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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2023

French Language & Culture for Beginners


Semesters 1 and 2

Department of Linguistics and Modern


This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION ........................................................................................... 8
4 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 8
4.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 9
5 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Prescribed book(s) ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Recommended book(s) ............................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................. 12
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .............................................................................................. 12
6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme ............................................................................. 13
7 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 14
8 PRACTICAL WORK ................................................................................................................... 21
9 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 21
9.1 Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 21
9.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 21
9.3 Assessment due dates ................................................................................................................ 26
9.4 Submission of assessments ........................................................................................................ 26
9.5 The assessments ........................................................................................................................ 27
9.6 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 80
9.7 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 80
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ........................................................................................................ 80
10.1 Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 80
10.2 Cheating ..................................................................................................................................... 80
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below: ..................................................... 81
11 STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES .................................................................................. 81
12 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 81
13 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 81

14 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 81
15 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 81

Dear Student

We are delighted that you have registered for the module FRC1501: French Language and
Culture for Beginners.

Welcome to the Department! We sincerely hope that you will find this module both enjoyable and
fruitful. Please go through this tutorial letter thoroughly, as it contains important information
pertaining to this module. Note that all official study materials have been posted on MyUnisa.

Patience, hard work and perseverance will see you through the difficult patches.

Bon courage!

Module Leader

This module is a blended module. It means that we use a combination of printed and online
material to engage with students .Teaching and Learning takes place through hard copies study
material as well as online tools.
Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving towards
becoming an online institution. You will therefore see online all the study material and
assessments. Engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will also take place online.
This tutorial letter is intended to offer you some guidance in this regard.


2.1 Purpose
To develop the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking from the outset, in a
lively communicative approach, which aims to introduce students to contemporary France and
the French speaking world.

2.2 Outcomes

Range for the unit standard.

Given the nature of this discipline, the communicative approach and the spiral progression
method used in teaching this module, it is almost impossible to limit components of the language
to a single specific outcome. In other words, the whole scope that is covered and assessed is
equally relevant and necessary for all five learning outcomes listed here below. The following
topics are studied and will be assessed in view of the specific outcomes:


• Personal and family life, home and neighbourhood;

• Friends, recreation and leisure;
• People, places and communities;
• Future plans and aspirations;
• Holidays, travel and tourism;
• Education and work.
General Learning Outcomes (What to assess).

• Students demonstrate an understanding of grammatical structures and rules of the

target language;
• Students demonstrate an understanding of basic cultural aspects of the French
and the French-speakers.

Assessment criteria

Students must show competence in:

• Correctly conjugating verbs for all persons in the present, future and past tenses;
(Foundational competence)
• Making use of articles, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns quantities and
numbers; (Foundational competence)
• Correct sentence construction and syntax; (Foundational competence)
• Basic vocabulary relevant for the topics in the range: common nouns, proper nouns
etc.; (Foundational competence)
• Basic and typical French lifestyle: cuisine, sports, leisure, monuments etc.;
(Foundational competence)
• Basic habits and norms of the French. (Foundational competence)

Specific Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (What to assess)

Specific Outcome 1
Spoken Interaction: Students demonstrate the ability to communicate in simple language
structures and have a direct exchange of information on day-to-day topics and activities. Students
are able to participate in basic social exchanges (Practical competence).

Assessment criteria
Students are able to plan and make an oral presentation on a simple topic. The following
competences are crucial for this outcome:

1.1. The student can make use of correct language structures and vocabulary to express
facts, thoughts and ideas. (Content) (Reflexive and Practical competences)
1.2. The listener can mostly understand what the student is trying to communicate to
them. (Comprehensibility) (Practical competence)
1.3. The student uses language correctly, i.e. grammar, vocabulary and word order.
(Accuracy) (Foundational competence)
1.4. The student, to some extent, speaks clearly; pronunciation and intonation are as
natural as possible. (Fluency) (Practical competence)
1.5. The student can participate in role-play and be imaginative. (Reflexive competence)
Specific Outcome 2
Listening: Students demonstrate an understanding of phrases and vocabulary related to aspects
of immediate personal relevance depicted in their coursebook (personal and family information,
shopping, local area, employment, sports and leisure). (Foundational competence)

Assessment criteria

Students develop their listening skills by listening to recorded messages that accompany the
prescribed book, listening to live conversations on the radio/TV (Rfi, Tv5 monde), making use of
audio-visual material uploaded in the additional resources folder on MyUnisa and interacting with
native speakers. The desired competences cover the following:

2.1. The student understands most of what is said to him/her. (Foundational

2.2. The student has developed strategies for understanding authentic language such
as songs, news and advertisements for the most part. (Foundational competence)
2.3. The student can identify announcements, examples and instructions.
(Foundational competence)
Specific Outcome 3

Reading: Students demonstrate the ability to read and understand information contained in
everyday material such as advertisements, brochures, menus, timetables and simple texts.
(Practical & foundational competences)

Assessment criteria
Students must demonstrate the following competences:

3.1. Identify the basic purpose of a text. (Foundational competence)

3.2. Effectively summarise a simple text. (Practical competence)

3.3. Make use of a dictionary when necessary. (Practical competence)

3.4. Distinguish main ideas and supporting details in a text. (Reflexive competence)
3.5. Understand the global meaning of a text and answer questions based on such a
text. (Foundational competence)

Specific Outcome 4
Writing: Students demonstrate the ability to write short, simple notes and messages, very simple
essays, a personal biography and a simple composition on a day-to-day topic. (Practical

Assessment criteria
Student competences will be judged against the following criteria:

4.1. To learn forms and functions of grammatical features appropriate to writing, correct
spelling, correct word order and punctuation. (Foundational competence)
4.2. To develop personal writing such as short narratives and descriptions. (Practical
4.3. To paraphrase and summarise ideas of others. (Practical competence)
Specific Outcome 5

French Culture: Students will acquire and demonstrate a good understanding of day-to-day
aspects of the French culture, especially within the hexagon and have a general knowledge on
the presence of French in the world, especially on the African continent. (Foundational

Assessment criteria

Students must:

5.1. Be able to analyse and compare culture and practices of the target area with their
own. (Reflexive competence)
5.2. Have an awareness and understanding of the society where the language is used.
(Foundational competence)
5.3. Identify similarities and differences of some aspects of the culture and society in
comparison with their own. (Reflexive competence)

Please note that given the nature of this discipline, competences may overlap between outcomes
and criteria.

Unisa has implemented a transformation charter, in terms of which the university has placed curriculum
transformation high on the teaching and learning agenda. Curriculum transformation includes student-
centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of
teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. All of these will be
phased in at both programme and module levels, and as a result of this you will notice a marked change
in the teaching and learning strategy implemented by Unisa, together with the way in which the content is
conceptualised in your modules. We encourage you to embrace these changes during your studies at
Unisa in a responsive way within the framework of transformation.


4.1 Lecturer(s)

The lecturers responsible for this module are:

Module leader:
Ms. Zozo Mathebula
Office:TvW 9-158
Tel: (012) 429 6747

4.2 Department

Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Theo van Wijk Building 9-88
Tel: (012) 429 6316 (Secretary)

If you have any difficulties in contacting your module leader, you may contact the back-up lecturer.
Alternatively, you may contact the secretary on (012) 429-6316 and leave a message for the
relevant lecturer.

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this
module should be addressed directly to the module leader. Please have your study material,
student number and module code with you when you contact us.

Letters to lecturers should not be enclosed together with assignments.

Address them to the lecturer concerned or to the following address:


Module Leader: FRC1501

(French Language and Culture for Beginners)
Dept of Linguistics & Modern Languages
P.O. Box 392

Always write your student number and the study unit code at the top of your letter.

If you have e-mail facilities or if you have access to the World Wide Web (WWW) at your home
or office computer, you can also e-mail the module leader for the fastest resolution.

Your module leader's phone number is provided for your convenience. Remember the dialling
code for Pretoria is 012 but for those of you who live abroad, the code is +27-12 (the 0 falls away),
then the 7-digit number.
4.3 University

If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please
consult the publication Study @ Unisa that you received with your study material. This booklet
contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write for different
queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and opening hours). Note that this
brochure is also available on the Unisa website:

Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.

• for general enquiries

• for application and registration related enquiries
(prospective and registered students)
• for assignment enquiries
• for examination enquiries
• for study material enquiries
• for student account enquiries

• for graduation enquiries
• for assistance with myUnisa
• for assistance with myLife email accounts

Send an SMS to 32695 for more information on how to contact Unisa via SMS (only for students
within the borders of South Africa). The student will receive an auto response SMS with the
various SMS options.

Students can also sms enquiries directly to:

43578 for applications and registrations

43584 for assignments
43584 for examinations
43579 for study material
31954 for student accounts
43582 for myUnisa and myLife

*The SMS number is only for students residing in South Africa. International students are urged
to make use of the e-mail address

Fax enquiries to +27 (0)12 429 4150

Postal Address: PO Box 392

Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:

Please include the student number in all correspondence

Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:

Please include the student number in all correspondence


5.1 Prescribed book(s)

• BOUGARD, Marie-Thérèse & BOURDAIS, Danièle: The French Experience 1:

Course book (A multi-media course for beginners learning French) BBC Books (a
division of BBC Enterprises LTD.) London, 2006.

N.B. Make sure you get level 1, not level 2.

• BOUGARD, Marie-Thérèse & BOURDIAS, Danièle : The French Experience 1: CDs.

BBC Enterprises LTD. London, 2006.

Unisa has acquired a site licence to reproduce these CDs. They will be supplied to you as
study material. If you wish to use the commercial CDs, you will have to buy them from a

• FOURNIER, Isabelle: The French Experience 1: Activity book. BBC Books (a division
of BBC Enterprises LTD.) London, 2008.

• FOURNIER, Isabelle: French Grammar: the easiest-to-follow grammar book ever

from the BBC. BBC Books (a division of BBC Enterprises LTD.) London, 2006.

• COLLINS & ROBERT: Concise French-English/English-French Dictionary. Latest


The prescribed books are available for purchase online. Please consult the list of official
booksellers and their addresses listed in Study @ Unisa. Unisa’s official booksellers include and Adams booksellers (Pty) Ltd. You may also go on the following link to view the
list of our official booksellers:

5.2 Recommended book(s)

There are no recommended books for this module.

5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no electronic reserves for this module.

5.4 Library services and resources information

The Unisa library offers a range of information services and resources:

• For brief information, go to

• For more detailed library information, go to
• For research support and services (e.g. the services offered by personal librarians and
the request a literature search service offered by the information search librarians), go to
• For library training for undergraduate students, go to

The library has created numerous library guides, available at

Recommended guides:

Request and find library material/download recommended material:
• Postgraduate information services:
• Finding and using library resources and tools:
• Frequently asked questions about the library:
• Services to students living with disabilities:
• A–Z of library databases:
Important contact information:
• Ask a librarian:
• Technical problems encountered in accessing library online services: Lib-
• General library-related queries:
• Queries related to library fines and payments:
• Social media channels: Facebook: UnisaLibrary and Twitter: @UnisaLibrary


The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa:

This brochure contains important information and guidelines for successful studies through Unisa.


If you need assistance with regard to the myModules system, you are welcome to use the
following contact details:

• Toll-free landline: 0800 00 1870 (Select option 07 for myModules)

• E-mail: or

You can access and view short videos on topics such as how to view your calendar, how to
access module content, how to view announcements for modules, how to submit assessment
and how to participate in forum activities via the following link: https://dtls-

Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices and
updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for
your account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after
registering at Unisa, by following this link:

Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official correspondence
with the university, and will remain the official primary e-mail address on record at Unisa. You
remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.

6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme

Many students find the transition from school education to tertiary education stressful. This is also true in
the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open distance and e-learning
institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is a mega university, and all our
programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online learning. It is for this reason that
we thought it necessary to offer first-time students additional/extended support to help them seamlessly
navigate the Unisa teaching and learning journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We therefore offer a
specialised student support programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time – this is Unisa’s
First-Year Experience (FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and helpful information
about services that the institution offers and how you can access information. The following FYE services
are currently offered:

• FYE website: All the guides and resources you need in order to navigate through your first
year at Unisa can be accessed using the following link:

• FYE e-mails: You will receive regular e-mails to help you stay focused and motivated.

• FYE broadcasts: You will receive e-mails with links to broadcasts on various topics related
to your first-year studies (e.g. videos on how to submit assessments online).

• FYE mailbox: For assistance with queries related to your first year of study, send an e-mail
to .

Use your Study @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills.

The module, for which you have registered, French Language and Culture for Beginners- FRC
1501, is the first module in our new three-level undergraduate modular degree structure. If you
pass this module, continue with the next one at first-year level (FRC1502), and then carry on to
levels 2 and 3, you will retain credit for every module passed. At no stage will you lose credit for
the beginner module, if you major in French, as was the case in the four-tier year-course structure.

For our beginner students in this module, we have chosen a multi-media coursebook: The French
Experience 1.

Each lesson in The French Experience 1 is set on a double page. On the first page, you will
always find an oral exercise. You can tackle it in many ways but one of the best strategies consists
in covering the left-hand side of your book (the transcription) during your study session, then
listening to the recording several times. Afterwards, you can go to Info langue and Mot à mot to
get information on word structure or expressions to use and to learn some vocabulary. Once you
have mastered this, try to go through the exercises.

The French Experience 1 consists of a coursebook to be used in conjunction with the CDs that
contain the oral documents you will be working with. There is also an activity book closely linked
to each unit of the coursebook, which provides extra practice reading and writing exercises.
Finally, we have added a very good grammar book, also from the BBC, for self-study and
reference purposes. Use this book systematically to look up and consolidate points of grammar
as you come across them in the course book.

The Coursebook itself contains 20 Units, but for this module FRC1501, we will only make use of
the first 10 units only (from Présentations to Loisirs Units 1 - 10). The last 10 units, (from Bon
appétit! to Les francophones Units 11 - 20) are for students who register for FRC1502.
Each lesson consists of:

 An oral document plus some conceptual points in Info langue and a glossary Mot
à mot;
 4 to 6 self-correcting activities;
 Some cultural notes relating to the documents in Culturoscope.


You will also find a questionnaire for self-evaluation at the end of each Unit, followed by more
information on French culture under the heading Infos.

lesson 1 → oral document

lesson 2 Info langue

Unit → lesson 3 Mot à mot

lesson 4 Self-correcting activities

questionnaire Culturoscope


This module is intended for students with very little or no knowledge of the French language and
who need this beginner module either as a prerequisite for the next module FRC1502, as an extra
subject in another curriculum or for basic verbal, communicative skills for personal or for
professional purposes.

Learning a new language is a challenging and fascinating process of which the main purpose
remains communication. In order to facilitate the acquisition of that language and to determine
your objectives, you need to have some good learning strategies. Looking at your needs, your
personality, and your likes/dislikes as well as at the very real barriers to study you might have,
will help you find out what works best for you.

Your needs:

It is always good to know what your needs are before launching yourself into anything new. As
you know, we do not all have the same needs, e.g.: if you work in a travel agency, you will probably
need to understand a different type of document than a businessperson in import-export. It would
be very valuable to be able to greet your French-speaking overseas client in his own language
and to understand what he is telling you. Some of you might want to understand messages left
on an answering machine, or the weather forecast or the announcements made over
loudspeakers in shops. Others might need more understanding in both written and oral French
either to express themselves in a meeting, a letter or a fax or to send important documents

because they might be in the field of diplomacy or international relations. We also have students
who would like to read French magazines and newspapers or to listen to the news over the radio
and television.

As you can see, everyone’s needs are different. Being able to know what is important to you will
help you tremendously because this will allow you to approach your studies in a more focussed

Your personality / likes and dislikes:

There is no easy way to learn a new language. In fact, there are as many ways as there are
students. Some prefer to work a little bit each day, others sit at their desk for hours.

Some people like to find documents that might help them study (radio broadcasts, French movies
with subtitles, songs.), others still will follow the prescribed course systematically. Some of you
may have French-speaking friends and will be motivated to try out your newly acquired knowledge
on them.

What is important is to find out what suits you best.

Your barriers:

Most of you have very hectic schedules. To find time to study is not easy, yet it is important to be
able to recognise your "free time" in order to make maximum use of it. Of course, it is rather
difficult in the beginning but it is also extremely motivating!

Keeping all this in mind can help you prepare a personalised study programme, which answers
your needs. If you are realistic and not over-ambitious, you will be able to experience real thrills
and avoid the pitfalls distance-learning students often fall into: depression and panic.
When learning a new language as an adult, you do not start from scratch. In your mother tongue,
you have unconsciously absorbed the principal structures of the language and you can apply this
knowledge effectively. Although the sounds, vocabulary and some structures in French may differ
greatly from English, you may still put your knowledge of English (or any other language you
know) to good use.


Sometimes students ask (almost indignantly) why one or another aspect of French grammar
differs from English or Afrikaans. They are after all not the same languages and these are
differences that should not be seen as abnormal.

Above all, be patient with yourself!

The fact that you are able to recognise large sections of written French does not automatically
imply that spoken French will be just as accessible. As you have realised, we do make a distinction
between the four aptitudes: listening, reading, speaking and writing. These four skills do not
necessarily develop at the same rate. Often people are able to read long before they can write
well and the same applies to understanding others, which, for some students, is easier than
expressing themselves in a foreign language.

Try to make French a part of your everyday life.

Right from the start, you will be able to use the vocabulary and conversational forms that you
learn in your environment: at your favourite French restaurant or at a flea market where many of
the vendors come from francophone countries. Listen to French songs (Céline Dion's for
example), read poems in French, and borrow a video from our interesting and well-stocked video
library at Unisa (or from the other Resource Centres like IFAS and the Alliance Française).

To acquire a new language quickly and permanently, the following points are important:


It enables you to check, for yourself, if you have reached the objectives set at the end of each
unit. You can use the solutions provided as well as the transcriptions of the various oral
documents used.


Do not be frightened by them. To realise why you have made a mistake is an extremely valuable
step in mastering a language. You can go back to expressions you have forgotten or listen again
to the dialogues you have worked with and, by going over it all again, improve considerably.


DISCIPLINE AND REGULAR HARD WORK is vital. It does not matter if your work schedule is
completely different from others. Work at your own rhythm, knowing what is best for you. Be
aware of your peak time! Remember too that when you find out you are not concentrating; it is
time for a break! Stop right there for a few minutes. You will study better afterwards.

Of course, we cannot stress enough the advantages of starting early with your studies. As soon
as you receive your course material, look at the introduction of the coursebook The French
Experience 1, at the first Unit and work through the first part called Bienvenue. The insight you
will gain by doing that will be of tremendous value to you for the rest of the semester.

Learning a new language is like building a house, brick by brick. The foundation needs to be
strong and firm otherwise; the whole building will crack and crumble. So go progressively, making
sure that you have assimilated one part of the work before going on to the next one. In addition,
if you have any problem, never hesitate to contact us over the telephone or by e-mail. Of course,
if it were at all possible, we would love to see you! So please make an appointment. What may
seem an insurmountable and time-consuming obstacle to you may often be easily solved if we
explain it to you a little differently, or by means of an example.

Let's illustrate this in regard to the ability to listen to a document and understand what you hear =
Compréhension Orale (LISTENING)

(a) In your mother tongue, you do not try to understand each word of the news broadcast
on television. What is important is to catch enough important words - or key words - to
understand the general message. Well, when you listen to an oral document in a foreign
language, you have to try to do the same thing. Rather than trying to understand it word
for word - and getting very frustrated because it is too difficult - use anything that can
give you a clue about what is being said and piece all these little clues together to get
the general message. For instance, focus on two main things:
What is happening (a plane crash...) and where. This is enough. If you are listening to
directions, concentrate on such words as tourner à gauche, continuer tout droit. (Turn
left, go straight on...)

If you learn to listen selectively like that, you will soon find out that you understand much
more than you thought possible and that you can enjoy "authentic" documents. These

are documents not specifically made for teaching purposes but rather available to
everybody, where people speak at normal speed, with different accents, in real-life
situations of communication.

(b) Another way of listening to an oral document is to prepare yourself first, in anticipation.
There, you need any exterior help you can find: titles, summary, etc., to help you guess
what you are going to hear. Then, listen to the document to find out if you are on the
right track. Try to find answers to some of these questions: Who is speaking? To
whom? Where? Try to make more guesses about the what?

Once again, listen to your document and find the correct answers. Alternatively, you can
try to imagine what will happen after having listened to the beginning of a document.

(c) Something else which is interesting, and which will get you involved in listening is to
prepare a wordlist on the topic:
E.g. a weather report. Make a list of all the words you usually hear in such a report,
words like cloudy, sunny, wind, maximum temperature, rainfalls are expected, etc. Then
look for their translation in your dictionary. Afterwards, listen to the document. You will
be surprised at how much you understand.

(d) Be logical! If what you believe you understood does not make any sense at all, listen
to the document again or give yourself a break and come back to it. Try to figure out first
what the topic is and what could be in that document: e.g. if it is about spacial
relationships, you should expect words like au nord, à l'est, à droite, plus loin, etc. (to
the north, to the east, on the right, further on) which deal with that kind of topic.

As for the understanding of a written document = Compréhension Écrite (READING), there

are also some points to keep in mind:

(a) The normal word order of a sentence in French is quite similar to English, e.g.


Le journaliste étudie le français
The journalist studies French

(b) As you can already see from our example, there are many similarities between
French and English words. Learn to use this to your advantage. Sometimes, the
words are almost the same:

tuteur → tutor forêt → forest

université → university tempête → tempest
diversifié → diversified famille → family

At other times, understanding vocabulary requires a little bit of imagination and/or

a slight spelling change:

Jardin → garden champignon → mushroom

(c) You may also enrich your vocabulary by thinking in an associative manner. In
French, for example, terre means earth / land. You can therefore associate all the
following words and expressions with this meaning:

La terre → the Earth

Terreux → earthy
Terrestre → earthly
Atterrir → to land
Par terre → on the ground

(d) You will soon notice how many French words and expressions (or expressions
derived from French), you already know and use in everyday English. For example:

Déjà vu → already seen (literally speaking)

Rendez-vous → meeting
Garage → garage
Cul-de-sac → dead-end (literally: the bottom of a bag)
Première → first performance
Joie de vivre → exuberance
Café au lait → coffee with milk
Soufflé → puffed up egg dish

(e) Don't forget to use your powers of deduction. If you are reading an argumentative
report (often found in newspaper articles), look for signs of the progression of the
argument. e.g.:

Premièrement, en premier lieu, tout d'abord, pour commencer.

Deuxièmement, ensuite.


Troisièmement, enfin, pour conclure, pour terminer, en conclusion.

Firstly, to begin with, first of all, to start with.

Secondly, then.
Thirdly, at last, to conclude, to finish, in conclusion.

(f) Everything can help you: titles, subtitles, rubrics as well as all illustrations,
drawings, comic strips.

You would be wrong if you thought that French were a completely foreign language. On the other
hand, you should not use your own language as a measure for French.

Not applicable.

9.1 Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria had already been alluded to in point 2 (Purpose and Outcomes).
9.2 Assessment plan

• To complete this module, you will be required to submit 3 (Three) assignments.

• All information on when and where to submit your assignments will be made available to
you via the myUnisa site for your module.

• Due dates for assignments, as well as the actual assignments are available on the
myUnisa site for this module.

• This module follows the continuous assessment approach. Students will be evaluated only
through formative assessment. There will be no examination for this module. In order to
successfully complete this module, you will be required to submit all 3 (Three)
assignments. For that reason, the final mark will consist of all 3 (Three) assignments
according to their weights.

• Your assignments will comprise a combination of written and oral assignment.

• The assignment weighting for the module is: Assignment 01: 20%, Assignment 02: 30%
and Assignment 03: 50%.

• There will be no examination for this module.

Assessment context

• This module is for students with no prior knowledge of the French language. It is
designed for beginners registered for undergraduate studies and for non-degree

• Assessments will take place in the context of Higher Education and Open Distance

• Students are expected to work regularly in order to grasp grammar rules that are
unique to Romance Languages and that are probably new to them.

• There are also a number of exceptions to these rules that students must be aware of
and be able to apply.

• It is recommended that students spend at least two (2) hours daily in doing some
work so that they don’t forget what they have already assimilated.

• It is also imperative for students to listen to the audio material, provided by Unisa
accompanying the BBC method with the aim of familiarising the ear to French
intonation, sounds and pronunciation. However, do not limit yourself by listening only
to these CDs. The internet has several sites that can help you work on your listening
skills such as TV5monde, YouTube etc…Also, your lecturer regularly posts online
electronic resources (OERs) in the additional resources folder on MyUnisa.

Scope for FRC1501

The scope for the module is covered in the following prescribed books: (a) The French Experience
1, The French Experience Activity book 1 and the French Grammar. These are all books
published by the BBC. This coursebook is a multimedia learning method that has been developed
by BBC for beginners. Students will be assessed on the first 10 Units (Units 1 – 10) progressively
and these units will be covered in the assignments.

Assessment logistics

For the continuous assessment, which consists of two self-correcting (A and B) and three tutor-
marked assignments, the scope is clearly provided for students under the sub-heading “Overview


of the study programme”. The Units and topics covered by the scope are summarised in the
“Course Menu” of the prescribed book.

Assignments consist of the following activities:

LISTENING → Compréhension Orale

SPEAKING → Production Orale

READING → Compréhension Écrite

WRITING → Production Écrite et Systématisation

Written Assignments

There are activities to be completed for the two written assignments. When you do the
assignments, remember to do all activities. In the case of tutor-marked assignments, if the
student does not do all of the activities, the marks concerned will be forfeited for the missing

• Assignment 1: Compréhension Écrite and Systématisation.

• Assignment 3: Compréhension Écrite, Production Écrite and Systématisation.

Oral assignments

There is only 1 (one) activity to be completed for the oral assignment.

• Assignment 2 : Compréhension Orale or Production Orale

The activity for the oral assignments has to be submitted in an electronic VIDEO recording. Sound
Only recordings will NOT BE acceptable. Make sure to clearly stipulate which activity you have
chosen from the two given options before giving your answers. You should send a video by
recording the image (your face) and the sound (your voice). In the video, you should not read the
whole text; rather have the notes on a paper to remind you of the different points on which you
are going to talk. Please take note of the following points.

• The video should be in the French language only.
• We must see you speaking / answering the questions on the video.
• The video should be a maximum of three (3) minutes.
• The sound should be clear and audible.
• The image must also be clear.
• The work must be original.
• Do not submit a translated work from the internet.
• A video without sound or image will be disqualified.

Self-Correcting assignments must NOT be sent to the University for marking. However,
model answers for the Self-Correcting assignments will be uploaded online and all
registered students will be able to have access.

We encourage all students to submit assignments on myUnisa, as this method of submission

speeds up the marking process and we can send you the necessary feedback without any


Plan your study programme thoroughly and in such a way that you will have enough time to
submit your assignments on time. The assignments are composed in such a way that they cover
all the 10 study units, but they are based on authentic documents other than those in the French
Experience 1. The reason for this is that we wish to give you as much practice as possible and
test your ability to apply what you have learnt to new situations.

All the tutor-marked assignments will be out of your reach, if you have not been working regularly.
Remember that the acquisition of a foreign language depends on disciplined, systematic and
thorough study and practice of all the skills involved.


Go through the necessary units in The French Experience 1, making sure you do the exercises
in the course book (these are NOT tutor-marked - and must NOT be sent to us - as the solutions
to these exercises can be found at the back of the book) as well as those in the activity book and
listen to the appropriate CDs.


NB: It should be understood that exercises corrected by you would be all the more fruitful,
if completed BEFORE consulting the key. This will obviously demand strong personal
discipline and a sense of responsibility.

What to do afterwards:
We strongly believe that it is in your best interest to send in all assignments set.

Important points to remember:


Remember that it is just as important to do the two self-correcting assignments.

◆ Model answers for tutor-marked assignments will be uploaded on myUnisa.

Although we will not be able to mark your oral work done as part of the self-correcting
assignments, we urge you to practice speaking as much as possible and to record your answers
as if you were going to send them in.


7 of the 8 CDs that you have received in your study package are to be used with The BBC French
Experience 1. These CDs contain dialogues, exercises and information based on the book.

CD 8 contains 16 oral documents relevant for both semesters. Please make sure you have all
sixteen and verify the quality of the recording. Should you have problems with regard to the quality
of any of the CDs, please address your queries to Unisa Despatch.

 Students need to have a CD player or a computer / laptop to listen to the CDs.

 All students need a smart phone or a computer / laptop to record the video for oral
expression OR oral comprehension activities (Production Orale OU
Compréhension Orale). It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the video sent
to us is clear and audible.

Please note that all CDs and model answers to your written assignments are uploaded under
additional resources on myUnisa page.

For more information on the application for admission process and everything related to being
a Unisa student, please refer to the University's rules for students.

9.3 Assessment due dates

• There are no assignment due dates included in this tutorial letter.

• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the myUnisa landing page for this
module. We envisage that the due dates will be available to you upon registration.

• Please start working on your assessments as soon as you register for the module.

• Log on to the myUnisa site for this module to obtain more information on the due dates for
the submission of the assessments.

9.4 Submission of assessments

• Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving

towards becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study material
(even the ones printed and sent to you), assessments and engagements with your lecturer
and fellow students will take place online. We use myUnisa as our virtual campus.

• The myUnisa virtual campus will offer students access to the myModules site, where
learning material will be available online and where assessments should be completed.
This is an online system that is used to administer, document, and deliver educational
material to students and support engagement between academics and students.

• The myUnisa platform can be accessed via Click on the myModules
2023 button to access the online sites for the modules that you are registered for.

• The university undertakes to communicate clearly and as frequently as is necessary to

ensure that you obtain the greatest benefit from the use of the myModules learning
management system. Please access the announcements on your myModules site
regularly, as this is where your lecturer will post important information to be shared with

• When you access your myModules site for the module/s you are registered for, you will
see a welcome message posted by your lecturer. Below the welcome message you will
see the assessment shells for the assessments that you need to complete. All
assessments must be completed on the assessment shells available on the respective
module platforms. .

• For written assessments, please note the due date by which the assessment must be
submitted. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your lecturer to complete the
assessment. Click on the submission button on the relevant assessment shell on
myModules. You will then be able to upload your written assessment on the myModules
site of the modules that you are registered for. Before you finalise the upload, double check
that you have selected the correct file for upload. Remember, no marks can be allocated
for incorrectly submitted assessments.


9.5 The assessments

As indicated in section 9.2, you need to complete 3 (Three) assignments for this module.
Assignment 01: Written assignment, Assignment 02: Oral assignment and Assignment 03:
Written assignment.

All assignments MUST be typed and saved in PDF and sent through myUnisa. No hand-written
assignments will be accepted on myUnisa. Do not submit scanned documents as they limit
our ability to mark and make comments. You are welcome to re-type the questions and answers
for submission on MyUnisa, however, you have to reread your work and check the spelling to
avoid errors or you will lose points.

NB: Make sure that you label ALL activities/exercises as they have been labelled in the tutorial

The Assignment System at Unisa allows typed (PDF format) and video recording files as well. But
only a single file can be uploaded as a submitted assignment.


Relevant ONLY to students who are

registered for the second semester
Contents of CD8: oral documents

The oral documents on CD 8 are numbered from 1 to 16. They are introduced as such
on the CD itself. Not all documents on the CD have been used for oral comprehension
assignments. Some of them are for your personal use as you work on your listening skill.

1  Paris et sa culture
2  Publicités A. Air Inter Europe
 B. Le monde spécial voyages
3  Parlons d’amour
4  Les régions
5  Les moules à la Catalane
6  Message sur répondeur
7  Foot toujours
8  Les nouvelles vacances des Français
9  C’est écrit
10  Les présentations
 Une conversation téléphonique
11  La Thalassothérapie
12  A. La météo
 B. Bulletin météorologique
13  Demander des directions
14  Les jeunes des cités
15  Voyage en train
16  Vie étudiante: À la recherche d’une chambre

Titles, which are preceded by a cross, reflect the documents used for all the oral
comprehension assignments for this semester. You should, nonetheless, also listen to the
other documents for your own pleasure but also to get used to the various French accents
that can be heard on the documents.

NB: The number of each oral document on CD8 corresponds to the number of CD
tracks. E.g. Document 1 will be track 1 on the CD

The following table contains all the work to be done in preparation for the assignments
as well as the assignments themselves. We have tried to spread the work evenly over
the semester, but even so, covering all the work in the given time will mean that you
will have to follow a very strict study programme.




The French Experience 1
January – February Units 1-4: all activities and exercises

Compréhension Écrite : Je me présente

Systématisation :
Self-correcting Assignment A - La conjugaison des verbes
- Les articles
(Together with the activities in the BBC - La forme négative
books, this assignment will prepare you for Production Écrite : Le repas de Noël
the tutor marked assignments) Production Orale : Ma célébrité préférée !
Compréhension Orale:Doc 6. Message sur répondeur

Units 1-5: all activities and exercises

Assignment 01 (WRITTEN)
Compréhension Écrite : Les présentations
Systématisation : La conjugaison des verbes en –er
(To be sent to us for assessment) Systématisation : Les articles
Systématisation : Les nombres
Systématisation : Les prépositions

Units 3-4: all activities and exercises

Assignment 02 (ORAL)

Option 1.Production Orale : Ma profession

(To be sent to us for assessment)
Option 2 . Compréhension Orale : Doc 4 Les régions

Units 1-9 : all activities and exercises

Assignment 03 (WRITTEN) Compréhension Écrite : Chère Maman, cher papa
Systématisation : La réécriture
Systématisation : La conjugaison
(To be sent to us for assessment)
Production Écrite : La reformulation
Production Écrite : Le dialogue

Recap of all the first 10 units of the course book: Units


Self-correcting Assignment B Compréhension Écrite : M. Anatole et Mlle Denise

Systématisation :
- La conjugaison des verbes
- Les phrases brouillées
- La préposition





Assignment A : Self-correcting

Je me présente.

Consigne :

Lisez le texte à la page suivante autant de fois que nécessaire, puis répondez aux
questions à la page 4 de la lettre tutoriale 102.


Read the text on the next page as many times as necessary, then answer the questions
on page 4 of tutorial letter 102.


Je me présente

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Awa Diop. Je suis sénégalaise. J’ai quinze ans. Je suis née le 25 décembre
2005. J’habite à Dakar, la capitale du Sénégal. Mon adresse est 15, avenue Cheikh Anta Diop.
Ma famille et moi habitions dans une grande villa. Mon genre musical préféré est le hip-hop.
J’aime aussi le football et j’adore la natation.

Salut ! Je m’appelle Rachid Sair. J’ai seize ans. Je suis marocain. Je suis né le douze juin 1995.
J’habite à Liège, en Belgique. J’habite dans un appartement avec ma famille. J’adore les jeux
vidéo et la musique techno.

Bonjour. Je suis Annie Belchior. J’ai dix-sept ans. Je suis suisse, mais j’habite à Paris. Mon
adresse est 14, rue du Commerce. J’aime beaucoup la ville ! Il y a plein de choses à faire ! J’aime
étudier et pratiquer du sport. J’adore aller au cinéma et regarder la télé.

La conjugaison des verbes

Consignes :
1. Mettez les verbes () au temps indiqué. Vous trouverez les cinq phrases à la page 5 de la
lettre tutoriale 102.

2. Conjuguez les verbes Pouvoir, devoir, dire, aller, faire, être, comprendre, écrire, finir
et avoir au présent, à l’imparfait et au futur. Vous les trouverez à la page 5 de la lettre tutoriale

1. Put the verbs that are in brackets in the correct form. Find the five sentences on page 5 of
tutorial letter 102.

2. Conjugate the verbs « pouvoir, pouvoir, devoir, dire, aller, faire and avoir » in the présent
tense, Imperfect tense and future tense. Find them on page 5 of tutorial letter 102.

Les articles

Consigne :

Remplissez le blanc par l’article indiqué (défini ou indéfini). Vous trouverez les six phrases à la
page 5 de la lettre tutoriale 102.


Fill the gap with the article. (definite or indefinite) Find the six sentences on page 5 of tutorial letter

La forme négative.

Consigne :
Mettez les phrases à la forme négative. Vous trouverez ces phrases à la page 5 de la lettre
tutoriale 102

Put the sentences in the negative form. Find them on page 5 of tutorial letter 102



Assignment A : Self-correcting

Le repas de Noël.

Consigne :

Écrivez un message à votre sœur pour lui parler des plats que vous aimeriez préparer pour
la fête de Noël et faites la liste d’ingrédients que vous voudriez qu’elle achète.

Veuillez utiliser l’espace alloué à la page 6 de la lettre tutoriale 102 pour écrire votre réponse.

(3 plats /20 ingrédients)


Write a message to your sister and tell her about the dishes you would like to cook for
Christmas and make the list of ingredients you would like her to buy.

Please use the allocated space on page 6 of Tutorial letter 102 to write down your answer.

(3 dishes / 20 ingredients)


Assignment A: Selfcorrecting

Ma célébrité préférée !

Consigne :

Parlez-nous brièvement de votre célébrité préférée. Vous pouvez parler de : son

apparence physique, son statut social, sa profession et son caractère. Vous aurez à parler
de cette personne à la troisième personne du singulier, c’est-à-dire en utilisant « IL » ou
« ELLE » selon le genre de la personne. Formulez environ 10 phrases.
Notez le petit conseil à la page 7 de la lettre tutorial 102.


Tell us briefly about your favourite celebrity. You can talk about his/her physical
appearance, social status, profession and character traits. You will have to refer to this
celebrity in the third person singular, which is “IL” or “ELLE” depending on their gender.
Make about 10 sentences. Take note of the advice on page 7 of Tutorial letter 102.



Assignment A : Selfcorrecting

Message sur répondeur.

CD8 : piste 6 / track 6

Consigne :
Ce document est un message laissé sur une boîte vocale. Écoutez attentivement puis
répondez aux questions des pages 8 et 9 de la lettre tutoriale 102.

This document is a message left on an answering machine. Listen to it attentively and
answer the questions on pages 8 and 9 of tutorial letter 102.

ASSIGNMENT 1 (Written)







Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les présentations

Consigne :

Imaginez que vous êtes la personne dont les informations sont à la page suivante.
Complétez les 10 phrases à la page 11 de la lettre tutoriale 102, pour vous présenter.
Utilisez les verbes appropriés là où c’est nécessaire. Recopiez toutes les phrases en
soulignant vos réponses.

Instructions :

Imagine you are the person whose details appear in the next page. Complete the 10
sentences to introduce yourself on page 11 of the tutorial letter 102. Use the appropriate
verb where it is necessary. Retype all the sentences and underline your answers.

(10 )


Les présentations

1. Prénom et Nom : Julien Bakary

2. Age : 31 ans

3. Ville de naissance : Abidjan

4. Pays d’origine: Côte d’Ivoire

5. Adresse : 4, avenue de la Liberté/Bordeaux

6. Numéro de téléphone : 05 56 67 12 78

7. Lieu de travail : hôpital / Paris.

8. Profession : médecin

9. Situation familiale : marié.

10. Nombre d’enfants : deux filles et deux garçons

Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

La conjugaison des verbes en –er

Complétez les phrases en conjuguant les verbes (en -er) au présent de l’indicatif. Mettez
la bonne terminaison selon le sujet donné. Trouvez les phrases à la page 12 de la lettre
tutoriale 102. Recopiez toutes les phrases en soulignant vos réponses.

Complete the sentences by conjugate the verbs (in –er) in the simple present tense. Use
the correct ending according to the subject. Find the sentences on page 12 of the tutorial
letter 102. Retype the all sentence and underline your answers. .



Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les articles

Mettez le bon article « un, une, du, de la, de l’, des » devant les noms ou les groupes de
nom qui sont à la page 13 de la lettre tutorial 102. Recopiez tous les mots en soulignant
vos réponses.

Write the correct articles “un, une, du, de la, de l’, des “in front of the nouns or group of
nouns that are on page 13 of the tutorial letter 102. Retype all the words and underline your


Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les nombres

Choisissez la phrase dans laquelle le nombre est écrit correctement. Dans votre réponse,
Ecrivez la lettre « a » ou « b » ou « c » et la phrase correspondant à la lettre choisie. Vous
trouverez les phrases à la page 14 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Choose the correct spelling of the number that is in the given statement: “a, b or c”. Type
the chosen letter with the sentence that matches to the letter in your answers. Find the
statement on page 14 of the tutorial letter 102.



Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les prépositions

Complétez les phrases avec les prépositions correctes : « à - au - aux - en ». Vous
trouverez les phrases à la page 15 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Attention au nombre et Faites
attention nombre : singulier / pluriel et au genre : féminin / pluriel. Recopiez toutes les
phrases en soulignant vos réponses.

Fill in with the correct prepositions: « à - au - aux - en ». Find them on page 15 of the tutorial
letter 102. Pay attention on the number of the noun that follows: Singular / plural and on the
gender of the noun that follows: masculine / feminine. Retype the all sentence and underline
your answer.













Assignment 2 : Tutor Marked

Ma profession
NOTE: Make a video recording of your answers in complete sentences. See also
page 17 of tutorial letter 102 for important technical instructions of the assignment.

Consigne :
Imaginez que vous avez un boulot idéal. Parlez de ce que vous faites comme travail et
où vous travaillez. Dites si vous aimez ce boulot ou pas. Ensuite, décrivez votre routine :
À quelle heure est-ce que vous commencez le travail ? À quelle heure finissez-vous ?
Pendant combien de jours et d’heures travaillez-vous par semaine ?
2-3 minutes
Imagine that you have a dream job. Say what your job is and where you work. Tell us
whether you like this job. Then, describe your daily routine: At what time do you start
work? At what time do you finish work? For how many days and hours do you work in
total every week?
2-3 minutes



Assignment 2: Tutor Marked

Les régions.
CD 8 : piste 4 / track 4.

NB: Make a video recording of your answers in complete sentences.

Consigne :
Ecoutez le document et répondez aux questions 1 à 8 (oralement) à la page 18 de la lettre
tutoriale 102. Pour bien préparer ce devoir faites ceci :

1. Lisez attentivement les 8 questions.

2. Notez les informations recherchées dans les questions.
3. Écoutez le document dans sa totalité plusieurs fois.
4. Essayez de répondre par écrit pendant l’écoute.
5. Réécoutez une dernière fois pour confirmer vos réponses.
Faites une vidéo dans laquelle on vous voit répondre à ces questions dans des
phrases complètes, puis envoyez la vidéo.

Listen to the CD after which you may answer questions 1 to 8 orally. Answer all questions
with full sentences. Find them on page 18 of the tutorial letter 102.
The following are what to do in preparation of your video recording:

1. Read the 8 questions carefully.

2. Take note of the kind of information you need to record.
3. Listen to the document several times.
4. Write down your answers while listening to the audio.
5. Listen to the document one last time and confirm your answers.
Record a video in which you will be seen answering the questions in complete
sentences then, submit for marking.



ASSIGNMENT 3 (Written)






Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

Chère Maman, cher Papa.

Consigne :

Lisez le texte intitulé « Chère Maman, cher Papa » à la page suivante puis, répondez
aux questions à la page 20 et 21 de la lettre tutoriale 102, en français, avec des phrases
complètes. Ne répétez pas le texte sauf si on vous demande de citer.

Instructions :

Read the text « Chère Maman, cher Papa » on the following page and answer the
questions in French .Find them on page 20 et 21 of the tutorial letter 102. Use complete
sentences and your own words. Do not copy from the text word for word, unless you are
asked to quote.


Chère Maman, cher Papa

Me voilà installée à Montpellier! J'habite avec une famille très gentille: Jacques et Marie
Trapet et leurs enfants, Cécile et Juliette.

Je trouve leur maison très belle, mais ils ne sont pas contents et ils cherchent une autre
maison à la campagne, avec des chambres individuelles pour les enfants. Nous sommes
très occupés ici.

Marie est ingénieur et elle voyage beaucoup pour son travail et va souvent en Espagne,
en Italie et en Suisse. C'est intéressant mais elle est toujours fatiguée; elle adore rester à
la maison.

Quand Marie est absente, la vie continue! Jacques prépare les repas, et Cécile, Juliette
et moi, nous aidons avec les autres travaux ménagers.

Pendant le week-end, nous jouons au football, nous regardons la télévision, et nous

parlons beaucoup. Les deux petites filles ont beaucoup de questions sur les États - Unis!

Je sais que vous rêvez de me rendre visite en France. C'est une très bonne idée! À bientôt

P.S. Si vous me donnez l'adresse de Monsieur Crissé, je lui enverrai une carte postale.

Par Christine Hendelman

Extrait du site disponible en ligne consulté le 11/04/2019



Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

La réécriture.

Consigne :
Réécrivez les deux phrases en mettant le pronom sujet (ELLE) et son verbe à la 2e personne
du pluriel (VOUS).Faites aussi les autres transformations. Changez seulement ce qui est
souligné et recopiez les autres mots de la phrase correctement pour ne pas perdre les points.
Trouvez les deux phrases et l’exemple donné à la page 22 de la lettre tutoriale 102.

Rewrite the two sentences that are on the next page by changing the subject pronoun « ELLE »
by “VOUS » (singular). Retype all the sentences without any errors to avoid losing some points.
Only change the underlined words. Follow the example that is provided. Find the sentences on
page 22 of the tutorial letter 102.



Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

La conjugaison.

Que faites-vous pendant le weekend ?

Consigne :
Remplissez le blanc du texte suivant. Pour chaque situation, choisissez le verbe convenable sur
la liste donnée et conjuguez-le au présent de l’indicatif selon le sujet donné. Trouvez le texte à
la page 23 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Recopiez le texte en soulignant vos réponses.


Fill the gaps with verbs from the box. Those verbs are in the infinitive form you will have to
conjugate them in the simple present tense according to their subject pronouns. Find the text on
page 23 of the tutorial letter 102. You need to retype the all paragraph and underline your




Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

La reformulation.
Consigne :
Monsieur George Ambe est sur le point de prononcer un discours et vous êtes chargé de le
présenter à l’audience. Pour vous aider à le présenter, construisez 15 à 20 phrases en français,
en vous servant des informations contenues dans le formulaire ci-dessous. Rédigez un texte
cohérent, en français, avec les mots de liaison (et, mais, parce que…) Trouvez l’exemple
d’introduction à la page 24 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Laissez un grand interligne de 2, pour nos
commentaires et corrections.

Mister George Ambe is about to make a speech and you are going to introduce him to the
audience. So, use the information given in the following form to construct 15 to 20 sentences in
French. Write a coherent paragraph using the words: and, but, because…Start writing your
speech as shown on page 24 of your tutorial letter 102. Please increase the line spacing to 2, for
the marker’s comments and corrections.

Prénom : George
Nom : Ambe
Age : 38 ans
Lieu de naissance : Douala, Cameroun
Date de naissance : le 27 avril 1985
Nationalité : camerounaise
Pays et ville de résidence : Afrique du Sud, Johannesburg
Diplôme : Maîtrise en relations internationales
Profession : secrétaire à l’ambassade du Cameroun en Afrique du Sud
Lieu de travail : Pretoria, Afrique du Sud
Etat civil : Célibataire
Nombre d’enfants : zéro


Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

Le dialogue.

Consigne :
Monsieur Wilson et mademoiselle Berthe se rencontrent pour la première fois dans une rue de
Paris. Les deux s’engagent dans une conversation. Complétez les espaces vides de cette
conversation en choisissant les phrases dans la case. Le texte à compléter et la case se trouvent
à la page 25 de la lettre tutorial 102. Recopiez le dialogue sans erreurs sinon vous perdrez les
points et soulignez vos réponses.

Instructions :
Mr Wilson and Ms Berthe meet each other for the first time in one of the Paris Street. Both start
having a conversation. Fill the gap to complete their conversation. Find the text and the box of
phases on page 25 of the tutorial letter. Retype the all conversation without any error to avoid
losing points and underline your answers.







Assignment B: Self-correcting

M. Anatole et Mlle Denise.

Consigne :

Lisez l’entretien entre M. Anatole et Mlle Denise à la page suivante puis répondez aux
questions à la page 27 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Formez des phrases complètes.


Read the dialogue between Mr. Anatole and Ms Denise on the following page then
answer the questions in French on page 27 of the tutorial letter 102. Write complete

M. Anatole et Mlle Denise.

Denise : Qu’est-ce que je peux faire avec mes études en français ?

Anatole : Est-ce que tu es forte en français ?

Denise : Oui ! J’ai de bonnes notes. J’ai déjà le diplôme du 1e niveau et j’aime parler français.

Anatole : C’est très bien ! Tu prépares un autre examen ?

Denise : J’espère obtenir le diplôme du 2e niveau bientôt.

Anatole : Avec des études de français, tu peux, bien sûr, enseigner.

Denise : Il n’y a rien d’autre à faire ?

Anatole : Si. Surtout si tu as une autre spécialité, comme le tourisme, le journalisme…

Denise : Oh ! Je vois.

Anatole : Lis cette brochure sur les métiers des langues.


La conjugaison des verbes.
Consigne :

Faut-il employer avoir ou être ? Choisissez la forme correcte puis, mettez au présent et au futur

Trouvez les phrases à la page 28 de la lettre tutoriale 102.

Instructions :

Use the correct form of the verbs to be or to have, then put the chosen verb in the simple present
form. Find the sentences on page 28 of the tutorial letter 102.

Les phrases brouillées.

Consigne :
Mettez les mots dans l’ordre correct pour former des phrases. Trouvez les phrases à la page 28
de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Put the words back in the right order. Find the sentences on page 38 of the tutorial letter 102.

Les prépositions.

Consigne :
Soulignez 10 prépositions dans le texte à la page 28 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Instruction :
Underline 10 prepositions in the text on page 28 of the tutorial letter 102.



Relevant ONLY to students who are

registered for the second semester

The oral documents on this CD are numbered from 1 to 16. They are introduced as such on
the CD itself. Not all documents on the CD have been used for oral comprehension
assignments. Some of them are for your personal use as you work on your listening skill.

Contents of CD8 : oral documents

1  Paris et sa culture
2  Publicités A. Air Inter Europe
B. Le monde spécial voyages
3  Parlons d’amour
4  Les régions
5  Les moules à la Catalane
6  Message sur répondeur
7  Foot toujours
8  Les nouvelles vacances des Français
9  C’est écrit
10  Les présentations
 Une conversation téléphonique
11  La Thalassothérapie
12  A. La météo
 B. Bulletin météorologique
13  Demander des directions
14  Les jeunes des cités
15  Voyage en train
16  Vie étudiante : À la recherche d’une chambre

Titles, which are preceded by a cross, reflect the documents used for all the oral comprehension
assignments for this semester. You should, nonetheless, also listen to the other documents for
your own pleasure but also to get used to the various French accents that can be heard on the

NB: The number of each oral document on CD8 corresponds to the number of CD tracks.
E.g. Document 1 will be track 1 on the CD

The following table contains all the work to be done in preparation for the assignments as well as
the assignments themselves. We have tried to spread the work evenly over the semester, but
even so, covering all the work in the given time will mean that you will have to follow a very strict
study programme.




July – August The French Experience 1
Units 1-10: all activities and exercises
Compréhension Écrite : Se présenter en français
Self-correcting Assignment A
Systématisation :
(Together with the activities in the BBC - La conjugaison des verbes
books, these assignments will prepare - Les articles
you for the tutor marked assignments) - La forme négative
Production Écrite : Loisirs
Production Orale : Chez nous

Compréhension Orale : Doc 10 A. Les

Units 1-5: all activities and exercises
Assignment 01 (WRITTEN)
Compréhension Écrite : La présentation
Systématisation : La conjugaison des verbes en –er
(To be sent to us for assessment) Systématisation : Les articles
Systématisation : Les nombres
Systématisation : Les prépositions
Option 1 : Production Orale : Le travail
Assignment 02 (ORAL)

(To be sent to us for assessment) Option 2 : Compréhension Orale : Doc 13 Demander

des directions
Units 1-9 : all activities and exercises
Assignment 03 (WRITTEN)
Compréhension Écrite : Le bonheur de la vie de
(To be sent to us for assessment)
Systématisation: La réécriture
Systématisation: La conjugaison
Production Écrite : La reformulation
Production Écrite : Le dialogue
September – October
Recap of all 10 units of the course book: units 1-10

Self-correcting Assignment B Compréhension Écrite : M. Anatole et Mlle Denise

- La conjugaison des verbes
- Les phrases brouillées
- La préposition





Assignment A : Self-correcting

Se présenter en français.
Consigne :
a) Lisez les 2 textes de présentation à la page qui suit ; complétez les cartes
d’identités correspondantes qui se trouvent à la page 30 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
b) Résumez les aspirations professionnelles de chaque personne. Pour cela,
utilisez les schémas de la page 31 de la lettre tutoriale 102.

a) Read the 2 introductions on the next page; complete the ID cards on page 30 of
the tutorial letter 102.
b) Make a summary of each person’s professional aspiration. Make use of the table
on page 31 of the tutorial letter 102.



Je m’appelle Paul Leblanc. Paul, c’est mon prénom et Leblanc, c’est mon nom. Leblanc, ça

s’écrit L. E B. L. A. N. C. Je suis français, mais je n’habite pas en France. J’habite au Japon à

Totsuka, c’est près de Yokohama. J’ai 21 ans, je suis étudiant à l’université de Yokohama.

J’apprends le japonais. Je parle 3 langues : anglais, japonais et un peu chinois. J’apprends le

japonais parce que je veux devenir traducteur. Ma copine aussi veut être traductrice. Un jour,

peut-être, on va travailler ensemble. Je suis un fan de Kitano Takeshi comme beaucoup de

Français. Les films de Kitano sont très violents, c’est vrai. Mais, j’aime beaucoup ce cinéaste.

Mon film préféré, c’est Hanabi. Vous connaissez?


Elle s’appelle Isabelle Royal. Isabelle, c’est son prénom et Royal, c’est son nom. Royal, ça

s’écrit R.O.Y.A.L. Elle est canadienne, mais elle n’habite pas au Canada. Elle habite en France,

à Vouvray. C’est près de Tours. Vouvray, ça s’écrit V.O.U.V.R.A.Y. Elle a 19 ans, Elle est

étudiante à l’université de Tours. L’université s’appelle François Rabelais. Elle apprend

l’espagnol. Elle parle 3 langues : anglais, espagnol et un peu allemand…plus le français, c’est

sa langue maternelle. Elle apprend les langues étrangères parce qu’elle veut devenir

traductrice et travailler pour l’ONU.

Par Vincent Durrenberger

Extrait du site Podcast Français Facile, disponible en ligne Consulté le 13 juin 2018

Copyright: (OER gratuit)

La conjugaison des verbes.

Consigne :

1. Mettez les verbes () au temps indiqué. Vous trouverez les cinq phrases à la page 32 de la lettre
tutoriale 102.

2. Conjuguez les verbes pouvoir, devoir, dire, aller, faire et avoir au présent, à l’imparfait et au


1. Put the verbes in brackets in the correct form. Find the five sentences on page 32 of tutorial
letter 102.

2. Conjugate the verbs « pouvoir, vouloir, devoir, dire, aller, faire and avoir » in the présent tense,
Imperfect tense and future tense.

Les articles.

Consigne :

Remplissez le blanc par l’article indiqué (défini ou indéfini). Vous trouverez les six phrases à la
page 32 de la lettre tutoriale 102.


Fill the gap with the article.(definite and indefinite) Find the six sentences on page 32 of tutorial
letter 102.

La forme négative.
Consigne :
Mettez les phrases à la forme négative. Vous trouverez ces phrases à la page 32 de la lettre
tutoriale 102
Put the sentences in the negative form. Find them on page 32 of tutorial letter 102.



Assignment A : Self-correcting

Note: See page 33 of tutorial letter 102 for important instructions of the

Consigne :

Vous faites une rencontre sur un réseau social populaire. Après plusieurs conversations
sur le net, vous décidez de vous rencontrer dans un café. Imaginez un dialogue dans
lequel vous parlez de:

- Vos centres d’intérêts.

- Ce que vous n’aimez pas faire.
- Ce que vous faites lors de votre temps libre.
70-80 mots
You meet someone on popular social network and after a few conversations; you decide
to meet in a café. Imagine a dialogue during which you speak about:

- Your areas of interests

- Things you do NOT like to do
- What you do in your spare time
70-80 words


Assignment A: Self-correcting

Chez moi.

Consigne :

Habitez-vous dans une villa, un appartement, un château ou une duplexe… ?

Dites à votre ami (e) francophone où vous habitez. Décrivez-lui toutes les pièces
de votre lieu de résidence. Suivez les instructions à la page 34 de la lettre 102.

(3 minutes)

Do you live in a villa, a flat, a castle or a duplex…? Tell your French-speaking

friend where you live. Describe all the rooms in your place of residence .See
page 34 of the tutorial letter 102.

(3 minutes)



Assignment A : Self-correcting

1. Les Présentations.

CD8: piste 10 A / track 10A

Consigne :

Nous avons enregistré pour vous deux situations différentes (A et B) dans lesquelles
les personnages se présentent les uns aux autres. Écoutez attentivement les deux
scénarios. Puis répondez aux questions que vous trouverez dans la lettre tutoriale 102,
aux pages 35 et 36.


We have recorded two different situations (A and B) in which the characters introduce
themselves to each other. Please listen carefully to the two scenarios. Answer the
questions that you will find in the tutorial letter 102, pages 35 - 36.

ASSIGNMENT 1 (Written)







Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

La présentation

Consigne :

Imaginez que vous êtes la personne dont les informations sont à la page suivante.
Complétez les 10 phrases à la page 38 de la lettre tutoriale 102, pour vous présenter.
Utilisez les verbes appropriés là où c’est nécessaire. Recopiez toutes les phrases et
soulignez vos réponses.

Instructions :

Imagine you are the person whose details appear on the next page. Complete the 10
sentences to introduce yourself. Use the appropriate verb where it is necessary. Find the
sentences on page 38 of the tutorial letter 102. Retype all the sentences and underline your



La présentation

1. Prénom et Nom : Elisabeth Bokumu

2. Date et ville de naissance: le 22 février 1996, Libreville

3. Age : 27 ans

4. Pays d’origine: Gabon

5. Adresse : 14 Jan Smuts avenue, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud

6. Téléphone : 084 243 2792

7. Lieu de travail : Hôtel Houghton

8. Profession : réceptionniste

9. Situation familiale : veuve,

10. Nombre d’enfants : 2 (une fille et un garçon)

Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

La conjugaison des verbes en –er

Complétez les phrases en conjuguant les verbes (en -er) au présent de l’indicatif. Mettez
la bonne terminaison selon le sujet donné. Trouvez les phrases à la page 39 de la lettre
tutoriale 102. Recopiez toutes les phrases en soulignant vos réponses.

Complete the sentences by conjugate the verbs (in –er) in the simple present tense. Use
the correct ending according to the subject. Find the sentences on page 39 of the tutorial
letter 102. Retype the sentences and underline your answers.



Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les articles

Mettez le bon article « le, la, l’, les » devant les noms de pays. Trouvez l’exemple et les
phrases à la page 40 de la lettre tutorial 102. Recopiez tous les mots en soulignant vos

Write the correct article “le, la, l’, les “in front of the noun of countries. Find the example and
the sentences on page 40 of the tutorial letter 102. Retype all the words and underline yours


Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les nombres

Choisissez la phrase dans laquelle le nombre est écrit correctement. Dans votre réponse,
Ecrivez la lettre « a » ou « b » ou « c » et la phrase correspondant à la lettre choisie. Vous
trouverez les phrases à la page 41 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Choose the correct spelling of the number that is in the given statement: “a, b or c”. Write
the chosen letter with the sentence that matches to the letter in your answers. Find the
statement on page 41 of the tutorial letter 102.



Assignment 1 : Tutor Marked

Les prépositions

Complétez les phrases avec les prépositions correctes : « à - au - aux - en - ». Vous
trouverez les phrases à la page 42 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Recopiez toutes les phrases
et soulignez vos réponses.
Fill in with the correct prepositions: « à - au – aux – en ». Find them on page 42 of the
tutorial letter 102. Retype all the sentences and underline yours answers.







Assignment 2: Tutor Marked

Le travail.
Consigne :
Imaginez que vous travaillez dans une grande compagnie dans votre pays. Décrivez votre
situation de travail à un ami : Quel est le nom de la compagnie où vous travaillez ? Vous
travaillez en province ou dans la capitale ? Quel poste occupez-vous et quelles sont vos
responsabilités dans ce travail ? Quelles sont vos horaires de travail ? Travaillez-vous le
weekend ? Voyagez-vous souvent dans d’autres pays ou provinces pour votre travail ?
Avez –vous des jours ou mois de congé dans ce travail ? Suivez le petit conseil à la page
44 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Notez bien : Référez-vous à l’unité 3.
Faites une vidéo dans laquelle on vous voit parler du travail. (2-3 minutes)

Imagine that you work in for a big company in your country. Describe your work situation to
a friend: What is the name of the company where you work? Do you work in the capital city
or in the province? What post do you occupy and what are your duties and responsibilities?
What is your work schedule? Do you work on weekends? Do you travel in other countries
or provinces for your work? Do you take leaves? Take note of the advice on page 44 of the
the Tutorial letter 102. Note: Refer to unité 3.
Record a video in which you will be seen talking about work. (2-3 minutes)



Assignment 2: Tutor Marked

Demander des directions

CD8 : piste 13 / track 13

Consigne :

1. Lisez attentivement la question et le dialogue à compléter dans la lettre tutoriale

102, pages 45.
2. Écoutez attentivement le document sonore (CD8, piste 13).
3. Faites une vidéo dans laquelle on vous voit répondre à la question et compléter le
dialogue avec les mots qui manquent.
4. Réécoutez l’enregistrement de votre vidéo et confirmez vos réponses avant de


1. Read the question and the dialogue to be completed carefully in the tutorial
letter 102, pages 45.
2. Listen carefully to the recording (CD8, track 13).
3. Record a video in which you will be seen answering the question or saying the
missing words.
4. Listen again to the video recording and confirm your answers before submitting.


ASSIGNMENT 3 (Written)





Assignment 3 : Tutor Marked

Le bonheur de la vie de famille.

Consigne :

Lisez le texte intitulé « Le bonheur de la vie de famille » à la page suivante et répondez

aux questions à la page 47 et 48 de la lettre tutoriale 102, en français, avec des phrases
complètes. Ne répétez pas le texte sauf si on vous demande de citer.

Instruction :

Read the text « Le bonheur de la vie de famille » on the following page and answer the
questions on pages 47-48 of tutorial letter 102. Use complete sentences and your own
words. Do not copy from the text word for word, unless you are asked to quote.




Chaque matin, mon fils Jacques se réveille en premier et prend son petit-déjeuner à sept heures.
Pour l’instant, la maison est encore calme. Puis, mon mari, Edgar, se lève. Dès qu’il entre dans
la cuisine, il allume la radio parce qu’il aime écouter les actualités. Mais Jacques n’est pas
d’accord. Il préfère boire son café et lire le journal dans le calme et la tranquillité. Alors, la dispute
quotidienne entre le père et le fils commence.

Au premier étage, on peut entendre ma belle-fille –la femme de Jacques- crier après ses deux
enfants, Félix et Jeannette, parce qu’ils vont être en retard s’ils ne se lèvent pas tout de suite.

Ensuite mon second fils Robert, qui est au chômage, sort de sa chambre très en colère car il y a
trop de bruit et il ne peut pas faire la grasse matinée. Donc, il prend ses cigarettes et quitte la
maison avec notre chien Snoby.

Puis, comme d’habitude, mon petit-fils Félix s’énerve car il ne peut pas se laver les dents : sa
sœur a la mauvaise habitude de passer beaucoup de temps dans la salle de bains. Il se demande
si elle va au lycée pour draguer les garçons ou pour passer le baccalauréat.

Eh bien moi, pendant ce temps, je prends ma tasse de thé et je m’installe dans le salon pour
regarder la télé ; mais, parfois, il y a tellement de bruit dans cette maison que je suis obligée de
monter le volume au maximum. Vous savez, à mon âge, on n’entend plus très bien !

Par Natura Auvergne

Extrait du site Bonjour de France disponible en ligne
https :// Consulté le 13 juin



Assignment 3 : Tutor Marked

La réécriture.
Consigne :
Réécrivez les deux phrases en mettant le pronom sujet (il) et son verbe à la 1e personne du
pluriel (nous). Faites aussi les autres transformations en changeant seulement ce qui est
souligné. Trouvez les deux phrases et l’exemple donné à la page 49 de la lettre 102. Vous devez
recopier toutes les phrases correctement en soulignant vos réponses, sinon vous allez perdre
des points.
Retype the two sentences and change the subject pronoun « il » by “nous”. Only change the
underlined words and retype the rest of the words without any error to avoid losing some points.
The two sentences are on page 49 of the tutorial letter 102. Follow the example that is provided.




Assignment 3 : Tutor Marked

La conjugaison.
Consigne :
Remplissez les blancs (espaces) avec les verbes donnés à la page 50 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Vous devez conjuguer ces verbes au présent de l’indicatif selon le sujet donné. Recopiez
correctement le texte en soulignant vos réponses. Suivez l’exemple donné.


Fill the gaps with verbs from the box. Those verbs are in the infinitive form you will have to
conjugate them in the simple present tense according to their subject pronouns. Follow the
example on page 50 of the tutorial letter 102. Retype the paragraph without any error and
underline your answers.



Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

La reformulation.

Consigne :
Vous êtes Madame Eunice Dumont, Vous cherchez du travail. Vous êtes convoquée dans une
compagnie pour une interview. Construisez des phrases pour vous aider à vous présenter en
vous servant des informations contenues à la page qui suit. Rédigez un texte cohérent avec
les mots de liaison (et, mais, parce que…) Commencez votre rédaction comme dans l’exemple à
la page 51 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
You are Madam Eunice Dumont; you are looking for a job. You are given an appointment in a
company for a job interview. So, construct sentences to help you talk about yourself, using the
information given on the next page. Write a coherent paragraph using the words: and, but,
because… Start your paragraph as shown on page 51 of the tutorial letter 102.




Titre : Madame

Prénom et nom: Eunice Dumont

Lieu de naissance : Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Date de naissance : le 20 mai 1974

Nationalité : ivoirienne

Etat civil : Mariée

Nom du mari : François Dumont

Nationalité du mari : Française

Pays et ville de résidence : France, Paris

Nombre d’enfants : trois (une fille et deux garçons)

Profession : au chômage

Activité sportive : natation


Assignment 3: Tutor Marked

Le dialogue.

Consigne :
Sandra et Yacine, qui sont de grandes amies, se rencontrent et dans leur conversation, chacune
d’elles décrit sa maison. Complétez les mots ou groupe de mots qui manquent dans cette
conversation en utilisant les phrases de la liste à la page 52 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Notez bien : Recopiez le dialogue correctement en soulignant vos réponses.

Instructions :
Sandra et Yacine, two females’ best friends meet and talk about their new homes.
Fill the gap to complete their conversation. Find help from the phrases in the given list on page
52 of tutorial letter 102.
Note: Retype the all dialogue without any error and underline your answers.







Assignment B: Self-correcting

M. Anatole et Mlle Denise.

Consigne :

Lisez l’entretien entre M. Anatole et Mlle Denise à la page suivante, puis, répondez aux
questions de la page 54 de la lettre tutoriale 102. Formez des phrases complètes.


Read the dialogue between Mr. Anatole and Ms Denise on the next page, then Answer
the questions on page 54 of tutorial letter 102, in French, using complete sentences.

M. Anatole et Mlle Denise.
Denise : Qu’est-ce que je peux faire avec mes études en français ?

Anatole : Est-ce que tu es forte en français ?

Denise : Oui ! J’ai de bonnes notes. J’ai déjà le diplôme du 1e niveau et j’aime parler français.

Anatole : C’est très bien ! Tu prépares un autre examen ?

Denise : J’espère obtenir le diplôme du 2e niveau bientôt.

Anatole : Avec des études de français, tu peux, bien sûr, enseigner.

Denise : Il n’y a rien d’autre à faire ?

Anatole : Si. Surtout si tu as une autre spécialité, comme le tourisme, le journalisme…

Denise : Oh ! Je vois.

Anatole : Lis cette brochure sur les métiers des langues.


La conjugaison des verbes.
Consigne :

Faut-il employer avoir ou être ? Choisissez la forme correcte puis, mettez au présent et au futur
simple. Vous trouverez les phrases à la page 55 de la lettre tutoriale 102.

Instructions :

Use the correct form of the verbs to be or to have, then put the chosen verb in the simple present
form. Find the sentences on page 55 of tutorial letter 102.

Les phrases brouillées.

Consigne :
Mettez les mots dans l’ordre correct pour former des phrases. Vous les trouverez à la page 55
de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Instruction :
Put the words back in the right order. Find them on page 55 of tutorial letter 102.

Les prépositions.

Consigne :
Soulignez 10 prépositions dans le paragraphe à la page 56 de la lettre tutoriale 102.
Instruction :
Underline 10 prepositions in the paragraph on page 56 of tutorial letter 102.


9.6 Other assessment methods

Not applicable.

9.7 The examination

In this module, there will be NO examination because we are following the continuous assessment
approach. Therefore, students are advised to work on the three assignments. There are
compulsory and are the only assessments that will constitute the final mark of this module. In
cases where your marks are not satisfactory, you need to contact the lecturer to discuss options
of engaging in a process of improving the marks for those assignments.

10.1 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them as
your own. It is a form of theft. Plagiarism includes the following forms of academic dishonesty:

• Copying and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source.
• Not including references or deliberately inserting incorrect bibliographic information.
• Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information.

10.2 Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Completing assessments on behalf of another student, copying from another student

during an assessment or allowing a student to copy your work.

• Using social media (eg WhatsApp, Telegram) or other platforms to disseminate

assessment information.

• Submitting corrupt or irrelevant files.

• Buying completed answers from so-called “tutors” or internet sites (contract cheating).

• Submitting work/activities that have been passed through Google translate or any other
computer-aided translation software will lead to automatic disqualification of the whole

• Asking francophone friends to do any part or the entire assignment for you will be
equally penalised by disqualification of the assignment.

• Any disparity in language register and competence between activities in the same
assignment will result in disqualification of the entire assignment.


NB: We encourage students to make personal, honest effort in doing all the activities and
exercises of the assignment without requesting any assistance from people around you.

There are three tutor-marked assignments to be submitted for marking. If a student submits only
one or two assignments, the final mark will be negatively affected. Therefore, we strongly
suggest that you submit all 3 assignments.

10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below:


The Advocacy and Resource Centre for Students with Disabilities (ARCSWiD) provides an
opportunity for staff to interact with first-time and returning students with disabilities.
If you are a student with a disability and would like additional support or need additional time for
assessments, you are invited to contact Ms Mathebula Patricia, whose e-mail address is:, to discuss the assistance that you need.


At the beginning of the semester, your questions are often related to assignment submission.
Please, go back to page 25, 26 and 27 of this tutorial letter and read it carefully.
Your lecturer will reply to your main questions online. Please join us on myUnisa and Micro soft
teams for FRC1501. See you there! For all urgent queries, send us an e-mail and we will try to
reply as quickly as possible.


Please refer to the individual documents for copyright details. If the document was extracted from
an external source, the references are indicated at the bottom of the document in question.

We hope that you will enjoy the course and we want you to remember that we remain at your
disposal. Please do not be shy to contact us and ask us questions related to the course module.
Please contact us preferably via email for faster and easier communication.

Not applicable

Unisa 2023


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