn’t die.
My memories crashed over me, like a film of my life whizzing in front of
my eyes. It was like watching a movie on fast forward. I couldn’t appreciate
anything I was seeing. It was all too fast. I wanted to press pause and go
back to parts of my life. Then it slowed, I’m driving, and Skylar is next to
me. We’re driving towards Lowdells, the place where I wanted to spend the
weekend, the place where I wanted to drop down on one knee and beg her
to marry me. Because let’s be honest, if I asked her after the way things had
gone then she would have said no.
I felt the impending doom and fear beginning to creep over me at what
was going to happen next. The 4x4 veering towards me, there was no
chance of even avoiding it.
Everything replayed in slow motion, my eyes slowly dragging to Skylar.
She was leaning down to get her water. She was flustered and pissed at me
but it still didn’t stop me seeing how truly beautiful she was. My head
twisted round just as the impact took place. The force of the crash threw me
back into my chair but before I had a chance to stop myself I was launched
forward, smashing my head and face. I should have been knocked out, but I
wasn’t. It was as if I was kept awake to make sure she was okay. Adrenaline
spiked and coursed through me, pumping through my veins like heroine.
Keeping me going and giving me the high I needed to make sure I put her
needs above mine.
And I did.
I saved her… I hoped.
The bright light reappeared.
I was an outsider watching in as the cataclysmic event happened, and
just at the pivotal point, the light came back. I glanced towards the light, it
acted like a magnet. Even if I wanted to stay away from it, I couldn’t. I was
being pulled towards it whether I wanted to go or not. This was it.
The final moments of my life. Slowing my breathing, I smiled, but not
before turning back and looking into the car and seeing Skylar for one last
That’s all I wanted.
Just to see her again.
And now I was at peace.
Turning my body, I stepped towards the light.
Calmness washing over me instantly.
Chapter Twenty

L aying in the hospital bed , I stared at the white wall in front of

me. It had been a couple of hours since I kicked the nurse out. No one had
been near or by since. Rubbing my hand over my bump, I felt him moving
and wriggling. I was grateful he was still safe in my belly. I heard the door
of my room open, my eyes slowly moving to meet her gaze.
“Harriet,” I sobbed, sitting up in my bed.
“Oh Sky, it’s so good to see you awake,” she sniffed, her own tears
choking her as she rushed to my bed.
Her arms wrapped around me, my arms wrapping around her as we held
onto each other, neither one of us wanting to let go.
I don’t know how long we were hugging before Harriet stepped back
and placed a bag full of goodies on my lap.
“Now, I know hospital food isn’t the best so I wanted to get you some of
your favourites.” She beamed at me. I smiled back at her, my eyes softening
as I did. I watched as she unloaded the bag, pulling out chilli hot tortilla
chips, sweet and salty popcorn, candy sweets and chocolate. Plus two big
bottles of coke. I couldn’t get enough of the stuff at the moment.
She opened the caramel chocolate buttons and shoved her hand inside
the foil bag before dumping a load in my hands.
“Now, how are you feeling?” Her brows furrowed and pinched as she
looked at me with sympathy showing all over her face.
“Like I’ve been in a car accident,” I smirked, popping two buttons into
my mouth and groaning in appreciation.
My response caused an eye roll from my friend.
“And how is Preston?” I saw the caution at her question flash across her
I stilled for a moment, I even stopped chewing the damn chocolate
buttons in my mouth. I let my eyes fall, the familiar sting that I had felt in
them coming back. I blinked the tears away and swallowed the melted
chocolate hoping it would cause the burning ache in my throat to fade.
“I don’t know,” I whispered. “They won’t tell me much, just that he is in
intensive care…” I screw my face up and let the tears that have been
threatening fall.
“Oh Sky,” Harriet is back close to me, her arms comforting me as I
shake uncontrollably into her top, my tears soaking through to her skin.
“I’m sorry, I, I just…” my lip trembling as I pulled away, palming the
hot tears away that continued to roll down my cheeks.
“Sky, don’t you dare apologise!” Harriet scolded gently.
“I know, I just…” I was cut off by an alarm sounding through the
hospital, nurses rushed with a crash cart as one nurse was shouting about
one of their patients coding.
Harriet looked over her shoulder, watching the medical team run with a
crash cart down the hallway. She looked back and gave a sympathetic look.
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, goosebumps smothered my
skin as I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach before panic set in. I
had this overwhelming feeling that the person that was coding was Preston.
“Go and see if it’s Preston,” I cried to her, her eyes widening as she
rushed out of the room.
This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening.
Think positive, think positive, he will be fine. Of course, he will be fine.
It’s not going to be Preston. Positive thinking.
My positive thinking was soon ruined as soon as I saw Harriet walk into
the room. She was back within minutes, pale as a ghost, eyes wide and
“Oh no,” I whispered, my hands coming to my mouth as the tears began
to fall before the most heart-breaking and earth-shattering scream escaped
No words were exchanged. Even if I wanted to speak, I couldn’t. Words
failed me. My brain was working overtime. My heart racing in my chest, I
swear I could feel it skipping beats where it was beating so fast.
Harriet sat on the chair next to my bed just rocking back and forth, her
hands clasped together, her lips moving but no words left her mouth.
This couldn’t be happening.
My eyes moved to my arm, fingers hovering over my skin. This was a
dream. It was just a really bad dream. I have read that pregnancy and
hormones can cause surreal dreams, yes. That was it.
I pinched myself, frowning when I didn’t wake. I done it again this time
a little harder.
My lip trembled, my eyes filling with tears once more.
“Why is this happening?” I wailed to Harriet, her own eyes red rimmed
and raw from the silent tears she has shed with me.
“I have no idea,” she whispered.
And that’s all that was said.
No more words were exchanged while we sat and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Chapter Twenty-One

“G ive him a moment , he is going to be confused . A ll of his senses

are going to be heightened. But please, Skylar, you need to be prepared for
anything. The brain is a powerful organ, we don’t know how it would have
been affected from the trauma.” I heard a voice, unsure of whose it was.
My head pounded, it felt like it was splitting down the middle. If my
eyes weren’t already shut, I would squeeze them shut to just try and relieve
some of the pain I was feeling.
But I wasn’t ready to open them yet. They felt heavy once more,
darkness invading me before I plummeted into sleep again.

“W hy isn ’ t he waking up ?” the sound of my sunshine ’ s voice slipped

through my ears like the perfect song on a summer’s day.
I’m here baby, I’m right here.
“He has been asleep for a while, we just need to give his body time. It’ll
happen, we’ve just got to be patient.” The male’s voice that I heard before
is back.
She said nothing else. I needed to hear her voice again.
“Let’s give it another ten minutes, then get you back to bed.” He
ushered Sky.
At least she is okay, at least she is safe. As selfish and awful as this
sounds, I am only focused on her.
And just like before, I was gone before I even had a chance to try and
open my eyes.
“P reston , baby ,” her voice glided over my skin like silk , I felt it
react and prick with goosebumps. “I need you to wake up now,” she choked
out. The bed dipped. I smiled. I didn’t know whether I was smiling on the
outside, but I was definitely smiling on the inside.
“Move your finger Pres, show me you’re coming round. I need to see
your beautiful brown eyes. It’s been too long. I need to feel the connection,
the rush of the drug that you are coursing through my blood, burning my
airwaves making me choke on the breath you’re ripping away from me. I
need to feel the addiction that you are, consuming me completely. Please
baby, please wake up.”
I’m trying Sunshine, I am.
“Just move a finger, just try and wiggle one of them. Just so I know you
can hear me, so I know that you’re coming back to me.” Her voice cracks.
Please don’t cry my angel, I can’t stand to be the reason you cry.
“I can’t lose you baby, I can’t lose you before I have even had the
chance to tell you that I love you. That I have always loved you. I can’t lose
you before I have seen you become a father. I can’t lose you, period
Preston. You’re it for me. Now, always, forever. I love you to the stars, the
moon and the galaxies, however far they go, Preston. That’s how long I will
love you for, how long I want you to be mine,” her voice labours, slowing
as she breathes through her tears, “please don’t leave me.”
I’m not leaving you. I’m right here. I love you so much more, more than
you could know. I loved you from the first moment I saw you, Sunshine.
I channel every bit of strength that was pumping through me to try and
move my finger, to try and show her that I was here, to show her that I
heard her admission and her vow to love me to infinity, to love me past the
moon and the stars and right back round again.
“Pres,” she whispered, “do it again.”
It worked?
I done it again.
“Oh my god!”
The bed moved, when I heard her shout for the doctor.
I’m right here baby. I am never going to leave your side again.
Now. Always. Forever.
To the moon and the stars, Sunshine.
Chapter Twenty-Two

“P reston , can you hear me ?” T he familiar voice was back .

I want to scream from the rooftops. I am here. I can hear you; I can hear
her. I just need my damn body to catch up and let me open my fucking eyes.
I was shouting at my body to let me do this, let me open my eyes just so
I could see her. I needed to see her.
“There! Did you see that?” Her voice was warm.
“No, I didn’t. What was it?” The doctor asked.
“His eyes fluttered.”
I heard the doctor’s footsteps crawl closer to me, a hand wrapping in
“Preston, can you try and open your eyes?”
I am trying, dickhead.
“I saw it, well done Preston. Give it five and try again.”
I did. I gave it five.
And then it happened, I finally saw something other than the blackness
of the insides of my eyelids. The slither of bright light slipping through, yet
it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I needed to see my Sunshine.
Inhaling deeply, I opened them a little wider this time. My eyes landing
on hers, our gazes locking. I felt my heart swell, the rush of love that
swarmed me.
“Sunshine,” I crooned, my voice raspy and hoarse.
“Preston,” she sobbed, and with help from the nurse she threw herself
into me, her body laying over mine as her tears soaked into my chest.
“I’m right here, baby.”
Her head lifted slowly from my chest; my eyes softened as I looked
over her beautiful face. My thumb pad gently traced over cuts and bruises,
as if tracing a map. My heart ached, I hated that she got hurt.
“I, I…” she stammered over her words as her red rimmed eyes filled
with tears once more.
“I know baby, I love you too.”

O nce I had been given a drink , I was sitting up in bed while S kylar
sat in the chair next to me. I had been asleep just over a week, the doctor
explained that I took a blow to the head from the collision which caused a
small bleed on the brain, but my adrenaline spiked and kept me going until I
knew Skylar was with the doctors. Once my subconscious knew she was
safe, my body gave in.
Her small hand was tucked inside mine and that’s where she stayed. She
was doing well, her wounds were healing, the bruising would eventually
fade. All being well, we could be discharged together in a few days. Skylar
would leave in a wheelchair and in six to eight weeks she should be out of
her cast. It took her a few days to come round to the idea, she was annoyed
that she may be in a wheelchair for Harriet’s wedding, but as me and
Harriet both said, her health is more important than sitting in a wheelchair
for the day.
“Hi Skylar,” a young nurse walked in. “Let’s get you up and to the
shower. See if we can get your hair washed. You’ll feel so much better,” she
smiled at Skylar as she helped her up from the chair and sat her into her
“Don’t go anywhere,” she whispered as the nurse began to wheel her
towards our bathroom.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby,” I crooned back at her. My throat was still
sore, my voice a little hoarse from the tube that was put in when I was
Once I had spoken to the doctors, I had us moved to the private wing of
the hospital and demanded that Skylar stay with me. I didn’t want her out of
my sight, even her going to the shower with the nurse made me anxious.
Slowly reaching over for my phone from the side table, I glanced at the
screen and saw two missed calls from Tabitha.
I wanted to see her, she was my next of kin. But I couldn’t have her
here, not until I knew what was going on.
Eyeing the bathroom door, I smiled when I heard the shower turn on.
Clicking Tab’s name, it literally rung once before she answered, her own
voice hushed and filled with concern.
“Preston? Are you okay?” she asked.
“I’ve been better,” I smirk as I look at my bitten to shit nails. “This has
got to be quick, Sky is in the shower. I know we haven’t spoken since the
day of the crash, a lot of shit has happened as you probably guessed…” I
trailed off.
“I know, I called the hospital for an update after our call ended and I
wish I could be there for you both. When I heard the nurses rush over to
you through the phone it took everything in me not to come to the hospital,
but I had to respect your wishes. I will stay away. I don’t know who to trust
or if anyone is following me…” I heard a door click, then her footsteps
clicking along the tiled floor.
“I know you do, but you’ve got to keep safe, we all have.” I nibble the
inside of my lip. “Tab, do you know whose car it was?”
The silence was deafening, her heels still clicking along the floor.
Another door clicked closed.
“It’s George.”
The phone slips from my hand and hits the floor yet again.
Chapter Twenty-Three

W e had been home two weeks . I still had nightmares about the
crash, it was always the same scenario. Unlike in reality, in my nightmare I
wasn’t being shitty with Preston. We were laughing and joking, his hand
was resting between my thighs, our son was sitting in his car seat in the
back of the car. It was the perfect day.
As soon as the car hits, I wake up screaming and sweating.
Preston hired a nurse to look after me when he couldn’t, then once my
cast was off they could go. I hated having to depend on people, I have
always been so independent and now I feel useless.
Preston had been so busy with work lately; I hardly saw him. A quick
peck on the head when he rolled out of bed and a gentle kiss goodnight if he
didn’t make it to dinner.
I couldn’t moan, he had an empire to grow and I didn’t want to be the
one to stop that. Sure, I was lonely, but I was trying to keep myself busy by
getting prepared for little man’s arrival.
My gut twisted as a pang of anxiety shot through me.
I needed to talk to Preston regarding the contract and the money.
We were together now, I wasn’t going to walk away. I couldn’t.
I didn’t expect Preston to kick me out, but I never knew what was round
the corner. He could turn and take it all away from me. I didn’t know if he
had an ulterior motive.
Of course, a few months back I didn’t particularly like him, and I didn’t
want to have a child but now, after nearly losing him, it’s made me realise
how pathetic I was being. I have loved Preston Sauvage since the first time
I saw him. I believe in love at first sight, and that’s what I had with Preston.
I was just too shy and stubborn to tell him how I felt, because to me, when
he used to hire me to talk I would have rather have had him as a client than
nothing at all.
But he was so much more than that.
He is all I have ever dreamt about.
And now, here we are. Even though we’ve only been on this journey for
a short time together, I don’t ever want to leave his side again.
By the time the nurse had left for the evening, I was sat at the table in a
grey, satin dress that sat at my ankles. A huge split ran up the side of my
leg, exposing the skin on my thigh. I was grateful that the split was on the
leg that wasn’t casted. The centre of the dress plunged down to my sternum,
exposing my bare chest and giving Preston a little tease of what was his.
I was horny, all the god damn time and he wouldn’t touch me because
now, suddenly, I was made of china.
Sighing, I puffed my cheeks out and reached for my phone.
I tapped a quick message to let Preston know that dinner was here; I
hadn’t seen him at all today and I missed him. The food was covered over
with silver dishes, keeping it warm. I had ordered Preston’s favourite,
chicken coq au vin. I had never tasted it, but it smelt delicious.
I felt restless, crossing my leg over my casted leg then getting frustrated
that I didn’t look how I wanted for him.
For him.
Glancing at my watch, it had just gone eight. My head snapped up when
I heard his office door shut, his eyes finding mine as soon as he walked
round the corner and into the open planned penthouse. They were alight, his
lips curling into the most beautiful smile. His fingers fiddled with the collar
of his shirt, pulling at the button and releasing it. His eyes raked down the
upper half of my body, a small pinch at the side of his mouth had him
smirking in seconds.
“Hello, you,” he crooned, leaning down and burying his face into the
crook of my neck. I felt him inhale deeply before his lips pressed onto my
tingling skin. “You look breath-taking.”
“Hey, you.” I blush as he steps back and pulls the seat out next to me. I
reach over and grab the red bottle of wine and pour him a small glass.
His mood seems a lot better than it has been over the last few days.
Lighter somehow?
“Thank you, Sunshine but I am more than capable of doing it myself,
plus… it should be me looking after you.” He pouted.
“I have had someone look after me all day, now it’s my time to look
after you,” I smile softly at him, his eyes meeting mine as we enjoy this
moment of just us.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, breaking the hypnotizing hold he had
over me to lift his silver dish, he groaned in appreciation. “My favourite.”
“I’m okay, leg is aching a little today and it doesn’t help that I am
carrying a boulder around in my stomach and that I need to pee every five
minutes,” I huff, lifting my own dish and letting the herby aroma fill my
“It smells delicious,” I moan as I pick up my fork.
“You’ve never had it before?” he asked, pricking an eyebrow up as he
took a mouthful then bringing his thumb and index finger to his lips as he
chef kissed.
I shook my head. “No, unfortunately not,” I mumbled as I took my own
mouthful. My taste buds exploding with flavours.
“I know it’s not the most extravagant dinner out there, but it reminds me
of when I was younger, and my mum was busy working and running a
home. Coq au vin was a hearty dinner yet had minimal preparation. It
basically cooked itself once all the ingredients were together.” He smiled
fondly as if for a moment he was reminiscing about his childhood.
I kept quiet, just slowly placing food into my mouth and savouring the
“What about you? Any meals that remind you of your childhood…?” he
trailed off, his brows pinching and furrowing for a moment. “I have just
realised I know nothing about you,” he reached for the stem of his wine
glass and took a mouthful of wine.
“Well, that’s not completely true…” a small laugh bubbled out of me,
“you know my parents died…”
“I know that, but that’s all I do know.”
“I don’t remember much,” I whisper, my eyes fixed on my plate of food
in front of me.
“Shit,” he whispers himself, “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have bought it up.”
I wanted to look at him, but I physically cannot bring myself to lift my eyes
from the table.
“I moved in with my grandma, and as I have explained before she
passed when I was seventeen, I moved in with Harriet, went to college and
tried to become an interior designer…” my eyes automatically found his.
“Hence my interest in the field and the course I am working on. But when
she died, I had to drop out. I couldn’t afford to continue. So, I left with my
head hung and walked away with thousands of pounds of debt following
He said nothing. I wet the dryness in my throat by taking a mouthful of
my water. “I had moved out of Harriet’s house, not that they forced me but I
felt like a burden. I brought nothing to their table, I couldn’t hold down a
job. I had a small bit of inheritance that I received from my grandma, so
that went down on a deposit when it was affordable to do so…” my eyes
fell back to my lap, my heart beating ten to the dozen. “Then one night, I
was at an all-time low. I went out into this sleazy bar, looking for anything,
anyone… just to make me forget the hell I was living in… and that’s when I
met Ernie.” I sniffed, I hadn’t even realised that I had a tear rolling down
my cheek. “I thought he was my knight in shining armour, the one on the
white horse to ride me into the sunset. Don’t get me wrong, he helped me,
so much. But doing what I done…” I swallow the bile back down, “I felt
disgusted with myself.” Shaking my head from side to side, “I have no idea
why Ernie kept me on, I was the worst…” I looked up at him, his eyes
pinned to mine, his fists clenched. “I cry…”
I still for a moment, giving him a chance to say something but he
doesn’t. His lips are pressed into a thin line. I can see the thoughts ticking
over in his head but he keeps them to himself, and I don’t know if I am
grateful or mad.
“When I had to sleep with clients, I used to cry. The whole time. Don’t
get me wrong… they were really kind and sweet and never made me do
anything I didn’t want to do as such… I just couldn’t believe that I had got
myself into a situation like that. And then there was you, my favourite part
of my job. Because you actually took the time out to just talk to me, to ask
me how I was, to ask me how my day was. Not once did you lay a finger on
me or make me feel uncomfortable like some of the old sleazeballs did. You
were all I thought about, all I thought about when the tears were rolling out
of my eyes. It was always you Preston. You were and still are the reason
that I am here, the reason that I didn’t just give everything up. It’s you, you
saved me.”
He stood from the table, dropping his napkin over his dinner. His eyes
didn’t leave mine as he closed the space between us, lowering down
brushing his thumb over my cheek to wipe my tears away. “And you saved
me right back,” he whispered before his lips pressed into mine, kissing the
pain away.
Hooking his arms under my arms, then under my bum he lifted me from
the dining chair and carried me to the bedroom. The nerves were ripping
through me, we hadn’t done anything sexual since the time he walked out to
go on his date.
I swallowed the bile back down, I didn’t want to think of that now. We
had come so far.
I loved him.
He loved me.
Don’t get me wrong… there could have been times where things could
have happened, but we were both cautious. Mixed feelings, crossing
another line, being pregnant, our accident… so much had happened in such
a small space of time. But now, the time felt right. I needed him. I had just
laid myself bare to him, bringing down my walls slowly so he could see just
how vulnerable I was and how much I needed him to heal me.
I clung onto him, inhaling his musky scent that had a hint of vanilla
lacing it.
We walked into the bedroom, the floor to ceiling panelling was painted
a light grey before the white coving wrapped around the room. The hotel
was modern, but Tabitha liked to keep a little of the original décor from her
grandfather’s design for when he first built the hotel which I loved. Placing
me down gently, I gripped onto his broad shoulders.
“Hold on to the headboard baby,” his command was gentle and slow.
I did as he asked, wrapping my fingers round the black, metal frame that
was his headboard.
My breathing slowed as I watched Preston step away, unbuttoning the
rest of his crisp white shirt revealing his toned torso. My eyes fell to the
light dusting of dark hair that was over his chest.
Shrugging it off his shoulders, I pouted. I wanted to push it away from
his strong shoulders, I wanted to run my fingers and hands all over his torso
so I could trace his skin like a treasure map, making sure I savoured every
moment, making sure my fingertips remembered every little detail of his
skin. Every goosebump, every mole, every mark and every scar. I wanted to
feel and see it all.
“Tonight, is all about you, baby.” The breath from his voice on my skin,
making it erupt into goosebumps.
I felt my breath catch in the back of my throat, but I didn’t take my eyes
from him. My lungs expanding, gasping for more of his breath to intoxicate
He closed the gap between us, his arms snaking around my waist, his
eyes dropping to my bump before his gaze penetrated mine. “Are you okay
standing for a while?”
I nodded. He snatched the air from my lungs rendering me speechless.
Everything about him was like a drug. He had a chokehold over me, and I
never wanted him to let go.
Edging his lips closer to mine, he covered them. His kiss was gentle,
slow to start with before his tongue swept in and took over. He groaned
from deep in his throat, one of his hands skimming up the side of the silk
dress, his fingers dragging across my exposed skin on my chest before
wrapping his fingers around the base of my throat.
A whimper escaped me as my fingers ran from his waistband, slowly to
his shoulders feeling his skin pebble under my touch. My painted black
nails digging into his skin. Our teeth clashed, our tongues wrapping around
each other’s as we devoured each other in this one kiss.
Pulling back, he scoffed, a devious smirk pinching at the corner of his
lip as he fell to his knees. I heard him suck in a breath as his greedy hands
skimmed and rubbed over my thighs, pressing his fingers into my hot skin,
leaving marks before his lips trailed behind his fingertips, marking me in
the best possible way.
Bunching the skirt of my dress up at my waist, he growled when he saw
I was bare underneath.
“Fuck,” he growled, “your pretty little cunt is glistening already, and I
haven’t even touched you there yet.”
A whine left me, running my fingers through his thick, tufted hair. I
fought the urge to grab it, knotting it through my fingers. I was hot and
bothered, the ache presenting itself. Pressing my thighs together, I had to try
something to the dull the pressure that was building.
“Oh, Sunshine, no need to clench… I’m going to take care of you,” he
looked up at me through his long, black lashes. I sunk my teeth into my
bottom lip, our eyes pinned to each other for just a moment before his
finger swiped through my wet folds.
A moan slipped out as he done it again. Spreading my pussy with his
two fingers, he bit and nipped on each thigh before his tongue lashed out
and licked my throbbing clit. Tightening my fingers in his hair, I tugged
“Fuck you taste so good,” he groaned, using his free hand to coat me in
my arousal before rubbing my clit softly.
“Preston,” my breath heavy, my head falling forward as I gave in to the
overwhelming urge to close my eyes.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He orders and I do as he says.
His fingers lazily slip through my folds before teasing two of them at
my entrance.
“I want your greedy little pussy to ride my fingers while I eat your
A sob of a moan leaves me as he pushes two thick fingers inside of me,
his dirty words pushing me to my impending climax.
His mouth is back on me, doing just what he said he would. And ladies,
let me tell you, Preston Sauvage knows how to eat pussy.
Letting my head fall back, I press his face deeper into me not wanting
this pure ecstasy to be over. This is what it must feel like to be high,
constantly chasing the buzz, doing whatever is needed to get to the ultimate
He groans as my walls clamp tighter around him. My hips rock over his
fingers, letting him fuck me deep as he rubs my g-spot. His expert tongue
doesn’t stop. Licking, sucking, flicking and swirling. He stills inside of me,
pulling his fingers to the tip before pressing a third and plunging them deep
inside of me.
A cold shiver smothers me like an ice blanket as I feel my stomach knot
before burning. My fingers wrap in his hair as I hold him just where I need
him. Where I so desperately need him.
“Keep doing that… fuck,” I whisper, and I swear I feel his smile on my
Lifting his mouth from me, our eyes connect. His grin still there, his lips
coated in my arousal.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to Sunshine, I want you to cum all over
my fingers. I am going to lick you clean, then suck myself clean. Then
while your raspy and breathless, I am going to shred that pretty little dress
off you and fuck you senseless.” He promises and my insides burn with
Pulling his fingers back to the tip he thrusts them inside of me,
stretching me in the best possible way before his mouth is back on me,
sucking my clit. His pulses are slow and deep, my insides clenching as I let
my orgasm explode inside of me.
“Preston, fuck,” I cry out as my whole body trembles, my skin
smothered in a sheen of cold sweat. “Oh Preston, my God, shit.”
“That’s it Sunshine, I am your fucking God.”
Covering me with his mouth once more, he makes sure not to waste a
single fucking drop of me. Lifting his head, he smirks as his eyes stay on
my pussy, rubbing my clit lazily as his fingers are still pushed deep.
Once I have ridden my orgasm out, he leans in and kisses each of my
thighs and slips his fingers out before pressing them into his mouth and
sucking them clean. Standing, he runs his fingers over his bottom lip as he
watches me. My chest heaving, rising fast as I come down from the
almighty high he has just put me on.
Wrapping his arm around my back, he tugs on the zip that runs from the
base of my back to my bum.
“I like this dress, so I’m not going to shred it.” He winks, his voice
hoarse and raspy. “You are so fucking sexy, I want you pregnant all the god
damn time.” His whispers send shivers up my spine as he pulls the thin, silk
material from my sensitive body.
His hands rub over my large bump tentatively, his eyes glassy and wide
with excitement. Before I have a minute to let this beautiful moment soak
in, he is scooping me up and placing me on the bed. Grabbing two duck
feathered pillows from his side, he places them under my cast so my leg is
elevated and rested. His other hand moves to my large breasts, rubbing and
kneading them. I moan in appreciation. Spreading my other leg wide, his
hand skims down my sternum, my belly, my pelvis before he slips his hand
between my leg, swirling his fingers in my arousal.
“This is going to be hard and fast Sunshine,” he groans as he pulls back
onto his knees, his fingers still teasing and dipping into my soaked pussy.
“This is my pussy, it’ll always be my pussy…” His eyes flick up to look at
me, his eyes burning with want and need.
“Say it,” he orders, his voice silky and sultry. “Tell me whose pussy this
I pant as his fingers slip out to the tip then plunge deeply into me.
“Pres…” I moan as he does it again.
“Say it otherwise I’ll stop and walk away.” He pulls his bottom lip
between his teeth, his fingers teetering at my opening, his threat becoming
more real now.
“Yours Preston, it’s always going to be yours,” I cry, his teasing assault
has me frustrated, hot tears roll down my cheeks.
“Such a good girl,” he praises, my cheeks flush as he whips his fingers
out of me. Kneeling back, he unbuttons his suit trousers and discards of
them quickly.
Leaning back over me, he spreads my folds and slaps my clit.
I gasp.
He does it again.
“Your cunt is glistening, you like this don’t you?” he purrs as he rubs
his fingers over my clit fast, working me back up again then slapping my
clit once more.
“Please,” I beg, I need him. My trembling hand moves down my sweat
covered body as I rub my clit, trying to find my own release.
I hear a primal growl leave him as he moves my hand away, slipping his
thick fingers through my folds and pushes them into me with force.
“Your pussy is so greedy; you want it all don’t you Sunshine.” He hums
as he fucks me hard with his fingers, my pussy stretching as he slips a third
finger in.
“Look at it, stretching to take three of my fingers, I bet we can get
another one inside you,” he licks his lips, rubbing my clit with his spare
hand, making the climb to my orgasm faster.
Pulling his three fingers out, he coats my pussy in my arousal before
edging his four finger tips at my opening.
“No, Preston, I can’t.” I beg, shaking my head as I lay watching him.
“Oh, Sunshine, you can,” he winks, slowly pushing them into me.
“There’s a good girl,” he praises as he fills me. “Your cunt looks so pretty
and full, it was made for me,” he sucks in a breath as he begins fisting
himself slowly, a bead of cum sitting on the head of his cock.
My moans fill the room, placing my hand back over my clit I begin to
rub in fast circular movements.
“Come all over my fingers, and once you’re finished you can come all
over my cock.” He pants as he continues to stroke himself.
“Keep going,” I cry out as my stomach tightens, my walls clamping
around his fingers.
“There’s my good girl, come,” his voice is low as he speaks his
command. And I do.
I fucking come hard, my orgasm splitting through me, my toes curling,
my back arching my pregnant belly tightening as I ride it out.
“Such a good fucking girl,” he praises, pulling his fingers out of me.
Leaning over me, he runs his thumb over my cheeks, spreading my arousal
on my skin before he pushes his fingers past my lips.
“Suck them, see why I am so addicted to your taste,” he groans and I do
as he says, I lick and suck them as if I am starving and desperate.
“Fuck,” he moans, pulling his fingers from my lips he kneels, fisting
himself before rubbing the tip of his swollen and hot cock up and down my
soaked pussy. Before I have a moment to let myself come down from my
explosive orgasm, his cock is thrusting inside of me, filling me to the hilt as
he delivers on his promise of fucking me fast and hard. One of his hands
grips my thigh, pinching and marking my skin and the other is pressed at
the base of my neck as he rides me, his thick, long cock stretching me in the
best way as he pushes me to hit another high.
“You feel so good baby, touch yourself,” he begs, his voice shaky as he
Reaching between my legs, my fingers land on my soaked pussy. Fuck.
Lifting my fingers for a moment, I watch as he fucks me. I watch as his
own pleasure rips through him, his eyes on me the whole time as he
watches me.
Rubbing my clit like he asks, I feel the familiar burn, my pussy
tightening around him.
“Fuck baby, clench that tight little pussy round my dick again, I want
you choking me.” He groans, his head tipping back for a moment, his
fingers digging further into my skin.
I do as he says, clenching myself.
“Yes, Sunshine, come for me if you can, come all over my cock.” He
roars as his hips thrust back and forth, his cock slipping in and out of me
I feel his cock swell as he pumps inside of me, he rips my hand away
from my pussy as he slaps my clit hard, then rubs and slaps again which
sends me free falling through seventh heaven.
Chapter Twenty-Four

S lipping out of the bed quietly , I covered S kylar over with the
thin, silk bedsheet. I was obsessed with her, no, besotted… infatuated with
her even. I stood at the edge of the bed, watching as she lay asleep. Her
cherry red lips parted slightly as her slow and soft breaths left them. One
arm was tucked under the pillow, the other cradling her bump. I smirked;
her leg wrapped over the plump duvet. She looked so peaceful and calm. I
could watch her forever.
Finally pulling myself away, I pull a tee over my head and slip some
jogging bottoms on. I was exhausted, but I needed to work while she was
asleep. I didn’t want her knowing what was happening now, I needed to get
the last few things sorted before I can rip the rug from under my father’s
feet and watch him fall.
The rage I was keeping a lid on was constantly bubbling like a boiling
pot of water, ready to bubble over at any moment. I knew he was behind the
crash, Tabitha confirmed it once we were home from hospital but I was
biding my time.
It’s not even about the hotel anymore.
It’s about me, Skylar and our son.
Sitting in my office, the door was closed. I felt bad for leaving Sky
alone, but I needed to get this done. Opening my laptop, I began scanning
through the documents I needed to get printed and signed, once I had signed
them, I needed Skylar’s signature. Going forward with my new adventure,
Skylar was going to be part of it too. She was my life now, and I never
wanted her to feel unwanted or pushed out. A warmth of pride swarmed
through me, she was doing so well with her course, and I had already told
Tab that I wanted Skylar to decorate the new hotel once it was up and
running. I wanted her mark and touch on everything.
I watched as the printer kicked in, pumping the paper out quickly. I had
no clue how I would get Skylar to sign these, but I had to. Pushing the
thoughts aside, I pushed off my desk and shuffled the papers into a neat
pile. Clipping them together, I slipped them into my top drawer.
My parents were hosting a big party in the next few weeks, I didn’t
want to go, but I needed too. I knew Skylar would be uncomfortable, but I
needed her to be strong for me. My father was a coward, a calculated
coward at that, but still a coward. He knew what he was doing when he was
winding me up, he knew he could push me into a corner, and I would bite.
He wanted a rise from me and that’s exactly what he got. He knew what
buttons to push.
Slamming my laptop lid down, I rushed out of the room and headed
back to bed. I wanted to climb back into my bed and wrap my arms around
my soon to be wife. The engagement ring had been burning a hole in my
pocket, there have been so many times that I have wanted to do it but none
of them seemed like the right time.
Sighing, I pushed the bedroom door closed, pulled my clothes off and
slipped back into bed where I belonged.
Everything was going to be fine.
Chapter Twenty-Five

T he last few weeks had flown by , I felt like I had blinked , and we
were here. Harriet’s wedding. I stood without my cast which was taken off
the week before, smiling as I watched her veil be tucked into her chignon
bun. She looked simply breath-taking. She wore a figure hugging dress that
clung to the curves of her hips. The neckline swooped across her collar
bone and finished off in small, lace cuffed arms.
“Harriet,” I choked as she spun round to face me and her other
bridesmaids. “You look so beautiful, Mark is going to be blown away,” I
sniffed, patting the under of my eyes with the tip of my finger, mindful not
to ruin my make-up.
“Yeah?” she asked a little cautious as she looked down at her dress.
“Yes!” we all said in unison.
Her eyes welled up, nodding towards me. Stepping towards her, I
wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Come, let’s
go get you married,” I whispered.
“Let’s go,” she smiled, wrapping her fingers through mine as we made
our way towards the barn entrance.
We stood waiting for the cue for her to walk down the aisle, she
squeezed my hand tightly as she looked at me.
“You ready?” I asked.
“Ready.” She nodded.
I stepped back behind her, pulling the train of her dress out as her dad
took my place.
How Long Will I Love You – Ellie Goulding began playing. I felt my
skin erupt in goosebumps, tears pricking at the back of my eyes.
The barn doors clunked as they opened, the guests all stood as their
gazes were pinned to Harriet.
I inhaled deeply, counting to ten in my head before I began to follow.
My eyes up and searching for Preston. It wasn’t long before they seeked
him out, his eyes warm and glistening.
My heart drummed against my rib cage, butterflies swarming my
stomach as each step brought me closer to him.
Stepping into the aisle where he was, he wrapped his arm around my
waist and pulled me in for a kiss. The tingles spread across my body from
his lips on mine.
“You look stunning, Sunshine.”
“Thank you,” I smiled, “you’re too sweet… just be honest, I look like a
beached whale, I am swollen and fat.” I huffed, flicking my blonde curls off
my shoulder and fanning myself with the paper fans that were handed out
by the flower girls.
“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant and glowing and so fucking beautiful,”
he whispered into my ears as we watched Harriet’s dad give her over to
“And once you have had this baby and you have had the all clear from
the doctor I am going to fuck you until you’re pregnant again. I want you
pregnant all the time.”
I scoffed, not peeling my eyes from the ceremony in front, but leaning
into Preston so he could hear me. “You need to slow down there, buddy,” I
winked, “one baby is enough thank you,” I nudged into him.
“Aha, don’t think so princess, you’re going to be filled with so much
cum that one of them will stick.”
I gasped, choking on my own breath, my eyes widening as I gained
some questionable looks from guests. Preston laughed quietly beside me.
What a twat.
I tsked, rolling my eyes. I felt the crimson blush pinch at my cheeks at
my embarrassment. He knew what he was doing.
I sat silently, feeling little man kick away in my belly as we watched
Harriet and Mark say their vows.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride.” The
registrar called, everyone stood and cheered as Mark cupped Harriet’s
cheek, pulling her into him and sealing their marriage with a passionate
Pulling away, they both smiled at each other before turning to face us
all. Hand in hand they walked down the candle lit aisle to I’m Yours – Jason
I felt my heart swell at seeing my best friend marry the love of her life
and I couldn’t help but wonder if me and Preston would ever get married.
Leaving the aisle of seats, I stepped out behind Harriet, Preston hot on my
tail as he linked his fingers through mine and walked by my side.
“I love you,” he said breathlessly.
“Not as much I love you.”

T he night of the wedding was soon upon us , drinks were flowing ,

dance moves were being thrown. I sat at the table, tapping my swollen foot
to the beat of Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars.
Preston re-appeared, a wide smile on his face as he held his hand out for
me to stand.
“I don’t think I can, I am scared that if I stand, he is going to fall out of
my vagina.”
Preston let out a deep, throaty laugh which made me giggle.
“It’s true,” I sighed, taking his hand and letting him help me up. I stood
slowly, holding onto my tummy as I did. The baby had felt like he had
dropped in the last week or so. Our due date was creeping up on us fast.
“All good?”
I nodded.
“You sure?”
I nodded again.
“He isn’t going to fall out of your vagina, no?”
“Piss off,” I laughed, bumping into him as he led me to the dance floor.
His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me as close as he could. His
lips edged towards mine, his eyes burning into mine as we danced while
Like I’m Gonna Lose You – Meghan Trainor crooned through the speakers.
My arms linked around his neck as I used him for support from my
aching body. His strong arms holding me tight so even if I felt like I would
fall, he wouldn’t let me.
“I love this song,” I admitted as I gazed into his deep brown eyes. The
spark coursed through me like burning embers. I never wanted to lose the
feelings he gave me.
We danced like this for what felt like forever, the DJ pulling us back to
the room when he cut through the room with a familiar beat. It boomed.
Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice poured through the speakers. The dance floor
erupted as people were bouncing and shaking their hips to the beat. I
laughed when I spun to see Mark and Harriet singing it to each other having
a little rap battle.
“Oh my god,” I giggled as Preston’s arm snaked around my waist and
rested on my bump.
“You know what this song reminds me of?” his lips were by my ear,
whispering in a teasing manner.
“What?” I breathed. I loved how I was affected by him, chasing a
constant high when I was with him.
“When I ate your perfect, tight pussy and finished you off with the ice.”
A chill swept over me, putting out the burn that was alight deep inside
of me.
“Wait till we get back to the room, I’ll get a bucket full of ice and
fucking devour you,” he warned, his hand reaching up and grabbing my
cheeks as he twisted and lowered his head towards me, dipping his tongue
into my hot mouth.
“Now, I’m going to show these boys just how you dance to Ice Ice
Baby,” he winked, shuffling back breaking into a dance.
I rubbed my lips into a thin line trying to stifle my laugh, he looked so
carefree and happy. It was so nice to see. Swaying from side to side, I held
onto my lemonade and lime as I kept my eyes on him, his eyes on me. Mark
joined in with one of best men too. They all stood in a line as they pissed
about to the song. Harriet swooped in next to me, wrapping her arm over
my shoulder.
“I think they’ll be good friends…” She nudged into me.
“Yeah,” I sighed, “me too.”
“So I assume you and Preston are going to do this baby thing together
now…” she trailed off, she seemed hesitant.
“I think so, we haven’t said we’re together, but then we also haven’t
said that we aren’t together…” I shrugged my shoulders up.
“Oh, I think you’re together,” she smirked, her arm dropping from my
shoulder before her fingers found mine, then she squeezed my hand.
Reluctantly pulling my eyes away from Preston, I turned my head to
look at her. She had a silly smile on her face, I knew that smile… she was
up to something.
“Harriet,” I breathed, a warning tone lacing my voice before the music
cut, the room falling deathly quiet.
What the fuck was going on.
My eyes volleyed between Preston and Harriet. His lips slowly pulled at
the corners before he lifted his hand and curled his finger, calling me over.
I felt my cheeks flush as I stepped towards him cautiously. When I
reached him, he took my hand in his and pulled me close, covering my lips
with his. The spark coursing through my body from his touch. It was
everything. Addicting. So fucking addicting.
“Sky, baby…” he said softly, his eyes not leaving mine. “I know we
have had our ups and downs, but one thing I know for sure is, I love you
Sunshine. I have loved you for what feels like a lifetime. After everything
happened with the accident, it was the wake up call I needed. It made me
realise just how short life is and how I don’t want to spend a moment more
without you not being mine.” He stopped, turning to look at the DJ and
gently nodded. Angel Baby – Troye Silvan began playing through the
speakers softly. I saw him inhale deeply, his eyes closing for a brief moment
before he reached into his pocket. I gasped, my eyes widening as I took in
the dark green velvet ring box that he pulled out. My heart rate spiked, the
blood thrashing in my ears as my heart drummed in tune with his against
my rib cage.
“I have been carrying this around with me for months, and I just
couldn’t find the right time to ask you… but with Harriet and Mark’s
blessing, they allowed me to do it here with them.” He slowly dropped to
one knee, his hand holding onto my left one still. “In front of your family,”
his eyes glistened. He was right, this was perfect. Harriet and her family
were the only family I had, and well, now I had Preston too.
“Sunshine,” he breathed, his hand trembling as he tried to open the box
without letting go of my hand. Mark rushed over to him, opening the box
and placing it back in his hand, but not before giving him an encouraging
squeeze of the shoulders.
“Thanks mate,” Preston dropped his head forward, laughing softly.
My eyes began to water, filling with hot, happy tears. The burn in my
throat was growing as I tried to swallow it down, choking on a laugh.
“Let’s try this again shall we…” Preston lifted his head, his smile
suddenly fading. “Sunshine, will you make me the happiest man alive,
marry me, please?” The desperation clung to his voice. He needed me, just
like I needed him.
I sniffed, nodding ferociously up and down, words escaping me as the
prick in the back of my eyes became too much and I let the happy tears fall.
“Oh, baby,” he breathed out in relief, slipping a thin platinum band onto
my finger with a solitaire diamond sparkling under the lights.
He stood, his hands coming to my face as he pressed his lips into mine.
And just like that, the rest of the room disappeared around us. It was
just me and him.
I was his.
He was mine.
Chapter Twenty-Six

T o say we had been on cloud nine was an understatement . W e had a

few short weeks to go until baby boy was due and I had planned a little
babymoon, in the country for me and Skylar, we were all packed and ready
to go this evening. She had been so preoccupied with her course that we
were like passing ships in the night. The dedication that she has shown
throughout her pregnancy with her work is something I am in awe of. Tab
has been amazing with her, helping her when she was a little unsure of what
was needed from the course but I have to say, she is a natural and I can’t
wait to have her on board and working alongside me. She passed her first
two exams with flying colours, she has one more to go when the baby is
born and then she is good to go.
I smile, thinking about how far we had come in the short amount of
time. Running my pen across my bottom lip slowly, my mind flashes back
to the night of the wedding and the night I promised her, it exceeded all my
expectations, as did she.
Sighing, I dropped the pen and woke my laptop up. It was late morning;
we were due at my parents for brunch this afternoon. I had finalised the last
contract, it was all on me now. I just needed to wait for the right moment to
call my father out, then I was going to cover that part of my life in petrol
before striking a match and dropping it on the floor, watching as it went up
in flames behind me. I was all for new beginnings.
“Babe,” I heard Sky’s panicked voice as she edged round the doorway
holding her belly.
“Sunshine,” I rushed out, pushing so hard from my desk I knocked the
chair over, but I didn’t care. Cupping her face in mine I could see the worry
in her green eyes as they darted back and forth between mine.
“The baby,” she choked, “I haven’t felt him move all morning. I thought
he was just being a little lazier than usual, but I’ve tried everything.” I
watched as her eyes filled with tears, her bottom lip trembling as she tried
to blink them away.
“It’s okay, everything will be okay.” I pulled her into me, my hand
cupping the back of her head as I held her still and let her cry. I felt my own
lump forming in my throat at the thoughts of what could be going on, but I
didn’t want her worrying and thinking of things like that. I knew she would
be, but it was my job to be the strong one and hide my feelings so I didn’t
scare her.
“Come on angel, let’s get to the doctors,” I say softly, prying her from
my soaked chest. She nodded numbly as she palmed away the tears. “I
promise, everything is going to be fine.”
I tried to make conversation with Skylar to keep her mind busy but all I
got back was small grunts, her hands were wrapped round her bump the
whole time.
Pulling into a space right outside the office, I put the hand brake on
before the car had even stopped, making us both jolt forward slightly.
Slamming the door behind me I moved quickly round to her side and
opened the door, taking her hand and helping her out slowly. Hitting the
buzzer with my finger continuously before snapping out her name, we were
let through. The doctor was standing at the door ready for us, I was grateful
that he didn’t make us wait.
“Skylar; Preston,” he said softly, rubbing his lips into a thin line as he
held his hand out to shake. I ignored it. I didn’t want to shake his fucking
hand, I just wanted to make sure Skylar and baby were okay.
He closed the door quietly behind us and ushered Sky over to the bed to
lay down.
“Let’s take a look shall we, I know it’s easier said than done, but try not
to worry.”
Sky nodded bravely, her bottom lip beginning to tremble again. Her
head turned to find me but I was already next to her, scooping both of her
tiny, shaking hands into mine. The doctor lifted her top up and applied the
gel before pushing the probe onto her belly.
I heard her choke out a sob as her hand squeezed mine and a loud thud
came from the monitor followed by a strong, galloping horse sound.
“He kicked; did you hear that?” She beamed at me, tears rolling down
the side of her face and dissolving into the thin tissue like covering.
“I did Sunshine,” I smiled back at her, bringing her hand to my lips and
placing soft kisses on the back on her hand continuously.
“Everything looks great Skylar, baby is measuring around five pounds
which is a little on the small side for how far you are, but we will keep an
eye on it weekly with scans and just track his growth.” Aiden said calmly as
he removed the probe from her stomach and placed it in its holder before
handing Sky the tissue. I snatched it out of his hand before he had a chance
to give it to her. I wiped her belly tentatively as Skylar smiled at me.
“But the baby and Sky are okay?” I asked Aiden, my voice gruff as I
dropped the tissue into the bin located next to the bed.”
“They are, we will continue to monitor up until the baby is here. Just
make sure she gets plenty of rest and doesn’t overdo it,” his eyes moved
from mine before the fell to Skylar, lifting his brow and giving her a
“I’ll make sure of it,” I nodded, pulling Sky’s top down and helping her
“Perfect, I’ll schedule you in for next Wednesday morning, does that
work for you?” Aiden asked Sky and she nodded.
“Lovely, I’ll get the nurse to book it in, we will do your midwife
appointment here then too.”
“Okay,” her voice was small as she hopped off the bed, my fingers
wrapped around her hand as I helped her.
“Thank you for seeing on us on such short notice,” I said genuinely to
him. Sure, he took her out on a date but it was nothing more. She was mine.
She was always going to be mine.
“Of course, and if anything changes or you have any more worries then
please call me Skylar.” Aiden stepped towards her, putting his hand on her
shoulder as he smiled warmly at her. Pulling her away and towards me, I
wrapped my arm around her waist.
“We will,” I nodded curtly, Skylar grinned and rolled her eyes.
“Thank you again,” she smiled at Aiden.
“You’re most welcome.” He smiled back before opening the door and
letting us out.
Once we were back in the car, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and
messaged my father letting him know we wouldn’t be coming for brunch. I
wasn’t putting Sky in that situation, and no doubt he would make some
comment to make her uncomfortable. She didn’t need the stress, and that’s
all my father seemed to bring to us.
“You don’t have to be rude to Aiden,” she scowled at me as I reached
over and strapped her in.
“I’m not being rude,” I pinched my brows before my lips gave me away
as they pulled into a smirk.
She rolled her eyes at me.
“You gave mummy and daddy such a scare,” she placed her hands on
her little bump and spoke to our son. “Yes, I know you’re okay, you’re quite
happy moving around and kicking me now aren’t you,” she smiled and my
heart burst. Lifting my phone, I took a quick photo of her.
“Hey!” she whined as her plump bottom lip stuck out, “you’ve got all
my three chins in that no doubt.”
I laughed like a child. “No Sunshine, there is only two,” I laughed again
as she leaned across and swatted me before taking my phone out of my
hand and staring at it.
“Oh,” was all she said, her eyes brightening as her smile grew, “it’s
actually a really nice photo,” she beamed. That smile was quickly gone.
“Your dad is trying to call you,” she passed me the phone back. I sighed,
cutting him off and dropping the phone into the middle of the car.
“Plug your phone in babe, put some songs on.”
“With pleasure, let’s kick of car-e-oke with a little swifty.”
“My favourite,” I teased as I pulled into the road and headed home. I
wanted her snuggled on the sofa with me while we watched film after film
and ate junk food.
Sounded like the perfect Saturday afternoon.
Chapter Twenty-Seven

W e lay on the sofa under one of the thick , fluffy throws that
Preston keeps in a log basket on the floor. We had just finished Age of
“Let me go get fresh drinks, it’s my turn on film choice now,” he leant
over and kissed me on the forehead. “Get ready for Thor baby,” he groaned
as he pushed himself up and grabbed the glasses.
I rolled my eyes, truth was, I loved all the marvel films, so I was just as
happy with his film choice as he was.
He disappeared into the kitchen, I sighed, reaching for my phone and
texting Harriet. They were in the Bahamas on their honeymoon. She made
sure I felt like part of it with the many photos of cocktails, white sandy
beaches and poolside views.
Sitting up, I heard the penthouse door open and close.
“Babe?” I called out, turning to face the hallway. Nothing.
Moaning as I stood, my pelvis and back hurt like a bitch and don’t even
get me started on the pain in my vagina. I felt like I had been kicked in the
fairy by a horse.
I waddled over towards the kitchen, pinching my brows at an empty
Where had he gone?
I padded towards the hallway and looked down it, nothing.
Maybe it was room service? Joys of living in a hotel I thought to myself.
Shrugging my shoulders up and down softly, I headed back towards the
living room.
“Well, well, well,” I heard a voice which caused me to spin round
quickly. There standing in the shadows was Preston’s father.
“If it isn’t the dirty little whore herself,” he snarled as he stepped closer
to me. My eyes widened and I felt the prick of tears threaten at his nasty
“What do you want?” I sniff, but I don’t let him see how his words are
making me feel inside, how the words that just dripped of his tongue like
poison are bricking the wall back up, one by one. The words that bring
everything back that I have tried so desperately hard to move on from, the
life that was once mine. I stood tall, my head held high and my shoulders
back like the queen I was. I would not let my crown slip for anybody.
“I see my simp of a son has even put a ring on your finger,” he growled
as he edged closer. Preston’s father was a tall, skinny man. Not like his son.
His slicked, black hair was styled to perfection. His gaunt face made him
look older as his pronounced cheek bones stuck out ever so slightly. He
looked like a weasel, a sly, old, weasel. His face was close to mine now, I
could see how he looked down his nose at me in disgust. “Did Preston not
tell you?” he smirked, his hand reaching up and grabbing my face as he
squeezed my cheeks. “Seeing as he wants to keep you and that bastard
child, he loses everything. The hotel. The name. The money.” His lips twist
into a sly smirk, “let’s see how long you last when there is no money in the
bank.” He spits at me through gritted teeth, his jaw clenches tight. “I will
not have my name associated with a slut, you will not get to have my name.
You’re a fucking whore, you belong on the streets, not walking around in
designer clothes and a name so prestigious.”
I swallowed the bile that was rising up my throat.
“He will come to his senses once I’ve cut him off, once he realises just
how shit the real world is without my money to get him through. What a
stupid little boy, throwing all of this away for someone like you,” he
growled before dropping his hand from my cheek, but I didn’t get a moment
to think when his hand connected with my face, a hard slap stinging as soon
as the contact was made. “Your pussy must be like fucking crack, maybe
once my son is done with you, I can pay you to show me just how good it
is,” his words made my skin crawl. “For him to be okay with giving up
everything… fuck, it must be good.”
My head slowly turned back round to face him, my eyes looking
through him as I saw a pissed off Preston. His shoulders were slightly
hunched forward, his jaw locked and clenched, his fists balled at his side.
I rubbed my cheek, trying to ease the ache that was growing by the
second when Preston grabbed his father by the shoulders and pulled him
back towards him.
“How fucking dare you?” he bellowed in his father’s face.
“You’re a fucking fool,” his dad spat at him, “do you think she will stay
with you once you’re married? Of course, she fucking won’t, she will move
on to her next victim once she has milked you for everything you have got,
I won’t have it. You’re cut off. From this moment on, you are nothing to
me. I will not have anything to do with you while you’re with her, I am so
disappointed in you.” He growled at Preston, but Preston done nothing. He
just stood there, raging like a bull with hot and heavy breaths coming from
his nose.
My eyes widened, as Preston’s dark, hooded eyes met mine.
“Firstly,” his voice was steady and calm, “you apologise to my fiancé
and the mother of my child.”
His dad scoffs, crossing his skinny little arms across his chest.
“Apologise.” Preston snaps.
Preston steps towards him and grabs him by his shirt, turning his father
to face me.
“I said, apologise.” His voice still eerily calm.
“Sorry,” his dad squeaked out, his poor excuse of an apology didn’t go
unnoticed. He couldn’t even look at me.
“Nah, that’s not good enough. Say sorry father, like you mean it and
fucking look at her.”
This time his father did look at me, but there was no remorse in his
eyes. He was never, ever going to be okay with this, okay with me, okay
with us.
“Sorry,” he said again, as soon as the words were out of his mouth his
eyes fell to the floor again.
Preston spun his father back round to face him.
“Secondly, cut me off father, honestly, you would be doing me a favour.
I am tired of you, I haven’t wanted this for a while and meeting Skylar has
only made me realise that. So do your worst,” Preston lets out a soft
chuckle, his head turning to the side as he looks out over London, his
tongue sweeping across his bottom lip before the smile suddenly fades and
his eyes are glued to his father’s again. “Because, father, I am going to burn
your fucking hotels to the ground, with you in them.”
His father spluttered a few times but couldn’t fathom any words.
“Now get out of my life, get out of my home, I am done with you.”
His dad threw his head back and laughed, the sound of it echoing
around the room.
“Your home?” he sniggered, “this is no longer your home, so pack your
fucking shit up and get out of the penthouse.”
Preston rubbed his chin, the sound of his stubble scratching on his
fingers filled the room.
“Well, you see…” Preston begun, dropping his hand from his face and
fisting them deep into his pockets. “Yes, you’re right, technically this is
your hotel, and technically you have every right to kick me out, but you see,
the thing is father…” Preston smirked, his eyes so dark that I barely
recognised them, “I know about the crash, I know you were behind it…”
Preston stops, holding his hand out for me to take. I rush to his side, his
large hand curling around my hip as he pulls me closer to him now, “you
thought you could take us out and no one would know about it? You
thought you could just quietly get rid of us…” Preston’s grip grew tighter,
and I was grateful, because honestly, I felt like I was going to fall. Hearing
the news that the crash was premeditated, the crash that nearly took
Preston’s life was enough to floor me.
His father’s skin whitened, his eyes widening.
“You think we didn’t know…” Preston laughs, shaking his head from
side to side, “if you want to kill me father, you have to try harder than that.”
“I didn’t want to kill you,” his father seethed, “I wanted to kill her and
that spawn of a slut inside of her,” he spat, pointing and jabbing his finger
towards me.
“Well you failed, miserably.” Preston sighed, “how miserable must you
be as a human being, it’s a shame you can’t knock me around like you used
to when we were kids, aye father. A little slap here, a little punch there… I
am a bigger and better person than you, I will always be a bigger and better
person and this woman, who stands next to me is to thank for that.”
“Get out of my penthouse, now,” his father was shaking with rage, spit
was flying from his lips, foaming at the corners like a rabid dog.
“Actually…” I heard an older voice and the sound of clicking heels.
Preston and I, both turned to see where the voice was coming from.
“It’s Preston’s apartment, it will always be Preston’s apartment,” an old
man came into view, dressed in a three-piece suit and a cane in hand.
Tabitha was next to him, wearing jeans and a shirt as her arm was hooked
through his.
“Dad?” Preston’s father looked like he had seen a ghost.
“What’s the matter son? Forgot who I was?” he laughed as he stopped
in front of his son and slapped his cheek gently three times, but the last one
seemed to hit a little harder.
He turned to face me, smiling and giving me a polite nod. Tabitha
rushed over to me and hugged me tightly before moving to her brother and
giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“What are you doing here?” his father’s tone was quipped.
“Sorting this nonsense out once and for all,” the grandfather answered,
sighing as he rested his weight on his cane. He was built more like Preston.
Tall and broad.
“Tabitha, darling,” he called out.
“Yes pops?”
“Be a doll and pour me a scotch on the rocks,” he winked at her before
turning his attention back to his son.
“Remember them papers I asked you to sign a while back?”
Preston’s father nodded.
“Well, they were your shares. I am sick and tired of the way you treat
your children, sick and tired of the way you treat my hotels like your own
personal bank.” His voice was getting louder with each word that was
spoken. Tabitha rushes back and pushes the glass into her pop’s hand. He
takes a mouthful, then swirls the amber liquid over the ice.
Preston’s father goes to speak but his grandfather holds his hand up.
“I will not throw you out on the street and cut you off like you were
going to do with your own flesh and blood,” his calm voice was back now,
“but you will start at the fucking bottom like the rodent you have become,
and you will work your way back to the top, well, if the new owner is okay
with that?” He turned to face Preston and gave him a wink.
“Oh, I am more than okay with that,” Preston smirked before looking
down at me and kissing me on the lips softly.
“That’s that sorted then, come on Tabby, let’s get going… Tristan, you
too,” he whistled to his son who done has he was told like an obedient dog.
Tabitha walked out with her father storming ahead of him. Preston’s
grandfather walked over to me, taking my hand in his and kissing the back
of it. “It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady. I am just sorry it was
under these circumstances.” He bowed his head before standing and moving
to Preston. Wrapping his hand around the back of his grandson’s head, he
pulled him towards him and kissed him on the cheek. “I am so proud of
you,” he said softly, letting Preston go and patting him on the top of his
“I’ll see you in the office, bright and early next week. Enjoy your break
kids.” He smiled before turning on his heel and walking out of the
We heard the door shut, the noise echoing down the long and hollow
“Baby,” he breathed, cupping my face and covering my lips with his. I
felt a rush of love swarm me, his hands holding me in place as I savoured
his kiss, the way his tongue swept across mine, claiming me filled me with
some sort of calmness. He was reminding me that I was always his, he was
never going to leave me. I knew that. We were made for each other.
Pulling away, he rubbed his thumb across my cheek causing me to
“Shit, Sunshine,” he sighed, he wrapped his fingers round my wrist and
tugged me towards the kitchen area. Wrapping ice in a tea towel, he holds it
against my face which causes me to pull away as the pain spreads.
“I’m sorry baby,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair away from my
face and behind my ear.
“It wasn’t your fault,” I smile.
“I know, but still, I am sorry I wasn’t there to stop him.”
“How did you know to call your grandfather?” I asked, trying to change
the subject slightly so I wasn’t reminded of the cruel words that were said.
“Tabitha gave me the heads up, like always,” he sighed, “Look, I am
sorry I didn’t tell you about the accident and what I knew, I was so focused
on you and the baby that I didn’t want to burden you with that as well. My
father is an arsehole, he should have never spoken the way he does about
you, it’s not okay, nor will it ever be okay. I have been secretive because I
didn’t know how this was going to go down, but he played right into our
hands.” His eyes steadied on mine. “I will never keep anything from you
again, baby.” He presses his lips to my forehead and I inhale deeply so I can
fill my lungs with his addictive scent.
“Okay,” I whisper, pulling the ice from my face. “Let’s go tonight to our
weekend away, why are we waiting for tomorrow?” I asked, bringing my
hand to his face as I held him.
“But what about Thor?” he looked wounded as he said the words.
“I’m sure Thor will be okay,” I laughed, shaking my head, “come on,
we’re all packed, let’s go have our trip and plan our wedding,” I beam,
“before you realise that I am only with you for your money.” I put on a deep
voice, mocking his father.
“What’s mine is yours baby.”
“I’ll sign a prenup, you know, just so you’re protected.” I wince at the
words; I don’t ever want him to think it’s for the money.
“I don’t want you to.”
“I know but—”
He cuts me off, pressing his finger to my lips to silence me.
“No prenup,” he whispers softly.
“No prenup,” I nod, lacing my fingers through his and head towards the
bedroom to get our bags. He stops me, shaking his head and leads me to his
office. He lets go of my hand and steps towards his desk and reaches in for
something. My breath catches in the back of my throat when I realise what
it is.
The contract.
“It’s me and you till the end baby. No contract, no deal, no faking it,” he
winks as he pushes the pile of paper into the shredder.
“I love you so much Preston,” I walk over to him and wrap my arms
around his neck.
“I know Sunshine,” he cranes his neck down and hovers over my lips,
“but not as much as I love you,” he smirked.
“I love you more,” I giggle.
“Not possible Sunshine, not possible,” he whispered before covering my
mouth with his.
I loved this man with every fibre of my body, and I couldn’t wait to
spend the rest of my life with him, watching our beautiful son grow and
watching how Preston is going to smash every one of his goals.
And I was going to be right by his side, his biggest cheerleader because
he deserves to finally have someone on his side who loves him the way I
do. I want to watch him succeed in everything he does, because he deserves
the world and more.
He saved me, and now it was my turn to save him back.
Because that’s what you do for the people you love, without even a
And I loved Preston Sauvage with everything I had.
I will love him to the stars, the moon and the galaxies.

I stood , leaning against the door frame as I watched my wife and

my sister finalising the design for the grand lobby of our new hotel in
Miami. We compromised and said we would build the next hotel where we
wanted our honeymoon, and here we are, eighteen months later.
She looks fucking fantastic in her tight, white dress. It sits off her
shoulders and stops at her calves. It clings to her curves.
My lips twitch as I feel the pump of blood to my dick, not now, jesus
I can’t get enough of her, I want her every second of every day.
“Stop staring,” she smiles at me, her cheeks blushing.
“Pervert,” Tab calls out as she rolls her eyes and goes back to their
iPads as they look over at the design.
“So we’re in agreement, yes?” Sky asks her.
“Yup, I like these plans better.” Tabitha claps her hands together before
turning on her heel towards the workmen.
I shift Preston Jr to my other side and place a kiss on his brown mop of
“Isn’t mummy amazing?” I say softly, holding his hand out to fist pump
mine as she walks towards us, “and she is so beautiful, remember kiddo,
you always tell your mum she’s beautiful.” Thoughts flashback through my
mind of when Preston Jr was born, the first thing I done was fist pumped
him like I did when he was in Sky’s belly. It was our thing.
He babbles in his own language, which makes me chuckle softly.
“How are my two favourite boys?” she asks as she kisses our son on his
cheek before wrapping her hand around the back of my neck and placing a
kiss on mine.
“I think our son needs a nap, or some time with auntie Tabitha because
you are fucking killing me in that dress and those heels,” I groan.
Skylar gasps, swatting me before taking the baby off of me. She walks
away from me, but not before looking over her shoulder knowing full well
she was going to catch me checking out her arse.
I stand there alone, just waiting. Surely she hasn’t done a runner? No
sooner than the thought comes to my mind, she is strutting across the tiles
back towards me, her heels clicking and echoing around the large space.
“We have twenty minutes, get your sexy as fuck arse upstairs,” she
purrs, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the lift.
Swiping the key through the door, her fingers are wrapped round my
shirt as she pulls me towards her, her lips covering mine as she begins
unbuttoning my shirt. Pushing it over my shoulders, I wrap my arms around
her waist and carry her to the bed. Gently dropping her down I push her
dress up around her hips and pull her thong down her legs.
“Turn over, face down, arse up.” I order, she smirks before doing as she
is told. I run my finger from her arse down to her soaked pussy and plunge
a finger into her, warming her up and coating my fingers in her wetness.
“Always so fucking wet and ready for me,” I groan, slipping my finger
out and pushing it into her mouth. “Clean them.” And she does. She sucks
my fingers clean.
“Good girl,” I praise, before unbuttoning my suit trousers and fisting
myself. Lining the swollen head of my cock at her tight little opening I
thrust my hips into her hard.
She cries out, her pussy tightening around me as I give her a moment to
Pulling out to the tip, I hold it, waiting. She likes it when I do this,
teasing her until I fuck her into oblivion. After a moment, I fill her to the
hilt with my cock.
“As much as I like teasing you Sunshine, we haven’t got long and I
want you to cum all over my cock,” I spit through gritted teeth, “then I am
going to fill you up with mine, and if any runs out of you, I’m going to push
it back into your sweet little cunt because I want you pregnant again, I’m
ready for another baby.” I tell her as I slip my thick, hard cock in and out of
She moans, her head tipping back.
I pull out of her, slapping her arse and pushing her onto the bed. I sit on
the edge, grabbing her and sitting her on my lap.
“I want you to ride my cock, take all of me and bleed me fucking dry,” I
groan, nipping and sucking on her neck.
My fingers dig into her hips, marking her perfect fucking skin as I lift
her up. She lines my needy cock at her opening, and I slide her down my
dick until she has taken every inch of me.
“Your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around my cock, we were
made for each other,” I whisper as I wrap my hand around the back of her
head then tug on her hair so her head falls back. Her hips rotate and buck
over me.
“There’s a good girl, grind your pretty little pussy over my cock.”
She cries out, my lips locking round her pert nipples as I suck and bite.
I do it again causing a sweet as fuck moan to leave her.
Both my hands are back on her hips, lifting her up and sliding her down
my cock, hard and fast.
“Preston,” she moans as I fuck her.
“There’s my sweet girl, I can feel how close you are,” I smile through
“Fuck me from behind, please,” she begs.
I growl, pistoling my hips hard and fast into her before lifting her off me
and rolling her on her front. I kneel behind her, spread her legs and arse
cheeks and watch as I slip my cock into her hot and wet pussy. Her hand
reaches between her legs as she begins to rub her clit, her moans filling the
room as I fuck her like she wants. Pressing a finger against her arse, my
other hand wraps around her neck as I lift her body up so her arse is resting
on my thighs and continue fucking her like this.
“I’m going to come,” she cries out as her pussy tightens around me, her
head falling back into my chest and my grip tightens on her throat as I find
my own high and fill her. We still for a moment, before I lift her off and roll
her on her back. Pushing her legs apart, I lay over her and place a kiss on
the end of her nose before shuffling down her body and swirl my fingers in
her cum.
“Can’t have any of this dripping out now can we,” I say low and gruff
which causes a soft moan to leave her lips, propping herself up on her
elbows she watches me push my cum back inside of her.
“I want you pregnant, all the fucking time.” I growl as I continue
pushing my fingers in and out of her.
“Preston,” she whines as the pleasure begins to grow once more.
“Yes, Sunshine,” I smirk.
“I’m already pregnant,” she breathes, her eyes glistening as they find
“Oh, baby,” I beam, climbing over her and kissing her. “You’ve made
me the fucking happiest man alive,” I growl before letting my tongue dip
back inside her mouth.
“I’m sure Tab won’t mind if we’re a little late,” she teases.
“I’m sure she won’t,” I chuckled softly before slipping back inside of
her, and this time, I made love to my wife making sure I cherished every
part of her.
She was the love of my life.
I will love her to the stars, the moon and the galaxies.

The End

Dan. My best friend. My husband. My world. Thank you for pushing me to

start this crazy journey. I love you to the moon and back.

Thanks firstly to Robyn, for keeping me in check and always being there
when I needed you.

My girls, our little group. Thank you for the constant support and love you
give me. I am so grateful to have you in my life and being with me on this
crazy author journey.

My BETA's and friends, Sophie and Harriet. Thank you for being honest
and loving my characters as much as I do.

Leanne, thank you for always being here for me. You're a friend for life.

Lea Joan, thank you once again for squeezing this in last minute. You have
always been by my side in my author journey and I am so grateful that I get
to work with you.

And lastly, my readers... without you, none of this would have been
My loyal fans, I owe it all to you.

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