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Copyright © 2023 by S.J.

All rights reserved.
Whiskey Lullaby is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and events are products of the
author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any content resembling an actual location, events, or
persons in real life, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, photocopying, and
recording without written permission from the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book

Cover image: Photo by Airam Dato-on from Pexels

Created with Vellum

Whiskey Lullaby was previously published as Take a Chance in 2021.
While most characters and settings are the same, there are significant
changes to the storyline.

Content Warning:
Whiskey Lullaby is a spicy romance novel, and aspects of the story may be
triggering for some: explicit, rough sex, sexual scenes with breath-play,
strong language, depression, alcoholism, and mentions of bullying.

Sneak peek of Blank Canvas, book 2, contains domestic abuse.



1. I don't like drunk Shelby
2. Just how she wanted
3. Use me all you want
4. You, Prima, need a shot
5. Hot Sugar Daddy
6. You’ll only get one
7. Five minutes too long
8. He’s extra bossy this morning
9. Does that make me a bad guy?
10. Just let it fly, Bossman. Let loose
11. I enjoy playing with her
12. You wanna try that again?
13. You’re on the clock
14. That was a mistake
15. That’s why I hired you, Ms. Morales
16. Do you sleep with pants on?
17. Blow my mind, Mr. Extraordinaire
18. Agree to disagree
19. Why not both?
20. Best friend included
21. He shouldn’t have to search
22. Pizza and a good time
23. Yes, Son. Very pretty
24. What are you trying to drown?
25. Who is Carter Anderson?
26. Remember who you are
27. Let them burn
28. Sweep me off my feet
29. You didn’t see me
30. Take anything you want from me
31. I think she wants your man
32. What’s mi vida?
33. I’m home
34. Has anyone told you yet?
35. He’s in good hands
36. I’d like that very much
37. You know someone by that name?
38. I’ll be waiting. Bossman

Blank Canvas
I appreciate you!
Also by S.J. Rosalie
About the Author
Link to Spotify:
music in story order
For those looking for a good time, drink
Tequila. If you’re searching for a hot, grumpy
single dad who’ll pin you against a bathroom
stall after you sneak into the men’s room to
pee, I suggest Whiskey instead.

We all change at several points in our life. Some days for the better, but
often enough, for the worse. I first changed when my mother died, watched
her wither away, using the last of her strength to push out four words:

I love you, Carter.

I wasn’t a bad kid. I did well in school and was respectful to my peers.
Why was I punished? Stripped from love and dropped on the doorstep of a
man whose heart was nonexistent?
The older I became, the further I wandered down a dark one-way street.
Alone, a wall of despair slowly building. Nothing could mend the wound
forming until I found someone I could share my burdens with. To shift axis
—though rarely do my plans work out as expected.
I continue to live behind a mask, pushing to succeed so my business
sustains me since wealth creates power, and power brings strength if used
right. But not without stability, living between Whiskey and lullabies.
However, change will arise at several points in life. Often for the worse, but
all it takes is one moment, a glance—a taste of something far from bitter to
feel better.
When I stepped into my office, and she was there holding my mother’s
book, I knew my life was about to change again. Only this time, it’s up to
me to decide, should I continue wandering down the one-way street? Or
take a chance, break down the wall I’ve built, and move forward on a new
path toward happiness.

The bottom of my glass draws me in as I slurp the last of my Long Island

Iced Tea, the cup empty, like me. I need another to fill the void, and my
wish comes true when Ralph places my fourth drink of the night in front of
“Keep them coming?”
Looking at my bartender, I smile and nod. “Please.”
He winks, knowing my intake limit, but I hope he’ll let me slide tonight.
I don’t wanna stop at four. I want four more. To forget this shitty week—
fuck, the last twenty-seven years would be great. Perhaps I’ll try Whiskey
next. Maybe that’ll restart my life. Shaking my head, I grab the straw from
the old glass and get back to sipping, the liquor warming my stomach as my
buzz grows.
That’s the tea talking because sober Shelby would never be so bold.
I look at Dane on my left, a long-time colleague and friend—the corner
of his lips tug with a slight smile before his ebony gaze flicks toward the
crowd of drunk people dancing. Keeping an eye on him, I raise a brow
when subtle pink surfaces from the umber tones of his cheeks, and I follow
his stare. Jessie, my best friend, is grinding on a man who has no trouble
matching her energy with his hands on her body, and she has another round
of dancing before returning for a Whiskey Sour refresher.
Maybe the key to a good time is Whiskey.
I want her confidence, going after my desires without second-guessing
my decisions or the help of liquid courage. Facing my drink, I take another
sip, the sweetness turning bitter on my tongue as I examine the room further
and sigh. Maybe it’s me who’s bitter since envy strikes deep to my core
with every smiling face and laughter—well, except for one person, and
goosebumps spread across my skin the longer I stare.
There’s a man sitting on the last stool of the wrap-around bar, his scowl
drawing me to the edge of my seat to get a closer look at what he’s focused
on: a lowball glass with amber liquid filled halfway. His crisp charcoal suit
looks expensive, dressed to impress, yet his dark stubble and short
disheveled hair show he’s probably had a hell of a day like me.
Shit, maybe years.
Wavy strands fall across his forehead as his broad shoulders slump from
a heavy sigh, then he knocks the booze back in one gulp. Eyes closing, he
runs his tongue along his full top lip, and I shift in my seat, doing the same
to mine. How soft do they feel? Does he smell as good as he looks? Pure
sex and Whiskey could permeate the air tonight while he drives his
frustrations between my thighs—I huff a laugh, my pulse thumping from
eye fucking the poor guy.
A knot forms in the pit of my stomach as the alluring stranger’s deep
brown eyes meet mine, and I turn away, my face burning something fierce.
Gripping the straw inside my glass, I stir the melting ice, fixating on each
one bouncing off the other, though his aura is magnetic as my gaze pulls
back to the man who’s now walking into the crowded floor.
My eyes widen while searching the direction he’s heading, ready to
stand, but Jessie slings her arms around my shoulders.
“Shelby, come dance with me,” she slurs into my neck from behind,
then leaves a wet kiss on my cheek. “But first, I need another drink—
Ralph!” Pushing between Dane and me, she leans forward on the bar, her
fair cheeks thoroughly flushed while looking for our bartender, and I pull
the hem of her dark blue dress down as it rides up her thighs.
“You’re about to show everyone your underwear.”
“Who says I’m wearing any?” She giggles, swaying her hips side to side
just as Dane chokes on his soda. “What?” Jessie asks, peeking at him over
her shoulder.
Dane wipes his mouth with a napkin while clearing his throat.
“Hm.” Turning so her back faces the bar, she tilts her head to the side,
her long blonde hair sweeping past her shoulder as she leans closer to him.
“Were you checking out my ass?”
Her face falls, but she quickly perks up with a sly smirk, lifting to sit
along the bar edge, one of her legs between his. “Good.”
Ralph threads his fingers through his golden hair while heading toward
us at a quicker pace. “Listen, I love you girls. Really, I do. But the only time
a woman’s ass is allowed on my bar is if her legs are draped over my
shoulders,” he says, setting Jessie’s drink beside her.
She bursts out laughing, leaning back against his burly chest. “Ralph,
you dirty old man. What’s a girl to do when your seats are full, though I’m
sure your face is just as comfy.”
With a hearty chuckle, he shows a sexy crooked grin, his dark green
gaze playful, yet he warns, “Down. Now. Don’t make me cut you off.”
Jessie pouts. “Fine, I’m moving.” She leans forward to get down, then
intakes a sharp breath when her ankle buckles in her six-inch heels, and
Dane supports her waist to prevent her from falling to the floor.
“You alright?” he asks, keeping her steady.
“Yeah….” Putting pressure on her foot, she winces and lifts again.
“Shit. Maybe not.”
“Let me see.”
I take a long pull of my drink and stand. “Here, keep my seat warm. I
need to use the restroom.”
“Thanks.” She plops down, and I smirk when Dane gently places her
foot on his lap, Jessie watching him closely as he inspects her ankle before I
stroll toward the back of the building.
Jessie and I come to our favorite spot to unwind once a month, and
usually, if it’s a good night, we’ll meet someone who’ll end it right. I’m all
for the occasional hook-up—however, I have no interest in going home
with any man tonight after dealing with Patrick’s bullshit at work. I’m here
strictly to unwind.
There’s a line for the ladies’ room, and I cross my legs, squeezing my
thighs together as the need to pee increases. A guy walks out of the men’s,
and my bladder wins the battle over my better judgment as I enter seconds
later. Luckily no one’s occupying the tiny space as I dash into an open stall,
hike my cami dress, and squat above a chipped toilet seat that’s seen better
I fall forward, quickly placing my hand on the door, and giggle, “Shit
—” Shushing myself and focusing on my task to get the hell out of here.
Four is definitely my limit.
Someone enters the bathroom while I’m mid-stream, and I close my
eyes, cursing under my breath as I finish my business, hoping whoever’s in
here is drunk enough not to notice a woman sneaking out—or maybe I
should wait for them to leave….
Fuck it.
Flushing, I exit the stall, readjusting the bronze fabric hugging my
thighs, and halt my step at the handsome stranger from earlier hunched over
one of the sinks.
Is he okay?
Leaving is the sensible move, but I walk toward the other sink next to
him to wash my hands instead. His groan spikes my pulse before he peers
over his shoulder. With a heavy gaze, he faces me, straightening to his full
height and stumbling forward.
I furrow my brows, stepping back—or maybe toward him? Because
we’re closer, staring intensely at one another…at his muscular chest visible
beneath his saturated white dress shirt, the charcoal suit jacket he was
wearing draped over the sink.
“Do you need help?” I whisper, and his eyes gloss over, russet brown
hues immersing me before he hardens his expression, jaw clenching.
“Why are you here?”
He strides, and I hit the stall, losing my breath as he towers over me,
palms pressing against the metal surface on either side of my body.
“Um.” I swallow hard, licking my lips through heavy breaths. “I really
had to pee.” His face is so close I taste the Whiskey he’d been drinking as
he curses softly, his pleasant cologne engulfing me.
Our chests rise simultaneously, and the longer he lingers above, the
harder he breathes, where each exhale hitting my parted lips has me
whimpering, gripping his shirt, wanting—fuck, needing more. So I lift to
close the distance between us.
We’re intoxicated, yet I’ve never felt more sober once his sweet tongue
enters my mouth with a kiss so raw, he’s ravenous, intensifying as I glide
my hands to thread into his thick dark hair. He lifts me by my ass and pins
me against the stall, groaning as our movements turn unruly—groping,
grunting, biting between heavy pants until his hard dick presses against my
pussy, and I buck my head backward.
“Yes—” I moan, gasping when his firm hand wraps around my throat,
the other urging me by my ass to fuck him, and I squeeze around his hips to
keep him close.
Every sound of pleasure leaving this man as he grinds on me has my
heart pounding and lungs accelerating, sending me into a stupor. I need to
hear more, so I grip the top of the stall to arch my back, meeting him thrust
for thrust.
He growls, drags the front of my dress down, and sucks hard on my
nipple, kneading my other breast before licking between, then up my neck
to claim my lips again.
The hinges rattle as we fuck with no control, lost in the midst of
passion, and I slap my hand on the stall as a spine-prickling orgasm nears.
The man’s mouth falls slack against my lips from his strained grunts, and
once he stares into my eyes, he forces himself to stop everything.
“No—” I whimper, feeling cold as he unwraps me from his body and
strides away.
I’m shaking against the stall as he leans back on the tiled wall across the
room, his shoulders heaving while trying to catch his breath and palming
his erect dick. “Fuck,” he pants, his deep smooth voice now pained as he
stares at the ceiling, and the angst makes my chest constrict. “I’m sorry.”
I swallow the knot in my throat while fixing my dress. “It’s okay….”
Dane enters the bathroom seconds later and he sighs, rushing toward
me. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing in here?”
Like earlier, the guy disappears, and my stomach drops as I move past
Dane to see where he went. The crowd has grown since I entered the
restroom, and it’s impossible to see through the mass of bodies until I spot
him at the exit putting on his suit jacket—looking straight through me
before striding outside.
We leave the bar at 1 a.m., and Dane helps Jessie walk to the front
passenger side of his grey car, opening the door for her. She removes herself
from his hold, grabs my hand, and limps toward the back seat to slip inside
instead. Nodding, he closes both doors and strides around the car to get
behind the wheel. I shut my eyes and tilt my head back, squeezing my
thighs to ease the tension within for what happened in that bathroom
replays in my mind over and over, still feeling my stranger’s lips.
Whiskey will forever taste like him.
The twenty-minute ride to the apartment Jessie and I share goes by
quickly, and I open my eyes once Dane parks. “You’ve arrived at your
destination,” he says in a monotone voice, and I tilt my head toward Jessie
as she hastily leaves the car while clutching her heels to her chest.
“What did I miss?”
Dane runs a hand over his short fade, looking at me in the rearview
mirror. “Remind me next time when you need a designated driver not to
“I’ll see you Sunday at work. Have a good time in New Jersey.”
Jersey, another reason to drink tonight for what awaits me in a few
hours across the country—maybe I’ll sleep through my early alarm clock.
Exhaling a deep sigh, I drag myself forward, my head spinning for a
quick second before I lean into the front passenger seat. “Thank you for
coming tonight. I truly appreciate you.”
“Of course, Shelby. You know I always got you.”
“I know. Have a good night, and get home safe.”
He smirks as I kiss his cheek, gently squeeze his shoulder, then leave
the car. Jessie must be inside since she’s nowhere to be seen as I walk along
the sidewalk to our building. I wave from the doorway, and Dane returns
my goodbye, driving out of the parking lot as I enter the narrow hallway.
I’ve never been happier having a ground-floor apartment, walking
several steps to our ajar door. My feet are on fire, and I kick off my heels in
our entryway just as Jessie speed limps out of her room in only a bra and
thong, muttering under her breath.
“Who does that guy think he is?” She shakes her head and plops onto
the plush cream couch by the back right wall.
Strolling to sit on the next cushion, I shift to face her. “Talk to me.”
Jessie chews on her bottom lip, then sighs. “Why did he have to come
“I wanted to let loose without worrying about finding a ride home.”
“Well, I understand that, but we only go out once a month. We have our
little routine, you know? And Dane went all you’re not leaving with him
when that cute guy I was dancing with wanted to take me home.” I press
my lips together to suppress a smile, failing when she narrows her eyes at
me. “I’m serious—he fucking put me on his shoulder so I wouldn’t leave!”
My mouth drops with a huge grin. Oh, I wish I saw that play out. 
“Jessie, hear me out, okay? Has the thought come across that maybe
Dane likes you, as more than an acquaintance.”
Her nose scrunches. “What? No—hell no. He’s not my type. I prefer a
man not to make decisions for me, please. Thank you.”
I quirk a brow, looking at her sideways. “Sure, miss swaying my ass in
the man's face while flirting, then also trying to make him jealous with
Ralph, of all people.”
Jessie stands and crosses her arms. “You know what. I don’t like drunk
“I’m not drunk, and neither were you.”
“Lies.” She stares at me, her stance shifting to one hip as her brows
furrow, then a huge smile replaces her scowl. “Wait, whose face were you
sucking tonight?”
Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I touch my lips. “What?”
“Shelby—” She gasps. “Did you hook up with somebody in the
bathroom?” Sitting close again, she adds, “You look flustered like you got
some back blown out dick.”
“No, I didn't fuck anyone.”
“More lies.”
I narrow my eyes on her. “More like heavy petting….” Extreme, almost
coming, heavy petting. “But he stopped mid-tongue in my mouth.”
“Yeah.” I cross my legs, staring at my hands in my lap. “There was
something off about this guy—not in a bad way. I wasn’t afraid of him.”
I shift so my feet are under my thighs. “Jessie, when he came near me, I
fell into a trance, and have never yearned for someone to touch, kiss, or do
anything to me as badly as I wanted him to. Then every feeling came
crashing down when he abruptly stopped. Like I was a pawn in his shitty
night to relieve even an ounce of his sorrow, and when I didn’t work for
him he left.”
Jessie frowns, then takes hold of my hand. “I’m sorry. Tonight’s girls’
night was a fail. We need a redo when you get back to San Diego.”
My stomach sinks again because I’m dreading every second of
returning to Jersey. It wasn’t an easy decision to relocate thousands of miles
from my hometown, but for my mental health, moving was essential to
remove myself from the constant criticism, worrying if I’m doing enough—
if my way of living is satisfactory in Mom’s eyes.
Yet, what’s worse, now her controlling need is at an all-time high, and it
only creates more distance between us. Though, the longer I’m away from
the people who mean most to me, the deeper I sink into the void, finding
unhealthy ways to numb my sorrows, a state of mind I’m getting too
comfortable living—
“Hey, if you’re not ready you don’t have to go home. You already said
you couldn’t get off work, plus there’s no bridesmaid rule saying you have
to attend the wedding shower.”
“Maybe not, but if I don’t, then I’ll only continue to punish my family
by ignoring the problems keeping us apart.”
“Have you talked to your mom?”
Problem number one.
I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh. “Well, if you can call a one-way
conversation talking, then yes. She calls once a week at least.”
“I’m sorry, babe.”
“Don’t be. I’ve accepted our relationship for what it is.”
“Why not block her out of your life?”
A sensible idea, but not ideal.
“I could, but I won’t subject my father to the backlash of me ignoring
her. I’d rather allow my mother to dictate my life than for her to control
anyone else’s. At least I’m across the country. My dad, he’s in the same
She smiles, taking hold of my hand. “You’re a good daughter, Shelby. I
understand why you want to go home since family’s important. I’m only a
phone call away if matters go south, and I’ll hop on the next flight to rescue
We both giggle, and I draw her in for a quick hug. “Thanks. I’m heading
to bed to sleep off this buzz within the next….” Checking the time, I
wrinkle my nose. “Four hours.”
“Same after I ice my damn ankle—do you think Ralph eats at the bar?”
She wags her brows at me. “I’m intrigued to see what’s on his menu for
next time.”
“Not you.” I stand, walking toward my room. “We leave the bartenders
“Yeah, yeah. Go on and get some beauty sleep.”

Leaning on the front door, I press the bell after several attempts of inserting
the key to enter my home. The spinning won’t stop, and I need to ground
myself with anything at this point before misery drowns me.
The one night I needed away from this place, she followed me. She’s
become a state of mind, one that’s never-ending, and I have no one to blame
but myself for inducing the pain.
You deserve no empathy for leaving tonight.
I bang my fist repeatedly on the door, hating the ache festering in my
chest from one glance. For caving at the taste of her lips, the feel of her
body beneath my fingertips, believing for once she was truly here with me
until she wasn’t. Only a cruel reminder that life doesn’t play fair to those
One last attempt for the lock, and I stumble into the foyer as the door
opens. “Mr. Anderson….” Lorraine faces me once she closes the door, tying
the rope of her long robe around her waist as she takes in my state. “Do you
know what time it is?”
“I’m aware it’s late.” I glance at my office on the left but walk toward
the stairs straight ahead instead while stripping away my suffocating suit,
taking the steps at a steady pace.
“Simply put, you don’t care.”
Halting midway, I look over my shoulder at the nanny still by the door.
Her dark hair usually resting on her shoulders in loose waves is combed
back, and her amber gaze is farthest from warm while she stares at me
through narrowed eyes. She disapproves of my rude awakening, yet I
continue toward my destination unfazed and in need of a cold shower.
“Mr. Anderson.” Her husky tone follows me up the stairs. “I’ve held my
tongue over the years with your well-being in mind, but not today. Why do
you continue to leave?” she asks, meeting me on the main floor of my
three-story home.
“I have my reasons.”
“Reason being the last four years, you disappear and return piss drunk
on your son’s birthday.”
The stairs continue to the right, but I face my employee first. “Keep
going, Mrs. Jetty.”
“You want to threaten my job? Go ahead. But your excuse of being
absent is not valid.”
My jaw clenches. “My excuse….”
“You have a choice, and you continue to make the wrong one for your
own selfish reasons. Do you forget you’re not the only one hurting? Is the
Whiskey worth the damage you cause while under the influence? If so,
you’re no better than the man you’re hiding from.”
Pins and needles spread, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to
rise. Holding back words I’ll regret saying when I’m sober, I take the next
set of stairs, her words clinging to me with a vice grip as I enter my room

My knuckles crack as I bare my fist, opening and closing my grip to inspect

the damage underneath the ice pack. A pulsating ache shoots down my
wrist with each movement, but I embrace the pain to decompress the anger
radiating through me. Either I punched the door or got arrested for finally
striking my father. The latter’s no longer an option since I’m eighteen, even
if he deserves to experience the same suffering—I won’t allow him to
hinder my future, whatever that may become at this point.
“You need to keep icing it, Carter.”
Closing my eyes, I reapply the pack, turning away from Valerie. “You
should go.”
She doesn’t reply, only eases my t-shirt over my head and presses soft
pecks across my back. I exhale a long breath, knowing the routine even
before she kneels at my feet to unbuckle my belt. Sex is my choice of drug
to unwind, but there aren’t many girls who desire the same outcome—find
release with no strings attached—until I found Valerie.
She’s fucked up just like me, maybe more.
Whiskey is her poison, but being eighteen, the only way to access it is
through my father’s collection. Given he’s a piece of shit, I couldn’t care
less if she cleaned him out, but she’s a smart girl and understands that only
retrieving what she needs is the way to maintain her supply, which makes
me her supplier.
Our partnership is a great distraction from life. However, the more time
we spend together, the realization of who I can become with her by my side
grows, that fucking and drinking is only an addiction, using each other with
no real purpose other than an escape. There needs to be more behind our
actions, something we can grab and build off. Create a purpose.
“Let’s get married,” I say, stopping Valerie from sucking my dick, and
she blinks a few times.
Helping her stand, I take her hand in mine. “We can be good together.”
Valerie rolls her eyes, pretending to laugh, “Ha, ha, funny.” She glides
her hand down my abs, but I stop her advance. “You’re not being serious,
are you?”
“There’s a school here in New York, and I think we should attend
together. Start building a life other than our current arrangement.”
“What’s wrong with what we’re doing now?”
“Valerie, you’re great,” I hold up my swollen hand, “but I need more
than this.”
Her brows furrow as she steps back. “More as in a relationship?”
“More, as in a purpose. Something to strive toward, and I don’t want to
do it alone.”
“Why are you trying to ruin a good thing?” she asks, tears forming in
her sapphire eyes.
I take hold of her cheek, swiping away one that falls with my thumb.
“I’m trying to build a better future for myself, for us. My mother was the
strongest person I knew, and I want to gather her strength, continue building
what she started, to believe we’re more than our past. Let’s start fresh. Be
better together.”
Valerie blows out a shaky breath, glancing at the hole in the door, then
turns back to me and whispers, “Okay…we can try.”
My smile is instant. “I promise I won’t let you down—”

Blood pumps rampant in my chest as my eyes spring open, and I groan into
the darkness from the torturous memory after months of relief. Yet,
eventually, they return just to fuck with me. To ensure I never forget where
I came from. The sun has barely risen, but I wake for the day instead of
returning to sleep off my headache for a few more hours. What’s the point?
Leaving for the bathroom, I lean against the vanity, every fine detail of
the room created for luxury, yet I can’t stand to look at the designs that took
weeks to perfect.
Just how she wanted.
I splash cold water on my face and neck, allowing myself to decompress
while going through my morning routine, though something lingers at the
back of my mind, refusing to come forth as I stare into the draining water.
“What the fuck was I supposed to do today?”
Brain in a fog, I walk toward my closet, gathering last night’s clothes
from the floor along the way, and remove any valuables before dumping the
dirty articles into the laundry basket. Checking my phone, I exit the closet
to charge the dead device on the nightstand and return to my daily tasks.
There’s something about a well-tailored suit that’s appealing. From the
custom pattern designed for my build, where each stitch tells a story, down
to the final designer button fastened, every delicate detail signifies success
from skillful hands. Much like my work since I pour my life into each
project, so at least something good comes from my name.
Forgoing a tie, I leave my bedroom for the landing area, and I raise a
brow at the clatter beyond Lorraine’s ajar door, then head straight for my
office in the foyer—the second I enter the room to the document on my
desk, my heart sinks as my gnawing thought dawns on me. “Fuck—” I rush
back to the third floor, bursting through my bedroom doors, and race toward
my phone with dozens of missed calls and text messages displayed on the
It’s half past six…I still have time.
Straight for the closet, I snatch my wallet, and a solid black tie, then
stride out of my room while fastening the fabric around my neck— “Mr.
Anderson.” I halt my steps as Lorraine places an overnight bag on her
shoulder, standing by the stairs with a large suitcase at her feet. “We need to

It’s 6:30 in the morning, and I’m sitting on the floor staring at the pile of
clothes on top of my duffle bag. In under two hours, my flight will take off,
and I didn’t get an ounce of sleep thinking about the dreadful plane ride.
Problem number two.
I release a long breath with my cheek resting on my knees thinking of
all the ways a pilot can successfully crash land a plane, my eyes falling
heavy, and I jolt awake when my phone vibrates between my thighs. A
scheduled text lights my screen from my supervisor, and I blink a few
times, rereading the message because there’s no way my sleep-deprived
brain is interpreting this correctly. Scrambling to my feet, I sit on the edge
of my bed and carefully type to my boss:
Good morning, Patrick. Sorry for the early message, but I
believe you have me down to work tonight by mistake.

I stare at the screen as the ellipsis appears, then his reply:

You’re scheduled.
My brows furrow.
So my request to switch with Hailey is no longer in effect?

It’s your shift. Hailey broke her wrist, and won't be in tonight.
It’s your obligation to be here. No excuses.

Dropping the phone on my lap, I sink into my palms, dragging them

down my face as I groan. There’s no way. He’ll need to find someone else
because I already have flights booked, and did everything he asked to get
tonight off—yet, if I say I’m not going, will he threaten to fire me?
I head into the kitchen where Jessie yawns while pouring a bowl of
cereal on the table, and she glances at me before picking up a few pieces
that spill out.
“Why does Patrick hate me?”
“What? What did he do now?” I push the phone toward her, and she
reads out loud, “The Wild Roux House: Shifts for Shelby Morales, Saturday,
July 30th, 6:00 p.m to close.…” Her brows move together. “Can he do
“Keep reading.”
She does, huffing a laugh while rolling her eyes. “Please. Does he know
you’re leaving the state?”
“Yes, but he doesn’t care if I have plans. We’re short-staffed, so the load
will go to him if I don’t show up, which he won’t be happy about.”
“Well, he approved, so let it be his problem. That guy needs to
understand people have lives outside work.” Moving to the fridge, she
reaches inside, her voice low as she continues, “Will he fire you if you
don’t go?”
“I don’t know.” Even though management is terrible, I enjoy my co-
workers, and serving the regulars who come to the restaurant for the last
four years. “Maybe? Should I cancel Jersey?”
As Jessie comes back, she squints her eyes at me. “Boss or not, don’t let
him dictate you, especially if you're not in the wrong. You need some me
time. Screw work and go have fun.”
Sighing, I nod, and head to stuff a few outfits inside my duffle bag. One
would think I’m leaving for a week instead of a day, but it’s best to have
more than to need something. I grip the silver tab, and it zips to the end
with a few firm yanks, the seam ready to give way—though, she still has a
few travel days left in her.
With packing done, I slip on a pair of floral split-thigh pants that cinch
my waist, and a moss-green short-sleeve crop top, pairing them with tan
wedges. The fit is simple yet sexy. To complete the look, I apply mauve
lipstick and soft eyeshadow, making the green hues of my hazel eyes pop
with the nude colors, though if only my hair would cooperate as a few dark
curls stray away from my loose bun. Once the pins work their magic, I
release a heavy breath and take everything back into the kitchen.
I drop my bag on the table, and Jessie looks at me as I cross my arms,
leaning into the edge. “Maybe Patrick texting me is a sign I shouldn’t
“Babe, you’re trying to give yourself an excuse not to go, and I think
you should…just not with your entire closet. That’s kinda excessive for one
day, no?”
Staring at my plump neon duffle bag, I shake my head. “Nope, and not
excusing. I’m being practical. If I lose my job, then that could be weeks,
months even of me trying to find a full-time that pays well enough to afford
our rent and bills. Which is due next week.”
Jessie opens her mouth, then firmly presses her lips together before
saying, “Shelby, I’m going to say something—”
“Hm, you already know my answer is no. I love you like the sister I
never had, but you’re not paying my share of the bills.”
“Don’t be so stub—”
“No matter how well off you are financially, my portion is not your
responsibility. It’s mine, and you need to respect that.”
I narrow my eyes which stops her further debate.
“Okay, I will, but only if you admit you're sabotaging this trip. You said
so yourself, ignoring the problem won’t fix anything, and if you don’t go,
I’m paying off our rent. All five remaining months.”
“You wouldn’t.”
She gives me a sweet smile while swiping her phone screen. “Wanna
find out, miss I hate airplanes and would rather endure a three-day road trip
with an ex-boyfriend just to avoid the air.”
She knows me too well.
“That’s called manipulation—” Her smile widens to a grin, and I sigh.
“Fine. Give me the keys. I’ll start the car.”

Time is a fickle bitch, just like the weather and, apparently, airport liquor
prices. I’m now two hours behind due to inclement weather at my
destination, and soon to have twenty-four dollars less in my bank account
for the Mimosa I so desperately need to mellow my nerves.
“So, you’re telling me this one glass costs the same amount as a bottle
of champagne and orange juice combined?”
“You are correct,” Evan, my bartender, says while leaning forward on
the bar top.
“How does it feel to be the villain of my story?”
He chuckles, straightening his stance with an evil smirk. “Pretty damn
good. Now, pay up before I add another dollar.”
I smile and withdraw my debit card, placing the plastic on his palm.
Never again will I allow alcohol to seduce me at the airport.
A moment later, Evan sets my receipt in front of me, the edges curling
around the pen as he hands over my card. “Enjoy.”
“Better believe I’m savoring this bad boy until my plane arrives.”
He winks and carries on to his next victim. After signing, I snap a
picture of the paper, then text it to Jessie with a photo of me sipping the six
ounces of gold.
Early-morning pick me up? How are you feeling?

Nervous. It turns out my flight got delayed two hours.

Well, in that case, grab another glass…or bottle.

I gulp half of it. Fuck savoring.

Might cut it close with the time zone differences. At least my
trip is nonstop.

Everything will be fine. Text me when you land.

Swiveling the stool, I observe the crowd in the distance—one woman

soothing her screaming toddler and a guy close behind lugging a car seat as
they weave through the mass of bodies, then a brawny man pacing the floor
while talking on the phone catches my eye. He’s handsome, well dressed in
all black, with a tan messenger bag across his body. Rubbing between his
brows, he shakes his head, saying something else before ending the call,
and strides toward the back gates. I hope these rough mornings get better.
After finishing the Mimosa, I grab my bag and walk toward mine,
waiting for the agent to finish speaking to her associate.
“Hello, how may I help you?” she asks.
“Hi, what time will we be arriving in New York?”
“This flight is scheduled to land at 5:20, give or take a few minutes if
there’s maintenance needed before take off.”
My stomach churns. “Is something wrong with the plane?”
She gives me a small smile. “Nothing to worry about. You’ll board
I sit by the window, taking in the clear skies, then open an ebook on my
phone, letting the fictional world of romance absorb me. Reading is my
escape from reality, and I enjoy living through each character for endless
hours. As time quickly passes, the agent speaks over the intercom that
they’re starting the boarding process, and I get in line once they call my
zone, scanning my barcode.
The agent looks at his computer and says, “One moment, please.” Then
prints out a ticket, scans it, and hands me the paper. “You’ve been upgraded.
You’ll find your new seat number here. Enjoy your trip.”
“Oh. Okay, thanks.” Walking along the narrow jet bridge, my heart
races, accelerating with each step to the door.
“Good morning, welcome aboard,” says a lady with a radiant grin. 
How these flight attendants can stand working on a flying deathtrap is
beyond me.
I check my ticket, stroll to row three and press my lips together at my
unhappy neighbor sitting by the aisle. Pushing my bag inside the overhead
compartment, I stare at my window seat next to the guy I checked out
earlier. He’s much more handsome up close, with long sandy blond hair just
barely touching his shoulders.
Someone behind me clears their throat, and I glance at them before
saying to the guy, “Excuse me. Do you mind switching places? I’m not a
fan of the window.”
His icy blue gaze meets mine, roaming before the corner of his mouth
lifts. “No problem.”
Handsome maneuvers over the armrest, and I sit, blow out an unsteady
breath, and wipe my palms along my thighs after fastening the belt.
“Nervous?” he asks while buckling his.
“Is it obvious I’m not that great at this?”
Chuckling, he smooths out his black dress shirt, which matches his
slacks, and I breathe in his pleasant scent like I’m enjoying a candy apple
while deep in the woods. “You’re good. I’m just over-observant.”
“I see.”
I fiddle with the pamphlets on the seat in front of me more than once,
and my heart leaps when the attendant snaps the overhead compartment
shut, the captain speaking over the intercom as the remaining passengers
take their seats. One step closer to taking off. Next is the demo process,
then—shit, think of something else. 
I shift back to my neighbor, who’s still observing me. “Thanks for
switching places.”
“Don’t mention it. My name’s Cole.” He holds out his hand to shake,
and I take it.
“Shelby. It’s nice to meet you—” The plane taxi’s out, and I snap my
eyes shut, gripping his hand tight as the backward sensation churns my
stomach. “Fuck…I’m sorry.”
Cole eases my grip into his left hand and intertwines our fingers. “Hey,
no worries. Use me all you want.”
I peek an eye open as the edge of my lips curves upward. “This is a
“That, but also a nice stranger comforting me while I freak out on an
His secure hold, mixed with the gentle strokes of his thumb along the
back of my hand is soothing, though once the engines increase a moment
later, so does my pulse as the plane speeds up the runway.
Cole gives a squeeze. “What if we weren’t strangers? Who’s saying
we’re not married with five kids and enjoy holding hands?”
“What?” I stare at his grinning face. “That’s a lot.”
“Okay, two, though...number three slips in since we can’t control
I breathe out a laugh and close my eyes as we lift into the air, trying to
manage my breathing by listening to his voice. “Three kids seems ideal.”
“Perfect. And pets?”
“A cat.”
Air passes through his teeth. “Ooh, that’s a hard pass.”
“You’d deny your wife and kids a precious cat?” I peek at him with a
smile, and he chuckles, rubbing his index finger across his bottom lip,
which is fuller than the top.
“Fine, I’ll consider, but solely on one condition.”
“I’m listening.”
“Steaks and barbecue ribs every Sunday.”
Smooth move, mister. “Okay, deal.”
“Deal.” Cole turns toward the window, our hand releasing as he lifts the
shade all the way, and clouds appear in the distance. “You made it up in one
“Huh…seems I did. I never understood why flying gives me anxiety.
Even just the thought makes my skin crawl.”
He looks at the goosebumps rising on my arms, his soft gaze meeting
mine as he smiles. “Well, you took the first step to overcome your fear, and
that’s getting on the plane. Keep doing that, and soon you’ll fly with ease.”
I hum, a slight tug lifting my lips. “You may be right, but the easy part
is doubtful, though it would be nice.”
“Don’t be so unsure of yourself. You’d be surprised how simple it is to
trick the brain.”
“Yeah. Well, thank you for tricking mine.”
Cole nods and leans against the wall to study me. “So, what brings you
to New York, Shelby? Business or pleasure?”
“Visiting my hometown, but I’m traveling to New Jersey. There weren’t
any nonstop flights to Newark.”
“Where in Jersey are you from?”
“Keyport, though I spent a lot of time in Long Branch with my aunt and
“Nice. I have a condo in upper Manhattan but I live in San Diego. Are
you in the area?”
Smiling wide, I lean in close. “How could you forget?”
A slight wrinkle appears between his eyebrows as they move together.
“Forget what?”
“The Pacific Ocean is our backyard. Nothing but the best for our three
kids and five cats.”
He lets out a hearty chuckle. “I like you, Shelby.”
I tip my head to the side and smirk. “You’re not too bad yourself…so,
what brings you to New York, Cole?” I cross my legs, and my thigh shows
through the slit of my pants. “Business...or pleasure?”
Cole’s gaze flicks to my exposed olive skin. “Business, unfortunately.”
“That is unfortunate—”
“Hello. Would either of you like a complimentary beverage and snack?”
asks the attendant from earlier, now pushing a cart.
“Just water, please,” I reply.
She nods, but Cole is her focus as her gaze lingers on his icy blues.
“And you, sir?”
“I’ll have a Coke and one of those biscuits if you have them. Thank
“Sure.” Once she pours our refreshments, she hands them to us, giving
Cole two packs of crackers. “Here’s an extra, in case you want more.”
“I appreciate it.” He winks, storing one in his breast pocket, and I catch
her lips parting before she smiles, facing her cart. If her face gets any
redder, she’ll turn into a tomato.
“Two biscuits. It’s your lucky day,” I tease.
Drawing out the tray attached to the armrest, Cole sets the cup down,
then hands me a pack. “My luck turned around once a gorgeous woman sat
next to me.”
Damn, who’s a tomato now?
“You’re sweet, and thank you.” Unwrapping the cracker, I ask, “What
do you do for business?” Then pop a piece into my mouth.
Cole glances out the window as his brows move close together. “I’m an
Engineer. I was traveling with my associate, and at the last minute, he
couldn’t make it. Now I’m riding solo for an important meeting, which this
potential client will be our biggest project within the firm.”
Having business fall on him must be stressful. I place my palm on his
hand, and he turns toward me.
“I believe you’ll be fine. If your charm alone can help me fly, then I
know you’ll succeed with this. Try not to worry.”
He grins. “Thank you. Perhaps we’re meant to sit together to settle each
other’s nerves.”
“I agree.”
Time passes while we converse for the rest of the trip—five hours of
becoming acquainted, laughing at casual subjects which eventually settle
into deep emotional territory that neither of us thought we’d express.
However, as we land, my shoulders feel a little less heavy. The captain
allows us to disembark, and I move to the aisle, Cole helping me grab my
bag and walking a step behind me as we stroll to the terminal gate.
Our eyes meet, and he rubs the back of his neck. “I enjoyed this flight.
That’s a first, wanting a plane ride to go slow.”
“And your method of distraction is impressive. I’m not sure what I’ll do
on my flight back.”
He grabs his phone from his pocket. “Would you like to exchange
numbers? Maybe if you get the wifi, we can text through your flight. My
meme game is top-notch.”
I chew on my bottom lip as I laugh, then take his phone, texting my
number so I’ll have his as well. “Looking forward to it.”
A call comes through, and I hand his device back—he releases a deep
breath before answering it. His once laid-back manner disappears, so it
must be important.
“Yeah?…what do you mean he’s not there?” He closes his eyes, rubbing
his palm over his mouth and neat full beard. “No, tell him I’ll be there soon,
and text me the address. I’m on my way now.”
“Everything okay?”
He places his phone in his pocket and steps closer to me. “Slight
setback, but can’t do much to avoid them. I need to head out, but I meant
what I said. Text if you need me on your flight home or whenever. I really
enjoyed talking to you, and I don’t say that to many people.”
I grin, lean into him, and lift onto my toes to kiss his cheek. “Thank
you. I will.”
My smile falters when I slowly step back and stare at my feet with my
brows furrowed. Though I only just met Cole, a slight pang settles in my
chest that I’ll never see him again, so I press into his body to hug him
without a second thought. We don’t speak, yet he embraces me with no
hesitation while rubbing along my back as we both take a deep breath,
releasing the anxiousness of what’s to come before we part.
We walk together until we can’t any longer, and he waves before
proceeding onward. Taking out my phone, I turn off airplane mode, save
Cole’s number, then call Tía Luci, continuing to my pickup destination.

The second I’m in the car, Tía Luci embraces me with a swaying hug, and
her signature vanilla scent envelopes me. “Shelby, I’ve missed you! So
good to have you home.”
“Hey, Tía. I missed you too.”
Tears surround her amber eyes, and she wipes underneath before
settling behind the steering wheel. “Okay. Let’s go before traffic gets worse.
How was your flight? The thunderstorm here was unbearable earlier.”
I can’t contain my giddiness as I shift in my seat. “A little shaky mid-
flight, but the rest of the duration went better than expected. Are we late?”
“Shower starts at 6:30, but I’ll get us there by 7:00.” She glances at me
with a piqued brow. “Mija, what’s got you smiling like that? I need some.”
Tipping my head, I grin wider from the playback of my time with Cole.
“Just a guy I met on the plane.”
“Ay, just a guy—dímelo. Is he cute? Did you get his number?”
“Yes. He’s sweet, and we talked the entire trip. I see a good friendship
“Just friends?”
“Maybe? I tried to sway him for a moment. See if his kindness was an
act in exchange for the goods. But, the more we talked, the more of a
connection I felt, though, not in a sexual way….” A slight smile lifts my
lips. “It was refreshing. Having a mutual understanding of what we needed
in those few short moments is a rare occurrence. At least for me.”
Tía Luci grins, taking hold of my hand. “Good. I’m glad you made a
friend, Shelby.”
Since I was a little girl, Tía Luci has been the person I felt most
comfortable opening up to, and I’ve missed our chats. “Me too. But, enough
about me, how are you and everybody? I can’t believe Ben finally popped
the question. It’s been what, a decade?”
Nodding, her smile softens. “Natalie’s already a daughter to me. I
admire the relationship they built over the years and respect their decision
to wait. However, if they chose to never marry it would make no difference
because I truly believe inside they are matched, and that’s what matters
most. Not a title.” She glances at me, then back to the road releasing a slight
“And you? Are you seeing anyone?”
“Me?” Rolling back her shoulders, she smirks and lifts her brow a notch
as she peeks over. “Mira, I was married for twenty-six years. You think I’m
not enjoying my life as a single woman?”
“Of course, but there’s nothing wrong with exploring the fish in the
“Sure, find me one, and I’ll fry it up with some patacones. Sounds like a
great time to me.” She laughs, and her broad smile is contagious, though
there’s a slight pang behind her light eyes.
“Ever wish you could go back and do things differently?” I ask,
reminiscing all the good times we shared while she and Uncle Brian were
They were so in love, and I never would’ve guessed they were having
marital issues.
“With your uncle? No, never.” She glances at me. “We had our
differences, but I loved that man. I loved the life we built, but marriage,
relationships—any commitment can be unpredictable. Your values can
change at any moment, for myriad reasons, and for us, they did, no matter
how hard we tried to mend the disconnect. So moving apart was the
healthiest decision for us.”
I feel her words deep to my core. “I understand, and I’m glad you’re
both in a good place now.”
“You and I both. And just because I’m focusing on myself at the
moment doesn’t mean one day I won’t go fishing.”
We both laugh, and I lean into her shoulder. “Don’t forget to bring
patacones. Gotta reel your catch in with flavor.”
Tía Luci snickers and bumps me to my seat, concentrating on our drive.
About an hour and a half later, The Atlantic Ocean appears as we pull up to
our destination, parking right next to Mom’s car.
“Did you tell your mother you were coming today?” Tía Luci asks,
opening the visor mirror, and running her fingers through her long brown
waves, unbothered by the grey she’s growing out at the roots.
Nope. She’d spoil the surprise.
I stare at Mom’s cherry red sedan, dread forming in the pit of my
stomach because of how she’ll react to me being home, and my eyes well.
“Mija?” Tears spill over as I turn my head, and Tía Luci draws me in
close. “Honey, don’t let her get to you, you hear me? You’re amazing. I’m
so proud of your strength, and your perseverance, no matter how hard times
have been. Let no one tell you differently.” I quickly nod, and she wipes my
cheeks dry, leaving a kiss in its place. “Te quiero mucho, mucho, Mijita.”
This woman has been more of a mother to me than my own—she’s my
lifeline, my rock—her words helping me more than she’ll ever know. “I
love you, too.”
She smiles, wiping under her eyes next. “Okay, let’s go inside. I have
your gift wrapped in the trunk.”
“Thank you for helping me last minute. I wouldn’t have been able to
pull today off without you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m happy you’re here, even for a day.”
We walk toward Hotel A. Wellington, and the glossy ash wood floor is
the first notable feature once we step inside—the interior is stunning with
gold and tan accent colors everywhere. Heading across the lobby, we enter a
long hallway to one of the event rooms at the end, and in front of the frosted
glass doors, there’s a sign stating:

Natalie Rossi & Benjamin Nolan’s

Wedding Shower
“You go first. I’ll come inside in a minute,” I say, grabbing my phone
from my wristlet. “Need to send a quick text.”
“Sure. Take your time. I’ll bring your gift in for you.”
I hand the box over, and the music inside amplifies once she opens the
door, drowning out as it closes behind her. There are two missed calls and a
text from Patrick—ignoring them, I send Jessie a message that I arrived
safely, and I’ll call her later just as Uncle Brian’s joyous laughter bellows in
the distance. He rounds the corner, taking long strides in a two-piece navy
blue suit, and his brows lift high the second he recognizes me.
“Shelby? Is that you?” He steps closer and draws me in for a hug, his
fully grey beard brushing against my cheek as he lifts me off the floor. “I
wasn’t expecting you. How are you, kiddo?”
“Hey, Uncle Brian. I thought I’d surprise everybody.”
He places me down, his smile reaching his eyes, a mix of green and
blue, and there’s a lot more silver throughout his short auburn hair now.
“I was in a meeting and ducked out early. Hopefully, I haven't missed
too much.”
I’m sure everyone will understand his tardiness with him being the
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of this hotel chain.
Uncle Brian opens the door and gestures for me to enter a room decked
out with gold, white, and pink decor, suitable for intimate weddings and
events like this. The far wall has a panoramic ocean view, in the middle is a
dance floor with several round tables surrounding it, and golden lights
underneath tall white curtains, creating a dim glow that doesn’t take away
from the breathtaking sunset scenery. Madalyn went above and beyond with
organizing this shower, my cousin being a reputable wedding and event
planner in the area.
There are a few dozen people here, and I find Mom as she spotted me
right away—blame it on mother-daughter intuition. My palms clam as we
stare at one another, her actions loud as she shakes her head, leans into her
seat, and looks toward the windows with her wine glass raised to her lips.
Total disregard. I turn, exit into the hall, and enter the bathroom
immediately to my right. Coming home was a mistake if I can’t muster the
courage to face Mom even for a few seconds. Her disapproving thoughts
were loud and clear then, and even so now four years later.
I walk toward the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. The woman
looking back is a shell of herself—still cowering away, and I hate that.
Huffing a laugh, I head for a stall to pee and sigh when the toilet flushes
prematurely as I hover. Once I finish, someone enters the room, and I pause
at the manual flusher button when a moan echoes, following a deep grunt.
“Lock the door.”
Every fine hair on my body stands on end at the familiar voice, and I
straighten my stance.
“Not here. Upstairs. I booked a room.”
“Jack, you know we can’t—security will snitch to Ben in a heartbeat.”
There’s more heavy kissing, and moaning.
“Maybe it’s time everyone knows about us.”
“No. We can’t. He’ll never forgive you, and I won’t ruin your
“Em, we’re not kids anymore. We can’t keep hiding—I don’t want to
hide you, and if Ben doesn’t approve, then so be it. He should know I’m in
love with his little sister.”
More silence.
“What….” she breathes, and I hold my breath while leaning to peek
through the door crack when Emily rushes toward the sink area, Jack
“I love you, Emily. Since the moment you gave me your sandwich—”
“Don’t—don’t ruin this. Please. You know you can’t love me.”
“I can, and I do.” Jack lifts her chin and dips forward until their lips are
inches apart. “Tell me you don’t feel the same.”
Rapidly shaking her head, Emily pushes on his chest. “You promised
me you wouldn’t do this,” she whispers, inhaling a sharp shaky breath when
he holds her face.
“I know, but fuck, you had to have seen this coming. After eight years.”
He kisses her hard, saying against her trembling lips, “Baby, there’s no one
else for me—”
“I’m moving to Chicago.”
This news takes him and me back, my shifting causing the toilet sensor
to flush. Harsh whispers echo before a door opens and closes again.
Dammit. Looking under the stall, I exit and dash to wash my hands. I had
my suspicions that Emily and Jack were sneaking around when they were
younger, but not to this day. And all the times we’ve talked, she never
mentioned moving to Chicago….my heart leaps from the buzzing in my
wristlet, and I withdraw my phone to check the notification.
Did you make your event on time? How are you feeling?

A slight smile pulls at my lips, and I quickly wipe my hands.

I’ll report back in an hour if I’m not drunk by then.

I hear you. With the flight delay, my meeting was cut short,
and rescheduled for early tomorrow morning.

My brows furrow.
Where are you exactly?

In the lobby of the hotel I’m staying in.

I slip the phone into my wristlet, leave the bathroom, and quicken my
steps to the front. What are the chances we’d be at the same place tonight?
Rounding the corner, I find Cole sitting on a bench, staring at his phone
with his jaw set tight, and leg bouncing. I stroll toward him as he glances
from his screen to the front desk, and gravitates around the room until his
gaze lands on me.
“Hey, stranger.”
“Shelby….” Cole stands and pockets his phone, his mood brightening
with a smile. “Your event is here?”
“It is.” I scrunch my nose, peeking back at the hallway. “Though I’m
kind of avoiding going inside.”
“Because of your mom?”
Not many people know the strain between us, only those close enough
to witness for themselves because we are good at hiding, pretending
everything is perfect in the Morales household. However, sitting next to
Cole for five hours, I spilled everything to him, as he did me, hooking onto
each other.
“Yes.” I blow out a stinging breath as an ache creeps up my throat. “I
had a plan, but the moment I saw her I bailed.”
Cole takes hold of my hand. “Come with me.” I intertwine my fingers
with his, and follow him, heading for the bar across the room as he guides
me to sit on a stool. “What’s your poison?”
Smiling, I perk up, resting my elbows on the bar. “Surprise me.”
“Straight to the point or slow and deadly?”
“Let’s not waste time.”
He smirks, flagging down the bartender at the other end of the bar.
“Two double shots of Crown.”
She nods, and I can’t contain my smile as I stare at Cole. “You’re
getting drunk with me then?”
“If we’re pregaming, we might as well start off strong.”
My stomach stirs. “We?”
“I have the rest of the night to myself, so I’m here for you if you need
me, Shelby.”
Nodding, I stand, wrap my arms around his neck, and Cole draws me
close as I release a shaky breath. “Thank you.”
The bartender places the dark liquor on the counter, and Cole slides his
card toward her, handing me my glass with one arm still around my waist.
“To a better evening.”
“To an even better morning.”
We clink glasses, and I close my eyes as the sweet scent makes my skin
prickle, last night racing to the forefront of my mind before I knock the
entire shot back. I scrunch my face, coughing a few times as the liquor
burns down my throat, and Cole chuckles.
“Not a Whiskey person? Would you like something different?”
Humming, I shake my head, licking my lips with the taste of my
stranger still on my tongue. “I think this is enough for now, but thank you.”
“Okay. Ready?”
Definitely not now, but I step back as he stands and slip my arm through
his. It’s a quarter to eight as we walk up the hallway, stopping at the frosted
doors, and Cole doesn’t give me a chance to hesitate before we enter the
room. Madalyn’s talking over a mic, everyone focusing on her standing
beside Ben and Natalie, so we stay by the gift table to our left, waiting for
her to finish. It’s much darker now with the sun setting, which helps ease
my anxiousness—that, and the warmth settling within my belly.
“Just so you know, I haven’t brought a man around my family, ever,” I
say as he bends closer. “I don’t know how they’ll react.”
“Well, Gorgeous. As your husband and the father of our three children,
it’s time we let the secret out.”
I lean into his side, a fit of laughter leaving me. “Maybe not tonight.”
“Alright.” He winks, and I appreciate meeting him even more.
Uncle Brian approaches the soon-to-be newlywed’s table, and Madalyn
kisses his cheek before handing the mic to him next. Out of his three kids,
she’s the oldest, and appearance-wise takes after him the most with her
auburn hair and bright blue eyes. Ben’s the middle, and all Tía Luci, just
like Emily. When he stands to embrace his father, Cole stiffens beside me.
“You okay?” I ask, looking at him over my shoulder as I step forward.
“That’s Brian Nolan, the SVP.”
“Yeah, he’s my uncle—is he the person you were meeting?”
Nodding, Cole takes a step back, our hands releasing. “I shouldn’t
I furrow my brows. “You’re not intruding, but I understand if you’re
uncomfortable staying.”
“I’m sorry, Shelby. From a business standpoint staying may not be
appropriate. Otherwise, I would.”
“Hey, you don’t need to apologize or explain. You’ve done more than
enough already, so I'll be okay from here.”
A smirk pulls at his lips. “Text you in the morning?”
“Please. And thank you.”
“Talk to you soon.”
He glances behind me once more before leaving the room, and a weight
falls heavy on my shoulders the moment he’s gone. Pushing the dread aside,
I move forward, waving at a few family members I haven’t seen in years,
letting them know I’ll be back, and head straight for the main table in front
of the windows.
Light brown eyes widen, Natalie finishes her mouth full of sweets
before sweeping away her straight dark hair from her shoulder and she
meets me with an embrace. “Aw, Shelby—” I draw her in tighter. “You
came! I thought you couldn’t miss work?” she asks, pulling back with a
“My family’s more important.”
“You just made my night.”
Ben slings his arm over my shoulder, stealing me away, and I giggle
into his chest, hugging him next. “Hey, Primo.”
“Glad you could make it, Shelb,” he says, kissing my cheek. 
I exhale a shaky breath then straighten his golden tie that matches
Natalie’s metallic gown. “I’m not missing another celebration. I promise.”
“Stop hogging my favorite cousin!” Madalyn squeezes me tight from
behind, and I spin, tears stinging my eyes the more people I love embrace
me. “Ugh, I’ve missed you, and love your outfit.”
“Thank you. Learned from the best.” I look over her gold bodycon dress
with mesh metallic polka dot sleeves that frill at the wrists.
“The bridal party coordinated. I would’ve informed you if I knew you
were coming, but what matters is you’re home.” Her smile turns into a
smirk. “And, recently, there’s an opening in the kitchen. Chef Holton could
use your skills if you ever decided to move back, and you’re welcome to
stay with me and Emily until you find a place of your own. We’re only a
short distance from here.”
I contain my frown since Madalyn means well, and she doesn’t know
the extent of why I left. “Thanks. While I enjoy some aspects of cooking,
my degree is just a sheet of paper. I’m content where I am now.”
Her smile falters a bit. “I get it. My offer stands infinite. No expiration
—though, Emily, her stay is pending after leaving me hanging tonight.
Where the hell did she go?”
She searches around the room just as Emily walks through the front
doors with a dessert platter. Jack enters a moment later holding another, and
Madalyn curses under her breath which means she likely knows what’s
going on between them.
I hope they know what they’re doing.
“I’ll be back after making my rounds,” I say, gently squeezing her hand.
Mom’s a few tables over, so I head toward her first to get the sting over
with. Her chestnut brown hair is tied in a tight updo, wearing her signature
rose lipstick and a plain black dress. Sipping on her red wine, she rolls her
eyes as Dad, Tía Luci, and Mami Lu laugh together while engrossed in
Why can’t she enjoy herself for once?
Mami Lu’s the first to stand, walking around the table to meet me. She’s
always been so stylish, wearing an all-rose gold pantsuit and white top,
rocking her natural greying curls, which she cut to her shoulders—cutest
Abuelita in the world.
“Ay, vente, mi preciosa. Come here!” She kisses both my cheeks, her
warm embrace welcoming.
“Hey, Mami.”
“Mi vida, how are you? Why haven’t you come home sooner?”
“I know. I’m sorry. It’s hard for me to come often—”
“Or pick up a phone,” Mom chips in, taking another sip of wine.
Here we go.
Mami Lu makes a tsk noise, saying, “All that matters is you’re here.”
Then she holds my hand. “Ven conmigo.” I follow her around the table as
she takes her seat next to Dad who looks dashing in his black suit, and I kiss
his clean-shaven cheek. 
“Hey, Papá.”
“Mijita, what a nice surprise,” he says, wrapping his arm around my
waist, and I wipe the faint lipstick off his tanned skin with my thumb.
“A surprise that wasn’t necessary.” Mom meets my stare, and I look
down as she adds, “You should’ve told me so I could prepare your room for
“Camila….” Dad sighs, drawing me tighter into his side.
She narrows her eyes at him. “Nicolas.”
I didn’t want to cause an argument—half of me wishes they’d divorce,
free each other, the other hoping, one day, they’ll love again.
Mami Lu speaks to Dad in Spanish, and Mom huffs, hating when they
do since she can’t understand a word they say. They are both Colombian,
but Mom being a third-generation U.S. born, her parents didn’t teach her
much. Whereas Dad moved to the States at fourteen—both were brought up
“I’m not staying long,” I say to Mom. “I have to work the dinner shift
tomorrow, so I’m leaving early.”
“Still, you should’ve told me—how did you get here?”
My mouth opens and closes before I glance at my aunt. “I asked Tía
Luci to get me…but next time I will.”
“What?” Brows furrowing, she looks between us. “So you speak with
your aunt, but not me?”
Tía Luci places her hand on mine and says, “Camila, I don’t mind—”
“I’m talking to my daughter, not you, Luciana,” Mom snaps at her, eyes
narrowing. “Start tending to your daughters, and not mine.”
“That’s enough!” Dad shouts, making me jump, his lips set to a firm
Rarely does he yell, though with him being upset, so is Mami Lu, her
chair scraping against the floor as she stands, glaring at Mom. “You do not
talk to my daughter that way—”
“Mamá, no,” Tía Luci pleads, taking hold of her hand.
I glance around the room as everyone stops what they’re doing to check
out the commotion, along with Ben and Uncle Brian, who are both heading
over here.
Ben moves in close. “Hey, Ma. What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Mijo. Everything’s fine,” Tía Luci says, scowling at Mom
when she shakes her head, then stands to speak with Uncle Brian. 
Releasing a deep breath, I hug Dad from behind, then head back to
Natalie’s table. My phone vibrates a few times in my wristlet, and I roam to
read the text messages in a corner instead.
Where are you?

Shelby, this is the fourth time I’ve tried contacting you.

I have no patience to deal with him right now but shoot a quick reply.
I’m sorry, but I’m in New Jersey.

A new message pops up instantly.

You’re joking. Right?

No. I told you I was going home, and you said it was fine.

There’s an incoming call this time, and I silence him, shutting down my
phone to store it away. I rub my aching temples as my decision to come
weighs heavier since there’s nothing I can do about work halfway across the
country. Emily strolls toward me with her hands behind her back. Her
metallic halter jumpsuit is gorgeous and opens in the front down to her
waistline, which matches her gold pumps, completing her look with the
slicked low side bun with loose dark curls near her ears.
“Hey, Shelby,” she says, kissing my cheek, her amber eyes void of her
usual bubbly self. “What a day, huh?”
“Never a dull moment in the Morales family.”
She smirks, then wags her brows, revealing two tiny glasses with clear
liquid. “You, Prima, need a shot.”
I laugh and take both from her. “Just grab the whole damn bottle.”

The ride to my childhood home is silent. The room got calmer after our
brief confrontation. Madalyn did a great job keeping the shower fun, but the
tension never ceased—I’m sure everyone could sense how thick the air was.
By the time Dad pulls into the driveway, it’s midnight, and we sit for a
minute. The silence is worse than arguing.
Mom huffs a laugh in her drunken state, staring at our two-story home.
“Such a big beautiful house, yet a waste of space if I ever saw one. What’s
the point in keeping it?”
“Camila, por favor. Not in front of our daughter.”
She faces Dad with a scowl. “And when’s the right time to talk with
you, hm? Never is the answer, so why bother, right?”
My heart constricts at Dad’s wretched chuckle before he exits the car
without a reply and grabs my bag in the trunk, stepping toward the house. I
wring my hands together, trying to keep my tears at bay as Mom watches
him leave, unsure if I should wait until she goes first.
“What time’s your flight?”
“10:40 a.m.”
“Couldn’t you leave early on Monday instead?”
“Mom, I told you I’m working the dinner shift at the restaurant.”
“Work.” She snickers, her gaze heavy from the multiple glasses of wine
she had tonight as she shifts to look at me. “Working what? Waiting tables,
writing your little stories—wasting time and money we spent getting you a
good education for what?”
“Why leave when there are more opportunities here, many kitchens
that’ll take you if not the one right in front of your nose? What you should
do is come home where you belong—”
“Please, just stop talking!” I release a deep breath, an ache forming deep
within my chest, and I rub my eyes a few times to keep from showing my
open wounds. “Sorry, Mom. I know. Okay. I’m exhausted, so I’m heading
to bed now.”
She doesn’t respond, so I exit the car, walking along the path to the
front porch. The lights switch on beside the door as I lean against the siding
to remove my wedges and glance at the car where Mom still sits with her
eyes closed. Releasing another shaky breath, I return to open the passenger
door, stirring her awake while helping her from the seat.
With little protest, she allows me to guide her toward the house, and
once I get the door open, she releases my hold on her side to walk inside
alone, taking the stairs across the living room one step at a time to the
second floor. Dad’s sitting on the couch with his head back against the
cushion, resting his forearm over his eyes. Moving in, I sit next to him,
place his glasses on the coffee table, and snuggle into his side as he wraps
his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head.
This silence is perfect and exactly what I need.
“I miss this,” I whisper, hugging him closer.
“Me too, mi vida. But it’s late. You should go rest.”
“I am. My pillow’s so comfy.”
His chest rumbles as he chuckles and hugs me tighter. “A lumpy
“What lumps? I can’t find any.” I straighten up and glide my fingers
along his fading hairline. “Though this is harder to hide.”
“Aye—” He pretends to swat my behind, and I giggle, getting away
before he actually does.
“Goodnight, Papá. Don’t stay up too late.”
Nodding, he glances at the throw blanket draped over the chair before
saying, “Goodnight. Your bag is by your doorway.”
I take my time with each step, looking at family photos along the wall
until I meet my duffle outside my old room. Mom’s changing the sheets on
my bed, and I lean against the frame, watching her before she turns around
and gasps.
“Shelby, you scared me,” she says, the corner of her mouth lifting with
a slight smile.
“Sorry. Thanks for making the bed.”
Grabbing my pillow, she takes her time slipping on a lavender cover and
places it on the matching flat sheet. “All set.” Closing the curtains, she
gathers the dirty linen before strolling toward me, staying a few seconds
longer by the doorway before leaving the room.
“Night,” I whisper into the darkness behind me.
There’s no warning if Mom will run hot or cold, but I absorb every
lukewarm moment. Pulling out my sleeping clothes, I stroll to my bathroom
and take a much-needed hot shower, the jet stream doing wonders on my
tight shoulders. Once I’m ready for bed, I plug my charger into my phone
and wait for the device to turn on. There are a few messages from Jessie,
and since it’s only 9:30 in San Diego, I video call her.
“Hey, babe! How was the party?” she asks, rinsing a plate in the sink.
“By that tone, it doesn’t sound too good.”
I lay my cheek on the pillow. “Could’ve gone better, but I don’t regret
“Oh boy, what happened?”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow. I should be home around 2:00.”
“Okay, I’ll be there. Get some rest.”
Ending the call, I set my alarm for 7 a.m., half falling asleep and
peeping at a new text that pops up.
When I was seventeen, my mom rescued a stray black and
white cat that tormented me when no one was around. To this
day, nobody believes me because he pretends to love on me
in the public eye.

I burst out laughing, biting my bottom lip while typing:

I’m sorry. Totally laughed at your suffering, but thank you. I
needed that.

He sends a winky face emoji.

Glad I could be of service. Goodnight, Gorgeous.


Humming, I set my phone on the nightstand with Cole in mind, letting

the pull of my heavy lids take over.
As morning comes, my mouth salivates from the savory aroma in the
kitchen as I sit at the table. I devour my scrambled eggs with chorizo and
leftover Arepa’s, forgetting how much I miss Dad’s cooking which leads to
Mom lecturing me about coming back home again with a sober tongue,
though her words, no matter her state, still affects me where I can’t wait to
I don’t think she’ll ever accept why I don’t want to work in the family
restaurant, and I wish she would. Hopefully, she’ll open herself to change
one day, coming to terms with the fact that culinary was never my passion.
Until then, I’ll stay in my corner of the world.
Once Dad drives me to the airport, we both exit the car. “I love you,
have a safe flight,” he says, placing my bag on my shoulder and drawing
me in for a hug when my lip trembles.
“I love you, Papá—I’m sorry I moved so far away. That I never visit.”
“Shh.” He strokes the back of my head. “No digas eso. Don’t be sorry
for wanting peace. My love will reach you no matter where you are, Mija.
At home or in California.” Kissing my temple, he whispers, “See you
I smile, nodding while hugging him tighter before we part ways, and I
wave goodbye, entering the airport. Mom wouldn’t see me off, but that’s
okay—it’s better this way. Flying again is overwhelming enough.

With the help of Cole and his apparent meme game, I arrived in San Diego
unscathed. Once Jessie’s SUV pulls through the line of cars, I smile,
hopping into the front seat so we can leave quickly.
Jessie smirks, her baby blues peeking above her sunglasses as she
lowers them, staring at me. “Damn, you look rough. Did you get any sleep
last night?”
“What happened to hello? How’ve you been, Bestie? Congrats on
surviving that long-ass flight.”
“Sorry,” she laughs, pulling into traffic. “My beautiful bestie.”
I shake my head while tossing my bag into the back seat. “Thanks. I’m
“Let’s grab lunch.”
“Okay, go to my job. I should talk to my supervisor before my shift
“You sure?”
“Yes. Better to get my scolding over now so work isn’t hostile later.”
I’m glad the restaurant’s at least a twenty-minute ride, so I can plan
different ways to respond. We pull into The Wild Roux House parking lot,
and I scavenge through her center console.
“Is the food here any good?” Jessie asks, staring at me. “What are you
looking for?”
“Something to tie my hair.”
She pulls an elastic from hers, each wavy blonde strand flowing past her
shoulders before she hands me the black tie.
“Thanks.” Gathering my curls into a high bun I add, “Haven’t you eaten
at Roux before?”
“No. I’ve only waited for you in the front. We should try that new
pizzeria down the street instead.”
I raise a brow while fixing stubborn bumps. “I guess…but you don’t
like pizza.”
“I’ll deal.”
“Are you saying that to avoid seeing Dane?”
She narrows her eyes. “What? No. I don’t care about him.”
“Okay, then let’s eat here.”
Sighing, she rests her forehead on the steering wheel. “Fine.”
The restaurant’s packed as we enter the front lobby a moment later, the
lunch crew scurries around one another, getting to their tables with large
platters in hand. Roux is a local favorite. Everyone enjoys our rustic feel
and American-style food since we have some of the best cooks in town.
Rachel, our hostess, smiles when we walk toward the stand. “Shelby,
you’re not on schedule this afternoon.”
“Hey, I’m on dinner shift. Any tables available for lunch?”
“Um, there will be in about ten minutes or so.”
“Okay. Is Patrick here?”
“Yeah, he’s probably in the kitchen somewhere.”
Jessie sits on one of the waiting benches, her foot bouncing as she looks
around the room. “Give me a minute,” I say, and she nods before I walk
through the kitchen doors.
Waving at a few co-workers, I search for Patrick, finding him in the
back office. He’s sitting at his neat little corner desk, wearing a striped
button-down and typing away on his laptop. I knock on the frame, and he
glances at me.
“Close the door,” he says, turning back to his screen.
That’s not good.
I do as he says and walk closer. “I’m sorry about—”
“Give me a good reason I shouldn’t fire you right now.”
I stare at him with my mouth open. “What…sir, you approved—”
“One good reason,” he barks, his brows pushing close together. 
Scoffing, I shake my head. “You know I’m never late, and I work hard.”
He chuckles, and I clench my jaw, trying to hold my tongue because as
much as I dislike this man, my job pays well.
“Debatable. Mediocre at best, especially pulling a stunt like you did.”
He swipes his dark blond hair off his forehead, leans back on the chair, and
rests his fingers under his chin. “So, tell me.”
My mouth suddenly feels dry, and I lick my lips. “This isn’t fair. I did
nothing wrong.”
“Wrong answer. Get out of my office, Shelby.”
“Wait—I understand you’re upset, but firing me over missing a day of
work you approved I could have off is unreasonable.”
“Huh, the system shows Shelby Morales scheduled for Saturday, July
30th, 6:00 p.m., along with a no-show mark.” He looks at me. “Nothing
stating a manager approved anything.” Returning to typing on his computer,
he adds, “Clear your locker and leave the aprons.”
Tears sting my eyes, and I blink a few times to keep them at bay. “Wow.
You’re unbelievable.”
“And you’re still in my office, why?”
His complete disregard makes my blood boil, yet I have no will to
continue arguing with him as I leave the office. A few people glance my
way while I enter the locker room, my heart racing while I remove my work
shoes, and personal items, sticking everything in a small bag. I’ve been here
for almost four years and I’m damn good at my job.
What’s funny is I’m not surprised by his actions, but I’ve tolerated him
between my amazing co-workers and the regulars who come in to see me.
That’s what I’ll miss most. Patrick will eventually burn this place to the
ground with how he treats his employees.
Striding out of there, I pass Jessie, and she follows close behind me
once I leave the building. “Shelby, where are you going?”
“Open the car door, please.”
She does, and we both get inside. “Are you gonna talk to me?”
The tears I’ve been holding come to the surface. “Patrick fired me.”
“He did?”
“I never should’ve gone to Jersey.”
Jessie takes my hands. “And I disagree. You leaving this place is for the
“What about our bills? Rent?”
Giving me a pointed stare, she sighs when I remove my hands from
hers, shaking my head. “We’re not discussing freeloading again because
you will not pay my half of the bills.” Her nose wrinkles as she bites on her
thumb nail, and my face drops. “What did you do?”
“It’s not freeloading, Shelby. I’m sorry, okay. I put some of your money
aside, kinda like a savings account. There’s a good amount going for you.”
“Jessica…no, you didn’t.”
“Listen, please don’t hate me. I’ve told you before not to worry about
“I can’t believe you! You’re keeping that money.”
“No, I’m not.”
“How long?” I cross my arms.
“It doesn’t matter. Take the money and invest it in your writing. Take
advantage of this free time and start up again.”
My pulse quickens as goosebumps spread along my skin. “I’ve told you
that’s no longer an option.”
“And what, being a server is? A chef? While both are good jobs, you
came to San Diego to get away from your life in Jersey. Start over, and be
who you want to be. Why did you give up after one rejection letter? Did
you forget there’s also self-publishing too?”
I understand very much what she’s saying, but I can’t deal with any of
this right now. “I’m done talking. Just drive home. Please.”
She leans back against the driver’s side window before facing the
steering wheel. “Fine, but you have talent. One that’ll take you far if you
believe in yourself and keep at it.”
Once upon a time, I loved to write, but as Mom says, books won’t put
food on the table. Creating stories on the side is one thing, but taking that
profession full-time and making a career out of it, I don’t have that passion
anymore—publishing is a whole other level of dedication, many of whom
won’t see that success, one I don’t have the desire to reach. I stay quiet the
entire drive back to the apartment. Grabbing my bag out of the back seat, I
stride inside and to our apartment, forgetting I don’t have my keys.
“Are you going to be mad at me forever?” Jessie opens the door all the
“Your humble abode awaits you,” I say, gesturing for her to enter.
“It’s yours too.”
“Is it?” I go in ahead of her and drop the bags on the couch, turning
toward Jessie. “How much money?”
She sits at the table and lets out a heavy breath. “Thirty-six.”
“Thirty-six hundred? That’s like five months—”
I stumble back, falling onto the cushion, doing the math in my head.
“What the fuck? The whole four years? You didn’t take one penny from
She stands, moving to sit next to me. “I did it for your own good.
Please, try to understand. I only want what’s best for you.”
“You’re no worse than my mother, making decisions for me.”
Her face falls as she looks to the ground. “Shit. I didn’t think of that.”
“Of course not.” I huff a laugh, shaking my head.
“You’re right, and I’m sorry for going behind your back.” She looks at
me. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore. I’ll go live on
the corner somewhere, all alone, while you stay here and bask in the piles
of money I saved for you.”
A snort escapes from my attempt to hold in my laughter. “Stop trying to
make me laugh while I’m mad at you—” I sigh, rolling my head back
against the cushion while looking at my best friend. “Just, no more secrets,
She leans in for a hug. “I promise, no more secrets.”
“Good. Now, I need a new job.”
Jessie whines as she pulls back. “Can’t you take a month off? You’re
technically a thousandaire and can have the next four years off.” I narrow
my eyes, and she holds up her hands. “Never mind. Let’s see what we can
find.” She takes out her phone and starts typing, “Hot Sugar Daddy.”
Grabbing a pillow, I hit her and she laughs. “I’m serious!”
“Okay, okay.”
We search for different titles, some I’m way under qualified for, and
others that don’t pay well enough.
“Secretary at a law firm—oh, this is interesting,” Jessie says, her brows
raising a notch.
“You used to babysit when you were a teen, right?”
Perking up in my seat I cross my legs. “Yes. The neighbor’s kids for a
few years.”
“And you like them, four-year-olds, to be specific?”
“I guess—where are you going with this?”
“One second, the post is redirecting to a different site…okay, urgently
searching for a reliable live-in nanny for my four-year-old son. A year or
more commitment, and must have prior experience as a nanny—preferably
a woman with a teaching degree. Work will be fifty-plus hours a week, with
paid time off and benefits.” She looks up from her phone. “Shelby, this
sounds perfect.”
“A nanny? How’s that perfect?”
“Take care of the kid for a few hours, then go to your cave and write
until your fingers fall off. I’ve been dying for a juicy romance novel by S.
“I’ve only written one book.”
“One too little.” Jessie twirls a strand of her hair as she bites her lip. “I
need more of those one-handed reads from your brilliant mind.”
I scrunch my nose. “I don’t know. Living with a stranger
“As much as I’ll miss having you here.” She looks at the website again.
“The job pays thirty-five dollars an hour with two weeks vacation time, and
you’ll have a car for transportation. Sold!”
Wow, great pay, and watching only one kid sounds pretty
straightforward. “What’s their form of contact? Do I need to fill out an
“Says to call to schedule an in-person meeting, so I’m dialing the
number now.” She hands the phone to me.
“Jessie—can I get a second to compose my thoughts?”
Giggling, she quickly ends the call. “Sorry. Want me to talk?”
“Please.” I hand her my phone. “Here, use mine.”
She grins, redials the number, then mouths it went to voicemail.
“Leave a message.”
Shifting in her seat, she clears her throat. “Good afternoon. I’m Shelby
Morales calling in regard to your nanny listing. I have over five years of
experience working with young children, well equipped to accommodate
your requirements, which include a CPR certification, and degree.” My
eyes widen, and she waves me away as I grab for the phone, giving them
my availability for the in-person meeting, and contact information, then
ends the call with, “I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!”
Then tosses my phone at me. “Easy.”
“Jessie, I don’t have a teaching degree.”
“Maybe not, but you’re more than capable.”
“Capability doesn’t mean I’m experienced.”
“He’s four. I doubt he’s learning calculus.”
I roll my eyes, then my heart drops when my phone vibrates in my
hand. I show her the number, and she grins. 
“Fuck, already?” I say, staring at her wide-eyed.
“Answer it!”
“Can you do it?”
“Fine.” I exhale a deep breath before answering, “Hello?”
“Put it on speaker,” Jessie whispers.
I press the button, and a woman’s voice comes through. “Mr. Anderson
apologizes for the short notice, but can you come in tomorrow at 1:00 for an
“Oh, yes. Thank you for the opportunity. That time works for me.”
“Great, I’ll message you the address and code for the gate. Also, bring
your resume and any relevant certifications.”
“I will. Have a wonderful day.”
“You as well.” The woman ends the call, and I place my phone on the
coffee table. “Mr. Anderson….”
“Ooh, his name sounds hot. Maybe he’s a sexy single dad you can use
as a muse for your best seller.” Wagging her brows she tips her head back
and says with a seductive tone, “Oh, Mr. Anderson, spread me open and
butter my biscuit—”
I throw the pillow at her this time, hitting her face as she falls over and
cackles. “Jessie. Please. How about we don’t paint a picture of my potential
boss in that light. Especially if I’m living with him.”
“What? He could be an erotic pastry chef. You never know.” She winks,
and I shake my head while smiling, her playfulness easing my anxious mind
as I rub my hands against my pants, letting out a heavy breath. “Hey, you
got this, Shelby.”
Smirking, I nod. “I know. It’s been a while since I’ve updated my
resume. Though, what should I do about my job history? Patrick won’t have
anything positive to say with Roux being my only place of employment
here in Cali. Besides helping my dad for a bit in Jersey, and my under-the-
table babysitting jobs, I have nothing.”
She furrows her brows before leaving for her room, and returns with a
laptop, sitting crossed-legged on the couch. “Come, we’ll figure out how to
rework your resume, and if Bossman asks for job references, just put your
Dad as your previous employer, which is technically not untrue if you think
about it—do people actually dig into every detail and background of a
“When it comes to caring for their child, I'd assume they would.”
Jessie blinks a few times then shrugs. “Eh, well, since you’re not a
murderer outside fiction, I’d say you’re well qualified, and if you don’t get
the job, then the hunt continues. No biggie.”
We brainstorm for a while, making my resume factual at best, and I
organize everything relevant into my tote bag, leaving my outfit choice for
last. Draping each article over my vanity chair, I’m prepared and ready for
tomorrow’s interview. Which should help my overactive mind, yet I can’t
stop the scenarios that everything will blow up in my face, turning into a
never-ending search for security.
Great. So, in other words, I have no idea what I’m doing or getting
myself into—I sigh.
Just worry about one step at a time.

Slipping on a white quarter-sleeve top, I tuck the polyester material into a

high-waist navy pencil skirt and step into a pair of nude heels, my light
cream blazer pulling my outfit together. To keep with the professional look,
I apply natural makeup and refresh my curls with a spray bottle before
slicking my hair back into a tight ponytail.
“This will have to do—”
My heart skips, almost forgetting my CPR certificate in my vanity
drawer as I rummage through the clutter. Grabbing my culinary degree, I
shove the paper back inside before finding what I need. I’ll renew my
certification soon—hopefully, the nearing expiration date won’t be an issue.
As I head into the living room, where Jessie’s lounging on the couch
eating chips and wearing baggy grey sweats that are likely not hers, she
smirks, her bright gaze roaming down my body. “Damn, you look great.
Giving off a sexy teacher vibe.”
“Not what I was going for, but I’ll roll with it.”
“Well, I think your interview attire is perfect.” Chips aside, she grunts
while standing, and grabs my tote bag from the coffee table to give to me.
“Love that pink shade lipstick on you, by the way.”
“Thanks,” I say, carefully placing my certificate inside.
“Alright, I’ll drop you off and stay close by. Maybe I’ll check out what
La Jolla has to offer.”
Smiling, I nod. “Okay. Sounds good.”
The drive out is roughly forty minutes with traffic, and we reach our
destination with a few minutes to spare. My mouth parts once we pull in
front of a white and black three-story home in the distance. The modern
architecture is stunning, with oversized windows and a unique style roof
where the highest level tilts away from the structure, alternating layers
toward the ground floor.
“Who the hell are these people?” I say, staring at Jessie when she
“I don’t know, but does Bossman need a second nanny?”
She drives up to the gate and stops near a keypad. “Put in the code:
The security cameras move as Jessie rolls down the window, punching
the numbers in, and the dark wooden gate opens, disappearing into the
stone wall.
“Wow. Fancy,” she says, nodding her head with the utmost approval.
“That’s probably the least fancy thing in this house.”
“You’ll find out in a minute.”
Jessie drives forward, and I hug my bag to my body in a tight embrace
while taking in the well-manicured landscaping, the expansive garage to the
right of the property with a maroon car parked in front, not a flaw in place,
my pulse thumping as she circles the driveway to the front door.
“Alright, wish me luck,” I say, reluctant.
“You’ll do great.”
Bag in hand, I exit the vehicle, taking several steps toward the black
wooden entrance. I ring the bell, and a moment later, a woman with a grey
inverted bob haircut opens the door.
“Good afternoon,” she says with a bright smile, and a few hard lines
crease the corners of her eyes—the cool-toned color similar to denim
framed behind thick circle glasses.
“Hello. I’m Shelby Morales, here for the 1:00 interview with Mr.
“Of course.” Stepping to the side, the woman adds, “Come inside.”
I enter the bright foyer, a room separate from the rest of the house
beyond the oak staircase ahead, which has glass panel railings. Directly
right of the door, there’s a table housing a few decorative pieces against a
light stone wall and a dish in the middle for miscellaneous items. The
woman waits for me patiently to my left by a set of dark double doors, and
she opens one as I stroll across the foyer to meet her.
“Take a seat by the desk. Mr. Anderson went to pick up his son from
preschool, and will be with you shortly.”
“Oh, sure. Thank you…I didn’t catch your name.”
“Thank you, Caroline.”
“You’re welcome, dear. Since you’re the last interview, I’ll be leaving
soon, so if I don’t catch you before I go, I hope you have a wonderful rest
of your day.”
“You as well.”
Caroline nods before taking the flight of stairs, and I wait until she’s out
of sight before entering the room. Dark and brooding come to mind while
studying the office space—the vibe is opposite from the vast elegant
exterior and foyer, being on a smaller scale, private. However, one aspect
that gives this room charm is the variety of books along the back wall.
The unique light fixture catches my eye as I stroll to the middle of the
room, seven bulbs spreading out in different directions above the wide
ebony desk and a white table attached, creating an L shape. I brush the soft
grey fabric chair in front, placing my blazer over the back, then walk
toward the windows on my left. There are two black frames with old
blueprints hanging beside them and a view of the front yard behind thick
dark drapes.
If it were me, I’d open them to give this place some life.
Stepping toward the back wall, I skim the titles on a few architectural
textbooks, fictional mystery, and thriller novels. As I reach the end, I crouch
and raise my brows at the extensive romance section hidden along the
bottom shelf. One piques my interest with the title Sin and Sinuous, and my
curiosity outweighs my better judgment as I pull the dark paperback out—
“What are you doing?”
The brash tone makes me gasp, and I straighten my stance, looking over
my shoulder at the man who has entered the room—instant pins and needles
spread across my body as vivid memories of soft lips and Whiskey
pervades my mind, only this time it’s not my imagination making my face
Oh shit.

My furrowed brows ease for a second before my stomach sinks, and I lower
my gaze while clenching my jaw.
What kind of game have I entered?
Caught in action, the woman here for my last interview quickly returns
the book to its rightful place before promptly walking to the front of my
“Sorry. I was admiring your collection, and didn’t—”
“I’m aware.” Her familiar alto voice piques my senses as she sighs a
breath, the slightest recollection of her moaning in my ear while I pinned
her to the stall causes me to swallow deeply. “Most applicants sit and wait
during an interview.”
“Yes….” she agrees, shifting as I study her through sober eyes, and the
same appetite emerges from that night, rising for reasons I have no control
over, wanting no part of.
Unfastening my suit jacket, I walk behind my desk, place the light grey
fabric on the back of the chair and take my seat. She’s still standing on the
other side, watching me fold the sleeves of my white dress shirt to my
“Sit, Ms. Morales,” I say, failing to keep the irritation from my tone,
and she snaps out of her daze.
Now seated across from me, she drags her bottom lip between her teeth,
looking anywhere except in my direction. Perhaps she’s forming an escape
plan to get away from the drunken bastard who left her mid-stroke in the
men’s bathroom of a bar.
Fucking dick. This woman didn’t deserve the rebound of your careless
The longer I stare, the more unwanted images invade my mind, which
has my leg shaking under the desk—find reasons to get her out. “Thank you
for meeting with me on short notice.” I fold my fingers together. “Let’s get
right into it. Why do you want this job?”
She finally meets my gaze, giving me a small smile. “I enjoy working
with children.”
Simple and to the point, something I’m reasonably fond of, so I
continue to respond the same. “Resume?”
“Oh.” She digs into her beige bag, hesitating before withdrawing a few
sheets of paper. “Here’s everything you need…I apologize. They got a bit
Pausing for a second, I take the papers and shuffle through them.
“Shelby Morales, twenty-seven, previous occupation: server. Four years of
college—do you have a teaching degree?”
Shelby presses her lips together while holding my gaze as if she’s
searching for an answer, anything that could explain why we’re here—why
life shoved us together again. Or maybe that’s just me. My thoughts on the
matter because why does my past continue to taunt me like I haven’t
suffered enough? The facade sitting before me is sickening, and I need to
end our interview before I drag this innocent woman further into my fucked
up world.
“Well, I’ve studied a wide range of general education for two years,
from English to Mathematics and Science. Taking reading comprehension
and creative writing—”
“No.” Placing her resume down, I rub my forehead and sigh. “Please be
direct with me. It was a yes or no question.”
Her brows raise before her shoulders and chin falls. “I don’t.”
With that, I stand with my out. “Thank you for your time. I’ll let you
know once I’ve overviewed every candidate.”
“Wait—what?” I stop mid-stride toward the door. “So that’s it? No,
right off the bat?”
Turning toward Shelby, I place my hands in my pockets, needing this
interaction to end because the longer I’m in this room with her, the more my
wound opens and festers. “My ad specifically states I need someone with a
degree in teaching.”
“No, your ad said, preferably, which means, if possible. Perhaps change
your wording to ‘must’ have a degree in teaching, which indicates your
direct demand, Mr. Anderson.” She stands, tipping her chin with a scowl in
Heart pounding in my ears, I stride forward with venom on my tongue,
making her step back. “What makes you qualified to take care of my son?”
Instantly I shift back with guilt and lighten my stance, which she does the
same as she sighs.
“My degree may not be what you desire, but I assure you I’ll perform
my duties to the best of my abilities. I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes,
I’m human, but your son will be well cared for while under my
Hiring someone to learn on the job is not what I set out for, yet her fight
to change my stance on the matter intrigues me to uncover why. We stay
silent, our gaze hooked—strange how someone can look so similar to
another yet couldn’t be more different. Compelling inside and out. So I nod
with a subtle incline to find the meaning behind her coming into my life,
even if my decision to keep her here could eventually backfire.
“Follow me,” I say, walking toward the door.
“Will you tell me your name first, or am I calling you Mr. Anderson?”
Without looking at her, I stroll into the foyer and reply, “It’s Carter. And
She’s on my heels as I navigate her to the main floor with one more step
before finalizing my decision. Meeting Garret. Heading across the open
layout, I stand in the kitchen area on the far left and she stays in the living
room, taking in the details of my home, from the glass wall that showcases
the backyard while stroking over the plush cushions of the massive white
sectional in the middle.
I clear my throat, and Shelby focuses on me, entering the kitchen as we
round the five-seater island. “You have a gorgeous home. This space alone
is the size of my apartment,” she says, gliding her palm along the smooth
white marble top counter.
“I presume you know how to cook?”
Shelby raises a brow at my lack of response—we’re not here for small
talk. “Yes, I know a thing or two from college, but mostly from my family.”
Opening a cabinet drawer, I remove a large black schedule book she’ll
use while under my employment. “Garret’s on a strict meal plan. No juice.
Only water. He’s also lactose intolerant, and I’d expect you to prepare his
meals accordingly. There’s a grocery list in here as well.”
“Shouldn’t I meet him first before we talk business?”
There’s that fire again, and the hazard her quick tongue could bring if
her strong will crashes with mine. Garret’s in the playroom, which I added
to the house layout after his first birthday to keep him busy. Gesturing for
her to walk down the side hall only a few steps away, we enter the toy
room, fully stocked for entertainment including a playset in the back corner.
Shelby stares at Garret, who’s sitting at a table in the left corner, and he
glances at us before returning to his coloring book with complete disregard.
Out of the several people I interviewed, Shelby’s the first person I
brought to meet him. “Garret, come here,” I say, and he continues to ignore
I feel Shelby’s gaze, but I stay focused on my son as I walk further into
the room. “There’s someone you should meet.”
“Garret….” Releasing a deep breath, I clench my jaw, repeating once
more. “Come. Here.” This time he drops his crayon, mopping while
standing to face us, and he stares at Shelby.
“Who’s that?”
“Ms. Morales is here to replace Mrs. Jetty.”
“Noo, I don’t want a nanny!” he cries, running to his playset.
I suppress a groan, my patience hanging by a thread the last few days of
his pushing. “We’re not debating. Come out here—”
Garret pokes his head from the house before disappearing again, and
that line officially snaps as I move in to retrieve my kid. “Wait.” I glance
over my shoulder when Shelby places her hand on my forearm, her touch
stopping my pursuit. “Let me.”
Furrowing my brows, I cross my arms, allowing her to move ahead as
she casually strolls and sits in Garret’s small chair. “Wow, what a neat
picture. Did you color this all by yourself?” Garret keeps quiet, yet she
continues, “Is it a dinosaur?” There’s a slight improvement as he shows
himself more, and nods his head. “Do you know the name of this dino?”
“That’s right. You’re so smart. Can you teach me the name of this one?”
He leaves his hiding spot and walks next to the table. “Triceratops. They
have three horns right here and eat plants. Like a Stegosaurus.”
“Wow, you know a lot about them. Do you know what they call
dinosaurs who only eat plants?”
“Uh-huh, herbivores.” I’ve yet to witness Garret open to someone this
quickly, unsure how to feel about the exchange as Shelby glances at me.
“You’re my new nanny?” Garret asks, and she returns her attention to him.
“I might be. My name’s Shelby.” She reaches out a hand to shake, and
my chest constricts when he cowers back from her gesture. “It’s okay to be
nervous. I was a little shy, too, when I was your age.”
Garret smiles wide enough that the dimples in his cheeks appear, one I
haven’t seen in a while. “You’re pretty.” He touches her dark curls that
match his shoulder-length hair, releasing the spiral strands to spring back
into place, then Garret walks to the end of his table. “Like this lady hugging
my daddy. Want to see?”
My stomach drops when he retrieves a black and gold picture frame
from a box that was previously in my desk drawer. “Garret, that’s enough
for today,” I say, my pulse racing as I gently remove the photo from his
Once his face falls with a pout, and he sits in an open chair to push a
crayon around with his finger, my wound deepens, absorbing his
disappointment. Turning to leave the room, I stride toward the foyer,
entering my office to deposit the frame into the bottom right drawer of my
desk, glass cracking before I slam the drawer closed to not witness the
My mind’s already broken enough—
“He’s adorable.” I stiffen when Shelby wanders inside the room seconds
later, staying a few feet away. “Looks just like you.”
“There’s paperwork you need to sign.”
Her eyes widen, mouth opening and closing before she says, “So I got
the job?”
Sitting behind my desk, I remove two small packets from the top
drawer, a pen, and begin filling out the employment document. “You can
start once your background check returns clear, then you’ll move your
belongings into the guest suite.”
She takes her original seat. “Okay, but can I begin today?”
“Why today?” I ask, arching a brow, and immediately scenarios of her
running from something—or someone, enter my mind which makes my
skin prickle.
“Um, just eager to start. I’m not a murderer on the loose if that’s what
you’re worried about.”
Her nose scrunches in a cute way, and I try hard to stop the twitch of a
smile from emerging as I press my lips together, folding my hands over the
“Right.” The ache from earlier settles enough that I can focus on my
tasks, leaning back in my chair once I finish and slide the first document
forward. “This is your contract, which states everything from
responsibilities, compensation to grounds for termination. I advise you to
read it over carefully. The other is a copy of the extensive schedule from the
previous nanny.”
She reaches for the papers, thoroughly reading each page before signing
at the bottom. “I appreciate you giving me a chance.”
“You’ll only get one.”
 Her brows move up a notch as she stares at me. “What happened to the
last nanny, if you don’t mind me asking.”
Resting my elbow on the arm of the chair, I brush my knuckles over my
mouth while Saturday morning replays in my mind. How Lorraine no
longer wanted to work for me because of my selfishness.
“She left without notice. Due to personal matters.” Standing, I round to
the side of the desk, and Shelby does the same, keeping a reasonable
distance. “Use this time to gather your belongings then, and return by 6:30.”
“Okay.” Her subtle smile stirs my stomach, and I ignore the foreign
“Mrs. Jetty ran a strict household, and I expect you to do the same.”
That smile disappears when she presses her lips together before
nodding. “Yes, Mr. Anderson.”
Simple and to the point—how our exchange should be.

Back at the apartment, I pace through my room dropping clothes onto my

duffle bag as Jessie watches me from my bed. “I don’t know if I can do this
“Why? Is his house too big for you, or because your boss is the
extremely hot guy you tongued down in the men’s room? It’s the big house,
isn’t it?”
Side-eyeing her, I say, “Carter’s too...stringent.”
“What does that even mean?”
I go into my drawer, grab a handful of underwear, and bras, then sit on
the floor to organize everything. “The moment I met him, his demeanor
screamed superiority. He’s so by the book, stern, to the point, no in-between
“Sounds like a boss,” she says, smirking, then stands, strolling to my
vanity to gather my toiletries and other miscellaneous items.
“You don’t understand. I want to get away from controlling people, not
live with another.”
“When you put it like that, I get it.” Jessie sits next to me. “Did you at
least meet the kid? If he’s a little shit, then I agree the job’s not worth the
A smile pulls at my lips. “The opposite, actually. Garret’s sweet,
absolutely adorable, a bit timid, and he has the bluest eyes, which is the
opposite of his father. Maybe from his mom?” I stare at my folded pile,
arranging each item to fit inside the bag. “Garret did something that
triggered Carter, and he snatched a photo from his hand, then promptly left
the room.”
“Huh, interesting. Could be a widower, or maybe a hard divorce?”
I shrug, removing stuff, adding them back in, and Jessie stops my
fidgeting. “I’m going in with zero backstory, and Carter doesn’t seem like
the sharing type.”
“The truth always reveals itself over time. If you don’t want to ask, let
the story unfold naturally. However, you have the choice to be ignorant on
purpose. What their past and future holds is not your business. All you’re
responsible for is your actions in the present, and then you clock out. Just
like any other job. Make of the situation as you will.”
Nodding, I chew on my thumb nail, then look at Jessie. “Yeah, but is it
bad I’m having second thoughts? Shouldn’t I listen to my gut?”
“Shelby, you’re the one who said you wanted a job. Try working a
week, maybe two, and see how you feel afterward. If all fails, just come
back home.”
Leaning forward, I place my chin on my hand. “Okay. That’s a good
plan. Perhaps he’ll be less moody after a few days.”
“I know something that’ll put a smile on his face.” Jessie wags her
brows, and I narrow my eyes, making her laugh. “What? Maybe the stick
up his butt will dislodge with some good lovin.”
“I’m not fucking my boss.”
“Okay, okay. No lovin with Bossman. Got it.”
There’s only an hour and thirty minutes left until I return, and I still
need to shower. “Am I in over my head with all this?”
“With packing, yes, but not with your new adventure. Let me finish this,
while you get yourself situated.”
I smile and draw Jessie in for a hug. “You’re the best.”
After a long, thorough shower and a sweep around the room for
anything else I may need, I head for the kitchen area in casual wear and my
freshly washed hair in a high bun. Jessie’s waiting for me at the table,
grinning before slapping my neon duffle bag. “She’s thick and ready to go.”
“Thank you for your help.”
“Aw, I’m going to miss seeing your face every day,” she says, standing
to embrace me, and I return her hug just as hard.
“I’m going to miss you too.”
Pulling back, she smiles and takes my hand. “Okay, time to get you to
your new life.”

“Hello, again, Ms. Morales.” Caroline moves to the side as I walk in, then
closes the door behind me.
“Hey, you can call me Shelby. I thought you were leaving earlier?”
“While I’m no nanny, I’ve cleaned Mr. Anderson’s home long enough
that he trusts me around his son. With how busy his schedule is at the
moment, he asked me to stay a while longer until you arrived.”
“Oh, that’s nice of you.”
Smiling, she adds, “He’s currently on a phone conference and wants you
to start dinner for Garret.”
“Sure thing.” The office door is closed, so Carter must be in there.
“Caroline, am I cooking for everyone?”
“Mrs. Jetty only cooked for the boy and herself. Mr. Anderson will
make his arrangements.”
Does he eat alone?
“And would you like to stay for dinner?”
She chuckles. “Thank you, but my husband has already made a meal at
home. I’m here on Wednesdays and Sundays, so I’ll see you next time.”
“Okay then. Have a good night.”
“Goodnight, dear.”
I head upstairs to the main floor, leave my duffle bags by the landing,
then stroll to the playroom by the kitchen, but Garret’s not there.
“Dinner should be ready by 7:30.”
Carter’s sudden appearance makes me jump, my back hitting the frame,
and I lose my breath when he steps closer with a raised brow to close the
door. He’s much taller than my 5’3 height, at least without my heels on,
having to tip my head back to look at his face—he smells just as good too,
even more so now that I’m fully aware of his minty sweet scent. Should I
ask him about the bar? Will he deny ever kissing me if I do? I’d create an
awkward situation if he has no recollection of that night.
“I’ll show you to your room first while Garret’s occupied.”
“Where is he?”
“In the pool finishing his swimming lesson.”
I check the brightened backyard where a woman walks in the water with
Garret floating on his back. Following Carter to the living room, I reach for
my bags, but he grabs them first, continuing upward.
At least he’s not a complete jerk.
My old duffle, however, is on its last string, struggling to keep intact
with how much Jessie packed in there, and I’m suddenly very conscious of
how much underwear she stuffed in said bag if it decides tonight’s the night
to detonate. While stalking close behind, I glance around at the many
windows along the way to the landing area, quite fond of all the natural
lighting his home brings. As we reach the top, there’s a large bedroom to
the right of the stairs, straight ahead a long narrow hallway with multiple
doors, and to our left, two sets of double doors.
“This guest room is yours,” Carter says, gesturing toward the first room.
He steps aside for me to enter first and stands by the doorway as I stroll
inside. Glass walls must be a theme in his home because there’s another one
leading into a balcony area. The room is bright with black molding around
the windows and doorways, and the floor is the same white oak as the rest
of the house. From this high up, the ocean is visible in the distance, and the
beautiful view could be a nice place to lounge in the corner balcony chair.
Maybe I’ll get a little writing done…I smile at the possibility.
“Where would you like these to go—” Something hard hits the floor,
and I face Carter as a low hum sounds within my duffle bag he’s no longer
holding. “The strap broke,” he says, staring at me with his brows high, and
my cheeks burn as I dash forward to unzip said bag, digging inside to
switch off my fucking vibrator Jessie must’ve packed.
I’m gonna strangle her.
My underwear at the top of the pile doesn’t help my mortification as I
finally get the toy to stop, yet the slight blush on his cheeks shows he
knows that noise. “Thanks, but I’ll take care of this.”
Carter runs his fingers through his hair while nodding. “You have a
private bathroom, but you’re welcome to use the main one down the hall.
Garret’s room is after that. I’d show you more, but I have work that needs
Still kneeling by his feet, I leave my belongings and quickly stand. “Oh,
sure. There’s plenty of time for me to familiarize myself….”
He hands over my other bag before leaving the room, and I toss it onto
the bed, exiting after him. “Where does the door at the end lead to?” I ask,
staring down the narrow hallway.
“Outside to the pathway for the back building. There’s nothing in
“Okay, and your room?” I blink a few times as the question registers in
my overstimulated brain, and Carter faces me completely.
“Am I expecting a visit from you while I’m asleep?”
“Oh, no, Mr. Anderson. I was asking in case there was an emergency or
something of the sort.”
“If that’s the case, one phone call will get a hold of me.”
“Of course. That makes better sense.” We stand in silence, getting
awkward by the second. “Are you hungry? I can prepare food for you too.”
“Garret’s your priority, not me,” he says, then walks downstairs.
“So the boss doesn’t eat,” I mumble to myself.
Leaving unpacking for later, I head to the kitchen and stop by the island
sink, looking around while washing my hands. Where’s that book? There
are at least two dozen drawers and dark walnut cabinets, so I dry my hands,
opening a few until I find the one with pens, papers, and the schedule book.
I flip through the pages riddled with Mrs. Jetty’s fancy penmanship, from
meal plans, curriculum, and after-school activities set for the year.
Calculus doesn't seem so far-fetched in this household.
Settling on today's date, I scrunch my nose at tonight's recipe, grilled
chicken with mixed vegetables and quinoa.
“Quinoa, seriously?” It takes a minute to find the ingredients, then I get
to work, following the recipe exactly. It’s half past seven as Garret strolls
inside, sitting at the table with a towel over his head and a scowl on his
face. “Hey, Garret.”
He lights up. “Shelly!”
Grinning from his adorable squeaky voice, I bring his dish to the table.
“Are you hungry, bud?”
“Uh-huh.” He frowns, pushing the plate away, and lays his chin on his
“You don’t like the chicken, or is it the vegetables?”
“It’s Mrs. Jetty’s food.”
“Do you not like her meals?”
Sitting straight, he slowly pulls the plate toward him. “It tastes okay.”
Then he pleads with those piercing blue eyes. “Can you make something
“I’ll ask your dad if I can for next time.”
“Really?” Garret leans in close and whispers, “Can you make hotdogs?”
I do the same. “Maybe. Why are we whispering?”
“Daddy won’t let me eat yummy things. No cookies or ice cream.”
“Not even a hotdog?”
He shakes his head—poor kid.
“Let me see what I can do, but I can’t make any promises.”
“Now eat up.”
Garret picks through his meal, leaving behind a few green beans and
zucchini, and I don't blame him. The food was bland. I would’ve added
more spices if it were up to me, but I finished my plate to set a good
“What did you usually do after dinner with Mrs. Jetty?”
“Um, stay in the playroom, and she cleans.”
“Did she play with you?”
“Your dad?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I play by myself.”
That’s about to change.
“Well, I love to play. Can you show me around your toy room?”
“Yeah!” With an exaggerated jump from his chair, Garret runs to the
room, and I follow, leaving behind the few dishes I’ll clean later. He
waddles toward me once I enter, carrying a full box. “These are my cars.”
Kneeling in front of him, I look inside. “Those are pretty cool. Which
one’s your favorite?”
Garret stands, running to his table, and brings me an all-black 1969
Chevrolet Camaro. “This one. Just like Daddy.”
“Uh-huh. He likes it a lot.”
“I like this one too. My dad has a big collection of old toy cars as well.”
He takes the toy and drives it on the hardwood, up my arm, over my
shoulders, then flips it around a few times, landing back on the floor,
making me giggle.
“That’s some intense driving.”
Garret shuffles while fidgeting with it, then hands the car over. “You
can have it.”
“Aw, thank you, that’s so sweet.”
“If you get bored, you’ll have a toy to play with.”
How cute is that?
“I’ll make sure to keep your gift in my purse.”
Two of the cutest dimples appear on his cheeks, his grin melting my
heart, then his smile falters as he looks behind me, promptly sitting by his
box of toys.
“Ms. Morales, I need to speak with you in the kitchen.”
Pins and needles spread across my skin before I look over my shoulder
at Carter. He’s still wearing a dress shirt, though he unfastened a few
buttons on top, showcasing the swell of his smooth pecs.
“I’ll be right back,” I say to Garret, bracing my knee while I stand.
“Find me another one of your favorite toys.”
Placing the car in my front pocket, I walk behind Carter as he heads
toward the table, taking in how his white dress shirt hugs his muscular form
just right—not overly tight or hiding the fact he’s physically fit.
Carter stacks the dirty dishes and brings them to the sink. “You don’t
have to do that. I was about to clean up.”
“You have a hefty pay,” he states while folding his sleeves. “Am I
asking too much for you to clean your messes as you go?”
“They were on the table for five minutes.”
“Five minutes too long.”
I furrow my brows, my jaw ticking once he grabs the sponge, meeting
my gaze as he lathers a plate, and I cross my arms. “So, you’d rather me
clean than play with your son?”
“Garret’s four and can play well enough on his own. If you can’t handle
simple tasks on top of taking care of him, then this job isn’t for you.”
What’s his issue?
Carter may be handsome, but his attitude is ugly, needing an adjustment
in the civility department. “I can handle my tasks well enough if you let me
do my job.”
With a quick once-over of me, he focuses on rinsing the suds. “There
are rules set for a reason. I expect my employees to abide by them.”
“Well, considering today’s my first day, shouldn’t I have leeway to learn
the routine before you criticize my work ethic? I’m not Mrs. Jetty, and you
can’t expect me to know the rules right off the bat.”
“I’m very aware you’re not her.”
I close my eyes for a beat, exhaling a deep breath. “Can you please
leave the dishes, Mr. Anderson.”
Staring at me, he places the plate in the drying rack, wipes his hands on
a dishtowel, and exits the room without a word.
That’s no stick—it’s a damn log stuck up there.
My desire for this stranger falters, disappointment slipping in for
allowing my body to lead over my mind, disregarding the obvious red flags
he displayed that night—no. Don’t start dismissing your actions as if you
didn’t kiss a stranger back without caring if he was a good man or not.
I have no right to judge or use that night against him today. However, as
his new employee, I have the right to express my displeasure with how he’s
treating me now if this behavior continues, to decide if working for Carter
Anderson is worth the headache. Yet my hesitance halts as tiny feet patter
toward me, and Garret pokes his face from behind the island cabinet.
“Are you in trouble, Shelly?”
Sighing, I wipe my hands on my jeans and kneel once he’s by my feet.
“No, your dad’s not mad—we had an adult talk. Sometimes it sounds like
grown-ups are yelling, but that’s not what it is.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
Oh, my heart.
“I’m not going anywhere, bud. You’re stuck with me.” His dimples
show, and I almost fall back as he quickly wraps his arms around my neck,
not expecting his hug. “Want to help me clean so we can get ready for
He withdraws, nodding. “What do I do?”
I head to the table, grab a chair and place it in front of the sink. “I’ll
wash and you put them in the rack. How does that sound?”
“Hop up here, Sir.”
Garret climbs onto the padded seat with ease, eager to touch and explore
the dishes in the sink. There are only a few left, so I slow my pace, making
bubbles, letting him hold the hose as we rinse each item, then I pass them
over. He carefully handles each one and places them inside the rack.
“Here’s the last one. You’re such a hard worker, ” I say, spreading
bubbles along his cheek, and he giggles, rubbing the soap away with his
The glass cup slips through his fingers, falls into the sink, and the rim
chips—Garret gasps, climbs down the chair, and runs into the playroom.
“Garret?” I call, following after him.
“I didn’t mean to,” he whines from his hiding spot.
“Come on out. You’re not in trouble. Accidents happen.”
He rubs under his nose and wipes his eyes. “You’re not mad at me?”
“Mad? Of course not. We’ll buy a new cup.”
“But, Mrs. Jetty was mad when I dropped a bowl one time.”
Furrowing my brows, I get on his level, and he comes closer. “I’m sure
she didn’t mean to yell. Sometimes we say things without thinking.”
“Like Daddy?”
I huff a laugh. “Yes, and me. I’m not perfect either, but I won’t yell over
an accident.”
Garret contemplates for a moment, fidgeting with his shirt before
nodding. “Okay.”
“Now, let’s finish up and get ready for bed.”
Garret gestures for my hand, and we walk together into the kitchen. I
clean up the broken glass before we resume our task. Garret towel dries the
dishes, and then I put everything away.
“Good job, bud.” I raise my palm, and Garret high-fives me. “Ready?”
“Wait, I’ll put the chair back.” With little struggle, he pushes it across
the room to the table. “Ready!”
“Lead the way.”
Retaking my hand, he pulls me to the stairs, jumps up each step with
both feet, then guides me down the hall. We pass one door Carter said is the
bathroom, then stop close to the end.
“This is my room.”
It’s a nice size—three white walls with an accent navy blue in the back,
his name above his bed in black wooden letters, and that signature sliding
glass wall on the left to his balcony. There are two doors along the right,
and I head to the one closest to the smaller window, finding his bathroom.
“Your room looks cool.”
“Come see the chair where Teddy lives!” He moves next to the balcony
and sits to play with his stuffed bear.
His excitement for the simple things is refreshing. Heading toward
Garret’s dresser, I retrieve pajamas and underwear, then go inside the
bathroom, running a bath. “Okay, let’s get cleaned up.”
Putting his bear down, he runs inside, and I let him play in the water for
a bit—more bubbles, scattered toys, and a puddle on the floor are the result,
but his laughter throughout is worth the cleanup.
“I can brush my teeth,” he says as I dry him, and he steps into his
“Go ahead.” Doing an okay job with the front, Garret doesn’t brush the
back too well, so I’ll guide him another night and finish dressing him.
“Good job. I’ll race you to the bed.” Garret takes off giggling and climbs
under his blanket in seconds. “Man, you’re too quick for me. What do you
normally do before going to sleep?”
He shrugs. “Go to sleep.”
“Does your dad read you a story?”
Garret shakes his head, and I frown—seems Carter spends most of his
time in that office working. I understand why he needs a nanny with his
busy schedule, but there are certain moments when a kid needs their parent.
Even five minutes of their time makes a difference.
“My dad used to tell me stories. Want to hear one?” He nods, turns onto
his side to pull the blanket closer to his face while I tell him one of my
favorites, and he fights to stay awake, though sleep wins once his eyes
finally close. “Goodnight,” I whisper, smoothing his cheek with my thumb,
then I turn off his lamp and quietly leave the room.
What to do now?
I turn the knob to the pathway, stepping into the light breeze that makes
my skin prickle. There’s a low stone wall overlooking the backyard, the
large in-ground pool in the middle with several lawn chairs surrounding the
frame, and the patio to the left is under an overpass going to the next
Strolling along the pathway, I find a room with a large projector screen
on the left, two rows of couches, and a minibar in the corner. The sliding
door is locked, so I continue forward, taking a right turn and crossing the
overpass. There’s another patio next to the building, which is locked, and
has thick drapes blocking each window.
A mystery to crack while I’m here.
For now, I’ll worry about settling into a routine. Since I'm done with
duties for the night, I relax in a patio chair, withdraw my phone from my
back pocket, and type out a quick message to Cole.
When I was twelve, I found my first boyfriend and obsessed
over him for days until he broke my heart into a million pieces
by falling in love with another girl.

His reply is instant.

Want me to beat him up, Gorgeous?

A burst of laughter leaves me, and I bite my lip while typing my

You could, but I had already returned him for another.

The ellipsis comes and goes.

Wanna elaborate?


Alright, just saying. I’ll be your muscles if you need me.
Also, I was seconds away from messaging you when you

Cole…were you thinking about me?

He doesn’t reply. Instead, a call comes through, and I answer. “Can you
blame me if I was?” he says with his deep, raspy tone. “You’re a woman
hard to forget.”
Damn, this man is smooth as hell. “How did your meeting go this
“Much better. Thank you.”
“Good. I’m glad. Are you back home now?”
Cole releases a loud yawn with his uh-huh reply, then a deep sigh. “I
am. Stayed another day to take care of a few things, then landed in San
Diego about an hour ago.”
Goosebumps spread across my skin as a giddy feeling hits that Cole
truly lives in my city, and I could see him right now if I wanted to—how I
miss him, even though we just met and still getting to know one another.
“You still there, Gorgeous?” he asks, his voice lower and breathing
“Nope. Go to bed.”
Humming, he says closer to the speaker. “Already am.”
“Go to sleep, Cole,” I giggle, my cheeks hurting from smiling so hard.
“You sound exhausted, and I won’t be the reason why you’re cranky in the
morning from keeping you up all night.”
I slip my feet under my butt, shifting as Cole lets out a hearty chuckle.
“Alright, for you, I will. Talk to you soon.”
We end the call, and I stay here a moment longer, enjoying the silence.
How peaceful this area feels. Glancing at the covered door to my left once
more, I stand and return to the main building. There’s slight snoring inside
Garret’s room as I pass and head downstairs. Carter’s office is open, so I
continue to the foyer to peek inside.
He’s sitting at the white table, drawing in a sketchbook with a swing
arm lamp pulled midway to the surface, and I study him for a moment—in
the zone, his movements sharp and quick as he freehand’s the work. Carter
makes sketching look effortless, and with his concentration, it's clear he’s
passionate about his work. Placing the pencil down, he leans back in the
chair and rubs his eyes with his fingers.
Once he notices me, I step inside. “Garret’s asleep. You have a great
Moving his work aside, Carter walks around the table and stands in
front. “There’s still a lot to learn. How do you feel about your first night?”
“I think tonight went well. Though, who knows what tomorrow will
“If you follow the schedule, you won’t have to wonder.”
“About that. If I put together a list of activities and recipes, would you
be willing to look through them?”
He crosses his arms and leans back onto the wooden surface. “Is there
something wrong with the current one?”
“The book’s a bit repetitive. From observing, I believe Garret needs
more mental stimulation, exploring his taste buds being one of them.”
“He’s doing fine with his routine, so there’s no need to change it—will
there be a problem with that?”
“No…no problem,” I reply, then press my lips together.
“In the morning, make sure Garret's dressed and fed by 9:00.”
“Does he need to be somewhere?”
His brows push together. “Ms. Morales, did you read the schedule at
“I haven’t had the chance yet, since I’ve been busy with your son up
until ten minutes ago.”
My eyes narrow as he scoffs and shakes his head. “Garret’s goes to a
preschool program three times a week. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
mornings. You’ll drop him off at 9:30 and retrieve him at 12:30.”
I’m glad he gets some time outside the house. “Okay.”
The rest of the week you’re responsible for his lessons. Everything you
need to know is in that schedule book, and I advise you to learn it before the
end of tomorrow.”
“What’s your schedule like, Mr. Anderson?” I ask.
“What does mine have to do with Garret’s?”
“I’m trying to figure out if you have space to pencil in a few moments
with your son.”
Carter pushes off the table and steps closer to me. “Are you insinuating
I don’t make time for him?”
“Since I’ve been here, you’ve had time to question my work ethic but
not once did you ask how he was—give him a hug, hell, you could have at
least eaten dinner with him—”
“Pack your belongings, Ms. Morales.”
My brows rise. “What? Are you firing me?”
“I hired you to make my life easier, but all you’ve done is give me a
I release a huff as he strolls back to his seat. “Have you thought maybe
your headache’s from not taking a break? That you’re overtired and need to
“I relax enough. Now grab your stuff. I’ll call you a taxi.” He shuffles
through sketches and documents on his desk, paying me no mind, Roux all
over again.
There’s no way I’m dealing with an asshole boss again—not this time.
Turning to leave, I halt at the doorway, my chest aching as I touch the
little car in my front pocket, hating that I’m breaking the promise I made to
Garret so easily. I palm the Camaro, walk toward his table, and place the
figure in front of Carter.
“Garret needs his dad more than a schedule book.” His brows pinch
together while staring at the toy. “That little boy told me this is his favorite
car because it’s your favorite too. Did you know that?” He picks up the
Camaro, staring for long seconds before his face softens and he looks at me.
“I’ll grab my stuff. No need to call a taxi,” I add, then turn to leave.
“Ms. Morales.”
Stopping at the door, I peek over my shoulder. “Yes?”
“9 a.m.”
The tightness in my chest releases as I touch the frame, and the corner
of my lips rise into a smirk. “Goodnight, Mr. Anderson.”

Little fingers gently poke my cheek, and I gasp, opening my eyes to
Garret inches from my face. Sitting straight, I reach to switch on the lamp,
and Garret steps back, holding his bear to his chest.
“Garret, what’s wrong?”
“I had a bad dream,” he whispers, his grip on Teddy strengthening.
“You did? Here, come sit with me.” I lift my comforter, and he climbs
the mattress, snuggling into my side.
“It was scary.”
I touch the screen on my phone—4 a.m. “It’s okay. Dreams aren’t real.
Nothing can hurt you in a dream.”
“I want Daddy.”
My brows raise. “You do?”
“Can we go see him?”
“Um, I don’t know….” Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I sit along the
edge of the bed as Garret slides to the floor, pulling me toward the door, and
I grab my short robe hanging on the back to cover my bare thighs. “Have
you gone to his room this late before?”
“Alright, but you’ll need to lead the way.”
“Yay, let’s go!” he yells, and I giggle, shushing him while securing the
robe belt around my waist.
“We need to stay quiet. It’s still early in the morning.”
“Okay, Shelly.”
I touch my hair, my rose satin scarf half falling off my head, so I toss it
in the room before following Garret along the banister. We pass the
entrance to the theater room on the right, then stop at the end. 
“It’s this one,” he says not so softly.
Staring at the dark double doors, I shift in place, my palms sweating,
and I crouch before Garret. “Are you sure you don’t want a glass of water
instead? You can lie in bed with me.” He squeezes Teddy by his cheek, his
bottom lip trembling, and I sigh. “Fine. Hold on.” Straightening my stance,
I knock lightly, a few seconds passing with nothing before Garret tugs on
my arm, and I rap my knuckles again, only harder. “I think he’s fast asleep.”
“Open it,” he whispers, and my eyes widen.
“Because your dad won’t like me going into his room.”
Breathing out an exasperated sigh, Garret lowers his head. “Okay….”
Then he trudges away with his stuffed bear hanging, and I bite back my
One door swings open, and my breath hitches as Carter saunters
forward, his sleep-deprived look snatching my sense as he towers above
me, touching one hand to the head of the doorway. My skin prickles from
the last time we were in this position. His body pressed into me as his
Whiskey-tinged tongue claimed my mouth.
The desire for this man is far from gone as I stare at his smooth pecs,
the night casting shadows along his golden tan skin, and I become lost in
his trim waist—each well-defined line guiding me until I reach the end. I
have no business exploring the happy trail leading inside those black boxer
briefs riding low on his hips.
“Ms. Morales.” I snap my gaze up. “What are you doing?” He crosses
his arms, the bulge of his biceps not helping my current state of mind.
“Um, I….” Turning to Garret, I search the landing area, but he’s no
longer there.
Really kid?
I curse under my breath, facing Carter as he arches a brow. “Is
something wrong?”
“No—” I blurt out.
Shaking my head, I walk backward, eyes wondering again where they
shouldn’t be. Carter sighs, slowly walking into his room, yet his gaze
lingers on me before he closes his door.
Does he feel the current between us?
No time for stewing, I dash straight to Garret’s room. “Garret?” He’s
lying in bed, squeezing his eyes tight, and I try not to laugh at his fake
sleeping attempt. You’re lucky you’re cute, little boy. This job’s gonna be

Morning comes, banana pancakes finished, fruit cut, snacks packed, dishes
cleaned, and now it’s time to wake Garret to get him ready for school. I
grab a strawberry, popping the slice into my mouth while walking toward
the stairs just as Carter leaves his office dressed to impress.
How many suits does he own?
I take the steps two at a time when he catches me checking him out
Garret’s sitting on the edge of his bed, his tired eyes barely open once I
enter his room. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”
He frowns and lies back. “Uh-uh.”
“Oh, my mistake. It’s Mr. Grumpy Head.” I tickle below his ribs, and he
giggles, shifting to the side with a dimpled grin. “I made you pancakes, and
if you’re quick at getting ready, there might be a surprise waiting for you on
your plate.”
“A surprise?”
“Yup. Let’s put on your clothes and brush your teeth.”
I get him ready, down the stairs in less than ten minutes, and his eyes
light once he sees his themed breakfast. “Whoa,” he breathes, staring
“What is it?”
“A stegosaurus!”
“Cool, huh?”
“Yeah!” He pops the end of the banana tail into his mouth and hums his
Carter walks into the kitchen while talking on the phone, oblivious to us
sitting here. “Yes, already got confirmation the contractors will break
ground next Monday—”
“Are you hungry? We got pancakes and fruit here, ready to eat,” I say to
him, and he glances over his shoulder at us, closing the fridge door.
“No worries. Everything’s on schedule. We’ll talk soon.” Slipping the
phone into his pocket, he strolls over, sitting opposite Garret at the round
table. “Are you ready for school?” he directs toward him.
Garret nods.
“Use your words.”
“Finish up.” Carter looks at me. “I’ll show you the route today.”
“Is Shelly coming to my school?” Garret asks, his eyes widening.
I glance at him, then back to Carter when he slices and eats a large
portion of pancake—mid-chew, he makes a sour face, slowly continuing the
dense bite, and I smirk. “It’s Mrs. Jetty’s recipe.”
Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he places his fork on the plate and
finally swallows his mouthful.
“I want Shelly to come,” Garret whines louder, and Carter narrows his
“Watch your tone.”
I don’t like where this is going.
“Dad said yes, Garret. Okay?”
The chair scrapes along the floor as Carter lifts from his seat, and I meet
his hardened gaze. “Get him ready and in the car in ten minutes.” Walking
to the garbage can, he tosses the food, then cleans his dishes before leaving
the room.
“Grump,” I say under my breath, then peek at Garret, who finished the
fruit but barely touched the pancake.
Ten minutes go in a blink of an eye as I clean Garret’s sticky fingers,
pack his backpack, then rush him outside and into the backseat of a black
Mercedes, securing him into his car seat.
Should I sit with Garret or in the front?
“Let’s go, Ms. Morales.”
I push in after Garret and reach over him to close the door. Carter’s
dark, intense stare finds me through the rearview mirror, and I avert my
eyes to pay attention outside while he drives through the neighborhood. The
suburban area is beautiful, from all the extravagant architecture and lush
landscaping. A far different style from the close-knit city life I grew up with
in Jersey.
How many of these homes has Carter contracted? Does he work outside
residential areas too?
The school’s about a fifteen-minute drive, and he parks in front of the
expansive brick building. I unbuckle the car seat once Carter opens the back
“Want to see my teacher?” Garret asks, eagerly slipping from his seat.
Glancing at Carter, he says nothing, so I nod, leaving out the other side
as Garret runs to a young woman with short straight chestnut brown hair
that frames her oval face, maybe around my age. Likely younger. She’s
beautiful, at least a half foot taller than my 5’3” height, her fair cheeks
kissed with blush, and her lips painted nude pink to match her sundress.
Several young children stand against a brick wall, waiting for directions to
head inside the school.
I stroll closer with my hands clasped. “Hello, I’m Garret’s new nanny,
“I’m Fiona. It’s nice to meet you.” We shake hands—her bubbly voice
and light brown eyes are warm and inviting. She glances at Carter, giving
him a quick wave with a smile before focusing on Garret. “Let’s get you
inside,” she says, taking his hand.
“Okay. Bye, Shelly.”
“What about Dad?” Fiona asks, urging Garret to face Carter.
Staring at his shoes, he fidgets with his backpack strap before saying,
Arms crossed, Carter answers with a firm tone, “Behave.”
With one last look at Carter, Fiona walks Garret toward the other kids,
and he runs to the back of the line, all preschoolers following suit as she
leads them inside.
“Let’s go.” Carter stalks to the driver’s side of his car, and I follow,
stopping in front of the passenger door—he looks at me and adds, “Are you
getting in?”
“Yes.” He’s extra bossy this morning.
I open the door and settle in my seat, Carter doing the same before
driving out of the parking lot. The silence feels like we’re a couple
dropping off their kid, though not a happy couple—one who fought and
currently has no choice but to drive back home in the same car. I shake my
Why does my mind go to weird scenarios at every awkward moment?
We hit traffic, and Carter sighs, leaning into the tan leather seat as he
stares straight ahead. He has a flawless profile—jaw stubble and wide,
cheekbones high, lashes dark, full, which I’m not jealous of at all. Carter
shifts, resting his elbow on the door, and leans his head onto his knuckles. I
glance away, focusing on anything other than this beautiful man’s face.
His grip on the gear shift tightens, making the veins along the back
prominent—my favorite aspect of a man. How well would his large palm
look wrapped around my leg instead?
I release a deep breath through my nose, pressing my thighs together as
the cars ahead of us proceed, and we drive a steady pace until we’re stuck at
the traffic light. Stealing another look at him, I take in his sharp nose that’s
slightly rounded at the tip. It’s sexy, like his lips, heart-shaped with a bow,
soft…possessive. His dark, thick hair fades along the sides, lengthy at the
top, though he needs to roughen up the strands. Let the natural wave do its
own thing—
Carter peeks at me, and I press my lips together, facing the passenger
window as a prickling sensation flows through my body at the longest
stoplight in history. I need to quit staring at him. It’s rude, unprofessional,
and I can’t do anything about the pulsing between my thighs while in his
As the light finally turns green, we continue moving. “I’ll be at my firm
today, so pick up Garret at 12:30. The Mercedes is yours while under my
“Okay,” I say, focusing on the route.
Finally, back at the house, Carter parks by the garage and hands me the
keys. “12:30. Don’t be late.”
He presses a button behind the rearview mirror, then exits the car,
waiting for the garage to open. There’s a safe box on the wall, and he enters
a code to remove a key from inside, then leaves in a tinted black SUV. I
peek at the other vehicles while the door closes, one covered in the back
corner and a dark grey BMW. That’s a lot of vehicles for one man.
Heading inside the house, I place my purse on the foyer table, unsure
what to do while Garret’s away and Caroline already thoroughly cleaning.
Maybe I should get back into writing to pass the hours. For now, I take my
time walking through the house, familiarizing each room, the details in the
foundation, and such incredible craftsmanship throughout.
His place is unbelievable, the main floor massive, yet the room has a
homey feel with warm cream walls and recessed lighting. The white
sectional is smack in the middle, seating at least ten people, though
something tells me Carter rarely invites people to his home.
Along the right wall resides the flatscreen tv above a modern-style
fireplace, and I walk toward the short hallway at the left corner of the living
room. There are two doors. One is a powder room, and at the end of the
hall, a home gym-laundry combo area with all the works—natural lighting,
a punching bag, machines, weights, and everything one would need for
efficient clothes washing.
The backyard is accessible through a small door, and the pool looks
inviting. I could go for a swim. However, I didn’t think to pack a swimsuit,
so sports wear will have to do. Hiking to my room, I change into a bra and
shorts, grab a towel, then enter the kitchen. It takes me a minute to figure
out how to open the glass wall behind the round table, and I step onto the
sheltered patio with a built-in grill toward the back.
“Steaks and barbecue ribs.” My mind drifts to Cole, and I smile,
searching for my phone to text him, unsure where I left it.
I’ll message him later.
I hum, stepping into the warm water that reaches just below my breasts
the further I enter. There’s a rope separating the shallow from the deep end,
and I submerge completely, swimming until I meet the rock wall. Jessie
would love it here. Smoothing my hair away from my face, I relax into the
wall, the water flowing into the pool, massaging my back.
“Now, I can get used to this.”
Snapping my head toward the patio, I stare at Caroline standing with
Garret and swim out of the pool. “Hey, what happened? It’s not 12:30, is
There’s no way three hours passed that quickly.
“Mr. Anderson got a phone call from the school. He couldn’t reach you,
so he called me to pick him up.”
Fuck. That’s not good.
“What’s the matter, Garret?” I ask, grabbing the towel to secure around
my chest, then lower to his level.
“My belly hurts.”
“Okay, let’s get you inside.”
We enter the kitchen, and I track in water, shaking from my soaked hair
dripping down my back. “Do you mind staying a minute longer while I
Caroline nods. “Go. I’ll keep him company.”
“Thank you.” I race upstairs to my room, throw on leggings, and a black
tank top, then quickly scrunch my hair with the towel before returning.
“Alright, thanks again.”
“No worries. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she says, and I smile, waving as
she leaves.
“My belly still hurts,” Garret whines.
“Aw, come here.” Scooping him into my arms, I place him on the island.
“Did you eat your snacks?” He shakes his head and holds onto his stomach
as I open his backpack, his lunch bag empty. “Well, there’s nothing in here.
Are you sure you didn’t eat?”
“I gave some to my friend.”
“You did?” I ask, and he nods. “Did your friend give you food?”
He nods again. “My friend liked my carrots, so I gave her some. And
she gave me her cheese stick.”
“Is that all? You had a few things in here.”
“Maybe she gave me her yogurt too.”
No wonder his stomach hurts. “Do you feel like you have to use the
“I did in school.”
“Want to try again?”
“Okay, maybe a warm bath and a nap will help.”
Garret holds his belly tighter, his face scrunching. “Okay….”
I carry him upstairs, grab a towel draped over his chair, and head to the
bathroom. Once the tub is full enough, I sit nearby as Garret soaks,
massaging his back and scalp to help him relax.
He rests his cheek on the cool porcelain and yawns. “I feel a little
“Good. Let’s dry off and get comfy in bed.” Out, ready, and warm,
Garret falls asleep once his head touches the pillow. “Poor thing.”
Cleaning the bathroom, I check on Garret before walking downstairs to
tidy the mess I left in the kitchen, yet I slow my step as I reach the bottom
because Carter’s sitting on the couch with his elbows resting on his knees.
“Oh, hey, Garret’s taking a nap after I gave him a warm bath, which
helped ease his stomach ache. I assume he had a few dairy products from
one of his school friends—”
“I called you numerous times,” he says, his voice low, yet there’s no
mistaking the annoyance in his tone.
“I didn’t have my phone on me.”
“What if my call were an emergency? I should be able to reach you at
any given moment.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll remember to keep it on me.”
He stands, placing his hand in his pocket as he walks around the couch.
“I never worried about this with Mrs. Jetty.”
My jaw clenches, and I tighten my hands into fists. “Stop comparing me
to her. I’m trying my hardest—why can’t you see that?”
“Try harder.”
I raise my brows, huffing a laugh at his arrogance. “You know what, Mr.
Anderson? I’m done.”
Carter’s not grumpy. He’s a bitter man, and I don’t have the mental
capacity to deal with his consistent attitude toward me. So I stride up the
stairs, enter my room, and grab my smaller duffle bag to stuff as many
items inside as I can. I’m going to miss Garret, and I hate to disappoint him.
However, I can’t help him if I’m battling with his father along the way.
“What are you doing?” Carter asks, rushing to my side.
“I tried putting up with your attitude, giving you the benefit of the
doubt, but your constant disrespect is unacceptable. I’m tired of working for
people who don’t have a decent bone in their body and won’t make the
same mistake again.”
I’m missing a few things, but I don’t care as I haul my bag over my
shoulder, but he blocks my way while I try to exit the room. “You’re not
I laugh, pushing past him. “Watch me.”
“Ms. Morales.” He follows down the stairs, and I quicken my steps to
the front door, my hand on the knob— “Shelby, stop!”
Halting my next step, I look back as he reaches the banister. Did he call
me by my first name?
“Shelly!” Carter turns to his left as Garret runs around him and rushes
down the foyer stairs on his bottom. “No, don’t go!”
“Garret….” He reaches me crying, hugging my leg, and I drop my bag,
kneeling to hold him.
Tears prick my eyes as he wraps his arms around my neck so tightly,
sobbing into the crook, “Don’t leave me.”
I blink away my tears, rubbing the back of his head. “Shh, it’s okay,
Garret. I’m not leaving. Okay?”
My teary gaze rises to Carter at the top landing as he pinches the bridge
of his nose, then stalks upstairs.

What am I doing?
The glass in my hand holds the content I need, liquor to mask the ache
in my chest that continues to grow daily. Yet, the emotions I’ve bottled up
over the years are pouring out in bucketfuls toward a woman who holds no
fault in my sorrows.
She’s not her.
Whiskey talks, the amber liquid showing no remorse. No mercy for the
weak-minded as I knock the poison to the back of my throat. Constantly
repeating the three words, I need the reassurance that not everyone is out to
leave. Yet here I am, pushing to be alone, my contradictions draining my
body until I pour another glass. I hired a woman just to fire her several
hours later, yet Shelby stood her ground, showing me why she should stay
until she couldn’t take my pushing any longer.
Palming the toy car in my pocket, I close my eyes, utterly confused
because I want her gone but can’t bear to see her go the same she did….
It’s late night when a tiny cry sounds in the distance, jolting me awake. I
rub the sleep from my eyes, standing from the chair two times smaller than
me to stretch my tight back. Valerie’s sitting on the edge of the hospital bed,
facing away from me while pushing her hand through the armhole of her
shirt, then ties her long dark hair into a high bun. I walk across the room
toward my beautiful wife until Garret’s cries get louder, and I tend to him
instead. He stops once I gently remove him from the bassinet.
Sitting in the corner of the room, I rest my foot on my knee for support,
staring into my son’s curious blue gaze in the dim lighting, and I smile,
smoothing my thumb along his rosy cheek. “He has your eyes.”
Valerie doesn’t respond, but I can’t pull away from the perfect picture
before me. Garret’s face wrinkles, another tiny whine surfacing, and his
dimpled frown makes me chuckle as I gently rock him to settle.
“Shh, it’s okay.” I kiss his forehead, holding him close to my chest.
“Daddy’s got you.”
A few moments later, there’s light knocking on the door, and Valerie’s
nurse strolls inside the room. “Hello, sorry. Just need to give Valerie her
next dose. I’ll be quiet. I promise.”
“No problem.”
“Are you sleeping well—” She looks at the chair in question while
applying hand sanitizer and adds, “Well enough?” I nod as she pushes a
small cart further into the room. “Is Valerie using the restroom?”
“Hm?” The bed’s empty, and I furrow my brows.
Carefully standing, I place Garret into his bassinet, heading for the
bathroom in the far corner, knocking twice on the door. There’s no answer,
so I pull on the handle, opening to an empty room.
“She’s not here.”
“Did she take a walk?”
My stomach sinks as I stride for the quiet hall, searching both ways,
hoping she’s strolling about the corridors. She was just here. I turn back,
wandering to the middle of the room, my heart rapidly beating as dread
creeps deep within my core because her purse is no longer on the small
Crouching by the foot of the bed where she sat, I grab the hospital band
once secured to her wrist and squeeze the plastic tight, prior words
knocking me off my axis—I can’t do this, Carter.
“Valerie…fuck, baby,” I breathe, a sharp pain slicing my throat.
She’d actually left. Left her son. Left me.
A tear rolls down my cheek as I rise, closing my eyes to stop the next
because I knew better, exhaling an unsteady breath before Garret releases
another cry, and my heart shatters for him.
How can I take care of our son alone?
I stroll forward, placing my hand on his chest. His cries increase from
my touch, and my vision blurs as life shifts from better to worse before my
eyes, proof that it’ll never be in my favor—

Eyes drifting open, I stare at the Whiskey in my hand before accomplishing

what needs to be done to keep pushing forward.
Feed the pain.
The liquor traveling down my throat fuels the fire in my chest as a
reminder that life always burns the good guys in the end. Because being
selfless is a trap—a means to destruction.
At the end of the night, I escape because I’m afraid of life when I’m
sober. Tired of the fight. I have a limit, though rarely do I cross that line
because I have responsibilities, a business, and Garret has to be a priority.
So I only feed the fire enough to get through to the next day, but lately, that
line is barely visible.
Some say my alcohol dependence will make me a failure as a father. Yet
to fail at something or someone, one has to try to succeed first—being a
father is inevitable, but parenting is a choice. My only succession is the
business handed down to me. To bury my head in a career that meant the
world to someone I treasure because if I’m to do one thing right in life, it’s
ensuring Garret’s set financially long after I’m gone.
Security—I can give him that, at least.
That night at the bar…allowing myself to cross the line with no
responsibilities in mind was an act of drowning my sorrows, yet every
second down to the last drop of poison on my tongue changed nothing. I’ve
been a fool entrusting Whiskey to make the right decisions all these years.
Guide my life in a better direction in hopes I could move on, yet it fucking
brought me toward the one thing I’m trying hard to forget in the first place.
She’s not her….
I stare at the half-empty bottle of amber liquor, fighting the urge to
shatter the glass for letting me down, but who am I to place blame on
anything but myself? Life shows no mercy—one glass for the weak-minded,
two for the joke I’ve become, being in too deep to let go, leaving no one left
to blame but myself. It’s always been inevitable.
Huffing a laugh, I pour another glass, still palming the car…one more
for her strength and courage. Shelby’s more capable than I’ll ever be.
Showing more compassion for my son within a day, better than Valerie ever
would, than I’ve ever had in the last four years since the last time I held him

“She’s not her,” I repeat, closing my eyes to block out the world.
Does that make me a bad guy?
This round of Whiskey determines my fate as the final burn slides down
my throat, feeding the pain because I hold no remorse for continuing how
I’m living.

My fist crashes into the mirror, cracking the glass into tiny shards. It’s
fitting, equivalent to my shattered heart, and I take a few steps back to stare
at my reflection some more. It’s been a week since Valerie left, and ever
since, Garret hasn’t stopped crying as if he knows she’s gone. Not one call,
text, email, or anything to explain why she changed her mind. What did I do
to make her go? Was I not good to her? Did I work too much? Not express
my love enough?
Garret was supposed to be the game-changer, bringing us closer, but
even our son wasn’t enough to keep her here. My face hardens as I thread
my hands into my hair, letting the ache choke me to decompress the storm
raging throughout, but all I see is her whenever I look into my son’s eyes.
What kind of person leaves their child? Kids need their mom, a maternal
touch, something I can never give Garret—
The lullaby playing on repeat to drown out his cries stops, and I turn to
the bathroom door as someone bangs on it. “Carter?”
There’s no crying once I open the door because the only person left I
trust is standing on the other side, soothing my son in his arms.
I’m no father.
His concerned gaze widens as he stares at my knuckles, then the glass
scattered on the vanity. “Dammit,” Cole whispers, drawing me in for an
“Why did she leave?” My voice cracks when Garret whines again, and I
step back. “Am I that unbearable to be around?”
“No, don’t think that way.”
“My kid hates me. He hasn’t stopped crying, and I can’t hear him any
He holds the back of my neck, pressing his forehead to mine, but I
stride to the cabinet to grab a bottle of Whiskey, needing something
stronger to replace the lullaby—

My heavy lids spring open, and I groan into my pillow from the music
playing on the house speakers—a nursery rhyme reminding me of my
responsibilities, so I rise to sit at the edge of my bed. Rubbing my eyes, I
stay for a moment, looking at the door when the volume gradually
increases. There’s no doubt this early wake-up call has to do with what
went down yesterday. I sigh and head to relieve myself in the bathroom
before entering the shower, needing scalding hot water to cleanse my pores
as I lean against the cool tile.
What’s your plan now, Mr Architect?
Draw a thicker line, one impossible to cross over, and make sure the
nanny’s deeply embedded because she needs to be a hard limit no matter
what prior circumstances hold. There are bigger matters to overcome,
business arrangements to focus on, and much work to be done. Get your
shit together. Once thoroughly clean and well groomed, I head for my
office, stopping at the top of the foyer stairs as giggles sound from the
kitchen area.
“Finally, he’s home—do you remember how many apples Johnny
picked at the farm?” Shelby asks in a dramatic tone.
“Um, five?”
“And what happened while he carried them all to his house?”
“He fell on his butt, and some apples rolled away….”
Garret’s in capable hands, so I walk to the office, closing the door to the
outside world for today. Then the next day. However more time passes
between minimal interaction with Shelby to keep me from driving her away
for Garret’s sake. No immediate intervening, even if the increments of
laughter sway me to stop and listen for a moment. How quickly days turn
into weeks, and a month passes with nothing more than a weekly progress
report on how the schedule’s working.
Yet, four weeks is the longest I’ve been away from the firm, working
mostly from home while my associate mans Anderson’s Architecture &
Design. However, I have an important video conference meeting with my
team today, one I can’t miss. A project that’ll take the firm to new levels if
we can entice the owner to finalize a deal. So I leave for the outside world,
cleaned and well-groomed for the Mr. Anderson role I’ve become.

Four weeks have passed, and work has been better since the day I almost
quit. With my growing bank account, I even splurged on a new laptop to
type my feelings into a short story, cultivating my mind with words to instill
action without risking my job, which I haven’t done in years.
No one will see these words—well, except Jessie since she’s been
begging me to write an enemies-to-lovers story and use Bossman as
I shake my head while walking across the parking lot with Garret to a
local playground on this beautiful afternoon. Carter may have loosened his
reins, but not by a lot—he’s still strict with Garret, just not much of an
asshole with me where we can be around each other without butting heads.
To ensure my job is secure, I’m less explosive when it comes to him and
Garret, though, he should spend more time with his son. He’ll only be this
little once.
We usually enjoy the park after preschool since the weekdays aren’t as
busy, but since it’s Friday, there are a dozen more kids running through the
jungle gym, making Garret hold my leg as we reach the sand.
“Are you gonna play?” I ask, and he shakes his head, squeezing tighter
as I walk toward the bench to sit. “Okay, talk to me—what’s up?”
“Can we go home?”
“How about we try finding a friend you can play with first?” Looking
around, he sits closer to my side, and I hold out my hand. “Come, I’ll go
with you.” We walk over to a little boy with short light brown hair who’s
playing with cars in the sand, and I crouch in front of him. “Hey, my buddy
Garret has some cool cars, too—is it okay if he plays with you?”
The little boy nods, saying hi to Garret, and he waves back, then kneels
next to him. “Wanna see mine?”
Happy with the successful exchange, I whisper to Garret, “I’ll be over
there if you need me.”
“Okay, Shelly.”
A woman with long blonde hair waves at me, and I walk toward her as
she pats the bench seat, holding a baby along her shoulder. “Hey, I’m Laura.
Thank you for getting your boy to play with my Justin—he’s a bit shy and
doesn’t usually talk to the other kids.”
“I’m sure they’ll warm up to each other quickly. I’m Shelby.”
“It’s nice to meet you. This little one is Sophie.” Laura smooths the tiny
golden hairs on Sophie’s head and leaves a kiss. “I haven’t seen you around
these parts. Are you new to La Jolla?”
“I moved to town about a month ago for work. Garret and I mostly visit
the park after preschool, and I’m still getting to know my way around.”
“Ah, well, I’ve been here just about ten years now. So if you have any
questions, I’m more than happy to help y’all out.” Sophie squirms,
releasing a tiny whine in the crook of Laura’s neck. “Shh, it’s okay
I smile as she lays her back to breastfeed. “She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“Shelly! Look, we're making a moat!” Turning to Garret, we laugh as
Justin sits in the middle, and Garret finishes digging holes around him.
“Good job, bud! Keep going.”
Laura smiles while slowly swaying with her daughter. “He’s sweet.
Looks just like you.”
“You think so? Garret’s not my son. I’m his nanny.”
“Oh. Sorry, you could’ve fooled me. Though Justin’s my stepson, I’ve
been with him since he was a baby, so it’s like he’s one of my own.”
“That’s amazing.” I look at Garret and grin as he laughs, running to the
slides with his new friend.
“Do you plan on coming Friday often, or even Saturday? Maybe we can
meet once in a while so they can play.” Laura pushes her sunglasses higher
on her nose before placing Sophie on her knee to pat her back.
“Yeah. Saturday works for us.”
We exchange numbers and sit for a while, talking until Garret rushes
over, holding between his legs. “Shelly, I have to pee.”
“Okay, let’s find a bathroom.”
“There’s a porta-potty a little ways that way.” Laura points to a pathway
behind us, and she giggles as I scrunch my nose. “They’re relatively clean.
No worries.”
“Thanks. I’ll text you the next time we come.”
“Sounds good.” She smiles at me, waving at Garret as she bounces
Sophie. “It was nice talking with you. See you later.”
“Likewise. Take care.” Walking up the path, we find the blue porta-
potty with a person waiting outside—hopefully, the man’s only waiting for
“Excuse me, sir. Are you in line?”
“What’s it look like? I’m standing around for the hell of it?”
I furrow my brows. “Is there a need to be rude?”
A woman steps out of the blue box, and the guy checks out her ass
before entering, which makes me roll my eyes. He takes an unusually long
time inside, then smirks while stepping out, buckling his worn jeans.
“All yours, sweetheart.” He laughs in the distance as I open the door,
instantly releasing my grip at the pungent smell inside. There’s no way I’m
letting Garret in there now.
“It smells bad!” Garret says, plugging his nose.
“I know. Can you hold it until we get to the store?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I guess.”
I wrap him in my arms, stride to the car in the parking lot, and buckle
him into his seat, arriving at the supermarket several minutes later.
“Ready to go?”
“I don’t have to pee anymore.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay…let me know right away when you do.” He nods, takes my hand
as we walk inside, and I sit him in the shopping cart. “We have a full list
I grab a bunch of items, marking the list as we go, and we stop at the
dairy department next.
“Shelly, why can’t we get the flying cow milk? I don’t like the peanut
Placing the almond milk in the cart, I check it off and continue pushing
the cart up the back aisle. “Well, your dad says you’re lactose intolerant.”
“What’s lactose intolerant?”
“It means if you drink cow’s milk or eat anything with milk in it, you
get those big bellyaches.”
Garret frowns. “The flying cow is better.”
His little pout makes me smile. “I know, buddy. One day you’ll get used
to the almond taste.”
“What’s almond?”
I rub my fingers through his curls, and his frown lifts. “Hey, I know it’s
not on the list, but why don’t we grab popcorn for our movie tonight?”
Garret grins and quickly nods his head. “Can we have juice too?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Please?” He accentuates the word, and I try hard not to laugh at those
pleading baby blues—his cuteness is too much to bear sometimes.
“Listen, I don’t make the rules. Your dad’s dead set on no juice.”
His scowl is back. “How come you drink juice, and I can’t?”
I press my lips together to stifle a laugh. Sorry, bud. Shelly needs her
juice more.
My phone buzzes inside my new crossbody purse with Mom displayed
across the brightened screen. Not really in the mood for a lecture, but I
answer the call anyway.
“Hey, Mom.”
“Shelby, I only have a few minutes to talk. Have you contacted the
boutique to try on your bridesmaid’s dress?”
“Yes. My fitting appointment is next Saturday, I believe.”
“Shelly….” Garret says, and I give him a small smile.
“Please, set a reminder so you don’t forget. Also, make sure the
boutique has the correct style, and wear your high heels so the seamstress
doesn’t take in the hem too high. The last thing you need is to rush
additional alterations.”
“Mom…it’s September 2nd, and the wedding’s mid-November.” I
continue walking and grab the next item on the list. “There’s more than
enough time, plus I’m sure Natalie informed the owner on the specific she
“Shelly!” Garret pulls on my shirt, and I turn my attention to him. “I
peed in my pants.”
“Shelby, whose child is that?”
“Shit—” Where’s the bathroom? “Mom, I gotta go!”
Tossing the phone inside my bag, I push the cart around, finding the
restroom sign after the bakery department. His pants are soaked through, so
I carefully lift him from the cart, heading for the women’s room.
“That’s for girls!” Garret yells, wiggling to the floor.
“Well, I can’t go into the boy’s room, so can we go in quick to change?”
“No.” He stomps his feet and crosses his arms, his grumpy face drawing
a smile to mine.
I’ve put up with worse temper tantrums, little boy.
“Sorry, bud.” Picking him up, I push into the women’s room anyway.
“Put me down!” he whines, throwing back his entire weight.
“Mira muchacho, it’s just a room—do you wanna stay wet all the way
to the house?”
“Fine. We’re leaving now and without the popcorn.”
Eyes wide, he shakes his head. “Okay, okay, I’ll go.” His shoulders
slump as I set him down, and we walk toward the stalls.
“To the big one, and take off your pants.” I follow him, hanging my
purse and removing the emergency change of clothes. “Garret, leave your
socks on—no, don’t touch the toilet seat!” He laughs, running to the corner
with his pants and underwear dragging off one leg, and I groan. “Come here
so I can help you.”
Hopefully, Carter won’t be upset that I wasn’t paying attention to Garret
to prevent the accident from happening. I sigh, allowing Garret to button his
shorts as I rush to wash my hands at the same time a woman enters the
bathroom. We smile at each other through the mirror reflection, and I turn
off the water, freshening my curls a bit with my wet fingers.
“Garret, come wash your hands.” A toilet flushes, so I turn toward the
stalls. “Garret.” There’s no answer, so I check the big stall, not finding him
there. “Where are you?” As I search each one, my heart races, no sign of
little feet.
No, this isn’t happening—my stomach sinks as I dash out the door and
search around the main back aisle.
“Excuse me,” I say to a woman with a short pixie cut. “Have you seen a
little boy with brown shoulder-length curly hair? He’s wearing a bright blue
polo shirt.”
“No, I haven’t, honey, but I can help you search.”
“Oh no.” I hyperventilate, striding through the produce and checking
each aisle as other customers watch me panic. “Garret! Please…”
“Excuse me!”
I stop running and turn as the woman from earlier walks toward me with
Garret holding her hand and a half-gallon of the flying cow milk.
“What the fuck,” I pant, rolling my head back with relief.
“Shelly, can we get it?”
Kneeling, I take the milk and place the container on the floor. “Don’t
ever do that to me again! Do you hear me?” His face scrunches as tears well
in his eyes, and I frown, drawing him to my chest. “Ugh, please, don’t cry
—you just scared me so bad.”
“Okay,” he cries, and I lift him, mouthing thank you to the sympathetic
woman before striding toward the bathroom area. “Cow….”
“You can’t have that. I’m sorry.”
Garret sobs into my shoulder, and I find the cart, pushing it with one
hand to the registers, not caring that the list is still half full. As I finish
loading the groceries into the trunk and buckle Garret into his seat, I check
on him through the rearview mirror as I pull into traffic—he’s staring out
the window, eyes puffy, red nose, and his breathing spasms every so often.
“You okay, bud?”
He stays quiet, and I leave the situation at that, driving us home. Once
we arrive, Garret’s asleep, so I carry him into the house to rest on the couch
instead of his room with a strong urge to keep him close. He looks so
peaceful—innocent, and I kiss his forehead as my mind races with thoughts
of never finding him.
I blow out a heavy breath as a burn creeps up my throat and busy myself
putting away the groceries. The gate opens as I step toward the Mercedes,
and my heart skips when Carter drives through, parking his sports car inside
the garage. Facing the trunk, I wipe away an escaped tear and pop the latch
Stay calm, Shelby.
A moment later, Carter stands beside me, touching the lid. “Hey, let me
help you.”
I stare at him, his good mood taking me by surprise, which I hope will
lessen the blow of losing his son. There’s not much to take, but I step aside,
leaving him two bags as I grab one.
“Are there more in the house?”
I shake my head. “I didn’t get to finish.”
Carter closes the trunk, and we head inside, walking toward the kitchen.
“Where’s Garret?”
“Asleep on the couch.” Placing the bags on the island, I keep my
attention on the groceries, even as Carter steps beside me doing the same.
“We had sort of a rough day.”
“What happened?” I finally meet his gaze just before he places the
almond milk in the fridge along with the eggs.
Where do I start?
“Garret had a pee accident at the store—I changed him right away in the
bathroom, and he ended up slipping through the door as I was washing my
“But, I found him right away. He was gone no more than five minutes.”
“You lost my son?” he asks, furrowing his brows.
More scenarios arise, which sting my eyes, and tears spill over as I blink
a few times. “I’m so sorry, Carter—please, don’t fire me.” I turn toward
him, blowing out a shaky breath, then lick the tears from my lips. “I yelled
at him to never take off like that again, and I scared him. What if he’s afraid
of me now?”
His concern softens like his voice when he says, “He won’t be, Ms.
Morales. Go take a break. I’ll finish with the groceries.” A shiver shoots
down my spine as he swipes a tear off my cheek with his thumb, and my
breath catches. “Go ahead.”
“Okay….” I walk toward the patio, glancing at him over my shoulder
before sitting on one of the lounge chairs.
What was that?
His gentle touch was nice, though a gesture he’s never shown before,
and not helping ease my attraction toward him. Where has he been hiding
this sweet side for the last month? I’ve yet to see him talk to other women
besides Caroline and Garret’s teacher Fiona. Does he not date?
Taking my phone from my back pocket, I search for his name on social
media, and several men pop up. Adding La Jolla, a very handsome Carter
Anderson appears, wearing his signature suit and tie in his profile picture. I
shouldn’t creep, especially since it’s his business page, so I exit and hover
over my writing app.
Carter strolls outside with two glasses—one with white wine and the
other Whiskey, which he drinks often. The way he wears a loose tie around
his neck with the top two buttons of his shirt undone makes me shift in my
seat. The suits are nice, but laid-back Carter is much, much sexier.
He hands me the wine, then drags the lounge chair across from me
closer. “Hey.”
“Hey.” I switch off my phone and slide the device between my thighs.
“Thanks for the break. It’s much needed.”
“Someone told me relaxing once in a while is important.”
“Hm, sounds like a smart person.”
Carter grins, and my stomach flutters when dimples appear on his
cheeks. I’ve yet to see his genuine smile, and now I know where Garret got
his from. I’m relieved he’s still in a good mood.
“I have an associate coming by later. Do you mind keeping Garret busy
when the time comes?”
“Of course. I’ll take him into the playroom.”
“Thank you.” He stares at me, and I glance away from the heat of his
gaze. “I appreciate how well you take care of him. You’re doing a great
My brows move up a notch. “Wow, a compliment. Thanks.” Carter
chuckles, leaning further into the chair with his legs straddled, and he takes
a hefty gulp of his drink, the lingering taste of Whiskey appearing on my
tongue the longer I stare. “You should laugh more often. A smile looks
good on you.”
He smirks, not enough for his dimples to appear, but I don’t miss his
gaze flicking to my legs as I rub them together. I know nothing about this
man besides his drive to succeed in his career, and since he’s in a good
mood, maybe he’ll allow me a glimpse into his true personality.
His eyelids lower a bit. “Yes?”
“I’ve been your employee for a little over a month, and I’d be lying if I
said I wasn’t curious to know more about you.”
“What do you want to know?” Bringing the lowball glass to his lips,
Carter takes a sip, then places the Whiskey on a small table. “Don’t be
disappointed if my answers aren’t interesting.”
I’ll be the judge of that. Any information is good information.
“Okay. How old are you?”
“Do you have any hobbies?”
“Really? There’s nothing you enjoy doing outside work?”
He shrugs. “I don’t have time for anything but work.”
I wish he’d allow himself moments to watch a movie, read his
collection of books—even relax while doing nothing. Not only for Garret,
but for himself, too. “Okay. Next question: what’s the wildest, most
spontaneous thing you’ve done when you were younger?”
He contemplates my question, tapping his fingers on his thigh. “A
buddy of mine dared me to go streaking in the snow back in college. So I
stripped in front of a group of my peers without hesitation and jogged.”
My jaw drops as I smile, then drag my bottom lip through my teeth.
Damn—Carter running naked in the streets. I’d pay money to see that.
“That’s a pretty ballsy move right there.”
Grabbing the glass cup, Carter holds back his laugh by sipping his
drink, releasing a deep hum instead.
Just let it fly, Bossman. Let loose.
“Next question,” he says, rubbing his stubbled jaw.
“Um, favorite color?”
That makes me smile. “Me too. Aqua, like the ocean.” Nursing on my
wine, I lean back like him as we stare intently at one another—let’s see how
much we have in common. “Are you…a cat or dog person?”
His expression softens before he stares at his hand, picking an
imaginary lint from his black slacks. “I had a cat for a few years. Named
him Miles since I found him one day after school, about two miles from my
father’s home. He had to be no more than five, maybe six months. A tiny
thing, visibly malnourished, his ribs prominent, walked unsteady, yet he
was loud enough for me to stop. I couldn’t leave him to die, so I wrapped
him in my shirt and continued riding my bike.”
Carter huffs a laugh, a slight smile tugging his lips, but there’s a sadness
to his lowered gaze. “I’m allergic to most fur, so I never had pets before
then, but that didn’t stop me from begging my father to keep him. I was
twelve, stubborn, and rather suffered through stuffy sinuses than continue
being lonely. When he finally agreed, since he was rarely around anyway,
that night was the first time I genuinely smiled since my mother passed
three years prior.”
Pins and needles scatter across my skin. “Carter. I’m sorry. I can’t
imagine the feeling of losing a loved one.”
“Don’t be. I’m at peace with it now.”
I nod, and we stay silent, just looking at one another, enjoying this rare
exchange between us.
“What’s the wildest, most spontaneous thing you’ve done, Ms.
Morales?” he asks with a smirk.
“Nope. It’s Shelby right now. If you haven’t noticed, we’re currently
taking a break.”
That got a chuckle out of him. “Okay, Shelby. Please, elaborate.”
“The wildest thing I’ve done….” I tap my finger on my bottom lip and
take a page from his book of sharing. “Well, I had this bully throughout
high school I tried to avoid since he often teased me in front of his friends.
Name-calling, laughing at me, throwing jokes until one day toward the end
of senior year, he forced me into a closet when no one was looking and
cornered me.”
Carter straightens his stands, his expression darkening as he places his
drink on the table. “What did he do?”
“Nothing. I knew what he wanted, but he eventually let me leave. Fed
up, I went to the principal once again, and he still wouldn’t do anything
about the situation. Telling me to simply ride out the last few days left of
school since I’ll never see him again…he wasn’t entirely wrong. So, the
next morning I found my bully with his friends, shoved him against the
lockers, and lifted to where my mouth was inches from his. I stared into his
cold eyes, breathing against his lips, like he did to me. Only I gradually slid
my hand down his stomach and unfastened his jeans, making them fall to
his ankles.”
This time Carter raises his brows, blowing out a heavy breath and
shifting so one foot rests on the chair with his knee bent, giving me his
complete attention, which makes me smirk.
“I’ll never forget the look on his face—thoroughly flushed, jaw
clenched, eyes narrowed, chest rising fast. He was furious, and I grinned at
how hard he was getting for me. Even took a few steps back so the large
group watching our exchange could see how needy he was for the girl he
tormented. Then I told him the only reason he was obsessed over me was
because he was too pussy to ask me out on a date, and he knew he had no
chance of landing a beautiful good girl like me. Which was the truth.”
“He wouldn’t have deserved you for a second.”
“Nope. Though little does he know I also wrote him into a short story
and murdered his ass.”
A fit of laughter rumbles from Carter, making him tip his head back
over the chair, and I can’t help giggling along with him as he says, “No
“Wasn’t my finest moment, but he damn well deserved it. Also, my
English teacher gave me an A+, so cheers to that.”
Carter lifts his glass toward me, then drinks the rest of his Whiskey, still
coming down from his laugh—I really like laid-back Carter, and the longer
I stare, the bolder I become with a question sitting on the tip of my tongue,
itching to come out.
“Can I ask you a more personal question?”
“Go ahead,” he says, resting his arm across his knee.
“Are you seeing anyone?” I hide behind my glass as he adjusts to lean
into the chair again. “You don’t have to answer—”
“No. Not for a few years.”
“Don’t you have urges?” Taking a huge gulp of wine, I close my eyes
and sigh—what the hell kind of question is that?
“Yes, but I keep myself busy.”
My eyes pop open. “Oh. I see.”
Carter cocks his head to the side with a raised brow, and fuck he looks
good. “And you?” he asks, and I smile, getting just as comfy.
“I’ve also been keeping myself…occupied.”
He lets out a deep hum, rubbing his index finger along the rim of the
glass he’s still holding over his knee. I press my thighs together, sliding my
knees higher while finishing off my wine because, apparently, I’m getting
thirsty from a simple motion.
“That’s—” Carter’s cell phone rings, and he sighs, setting down his
glass before answering the call with a brief conversation, then pocketing the
device. “He’s early.”
“Who is?”
“My associate.”
“Oh, sure.”
We both stand, and the pleasant scent of his minty cologne engulfs me,
only this time, I catch a hint of vanilla—the fragrance bringing me back to
that night, and neither of us attempts to leave.
Tilting back my head, I stare at his handsome face—his inviting full
lips, then deep into those russet hues, the daylight making them lighter. I
can’t look away from the perfect picture before me, brushing my fingers
against his chest to confirm he’s real. Carter inhales deeply, pulling me
toward him by the small of my back, so damn close I savor the flavor of
Whiskey-infused breaths colliding with mine, and fuck, I want more.
To have Carter beyond that one spine-tingling night, but having
relations with my boss isn’t the best idea—though he grips the back of my
hair, tipping my head, and subtle shifts into hunger as his gaze falls to my
mouth while urging me into his hard dick by my ass, that one motion
forcing all rational thoughts to vanish—
“Shelly…I’m hungry.”
I inhale sharply, my heart banging against my chest as I take several
hasty steps back when Garret walks outside, rubbing his eye. Carter’s
breathing just as hard, threading his fingers through his hair while walking
toward the grill.
He was about to kiss me, but should we allow ourselves to reach that
Only moments ago, our work relationship was heading in the right
direction, and for Garret’s sake, we shouldn’t let our sexual frustrations get
the best of us. Who knows what could’ve started or ended here if he didn’t
interrupt? Not willing to find out, I walk toward Garret, taking his hand,
and Carter follows behind us, heading to the front door without a word.
“Okay, I’ll make you lunch, and we’ll eat in the playroom today,” I say
as Garret watches me from the table with his chin resting on his hands.
Looking inside the book, I sigh, hoping to see something new pop out of
nowhere. “You have a choice between a turkey roll-up with lettuce, tomato,
and mayo with a side of fresh fruit. Or, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
with pretzel sticks.”
Garret shakes his head, his shoulders slumping. “I’m not hungry
There’s still leftover Paella I made last night for myself. I wonder if
Carter will budge this once since it’s not an unhealthy choice. “Wait here
while I ask your dad something.”
I stroll into the living room, rushing down the stairs before forcing
myself to slow, and just as I make it to the foyer, Carter walks into the
house with someone talking behind him. “I have no issues with the design.
It’s the market holding me back.”
That raspy voice—I widen my eyes as icy blues meet mine. Cole eases
the door closed behind him, thoroughly looking me over before displaying
his perfect grin. I squeak—unable to contain myself as I rush into his
embrace, squeezing around his waist, his return bear hug just as strong.
“Shelby, wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he says as we part.
“I should say the same.”
Carter walks next to us, crossing his arms. “How do you know each
other?” Catching a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“We go way back, right, Gorgeous?” He winks, grinning as I raise a
“Way, way. What are we on, day thirty-five?”
“Sounds about right.” Cole chuckles, then adds, “So, you’re Carter’s
new girl.”
“What? No.”
Furrowing his brows, he looks between me and him. “You’re not
working here?”
“Oh, yes. I’m his nanny—his son’s nanny.”
Carter exhales a long deep breath. “Ms. Morales, shouldn’t you be with
I press my lips together, bummed that we’re back to work mode, and
sweep a curl behind my ear as I walk closer to him. “That’s why I’m here,
to ask for a meal request.”
“What’s wrong with today’s menu?”
“Garret won’t eat it.”
I shake my head. “There’s a chicken and brown rice dish I made last
night in the fridge. It’s pretty healthy, and I was hoping you’d allow Garret
to try some?” He softens his expression as I gaze into his eyes, that flutter
“If he doesn’t eat it, then no more special requests.”
Bouncing on my toes, I grin, hugging Carter—his stance stiffens, and I
slowly back away, suppressing my giddiness. Maybe not the best form of
appreciation to give him at this moment.
“Thank you.” I peek at Cole’s amused face as he watches the exchange,
giving him a slight wave before heading to the kitchen.
“Garret?” He mopes out from the playroom. “Want to try something
His head snaps up as he looks at me. “Uh-huh!”
“Come sit.” I warm the food over the stovetop, and his eyes widen as I
place a little of everything in front of him. “I know a lot is going on here,
you don’t have to eat all of it, but I’d think you should try some.”
He quickly nods. “What is it?”
“There’s chicken and this one’s shrimp. These cool-looking guys are
mussels, then peas and rice.”
Grabbing a spoon full of rice with chicken, Garret takes a bite, and his
eyebrows shoot up. “Mmm!”
“You like?”
He scoops more food, continuing to try each item. “I don’t like that.”
Pushing the mussel shell to the side before taking another bite of shrimp.
“That’s okay. I’m glad you tried it.”
After several minutes, he finishes the rest, then gulps down water, using
the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Can I have more of this one?” he
asks, pointing to the shrimp tail.
“Shrimp? Of course.” Adding a little more, he devours his plate and
slouches back in his chair with a big smile. “Full?” Garret nods his head.
“Good. Go set up a game in the playroom, and I’ll meet you there after I
clean up.”
“Okay!” he says, then slides to the floor.
I finish putting away his dish just as Carter and Cole walk into the
“Damn, what’s that smell,” Cole asks, stopping at my side.
“It’s Paella, well, a variation of my father’s recipe. Traditionally we use
white rice and add sausage, though sometimes he’ll slip in some baby
“Smells great.”
“Thank you. Do you want a plate?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Go take a seat.” I look at Carter, and his stern expression has returned.
“Would you like some? Garret loved it.”
“I’ll pass.” He turns to Cole as he sits behind the island. “We still have
to discuss business.”
“Yeah, but first, food.” I set a plate in front of Cole, and he hooks his
arm around my waist, drawing me into his side to kiss my cheek. “Thanks,
Gorgeous. I got you another day.”
My face must be bright pink with how hot I feel right now. “You’re
welcome. Looking forward to that.”
He releases his hold and pats the spot next to him. “Carter, come join
“No. Find me when you’re done.”
“Suit yourself.” Cole digs in and closes his eyes. “Mm—it’s good.”
Unable to stop my grin, I turn away to scrape the bit of food left into a
container, and Carter steps close beside me. “Ms. Morales, can I speak with
you in my office?”
“Sure.” I walk back to Cole. “Would you like water? Beer?”
“Thank you, but don’t worry. I’ll grab one.”
I nod, follow Carter to the foyer, and he shuts the office door before
standing in front of his white table. “Feels like I’m at the principal’s office.”
“Come take a seat.”
“No. I’m fine where I am.”
Carter crosses his arms, his biceps tightening around the cuffs of his
shirt. “When business associates come to my home office, they’re not here
to socialize.”
Goosebumps rise on my arms. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“Then why come to me with a question knowing I was working?”
“My question was regarding work, so why are you reprimanding me for
He rubs his forehead, exhaling a deep breath. “You’re right. Just please,
from now on, I’d appreciate your effort to keep a professional profile while
on the clock.”
“Okay. Understood,” I say, turning to leave.
“Ms. Morales.”
“Thank you. For getting Garret to eat.”
I smile over my shoulder. “There’s a plate for you, too, if you choose to
become hungry.”
Carter chuckles, and yes, I like him much better this way.

Envy is a dangerous emotion, flooding my body because of how easily Cole

grabbed Shelby’s attention the second he entered my home. From their
intimate exchange in the kitchen, a touch given with no doubt as if her lips
weren’t seconds away from meeting mine only moments before.
I tried to stay away by keeping busy. Being pleasant to ensure she won’t
leave, but the second those tears rolled down her cheeks because of Garret’s
wellbeing, that I’d fire her for an accident, I couldn’t stop myself from
showing her I won’t.
Now what am I to do?
How can I contain these feelings surfacing for my employee? Shaking
my head, I sip my drink, staring into the distance on the patio. Continue to
keep busy being the only answer.
After a successful video conference this morning, the firm is one step
closer to signing a twenty-four-month construction contract with Hotel A.
Wellington, one of the highest-ranking four-star luxury hotel chains along
the east coast within the last five years. Brian Nolan, the Chief Operating
Officer, reached out before the new year with a brand expansion
opportunity and wants to work with a reputable local firm in San Diego
whose designs will represent their hotel brand well.
Due to the sudden loss of Garret’s previous nanny, I was unable to
attend the first in-person meeting with August Wellington, the CEO, and
that alone should’ve cost the contract. Cole busted his ass to convince them
to take a chance on our small firm since we’re trained in commercial
properties, only our brand has been strictly residential until our impending
decision to expand.
“Thank you,” I say to Cole sitting beside me.
He tips his head to the side, leaning further into his seat. “For?”
Pulling me out of a depressive state on more than one occasion. Being
here for Garret when I couldn’t, for never giving up on me like every other
person has in my life—take your pick.
“You know why.”
Cole smirks, lifting his beer toward me. “You’re welcome.”
I do the same with my glass and finish the small amount left as I
contemplate my next question—one that shouldn’t be a thought in my mind,
but I ask anyway. “Your…relationship with Ms. Morales. Is it an intimate
This time he lifts a brow, eyeing me closely. “Why do you ask?”
“She’s my employee.”
“And that’s relevant how?”
“Cole, just answer the question.”
He chuckles, taking a swig of beer. “No. But we’ve gotten close.
Exchanged numbers in New York and still talk daily.”
His answer stings even if his words shouldn’t. I won’t lie to myself by
saying I don’t find Shelby attractive—addictive in more ways than one.
That if Garret hadn’t arrived when he did earlier, I would’ve taken what I
wanted, just as Whiskey did once before, only this time for the right reason

“You got a soft spot for her.”
It’s not a question but a statement. “And if I did?”
“You wouldn’t be the only one, but you know me, Carter.”
I exhale a long breath, knowing exactly what he means. “Don’t hurt
“The last thing I’ll ever do is break that beautiful woman.”
I believe him, yet his way of dating is not for everyone. He’s been hurt,
succumbing to a different kind of pain than me, but his shards aren’t any
less sharp than mine. His pieces are scattered where as mine are deeply
“I almost kissed her today.”
His eyes widen, and he shifts to rest his elbows on his knees. “You
almost sound disappointed.”
“She’s Garret’s nanny, so I can’t kiss her.”
“Bullshit. While I understand the repercussions of workplace
relationships going south, then Garret loses another caretaker, there’s
nothing wrong with finding her attractive. For you wanting a woman after
losing another.”
These words cut me deeper, wishing I’d brought more liquor outside
with me. “Yeah. Contractors signed off on the budget and agreed to the
timeline for your home. They’ll start next Monday, and construction should
end by November, mid-December at the latest.”
Not new to my method of avoidance, he simply nods. “Okay.” Then
stares off into the backyard, slowly draining the rest of his beer. “I’m in the
process of listing my condo in New York on the market. For the area and
price range, it should sell rather quickly. That’ll be one less property for me
to worry about.”
“Still fighting to keep your grandparent’s house?”
Chuckling, Cole places the bottle on the table, leans back, and rubs his
eyes. “I’ll never agree to sell. You’d think with all the great memories
shared in their home, that my brothers would be on my side, but fuck how I
feel. I’m the only one who cares what my grandparents would’ve wanted.”
I pat his shoulder as I stand, holding out my hand to help him lift from
the lounge chair. “I get it, just don’t allow the final decision to draw a
wedge between your family.”
“Nah, don’t worry about that. We disagree on a lot of shit, but at the end
of the day we’re close-knit.” He brings me in for a quick hug, then grabs the
bottle. “I’m gonna head out. Thanks for the beer.”
“Anytime. Good job today. I don’t tell you often enough, but you’re a
hell of a partner.”
“Easy work goes hand in hand with an exceptional company.”
I nod, walking with Cole, my stomach growling once we enter the
kitchen, and one glance my way tells me I better make time for myself to
eat something as he tosses his recycling. So, I stay by the island, ready to
prepare a meal but halt preparations when Cole rounds the couch instead of
taking the stairs.
Shelby’s watching tv, and she grins when Cole sits next to her, hugging
into his side. The volume of the movie prevents me from hearing their
conversation, though I shouldn’t intrude in the first place. They share a
bond I’ll likely never experience with her, and I don’t know how to feel
about that.
Whether they stay friends or grow into more, I can’t stop the envy
building inside that he’s able to. That she’ll likely give him a chance if he
takes one. Cole looks at me, and I keep contact only for a second before
busying myself with dinner, through the parting kiss on the cheek and
lingering return hug, until the click of the front door.
A moment passes, and Shelby strolls into the kitchen as I sit at the
island with a bowl of grilled chicken salad, my jealousy simmering with
him away and her near me. She stands by the sink, a pile of dirty dishes on
the side, and I meet her gaze before she runs the water.
“I’ll take care of that.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Ms. Morales. Leave them.”
Turning the faucet off, she places one hand on the counter ledge and the
other on her hip. “You know, you’re really good at giving whiplash.”
I deserve that.
“You’re off duty, and most of those dishes are mine.”
She nods a few times, slowly slides the sleeves of her cropped sweater
up to her elbows, then grabs a plate. “Okay, are we gonna talk about
I huff a laugh, staring into my salad that’s starting to wilt from the warm
chicken, and stuff a large portion into my mouth so we can both play
stubborn—though I enjoy playing with her.
“Hm, would you like some quinoa with that salad, Mr. Anderson?” she
asks, washing the first dish.
“Still judging my menu choices?”
Silent for a beat as she scrubs a pan, she meets my stare and says softly,
“I’m not trying to judge you, Carter. I’ve been respectful of your rules.
However, all I’m asking for is creative freedom in a space I’m well
equipped. Where Garret can experience different cultural meals, and please
don’t use his age as an argumental point because I was one-year-old
munching Platano Asado on my grandmother’s hip while she cooked for a
family of five.”
“Comparing your upbringing to another household unable to experience
the same is not a good standpoint.” I pierce a cucumber and tomato before
adding, “Though I may not relate to your point of view on this subject, I’ll
consider your request for future meals since Garret has shown interest.”
A slight smile lifts her lips, and she licks them, my pulse rising as she
rinses the last of the dishes before looking at me. “Thank you.” Placing the
utensil in the drying side of the sink, she wipes her hands on a dish rag, then
walks to my side. “There’s a container in the fridge with a portion of
leftovers. Pop it into the microwave and enjoy, if you choose.”
With that, she leaves the room.

I have a date tonight. Well, if one can call two good friends going out for
drinks on a Saturday night a date. When Cole invited me to one of his
favorite spots last night, I couldn’t say no. I’ll go anywhere with him to hear
more of his laughter, to pick his brain, as he does mine. My giddiness
increases, and so does Garret’s jumping as he giggles, bouncing high to
land on his butt.
“Garret, it’s 8:30. Aren’t you tired?”
“No,” he says, panting while standing and his mattress creaking as he
bounces more.
“Where did all this energy come from?”
“I don’t know.”
I reach for him, to which he runs away laughing, and I gasp as he falls
face-first near the edge, almost giving me a heart attack. “Ay, dios mío—I
With a big grin, he stares me down, going right back to his feet, and I
groan, pressing my face into his pillow. Cole will be here soon, and I’m
nowhere near ready. Garret stops jumping, the mattress dipping as he gets
close to me, and I pop up—grabbing him before he gets away.
He squeals as I tickle his ribs. “Do you give up?”
Garret shakes his head, his dimples appearing as I blow raspberries on
his stomach, making him giggle louder and wiggle to the side. “Okay, okay,
I give up!”
I grin while hovering to his right, smoothing my thumb along his
flushed cheek as his laughter slowly subsides, and I can’t help kissing his
dimple when he smiles. Taking this job, I didn’t know how hard I’d fall for
this little boy, and the thought of something happening where I’d never see
him again creates an ache in my chest.
“Shelly? Can I sleep with you today?” he asks, touching one of the
curly strands framing my face.
“You could, but since your bed is the comfiest, how about I stay here
with you instead?”
Straightening my stance, I wait for Garret to get under the covers and lie
beside him on his pillow as he turns to face me. My heart melts when he
touches my cheek before wrapping his arm around my neck, and I draw him
in a hug, resting my chin on his head. I’ve yet to know anything about his
mother and often wonder if Garret has ever experienced maternal touch.
I’m not here to replace her by any means, but I can’t help drawing him
closer, keeping him bundled safely in my arms.
Garret’s breathing deepens as a few moments pass, and I stay another
until carefully slipping out of his grip, kissing his forehead, then switching
his night light to low before leaving his room. Grabbing my phone once I
enter mine, I reply to Cole’s missed text that I’ll be ready in thirty minutes
and jump in the shower with my hair tied to wash up quickly.
Since we’re keeping tonight casual, I pull on my best dark ripped skinny
jeans, tucking in a thin grey long-sleeve top that crosses at the breast,
accentuating my cleavage with the help of a pushup bra. Keeping my
makeup natural, I finish the look with a slicked-back high ponytail,
separating my curls to make them bigger. Happy with my overall look, I
slip into a pair of white chucks and walk downstairs with a few minutes to
The lights are on in Carter’s office, so I head to the foyer and knock
twice. There’s no answer, so I try again, checking the knob on the left side
to ease the door open. The room is vacant, so I head inside, grab a sticky
note, and quickly jot down that Garret’s asleep. Though he doesn’t need to
know my business, I add that I’m stepping out for a few hours, just in case
Garret wakes up looking for me.
Sticking the note on his laptop, I head for the exit, my stomach
fluttering when the doorbell rings, then sinks once Carter comes down the
foyer stairs slipping on a t-shirt. Getting a peek at his abs above his gym
shorts. He slows his steps as he catches me leaving his office with my hands
clasped, his dark gaze roaming over my body before he answers the door.
Cole enters a second later, the butterflies returning full force. He’s a few
inches taller than Carter, built wider, his navy Henley shirt is form-fitted to
his muscular chest, and his thighs fill out his light straight-cut jeans. What
has me staring hardest is his freshly shaped beard and lineup, his sandy
blond hair neatly tied back.
“Didn’t know you were coming tonight,” Carter says, shaking Cole’s
hand as he holds it out.
He looks my way after closing the door, his icy gaze drinking me in as
he walks toward me, blowing out a deep breath through his mouth. “Wow,
you look incredible.”
“Thanks, Cole.”
“Are you ready to leave?”
I nod, walking ahead of him once he gestures me forward by the small
of my back. Carter’s leaning against the stone wall, his chin lowered while
watching us, and I give him a slight wave as we pass, leaving the house.
“You’re gonna love this place,” Cole says, opening the passenger door
for me, and I sit inside.
I glance at the house when the light in Carter’s office turns off then
focus on Cole as he starts the car. “You alright, Gorgeous?” he asks, shifting
gears to leave the driveway.
“Yeah. Did Carter seem upset to you when we left?”
“Could be. He’s hard to read sometimes.” Peeking at me and then back
to the road, he adds, “Why do you ask?”
“I’m telling myself the reason he’s upset is because I went into his
office without his permission.”
“But you know the true reason is because you’re out with me right
I furrow my brows, picking at my thumb nail. “Wouldn’t Carter have
said something then?”
Cole reaches across the center console, holding out his right hand for
me to take, and I place my left palm on him as he gently squeezes,
intertwining our fingers. “Listen, when Carter wants something, nothing
stops him from achieving his goal. If he hasn't, then there’s likely an
obstacle or wall keeping him from reaching.”
In other words, if Carter wanted me, I wouldn’t be in Cole’s car right
now. “Can we play the radio, please?”
“Sure. Anything specific?”
“Whatever you enjoy listening to.”
He nods, alternative rock playing from his Spotify, and I smile,
watching outside as some of my favorite early 2000s bands play. The entire
ride Cole only left my hand to shift gears, and each time he’d return until
we parked. I must’ve not been paying attention since the place we arrive at
is the same bar Jessie and I frequent. Though I guess it makes sense since I
did meet Carter here.
There’s a private beach only a short walk from the lot through a
pathway ahead, and sometimes I’ll stroll along the shore after a night of
vigorous dancing to cool my heated skin. Unwind my mind. Tonight I feel
like dancing, but a short walk beforehand seems like a good idea to clear
my head first.
I look at Cole, who’s carefully watching me before he asks, “Wanna
take a walk?”
Smirking, I lean in close to kiss his cheek. “So you’re a mind reader
“Hmm, nah,” he chuckles, shifting to face me. “I’ve told you I’m
observant, and you seem like you could use fresh air.”
“A breath of fresh air and good company.”
“That you are.”
I breathe in his sweet woodsy scent with how close we are, his face only
a few inches from mine, and when his icy gaze flicks to my mouth, I inch
closer to lay the lightest, most barely pressed kiss to his lips. Inching away
from him, I grin when Cole grips the back of my neck, stopping my retreat.
“You wanna try that again?” Not a question, but a statement—his voice
low, gritty, and promising.
So I crawl over the center console to straddle his lap. My heartbeat
accelerates that someone may be watching, but when he grips my hip and
glides down my thigh while I hover over his mouth. The outside world no
longer exists. There’s only Cole and I. His gaze falls heavy as he tips his
head, his breath deepening, mingling with mine. Touching his chest, I glide
to the sides of his neck and thread my fingers into his hair to remove the
elastic from his long strands.
How I like him.
One firm peck. That’s all Cole needs before crashing me back to his
lips, inhaling a sharp breath through his nose as he takes control, grunting
with the brush of my tongue against his to deepen our kiss. And damn, can
he kiss. He glides his large hands to my hips, and I break away from his
mouth with a moan, my head bucking backward as he grinds me onto his
rising dick.
“Cole,” I pant, my chest pressing forward while my palm hits the roof
as I slowly rock for more. “Fuck, you feel so good—”
He makes me look at him by cradling my cheek, lust filling those light
blue hues while he breathes harder through his nose. Stopping my advance,
he drags my bottom lip from my teeth with the pad of his thumb to press
one more kiss.
“Time for air.”
I hum, nuzzling my nose along his before mumbling, “Okay.”
We sit for long moments, Cole handing me my wristlet from the
passenger seat before opening the driver’s door, and I slip outside first, the
air a lot cooler than inside the humid car. The pathway to the beach is
straight ahead, and I don’t wait for Cole.
Removing my shoes and socks once I reach the sand, I place them along
the edge. Waves crash against the shoreline in the distance, the sound crisp
and soothing. I stroll toward the lullaby, keeping a good distance from the
water, and look to my left when Cole wraps his arm around my shoulders,
drawing me into his side as we walk.
A few meters down, there’s a group of people hanging around a fire pit,
others in the water with surfboards, waiting for the right moment to ride
their next wave. It must be peaceful out there, drifting with the current,
listening to the ocean.
“Cole, where’s your favorite place to be?”
He stays quiet, and I tip my head to look at him before he says, “My
grandparents’ house.”
“Are you close with them?”
“We were very close. Every Sunday since I can remember, my
grandparents would host a family barbecue in their backyard, and those are
where some of my best memories come from.”
“Hm, now I understand your steak and barbecue ribs condition. You
were spoiled,” I tease, and he releases a hearty chuckle, drawing me tighter
into his side.
“Very, though I had no choice with my Gram. She enjoyed spoiling her
grandkids, but I was her favorite.” His wink makes me giggle.
“Do you still keep the tradition?”
“Somewhat. Once in a while, my brothers and I will get together at our
parent’s house since our grandparents passed away a few years ago. My
mom will stay awake late planning everything from what she’ll bake all
morning to the meat my dad grills after he sets the backyard. No matter how
many times I offer to help her, she’ll decline and send me away to relax by
the fire pit. I love her for trying to recreate the memories, even if it’s not the
same without my grandparents there.”
“I’m sorry for your loss. Your family sounds lovely.”
“Thank you.” We stop strolling, and Cole smiles, bending to kiss me
softly. “They would’ve loved you,” he whispers, resuming our walk. “Have
you spoken to your mom since Jersey?”
Mom is not a subject I want to think about today. “Yeah. She’s called a
few times, though our last conversation didn’t go over too well the other
day. Most of the time she’s overbearing, and she doesn’t realize she’s doing
it. To her, she’s helping, which I understand deep down that’s her motive,
but wanting it done her way, on her timeline, is stressful. No matter how I
try to explain myself to her, she doesn’t hear me. Because she’s stuck in her
mindset. How do you get through to someone like that?”
Cole nods, drifting his arm to my waist. “That’s tough. You’d think
distancing yourself across the country would be her wake-up call.”
I huff a laugh. “Yeah. She definitely became a wake-up call every
morning when I first moved. She only stopped after she and my dad got into
an argument after several weeks of constant harassment. I’m not sure what
he said, but a lot between them changed after that.” I grit my teeth, blinking
away a few stinging tears, and say, with a shaky tone, “Sometimes I feel
like I caused the wedge between them for leaving. You know? Because they
were on good terms before I left.”
“Hey….” Cole stops me from walking, wiping under my eyes with his
thumbs. “No. You’re not to blame for your parents’ hardship. Only they are
responsible for their happiness. Just as we are responsible for our own—
only you can bring yourself contentment. If that’s by self-love, eating good
food, slow dancing into the night while allowing someone to experience the
enjoyment with you.”
Smiling, I nod, pressing into his chest. “Thank you. You always have
the right words to say to make me feel better.”
“Nah, words are nothing but jumbled letters.” He tips my chin again.
“It’s the actions behind them allowing our words to have meaning.”
“Okay, philosopher. So you’re saying we can only deem a kiss, a kiss
until after someone’s been kissed?”
He chuckles, his gaze flicking to my mouth before he cups my cheek.
I lift onto my toes, our lips almost touching. “Then you better get some
action behind those words to make them true.”
His brows furrow as I take off running up the beach, my laughter loud
in the night as he pursues my advance and catches me midway to the
entrance by my waist. “You gotta be quicker than that.”
“If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that, I’d be one dollar richer.”
“Are you saying you’ve finally been caught?”
“I don’t know.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “Have I?”
Cole breathes in deeply, drawing me flush to him while hovering over
my mouth, and as I wait for his soft lips to touch mine, he gives me the
lightest, most barely pressed kiss. “I think it’s time we go inside for a
“I agree.”
We intertwine our fingers while walking to the bar, grabbing our shoes
along the way. Tipsy Duck Tavern is packed as always, and once two stools
become vacant, we glance at each other, making a beeline to them as two
women get the same idea. One of them rolls her eyes as we take our seats,
and the other pulls her friend to another spot.
Cole leans in close to my ear, his arm snaking around my hip. “What’s
your poison?”
“Depends. Are we getting straight to the point tonight or taking our
“Let’s go slow.”
Once Ralph looks our way, he nods as I raise two fingers, then comes
over with a Long Island in both hands a moment later.
“Hey, Shelby. Open tab?”
“Yes,” Cole answers for me, and Ralph nods before moving on to
another patron.
“So you’re a regular here?” Cole asks, removing the straw from his
glass. “Small world.”
I shrug, taking my first sip. “Once a month.”
Drinking half his tea, Cole exhales deeply while glancing around the
crowded room as if he’s searching through each individual before returning
his focus to me.
“You okay?”
“Hm?” he says, holding my thigh while finishing his tea.
“Nothing. Do you enjoy dancing?”
“Get a few drinks in me, and I will.”
Giggling, I place my hand over his, bringing his palm closer to my hip.
“Good because these were made for dancing.”
We have a few more drinks, one I’ll never try again, another I’ll likely
order next time to switch up my regular order, and as I sip on drink number
four, I check the time—three hours have passed since we left the house, and
it doesn’t feel that long. Shows how much I enjoy our conversations.
Ralph returns Cole’s card before increasing the music volume, and I
glide my hand up Cole’s bicep as he places the plastic in his wallet,
watching the crowd flood the middle of the room. Tracing the black ink on
his arm, I slip underneath his short sleeve to get a better look, and he finally
turns toward me.
“What’s your tattoo mean?” I ask, leaning close to his ear.
“It’s a secret message.”
“Oh? Are you gonna tell me?”
“I’d rather show you the meaning. One day.”
Tilting my head to the side, I trail my finger down his arm. “I guess I
won’t tell you what mine is then.”
One of his brows lifts a notch. “Where’s yours?”
I stand, nestling between his legs as he shifts to face me. “Where do you
think it is?” He points to my hip. “Cold,” I say, and he glides his palm down
the back of my thigh. “Colder.” My heart beats faster as he moves up my
ass, swerves across, and up the plains of my stomach before proceeding to
the middle of my back. “Hm, warm, but not quite.”
Cole licks his lips, his gaze falling heavy as he slides over my ribs, his
thumb resting just below my breast. “Hot?” he asks.
“On fire.” I smirk, placing a peck on the corner of his mouth. “Wanna
Taking Cole’s hand, I follow close behind him as we weave through the
sea of patrons, and he stops in the middle, turning to face me as Wild
Thoughts plays over the speakers. Bodies slow to a grind around us as
Rihanna sings. I step close to Cole, straddling his thigh to circle my hips
and roll my body against him. He matches my flow, holding just above my
ass to the nape of my neck, and I tip back my head as the melody and liquor
effects take control of me.
Winding my body to the beat, I face away from him, pressing my ass
into his dick, continuing to grind, which he has no trouble keeping up. The
music transitions to Wild Side by Normani, and I anchor my arm behind his
neck, pressing my entire back to his front as he holds my pelvis, the other
trailing to my neck, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. I moan
when he takes hold of my throat, panting while tilting my head back on his
chest, and he kisses my pulse, humming against my skin while dragging his
nose up to my ear.
“You smell damn good,” he says in his raspy tone, and if we weren't in
the middle of the bar, I’d be on my knees for him.
Instead, I don’t hold back.
I give him all of me, every inch of my body melting into him, moving
his hand to my breast, his dick quickly rising from my raunchy moves.
“Shelby….” Cole’s voice gets deeper, his breathing heavy on my neck.
“Fuck,” he groans, slipping his hand between my thighs to cup my pussy
and keep me close.
The spark between us ignites a fire deep within, and I no longer want to
grind on the dance floor. “I’m getting hot. Can we leave?”
“Are you okay?”
I nod, grabbing his hand and leading him to the exit. Lifting my curls
from my neck, I moan as the fresh air hits my heated skin, but the fire Cole
lit still burns within as he guides me to his car by the small of my back,
opening my door before I can get it.
“Thank you.”
Cole smirks as I sit inside, then he shuts my door, jogging around to the
driver’s side. I lay my seat back a bit as he shifts gears to reverse, then
drives. “Been a while since I drove in a manual.”
“You know your way around a stick?”
“My dad taught me how to drive in one. Though I love old-school cars,
I prefer to drive an automatic.”
Shifting gears again, Cole slows at a stoplight, placing his hand on my
thigh over the holes in my jeans. I squeeze my legs together, my heart
racing as he trails his fingers across my skin, my breathing deepening when
he fits two fingers inside the fabric. I should’ve worn shorts.
This stoplight is incredibly too short as he retakes the shift, continuing
with our drive. “Did you have a good time tonight?” he asks, shifting his
I kick off my shoes, place my feet on his lap, and lean against the door.
“Yes, but my feet are feeling sore,” I lie.
He glances at me every so often, trying to keep his eyes on the road,
then his grip on the stick tightens as I rub my feet together. “Gorgeous, if
you continue with that, I can’t promise this date will end at Carter’s
Smirking, I continue with my tease. “I’ve got work in the morning, and
I don’t think he’d appreciate me skipping out on my early duties.”
“Do you work every day?”
“I don’t normally on Sundays, but I still enjoy my morning routine with
Garret, making breakfast together, then Carter will be around for the rest of
the day. Though sometimes he has work to get done, and he’ll pay me
overtime to watch him.”
Cole shakes his head. “I tell him often he’ll dig himself into an early
grave if he doesn’t take time off.”
“Aren’t you in the same line of work? Why isn’t your schedule just as
He glides his palm along my calf. “I’ve tried the design aspect like
Carter, interned at a big commercial firm in New York right out of school.
They hired me. Started making a decent living, but the job became too
much. I barely had time to sleep, never mind enjoy my success.” He glances
at me. “Carter asked me to join him once I moved back here. I agreed but
only to work on the technical aspects.”
“What type of business do you take?”
“Mostly residential, but we’re expanding. We have two other architects
and four interns on board—the interior design portion of the company is a
whole other team.” He sighs, his grip on the wheel tightening for a second
before he relaxes his hand. “As of right now, several projects are shuffling
between our associates while Carter and I focus on finalizing our first
commercial contract.”
I grin. “So, the meeting with my uncle went well then?”
“Yes, but circumstances can change at any minute.”
Removing my feet, I straighten my stance and take hold of his hand.
“Do you think the CEO will bail?”
“I hope not. Though Carter and I have the training, it’s the experience
that’s the tricky part, on top of being young in our profession. Big
businesses are unlikely to go with inexperienced firms who’ve mostly
worked residential. Who’s saying they won’t end up changing their mind?”
“Well, everyone at some point is new, labeled inexperienced until they
get that one person to take a chance on them. I believe this will be your
opportunity to push the firm to the next level.”
Smiling, Cole brings my knuckles to his lips to kiss. “Wow, you’re
We stay quiet, listening to the music playing over the radio, and his
fingers only leave mine to change gears. A song of Absolute Sin comes on,
and I turn the volume up, singing along with the gritty voice of the lead
singer, Arsen Sinclair.
Cole peeks over at me, still smiling. “You like this band?”
I don’t usually sing in front of people, but his easy-going personality
helps me let loose—being tipsy is probably the other reason. “Mmhm. Sin
is my favorite rock band right now. I do enjoy the classics too. I grew up
listening to a variety of genres, and Rock is what my uncle enjoyed while I
spent time with him.”
Once he pulls into Carter’s driveway, he taps the code and parks by the
front door.
“Thank you for tonight. I had a great time,” I say, trailing my fingertips
along the hairs on his forearm.
“You have no idea how much I enjoy spending time with you, Shelby.
Talking with you is effortless and so damn refreshing.”
I bite my lip to suppress my grin. “There you go using words again.”
He chuckles, staring out the windshield, lifting his arm behind the
headrest as he sighs. “I worry about him most days.”
Tipping his head to the right, he adds, “I’ve known Carter since I was
fifteen. We’re the same age, went to the same school, yet grew up in two
different worlds where one of us had to grow thick skin to survive—that
person wasn’t me.” I furrow my brows, clasping my hands on my lap as he
stares intently at me. “I need to be honest with you.”
“You’ve been hurt.”
His shoulders sag as he releases a heavy breath. “You’re incredible,
Shelby. Really fucking incredible, and beautiful, and smart—”
“But you’re not searching for a relationship right now.”
“I can’t.” He closes his eyes, rubbing along the bridge of his nose. “I’m
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I do. But not today. One day if you’re still here with me.”
“Oh, Cole,” I whisper, maneuvering to sit on his lap, but this time we
hug, Cole resting his face in the crook of my neck as he tightens our
embrace. “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what title we hold.”
He draws back until our face is close, an arm secured around my waist
and holding my cheek. Anyone watching from the outside would believe us
to be a couple about to kiss, but as I stare into Cole’s heavy gaze, I see so
much more than a lover. He’s become my best friend, who I really really
want to kiss.
So I do.
I want to kiss him even if we never move past the friendship stage. To
hold him close, and feel safe in each other’s arms, no doubt the other person
will disappear from their life when situations arise. That if either of us gets
to a point where we move on to other people, we are friends, first and
foremost. And that would never change.
Cole hums when we part, and I bite my lip as I smile, leaving one last
peck before resting against the car door, saying, “That was nice. I really
enjoy making words with you.”
A deep chuckle leaves him, and he shakes his head. “I think it’s bed
time for you.”
I pout, but he’s right. It’s almost 2:00 in the morning. “If I must.”
Popping the door open, he waits for me to maneuver around, and step
outside before following me to the front, where I unlock the door, then face
“Have a good night, Gorgeous.” He kisses my cheek. “See you soon.”
“Goodnight, Cole.”
He jogs to his car and waves before driving away. Locking the door, I
drop my items in the dish, strolling toward the main floor in the darkness
with a huge grin on my face as I think back to tonight. My mouth is
parched, so I head for the kitchen first, grabbing cold water from the fridge
—drinking half the bottle to try sobering quicker.
An odd sound comes from the living room hallway, and I follow the
grunting noises to the gym room. The lights are on, and inside is Carter,
shirtless, striking a punching bag with sweat pouring off his face and
landing around him. His moves are swift and precise, so focused that he
doesn’t realize I’m standing here until he stops to grab a drink, which is
definitely not water.
Carter halts the glass at his lips, his gaze darkening the longer he stares
at me. Downing the rest of the Whiskey, he drops the empty glass on the
counter with a loud thump and exits the room through the side door leading
into the backyard. My heart pounds with an immense pull to follow him,
and I do as he rounds the corner heading toward the outdoor pool shower.
He glances at me before turning the knob, water trickling from the
showerhead until the pressure comes in full force, and I press my palm into
the sharp edge of the brick wall when he slips his shorts off, entering the
stream with no hesitation. My mouth falls slack as I take in every well-
defined inch of him, from the curve of his muscular ass to the length of his
dick growing harder by the second, and he tips his head back under the
water to slick his hair from his forehead.
The logical side of my brain should be screaming to turn away, but I
can’t—watching him from a mere ten feet away. My breathing hitches when
he palms his shaft, electricity shooting through every nerve ending once his
attention turns to long steady strokes, causing me to moan. Carter meets my
heavy gaze for a split second before shutting his eyes, releasing a low groan
while quickening his slick pumps, using the wall to ground himself.
“Fuck—” he breathes, inhaling sharply through his teeth before
exhaling loudly, widening his stance while working his thick girth, and I
knead my leg, squeezing to suppress the pulsing sensation wreaking havoc
between my thighs.
Head falling back, Carter’s moans turn to gruff pants, the water
cascading onto his chest, ass clenching while fucking his fist, and the urge
to get closer to him follows until he stops his quickened pumps, slowly
stroking below the tip as he comes, grunting with each shudder.
Watching Carter’s cum jerk from his dick to the ground has to be the
most erotic scene I’ve witnessed. Ever.
He switches off the water, pressing his head on his forearms to catch his
breath, and I feel like a creeper, ashamed of myself for peeping in on his
private moment—my boss’s private moment. So I leave, quicken my steps
through the darkness, straight for my bedroom, and lock the door behind
me. The scene of Carter replays in my mind as I close my eyes and lean
back on the wooden surface, unable to remove the image as I continue to
feel the effects his actions hold on me.
Shit, this isn’t good.

Today’s a day for coffee, but unfortunately, there is none. With only four
restless hours of sleep, I’m running on autopilot as I cook breakfast for
Garret and dig out yet another eggshell from the pan.
“Shelly, I’m hungry.”
“Okay,” I mumble, rubbing my face as I lean my elbows onto the
counter. “Give me a minute, please.”
“I don’t want eggs. I want dinosaur pancakes!”
I take a deep breath as I get back to scrambling. “Today’s scrambled
eggs with toast and fruit.”
“But I want pancakes,” he whines.
Tough luck, kid—creative Shelby’s not in service right now.
Once everything’s decently plated, I walk over to an arms crossed,
scowling four-year-old. “Eat,” I say, and he shakes his head. “Your
breakfast will get cold if you don’t.”
“Garret….” I rake my fingers through my knotted curls having no desire
to manage them this morning. “I’ll make them tomorrow. I promise.”
He cries, kicking his feet, and with my patience already thin, I groan,
yelling, “Please, will you just eat!” Garret pouts, his brows moving close
together as real tears brim his baby blues, and I instantly feel like shit. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
Too late to take back my tone, I sigh as Garret runs toward the living
room, sliding my palm down my face before following him—I halt my step
at the foyer banister when Garret meets Carter standing by the foot of the
stairs, my heart skipping when he lowers to lift his crying son into his arms.
I can’t look away from the beautiful picture below of Garret hugging Carter
tight, his little arms wrapped around his father’s neck, and cheek resting on
his shoulder. I’ve never seen them embrace like this before.
Carter rubs Garret’s back, and I step out of range when he looks around,
then walk straight into the kitchen to clean. A few moments later, Garret
returns, hugs my leg, then sits in his spot to eat breakfast. I say nothing in
case his mood switches back. Once he finishes, Garret carefully brings his
plate and silverware over to me.
“I’m done.”
“I see. Good job.”
He gives me a closed smile. “I’m gonna play now.”
“Okay. Want me to come with you?”
“No. Daddy says you need a nap.”
I smile, pulling my bottom lip in with my teeth—well, he’s not wrong.
“I’ll be in here if you need me. Maybe we’ll nap later.”
“Good idea,” he says, trailing his fingers along the island cabinets, on
the way to the playroom.
I’m glad he’s in a better mood, and the same can be said for Carter
entering the kitchen with his hair neatly styled, clean shaven, wearing a
tight black polo shirt that hugs his muscular torso, and those khaki’s…isn’t
he working today?
He doesn’t seem tired at all, which I’m sure he got the same hours of
sleep as me, maybe less. The images of last night are still on my mind as he
strolls toward the fridge, grabs a peach from the produce drawer, and finally
meets my gaze when I step back for him to wash the fruit.
“Carter….” I whisper, and my lips part when he lifts the peach to his
mouth, taking a juicy sizable bite.
His deep hum as he eats spikes my pulse, and I can’t look away once he
laps the sweetness off his lips with his tongue before saying, “I’m taking the
Mercedes to get serviced today. Use the BMW if you need to.” Then drops
the key on the counter, taking another bite while exiting the room.
Is he acting like last night never happened, or is he toying with me for
watching him?
Recollections of his moans spring forward, and I release a long breath,
leaning into the island to get my mind straight because fantasizing about my
boss won’t do me any good with the likelihood of my job on the line—we
need to discuss what happened, so I round the corner just as the front door
closes. Heading to the dining room above the office, I watch him get in my
car and speed out of the driveway. Not a moment later, Caroline dives
through the gate, which is odd since she’s not scheduled to be here until
Walking down to the foyer, I open the door for her. “Good morning,
Shelby,” she says with a bright smile.
“Hey, here on a Sunday? I thought you switched to Monday and
“Yes, but I asked Mr. Anderson if I could come today. Tomorrow’s my
30th Anniversary, and my husband has something special planned.”
“Oh, that sounds nice. I hope you have a great time.”
“Thank you, dear.”
“I’ll let you get to work.”
She nods, and we both go about our duties.

Two hours pass and Carter’s still out. Garret’s taking a nap, though I’m
wide awake with my mind working double time. I put him down for a much
needed break and wanted to get some words in since my enemies-to-lovers
story has grown considerably, though I ended up cleaning the mess from
lunch instead. Caroline walks into the kitchen as I wipe my hands dry and
places her cleaning supplies on the counter.
“Hey, I kinda went overboard with the chili. Would you like a bowl?”
“Smells great. Why not.”
“Any toppings?”
“I’m not picky. Make the dish how you’d eat it.”
“Okay.” Grabbing a bowl, I scoop a heaping amount of meat and beans
inside—Mrs. Jetty’s recipe isn’t bad, though I add sour cream, shredded
cheddar, and scallions, layering sliced avocado on top to give the chili more
“Thank you,” she says as I place the bowl in front of her. “Mm, tastes
even better. Did you already eat?”
“I’m not hungry right now.” I take the seat beside her. “How long have
you worked for Carter, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Four years full-time, five total. In the beginning, I cleaned his home a
few times a month, and he asked me to come full-time after Mrs. Anderson
—well, that’s not important.”
My brows raise at the mention of Carter’s ex-wife. “Did something
happen between them?”
She eats another bite, looking at me intently. “Why do you ask, dear?”
“Um, just curious is all.”
With a pointed stare, she shakes her head while finishing her mouth full.
“I’m going to share a piece of advice with you,” she says, threading her
fingers together above the bowl. “In my thirty-five years of working, I’ve
learned that nothing good comes from involving yourself in your
employer’s personal life. I suggest you focus on your job and leave
curiosity at the door.”
Hard to do that when you live with your boss.
“I’m keeping work professional—at least the best I can.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Only eating half the bowl, she stands, placing her spoon along the rim.
“Thank you. Lunch was delicious, but I must go now.” I nod as she rounds
the island. “Have a good day, Shelby.”
“You too.”
There’s so much I want to ask, yet she’s right about not getting into
Carter’s affairs. Since the kitchen is clean and Garret’s still asleep in his
room, I clear the island, then head upstairs to check on him. Entering mine
next, I sit on the bed by the wall and fire up my laptop. I’m about 50k
words in, and my characters Parish and Avery are at the point of their first
hate-sex scene after she tried to stab him. Again. I had no issues with the
meaningless sex in chapter one, but I’m struggling with how I should
initiate the transition from slow burn hate to burning love.
Leaning against the headboard, I close my eyes, trying to picture the
scene I want to write and blocking out ones of Carter because the
inspiration from my boss should only go so far. Their passion needs to
come naturally, and there’s nothing worse than robotic, I loathe your
existence, fucking. It’s been awhile since I’ve been that passionate with a
man. Shit, have I ever had mind-blowing sex with anyone?
Cole’s the first guy I kissed in months—well, besides my Whiskey
moment. I groan, hitting the back of my head against the wooden surface
behind me, then stare at my phone before aimlessly scrolling through social
media reels.
You’re procrastinating.
Switching to Google instead, I type in the search bar, “Sexy morally
grey men with dark hair and brown eyes.”
Various aesthetics pop up, and I click on a few images, staring at their
sculpted bodies and how I picture Parish—strong, veiny tattooed hands that
wrap well around his woman’s throat, wanting to wring the life out of her
for being so stubborn. Though he has a troubled past, Avery’s the one with
tainted blood. A born killer set out to do her father’s dirty bidding.
Even though the man who inspired him is more grumpy than grey, I
enter Instagram to search for his name, and warmth flushes my body when
a personal profile comes up of Carter, likely in his early twenties. I smile
while scrolling through the few photos of his youth and college days, some
with Cole. Most of his posts are far apart date-wise, which either he didn’t
post often, or he deleted a bunch of images. I exit the app once I reach the
end and pull up my texts with Jessie for help.
I’m stuck.

A few seconds pass with her reply.

Am I to guess where?
Hm, in traffic….
In line at the grocery store….
Your boss’s bed after having passionate sex all morning that
you can’t walk….
Am I getting close?

I roll my eyes and type:

No. With my book. Parish and Avery are about to have their
first intimate scene, and I’m drawing a blank.

Well, there’s one way to get inspiration.


Sheesh. I was gonna say Pornhub, but that works too.
Naughty girl.

She sends a winking emoji with the tongue sticking out, and I snort a
I’ll put the story aside for now. Maybe inspiration will sprout
throughout the day.

Yes, when Bossman gets home.


Love you! And I’m impatiently waiting for the next chapter.

Smirking, I exit the app and stare at my cluttered home screen.

I got time.
With a research purpose mindset, I go to the balcony, leave the sliding
door open wide, then get comfortable in my chair before entering Pornhub
with my volume low. How rough should their intimacy time be? They can’t
stop their gravitational pull, with months of tension between them, so they
should be explosive at first touch.
I skim through the categories and click on Amature, wanting that raw,
unscripted passion. Skipping through a few, I stop on one that labels
extreme rough sex, with a couple who resemble my characters a bit. The
man’s tattooed all along his arms and chest, and he’s carrying his woman
before dropping her on the bed, his long dick bobbing, ready to fuck.
His voice is deep and gritty when he tells her to shut her fucking mouth,
and her tone is soft, almost purr-like, when she says make me. She opens
her legs wide for him, but the man doesn’t start there. He grabs her by the
hair and forces his dick into her mouth where she can barely take him.
My eyes widen, and pulse increases when he grunts while thrusting
deeper—I fast forward to the woman moaning loudly with his face between
her thighs.
Gaze feeling heavy, I swallow deeply when the man pulls back, then
grabs the video camera for a close-up of her pussy as he licks and sucks on
her clit. I shift in my seat and skip some more until he’s back in her mouth.
“Damn, let the girl breathe,” I giggle, my cheeks feeling hot.
“That’s right, you take my cock to the back of your fucking throat.” The
woman hums, working faster. “Mm, yes. Play with your pu—”
The sound cuts off mid-word, and I furrow my brows, increase the
volume button, then fast forward a few seconds to see if their mic got cut
off since the video quality isn’t the greatest. Stopping on the man fucking
her on top, I purse my lips with the silent moans coming from each person,
though I keep watching since their drive is perfect, and this way I’ll have
creative will. Great for constructing dialogue.
He flips his woman like she’s weightless, slapping her asscheek hard,
the recoil sexy as fuck before he grips her hips and bucks his head back
while sinking inside from behind. Her ass shakes with every deep thrust,
mouth parted, and he wraps his hand around her throat, making her suck on
his fingers, saying something through gritted teeth, and she nods, his grip
tightening as she arches.
I tilt my phone at his new position when he flips, pins her legs by her
head, then I glance back into my room while listening for Garret. Maybe I
should do this later.
A text from Carter drops from the top of my screen, and my cheeks
burn, pulling the quick message box down.
Ms. Morales.

I reply right away.


The ellipsis shows a few times before his new text.

Where are you?

My balcony?

You’re on the clock.

I raise a brow.
Am I not allowed to take a break while Garret’s napping?

The ellipsis comes and goes again, so I return to my research, my pulse

spiking when sharp moaning blasts through, and I quickly click my phone
off—a car alarm beeps in the distance, and I glance over the edge of the
balcony as Carter stalks toward the house from the Mercedes. I blink a few
times before pins and needles spread across my skin.
Please, please tell me my Bluetooth didn’t connect to the car speakers
when Carter—
“Oh, my God….”
Shooting from my seat, I blankly stare around while contemplating, my
hands shaking before I pull up Jessie’s contact and call her.
“Hey, did you end up getting—”
“I think Carter heard me playing porn from my balcony when he drove
into the driveway.”
“From the balcony?”
“Bluetooth, my phone connects automatically to his car, and I had ass
clapping on full volume!”
Jessie gasps. “Holy shit—I fucking love technology.”
“Jessie!” I harshly whisper while I stride into my room, gripping my
hair. “I have to face him after this and while I’m on the clock too.”
My phone buzzes, and my heart sinks as I swipe the screen, finding
another text notification from Carter.
Meet me in my office.

“I’m getting fired.”

“What?” I drop my phone on the bed to hide my face in my hands.
Grabbing the phone, I say, “I’ll call you back.” Then end the call.
I wander to the foyer—the office door is open, so I enter without
knocking since Carter’s standing by the window. “How much did you
hear?” I ask, and he continues to stare outside without a word.
I don’t like silent Carter. Is he angry? Uncomfortable? Wondering if
hiring me was a poor choice? The gut-wrenching feeling that my
employment is ending soon returns, and leaving Garret makes my chest
tight. But, if he is, then best to get the termination over with now rather than
let the impending decision stew.
“I’ll understand if you don’t want me here anymore.” I chew on my lip,
swallowing the ache in my throat. “I’ll go now before Garret wakes.”
His brows push together, and those russet hues finally meet mine.
“You’re not leaving.”
“But I thought—”
“Ms. Morales, what you do in your personal time, is no business of
I look at my feet, thoroughly confused about the last few instances
between us. “Okay. Then why am I here?”
Walking behind his table, he sits then meets my gaze while taking out a
sketchbook. “Have Garret ready by 2:30, then the rest of the day is yours.”
“Oh….” Furrowing my brows, I ask, “How should I dress him?”
“A polo and khakis pants are fine.”
Matching outfits. That’s adorable.
“Sure. I’ll wake Garret now.”
“Shelby.” I stop at the doorway as I turn to leave, the way my name
rolls off his tongue giving me goosebumps.
He opens his mouth, then closes it just as quickly before he sighs. “I
have no right to tell you how to spend your breaks, but please, be mindful
of your surroundings while doing so, even if Garret’s asleep.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
My stomach stirs with his genuine tone, and I stare at him before
nodding, then leave his office, having forty-five minutes to get Garret ready.
So I hike up the stairs, enter his room, then sit on the edge of the full-size
bed. Taking time to breathe, I release a long relieving breath before stroking
Garret’s back to wake him.
“How was your nap?” I ask when his eyes open.
He rubs them and yawns, “Good.”
“Your dad’s taking you somewhere, so we have to get you dressed.”
“He is?”
“Uh-huh, so let’s get ready quickly.”
“Are you going too?”
“No. Not this time.”
Garret frowns. “I don’t wanna go.”
“You kinda don’t have a choice, bud. Don’t you want to spend time with
your dad?”
“I guess.”
That’s better than no.
“Okay, now let’s go.” Garret’s bathed, dressed, and downstairs with ten
minutes to spare once we enter Carter’s open office. “He’s all set,” I say,
and Garret hugs my leg as we walk further inside. “You sure you want me
to take the day off?”
“Thank you, and yes. We won’t be back for a few hours.”
“Okay….” I look at Garret, his grip loosening as I kneel. “I’ll see you
later. I hope you have fun today.”
“I want you to go, Shelly.”
“Garret, come sit at the desk,” Carter says, and Garret drops his head as
he walks toward the chair. Spending time together will benefit their
relationship—they need to bond. “Ms. Morales.”
“He’ll be fine. Your keys are in the dish if needed.”
“Right. Have a good day.”
Carter doesn’t respond, so I wave to Garret, leave the room, and grab
my wristlet with the keys before walking outside. Sending Jessie a quick
I’m coming over text, I enter the car and drive to the apartment.

“Tell me everything again.”

We part from our hug and sit at the table. Though it’s only been a little
over a month, I miss our apartment and the simpler times. Sometimes I
think about coming back, but that little boy has me wrapped around his
“You already know the gist of what happened.”
“Okay? Did he go all grouch mode on you? Do I need to pay that man a
“No.” I huff a laugh, shaking my head. “And he didn’t. Our relationship
has been better the last few weeks.”
Jessie raises a brow. “Better, how?”
“He’s more…understanding. His attitude simmered a lot where he’s
more pleasant to be around—most days.”
At least it was starting to get better.
“Ooh, pleasant. Tell me more.” She places her chin on her palms while
“Jessie, not that—forget it.”
“What? You can’t express how hot he is, and not expect me to believe
you haven’t tried to get a piece.”
“If you must know, I can keep my panties securely on while around
“Please, tell me how?”
I suppress a laugh but unable to contain my smile with her eagerness.
“For one, he’s all about professionalism in the workplace, nor has Carter
made a move on me.”
Not the truth but also not a lie.
She purses her lips. “I’m having a hard time believing that. Have you
seen yourself?”
“It doesn’t matter anyway. Garret’s too important to jeopardize my job,
so Bossman stays off-limits. Plus, I kinda met someone I haven’t told you
That gets her attention as she perks up. “What? Who?”
I catch Jessie up with the plane story. How Cole works with Carter, and
about our date.
“Oh my—I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner!” Bouncing in her
seat, she adds, “What does he look like?”
I tilt my head to the side and smile. “He towers over me, beardy with
long dark blonde hair, eyes like an intense stormy sky—muscles in all the
right places.”
“Mm, damn, here you are with two hot-as-sin men, and I can’t find one
decent guy.”
Narrowing my eyes, I leer at her, and she knows why. “What are our
plans for today? Carter and Garret won’t be home for a while, so you have
me all day.”
“Can I check out his place? I’ll follow you in my car.”
“Sure. We could go swimming, maybe watch a movie in the theater
Jessie cocks her head with a pointed stare. “Seriously? Now I know why
I haven’t seen you. There’s no need to leave.”
“The house is pretty nice. Go grab your swimsuit, and I’ll meet you

“Wow.” Jessie walks through the living room, taking in every crevice she
passes before staring out the wall window. “Holy shit, that’s the backyard?
Who the hell is this guy?”
“Carter designed this house. He’s very talented at what he does.”
“Talented indeed.”
I get an odd sense of pride for Carter as she admires his hard work.
“Come check out the kitchen.”
“Damn, this room alone puts our apartment to shame, and I love our
kitchen.” She strides to the other glass door. “Now that’s ridiculous. He has
another room outside with a fireplace!”
I chuckle, strolling next to her. “Want to see upstairs?”
“Yes, then I’m jumping in that gorgeous pool.” She can’t contain her
excitement as we walk to the third floor, glancing at Carter’s door on the
left as we head to my room. “Is that Bossman’s room?”
“Yes, and no, I’ve never been inside and don’t plan on returning there
“Long story, I’ll tell you later.” We walk inside mine. “This is my
“Nice…looks very plainish. Nothing like your vibrant room at home.
Why haven’t you decorated?”
I shrug, walking to my dresser. “Doesn’t feel right changing anything.
I’m sure Carter’s ex-wife decorated it.”
Jessie plops onto my bed, lying on her stomach. “The mysterious ex-
wife. Has he brought women over?”
“No. Carter told me he keeps busy and doesn’t have time to date.”
“Doesn’t have to date, but he’s still human. I’m sure he has urges, and it
can’t be easy having a sexy nanny down the hall.”
“Jessie, it’s not my business what or who Carter does either.”
“So you’re telling me for the last few weeks, Carter hasn’t shown any
interest in you? Not one glance, touch, a word that he might be slightly into
Jessie smirks, swinging her feet while I remove my white strapless
swimsuit from the top drawer and head into the bathroom to change without
answering. I come out a few minutes later to Jessie wearing a black thong
“What?” she asks, looking at me through the mirror. “You don’t like this
“No, it looks great on you, but maybe not the best choice for my boss’s
“Right, sorry. I didn’t think about that.”
“It’s fine. We got a few hours alone, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”
I grab two towels from my bathroom, heading for the pool, and Jessie
squeals, holding her nose as she cannonballs into the deep end, water
splashing onto the surrounding concrete. She brushes her hair from her face
and lays back, floating around as the sun shines on her.
“Oh, this is nice.” Keeping my phone nearby, I sit on the edge of the
shallow side, letting my feet soak in the warm water. “You’re not getting
“In a bit.”
She takes a lap around the pool as I lean back to soak in the sun,
peeking an eye open when my phone rings and cursing under my breath,
answering the call on speaker. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hello, Shelby. You never called me back the other day.”
Jessie swims toward me, laying her arms on the pool edge.
“Sorry…I’ve been working. Keeping myself busy.”
“Working where?”
“What do you mean?”
“I called the restaurant, and the manager said you no longer work
I look up to the sky and sigh. “Yeah, unfortunately, Roux didn’t work
“He said you were displaying unprofessional behavior, giving him
attitude, and skipping out on your duties.”
What a lying sack of shit.
“What has gotten into you? What’ll you do now? If word gets around,
then who’ll hire you in the restaurant industry over there?”
“Mom, I don’t want to talk about this right now.”
She laughs. “Well, what’s new? What did I do to deserve a daughter
who doesn’t listen to me?”
I furrow my brows, feeling the tears building as I inhale a deep, shaky
breath, and Jessie places her hand on my knee, mouthing don’t.
“Mom, please stop.”
“Maybe if you’d listen to me for once, you’d know I never wanted to do
any of this.”
“We’re not going back to this writing thing again, are we?”
I stay quiet, then squeal as Jessie drags me into the pool, swimming
closer to the phone. “Sorry, Mrs. Morales.”
“What? Who’s this—”
She ends the call and spins around to me. “Easy fix.”
I roll my eyes and smirk at her. “Thanks”
My phone rings again, and Jessie beats me to it. “Ooh, it’s Bossman.”
“Wait, don’t answer it!”
“I’m not, and neither are you. You’re off duty.”
“What? Give me the phone.” I grab for it, but she holds the device
above her head, having a good five inches on me. She pushes me under the
water, and I suck in a heaping amount, choking on the way up.
“Bossman left a text.” Jessie walks out of the pool and wraps a towel
around her waist, placing my phone on the patio table. “He’s lost his key
and is waiting outside. Want me to get the door?”
I climb the pool stairs huffing and grab my towel, scrunching the ends
of my hair before wrapping my body. “No. You’re staying out here.”
“Fine. Does this mean I get to meet him?”
“You’re lucky I’m not kicking you out with the almost homicide. My
nose hurts.”
She laughs. “Sorry.”
My stomach sinks as the doorbell rings repeatedly. “I’ll be back.”
Rushing inside, I stride to the foyer, hearing Garret’s laughter on the
other side of the door before I open it, and Carter appears with his son
jumping beneath him. He looks annoyed as Garret runs inside, hugging my
legs tight.
“Hey, bud.”
“I saw a big lion! It was scary—why are you all wet?”
Carter sighs, rubbing the side of his face, though his gaze slowly falls
down my towel. “I have to take care of something. Can you watch him until
I return?”
“Sure. Is everything okay?”
He places his hands in his pockets, glancing at the car. “Everything’s
I peek outside—Fiona’s sitting in the passenger seat. What’s he doing
with Garret’s teacher?
“I shouldn’t take long.”
As Carter walks away, I close the door, stride upstairs to the dining
room balcony, and step outside. He looks at me as I reach the railing,
staring for a beat before getting inside the car and driving off.
Is he seeing Fiona?
“Shelby?” I look over my shoulder as Jessie steps out, and Garret
follows afterward. “You okay?”
Garret tugs on my towel, and I kneel beside him. “Who is she,” he
whispers, looking at my beautiful best friend.
“This is my friend, Jessie.”
“Hey there,” she says with a wave.
Garret holds his stomach. “I’m hungry.”
“I’m pretty hungry too. Let’s go eat something.”
Taking his hand, we walk to the kitchen, and he sits at the round table
like our normal routine.
“What’s on the menu today?” Jessie asks. “I miss your cooking.”
“I hadn’t planned on Garret being here, and since Carter changed the
plans, the regular menu will be void.”
“Ooh, living dangerously.”
I smirk, walking to the fridge, and the chill hitting my damp skin makes
me shiver. “Maybe we should change first?”
“Nope, I’m getting back in that pool. Show Bossman he can’t switch on
you without notice.”
No longer in the mood for pleasantries, I nod anyway and lower to
Garret’s level. “Hey, would you like a hamburger?”
His eyes open wide. “Yeah!”
“Alright.” I wash my hands and season the ground beef, making a
couple large patties with two smaller ones for Garret. “Jessie, do you mind
checking if we have buns? I don’t remember if I bought them. The bread
box is by the toaster.”
“There are…none. Only a few pieces of whole wheat sandwich bread.”
“Well, I guess hamburgers are out. Maybe I can make spaghetti and
meatballs with the meat instead?”
Garret sighs, laying his arms on top of the table. “Shelly, I’m bored.”
“Why don’t you play until dinner’s ready?” I say, searching for a big
bowl to remix.
He lifts his face, peeking at me. “I don’t wanna play.”
“Let’s go swimming,” Jessie says, and he perks up with a smile,
nodding his curly head. “Go find shorts and meet me down here in two
“Okay!” He jumps off the chair and runs out of the kitchen.
“I’ll watch the little guy. Go to the store real quick and get the buns.”
Smiling, I place the bowl back in the cabinet. “Thanks. I’ll be quick and
make sure Garret puts on his life vest. He’s still learning to swim.”
“Don’t worry. I got it.”
“I know you do. I’ll bring you back a Snickers.”
“You better.”
Taking the stairs two at a time, I change into a white tank top, jean
shorts and throw my hair into a messy high bun on the way to check on
Garret. I grin as he runs out into the hallway with backward and inside-out
trunks—his room’s a disaster, clothes all over the floor, but I’ll pick
everything up later.

The market’s busy today, but hopefully, the express line won’t be too long
of a wait as I make my way to the bread aisle. Grabbing two of the first
burger buns I see, I beeline it to the registers, which only have two cashiers
available and four self-checkout lanes open. I find the smallest line and
wait, my phone rumbling a moment later with a text of Garret jumping into
the pool.
Jessie calls this time, and I answer, “Hey, looks like he’s having fun—”
“Bossman just got here. He’s upset that you’re not.”
“What? Shit, okay. I’m about to pay.”
The longest three minutes pass, and I rush to the house, parking in my
spot since Jessie’s car is no longer here. I check my phone.
Sorry, girl. Call me later, okay?

Taking a minute to compose myself, I walk inside and upstairs to the

kitchen to put the bread away. The meat’s getting warm, so I cover the
patties storing them in the fridge to make once the air isn’t tense. There’s
laughter coming from outside, so I step onto the patio—
“You left my son with a stranger?” Carter’s harsh voice startles me.
“What? No. Jessie’s a good friend of mine.”
He looks at the pool. “Garret—time to get out.”
“Aw.” His expression turns firm, and Garret swims to the stairs trying to
unzip his life vest. “Okay.”
“Grab your towel and go to your room.”
“But why?”
I press my lips together as Garret pouts, dragging the towel on the floor
while stomping his feet into the house.
“Sit. Ms. Morales.”
I shift my weight onto one leg and cross my arms over my chest. “Don’t
talk to me like I’m a child. I did nothing wrong, and Garret was in great
“I don’t care who she is. You are his nanny, which means you’re in
charge of him.”
“Are you kidding me?” I huff, shaking my head. “First, you told me to
take the rest of the day off, and then you left him with me without a
moment’s notice. I wasn’t ready for him.”
“Why were you getting hamburger buns in the first place? Since when
has Garret eaten burgers?”
“As I said, I wasn’t expecting him. I didn’t see a problem sticking with
my menu.”
He stands, and I shift as he walks toward me, his voice low while
saying, “I’m very close to finding Garret a new nanny.”
“Nothing I haven’t heard before. Why don’t you call up Fiona? I’m sure
she’s better qualified for you—in more ways than one.”
Carter furrows his brows before a smirk tugs his lips. “Am I detecting
jealousy, Ms. Morales?” he asks, taking a step forward.
I scoff, walking back when he steps once more. “If you think I’m
jealous of what you do in your spare time, you’re highly mistaken.”
Hitting the wall, I inhale deeply as he towers above, exhaling the
strenuous breath when he swipes a strand of hair behind my ear. “The way
you watched from the balcony states otherwise. You should try being less
“Oh, that’s right. You’re so damn irresistible, huh? Well, I assure you I
have no feelings toward you whatsoever.”
Carter chuckles, pressing his palms against the wall on either side of
me, and I close my eyes, kneading my thighs as Whiskey invades me once
more. “I find that hard to believe….” I tip my head back, biting my bottom
lip to suppress a moan when he wraps his hand around my throat,
whispering in my ear with a deep hum, “Seems last night you were
enjoying the view. Weren’t you?”
It’s difficult to tell if it’s mine or his heart pounding so hard, and I shake
my head, staring into his heavy gaze above. “That was a mistake.”
Still smirking, he smooths his thumb where my teeth left a mark. “Then
what do you want, Shelby?” My exhale wavers as Carter glides his palm
down my throat, kissing my cheek. “You say one thing....” Another peck at
the corner of my mouth, and he swipes his thumb over my racing pulse.
“Yet your body’s screaming something different.”
I’m panting when he presses his forehead on mine as I glide my hands
up his chest, around his neck, breathing faster against him while lapping my
tongue along his lips for a taste. Carter groans, kissing me hard, squeezing
my ass to bring me flush to his body, but I quickly break away from his
relentless mouth.
“Wait—we shouldn’t.”
Exhaling a rough breath, Carter dips his head to my shoulder. “Fuck,”
he huffs, and I grip his shirt tight when he nips my skin before backing
away from me.
I close my eyes, trying to catch my breath and ease my racing heart for
this man.
“Shelly? Is my hamburger done?”
Looking at Garret standing by the door, I straighten my stance and
smooth my hands over my shirt. “Soon. Go play inside for now.”
“I’m really hungry.”
“I know. I’m sorry it’s taking a long time.”
He walks over to me, takes my hand, and I follow Garret to the door
while glancing at Carter sitting away from us on a lounge chair, threading
his fingers through his hair. There’s nothing more to say right now, so I
walk inside, leaving him alone.

It’s been a long few days, and I’ve seen little of Carter as he stays in his
office well past midnight. I understand why he’s distancing himself, but I
wish he’d give us a moment to talk about the tension rising between us—to
better understand what he wants.
Clear the air so we can either end our arrangement now, while I’m
relatively new or we can move past our frustrations for a healthy work
environment. The last instance I want is for Garret to get hurt over
something we can prevent.
Natalie’s round face is on my phone screen. “Sorry, what were you
“How does the dress fit?”
Looking at my reflection, I reply, “It’s long but fits everywhere else.”
The tulle material of my bridesmaid dress clings to my thighs, needing a
slip underneath. “Love the color—makes me want a glass of Rozay.”
She laughs. “Show me in the mirror.” And I switch the camera around.
“Aw, you look beautiful! I love it.”
“Claire, the lady who own’s the boutique, said it’s a convertible design.”
I twist to check out the low back.
“Yes. What you choose as the final look is up to you.”
Moving Natalie to a shelf where she can still see me, I experiment with
the long pieces in the front and glance over at my phone—her face is up
close to the screen, and she rests her chin on her palms.
She’s too cute.
A minute later, I have the tulle on one shoulder and wrap the delicate
fabric around my waist to tie in the back. “What do you think?”
“Yes, that’s perfect. You’ll look great walking with Jonathan.”
I wrinkle my nose. “I’m walking with your brother?”
“I know. I’m sorry. I thought you guys were good?”
A piece of tulle tangles, and I try to unravel it. “We are, but it’s kind of
awkward walking the aisle with my ex-boyfriend.”
“When you put it that way…I can talk to Ben and see if we can switch
him to Maddie.”
“No, no. It’s okay, Nat. Keep it the same—it’s your big day.”
“You sure?”
The knot loosens, and the material gently falls in front. “Yes. Okay, I’m
done. I’m heading to see Claire, so I’ll text you later.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you, too. Talk soon.”
Unlocking the door, I walk along the cold floor barefoot, forgetting my
heels at the front desk where Garret’s sitting on top with Claire next to him.
He turns to me and smiles, then tries to get down.
“Whoa, hold on, bud,” I say, rushing towards him, but Claire helps him
He runs for me and smashes into my legs with a hug. “Pretty.”
“Aw, thank you, Garret.”
“That’s a great fit.” She hands me my pumps, and I lean into the front
counter to slip them on. “Come stand on the platform so I can measure the
hem,” Claire says as Garret runs back to a step stool, playing with his cars
on the counter. The tri-fold mirror and heavy lights above make the dress
ten times more stunning. “Hold still, please.”
Once she’s complete, I change my clothes and go out to pay for it. “I
left the dress hanging in the room.”
“Perfect. I have quite a few orders ahead of yours, so I’ll have the
alterations finished next month, and then you can come back to try it
“Sounds good.” I hand her my debit to pay the 154.00 bill and take a
business card while Garret shoots his cars across the store floor. “Garret,
don’t do that, please. You’ll lose your toys.”
“Your son’s such a cutie. Definitely your twin.”
Do we look that much alike? “Yeah, he’s pretty cute.”
She gives me a small smile and hands me my card. “It’s all set.”
“Shelly! I can’t find my car!” Garret cries, holding onto my leg, and I
stumble back.
“Bud, I can’t…I told you not to play like that.” I sigh and turn back to
Claire. “Should I make an appointment?”
“I’ll call you once it’s ready, and we’ll book your appointment then.”
“That’s fine.”
“You’re all set then. If you have questions, give me a call.”
“Great. Thanks for your help.”
“You’re welcome, and take care.”
Garret yanks my shirt. “Shelly, help me look. It went that way!”
Checking my phone, it’s getting close to dinner time, and I still have to
cook. “Okay, let’s make it quick.” We crawl on the floor, checking under
the displays, but have no luck finding it. He sits on his butt, crossing his
arms as I stand to dust my leggings. “We gotta go. Come on, maybe we’ll
find your car next time.”
He shakes his head with a scowl. “No.”
“Garret. Please, you have so many toys at home.”
Why am I pleading with a four-year-old?
I pick him up, and he leans backward in my arms, screaming his head
off. “Oh my—you’re being very difficult today, little boy.”
We pass an amused Claire, and I trudge across the street to the car,
struggling to get Garret into his car seat. Once the last buckle clicks in, I
lean back on the side to catch a breath.
Fuck, this is hard.
The ride home is a scream fest, and I feel awful. I remember losing one
of my toys as a kid, and Mom had to deal with a similar situation with me—
I cried for the entire day. I’ll have to find something to cheer him up.
Pulling into the driveway, I spot Cole’s silver car outside the garage and
pull up beside him. We talk nightly, but I haven’t seen him in person since
our date. Cole steps out of his car as I unbuckle Garret, who cried himself to
sleep, easing him onto my shoulder.
“Hey, Gorgeous. Need help?”
“Please, can you unlock the door for me?” He takes the keys from my
hand as we walk to the entrance.
“I’ve been thinking about you.” Turning the key, he pushes the door
open and steps aside for me to enter first.
“All good things, I hope?”
“Mm, very good things.” He chuckles, giving me a wink.
Butterflies invade my stomach as I walk toward the stairs. “I’m gonna
lay Garret in bed, so make yourself comfortable.”
“Sure, take your time.”
I’m glad Garret’s a heavy sleeper as I trudge to his room and rest his
head on a pillow. I kiss his forehead, enter my room next to freshen up, and
meet Cole downstairs on the couch—he has one arm spread out on the back
while scrolling through his phone.
Sitting close, I inch my feet under my butt to face him. “Are you
waiting for Carter?”
Cole silences his phone and slides the device into his pocket. “No. He’s
at the firm.”
“Oh. So, you’re here for me?”
He nods, places his arm around my shoulders as I lean further into his
side, the stress of the day slipping away whenever he’s near, and all who’s
here is us—his subtle breathing mixing with his touch and cologne gives for
a perfect evening. I gaze at his handsome face and kiss his jaw, which his
beard is shorter today.
“What did you do?” I ask, rubbing the side of his face.
Cole hums, moving his other hand to my thigh, and glides his palm back
and forth on my pants. “It’ll grow. I had a video conference with a new
client up north and wanted to trim the length.”
“Did the meeting go well?”
“Our connection kept cutting out, so we used the call to set up our in-
person meeting within the next couple weeks instead.”
“Oh, will you be leaving for a few days?”
“A day or two…you gonna miss me, Gorgeous?” he asks, making me
fall to my back on the cushion, and I draw my bottom lip between my teeth,
shaking my head. “Hm, we have a problem then.”
“What problem?”
“I haven't given you a reason to miss me yet.”
Pins and needles spread across my skin as he settles between my legs,
feeling tiny beneath his large frame where he could easily crush me, though
I’ve never felt more safe. “Cole….” I breathe as he kisses my neck, my
heart skipping and stomach sinking.
He lifts, hovering over my mouth as I wrap my legs around his waist.
Licking my lips, I swallow deeply. “I—I kissed Carter…on the patio a
few days ago. But I stopped—”
“Shh,” Cole whispers, holding my cheek while pressing his soft lips on
mine. “It’s okay, Shelby. You don’t need to explain.”
I gaze into those icy hues, searching for something—hurt, anger, regret
—yet staring back at me is just Cole, a handsome man with a beautiful heart
full of light and contentment. So I nod, allowing him to deepen our kiss. To
trail his palm down my side, grip my thigh, and I hum when he nips down
my throat, gliding his palm up my stomach while dragging my shirt to
expose my bare breasts.
Cursing under his breath, he stares at my nipples hardening from his
attention, and his mouth slackens against my neck before licking the
sensitive skin. Breathing heavier, he swipes his thumb across one peak,
moaning when I draw him closer by his ass, his erect dick thrusting against
my pussy.
“Fuck,” he grunts, shifting his weight while trailing his velvet tongue up
my jaw, meeting my lips again. “I want you, Shelby.” Kissing me hard, he
slides his palm toward my waistband, making me moan from his anticipated
There’s a car alarm beep in the distance, and I gasp against his lip.
“Carter’s ho—” Taking one last deep kiss, he breaks away as I urge him off
of me.
He’s breathing fast, smiling while helping me scramble to fix myself,
straightening my stance and lowering my shirt. Once the front door closes,
he looks back and stands, his hard dick not getting the memo while he
palms the bulge through his black slacks, and I smooth back my hair as
Carter steps into the living room a few seconds later.
“Did you finish early?” Cole asks while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Decided to finish at home.”
I exhale a shaky breath once Carter looks at me, and I turn away, still
trying to calm my racing lungs. He’s not dumb—he knows what we were
doing, and while I’m on the clock, too. This won’t end well tonight.
“I’ll be in my office,” Carter says, and I snap my head in his direction,
catching his lingering stare before leaving down the foyer stairs.
Okay, that was calm. Too calm.
“You alright?” Cole asks, holding out his hand for me to take, and I
stand before him.
He releases a deep hum, pressing a peck on my lips. “I enjoyed our time
together, but I should leave.”
“I wish you could stay.” Pulling me in, he rests his chin on my head as I
wrap my arms around his waist, not wanting this tender moment to end.
As we walk toward the front door holding hands, Cole glances at the
office, then faces me. “See you soon, Gorgeous,” he says, and I smile as he
tips my chin to press a light kiss to my lips.
“See you soon.”
One more peck, and he leaves, waving before I lock the door, placing
my forehead on the dark wood. I peek at Carter’s office and sigh, glad his
door is closed so I don’t have to face him just yet. Making my way upstairs,
I busy myself in the kitchen with dinner, and Garret walks inside, rubbing
his eyes as I finish mixing the ground beef.
“Hey, bud. Are you feeling better now?” He sits at the table, shaking his
head, and I half-smile.
Sorry kid, life can be tough sometimes.
Placing his cheek on the flat surface, he watches me move around the
kitchen, taking out a sheet pan. “Do you wanna help me?” I ask.
“Are you sure? Come roll some zombie brains.”
Garret’s chin lifts as he stares at me. “Maybe I’ll do two of them.”
“Only two? There are three mouths to feed. You gotta make at least
“Ten? That’s so many.” He gets down, pushes his chair next to me, and
climbs to reach the counter.
“Look at these rolling muscles. I think you can do it.”
He giggles as I poke his bicep. “Okay, I’ll try.” Garret grabs a handful
of meat. “Ew, it’s so gooey!” Then he squeals, holding his hands above his
head, and almost gets the beef in my hair.
“Oh, be careful. Keep those icky fingers in the bowl.”
His high-pitched laugh echoes around the room, and I’m glad he’s no
longer in a funk as we roll out the balls onto the sheet, making a lot more
than we need. I wash his hands, then put the meatballs in the preheated
“Now we wait and make the spaghetti hair.”
Jogging toward the couch, I grab my phone and shuffle my Aventura
playlist—Bachata was Tía Luci’s go-to while cooking.
The smooth voice of Romeo Santos comes through the house speakers,
and my hips automatically move to the rhythm of the song while I place a
pot of salted water on the stove. Garret watches my every move, helping me
chop a salad, make garlic butter to spread on half a baguette, and after thirty
minutes, the oven timer beeps.
I let the meatballs sit while the spaghetti boils, then set a pot with
tomato sauce on the fire to warm. My stomach growls from the garlic
aroma when I open the oven, and Garret watches my every move once I
take the sheet pan out.
“Careful...don’t drop them.”
“You’re such a big help, little chef—I couldn’t have made dinner
without you.”
“What’s chef?”
“A chef is someone who enjoys cooking so much they want to make
food as their job. Some even go to school to learn more about different
types of food.”
“Are you a chef?”
I smile. “Technically, yes. But you know what. So is my dad. He has a
big restaurant in New York City and makes food for so many people.”
His eyes light up. “Like one hundred peoples?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Can we go see him?”
My smile falls. I don’t know about that, bud.
“Maybe one day.” Finishing dinner, I serve his food, place the plate on
the table as Garret pushes the chair to his spot, and Mi Corazoncito plays—
one of my favorite songs. “Care to dance, mister?”
Garret stands on the chair, giggling as he jumps into my arms, and I
hold him close to my chest while I step, swaying my hips with the beat,
taking a few turns—enjoying his laughter, a melody of its own echoing
around the room. Just what I like to hear.
Before the song ends, I place him on his seat, and Garret keeps his arms
around my neck, resting his cheek on my shoulder, and says, “I love you,
“Oh, Garret.” My throat constricts with how full my heart feels, and I
kneel to hug him closer. “I love you too, bud.”
He smiles when we draw back, and I kiss his little cheek. “Time to eat,
Eager to feast, he sits, and I run my fingers through his soft curls while
standing, then turn toward the island—my heart skips at Carter leaning on
the far wall, watching us with his head tipped back and his hands in his
front pockets.
“Hey, you scared me.” I lower the volume and push my hair behind my
ear. “Would you like a plate?” Already knowing his answer.
Carter pushes off the wall, his dark eyes lingering on mine before he
walks to the foyer. No surprise there. I hope one day he’ll realize Garret
will only be this small once. He’ll have no memories with his father to
reminisce about in the future. While work is important, family is most
important—Carter is all Garret has.
“Keep eating. I’ll be right back.”
“Mhm. Okay, Shelly.”
Heading to Carter’s office, I knock, my stomach churning as I wait.
There’s no answer, so I twist the left knob, finding him standing at the
window with a drink in hand. He glances at me, then turns back to his view
while taking a hefty gulp.
“May I come in?”
He sighs, closes the curtain, then walks to the middle of the room,
sitting in front of his desk.
Keeping the door ajar, I meet him halfway. “I won’t tell you how to
parent, Mr. Anderson, but I need to express my concerns.”
Carter chuckles. “Concerns with what exactly?” He asks, leaning back
all the way, his glass hanging over the arm of the chair.
“About Garret. And you.”
“Let me guess. I work too much, and Garret lacks a father figure?”
I huff a laugh, shaking my head. “That’s the fucked up part. You already
know what’s wrong, and you’re choosing not to change anything.”
He finishes the drink—by the heaviness of his gaze, that glass was not
his first one today. “That’s why I hired you, Ms. Morales.” Reaching for the
bottle, he pours another, then returns to his original position. “You’re to
keep Garret busy, so I can work to support him. Everything I’m building
here will benefit him in the future.”
“That’s understandable, but to a point. You need to draw a line between
work and your personal life.” Moving closer, I stand beside him with my
arms crossed, and he slowly tips his head back to look into my eyes. “Right
now, Garret needs you, and nothing materialistic will ever replace the love
shown by a parent. Believe me when I say he’ll grow up resenting you if
you continue down this path.”
With that, I snatch his glass and turn, striding out of his office.

Three weeks of the bare minimum—that’s what Carter continues to give

after expressing my concerns that night. He left early for his firm today,
only stating he’d return this evening. I don’t know why I expected anything
different. Hoping for more, but until he comes to his senses, I’ll continue to
give Garret the best emotional support I can.
It’s lunchtime, and I’m making barbecue pulled pork sandwiches with
leftover pernil from last night, despite the fixed menu. I place one in the
fridge wrapped in foil with a sticky note saying:

For Carter, put me in the air fryer.

Even if we disagree on many things, I want him to feel included, and

one way is to keep his belly full. For the last three weeks, he’s eaten every
Wiping the counter, I furrow my brows when the doorbell rings. “Who
could that be?”
Garret shrugs next to me, standing on his chair. “Maybe Daddy?”
“I don’t think so. Go to the playroom. I’ll be back in a minute.”
I wash my hands, dry them on a dishtowel, and head to the foyer. The
bell rings a second time, and I quicken my steps, opening the door to a man
with neat short brown hair. He’s wearing dark shades, though there’s no
hiding how much he looks like Carter down to the black suit, only older.
Likely in his late fifties.
“Hello. Can I help you?”
The man chuckles. “Nice to see you too. I’m here to meet my
I bring the door closer to my side. “Sorry, but Mr. Anderson didn’t
mention any visitors coming today.”
He arches a brow. “What is this, some kind of role-playing game,
calling him by his last name?”
“Excuse me? Who are you?”
His laugh is daunting, and I don’t like him already. “Listen, sweetheart.
I know we don’t see eye to eye, but I’m only in town until tomorrow. Let
me see Garry before I leave back to New York.”
“Then come back later when Mr. Anderson’s home.”
Cocking his head to the side, he lowers his shades, his dark brown eyes
meeting mine while inspecting me. “Wait. You’re not Valerie.”
Valerie? “No?”
He smirks, his gaze falling past my shorts to my bare legs. “Who are
I grip the edge of the door, stepping further behind it. “That’s not your
“Mm, Carter got himself a new plaything—a feisty one. You’re an
improvement if you ask me. I never liked the bitch.”
“I haven’t got a clue what you’re relaying, but you need to leave.”
He steps closer to the frame, and I’m ready to slam the door on his
smug face. “I’ll wait for him in his office.”
“Sorry, can’t do that.” As I’m closing the door, he sticks his polished
shoe in the way, and my stomach sinks. “What are you doing?”
“Listen, I don’t know who you are, and frankly, I don’t give a shit. But I
won’t sit outside my son’s house because he didn’t give you permission for
me to enter.”
“I don’t need Carter’s permission, but I know scum when I see them.
You’re not seeing Garret without his father present. So, I advise you to
leave before I call the police.”
He chuckles again, raising his hands as he backs away, strolling to his
sports car. I close and lock the door, then race to my phone in the kitchen to
call Carter, which goes to voicemail after the second ring.
“Hey, everything’s okay. There was a man who came asking to meet
Garret. Said he was your father. I wasn’t comfortable letting him inside the
house, so I told him to leave. Call me back when you have a chance.
I place the phone on the counter and lean my elbows on the smooth
surface. Garret moved our sandwiches to the table, and he’s already started
eating, though my appetite diminished. Pushing that aside, I smile and sit
next to him. My gut told me something was off with the guy, and the urge to
protect Garret came immediately after he mentioned him. I don’t know
what I’ll do if any harm comes to this little boy.
Forty minutes later, Garret’s playing with his toys on the living room
ottoman while I relax on the couch, and I’ve yet to check outside to see if
that man is still here. The front door opens, and my heart leaps as it slams
shut a second later.
I grab Garret, his face scrunching as I hold him close and back into the
wall. Carter reaches the landing, and I ease my stance. He’s panting while
loosening his tie, then walks into the kitchen to grab a glass from the
cabinet and pours a hefty amount of Whiskey.
Placing Garret on the floor, I tell him to stay before following Carter.
“Hey. Is everything okay? Why are you so out of breath?”
“What did my father say to you?”
My brows move up a notch. “He said he wanted to come inside to meet
his grandson.”
“I know, but what did he say to you?”
Why does he care what he said to me?
“That’s not important.”
Carter walks around the island and stops in front of me. “Shelby. Tell
The concern in his tone is one I haven’t heard before. “He referred to
me as your new plaything after confusing me for someone named Valerie.
Then I told him to leave, and he became hostile. After I threatened to call
the police, he finally did.”
Cursing under his breath, he places the glass of Whiskey still half full
on the island, staring at the window. “You made the right call. Thank you
for standing your ground.”
“Of course. I’ll protect Garret with my life.”
The corner of his mouth lifts for a second before Carter looks at me,
then his gaze lowers to the floor. “You won’t have to worry about him
again. I’ll make sure he doesn’t come back here.”
“Carter—” As quickly as he came, he strides to the foyer, the front door
closing behind him soon after.

“When’s Daddy coming home?” Garret asks while eating his last bite of
He’s asking about his father, which is a big step from how closed off he
was with him when I first started working. It’s ten minutes to eight, and
Carter’s still not home. I’m not sure what he’s doing, but I hope he’s okay
and hasn’t gotten into trouble. I dial his number once more, and the call
goes straight to voicemail.
“He’ll be home soon.”
Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I turn toward Garret, sitting at
the table. “Let’s watch a movie tonight. Bedtime can wait.”
“But we don’t have popcorn.”
I arch a brow. “Says who?” Moving to the cabinet by the fridge, I climb
onto the counter and grab the box of popcorn I stored in the back. “Should
we make one or two packs?”
Garret gasps and hops, holding the back of the chair. “Three!”
“Three? Can you finish it all?”
“Okay, then.” I take out three packs, store the box away, and jump to the
floor. “Your belly’s gonna be popping for days if you eat all this popcorn
He giggles. “Shelly, you can eat some too.”
“Oh, why thank you for sharing with me.” Grabbing a big plastic bowl
from one of the lower cabins, I open each pack, microwave them one by
one and dump them inside.
There’s scraping along the floor, and I turn to Garret as he pushes his
chair to the sink. Running to the table, he grabs the dishes and washes each
item without hesitation.
“Great job, bud,” I say, loving how his confidence has grown so much
over the months.
Grabbing the bowl of popcorn, napkins, and two water bottles under my
arm, I take hold of his hand as he navigates us to the top floor.
We’ve been in the theater room a handful of times, and I have an idea
which movie he’ll pick since it’s the same every time. He expertly goes
through each listing and clicks on The Incredibles with a massive smile on
his face.
“Popcorn, please,” he says, and I place the giant bowl on the cushion to
his right as Garret snuggles into my side.
I smile, draping my arm over his shoulders as he grabs a handful of
buttery goodness and shoves them into his mouth. Halfway through the
movie, goosebumps rise on my skin as Carter strolls to the open doorway
folding his sleeves to his elbows. Black tie resting loosely on his neck, his
hair disheveled as the waves work their natural flow—a very attractive look
on him.
Carter crosses his arms, watching us as he leans into the frame, and I
expect him to leave for his office soon, though he pushes off to sit in the
open space beside Garret. I look at him, unable to contain my smile, so I
face the screen, drawing my bottom lip between my teeth when he takes a
handful of popcorn to toss a few pieces into his mouth.
Out of the corner of my eye, I peek at Garret holding the popcorn,
scooting closer to Carter’s side to place the bowl on his lap and continue
watching the movie with his father.
I should leave to give them alone time.
“Hey, I’m heading out,” I whisper to Carter, and he faces me.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I’m gonna work on my story tonight until I knock out.”
His brows rise. “Are you writing a book?”
“I am. I stopped for a while, but when inspiration strikes, there’s no
stopping the words.”
Staring at me a few seconds longer, he nods, then faces the screen.
“Then have a good night, Shelby.”
“Night.” I stand and stroll to the doorway, peeking inside as Carter
moves his arm over Garret’s body to pull him closer to his side.
What a beautiful sight they are.
I snap a quick photo before heading to my room.

No way.
I gasp as the scene flows through my fingertips and into the document.
Can he be the one who— “Parish, you slick bastard.” As a panster, I start
my stories with a general idea and allow my characters to determine their
fate as the story progresses. I’ll have to dig into the beginning and change a
few points for this discovery to make sense while adding scenes with
foreshadowing in the next draft—loving everything about this twist.
Hitting the last key, I close my laptop giddy, place it on my nightstand,
then walk to the balcony. A breeze blows curls into my face as I stare at the
shadowed ocean in the distance. It’s 10:30, and Cole usually calls me by
10:00. He could’ve had a long day and fallen asleep, so I walk inside, lock
the sliding door, and remove my shorts to crawl into bed. I’ll see him
tomorrow since he’s taking me to one of his family barbecues.
Plugging in my phone, I switch off the lamp on the end table, rest my
cheek on the cool pillow, and stare into the darkness beyond the window,
thinking back on everything that happened today. How Carter put in the
effort to spend time with Garret makes me incredibly happy for them.
My phone screen shines, and I grin while answering the video call. “Hi,
“Hey, Gorgeous. Sorry I’m late.” He sighs, and it makes my smile fall.
“No apologies. Is something wrong?”
“An architect quit today, so I have to take over designing a few
“Oh no. Are you guys able to find a replacement?”
Rubbing his fingers over his face, he lies back on his bed with a grunt,
resting his arm behind his head. “We’re hiring one of our more experienced
interns while still working with the others, but she’ll need time to settle into
her new role while shadowing me.”
“Well, that’s a plus, right?”
“Yeah.” He releases another long breath, staying quiet with his phone
close to the pillow where I can’t see him.
“You sound tired, so you should sleep. We’ll see each other tomorrow.”
“No.” He shifts so the screen shows his profile, his forearm now
covering his eyes. “How was your day?”
“It was a day. Just like yours. Now go to bed before I hang up on you.”
“You better not, Shelby, before I come over there.”
My pulse spikes from his challenging tone—of him lying in my bed.
“And do what?” I drag my bottom lip through my teeth, trailing my fingers
down my chest as he peeks at the screen. “Teach me a lesson in late-night
talking etiquette?”
Chuckling, Cole gives me his full attention, his gaze lowering as I
continue running my fingers over my breasts. “If you need my assistance,
I’m more than capable of using my words.”
My nipples harden from his intense stare, and I hum, licking my lips
before saying, “I thought words without action were merely jumbled
“Yes, but what are you doing right now, Gorgeous?”
“Touching myself,” I breathe, closing my eyes as I circle the left peak
with the tip of my middle finger.
“So keep going. Give the other side some love from me.”
I moan his name, tugging the neck of my shirt down to free each breast,
making sure to keep the phone upright for him to watch me. “Where do I go
Cole’s breathing deepens, his voice lower as he says, “Do you sleep
with pants on?”
He lets out a raspy hum. “Good, now spread your legs, and trace the
lines of your panties.”
Following his directions, I run my fingers across my pelvis, down my
inner thigh, and skim across my pussy before returning up the other side—
slowly teasing, my pulse rising after the fourth pass, and I need more.
“Look at me, Gorgeous.” I do, lifting my heavy lids to meet his icy
gaze. “Feel how wet your pussy is for my mouth.”
“Do you want me to point the camera?”
He shakes his head. “Place me on the nightstand. I want to see your
beautiful face when you come with my name on your tongue.” Unplugging
the charger, I set the phone against the lamp beside me and smirk, relaxing
on my pillow, which is how our usual nightly talks end up. He can view my
upper body while I rub my tits, then as I descend for my panties, Cole shifts
in bed, his breathing now heavy while cursing under his breath. “Let that
bottom lip go. That’s for me to bite.”
I grin, dragging my lip through my teeth to release, and Cole moans, his
low grunts making me wetter, though my arousal for him is already
apparent while I rub down my slit. “How fast do you want me to come?”
Reaching into my nightstand, I withdraw the satin pouch holding my
vibrator, and his gaze darkens as I reveal the toy to him. The power I feel
behind the screen as Cole stares at me intently is invigorating, sleep not a
thought on his mind while watching me lap my tongue along the sleek shaft
before sucking the head with a moan.
“Goddamn,” he whispers, his lips parted, and I grin, gliding the tip
between my breasts— “Tear off your underwear. I want you completely
bare while I’m fucking you.”
Holy shit…do what now?
I blink a few times. “Um, you want me to rip them?”
Cole tips his head back as he inhales deeply through his teeth, then
releases a raspy hum that strikes me to the core. “They wouldn’t stand a
chance on your body if I was there with you. Tear them.”
With a smile, I place the toy on the bed, grip the light cotton fabric, and
tear through the front with a grunt, giggling at how easy romance novels
make shredding panties seem. “You owe me a new pair.”
His hearty chuckle rumbles through the speaker before he says, “That’s
fine. I’ll enjoy shredding those too.”
I purse my lips, maneuvering to my side to fling the thong at the screen.
“I want them in blue.”
“Anything you want. It’s yours.”
A slight smile tugs at my lips, and I hug my pillow, bringing the phone
close to my face. “I want you.”
“In what way?”
“Anyway I can get you.” He stays quiet for a beat, the air shifting as he
stares into the distance, so I ask, “Can we talk about her?”
Releasing a deep sigh, Cole nods, then meets my gaze with furrowed
brows. “I was gonna propose. On our third anniversary a few months ago.”
I hug the pillow tighter, giving Cole my complete attention. “And what
“Someone helped me realize I deserved better.”
“Did you know this person?”
“No, but she caught my attention.” His expression softens as he stares
into the distance again. “And I let her go.”
There’s a waver in his tone. One that makes my stomach sink. “Cole,
would you like some company tonight?” He doesn’t reply, only looks at me
as if the weight of his past is dragging him down, and I want to lift him up.
“As a friend.”
“Thank you, but I’m alright. I look forward to spending tomorrow with
I smile and nod. “Me too.” Cole yawns, and my smile turns into a grin.
“Go to sleep, Cole.”
“Hm, rain check then?”
Giggling, I bite my bottom lip, snuggling my cheek into the pillow. “I
want blue. Don’t forget.”
“Got it.” He taps his temple. “Goodnight, Gorgeous. See you soon.”
“See you soon.”

What does one wear to a friendish family barbecue? Respectably, do I act

casual like I haven’t kissed their son or sucked the head of a vibrator for his
viewing pleasure—my cheeks burn from Cole’s dirty mouth last night, to
how bold I was with him, and how badly I want to claim that rain check
Has he told them anything about me?
I opt for a light blue babydoll dress, and the color makes me snicker,
hoping Cole will appreciate my sentiment just as much.
Sweet and innocent will do.
As I sit on the edge of the bed to tie the straps of my wedges, my phone
rings with a call from Dad, putting him on speaker. “Hey, Papá.”
“Good morning, Mijita. How are you?”
“Great, and you?”
“Bien. Everything’s good. I’ve missed you and wanted to hear your
My smile is instant. “Aw, I miss you too.”
Mom’s speaking in the background, and Dad’s voice gets muffled as he
says something back. “Mija, are you coming a few days before?”
“Of course. I’ll be there Wednesday the 16th for—”
I press my lips together as Mom interrupts and comes on the phone.
“Shelby, it’s your mother. Will you be here for your father’s birthday? It’d
be nice to know ahead of time so that I can plan.”
“Yes. I told you this before.”
“Well, it’s hard to know what your plans are, so I wanted to make sure.”
Sighing, I pick a lint ball from my dress. “They’re still the same. I have
my ticket already.”
“Good. I’ll need help to set up since everyone’s coming.”
“Okay.” The doorbell rings in the distance and my heart skips. “Mom, I
have to go.”
“Wait, your father wants to say goodbye.”
Dad returns, and I sense the defeat in his tone as he says, “Sorry, mija. I
love you, and soon I’ll visit you one of these days.”
“That would be nice, and I love you too.”
I end the call, and walk toward the mirror, sliding a few bobby pins into
the right side of my hair to hold my curls, forgoing wearing makeup today.
A text comes through from Cole saying he’s here, so I grab my mini
crossbody purse and head downstairs for the foyer. Once I open the front
door, a knot forms in my stomach at the terrifyingly sexy sight. Cole’s
wearing a fitted black long-sleeve t-shirt with dark grey jeans and leaning
on a black motorcycle.
“Mornin’, Gorgeous.”
My outfit choice will not work one bit with this ride. “Wow, I didn’t
know you had a motorcycle.” I tread down the stairs toward Cole and
smooth my fingers over the seat as I step beside him.
Cole slings an arm around my waist and draws me between his legs.
“C’mere and say good morning.”
Smiling, I glide my palms up his chest, leaning close to his mouth.
“Good morning.”
“Mm, this dress.” He presses a light kiss on my lips, slipping his hand
over my ass. “I know what you’re doing.” Tipping my head back, I shiver
when he kisses my neck next. “And it’s working.”
I step back, keeping a palm on his chest as he holds my hips. “And
what’s that?”
“A reminder of what we’re doing tonight.”
“Well, too bad I have to change.” Glancing at my dress, I smooth my
palm over the fabric, then peek at him. “My ass will be out in the open if I
get on the back of your bike.”
“We can’t have that now, can we? Wear a light jacket. It can get chilly.”
“Okay, but where’s your jacket?”
His gaze flicks behind me, and he straightens his stance while arching a
brow—I glance over my shoulder just as Carter’s office curtains shift.
Is he watching us?
“I’m used to it,” Cole says. “Also, put on comfortable shoes.”
As I turn away, Cole gently pulls me back, moves his hand to the nape
of my neck, and draws me to his lips. His kiss is not ordinary—it’s spine-
tingling, ravenous, and downright meant for the bedroom as he tilts my
head to sink his tongue deeper. I’m panting once we break, and Cole glides
his hand to the side of my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek.
“Wow,” I breathe, and he smiles.
“You have an admirer.” I furrow my brows, his icy hues seem darker as
he stares into my eyes and whispers, “Take your time. I’ll be waiting.”
Nodding, I head into the house, then rest against the door to catch my
breath from that intense kiss. Carter appears at the doorway of his office,
crossing his arms as he leans into the frame, and I stare at him for a long
second before sprinting upstairs, needing a minute to myself. Entering my
room, I close the door and stroll to my balcony, dragging it open to peek at
What are you up to?
He’s staring at the front of the house with a smirk, amused, daring
almost. Is he trying to make Carter jealous for spying on us? Going back
inside, I slip into dark skinny jeans, a black short-sleeve shirt, and a light
matching jacket. Loving my outfit, I check out the perfect bike attire in the
mirror and add a red lip for extra flare.
I leave my purse on the vanity, withdraw my phone and license, then
walk into the hall just as Garret strolls out of his room, rubbing his sleepy
eyes. It’s almost 9:30, and I’m surprised he slept so late since he’s usually
awake by 8:00. They must’ve stayed up late.
I smile at the thought. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”
Garret moves toward me and rests his cheek on my leg. “Morning. Can
we make breakfast?”
“Not today. I’m about to leave the house, but your dad’s downstairs
with pancakes waiting for you in the kitchen. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He grips me tighter. “Can I come?”
“I’m sorry,” I say, lowering to his level to pull him in for a hug, then lift
him. “But not today.”
Frowning, he rests his head on my shoulder. The more time he spends
with his dad, the better—hopefully, he’ll leave that office. I text Carter that
Garret’s awake and he’ll be downstairs eating breakfast, then slip my phone
into my pocket before carefully taking each step toward the kitchen.
Carter’s sitting at the island, eating last night’s leftovers, and I halt my
step when he looks over his shoulder at us. I place Garret on the floor,
trying not to react to his dark gaze roaming my body. He exhales deeply,
rubs along his short beard, then turns back to his meal.
I’ve kept Cole waiting long enough. “Have fun today,” I say to Garret,
then leave the room, heading straight for the front door.
Cole’s back is toward me as I take each step, the gravel crunching
beneath my ankle boots which makes him turn around. His grin is
breathtaking, causing the tiny wrinkles in the corners of his eyes to appear,
and I return a smile.
“Sorry I took so long. I’m ready if you are?”
“You look incredible,” he says, holding my hand and slowly twirling
I giggle, placing my palm on his stomach. “Thank you.” Grabbing a
helmet off the back of his motorcycle, he slips it on my head, which the fit’s
a bit loose yet secure enough it won’t fall off me.
“How does it feel?”
“Not too bad, could be tighter, though my curls would disagree.”
He chuckles, snapping the straps together at the bottom. “I’ll have a
better one next time.”
My lips curve into a small smile, enjoying him thinking of the next
time. “Okay.” I run my fingers across his abdomen and walk closer to the
motorcycle. “Now, how do we do this?”
Cole grabs his helmet and mounts the bike. “Put your left foot on that
peg, then swing your right leg over the seat.”
“Okay.” I do as he says, holding his shoulders as I hop on and scoot
back some.
“Keep your arms around my waist,” he says, reaching around my lower
back, and drawing me forward to be closer. “Lean with me on curves, and if
you feel the need to readjust yourself, wait until we stop.”
“So be one with your body, no moving my butt, and hold on tight. Got
Cole slips on his helmet, kicking the engine to life, and my pulse
accelerates, grinning while holding around his waist as he eases up the
driveway. We ride for miles, only stopping once for a break before we pull
into a two-story home. The neighborhood we’ve driven through reminds me
of Carter’s, but we are far from La Jolla.
The house has the charm of a ranch style with a modern twist. There’s
something familiar about it, the slanted roof, how they layer, and the
massive windows, screaming the work of Carter Anderson. I wouldn’t be
surprised if his company did design it. Cole removes his helmet, and his
hair sticks up in all directions, which makes me snort.
“What’s so funny?” Cole asks, setting the motorcycle on the stand
before twisting around to unstrap my helmet.
“Nothing. You look devilishly handsome. Wild hair and all.”
He smirks, then shakes his head as his hair magically falls into place.
“Alright, the same way you got up, you’ll reverse down.”
I do as he says, then stretch my back. “How did I do for a first-timer?”
Cole gets off, standing close to me. “You did well, though I could’ve
done better.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had a hard time keeping focus.” He slips his hand around my side to
draw me closer. “My mind wandered more than once while having your
body pressed against mine.”
Lifting onto my toes, I leave a peck on his lips. “Are you saying my
body’s a road hazard?”
“A hazard? Not at all. A deadly weapon set out to destroy me?
Our time on the phone last night comes to mind, and I draw my lower
lip between my teeth. “Did you remember?” Cole chuckles as I drag him by
the neck, nudging my nose along his before I kiss him again.
“You’ll have to find out later.”
I wipe away the faint lipstick mark I left, then place my hand in his as
he holds out the left one. “Come with me.”
Taking the pathway toward the entrance, we walk up several stairs to a
large, farmhouse-style door, and Cole enters without knocking. “If you feel
overwhelmed at any point, we can leave.”
We walk inside a small entryway, and the euphoric aroma of cinnamon
apple pie hits me in the face. My mouth instantly salivates, needing to lick
the sweet content. Numerous family photos are hanging on the left wall,
and I step closer to look at them as we walk, furrowing my brows when one
person in the last photo is oddly familiar—
“Cole? Is that you?” A soft voice sounds in the distance before we reach
the kitchen, where a slender woman stands in front of the island sink
wearing a black and white polka dot apron. 
She’s stunning, with porcelain skin, her pin-straight sandy blonde hair
reaching just below her shoulders, and her eyes icy blue. There’s no doubt
in my mind this is Cole’s mother.
Cole glances at me as she rounds the island, then releases my hand
while hugging her, which she’s only a few inches shorter than him. “Hey,
Mom.” Turning to me, he smiles and walks to my side. “This is Shelby.”
Her smile reaches her eyes. “Hello, Shelby. It’s so nice to meet you.
Cole doesn’t stop talking about how wonderful you are—”
I giggle, leaning further into his side. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Scott
“Nonsense. Call me Marie. You are absolutely gorgeous, dear.”
“Thank you.” Cole touches my lower back and a shiver courses through
me as he glides his thumb along the exposed skin above my jeans. “Um,
you have a beautiful home,” I add, pressing my lips together.
Marie strolls to the fridge and pulls out a bowl of ground meat. “She’s a
beauty. Took me and my husband a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get this
house the way we envisioned. Oh, speaking of Mark, Cole, do you mind
grabbing your father for me outside?”
“Sure.” He looks at me and smiles. “Come. There are a few people I
think you’d like to meet.”
I follow him down a flight of stairs, then out the back door to a long
patio table with a ten chair setup on the lawn. My lips part as three men
come into view.
Most of the members of Absolute Sin are here. Sitting around the table
like it’s a typical day at home with the family. I halt my steps, and Cole
grins, stopping with me. This is too much. Meet Cole’s family, okay, but I
had no clue we were coming here to meet my favorite band—my palms
sweat as he urges me forward.
“Cole,” I whisper again.
“Can we talk for a second?”
His dad looks up from his phone, grinning once we meet the grassy
area, and stands to hug Cole. His kind eyes are also blue but a darker shade.
It’s more subtle, like the ocean on a cloudy day, and it somehow helps me
“Hey, Son. You made it.”
I look at each casually dressed person as they all stare at me. My pulse
spikes as Cru, the band’s drummer, rubs his scruffy beard while his baby
blues stalk my body. He winks and blows me a kiss before Arsen whacks
him in the back of his head, making his shaggy golden hair fall into his
Cru chuckles, turning to talk to Austin, the lead guitarist, on his right.
There are similarities between him and Cole, from the sandy blonde hair to
the same shade of blue eyes, but a shorter beard, and their age difference—
“Shelby?” My head snaps to Cole, and his warm smile helps ease my
thudding heart. “This is my dad, Mark.”
“A beautiful name for a beautiful young lady. It’s a pleasure to meet
“You as well,” I say, needing to gain control over my emotions before I
make a fool of myself.
Cole dips close to my ear. “You okay, Gorgeous?”
I nod, swallowing hard as we sit opposite of the band.
“Alright, since everyone's almost here, it’s time to get dinner started,”
Mark says before heading toward the house.
“So, you’re the one who’s got wraps on this knucklehead.” Austin leans
into the chair at the end. “I’ve never seen him bring a chick around, well,
except that one girl, what’s her name, Kim—” Cole backhands him in the
chest, and Austin coughs a laugh, rubbing the sore spot. “Shit, my bad. I
forgot we don’t talk about her.”
My expression softens as I peek at Cole, gently squeezing his hand
under the table, and he sighs. “Shelby, this is my little brother, Austin.”
He nods his head. “Nice to meet you.”
I smile. “Likewise.”
Cru’s attention falls back on me in the first chair across the table,
holding a cocky smile. “I’m Cru, drummer extraordinaire and best lookin’
one in the group.”
Arsen whacks him again, but Cru does it back this time, barely touching
him as he ducks out of the way. It’s sweet how close they are. The bond
they share is what makes them a great band.
“Don’t listen to this foolish man.” My skin prickles as Andre, the
bassist, approaches the table and sits by Arsen. “Name’s Dre.”
He holds his hand across the table, and I take his handshake—the
callousness along his fingertips scrapes my palm, yet his hold is gentle, just
like his eyes, which are dark brown, as well as his short dreaded hair and
long full beard.
“Nice to meet you.”
I feel Arsen’s gaze lingering on me, and my stomach stirs as I stare
back. The lead singer—his gritty voice alone can knock the panties off a
woman. There’s stubble along his strong jawline, his short light brown hair
faded at the sides, and his eyes even lighter brown.
He grins as I smile and hold out my hand. “Hi. I love your voice—” I
press my lips together, wanting to sink into my seat. What’s wrong with
“Hey, I’m Arsen.” He chuckles, taking my handshake.
Cole glides his palm along my thigh, and I press them together as he
moves his hand higher, then cross my legs to suppress the pulsing his touch
causes me as I stare at him instead. “This is my other brother, Brandon.”
“Hm?” I ask, my face feeling hot.
“Sorry I’m late.” A guy wearing slacks and a blue dress shirt walks
toward the table, pulling out the seat next to Andre. “Who’s this?” he asks,
smiling at me, then to Cole. His dark blonde hair is neatly styled, and his
tired gaze blue like his father, possibly a few years older than Cole.
“I’m Shelby, Cole’s…friend.”
Nodding, he glances over his shoulder as Marie yells, “Who’s hungry?”
Before walking down the stairs with two platters in hand, Mark stays on the
deck, firing the grill.
All the guys chat again, and I try to relax, making it through the bundle
of introductions mostly intact.
Marie sets each platter full of assorted sandwiches on the table.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you come inside,” she directs toward me.
I glance at Cole before hurrying out of there, and Marie connects her
arm with mine as we step up the deck stairs, passing Mark uncovering
burgers and steaks before entering the house.
“You looked like you were about ready to run out of there,” she says,
walking to the sink to wash her hands. “My guess is Cole surprised you?”
“You guessed right. Do you need any help?”
“Let me see…how are you with a piping bag? I have cupcakes that need
Decorating is one thing I can’t do.
“Not very good. The four-year-old I nanny for does a better job than
“Oh, you’re a nanny? Do you have kids of your own?”
“No. I’d love to one day.”
Marie’s smile turns into a full grin. “Having children is the best gift of
all. I miss those times when they were little, but I’m so proud of the men
they’ve become.”
“You did a wonderful job. Cole’s a great guy, kind-hearted, and selfless.
I’m glad I met him.”
“That makes me so happy to hear.” She wipes her hands on a dishtowel
and places the white fabric on the counter. “How did you meet my son?”
Remembering that day makes the corner of my mouth lift. “We met on a
plane ride to New York at the end of July, and he helped me through my
fear of flying.”
“That’s sweet. I’m originally from Texas but moved to New York when
I was sixteen with my mother and stepfather. I met Mark in my junior year
of college in Manhattan. He was a senior.”
“Really? When did you move to Cali?”
“Well, he’s from here and was moving back a week post-graduation. We
fell for each other hard and quickly. The day before he had to leave, we
married. I dropped everything, packed a few of my belongings, and moved
with him.”
My brows rise. “Wow, that quick? How did you know he was the one?”
Her smile drops to a smirk as she leans into the counter. “Have you ever
felt an instant connection to someone? Drawn at first glance where you
couldn’t look away, and eventually gravitated towards one another—a pull
neither of you could control.”
My stomach stirs as a night of Whiskey emerges, having felt that pull
the first time I saw Carter at the bar. But I push my thoughts aside. “Seems
“Oh, yes. Our parents were against us getting married, but we took a
chance on love.”
I smile, tucking my chin as I pick at my thumb nail. “And you’ve been
together ever since.”
“Mostly. We separated briefly for two years. Cole couldn’t have been
more than four, or five. After a few months, I met a musician and got
pregnant with Austin.”
That is a twist I wasn’t expecting.
“What happened between you and Austin’s father?”
Her shoulders dip as she breathes deeply. “A musician’s focus is on his
band, and everything else comes secondary. Those were the words he said
to me the night I told him he was going to be a father. I knew when we met
nothing would come from our time together, especially since he was going
on tour, and neither of us expected a pregnancy.”
“So he just left?”
She shakes her head. “No. He told me to go with him. That he’d
financially take care of me if I moved to the east coast, where he had a
house, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t leave my children, take them away from
their father and uproot their lives, especially if we’d be second in his. I
don’t regret meeting him, or I wouldn’t have my Austin. Though, I learned
my lesson.”
Marie stares at her wedding ring and twists it with her index finger.
“Mark welcomed me back with open arms. Right when I needed him, and
without a doubt, he stepped up to father a child that wasn’t his—” Blinking
her eyes, she wipes under her lashes as she smiles. “God, I love that man.”
“That’s a beautiful story with your happily ever after. Would be a great
storyline for a romance novel.”
“It is.” She laughs, looking at me. “That one alone paid for this quartz
I blink a few times. “Are you an author?”
“Yes, ma’am. Ninety-five books in total, and number ninety-six
currently with the editors.”
“Shit, that’s a hell of an accomplishment! I’ve only got one unpublished
and a half written story I’m currently working on.”
“You don’t say. What’s your genre?”
“Romance. I fell in love with the genre when I was twelve, sneaking
books from my abuelita’s shelves with bare-chested men and women on the
covers. I’d read them so fast because I was scared someone would catch
me. Later, she told me she knew and left the good, but not as spicy ones
within my reach.”
We both laugh, and Marie tips her head to the side with her chin resting
on her knuckles. “Have you tried querying agents? Self-publishing is also
another option if you're looking to publish.”
Smiling, I shake my head. “Right now, I’m writing for myself. I tried
sending my finished manuscript to a small publishing house accepting
submissions directly from authors, but they turned mine down.”
“Hm, publishing is a tough field to work, but the reward of holding your
words in your hands. Getting your story out to the world after weeks,
months, even years of preparation makes the blood, sweat, and tears all
worth the effort.” Staring at me, she straightens her stance. “I’ve got a
friend who’s looking for fresh authors. If you’re interested, I can give my
recommendations to Ashton Juniper’s Publishing.”
My skin prickles. “What? Ashton Juniper, as in Midtown Manhattan?”
She nods, and my eyes widen. “Wow, that’s very generous of you—” Then
the doubt sinks in. “May I ask why you’d do that for me? You haven’t read
my work to know if I have the potential to succeed in this industry.”
Marie smirks, opens a drawer to take out a pen and a notepad, then
slides them toward me. “Okay, write me a few lines about….” She glances
around the room, stops on the vase next to us, and pulls out a rose. “This
white rose and what the flower signifies to you.” Handing it to me, she
adds, “Show us why we should take a chance on you. No pressure.”
I inhale a long breath, pick up the pen and slide the notepad closer.
Think of something great. Studying the flower, I take in its beauty—the
thorns guarding it, then an idea springs to mind, and words pour out….
Tradition is everything.
For one, it’s traditional for a princess to bathe in milk and flowers
before her wedding day so she smells sweet for her king. I touch a white
rose. It signifies beauty, innocence, and purity—the sole representation of
what I am to be. Carefully I pluck a rose from its home, a reminder in a few
hours, my king will do the same to me. The petals are smooth as silk and in
my mother’s eyes, absolute perfection, just as I.
Yet, I despise how beautiful it is, innocent and pure. Slowly, I pick off the
silk petals, enjoying how imperfect the rose becomes as each one falls
around me, defiling it until there’s nothing left but a cold hard stem with
thorns. I smile—my true representation. Buried deep within what tradition
has done to me, but the king will never see my thorns. Nobody will ever
know because my mother taught me to be the rose, and that’s what I’ll be.
After all, tradition is everything.

I set the pen on the pad and slide it back. My heart’s racing as Marie reads
my words, her eyebrows rising every so often then she smiles. What is she
“Shelby, how long have you been writing?”
“Started when I was fourteen, writing short stories in school, then a
novel at twenty-two.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed your transition from light to dark in this piece. I’d
love to read what you got so far because, for a flash story like this off the
top of your head, I say you have talent—do you mind if I share this piece?”
“Of course, and thank you. You’re so kind.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You have the potential to make a career
out of this if that’s where your passion lies?”
“Maybe. I used to dream of publishing, then one day that dream faded
along with my will to write.”
“Listen, you may lose your way at several points, but that talent will
never fade. It’ll always live deep in your bones, and all it’ll take is a little
tug, a reminder, a goal to guide you back on your path every time.” She
hands the pad to me. “Write your information here. I’ll have Ashton shoot
you an email.”
I smile, looking at the sheet and writing everything. “Thank you, Marie.
This means a lot to me.”
“Of course. Us authors need to stick together.”
Mark strolls into the kitchen and kisses Marie on the cheek before
washing his hands in the sink. “The meat’s ready.”
“Okay, I’ll bring out the plates and silverware.”
“Thank you, my love, but I’ll take care of it. Go sit and relax.”
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he draws Marie close and kisses her
I stand, heading toward the back door to give them privacy, and find
Cole deep in conversation with Brandon next to a fire pit, everyone else still
at the table. As I reach my original spot, Austin pats the chair next to him,
so I sit there instead. Marie and Mark arrive shortly after, setting the table
with the dishes and lunch.
“Dig in, boys, before the food gets cold,” she says, then gives me a
wink before sitting at the end of the table.
“I hear you’re a fan of Sin. Want a private concert?” Cru says, plopping
in the seat next to me. “I’ll make the show worth your while.”
My eyes widen at his forwardness while draping his arm across my
shoulder. He knows I’m here with Cole, right?
A sigh passes through Austin’s lips. “Hey, dickhead, back off. She’s
here with my brother.”
Cru leans back when I pick his arm off me, and he chuckles. “Doesn’t
hurt to try. Plus she said they were friends, right, sweetcheeks?”
“She’s not interested in your dirty dick,” Arsen adds, whipping a used
crumpled napkin at him.
Cru chucks the finger back. “The chick can speak for herself.”
They all stare at me, and I glance over to Cole who’s still talking to his
brother. “You know what, you’re right,” I say, looking at Cru. “Show me
what you got.”
He raises a brow. “Right here?”
“Go ahead.” I lift my chair back from the table and widen my legs.
“Blow my mind, Mr. Extraordinaire.”
Grinning this time, Cru stands, the others watching us intently while he
gets down on one knee in front of me with a mischievous gleam. “My
He clears his throat, licking his lips before belting their popular song, A
Night of Sin, at the top of his lungs. Lifting to release one of Arsen’s
signature howls, he gyrates his hips like a lap dance, then straightens his
stance when more napkins hit him, the band rejecting their drummer’s
 I giggle, thoroughly enjoying his attempt at swooning me. “Damn, I’ll
call you in nine months.”
“I’m here all night.” Cru blows a kiss, then bows to me before taking
his original seat next to Arsen, still grinning.
This is nice.
“I like her,” Austin says, his comment making me smile, and I glance
over my shoulder at Cole when he kisses my cheek from behind.
“Having fun, Gorgeous?”
I nod, relaxing back into my seat until vibrations set off in my pocket,
and I withdraw my phone—Uncle Brian’s name shows on the screen, and I
furrow my brows. “Excuse me. I have to take this.”
“Want me to come with you?” Cole asks.
“I’ll only be a minute.”
He nods, and I stride toward the stairs, taking them two at a time into
the house. “Hey, Uncle Brian. How are you?”
“Hey, Kiddo. Everything’s great. I’m heading to San Diego next
weekend and thought I’d let you know so we can grab lunch Saturday. I’m
returning early Sunday.”
“Oh, yes, of course.”
“Great. I’ll shoot you a text Friday night.”
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, sorry to cut this call short. I must return to work, but I’ll talk to
you soon. Take care.”
“You too. Bye.”
I slip my phone into my jacket pocket just as a fluffy black and white
cat prances toward me, meowing a few times while rubbing its head along
my leg. “Aw, hey there, precious kitty.” Crouching to the floor, I scoop the
cat into my arms and snuggle it to my chest. “You are so cute.”
“I’m impressed. Checkers doesn’t let anyone hold him.”
My pulse spikes as I spin around, and Checkers leaps out of my arms,
running off in the distance. “Hey, you scared him.”
Cole laughs. “I’m sorry. I told you we don’t have the best relationship.”
“That’s too bad. He seems sweet.” I walk closer to Cole and smooth out
a wrinkle in his shirt. “Speaking of sweet, thank you for bringing me here.
You have a wonderful family.”
“I hope tonight wasn’t too much. Austin and his bandmates are only in
town for a few days before returning on the road. Their tour ends in
“No, meeting them was a pleasant surprise and very thoughtful of you.”
“Good.” Cole gazes into my eyes then his brows knit together. “I want
to thank you for last night. Not many people know about Kimber—though I
rarely share my past relationships. I appreciate you for listening. For being
patient, kind, and understanding…for just being here with me.”
My heart flutters as I step into him for a hug. “Of course. I told you I’ll
always be here for you, no matter what title we hold.” Gliding my palm
across his pec, I whisper, “Friends.” Then gaze at his handsome face.
“Friends, who are…close.”
“Hm, care to demonstrate how close?”
Fire courses through my body as I lift up on my toes and settle near his
mouth. “Care to show me your old bedroom? I’m sure we can find out just
how close we can get while in there.”
“It’s a guest room now. I told my mom to donate my old stuff.”
Shaking my head, I glide my hand down his stomach and grab his
buckle. “Take me to any room,” I whisper, lifting onto my toes to lap my
tongue along his top lip, and he moans, gripping my hips.
“As much as I want to bury myself deep inside you. This isn’t the place
for fucking.”
“Are you sure?” I ask, slowly walking backward and pulling him by his
belt to follow. “Everyone’s outside, occupied with food. I say we have a
good twenty minutes of alone time.”
Cole chuckles, stopping my advance as he slides to squeeze my ass, and
draws me flush to his body. “When I bring you home tonight, our time
together will be much longer than twenty minutes. I promise you.”
My breathing deepens as I inch my palm lower. “That’s not helping
when all I can think about right now is how badly I want your dick in my
“Fuck—” He slips his hand between my cheeks, squeezes my ass tighter
as I firmly rub on his thick bulge, and our mouths collide.
Our heavy kiss is quick, too quick for him once I draw away from his
lips, and he tugs me back for more by my neck, moaning with his tongue in
my mouth until I break away, taking a few hasty steps across the room to
catch my breath with a grin. “Rain check?”
Cole breathes hard while adjusting his erection. “You play a dirty game,
Gorgeous, but alright. Know that I’m already regretting my decision.”

A few hours pass, and it’s been nice getting to know his family more. Their
tight bond reminds me of my own—one of the many things I like about
him. Cole’s a few feet away from me as everyone gathers around the firepit.
Every glance my way fuels the fire between us, making the distance needed
before I rip his clothes off right here.
Is he as turned on as I am right now? He seems relatively calm, though
his composure could be a mask with every shift of his weight and the subtle
brush of his fingers along his jaw as I stare at him intently. Let’s find out.
Swiping my phone, I glance around before opening the text app and quickly
send him a little something something to get him going.
Tell me, how badly do you want to suck my pussy tonight?
Because I can’t stop thinking about tasting your cum on my

Grinning, I slip my phone between my thighs, then furrow my brows

when a minute passes without Cole checking his messages, though maybe
the service out here isn’t that great—my phone vibrates, sending a jolt up
my spine before I swipe the screen, and all the blood drains from my body.
Ms. Morales?

I toss my phone across the lawn, a sharp scream expelling from my lips
before I cover my mouth. Did I fucking send a dirty text to my boss? My
boldness already getting me into trouble.
“Shelby?” Cole stands, and I run to grab my phone before he can move,
my hands shaking as I stare at the message again, storing the treacherous
device in my jacket pocket. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I need to explain myself to…can you take me back home?”
“Explain what?”
Meeting his confused gaze, I whisper, “I sent you a dirty text.”
His brows push together while checking his phone. “I didn’t receive—”
Eyes wide, he stares at me, his once worried expression replaced with a
grin. “What did you say?”
“Cole….” I glance around to see if anyone’s watching us.
“Tell me, Gorgeous.” He draws me close, tipping my head back to meet
his icy gaze. “Because I’m a little jealous he gets to read your filthy words
instead of me.”
“This is serious.” I’m breathing harder, fanning my face from the heat
that’s radiating through me. “I have to speak with Carter before he takes my
message the wrong way.”
 Cole nods as he rubs my back. “Alright. We can go now.”
We say our goodbyes and my mind runs wild the entire ride back of
how Carter will react, of what I’ll say to him in return while apologizing
profusely because no matter how many close encounters we’ve been in,
Carter’s still my boss foremost. Cole parks the bike, helping me down, and I
keep holding his hand.
“Thank you for a wonderful day,” I say, my pulse rising with the
anticipation of going inside. “I want to treat you next time.”
He smiles, tipping my chin to kiss me gently. “I look forward to
spending another day with you.” I nod, fidgeting where I stand, and Cole
rubs his thumb along my cheek as he adds, “Don’t worry too much, Shelby.
From what Carter says about you, you’re irreplaceable, so go in there and
keep doing what you’re doing.”
“He talks about me?”
A slight smile lifts his lips as he nods. “I don’t think he realizes how
“Oh…well, goodnight, Cole. Get home safely, please.”
“I’ll text you when I arrive. Goodnight, Gorgeous. See you soon.”
One last kiss on my forehead, and he mounts his bike as I stroll toward
the house, every step weighing heavy until I reach the foyer. A flash of
relief hits me when his office is unoccupied, having a little more time to
prepare myself as I head upstairs, Carter and Garret likely eating dinner.
Exhaling a shaky breath, I stroll into the kitchen, stopping by the island, and
Garret glances back over his shoulder. 
“Shelly!” He jumps off his chair and runs toward me, hugging my leg.
“You’re home.”
Carter’s sitting at the round table, his fork paused at his lips as our eyes
meet, and he places the utensil on his plate. My heart rackets as he stands,
wipes his mouth with a napkin, and then brings his dishes to the sink. He
focuses on his cleaning task before his dark gaze returns to me, and I press
my lips together, wishing I knew what he was thinking.
“Can I talk to you, please?” I ask as he finishes rinsing his plate, placing
it in the rack.
Drying his hands, he strolls toward me, each step making me breathe
harder, and gestures me toward his office. “Garret, go to the playroom. I’ll
be back in a minute.”
Carter follows me to the foyer, and we enter the room, keeping the door
open. “First, I want to apologize for that text I sent you earlier. My message
was completely unprofessional, misleading, and will never happen again.”
He guides me to take the seat in front of his desk, his hand on my lower
back burning through my clothes to my skin, so I quickly plant my ass
down as he sits across from me.
“I’m curious as to why you sent one so…explicit in the first place?”
Grabbing a nearby pencil, he leans back in the chair, his legs wide open.
“It’s not every day my employees express how badly they want me to come
on their tongue.” He glides his fingers over his lower lip while tapping the
pencil eraser on his knee. “But I assume your message was meant for
someone other than me.”
I’m on fire, my cheeks surely burning red, and I whisper, “I’m sorry.”
He nods a few times, focusing his gaze on the curtains. “I have to get
Garret ready for bed. Go get some rest.”
“Oh, I can do that for—”
I stop talking as he holds up his hand. “No. You’re off duty.”
Pressing my lips together, I stand, clasping my hands in front of me.
“Okay. Have a good night, Mr. Anderson.”
He meets my gaze again, staring for long seconds before saying,
“Goodnight. Ms. Morales.”

I press my palm on the door, darkness surrounding me while standing

before Shelby’s bedroom with the intention of knocking, but I stop seconds
after arriving. Hope guided me here, that maybe, deep down, her message
was intended for me, and somehow she wanted me enough to take a chance
on a man far from perfect. However, reality guides me toward my room
with the facts at front.
She doesn’t because I haven’t given her a reason to trust me.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I thread my fingers through my hair,
releasing a heavy breath before staring at my bedroom door. Talk to her.
Stop hiding behind a fucking wall for one second and be a decent man. I
clench my jaw, knowing where I need to start. What needs to happen to
make change. Just as she blatantly pointed out the obvious. There’s only
one person who needs me most in this world, and I failed him.
I failed my son.
It’s 2:00 in the morning as I exit my bedroom again, only this time, I
walk the hallway toward Garret’s and enter, sitting along the edge of his
bed. His chest rises with a deep breath, and his mouth parts from his slight
snoring that makes me smile. With his eyes closed, I see much of myself in
him at this age, but my contentment is short-lived, hoping further down the
road that he’s nothing like me.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, swallowing deeply to stop the burn in my throat,
and I exhale a shaky breath. “I’ll do better by you. For both of us, I promise
I’ll be present. Just be patient with me. That’s all I ask.”
I trail the back of my fingers down his cheek, rise to my feet, and leave,
keeping his door ajar. Slipping my hands into my pockets, I stare outside at
the back building I’ve yet to enter after four years. Too many significant
memories, and none good enough to deem the space worthy of restoration
even though the square footage would make a more suitable study than my
current one.
One chapter to fix at a time, Carter.
With the upcoming northern trip in a few days, Cole and I are meeting
two potential clients to discuss future project plans to see if we are the best
fit for them—one with a small-scale commercial opportunity and the other
with a private renovation to build a state of the art security system into his
home. We’ve missed many opportunities over the years by keeping to a
specific profile, but slowly we’re branching out to bring the firm more
business, and rebuilding our brand.
Most of our past clients have been in the southern region of California,
a few central, and we’re looking forward to securing our first northern

I opted for ginger ale during our 1 ½ hour flight, slowly sipping while
watching the clouds outside. Cole returns from the restroom, settling into
his seat, and he glances at me before staring at the tv ahead of him. There’s
a half-hour left until we touch down, and I’m ready to leave the plane and
stretch my legs. Hating the restrictive feeling and having to stay put for
long periods as I take another sip.
“Are you enjoying your ice?”
Furrowing my brows at Cole, I look into my cup void of liquid and sigh.
“They don’t give enough.”
He chuckles, shifting his seat to recline further. “Wake me when we get
Temptations arise, my ice better suited for his wake-up call, and I huff a
laugh at the idea—if Garret would giggle watching his uncle startle awake.
I dip my chin, already feeling guilty, not for the playful thought, but for
leaving my son without him knowing. The ache in me increases because
he’s likely unbothered, used to me not being present, and I swallow the burn
rising in my throat, blinking away the stinging tears flushing my eyes for
becoming the man I tried so hard to run from.
“You’re not like him.” The dam breaks at Cole’s words, always
knowing what to say, and when to say them.
I clench my jaw, closing my eyes to prevent more from falling as I
swipe my tears away. He grips the nape of my neck, swaying me before
firmly rubbing across my back, the motion loosening the tightness forming,
and I nod.
“Thank you.”
“Give yourself a break. You’re a better man than most.”
That phrase is a hard pill to swallow. “Could be better.”
“You’re right, and so can everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with
change. I encourage the effort but remember, who you are right now
deserves as much respect and love as the man you aspire to become one
day. If you don’t respect yourself today, then how do you expect to love
yourself in the future? To allow yourself forgiveness, and be able to love
Contemplating, I look at my friend, my brother, feeling his pain behind
those last several words. “Do you love her?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation, yet his smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
“But not in the same way you do.”
 My skin prickles at his confession, unsure how to take this information.
“She’s my employee—”
“Cut the bullshit, Carter. If you’re gonna construct an excuse for why
you won’t confess your feelings for Shelby, at least make your lie
believable.” He leans back in his chair again, staring at the tv. 
“She doesn’t want me.”
“You’re with her every day, yet you don’t see that she’s into you?”
“I’m aware there are feelings, but that’s where it ends for her.
Infatuation and sexual tension.”
“And why’s that?”
I furrow my brows. “What?”
“Why would there be anything else if you don’t talk outside writing her
checks? Step away from your office mindset.”
“I’ve tried.” Chucking, I shift my weight, staring out the window. “I
told her about Miles, about Mom, my father….” I clench my fist, feeling the
phantom pains associated with him. “I’ve tried, but as I said, she doesn’t
want me.”
Cole sighs, patting my shoulder before saying, “Then we’ll have to
agree to disagree, brother.”
I relish his last words because if Shelby does, even in the slightest, care
for me outside of Garret, then I’ll savor the possibility that one day we
could be. But until then, or if ever, I’ll keep my promise to Garret. Because,
as she said, I need to draw a line between business and my personal life,
which she couldn’t be more right.

A call comes through as I’m loading a week’s worth of groceries into the
trunk, and I grab my phone from my purse, glancing at Garret in the
shopping cart while answering, “Hello?”
“Good afternoon, Shelby. It’s Claire from the boutique. Your dress is
ready for your next fitting, and I have two openings today if you’d like to
come in?”
I peek at the time: almost 3:30. “Hey, sure. What do you have?”
“Let me see. I have a 5:00 and 5:30 slot available.”
“I’ll take 5:30.” That’ll give me enough time to drop off the groceries,
eat dinner, and shower.
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”
“Thank you.”
She ends the call, and I drop my phone into my purse before closing the
trunk. “Ready to get inside, bud?”
“Yeah. Are we going to check the soup?”
I smirk and nod. “Yup. So let’s go home fast to eat, and then we have to
stop at the dress store afterward.” Garret frowns while fidgeting with his
dinosaur toy, and I cross my arms on the cart handle to be face-to-face with
him. “¿Qué pasa? What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure?”
He nods, and I remove him from the cart, strapping him inside his car
seat. It’s been just Garret and me the last two days, with Carter away on a
business trip up north with Cole. They’ll be home tonight, and I haven’t
been able to speak with either of them much since the connection wasn’t the
greatest at one of their locations. Driving to the house, I park in front of the
doors, glad Garret’s awake. Lately, getting him down at night after having a
nap has been difficult.
“Hey, want to help me bring the groceries inside?”
Garret yawns while rubbing his eye and nods. “Is Daddy home?”
Him asking about his dad makes me smile—Carter’s putting more effort
into being around him, and it shows. “He will be later tonight.”
“Can we make him a picture?”
“That sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you work on that while I put
the groceries away?”
We go back and forth, grabbing bags, and Garret waddles to the round
table after the last one, placing the items on the floor before running into the
playroom. Returning with his coloring box and some paper, he climbs his
chair to set up his workstation and gets to drawing. He looks so much like
his father right now, and I take a picture, texting the photo to Carter.
The savory aroma of the Ajiaco takes over the entire kitchen. I’ve been
craving to make it ever since Dad mailed me the herb needed—though he’d
be baffled if he knew I cooked his favorite chicken soup dish in a crockpot,
though I’ll stick with whatever’s easiest since I’m on the go with Garret
most days.
It takes a few minutes to put everything away, and I scoop rice into two
bowls, add two corns, then pour the shredded chicken and potatoes before
adding avocado and lime with a dollop of sour cream in mine.
I’ve officially thrown out Mrs. Jetty’s recipes. Carter gave me control
over the menu with his approval, and I haven’t heard any complaints from
him thus far. I switch the cooker to warm for Carter to have some later, grab
two spoons, and bring the food to the table. 
“Ready to eat?”
“Almost done,” Garret says, coloring one last spot, then drops the green
crayon. “There, see? It’s me playing with Daddy, and that’s my car.” He lets
out a sigh. “Can we find it today, Shelly?”
I forgot he lost his toy at the boutique.
His little potato people are adorable, and his inside-the-line coloring is
impressive. “Nice job. I promise we’ll look again when we get there.”
He gives me a dimpled grin, devours his meal, then plays in his room
while I get ready before we head to the boutique. Five minutes after we
arrive, Claire walks into the lobby with my dress in hand and a box under
her arm.
“Here we are. Go ahead and try it on so we can check the length.”
“Thank you. What’s this?”
“I’m not sure. The bride mailed it over last week.”
Huh, she never mentioned anything to me.
“Garret, don’t give Ms. Claire a hard time, okay?”
“Okay, Shelly.”
“Oh! Wait, I have something for you.” Claire shuffles behind her desk.
“I found something very special under a display mannequin while
Garret’s eyes light up as she holds the car he lost. “Yay!” He jumps,
squeezing the little toy against his cheek, before hugging her legs. “Thank
“Aw, you’re welcome, sweetie.”
The exchange warms my heart, loving how embracive Garret’s
becoming. I head for the dressing room smiling, settling into one of the
stalls, and my phone pings inside my wristlet as I remove my shirt.
There’s a text from Carter.
We caught an earlier flight and just landed.

The ellipsis comes and goes a few times.

Thank you, Shelby. You can take the rest of the day off when I
get home.

Oh, that’s nice of him.

I don’t mind finishing the night. I’m sure you’re exhausted, and
I have tomorrow off. You should rest.
Placing my phone on the shelf after no response, I shimmy my skinny
jeans down my hips and thighs just as a video call comes in from Cole next.
Using the stall to prop up the phone, I swipe the screen. “Hey, how was
your trip?” I ask, leaning against the opposite side while focusing on
removing the tight material along my legs. He doesn’t reply, and I glance at
the phone to Cole staring at me with his mouth parted. “You alright?”
He looks to his side and walks toward a different location. “I don’t
know if I should thank or spank you for the tease.”
A burst of laughter leaves me. “Why not both?” I wink, straightening
my stance and wagging my brows while slowly unclasping my bra from the
back to reveal my breasts, adding the thin black cotton to the pile. “Too bad
you’re not here to inflict.”
He moves his hand over his mouth and down his bearded chin. “Can I
see you tonight?”
“I’m taking a personal day tomorrow, so I’m all yours then.”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.” Someone says something in
the background to make Cole look away. “Alright, Gorgeous, as much as I
want to stay on the phone with you, I have to go, but I’ll call you tonight.”
“Okay. Talk to you soon,” I say, smiling.
“Looking forward to it.”
My smile turns into a grin from what tomorrow will bring. The dress
hangs on the hook beside me, and I glide my fingers over the pink tulle
before stepping into it.
It’s a perfect fit, the length meeting just before the floor. One step closer
to the wedding, and now that I think about it, I’ve yet to inform Carter
about needing to use a few days of my vacation time. Hopefully, there
won’t be an issue with the short notice.  
Grabbing my phone, I video call Natalie, and she answers on the fourth
ring, her nose red, eyes puffy. “Hey, Shelby,” she says, her voice wavering.
“How are you?”
I sit on the small stool, bringing my phone close. “Natalie, what
With a shaky breath, she gives me a furrowed smile. “Um, well, I just
got some news about five minutes ago.”
My heart thuds in my chest. “Is something wrong?”
“If you can call nausea and vomiting at any moment something wrong,
then there’s a lot of that happening the past few days.”
Pins and needles scatter across my skin as I blink a few times, holding
back a grin. “Oh my—Nat, are you pregnant?”
“Surprise….” Natalie whispers, sniffing as she reaches to show me a
white and blue stick. “3+ weeks. I don’t even know how far I am.” She
suppresses a sob by covering her mouth. “I don’t know what to do, Shelby.
And Ben’s still at work.”
“It’s okay. You’ll feel better once he’s home. Being scared is a normal
reaction, so allow yourself time to process the news.”
“And what if being happy never comes? It’s been only us for fourteen
years, and I love our little life together.” Tears fall down her cheeks as she
closes her eyes, breathing hard while pressing her lips together,
contemplating standing before she does with a vice grip on the chair behind
her for a moment. “Fuck—it doesn’t stop. The spinning and churning of my
stomach, like I have to vomit even though I’ve barely eaten anything but
bread because most food I enjoy smells putrid. I don’t know if I can go
through with the wedding like this.”
My brows raise. “Are you thinking of postponing?”
Retaking her seat, she pouts, her bottom lip quivering. “How can I tell
Ben? The wedding’s in how many weeks? I can’t even think straight. With
everything paid for and guests coming in from around the U.S., my
grandparents from Italy. I can’t change anything.”
“Oh, Natalie. Take a breath. Everyone will understand if it comes to
that, and Maddie will work her magic to move everything when you feel
more comfortable. Your health matters more. Okay? Just give yourself a
few days before making any decisions, and remember you have an amazing
support system beside you.”
She quickly nods, threading her fingers through her straight dark hair.
“Yeah, thank you, Shelby. I love you.”
“I love you too, and I can’t wait to meet little Natalie and Ben.”
A genuine smile lifts her lips before she nods again. “Are you at the
boutique?” Flipping the camera around, I show Natalie the dress in the
mirror. “Aw, I love it. You look so beautiful, Shelby.”
“Once I purchase my heels next, I’m all set.”
“Did you get my package?”
Glancing at the white box, I kneel to open it, and inside is a pair of
sparkly black pumps. “Natalie, wow…these are gorgeous! You didn’t have
to buy them for me.”
“It was nothing. My gift to you for being my bridesmaid, and there’s
more where that came from.”
“How much more are we talking?”
“You’ll see when the time comes. I want to shower everyone I love with
all my appreciation.”
I slip them on, and the dark stones sparkle in the mirror light. “Thank
you so much. I love them.”
“You’re welcome.” Natalie looks over her shoulder as her front kitchen
door opens, and she faces me quickly, wiping under her eyes with her shirt,
then hides the pregnancy stick between her thighs. “Ben’s home.”
“Hey, primo,” I say into the speaker.
He walks beside the island, bending to poke his face in front of the
camera. “Hey, beautiful, how are you?”
Ben turns toward Natalie, his brows furrowing while palming her cheek
and dipping to kiss her. “Still not feeling well, baby?”
She swallows deeply, her face looking more pale. “I ate crackers and
bread. I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner tonight.”
“Hey, don’t worry about me.” He kisses her temple next, sweeping
away her bangs while pressing the back of his hand to her forehead. “You
feel warm. Why don’t you lie down for a bit.”
He’s gonna be a great father.
“Thanks, but I’m okay. I was in bed for most of the day.”
Nodding, he smiles, then glances at me before walking out of screen
where it’s only me and Natalie. “How is everything going with your new
job?” she asks, though I know she’s stalling being alone with Ben.
“It’s going. I’m content with our new routine, and Garret seems
“Is the stick still lodged up your boss’s ass?”
I smile and shake my head. “It’s slowly dislodging. He’s making
progress with Garret, which is great.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re happy, Shelby.”
I open my mouth to reply, but tiny feet come pattering by the door.
“Oh. Garret’s here with me, so I should probably head to the front.”
Lowering my voice, I add. “Call or text me anytime, okay?”
She smiles, blowing me a kiss, and I do the same. “Thank you. Talk
“Bye, Natalie.”
We end the call, and I stay seated for a moment before standing,
unlocking the door. “Garret?” There’s laughter down the hall, so I head
back into the main room to Claire by her desk with Garret on the stool
playing. “Sorry I took so long,”
She smiles and strolls over to the pedestal. “No problem, Garret’s great
company. Come step up here.” With her help, I stand and stare at my
reflection as she fluffs the skirt, walking around me to check the length.
“Everything looks even, so you’re good to go.”
“Thank you so much for your help, Claire, and for finding his car.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Go change and bring me the dress so I
can wrap it for you.”
I step down, change quickly, and hand the dress to Claire. “Thanks.
Ready, Garret?”
“Yup.” He jumps off the stool and runs to me. “Are we going home?”
“We are.”
Claire returns with the dress inside a black cover with her boutique logo
on the front. “It’s been a pleasure having you two in my shop, and I hope to
see you again.”
I take Garret’s hand and the shoebox under my arm while holding the
clothes hanger. “I’ll be back when I need a nice dress.”
“Glad to hear that. Take care.”
“Say bye, Garret.”
He does, waving with his excitement to leave, which makes me giggle
as we exit the boutique.

After storing my dress at the apartment, Garret and I arrive in La Jolla,

enter Carter’s driveway a few minutes later, and park inside the garage.
“Daddy!” Garret runs and jumps in front of Carter by the stairs once we get
inside. “Look, I found my car!”
Carter holds a slight smile as he gets on his level. “That’s great news.”
“Come to see the picture I made you.” Tugging at his hand, Garret asks,
“Can we play?”
Carter’s mouth opens and closes then he glances at me. “Okay. Get a
game ready in your playroom.”
Garret gasps. “Yay!” Then he runs, rushing up the stairs.
Pins and needles spread along my skin, seeing the growth between
them. The effort to make a difference means so much to his little boy and
“Take the rest of the night off,” Carter says as he straightens to his full
I don’t object this time and nod. “There’s chicken soup in the crockpot
if you’re hungry.”
His smile stirs the butterflies in my stomach. “Thank you. I had some,
and it was the most flavorful chicken soup I’ve ever eaten.”
“Hm, well, my father will be pleased that my boss likes his recipe.”
“Is he a chef?”
“He is and has a restaurant back home.”
Carter grins, his dimples on full display as he tilts his head to the side,
stepping closer. “Keep bringing all the recipes because I haven’t eaten this
good. Ever.”
“What?” I say, straightening his loosened tie around his neck before
smoothing my fingers down the satin-patterned fabric. “So, no more banana
He lets out a hearty chuckle. “Anything but that.”
His dark eyes fall heavy as he gazes into mine, and I can’t contain my
smile as I drink in his playful mood, my pulse rising as he tips up my chin
with a gentle touch, smoothing his thumb below my lip. Yet I stay only a
second longer before stepping back and continuing upstairs to my room
with our pull lingering.

Sitting in the parking lot of my favorite cafe, I yawn, scrolling through my

phone bored out of my mind. Uncle Brian left me a voicemail well before I
woke this morning, informing me he was arriving earlier than intended and
asking if we could meet for breakfast instead. So, it’s 8:30 a.m. as I wait for
his arrival.
Who can I call to pass the time?
I go through my contacts, finger hovering over Cole’s number, but
video call Emily instead. “Shelby—” She gasps, dropping her phone. “Hey,
asshole, watch where you’re going!”
My eyes widen. “Em, are you okay?”
She puts her screen upright, and her face comes back on with a smile.
“Yeah. Someone almost rammed my car as I pulled into the parking lot.
How are you?”
“Good. Thought I’d say hello since it’s been a while.” A gust of wind
blows through the speaker as she exits her car, and I turn down the volume.
“Bad weather?”
Emily holds her speaker close to her mouth. “It’s windy as hell down
the shore.” With the phone pointing to the dark grey clouds, she rushes into
a building and shivers as she gets warm. “Ooh, it’s chilly today,” she says,
then looks at me. “I’m at the hotel since my dad forgot to file important
documents before he left town early this morning. He’s scoping the new
location on the west coast and won’t be back until the evening.”
I furrow my brows. Does Carter know? He asked if I could watch
Garret at 6:00 tonight, which I assumed he was meeting with Uncle Brian
for dinner.
“I’m meeting him for breakfast.”
“Really? He didn’t tell me.”
“Yeah. He called me on Sunday and seemed pretty busy, so possibly it
slipped his mind.”
“Huh, maybe.” The screen goes to pause mode for a few seconds then
Emily’s face returns.
I want to ask about Chicago, but rather her tell me when she’s ready, so
I ask instead, “How’s the bakery hunt going? Find a building yet?”
She sighs, glancing around before looking at the camera, her curls
framing her face while walking. “I don’t wanna think about that right now.”
A text comes through, and I swipe the screen down to see.
I’ll be inside waiting for you.

“Alright, Em, your dad just got here. I’ll call you later to catch up.”
“Okay, give him a big hug for me.” She blows a few air kisses. “Love
you, prima.”
“Love you, bye.”
Storing my phone, I exit the car and head toward the cafe. As I enter the
building, the aroma of fresh coffee beans makes me hum, missing my wake-
up call for the past four years before I got fired from Roux. It took me a
while to find a place serving quality bagel sandwiches that came close to
my favorite spot in Jersey, and that’s because the owner’s from the east
coast. I scan the area, find Uncle Brian at the back window, and stroll
toward the table.
He looks from his phone, grins, then stands to draw me in for a hug.
“Hey, Shelby.”
“Hey, how was your flight?” I sit in the chair across from him.
“Far too long. Not my favorite thing to do, but with my job, there’s no
avoiding it,” he says. The feeling is mutual. “What would you like to eat
and drink? It’s my treat.”
I give him my order, and five minutes later, he returns with two drinks
and hands me mine. “Food will be done shortly. So, how are you?” he asks,
sipping his hot coffee with one cream, the usual.
“I’m doing well. Got a new job which I’m quite enjoying.”
“That’s great. Still in the food industry? Culinary was your major,
I take a long drink of my Iced Caramel Macchiato. “Yes, it was, and no.
I’m a nanny in La Jolla, though, ironically, I’m cooking more now than I
did before starting this job. So far, it’s been a great experience.”
“That’s interesting. I’m scoping that area today. Also….” He leans on
the chair and takes a sip of coffee. “Shelby, I have a business proposition
for you.”
My brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to lie to you.” He sighs, placing his cup on the table.
“Your mother came to me when she found out I was heading to San Diego
and asked if I could give you a job in the new hotel. Now, I think it’s a
fantastic idea, having someone I trust running the kitchen, but of course,
only if my offer is something that interests you?”
Closing my eyes, I clench my jaw and take a deep breath as irritation
courses through me. Should’ve known Mom would pull a stunt like this. I
stand, the chair scraping backward as I move to the side of the table. “Is that
why you asked me to meet with you?”
“Shelby, of course not. You’re my niece, and I wanted to spend time
with you while I’m here. Your mother came to me after I called you
Tears brim my eyes, but I blink them back, quickly nodding. “Okay.
Um, I just remembered there’s somewhere I need to be this morning, so I
should go. Have a safe flight home.”
Uncle Brian stands and takes hold of my hand as I turn away. “Are you
okay? I hope I haven’t upset you.”
I shake my head. “No, not you, but I’ll be fine. It was nice seeing you,
and thank you for the coffee.”
“Of course. Please, remember me and your aunt are only one call away
if you need someone to talk to. Any time you need a listening ear.”
Chewing on my bottom lip, I nod and wrap my arms around his waist.
The summer weekends at their house are some of my fondest memories—
having a place to go where I can breathe without feeling judged or someone
hovering over my every move. Sometimes I wish to go back to those days.
“I know. Thank you.”
“Love you, Kid.”
“I love you too.” We part, and I wipe a tear escaping down my cheek—
“Order for B. Nolan!” yells one of the workers behind the counter.
“Wait a minute.” He jogs to the counter and is back in seconds. “Here,
take your lunch before you go.
I grab the bag and smile. “Thank you again.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll walk you to your car.”
We leave the cafe, my shoulders feeling heavy, and I need to get out of
this funk. There’s one person I know who easily can. So I give Uncle Brian
one last hug, drive several minutes to my apartment complex, and head
inside, needing some girl time. Searching through my purse, I grab my set
of keys and unlock the door, Jessie blocking me from opening all the way,
her eyes wide.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” she asks, glancing back into the
apartment while keeping the door near her face.
I raise a brow. “I missed you…am I interrupting?”
“Nope.” She lets out a weak laugh, looking over her shoulder once more
before finally letting me inside. “How’s work going?”
Trudging toward the couch, I sit back and cover my face with a pillow.
“It’s great….”
The cushion dips beside me. “The enthusiasm in your tone is
“I just had lunch with my uncle,” I mumble.
“Okay, and that’s bad?” She removes the pillow and tosses it to the
other side.
“Seeing him wasn’t the problem, but my mom using him to get me a
better job is—like, why can’t she let me live my life? I get she wants what’s
best for me, but c’mon. Her behavior is borderline obsessive.”
Jessie nods. “I don’t think it’s borderline anymore. Maybe it’s time you
sit with her and have a one-on-one. At this point, communication is the only
solution to your problem.”
“You don’t know my mother since her communication is a one-way
Her shoulders slump as she sighs. “I’m sorry, babe.” She wraps her arm
around my shoulders and hugs me from the side. “Now, as much as I love
seeing your face, you gotta leave.”
My brows push together. “What? Why?” Thoroughly examining the
spotless apartment, I find two wine glasses on the coffee table ahead of us,
along with an empty bottle of red. Then I straighten my stance, looking at
Jessie wearing a pink robe. “So you are here with someone. Why the
secrecy?” Her cheeks turn two shades of pink, not denying my accusation,
and I smirk. “Ayee, I bet he’s waiting for you to return to him, so he can
ravage your body like a starved man eating a double-stuffed taco.”
The bridge of her nose wrinkles as she scrunches her face. “You know,
you should save that for your book. I’m sure your beautiful words will kick
your readers swooning into overdrive.”
“Maybe I will.”
Her smile returns. “I hope you do.”
Dane walks to Jessie’s room doorway across from us, inked from his
chest, down his arms ending at his wrists, wearing nothing but a white
towel low on his hips. My mouth drops with a grin as I stare at Jessie, and
she narrows her eyes at me because I was right that she was into him.
“Stop it,” she says, trying not to smile.
“I’m ready to eat.” Dane licks his lips, rubbing his ridiculous six-pack
while nodding toward the door. “Are you coming?”
I snort, looking at Jessie with the biggest smile on my face. “Go get it,
double stuffed.”
“Ugh, you’re a bad influence.” She says to me, wagging her brows
before she stands, and saunters over to Dane, the door closing behind them.
That’s my cue to get out of here. I’ll call Cole to let him know I’m ready
Heading to my room, I search through my closet for ‘rip me off’ attire,
then strip my clothes, a specific blue thong I’m wearing makes me grin. I
slip on a dark grey short sleeve wrap dress that ties on the side, the hem
rests mid-thigh, Perfect for wandering fingers, and the v-neckline shows
just enough cleavage where he’ll have to untie me for more.
It’s been a while since I’ve slept with someone. Way too long.
I step into my black flats, check if the coast is clear as I crack open the
door, then dash to the exit with Jessie’s loud moaning in the distance. To
keep from laughing, I bite hard on my lip, quickly getting out. Removing
my phone from my purse, I dial Cole and he answers on the second ring.
“Hey, Gorgeous.”
His pet name makes me swoon every time, especially with his raspy
tone. “Hey. Are you busy right now?”
“Nope. Watching movies to pass the time until I see you.”
Good to know he’s as eager as I am. “You don’t have to wait. I’m ready
if you are.”
Keys jingle in the background. “I’ll come to get you.”
I laugh, slowing my steps toward the car. “Wait. Text me your address,
and I’ll go to you.”
“Alright. Fair warning, my place isn’t as luxurious as Carter’s, but it has
“As long as you’re in it, that’s all that matters to me.”
Cole gets quiet for a second. “You better bring your ass over here then.”
My heart thumps, his demand sending a tingling sensation down my
spine—why am I standing here? “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon,” he says, then ends the call.
A text message comes through with his address, attached with a kiss
emoji which makes me smile. Now inside the car, I type his address into my
GPS and drive to his house, more eager to see him than ever.

It’s adorable—the first word that pops into my mind while I walk up several
stairs to the front of his one-story tiny home, which his house isn’t lacking
in size, length-wise. As I knock on the black wooden door, I bounce on my
toes, unable to stop smiling.
My stomach flutters once Cole appears, leaning into the jamb. His
intense stare gives me goosebumps, icy hues roaming over my body, and
my breathing increases by the second the longer they linger on my tits.
Stepping inside, I lift onto my toes, wrap my arms around his shoulders,
and welcome his scent while being flush with his body.
His strong hands glide along my lower back as I whisper in his ear, “I
missed you.” Then brush my lips along his cheek until we meet with a kiss.
It’s fiery, deep, and all for me. Yes, today, I’ll be greedy.
We part, and Cole hums, resting his forehead on mine. “I made you
“You did?” I haven’t eaten my bagel, so I’m starving.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, kissing me again, moaning into my mouth
as he squeezes my ass.
Breaking away, I caress the back of his neck, breathing against his lips
before nipping the bottom one. “For you.”
“Mm, first, I need to feed you, so come with me.”
With every pun intended, we walk along the weathered hardwood floor,
entering his home. There are cream-colored couches on the left and dark
wooden cabinets in the kitchen to the right, the two-seater island in the
middle separating both rooms. Cole guides me to the island with his hand
on the small of my back, then goes to the oven, opening the door.
“Do you like turkey?”
I sit and nod. “I do.”
His meal smells incredible as he removes a baking sheet from the oven
and sets my sandwich on a plate before stepping toward the stainless steel
fridge to grab fresh ingredients. Once he finishes, he brings my plate over.
“Looks incredible.” It’s a turkey melt on a roll, but without a top, piled
high with tomatoes, cheddar, freshly sliced avocado, and parsley. My mouth
water before I bite, and the cheese stretches, falling onto my chin. “Mm—
damn, Cole.”
He smirks, places a glass of water next to my plate, and uses his finger
to swipe the string cheese off my chin after my failed attempt at getting it. I
lick the crumbs from my lips, stare at my plate, and smile.
“Sorry, I’m a messy eater when I’m hungry.”
“Don’t apologize. That doesn’t bother me. Just be yourself—it’s what I
like most about you.”
I take a sip of water, then stroll in front of him, touching the white t-
shirt under his navy button-up. “Do you know what I like most about you?”
He shakes his head, gliding his hands from my waist to my lower back.
“Tell me, Gorgeous.”
“You’re selfless, kind-hearted, and a great friend. I admire a man with a
big heart.” I lift onto my toes, lay my palm on his left cheek, and kiss the
other. “That is hard to come by nowadays.”
Cole gazes into my eyes. “It’s not always easy. Some people tend to
take advantage of it, which never ends well.”
There’s a glimpse of sadness behind those icy blues, causing a pang in
my gut, so I whisper, “I’ll never take advantage of you.”
Gripping my waist, he lifts me onto the island, settling between my legs.
“Are the kids asleep?” Cole smirks in the crook of my neck.
I laugh, my head falling back as he presses a kiss. “Mm, yes, right next
to the eight cats.”
He chuckles against my throat, the raspy hum sends a jolt straight to my
core, and a low moan rolls off my tongue as I squeeze my thighs around his
sides, caressing the back of his neck to keep him close.
Soft pecks down my neck turn into wet kisses, and I lean back on my
hands as he lowers, my chest pushing forward while he lingers between my
breasts. Freeing one from my dress, he flicks his tongue across my nipple—
the sensation makes me squirm beneath his tight hold on my hips.
Cole moves across, sucking the other through my dress before dragging
the thin fabric down, watching me watch him as he slowly gravitates south.
He glides his palms down my thighs, spreading me wide, and I bite my
bottom lip, my head falling as I moan once his thumb meets the line of my
thong. My pussy throbs for more, intensifying, waiting so long for him to
touch me, lick me, feel him inside me.
“Fucking gorgeous,” he growls, tracing the blue fabric while avoiding
the one spot I need him.
I’m panting, gripping the ledge as he juts me forward, kneeling between
my legs. His eyes fall heavy as he slowly drags the thong midway to my
thighs, then he meets my gaze while shredding the thin material in two. I
lick my lips, swallowing deeply the longer he lingers above my pussy, his
heavy breaths hitting my clit, which is agonizing torture.
“Cole—” I shudder, tipping my head back while exhaling a shaky
breath once he laps his tongue entrance to clit.
A loud vibration sounds from below, and he silences his phone only for
the call to return a second later. No longer patient, I pull him by the collar to
stand and crash our mouths together, wanting to feel his body pressing
against mine while he fucks me. So I glide my palm down his stomach, and
he groans as I firmly palm his bulge through his jeans.
“Take me to your bed,” I say against his lips.
Without protest, Cole wraps my legs around his hips and carries me
down a short hall, our lips locking again. He stops at the end, pushing me
against the door as I grind my pussy on his dick, making him grunt,
fumbling with the door handle while bucking his pelvis forward.
Another call comes through, and the pulsating vibrations from his front
pocket set me off, spiraling while crying out, continuing to rock my pussy
on him, clenching my core, my head hitting the door while moaning—
unable to hold back the rippling effect coursing through me until I fall slack
to his shoulder.
“Fuck,” he breathes into my hair. “Did you….”
My cheeks feel hot once I raise my head, trying to catch my breath, but
there’s no chance. Cole has me inside the room and on his bed in seconds,
his mouth moving against mine with dire need. When the phone goes off
again, he takes it out, and silences the device before tossing it beside us, not
removing his lips from mine—I need a minute, slipping my hands to his
chest and pressing him back.
A slight wrinkle appears between his eyebrows as he stares down at me,
breathing hard. “Is something wrong?”
Smiling, I grip his shirt and pull him to me, shaking my head. “No.
Everything’s perfect.”
Cole fingers the wrap on my dress, loosening the knot until the smooth
material falls open. This time he groans as his phone makes a different
vibration, likely a text or voicemail coming through, and he rests his
forehead on my shoulder.
“It’s okay. Answer it.”
“No.” He presses hasty kisses down my body, making me giggle, and I
turn toward the screen where Carter appears as the missed calls and my
stomach sinks.
“Cole, wait. It was Carter…what if there’s an emergency?”
The kisses stop as he lifts his head, seeing my worried expression, then
rolling to the bed. Rubbing his fingers on his eyelids, Cole reaches for the
phone as I pull the fabric of my dress over my breasts and straighten my
stance, leaning on my arm as he holds the phone to his ear.
“Yeah?” There’s a long pause as he listens, then curses under his breath
before looking at me. “She’s here.” My stomach churns as I stare at him,
and he sighs, lying flat on his back. “That’s not up to me. If you need her,
then you know her number.”
With that, he ends the call, then drops the phone on the pillow.
“Everything okay?” I ask, furrowing my brows.
“Nothing that needs my immediate attention.” He pulls me close to him
by my waist, and I squeak as I fall to my back. “But there’s one thing that
does.” With one lingering kiss on my lips, he adds, “And there’s only so
much time left to tend to her before the boss sweeps her away from me.”
Down the hall, there’s another interruption, and I already know it’s
Carter calling me—Cole does too as he smirks against my mouth, pressing
one last kiss before rolling onto his back to palm his erection. A deep breath
passes through my nose, and I crawl out of his bed, tying the wrap around
my waist as I hurry to my phone.
Bossman shows, but I miss the call. Looking down the hall, I hesitate,
hovering my thumb over the screen. Cole’s leaving me the choice. Should I
call Carter back? This decision will either end our time together or make
today a day to remember. The screen comes to life with a voicemail. I listen
to the message and close my eyes, hopefully not regretting my decision
Cole strolls into the room and sits on the arm of the couch with his arms
crossed. He doesn’t look mad, maybe a little annoyed, but we were just
about to fuck in there.
“Carter needs me to look after Garret.”
“I know. You never have to explain yourself to me, Shelby. It sucks
because I was looking forward to being with you, but I understand.” I lower
my gaze, unable to stop the guilt from hitting my gut, and he tips my chin
up to look at him. “Hey, none of that. I’m okay. Really.”
“Why doesn’t me leaving to be with Carter bother you?” I shouldn’t be
asking him this, but the question has been picking at me the last few times
he’s been nonchalant about another man interfering with our intimacy.
“Because no matter how much time I spend with you, I enjoy every
second.” He kisses my lips. “I’m not a jealous man, Shelby. I’m not afraid
of losing you either because I’ve already decided no matter what happens
between us, I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you. Whoever you
find as a mate will have to deal with the fact that we are a package deal.
Best friend included.”
I giggle, smiling into his hand as he caresses my cheek, then kissing his
palm. “I’ve never met a man like you.”
“What can I say? I’m one of a kind.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hold him close, sighing a breath
of contentment into his neck. “Yes. That you are.”

It’s quiet, too quiet.

Carter’s office is closed, and I knock with no answer. His cars are in the
garage, so he should be home. I head to the main floor, searching each
room, moving onto the third level to check Garret’s room. Also the theater,
knocking on Carter’s door last with no luck.
Them not being here makes no sense. The message Carter left said he
had to meet with an important client and asked me to watch Garret. His
voice wavered like he was trying hard to hold back whatever emotion was
going through him. Besides experiencing his angry side, the uneasy tone
was unusual for him. Taking out my phone, I dial Carter’s number, and
there’s low ringing in the distance.
I follow, walking toward my room, and find Garret sprawled out on my
bed asleep. Carter’s sitting in a chair with his arm resting on his forehead
and chest rising slowly. The picture before me screams a hard day of
parenting, making me smile as I snap a photo with my phone. I’ll likely
never see anything like this again.
It’s almost 2:30 now.
I’m sure Carter didn’t mean to fall asleep, so I kneel beside him, gently
shaking his arm. “Carter….”
His eyes pop open, and he stares at the ceiling before looking around
the room. Finding me on my knees before him, he pinches his brows
together, and I stand as he checks his watch, then tips his head back on the
chair while rubbing his face.
“Fuck, I gotta get ready,” he says, his voice groggy.
I whisper back, “I came as soon as I heard your voicemail.”
As Carter straightens in the seat, his lips part, his dark gaze traveling my
body with an intense stare, and makes me feel naked until he averts his eyes
—cheeks flushing a soft hue of pink. Standing, Carter stalks past me to the
door, and I follow, leaving the door ajar to meet him by his bedroom.
“Why were you guys in my room?”
“It was the only place he’d fall asleep.”
Carter rubs the back of his neck, stretching the muscles before facing
me. “He’s becoming too attached to you. His behavior today when he
couldn’t find you…I—I think it’s time we step back and make changes.”
“Too attached? I agree Garret has changed, but not in a bad way. He’s
more confident and happier. Why stop something that’s helping him?”
“His emotions are all over the place.”
“Of course they are.” I furrow my brows and cross my arms. “He’s four,
still learning about himself, about the world around him. That’s what
children do. When I first started, he was timid, yearning for attention and
love, for someone to listen. Now, what? You want me to be more like Mrs.
Carter’s breathing deepens, his jaw clenching as he stares at me under
heavy-lidded eyes. “Ms. Morales….”
I place my hands on my hips. “No, you need to listen. I’m not like her.
And never will be because I’d rather pack my belongings and leave than see
that little boy suffer the way he did before—”
Closing the distance between us, Carter takes hold of the sides of my
face and forces me inches from his mouth. “I know,” he whispers, and his
trembling breaths hit my lips. “I hate watching him search, Shelby.” Eyes
glossing over, he presses his forehead to mine, and I swallow hard as he
strokes my cheeks with his thumbs, feeling the pain behind his touch, every
word. “Fuck, he shouldn’t have to search.”
“Carter,” I breathe as my tears threaten to spill over. “Searching for
His lip trembles before he steps back, shaking his head while staring at
my bedroom. “I’m sorry.” Is all he says before leaving me standing at his
door. Alone.

Since Carter left earlier, I can’t stop thinking about him. About what’s
running through his head right now. Is he in the right headspace for his
important meeting? If not, then him not being able to focus makes me feel
worse about putting him there—
“Shelly, what are you looking at?”
Garret’s voice snaps me from my daze. “Hm?”
“You’re looking outside.”
“Oh…I was only thinking. Did you finish drawing your picture?”
“Almost done.” Garret colors the last spot, squinting his eyes to get into
every crevice, and I rest my chin on my palms, releasing a heavy sigh.
“Garret, why are you so cute?”
His piercing blue eyes flick to me. “Because I’m a baby.” If that isn’t
the cutest answer in the world. “Finished,” he says, handing me the paper.
He drew more potato people, which makes me grin. “Thank you. I love
“This is me, you, and Daddy.”
My chest constricts as I release another shaky breath. “It’s very nice.
Did you have a good morning with Dad?”
“Yeah. Daddy played with me in the pool and my toys.”
“Did he? I’m so glad you had fun with him.”
“Uh-huh, we had so much fun!”
“Would you like more days like that?”
His eyes light up, and he nods his head quickly. “Yeah!”
I smooth my thumb across his cheek, pressing a kiss, then walk toward
the sink just as the front door closes in the distance. There’s a familiar voice
mixed with Carter’s, and Uncle Brian walks through the living room,
looking around the space.
“Daddy!” Garret slides from the chair and hops on his toes, reaching his
arms outward for his father.
A glimpse of a smile comes across Carter’s face as he lifts Garret into
his arms, then his eyes meet mine. He lowers his brows as I move toward
them, and Uncle Brian finally notices me.
“Is this where your new job is?”
Carter walks to the playroom. “It is. For the last few months.”
“Huh, comes to show how small the world is.” He continues looking
around the house. “Quite amazing, Carter’s work. Outside and in is quality
down to the fine details.”
“Carter and his team are very talented, and I’ve witnessed how
passionate he is with his business. You and Mr. Wellington are making a
wise decision going with his firm.”
“That’s good to hear. I trust the recommendation coming from my niece
over a stranger’s review any day.”
“Brian, I’m sorry about the wait. I’ll show you around,” Carter says as
he strides into the living room.
“That won’t be necessary. Since my niece vouches for you and your
firm, there’s no need to search further. You’ve got yourself a deal.” He
holds out his hand, and Carter’s eyebrows rise before taking his handshake.
“Thank you, sir. My team won’t let you down. Follow me to my office,
and we’ll complete all necessary paperwork.”
“Of course.” Uncle Brian turns to me. “I want to apologize again for
earlier. It’s been bugging me how upset I made you.”
“No, don’t worry about it. Really, I’m okay now. You being here
brightened my day.”
A few hard wrinkles appear along the corners of his blue-green eyes as
he grins. “I’ll see you soon, Kiddo.”
I simply nod, unsure what’s to come for the wedding, and reply, “Have
a safe flight home.”
He hugs me before descending the stairs, and I don’t miss Carter
peeking at me before they enter his office. Roughly forty-five minutes later,
I’m relaxing on the couch, Garret’s occupied in his playroom, and Carter
returns with a drink in hand, his tie loose around his neck with the top two
buttons of his shirt undone. He strolls to the sectional and sits opposite me,
leaning back on the cushion with his legs wide open.
“Thank you,” he says, taking a sip from the lowball glass, his gaze
focused on me.
I slip my feet under my legs and hold one of the throw pillows to my
chest. “I did nothing, Carter. Your work speaks for itself, and I’m sure my
uncle made up his mind once he pulled into the driveway.”
He tilts his head to the side. “Why did you vouch for me? I thought you
didn’t like me working so much.”
“I have nothing against you working and want you to succeed as much
as I want you to be in Garret’s life. You can have the best of both worlds.”
Carter smirks, staring at his Whiskey. “Garret’s a handful. I don’t know
how you handle his tantrums with a smile on your face.”
“Some days can be tough, but the good ones outweigh the hard days by
a landslide. Garret’s something special, and I’m grateful to have met such
an amazing little boy.”
Leaning forward, Carter rests his elbows on his knees. “I want to
apologize for my behavior earlier. If I’ve made you uncomfortable in any
“You haven’t, Mr. Anderson, and thank you for the apology.”
He nods and rubs his hand along his jaw. “I have this idea I want to try.”
“Okay. What is it?”
“Would you accompany me to dinner tomorrow? With Garret, of
My brows shoot up. “Dinner?”
“Yes. The last time I took Garret out, it didn’t end well. I want to
observe how you work with him. Get a better sense of this whole parenting
I suck my bottom lip to stop my smile before saying, “Of course. What
time should I have Garret ready?”
“I’ll make reservations for 6:00.”
“Okay.” Sitting for a moment longer, Carter stares at me before drinking
the rest of his Whiskey, then heads to the sink to wash his glass. “Carter?” I
call as he walks toward the stairs.
He stops and faces me. “Yes?”
“Is there a dress code for this restaurant?”
“There is. Pick something you’d wear on a first date.”
My eyes widen—a date? “Oh, okay, but this isn’t a date. You know
that, right?”
He doesn’t reply, only smirks before resuming his steps upstairs. Here’s
another moment I didn’t see coming, though I’m glad he’s in a better mood.
I only hope the night goes smoothly.

I have nothing to wear tonight as I stare into a closet full of casual clothes.
So I should treat myself to a new dress, maybe two—I deserve to splurge a
bit for my hard work. Garret’s loud giggles gain my attention from down
the hall, so I head to his room to check on his cleaning progress, only to
find him lying on the floor.
He’s moving his legs back and forth, reading a book while on his
stomach—well, more like pointing out random letters, but I’m glad he
recognizes his alphabet. I snap a quick picture before he notices me, then sit
beside him.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be doing something?”
“I am. I’m reading my book.”
“That’s good, but your room’s still a mess.”
He looks at me, then around the area. “Can you help me?”
“Sure, but let’s clean quickly. I have to run a few errands soon.”
We both stand, and Garret places his book on the shelf. “What do we do
“Why don’t you gather your shoes, organize them in your closet, and
I’ll make your bed. Let’s see who can do the best job fastest.”
Garret gasps. “I’m gonna win!” Then runs around the room, grabbing
multiple shoes, and tosses them inside his closet.
I gather a few articles of clothing, dump them into the hamper, then take
my time fixing his sheets and blanket, fluffing them until he comes back to
me jumping.
“I finished! Come see!” He pulls on my hand, and I follow him.
“Wow, that’s impressive.” The shoes are all lined up on the wall, each
pair next to their match, and I take a picture of his work. “I’m so proud of
you. Let’s go show your dad.”
“First, I need to check my bed.” He runs to inspect, narrowing his eyes
while scanning each end, and I try not to laugh. “It’s good. Good job,
“Thank you. That makes me happy. Ready to leave?”
“Yup,” he says, marching toward the hallway.
It’s supposed to be my day off, but I’m taking Garret with me. Once we
reach the foyer, Carter strolls to the entrance of his office.
“Going somewhere?” he asks, leaning on the frame.
“Hey, I’m taking Garret with me to the mall.”
“It’s your day off. You can leave him here.”
“I could, but I thought I’d give you quiet time to work. That way you
won’t have to worry about it later.”
Smirking, he pushes off, walking toward us. “I’m done for the day. How
about I come along?”
My brows raise. “Oh, okay. I mean, are you sure? Shopping gets pretty
“Yes. I’m sure.” He opens the door for us. “After you.”
“Thanks.” I unlock the Mercedes by the steps, but Carter heads for the
garage instead, Garret running close behind him.
He removes a key from the safebox, then turns toward me still standing
by my car. “We’ll take one of mine.” Nodding, I meet Carter by the corner,
where he pulls back a sheet, revealing a blacked-out 1969 Chevrolet
Okay, why not add one more beautiful item to the million other things he
“I’ll grab his car seat.”
“Let me. Take a look inside,” he says, then jogs toward the Mercedes.
I gather Garret in my arms as he hops below me and glide my fingers
over the smooth car exterior as I stroll to the passenger side. Opening the
door, I let Garret sit in the front while Carter takes an unusually long time
with his task.
The interior is just as beautiful, with an entirely modernized dashboard,
clean black leather, and fabric seats with shoulder belts. Carter finally
returns with Garret’s car seat and opens the driver’s door. I lock the
Mercedes as he pulls the seat forward to install Garret’s in the back, which
he climbs through the middle to sit and watch.
“Why does this thing need three anchors? I was ready to yank the seat
out if the bottom one didn’t unclip when it did.”
“Car seat safety is important.” I giggle as he struggles to install it like
every parent has at some point. “Let me help.” Kneeling in the passenger
seat, I stretch through the middle, and since Carter’s seat is further back, I
have Garret crawl to the other side as I slide the car seat behind mine.
“Alright, Garret, come get in,” I say once everything’s secure, and he sits.
His dimples show as he smiles. “Uh-huh!”
Carter watches as I strap him in, then puts the seat back, releasing a
heavy breath once he relaxes behind the wheel. “That was a workout.”
I’m glad to spend time with laid-back Carter today.
“You did a good job. I’m proud of you,” I say, and Carter chuckles,
turning the ignition for the engine roars to life.
The windows still have a crank handle, and I look at Carter grinning,
loving the hint of classic still left untouched. “I’ve never seen you drive this
“I usually take it out once a month. It’s long due for a ride.”
“Only once? If I had one, I’d show her off every day.”
He glances at me. “You’re into classic cars?”
“Since I was a kid. My dad likes to build model old-school muscle cars.
I’d watch him every Sunday night in our basement, and he’d teach me all
about them. It’s the closest he can get since my mom’s against him buying a
real one.”
“What’s stopping him now?”
“Same reason. She believes they’re too dangerous, and he’s gonna get
himself killed.”
“Hm, maybe if she rides in one, she’ll change her mind.”
I snort a laugh. “That’ll be the day.”
Carter grips the stick, shifts gears, and starts driving out of the garage.
“Where are we heading?”
Typing the name of my favorite clothing store in my GPS, I find the
address, and he plugs my phone into the dash while I peek back at Garret—
he’s unfazed by the engine’s power and tries looking out the small back
Being here feels nice. I like this side of Carter. Carefree. Smiles and all.
We arrive at the Fashion Valley Mall in about thirty minutes, and Carter
locks the car once I remove Garret from his seat. He fell asleep on the ride,
though I don’t blame him because the drive was smooth.
“Garret, you have to wake up, bud,” I whisper close to his ear.
He lifts his head, whining before his face falls to my shoulder.
“I’ll take him,” Carter says, carefully lifting his son from me.
Mhm, parenting looks good on him, and so do those jeans.
We walk through the outdoor lower level, taking the escalators upstairs
to the store. Carter looks down at me with a closed smile, and I smirk when
he opens the door once we’re there.
“What?” he asks, waiting for me to enter.
“Nothing. I’m glad you came along. It’s hard lugging around Garret
while he’s asleep.”
“Well, it’s necessary since I’m purchasing your clothes.”
“Um, thanks for the offer, but I don’t think so.”
“We’ll see about that.”
I narrow my eyes at him, and he lets out a genuine laugh, his dimples
peeking through his stubble beard, and it warms my heart. It amazes me
how much these two look alike.
“I’ll try to keep my browsing to a minimum for your back’s sake.”
“Shelby, take your time. Find a few outfits if you like.”
Okay, who is this man, and where is the usual grouchy Carter?
I turn away and walk further into the store. “Hello, how are you today?
Can I help you find anything?” asks a store clerk.
“Hey, no thanks, just browsing at the moment.” The woman smiles and
goes about her business while Carter follows close behind me, adjusting
Garret every so often. “You can sit by the fitting rooms, if you like, instead
of walking with me.”
“Where is it?”
“Straight ahead.”
He walks in the direction as I continue searching, finding a few dresses
and a jumpsuit. I stroll to the fitting area a few minutes later, and Carter’s
lying back with Garret sitting next to him, wearing a scowl.
Oh boy.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Garret’s face scrunches, and he lies back like his
dad. “I’ll be fast.”
Carter nods, and I walk inside, snapping a quick photo of their adorable
stance from the side. I try on the lot, only liking the burgundy cami dress.
The velvety material dips low in the back, ruffling above the base of my
spine, and has a scoop neckline. It might be too sexy for dinner with Carter,
and I don’t want him getting the wrong idea. I try on the last outfit—the
black jumpsuit fits nicely on my legs, resting just below my ankles.
This should do.
Zipping the front, I leave the door slightly open and walk out to show
them. “Do you think this will be fine for tonight?” I ask Carter, and he
straightens his stance, blinking a few times as I do a slow twirl.
“If you like it, get it.”
“Very helpful. Thank you.”
“Shelby, I’ve already said to get a few items. Did you find anything else
you like?”
Lowering my gaze, I place my hand on my hip and shake my head. “I’m
not letting you buy my clothes. My boss pays me very well for all the hard
work I do.” I turn to Garret next. “What do you think?” He shakes his head,
and I frown. “Really?”
“I don’t like it.”
“Okay…I did find a dress, but the cut might be too revealing for
“Get them, and we’ll meet you at the registers.”
“Carter—” He takes Garret’s hand and walks away from my protest.
Back in the stall, I gather all the clothes, hang the ones I don’t like, then
leave with the cami dress and jumpsuit. Garret and Carter are waiting in
line with a couple of women ahead of them, and one beautiful woman eyes
Carter before thoroughly checking him out. A slight pang enters my gut,
and I quicken my steps to stand beside him. She gives me a tight-lipped
smile, then walks to an open register.
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Garret says, tugging at Carter’s shirt.
A smile pulls at my lips as I step forward.
“We’ll eat something after we leave.”
“But I’m hungry now.”
I’m next in line and place the two items on the counter. “Hello, did you
find everything, okay?” asks the cashier.
“Yes, I did. Thank you.”
She scans the tags and places each item in a bag. “Okay, your total
comes to 243.00.”
“How much was the dress? Is it not on sale?”
Looking at the screen, she replies, “The jumpsuit is, but the dress is full
“Oh, okay. I’ll put that one—”
“Keep both,” Carter says, holding out his credit card.
I press my lips together, my brows lowering, and I snatch the bag,
leaving the store before him.
If there’s one thing I hate most, it’s people making decisions for me.
Exactly what Carter just did. I stop at the car and drop the bag on the hood,
Carter and Garret arriving only moments later.
“Why did you storm off?” he asks, placing Garret on the ground.
“Because you were so persistent on paying for my stuff, even when I
told you not to buy them for me. You shouldn’t have butted in like that.”
“I apologize if you took my gesture the wrong way. I only wanted to
purchase them as a gift for going to dinner tonight.”
“That’s not the point. When someone says not to do something, that
doesn’t mean do it anyway!”
Carter huffs a laugh. “You know, you can be a hypocrite sometimes.”
My nose scrunches. “What?”
“Since you started working for me, you’ve been so persistent in trying
to change me, telling me what I should be doing.”
“Don’t turn this situation on me, and I never once forced a decision on
you. I’ve only expressed my concerns in hopes one day you’ll open your
eyes and see for yourself to want to change.”
“Perhaps you should learn to keep your opinions to yourself once in a
Garret holds his hands to his ears, and I snap my mouth shut, shaking
my head. “Fine. Take the 243.00 out of my next check, please. Thanks a
Our drive back to the house is silent, Carter’s grip on the wheel tightens
every so often, and I already miss the pleasant mood from earlier—
“I’m sorry,” he says, staring ahead.
I give him a small smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry too. I may have
overreacted a bit.”
He glances at me, then back to the road. “A bit?”
“Okay, a lot. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. For as long as I
can remember, my mother pushed me to be who she wanted me to be, living
through me and never letting me choose my path. Certain situations can
trigger past emotions, which I’m trying to work on.”
He remains quiet before exhaling a long breath. “I get it. We all have
things we need to work on.”
“Yes…we do.”
“Daddy, are we going to eat?” Garret asks from the back.
Looking into the rearview mirror, he replies, “Do you want a burger?”
My brow lifts at Carter’s suggestion, then I nudge his arm, gaining a
glance from him. “What?”
“I want you to know you’re doing an amazing job.”
“Garret. Your effort’s making a difference.”
His grip on the wheel eases before he says, “Thank you. I’m trying to be
a better father, better than mine was at least.”
I place my hand over his on the gear shift. “You’re a good man. Garret’s
lucky to have you.”
Carter’s expression softens as well before focusing on the road. No
other words needed.
Straightening the last curl, I turn the flat iron off and run my fingers through
the long strands. Though it took some time, I wanted to do something new,
change my style a bit. Carter’s downstairs relaxing with Garret while under
strict orders he’s not to work tonight, and I don’t want to keep them waiting
much longer. I start on my makeup, and my phone screen brightens with a
text message.
How was your day off?

Picking up the device, I type:

Went to the mall with Carter and Garret.

His reply comes and goes before returning.

Did you eat?

I roll my eyes but smile at his attentiveness.

A cheeseburger, but I’m still hungry.

Who are you craving tonight?

Who? I raise a brow at his typo and reply:

I could devour a huge slice of pepperoni pizza where two
hands are required.

That's not what I asked. Who are you craving, Gorgeous?

I reread his text over and over, my stomach stirring as the fine hairs on
my body stand on end, typing:
a slice of you.
I’ll swing by to get you in ten minutes for pizza and a good

And now my body’s on fire.

Can we meet later tonight? I’m heading to dinner soon with
Carter and Garret.

A video call comes through a few seconds later, and I place my phone
against the mirror to prop it up as I swipe the screen.
“Hey—” His brows shoot up. “Wow, you look incredible.”
I smile, applying dark brown eyeshadow to my lids. “Hey, Cole.
“Is this a date, or….”
“Business. Carter made reservations, and while we’re there, he’ll
observe how I am with Garret in public. He’s truly trying to make a
difference in their relationship.”
Cole’s smile is pure—as if he’s been trying to help his friend for years
through his rough times. “You are something amazing, Shelby. I don’t know
how many times I can tell you that.”
“The number is infinite,” I tease, finishing my smokey look before
searching through my lipstick shades.
He chuckles, watching me apply a deep red that matches the dress I
shouldn’t wear. Though, it could come into good use if I see Cole later.
“So, pizza?” I ask, tipping my head to the side. “One’s never too full to
get a slice.”
Nodding, he rests his arm over the back of his couch, relaxing into his
seat. “I agree, though allow yourself time to decide after your meal. I’m
okay with whatever you crave tonight.”
I take in his words, unsure if there’s a hidden message in there, but I
smile anyway. “Okay. Talk to you soon.”
“Enjoy yourself, Gorgeous.” With that, he ends the call.
I sit for a minute, staring at the blank screen before stripping my towel
to rub coconut-scented lotion along every inch of my skin, then stare at the
cami dress draped across my bed. I step into the tight material, the hem
resting a few inches below my ass, and the swooping neckline enhances the
swell of my breasts while the plunging back side leaves me practically bare.
A fit made for a night of fun and endless possibilities.
Slipping into gold ankle strap pumps, I’m ready to go. Rarely do I doll
myself up for anyone other than me, but later tonight, I want to knock
Cole’s socks off—hopefully his pants too.

My phone rumbles, and I withdraw the device from my pants pocket,

receiving a text from Shelby that she’s ready and heading down now.
Locking the screen, I resume watching the movie, considering her prior
words—well, more like commanding me to give myself a moment of
relaxation, and there was no opposing argument. By all means, take charge
of me.
Doing nothing feels damn good as I adjust further into the couch and
breathe a deep hum, though having her near and pressing into my side
would make this movie much more enjoyable. There’s a clicking echo from
the third floor, and I glance over my shoulder at the stairs, doing a double
take as Shelby’s outfit demands my full attention.
This woman is an absolute knockout.
“How do I look?” she asks, smoothing her hand down the red velvet
dress hugging her hips.
Fucking edible.
Dismissing my evident hunger, I reply how any rational employer
would. “You look nice.”
She arches a brow. “Just nice?”
“What more can I say?”
“I don’t know….” Her saunter forward makes me shift, body and mind,
an insatiable urge striking me from her flirtatious gaze, and damn, I want a
bite. “Maybe, beautiful or gorgeous. Even sexy as hell would do.”
I switch off the television and stand, walking toward Shelby as she takes
in my charcoal suit. “You look….” Her sweet coconut scent engulfs me
while I step close, inhaling a long breath and exhaling against her shoulder.
The fire within burns when she doesn’t pull away from my touch, trailing
my fingers along her hand.
Fighting the urge to draw her body toward me, I stalk around, fixating
on the goosebumps rising along her beautiful soft skin, longing to strip
away this dress and take her for myself—I say instead while staring at her
plump red lips. “Beautiful, gorgeous, and most definitely sexy as hell.”
Shelby’s breathing hard, her cheeks thoroughly flushed while I stare
into her eyes, memorizing every speck of green within those light brown
“Thank you,” she whispers, her heavy gaze flicking to my lips.
Garret walks into the room, looking dapper in his white button-down,
navy blue pants, matching suspenders, and bow tie. I retreat to give Shelby
air, and she blinks a few times, turning toward Garret.
“Oh my, you look so handsome.”
He grins and runs to hug her legs. “Pretty.”
Yes, Son. Very pretty.

After arriving at the restaurant several minutes ago, we settled into our
seats, waiting for our beverages, and Shelby hasn’t said two words while
staring past me. “Is everything okay?” I ask, and she blinks away from her
She gives me a small smile. “I’m fine. Just a little tired from all the
walking we did today.”
We took Garret to the park after eating lunch, not too far from the
house. “The straight hair is a nice change, though I like your curls best.
You’re beautiful in any style you wear.”
“Even on my messy bun days?”
“Especially that way.”
Her smile widens into a grin, and she tries to mask it behind her water
glass. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself. However, I think you
should dress down more often, like this afternoon. There's something about
a good pair of jeans on a man….”
I’m about to reply when Manuel, our server, returns to our table with
our beverages and places an apple juice in front of Garret’s high chair.
“Yay, juice!” Picking up the cup, he takes large gulps through the bendy
“Whoa, buddy, pace yourself now,” Shelby says, stripping him of his
cup mid-sip and placing the juice in the middle of the table.
“Hey!” Garret cries, reaching forward for his cup.
“You can’t drink the juice all at once, bud. You’ll get a belly ache.” He
crosses his arms, pouting as tears form in his eyes, and Shelby adds,
“Would you rather have water because I can make that happen.”
“Noo! I’ll be good.”
She places her fingers under his chin, soothing his cheek with her
thumb. “I never said you were bad, silly. Just take it slow, okay?”
Nodding, he says, “Okay.”
My chest constricts with how tender she is toward a child not her own,
and over the weeks of watching their bond grow, I’ve pictured Shelby here
with us as more than an employee.
Each time my feelings toward her increase, yet I can’t stop the ache her
devotion creates because she’s made it blatantly clear that this job outranks
any relationship that could form between us. And I understand—that gut-
wrenching fear of losing something, someone you deeply care for.
Our meals arrive, and Garret’s eyes widen from the choices on his plate,
especially when Shelby places a few of her shrimp next to his chicken
strips. I had no idea he liked seafood.
“Thank you, Shelly.”
“You’re welcome. Now eat up.” As Shelby focuses on her meal, she
bites into a large scallop and softly moans with her eyes closed, “Mm, this
tastes so good.”
Fuck, how I’d live for that sound heightened in my ear.
Shifting, I rest my elbow on the table while rubbing across my mouth,
my leg shaking underneath. I need to get my pulse under control before I
take this woman home, lay her out on my desk, and fire her ass so I can lash
my tongue between her thighs.
She licks her lips clean while looking at me, then at my plate. “Are you
going to eat?”
Shall I dine under the table, then?
I’ve yet to touch my steak because my appetite has been for anything
but food as I drink in her beauty—how badly I want her to sweat out those
curls tonight as I tip her head back and draw those red lips to mine from
Mark me as yours, so I can kiss you properly and show you how good
you’ve been.
Though, I can’t wait, resorting to telling her first. “Thank you for
coming here with me tonight. The way you handled Garret and prevented
that meltdown. I’m impressed.”
Shelby tips her head as she smiles. “It’s a matter of being one step
ahead. I knew he’d throw a tantrum the second I took his cup away, so I
diverted the outburst by explaining why, giving a stern warning with a
consequence, then explaining again but in a more calm manner, which
usually defuses his mood altogether.”
She looks at Garret who’s almost halfway through with his meal. “Then
there will be times where all else fails, and you’ll have to endure the
emotional rollercoaster until he either falls asleep or moves on to something
else.” Picking up her wine glass, she takes a hefty drink. “Those are the
days you grab yourself one of these bad boys.”
I chuckle, well aware of those effects. “Great advice.”
“Thanks. You’ll find your flow soon enough. Whatever works for you
and Garret.”
Our server stops at the table. “How is everything so far?”
“Yummy,” Garret replies with a mouth full of chicken.
“I’m glad to hear that, young sir.”
“The food’s delicious,” Shelby adds, nearly finished with her meal.
“Good, good. If you need anything more, wave me over.”
“We will. Thank you, Manuel.”
Shelby’s been in charge since the moment she stood in my office, which
is the primary factor in why I hired her despite the occurrence between us
only a night before. We haven’t spoken about that day, and I’m partly
relieved because that moment may have meant something different to her
than it did to me. I’m not proud of myself for taking my pain out on her. For
using her more than once.
That’s what happens when you allow Whiskey to talk. My walls are
high for many reasons, yet Shelby’s persistent in breaking them down to the
point I’m rooting for her to succeed.
Tear them down, baby.
We continue eating and enjoying pleasant conversations. The picture
before us as a family is one I’ve only dreamed would come true, yet it’s not
real. None of our moments are tangible unless I make them real—giving her
the truth she deserves for me to deserve her.
Manuel returns to our table with another menu as we finish our food.
“Are we thinking of ordering dessert?”
Garret doesn’t react, his eyes drooping as he rubs them and yawns.
Ready to fall asleep with a full belly.
“I think I’m okay. What about you, Carter?” Shelby asks, gazing at me
before finishing her wine. “In the mood for something sweet?”
Is that a genuine question, or is there more behind her words?
I look at Manuel patiently standing beside me. “I’ll take the check.”
“Sure, I’ll be back in a moment.”
Shelby’s staring at me intently as I meet her confused expression. “Are
we in a rush to leave?” she asks, gathering her purse to get ready.
“No. Relax, Shelby.”
“Oh, okay. Not a sweets person?”
“Very much I am, but I’m not craving dessert tonight.”
“Oh….” It takes seconds for a flush to kiss her cheeks from my hint,
and her understanding only fuels my desire for her. “That makes sense
Manuel returns shortly with a small black booklet in hand. “It was a
pleasure serving you all tonight, and I hope you’re leaving full and
satisfied. There’s no rush on this, of course. Take all the time you need.”
Shelby peeks at the bill, and I knock back my Whiskey, remove the
book from her hand, then grab three one-hundred dollar bills from my
wallet to pay for the 150.00 total, not wanting to waste any time I have left
with her. “Thank you, keep the change.”
His eyes widen and brows raise high. “Thank you, sir, very much. I
appreciate your generosity.”
“You’re welcome.”
“You folks have an amazing night now.”
We both stand, Shelby keeping her eyes on me, and I draw Garret from
the high chair, laying him on my shoulder where he wraps his arm around
my neck. I’ve yet to understand why I kept myself from this—his hold is
surreal—regretting the years of distancing myself, and I’ll make sure to
make up for the lost time.
Walking toward Shelby, I smile and gesture for her to step with my hand
on the small of her back, keeping myself from stroking my thumb along her
smooth skin before having consent to do so.
I want to initiate the right way.
Once we’re outside, I hand my ticket to the valet worker, and a moment
later, he returns with my Camaro, and I tip him before placing Garret into
the back to strap him into his seat—
“I’m not going to the house right now,” Shelby says, and I furrow my
brows, staring at her over my shoulder.
“What are you talking about?”
“I have other arrangements, so I’ll call a taxi.”
I straighten my stance with Garret half buckled. “Shelby, I’m not
leaving you here by yourself.”
“Yes, you are. I’ll be okay.”
“No.” I stalk toward her with my heart racing, knowing exactly where
she’s going—who she’s going to.
“Carter…thank you for dinner. It was truly a kind gesture. I’ll see you
later. Okay?”
Frowning, I brush my fingers against hers, my chest constricting
because as much as she should leave to Cole, I don’t want her to. “Please.
Come home with us—with me.”
Goosebumps rise on her arms, and her not leaving gives me a sliver of
hope that she’ll stay, though her meek smile as she steps back diminishes
my wishful thinking.
“Goodnight, Carter.”
Before I can protest further, she turns, and everything crashes around
me again as she walks away. “Shelby—”

Walking toward Cole’s door, I slow my steps before ringing his doorbell.
My gut told me not to leave with Carter tonight. Though we had a pleasant
dinner, and he may have learned a few things, it felt too personal. Every
intense gaze—his intimate touches, had my stomach twisting, my heart
fluttering, and fuck, I wanted him to take me home and continue our
conversation well past his doorstep. 
For him to take me into his bedroom, tear this damn dress off, and do
everything I’ve been yearning for him to do to me for months. But there’s a
line between us, a deep one we shouldn’t cross, and I’m here right now to
stop myself from leaping over. To protect my security, Garret’s heart, and
Carter’s too.
Cole opens the door wearing nothing but basketball shorts, takes in my
outfit, and smirks. “Still craving pizza?”
I’m breathing harder as I quickly shake my head and say with tears
threatening to spill, “I want Whiskey.” Cole furrows his brows, only for a
second before his gentle expression soothes me, and I rush forward to kiss
him—I close my eyes, moaning into his mouth because he tastes like him.
“Fuck,” I breathe, kissing him harder, and the door slams shut before he
pushes me against a wall.
The hem of my dress hikes up my thighs when he lifts me by my ass,
and I wrap my legs around his waist to keep him close. I open my eyes, but
all I see is deep brown staring back at me. Without a word, we’re down the
hall, my back pressing against the mattress and panties removed as
Whiskey proceeds to kiss my pussy with my legs on his shoulders.
I gasp when he sucks my clit hard, moaning while gripping his hair,
rocking on his rapid tongue as a pulsing sensation creeps within my core,
riding the edge of bliss until he pushes me over by stroking a thick finger
inside me. My body writhes beneath his hold, my grip on his hair punishing
as I fuck his mouth, crying out until the waves of pleasure descend, and
guilt instantly riddles me whole.
Cole releases a raspy hum, kissing my inner thighs, and overwhelming
pleasure shoots to my core, reminding me of what I just did. An ache strikes
my chest because I used Cole for my own selfish desires, fantasizing he was
Carter, and didn’t deserve an ounce of my selfishness.
I keep my eyes closed to prevent my tears from falling, and Cole turns
my face to him, kissing me softly. “Look at me,” he whispers, stroking my
cheek with his thumb, and I stare into those icy hues.
He doesn’t speak as he gazes into my glossy eyes, only kisses me more,
tender, soft pecks while holding me close until our breathing evens out, and
I press my cheek into his chest. His gentle strokes along my back are
calming, and I allow myself to enjoy his touch, looking at him when he
sweeps my straight hair off my temple. 
“Were you thinking of him?”
My body heats, the sensation spreading up my neck, so there’s no point
in lying since I’m sure Cole can see the flush rising to my cheeks. “Yes.”
A slight smirk lifts his lips. “Do you think of him often when we’re
I shake my head. “When I’m here, I’m with you.”
He nods, and I suck my bottom lip when he slips the straps of my cami
dress down my arms, bunching the fabric by my hips to continue trailing his
fingers along the planes of my stomach. 
His gaze lingers on my breasts, brushing over the hardened peaks with
his thumb. “What made you think of him tonight?”
“Cole….” I moan, my head bucking the more he teases my body.
“Tell me, Gorgeous.” Trailing lower, he slips under the dress and hovers
his hand between my legs. “What’s going on in that beautiful mind?”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t, what?”
Staring into his eyes, I shake my head again. “Thinking about another
man while being with you was wrong.”
“Says who?” I pant against his lips when he gently glides over my clit
before slipping a finger inside me, slowly stroking the top of my wall.
“There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing, Shelby.” Adding another finger,
he continues to pump. “Were you thinking of his mouth on your pussy?”
My chest rises faster, and I breathe, “Yes.”
Cole hums, his dick hard against my thigh as I spread them wide. “What
else, Gorgeous? Where did you want him?”
“On his desk.”
“Hm, go ahead and knock everything off, baby. Ride his dick.”
Heart pounding, I take control fucking his fingers, and he matches my
thrusting hips. Our lips meet with a hasty kiss, tongues lapping, panting
faster as I tell him to quicken his pumps inside me. Nonstop stroking, he
brings me over again, my eyes rolling back with an orgasm so intense my
back arches off the bed, Carter rolling off my tongue, and Cole with me for
the ride—kissing my temple, my cheek until I slowly come down from the
high, taking shaky breaths.
“Fuck,” he breathes, and I finally look at his grinning face as he
caresses my cheek, feeling no guilt for what we just did. “You’re so
beautiful, Shelby. You deserve everything you desire.”
I smile, loving this man with every piece of myself. “And so are you.
Any girl will be lucky to be with you. To love you.”
Cole hums, staring into my lazy gaze while he resumes his light trailing
on my arm instead. “Yeah.”
I tip my head, stroking through his beard to cup his cheek. “You said
once a woman caught you. What did you mean by that?”
Silent for a beat, he straightens his stance to grab something from the
nightstand, then returns to my side with fifty dollars. I raise my brows while
staring at the face of an ordinary bill. But he flips it over to a small butterfly
drawing on the back that flows into a thank you.
“She gave this to you?”
He nods, and while I’m slightly confused, I don’t push him further
about what it signifies. Cole showing me may be a huge step forward in his
mind as he tries to get away from his past, and when he’s ready to free his
mind, I’ll be here to help him every step of the way.

It’s 4:00 in the morning when Cole drops me at home, and I slowly enter
the house. Garret won’t awake for a few hours, so I head upstairs, entering
my room to draw a bath and soak while reminiscing about the night. Cole
and I continued to lay together, speaking for long hours though one
question in particular replays the most.
Do I have feelings for Carter?
And the simple answer is yes. Since I saw him sitting at the bar, the first
taste of Whiskey on his tongue, it’s always been him. How he draws such
emotions from me with a single glance, our close encounters spiking a fire
within me with a single reminder. And his little boy—shit, that little boy is
the glue between us, yet in my mind, also keeping us apart. Should I take a
chance and see where a relationship could lead with this beautiful man?
I smile, and that alone makes my decision easy—get your Whiskey, girl.
Stepping out of the tub, I wrap a fluffy white towel around my body and
rush into my room to dress in sleep shorts and a tank top. I pause at the door
before inhaling a deep breath, slowly exhaling while exiting into the dimly
lit hallway. My half-straight, half-curly hair is dripping all along the oak
floors, but I don’t care as I step toward Carter’s bedroom.
I knock.
I knock again, but harder.
After the third attempt, I take hold of the handle and open the door. It’s
a stupid idea to enter his room without permission, but I do it anyway. The
walls are dark grey, with black crown molding along the edge of the ceiling,
an open layout suit with the bedroom on the left side, and a massive
bathroom on the right. My skin prickles from Carter’s snoring, lying face
down on the mattress, and a chill shoots up my spine as I walk to the edge
of his bed—he’s still fully clothed with one arm almost out of his suit jacket
and slacks halfway down his backside.
He’s sweating, so I gently shake him to wake. “Carter….”
There’s no response as he’s deep in sleep, so I try my best to remove
each article of clothing, starting with his shoes, then ending with him in his
black boxer briefs, now resting on his back. Whiskey is strong on his
breath, and I sigh, wishing I came home sooner to prevent this very
“What are you trying to drown?” I whisper, stroking his damp hair from
his forehead, and a pained expression scrunches his face.
Speed walking to his dimly lit bathroom, I head for the multi-sink
vanity on the right wall and find a small washcloth inside one of the many
drawers, drenching the soft material in cold water.
Wringing out most of the liquid, I return to Carter, sitting beside him to
dab his temples, forehead, and cheeks while softly saying, “Are you having
a nightmare, Carter? It’s okay. You’re not alone.”
I hold my breath when he wraps an arm around my hip, his heavy
breathing subsiding after a moment of stroking my thigh, body relaxing as I
continue to cool his heated skin until a normal sleep pattern returns, though,
between his eyebrows wrinkle every so often. I’d stay here with him, but
once we lie together, I want both of us sober.
As his hold loosens, I kiss his temple and whisper close to his ear,
“Sweet dreams.” Then drape a sheet over his body before leaving the room.
Exhaling a long shaky breath, I head to Garret’s room, finding him
tucked in bed with Teddy close to his cheek. I yawn mid-smile, then crawl
onto his mattress to rest behind him.

Stretching my body, I reach across the bed and hug a pillow instead of
Garret. I peek an eye open, glancing around the semi-dark room before
resting on my back. What time is it? The black-out curtains are slightly
drawn, allowing bright rays of sunlight to shine through enough to see the
sun light fixture above, and only half the planets orbiting are glowing. Last
month I found them in the store, snatching the last two packs and sticking
everything all over the ceiling with Garret.
I exhale a sigh of contentment, then rise along the edge of the bed to rub
the sleep from my eyes—something on the nightstand catches my attention,
a monitor I’ve never seen in here before. Furrowing my brows, I pick up the
high-tech device, the wide screen showing Carter’s neatly made bed. Did he
set up a baby monitor last night before he crashed? If so, why place the
receiving end here?
Uncertain, I set the device down, strolling into the hallway where an
aroma of eggs and bacon makes me instantly salivate. I tread downstairs
instead of entering my room, following the high-pitched laughter echoing in
the distance.
“Daddy, you popped it again!”
“Shh, we’ll give these to Shelby.”
Peeking around the wall before the kitchen opens, I find Garret on his
chair next to Carter, attempting to flip a fried egg at the stove, and Carter
groans as he does it perfectly. “No way. You’ve done this before.”
“Yeah, I’m a chef.” Garret giggles, and I chuckle, making them both
look over their shoulder and smile at those dimpled grins. My heart warms
at the sight. From how alike they are. If only I brought my phone to take a
“Shelly! Me and Daddy are making breakfast.”
“I see. It smells great.”
Carter keeps his gaze on me while Garret returns to his task, and I walk
inside the room, drinking in his fresh appearance: clean-shaven, hair in its
natural wavy state, to his light jeans and black fitted tee-shirt.
I’ve said it before, laid-back Carter is sexy as hell. 
One wouldn’t believe this man standing here passed out drunk last
night. That’s a subject I hope we can talk about later. I stand beside Garret
as he concentrates, carefully lifting the egg from the pan and placing it on
the plate beside him.
“He’s a natural,” Carter says, still watching me. “I wasn’t allowed near
a stove when I was his age.”
“I’m sure he’ll give you pointers then.”
Chuckling, Carter carefully cracks the last egg into the pan, focusing on
Garret, and adds, “Go relax at the table. We’ll bring the food.”
“Sure.” I sit by the patio door, Garret following afterward while slowly
walking the plate of eggs over, and I help him place the dish on top. “Good
job, bud.”
My mouth is parched, so I head to the fridge for orange juice. Grabbing
a few glasses, I set the table as Carter serves me several pieces of bacon and
two perfect fried eggs.
“What happened to my popped yolks?”
He grins, placing them on his plate. “You heard that?”
Breaking off a piece of bacon, I toss the savory bite into my mouth and
smirk. The toaster pops, and Carter walks away just as Garret settles into
his seat across the table with a full meal.
“Thank you for breakfast, Garret.”
“You’re welcome.”
A minute later, Carter returns with a plate of dark toast smothered with
butter. “Sorry, they’re a bit well done.”
“Just how I like them. Thank you. For all of this.” I place my palm on
his once he sits diagonally from me, and he stares at my kind gesture before
stroking his thumb along my knuckles.
“You’re welcome,” he whispers, meeting my gaze.
We eat our meal silently, but I enjoy this kind of quiet—full and
content. Garret has to be in school in an hour, so I quicken my pace to finish
eating. A homemade breakfast always hits the spot.
“Are you working from home today?” I ask Carter, breaking the silence.
“I am.”
“Do you have a moment to talk after I drop off Garret?”
Nodding, he finishes his last piece of bacon before saying, “I’ll be
That phrase makes my heart skip, and I relax into my seat, waiting for
Garret to finish his food. My helper gets straight to the point, dragging his
chair toward the sink as I stack each empty plate, meeting him in our usual
spot every morning.
“Wait, I have to pee.”
I giggle as Garret hops down, and before I can return to the table for the
cups, Carter stands behind me, holding them. Over my shoulder, he places
each glass beside the faucet, and as he lingers, my skin prickles from his
closeness—gripping the sink ledge, I tip my head onto his chest from his
gentle touch across my stomach to inch me back a step.
“Excuse me,” Carter whispers near my ear, and I release a shuddering
breath as he withdraws the sliding trash door to toss a crumpled napkin.
“And thank you.” His sincere gratitude holds much more thanks than for me
moving out of his way.
“You’re welcome.”
I look at him, reveling in the slight smirk lifting his lips before he strolls
out of reach. Blinking a few times, I find Garret grinning as he climbs the
chair, and I’m quickly back into nanny mode, nodding my head at the dirty
“We gotta be quick.”
We get through our daily routine, head upstairs, and while I’m changing
Garret into his school attire, he says, “Can I stay home with you and Daddy
His head pops through the polo shirt, and he pouts when I shake mine.
“How about we go to the park after school? I’ll see if Justin can play
Once he’s all set, I settle him in the car, and head to the school, arriving
with a few minutes to spare. There are Halloween decorations all over the
building, reminding me I should bring Garret to find a costume since it’s the
31st on Monday—hopefully, with last-minute shopping, we’ll have a
selection to choose from in the store.
Fiona waves at me before taking Garret’s hand, and the remaining kids
follow suit in a semi-staggered line. Who knows how she handles that
amount of kids. I’d go broke from being at the liquor store. What are her
ties to Carter? Have they dated? Fucked? I stop myself from going further
before I spiral into thoughts of Carter’s naked body and everything I’d do to
him if he were underneath me. 
Shaking myself, I get back on the road, with the drive to the house
peaceful, and having a great start to the day has a lot to do with my good
mood. So I stop at a local bakery and pick up a dozen donuts to show Carter
my gratitude—without touching him. Unsure of what he likes, I stare into
the glass case filled with various delicious flavors, ordering a mix and two
of my favorite maple bacon.
Now, the rest of the way home is torture, the fried dough and sweet
frosting aroma making my mouth water. As I pull into the driveway, my
heart flutters at the sight of Cole’s car parked near the front door. So I park
in my spot and head to the entrance with a grin as Cole exits the house.
“Hey, here on business?” I ask and step toward him as he descends the
“Is it ever not business with Carter?”
In the last few weeks, he’s proven otherwise.
Drawing me into a careful side hug, Cole kisses my cheek. “Good
morning, Gorgeous.”
“Morning.” I lift the lid on the box of donuts as his gaze lingers on the
bakery logo and remove a double chocolate with pumpkin Halloween
sprinkles. “Because I love you.”
His eyes widen when he meets mine, huffing a laugh before those icy
blues gloss over. “Wow, now who’s the one using words.” I smile, my
bottom lip trembling while backing up my love with a tight embrace, donuts
be damned, as Cole wraps his strong arms around me, whispering, “My
love for you, Shelby. It’s indescribable.”
“I know. No explanation needed.” Releasing a deep breath, I step back
and wipe away a fallen tear on his cheek with sticky fingers. “Sorry,” I
giggle, using the back of my hand to clean the frosting, and he simply
smiles, taking his love donut from where I placed it on top of the box.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, savor the goods. No tearing into it.”
Cole’s hearty chuckle fills the air as he walks toward the driver’s door,
and he winks at me before taking the biggest bite, nodding his head. “Mm,
too good not to.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Yeah. And I’m not the only one.” Cole nods toward the office window,
the curtains shifting, and he waves before heading onto the road.
“Are you coming in or planning on sneaking inside to keep what’s in
that box to yourself?” Carter says behind me, and I face him with a smirk,
stepping toward the doorway.
“As tempting as that sounds, I couldn’t eat all these donuts myself even
if I tried.”
We head inside, walking to the kitchen, and I’m missing Garret’s
squeaky voice already. Putting the box on the island, I open and push the
bent box toward Carter. “I wasn’t sure which flavor you like, so I went a
little overboard.”
“There’s no such thing as going overboard with sweets.”
“Now, Mr. Anderson, I’m having a hard time believing you have a
sweet tooth when I’ve been here for almost three months and not once seen
you eat dessert.”
Carter leans forward on the counter, staring into the box. “What do you
think I’m doing in my office all day? You should see my bottom desk
drawer—my snacking’s a problem.”
I burst out laughing. “Uh-huh. I believe you.”
“Do I need to pull out my hidden wrappers?”
“No,” I giggle, dragging my bottom lip through my teeth. “I’m only
teasing….” Thoroughly checking out his backside, I add, “Those snacks
have to go somewhere, and I know for sure it’s not the quinoa giving you
some junk.”
He lets out a deep hum, glancing at me before choosing the strawberry-
frosted donut. Grabbing my maple bacon, I place the goodness on a paper
towel and follow Carter to sit behind the island. I try my hardest not to
moan with my first bite that literally melts on the tongue, savoring the salty-
sweet combination like I’m eating breakfast all over again.
“Fuck, this is good,” Carter says as he closes his eyes, hanging his head
with his donut in hand.
“Connie’s bakery has the best desserts.”
He looks at mine as I take another bite. “I don’t know about that bacon,
“What? It’s the best.” I break off a section with a piece of bacon and
hold it out for him to try. “Here, take some.”
The moment his lips touch my fingers, my face is on fire—was not
expecting him to do that. “Mm, you’re right. Even better,” he mumbles,
nodding his head.
I lick the maple residue off my fingers, face away from his intense stare
to calm my racing heart, getting hot over men and donuts. “I need a shower.
Help yourself to more.”
Placing the other half on his napkin, I swivel my stool toward him to
step down, practically nestled between his legs. I keep his gaze, wishing
he’d pay attention to anything other than my tongue swiping along my top
lip, his heavy lids lowering, breathing deepens. His attentive behavior
doesn’t ease my attraction to him. How badly I want to take a chance.
How long will sweet Carter stay?
I step to the side and swallow hard, not missing the disappointment in
those russet hues before walking away, keeping a professional profile while
on the clock.

Since Laura was unavailable the last few days, I take Garret to the park on
Sunday to play with his friend. “Thank you for coming today. I don’t know
many people in this part of San Diego.”
Laura smiles, bouncing baby Sophie on her knee—she’s growing so
much every time I see her. “Of course, I enjoy having another adult to talk
to. Being a stay-at-home mom, I don’t get out much.”
“I understand. I’m not a mom, but being a nanny can be quite stressful.
In more ways than one,” I mumble, exhaling a sigh.
“The sleepless nights of crying fits are tough but so worth the smiles she
gives me every morning.” Laura blows raspberries on Sophie’s cheek, and
she giggles. “Though, Mama needs a night out once in a while, right,”
Laura says, cueing at Sophie.
“We should plan something then.”
“That’ll be nice. My husband travels extended periods for work, so it’s
usually hard for me to plan. He got back a few days ago and will be home
until mid-November. Let’s plan something on a weekend in between then.”
“Sounds good.”
Her phone rings in the giant diaper bag, and she tries to fish it out with
no luck. “Do you mind taking her for a second?”
“Sure.” I gesture for Sophie, and Laura passes her to me. She’s all
smiles, so soft and squishy as I lay her on my shoulder. “Oh my, you smell
so good.”
Laura giggles, finds her phone, then walks a few feet away. Turning to
the playground, I find Garret and Justin playing on the swings, talking and
laughing. There’s a great friendship forming for both of us.
Sophie whines, and I gently rock her, rubbing her back. “Aw, it’s okay,
little one. You want mommy, huh?” I stand as Laura returns to take her.
“Come here, sweet-pea. That was my husband. He needs my help
figuring out where to hang my new shelves, so we should start going.” She
turns and waves for Justin to come over. Both of them run, Garret beating
him by a few seconds. “Say bye to Garret, honey. We gotta head home.”
“Mommy, I don’t wanna go.”
“We’ll come back on Saturday. I’m sure Shelby and Garret will be
here.” She turns to me, and I nod.
“We’ll see you guys then.”
“Okay. Bye, Garret,” Justin says.
He watches his friend leave the park and his previous happy mood
dampers. “Ready to leave, bud?”
“Can I play a little more?”
“Well, you can, but I’m getting pretty hungry. We should get hotdogs.”
“Yeah!” He jumps around in circles. “Can we go now?”
I gesture for him to take my hand, and we stroll to the car, arriving at
Hotdog House several minutes later—the wait’s not too bad since it’s early
day, so lift Garret into my arms as we wait for our turn.
“What can I get you guys?”
“Hi, I’ll have a Diego Dog, and one with only ketchup, please.”
“Any drinks?”
“Two bottles of water.” I pay for our food, walk to the side to wait, and
ask Garret, “What do you want to be for Halloween tomorrow?”
“Are we going trick or treating?”
“Of course, doesn’t your dad take you, or did Mrs. Jetty?”
My brows furrow. “Hm, well, I’ll take you. We’ll go find a costume
after we eat.”
Garret grins, hugging me tight around my neck, and I return his
embrace just as snug, enjoying his presence.
“One Diego and ketchup only.”
I grab the food as the guy sets the water on the ledge for Garret to grab,
and he holds them to his chest. “It’s so cold—”
As we reach a picnic bench, he drops the bottle, then patiently waits for
me to open his hotdog, staring at it like he’s seen nothing more beautiful in
his life. “Go ahead. Dig in.” He takes a big bite, and I scrunch my nose as
ketchup falls onto his white shirt. “Careful, take smaller bites. I don’t want
you choking.”
“But I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
It doesn’t take long for me to devour mine, left to watch Garret eat half
his bun, though at least he finished the entire hotdog. “All done,” he says,
ready to wipe his ketchup hands on his shirt before I clean him with a
napkin. Hopefully, the stains will come out in the wash.
“Now that our bellies are full. Time to get a costume.”
Target. A place we all gather for one item and leave with ten or more.
Garret’s bouncing, taking in the large selection to choose from. “Ooh, want
to be Spiderman?” I ask, holding out the red and blue costume.
“A riding T-Rex?”
I purse my lips, continuing to look until a blue and orange jumpsuit
catches my eye. “I think we found one.” He gasps, pulling the race car
driver outfit from my hand, which includes a little car and a matching
“This one!”
“Race car driver it is, then. Ready to go home?”
“What about you and Daddy?”
Grinning, we walk to the last aisle, where the adult accessories are.
“Maybe I’ll grab one of these pretty masquerade masks, and your dad could
wear the plain black one.”
“Yup. Good idea.”
I laugh, retake his hand, and grab a bucket for candy, along with several
adorable discounted Halloween mugs, a dish towel set, and let Garret scan
everything at the self-checkout. “Thank you, Shelly.”
“You’re welcome. Now we go home and show your dad.”
Garret stays awake the entire ride back, bolting through the front door
before I can open it completely. “Daddy?” he runs toward Carter’s office
and knocks.
“Wait, we should get cleaned up first.”
It’s too late as one of the doors swings open, and Garret’s all over him.
“Daddy! Look what we got.” He has difficulty removing his costume and
masks and rips the bag open. “We’re going trick or treating. This one’s for
Carter’s back to work mode, dressed in a white shirt and slacks, and I
miss the jeans already. He looks at me while holding my rhinestone mask,
and I bite back my giggle. “That one’s mine, remember?”
“Oh, yeah.” He snatches the mask, runs to give it to me, then grabs the
correct one on the floor. “Here.” Carter bends to one knee and takes it. “Do
you like it?” Garret asks.
“Yes. But you know we don’t go out to get candy from strangers, and
what happened to your shirt?”
I press my lips together as Garret slumps his shoulders. “I don’t mind
taking him around the neighborhood. We’ll only go to a few houses.”
“No. It’s too risky, plus he doesn’t need all that sugar.”
Dropping his costume on the floor, Garret cries, running to hug my legs.
“Garret….” Carter sighs, stroking along the bridge of his nose. “Come pick
up the costume.”
“No—” he cries louder, his tears soaking through my leggings.
Carter furrows his brows, directs his scowl toward me, then gathers
everything and brings them into his office. And there he is. 
“C’mon. Time for a bath,” I whisper to Garret, and he wraps his arms
around my neck once I lift him. “It’s okay. I’ll talk to him after dinner.”
While I understand Carter’s concerns, the chances of Garret getting sick
from Halloween candy are slim. If anything, he can celebrate in other ways
that don't involve going to a stranger’s home. I store away the rest of the
stuff in the kitchen, take Garret upstairs to wash, then make a quick light
dinner, even though he doesn’t eat much tonight. 
“Ready for bed?
“Well, it’s getting pretty late, bud. Aren’t you tired?” He yawns and
shakes his head, his eyes droopy. Why kids fight sleep, I’ll never know.
Easing Garret from the chair, I rest him on my shoulder and stroll upstairs,
only taking a few minutes to fall asleep once his head hits the pillow.
Today was a long day, and I’m feeling fatigued too. I linger in the
shower, taking time to thoroughly detangle my curls, using my new kiwi
exfoliating body scrub that smells so damn edible and leaves my skin
feeling extra smooth. After diffusing my curls, I dress in comfortable
sleeping shorts and a tank top, then head downstairs to clean the kitchen.
My heart skips when I find the room spotless, and I sigh, hoping
Carter’s not in a bad mood. Going to his open office, I knock twice on the
“Hey, another late night?” It’s almost 10:00, and Carter’s been in here
all day.
He glances from the table as I stroll inside—there are numerous pieces
of crumpled paper around the wastebasket.
Checking the clock in the corner, Carter places his pen down and leans
back in the chair. “Yeah, can’t seem to get this project right.”
“Do you mind if I take a look?” I ask, moving around to his side, trying
not to stare at his chest open to me.
Carter smirks, nodding his head toward his work. “It’s only a rough
The way he’s sitting, relaxed, carefree, stirs something inside me.
Exhaling, I smile and then turn toward the sketchbook. He could’ve fooled
me. If this is a rough draft, then every drawing I’ve attempted is chicken
“Wow, Carter, this is incredible.”
I pick up the small sketch to get a closer look. It’s a modern-style home,
where the roofs slant with different layering, and has floor-to-ceiling
windows similar to those in his home. Only this layout is much more
intricate. Such attention to detail, how some lines are pin-straight, barely
noticeable to very dark and precise. Though the landscape behind flows
freely as delicate lines overlap.
Serene and simply beautiful.
Placing the paper down, I turn to a smirking Carter with his head tilting
to the side. “Thank you.”
“How long have you been drawing?”
“As long as I can remember—maybe Garret’s age. The walls were my
first blank canvas.”
We both laugh, and I bite my lips when his dimples appear. This man is
a piece of art himself, and I’m incapable of looking away as his beauty
draws me in, yet it’s impossible to understand those deep brown eyes.
Who is Carter Anderson?
There has to be more behind the hard shell he portrays.
At times he’s cold and precise, yet when he relaxes and smiles, I sense
his warmth, mind flowing freely. Not a care in the world. Could this be his
true self?
“Garret’s asleep?” he asks, trailing his fingers along one of his spread
“Yeah, he could barely keep his eyes open. Also, I thank you for doing
the dishes, but you didn’t have to.”
Carter stands and walks toward his bar cart by the back wall. “Thought
I’d end your day early. You deserve it.” He pours himself a shot of
Whiskey, then faces me. “I needed a moment away from this room
I follow where he stands by his desk. “About earlier. I apologize for the
whole costume fiasco. I should’ve checked with you first.”
“It’s no problem. He’ll eventually forget about it.”
“Do you mind me asking why you don’t go out for the holiday?”
He stares at the floor between us. “It’s people I don’t trust. You hear
stories of kids getting sick from Halloween candy, and I won’t risk him
being one of the unfortunate.”
My brows pinch. “Did you not go out as a kid?”
The glass in his hand empties once he knocks the amber liquid back,
then he stares blankly into the void. “I did, up until nine when my mother
passed. My father didn’t partake in the holidays.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“No—well, yes. I barely know her, but I recently found my half-sister.”
“Really? That’s amazing. How did you find her?”
Smiling, he adds, “She’s Garret’s teacher and reached out to me since
his last name is the same as her maiden. Apparently, I’m the spitting image
of my father, so she put two and two together.”
Fiona’s his sister?
The way she looks at him with affection, Carter going out with both her
and Garret. Now it all makes sense—I press my hand to my forehead for
accusing him of being romantically involved with her.
“Carter, why didn’t you say Fiona was your sister that day on the
He chuckles, taking a step toward me. “Honestly…I liked that you were
My jaw drops as I smile and push on his shoulder. “I was not.”
Carter smirks, then grabs the amber bottle. “Would you like a drink?”
“Sure.” I lean back on the desk as he grabs a fresh glass, pours a quarter
amount, then stops, glancing at me. “A little more,” I add.
Once he reaches midway, he adds a quarter to his, stores the bottle, and
hands me mine. “This is the good stuff.”
It smells sweet, but as I sip, my face scrunches while the intense flavor
burns down my throat. “Oh—that’s something.”
Carter watches me closely while drinking his no problem. “Whiskey’s
not for everyone. Do you want something else?”
I smile as Whiskey talks, and I shake my head. “No. You’re perfect.”
Furrowing his brows, he asks, “Me?”
“Yes,” I whisper, goosebumps rising along my skin. “You.”
He takes another sip, as I do mine, this time more put together while
Carter glides his tongue along his full top lip, and I can’t help but stare.
Knowing how soft they feel. How good he smells. Wanting sex and
Whiskey to permeate the air tonight as he drives into me on his desk. A
shiver shoots up my spine as he touches my hand, bringing me closer, his
sweet minty cologne enveloping me like once before and quickening my
“Carter….” I breathe the lower he dips, yet not close enough.
Setting his Whiskey on the cart, he takes my drink, places the glass next
to his, and when my alluring stranger’s deep brown eyes meet mine, this
time, I don’t turn away.
“Kiss me.”

I hum, slip my hand to the small of her back, and ask while drawing her
flush to my body, “Kiss you where exactly?” Shelby tips her head to expose
more of her throat, moaning as I skim my nose toward her pulse. “Here?”
She’s panting, waiting for the anticipated touch of my lips, my dick
rising as she threads her fingers into my hair, raking the nape of my neck
with her nails. “On your desk.”
Am I free to choose where I start?
Trailing my palm along her spine, I drag the hem of her tight shirt,
bunching the fabric around her waist before sliding down to grip her hips.
“Are you sure?”
I tighten around the band of her shorts as she nods, inching the elastic to
expose her ass, staring into those green-lustful eyes. My heart pounds from
her whimper when I halt again to strip her bare, keeping the band around
her thick thighs, and dip two fingers inside her thong instead.
Her shuddered breath fuels my desire to finally taste these fucking lips
without hesitation, and once I grip her neck, where she doesn’t stop my
intent, I moan against her parted lips before sucking her tongue into my
Doesn’t take long for supplies to crash to the floor, making room for our
descent. I grunt, gripping Shelby’s bare thighs before wrapping her legs
around my hips with an urge to thrust, and she gasps against my lips, her
breathing labored from my erect dick pressing against her covered pussy.
She moans, our kiss returning with heat, a raging inferno burning with
months of denying each other this moment. 
The fastened buttons on my shirt don’t stand a chance as she grips and
tears the fabric open, yanking the white material free from my slacks which
get caught around my elbows, so I break our kiss. Straightening my stance,
I stare at this beautiful woman spread out before me and slowly strip the
shirt to land on the floor by my feet. Her chest pumps faster when I grip
under her thighs, jerking her close to the edge to meet my bulge, and she
punishes her bottom lip between her teeth while drinking in my build—
what years of taking my frustrations out on punching bags have created.
 I press into the desk on either side of her body, unwilling to be away
from her any longer, lowering until we’re inches apart. “Do you know how
often I’ve pictured you like this?” She grabs my biceps as I kiss her neck,
moaning while breathing in her sweet-scented skin and lapping my tongue
up her delicious throat. “Fuck—how long I’ve wanted you to myself.”
My name rolling off her tongue has my dick straining against my slacks
with an urge to drive between her thighs. Closer once Shelby unfastens my
belt, palms my bulge while dragging the zipper, then grips the band of my
boxer briefs to free my cock. I growl and pin her arms above her head, her
brows furrowing while she squirms beneath my hold.
“I have no protection. So unless you’re ready to take my cum, we’re not
fucking tonight.” Gripping her wrists tighter, I stretch her body while
breathing in the moan she releases. “Because once I’m inside you, there’s
no pulling out—” She laps her tongue from my chin to barely touching my
nose, and I thrust hard against her pussy, rapidly kissing her while grunting
into her mouth, my continuous strokes feeling more intense with less barrier
between us.
Her head bucks from the constant motion, breaking our kiss as she
moans, “Please—” Begging me, “do whatever you want. Touch me, eat my
pussy. Just do something.”
I can’t stop, slowing to a grind while sucking on her bottom lip, our
tongues lapping with no control as more articles of clothing drop to the
floor until there’s nothing but underwear between us. I’m huffing my breath
as I stare down her body, from the swell of her breasts, the curves of her
waist, each soft line made for my tongue to trace.
I want to taste every inch of her skin.
There’s no thoroughly taking care of business here, so I lift Shelby to
straddle my waist and carry her out of the office. Our lips lock again while I
take each step to my bedroom, grunting into her mouth as she continuously
rocks on my dick, and we crash into the door.
Her heightened moans now against my cheek make my pulse spike the
faster she moves—every heavy breath, the power of her grip around my
shoulders shows me she’s close as my lungs accelerate, a fire burns the
back of my neck that I groan, close to fucking coming. So I lift her higher
to get inside my room, dropping her at the foot of my bed.
She tries to pull me onto her body, but I take several steps back,
stripping off my boxer briefs. I grip my jutted dick, slowly gliding tip to
base as she stares at my motion, pressing her thighs to rub together while
her cheeks flush.
“You enjoy watching me stroke my cock, don’t you?” The more I pump,
the faster her chest rises, leaning back onto her hands as her mouth parts the
closer I get.
Looking at me beneath her lashes, she licks her lips while tipping her
head, and I inhale sharply through my teeth, exhaling a deep moan once she
takes over my strokes. My heavy lids close, returning to Shelby sliding her
black thong down her legs one-handed.
After spreading her thighs wide, she cups her pussy, rubbing two fingers
through her slit while licking the tip of my dick. I groan, inching into her
tight mouth for one long suck before dropping to bury my face right where I
She hums, rocking her hips while squeezing my head with her thighs,
releasing quick breaths as I suck her clit like a starved man—the sweet
scent she used on her body fueling my hunger for this pussy.
My fucking pussy.
Groaning, I grip her thighs to spread them wide, swaying my head to
draw out her pleasure—thoroughly kissing, sucking, slipping my tongue
deep inside to feel her squeeze, then return to her clit with a grunt as she
grips my hair, sinking in two fingers to stroke her wall in unison with my
Moans increase as her body tenses the closer I push her to that breaking
point. Then once she’s over, she comes with a vice grip, making me groan
into her pussy as her back arches, sucking harder while she fucks my face,
riding out her orgasm until her hold gradually eases.
Shelby collapses onto the mattress, breathing hard before meeting my
gaze with a wide-eyed stare when I don’t stop eating, heightening her heavy
panting by quickening my strokes to draw out her grunted whine. A serene
sound that deeply embeds my desire for this woman.
“Aah, fuck—” she breathes, pushing on my forehead and writhing
beneath my hold on her pelvis while moaning, “Carter.”
Back arching again, she twists to escape the intensity of my mouth, yet
her perfect ass shaking in my face only makes me work harder as I slap the
left cheek for another sharp moan. “Where’re you going? You got more for
Straddling her leg, I press on her spine, pumping inside at a direct pace,
and she digs her nails into the bed, her moans leaving in quick bursts,
incoherent words spilling from her parted lips before she releases a long
husky shudder as her pussy convulses around my fingers.
“There we go.” I withdraw, stroking her clit while she gushes on my
thigh, and I release a gritty moan with my dick jerking along her ass. “Keep
coming for me, baby.” Her toes curl while giving me what I want—because
I’m a greedy man for her pleasure, for her cum to soak my sheets, and I’m
far from done with her.
She attempts to catch her breath, unable to lift her cheek from the
mattress as she gazes at me with heavy lids, though I give her no time to
breathe, wrapping my arm around her body and dragging her toward the
middle of the bed. Flipping her, I settle between her trembling legs for a
There’s no protest from my dick gliding along her pussy, even in her
tender state. She holds the sides of my face before raking her nails down the
nape of my neck and across my shoulders, and I groan from the sensation,
stopping myself from instantly sinking inside her.
She touches my chest with shaky hands, dipping lower to grab hold of
my length. “Shelby,” I grunt against her lips as she slowly jerks me. “Fuck,
baby.” Resting my forehead in the crook of her neck, I moan, gripping her
thigh tight when she slides the tip of my cock through her wet slit. “I don’t
have condoms.”
“I know.”
“Are you on birth control?”
“I’m not.”
I bite her soft skin as she quickens her pumps, growling with the need to
mark every inch before trailing my tongue up to her jaw, and we crash with
another heated kiss. Heart pounding, I break away to straighten my stance
—to fuck—pressing on her thighs while thrusting against her clit as she
holds my dick in place, fighting the urge to shift inches lower.
“Make me come on your pretty pussy.”
Her grip around the base of my shaft strengthens, and the constant
motion as I grind makes my core muscles clench, my breathing uneven. I
tilt my head to the side while her tits bounce, diving under her thighs to
increase my drive just as a prickling sensation quickly rises from deep
“Oh fuck—”
Gritting my teeth, I buckle forward, grabbing her hips while cursing as
pulsating pleasure hits me in intense waves where I can barely hear beyond
my heart beating in my ears, continuing to firmly thrust before easing my
dick through her fingers with my cum shooting on her stomach and between
her breasts in quick spurts.
Shelby slowly strokes, watching every last drop before releasing my
shaft to lift her arms above her head. And fuck me. She looks so damn
beautiful as she stretches out covered in my cum.
Tipping her head back with another moan, she bites her bottom lip,
another release lingering on the tip of her tongue when I grip my dick to tap
her clit several times, and she hums when I glide my palm up her stomach,
spreading my cum along her skin until I meet her throat for a tight grip.
“You got one more in you, baby. Don’t you?” I say, nudging my nose on
her jaw and kissing her cheek as I rest beside her.
She doesn’t respond, yet she presses her chest forward when I rub my
thumb across her hardened nipple, very responsive while pinching the other,
her teeth punishing her bottom lip from my tease. So I squeeze again,
sucking in her next moan against my mouth as I tug the hardened bud.
“Fuck—” Shelby shudders, swaying her sweat-sheened body.
“Did you enjoy that?”
Nodding, she licks my parted lips, her tongue entering my mouth for a
deep kiss, waiting for the next anticipated touch. So I spread her right thigh
between mine, gently trailing along her skin, using my cum on her swollen
clit, and she gasps a moan when I slap her pussy, then continue with gentle
strokes. She’s stuck between rocking her hips for more and closing her legs,
though even if she’s sensitive to my touch, I want one more.
“Give me another.”
“I can’t—oh, Carter. It’s too much,” she pants, visibly exhausted that
she can barely grip the sheets while tightening her thighs around my hand,
and I groan from her biting my lip, stroking faster before she sucks the sting
through her pleasurable aches, a low moan rolling off her tongue as her hips
The picture before me is a scene I never want to unsee, having zero
desire to stop, though with a delicate touch, I ease her out of the sensation,
setting the bar high for the next time I’m between these thighs, she won’t
leave my bed without begging me for more. She fights for breath while I
glide my palm up her neck to caress her flushed cheek, and I softly kiss her
before rolling onto my back to find my own.
Silent for long moments, I face Shelby when she giggles, breathing a
deep hum. “Damn.” She turns toward me, satisfaction etched into her heavy
gaze as she meets mine. “No man has ever made me come that many times
in a row.”
I chuckle, shifting my arm for her to lie on my shoulder, and I draw her
close to me, our legs overlapping. “Your pleasure is mine.” Kissing her
deeply, I grunt against her lips. “Your scent alone made leaving your pussy
impossible, having to stop myself from devouring you whole.”
“Um, were you mentally present? You quite literally sucked the soul
from my body.”
Releasing a hearty laugh, I hold her cheek and say, “Baby, when I’m
with you, I’m with you. Body—” I kiss her hard. “And mind, with an
insatiable urge for snatching souls.”
“Wait—” I kiss her more, and she holds me back before I can deepen it.
“Mírame,” she giggles, swatting my hand from diving between her thighs
again. “We got all the time in the world for snatching. Let me breathe.”
My grin is instant as I keep my hand on her side, and she yawns into a
hum of contentment, snuggling close to my chest while I trail my fingers
across her ribs.
“What does your tattoo symbolize?” I trace along the dark scripted ink
as she looks at me. “Remember who you are.”
“It’s a reminder. To never forget where my true passions lie. For one
day, maybe I’ll do what I love without allowing others to dictate my life.”
I hold her chin and lay a peck on her lips. “And what’s your passion?”
Exhaling a shaky breath, Shelby stares into my eyes, staying quiet for
several seconds until she says, “To create characters from bare-bones,
giving them life, a heavily flawed one. Push them toward a goal and build
them up, only to break them down until nothing’s left. It’ll make them
realize what they thought they wanted isn’t what they truly needed. Then
when they finally find it, they’ll fight to get to that point in life that’ll make
them happy and keep them there.”
Smoothing my thumb along her cheek, I tip my head, contemplating her
words. “What kind of stories do you enjoy writing?”
“I write about love. Because no matter where my characters start in their
stories, their ending will always have a happily ever after. I want people to
read their journey to that point and enjoy the emotional ride with them.”
I nod and smile. “Will you let me read something?”
“You want to read my story?”
“Yes, I do.”
She scrunches the bridge of her nose. “Well, my current work in
progress is dark.”
“Dark as in?”
“My characters are enemies, which results in lots of bloodshed before
they fall for one another.”
My brows raise. “Sounds intriguing.”
“I’ve only ever shared my work with one person.”
“Now you can make it two.”
Continuing to rub her side, I draw her in for a deep kiss, and if I could,
I’d savor these lips for hours. As we break, I close my eyes and press my
forehead to hers.
“I’ve never met anyone like you, Shelby. Someone so beautiful inside
and out—your determination and passion for improving Garret’s life have
helped me want to be a better man.”
She bites back a smile, and I rest my chin on her hair as she presses her
cheek to my chest, trailing circles along my skin.
I sense the question sitting on her tongue before she asks, “Carter, you
don’t have to answer.” She inches back to meet my gaze. “But could you
tell me about Garret’s mother?”
My stomach sinks, and I furrow my brows, knowing this subject would
eventually come forth. “Our relationship was complicated. Since my mother
passed, I built a wall no one could break through.” I dip my chin before
continuing. “The loneliness was suffocating, even with Miles nearby. I
needed touch. Someone who’d listen, so I could unload the hatred held in
my heart because I’d got to the point where I hated myself. Questioning
why was I around if nobody wanted me.”
Tears gloss Shelby’s eyes, and I smile, kissing her forehead while
stroking her cheek. “I was eighteen when I met Valerie. We were both in a
dark place, but she understood my pain. Helped me unload in ways no one
else could, and I was the gateway to numbing her pain. So, we kept using
one another to keep each other alive until one day we decided to make our
arrangement permanent.”
“You got married?”
“Yes. We went to college, got into our careers, and I thought our
relationship was getting stronger beyond using one another. Then a few
years later, she got pregnant. To me, this was the game-changer, but our
feelings weren’t mutual. She wasn’t ready to be a mother, so she left the
hospital the night she gave birth. That day I realized life would never be in
my favor.”
Shelby hugs me tight around my neck. “I’m sorry that happened to
you.” Inching back, she swipes the tear that escaped down my cheek. “And
I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished with Garret. For showing him
you’re here.”
“How I’ve been the past weeks doesn’t excuse the last four years. I’ll
never get those moments back. Time wasted being stubborn, resorting to
my old ways—acting like my father instead of being a good parent like my
mother.” I huff a laugh, shaking my head. “Maybe I deserve for Garret to
hate me.”
“No, don’t say that. That little boy loves you. What matters right now is
how you move forward. Continue building your relationship, and show him
how much you love him.”
“What if I fail at that?”
“The only way you’ll fail is if you stop trying. You don’t have to be
Super Dad—just be Dad. Show up to every event you can. Be there for
every road bump with open arms and compassion. Garret will see your
efforts, that you’re trying your best, which makes all the difference.”
My throat burns as fresh tears build for an entirely new reason, my heart
filled with hope, an immense pull to hold this beautiful woman close, never
letting her go. “Wow,” I breathe, pressing my forehead to hers. “I must’ve
done something right to find a woman like you.”
“We were inevitable from the start.” She smooths her thumb over the
indent in my cheek, then kisses me, fulfilling my desire to be nearer with
every inch of her body she gives me.
I hum, sliding my palm down her side, then move her back to stare at
the front of her body. “As beautiful as you look wearing my cum, we should
clean before going further.”
With a wicked smile, Shelby lifts to push me flat on my back and
straddles my waist. “You wanna wash my body?”
Gripping her hips, I nod, gliding my palms along her thighs as she rocks
her pussy on my stomach. She bends forward to press her entire torso on
mine, kissing the corner of my mouth, down my neck, chest, and I rest my
arm behind my head the closer she gets to my rising dick.
I hold my breath as she watches me grow, stroking my inner thighs,
which makes me harder. Once I’m fully erect, she smirks, meeting my
heavy gaze while licking her parted lips. Hovering over my head, she
presses a gentle kiss before backing off the bed, her curvy ass swaying as
she saunters across the room to enter the bathroom.
I stroke my dick before following, watching her take in the decor.
Above is a massive skylight showcasing the darkness beyond. The walls are
the same dark grey as my bedroom, and our only light source is the LED
sensors along the edge of the ceiling illuminating the space. I swipe the
middle switch on the wall to brighten the room enough to see once she
enters the walk-in shower along the entire back.
Stepping behind her, I wrap my arm around her stomach, and she tilts
her head back as I kiss her neck, aimlessly reaching for the knob to switch
on the water. It shoots out cold, and Shelby squeaks, spinning to face me as
I walk us out of the frigid stream.
“Sorry, “ I chuckle, feeling for the temperature. “It’s warm now.”
Shelby narrows her eyes, then smirks, walking backward under the
shower head.
“You’ll have to wait your turn now, mister. Stand over there.”
Doing as I’m told, I lean against the far wall and cock my head to the
side while enjoying the view. “I’m okay with watching.”
Facing away from me, she soaks her curls while attempting to run her
fingers through the tangled strands, then gives up. There are floor-to-ceiling
shelves to the left, most of them empty, and she tips her head when she
spots my body wash. The bottle’s just out of reach, and she glances over her
shoulder at me.
“Would you like help?” I ask as she lifts onto her toes.
“Nope, keep watching from over there.” She’s a few inches too short,
and her fingers barely touch the bottle, making it fall back. “I think the
architect who designed this bathroom needs pointers from a short woman’s
I push off the wall, standing close behind her, my dick pressing against
her ass as I reach for the blue bottle with ease, along with a fresh washcloth,
and hand them to her. “I’ll keep that in mind next time,” I whisper in her
ear, then return to my spot.
She stares at my erection while squeezing a generous amount of wash
onto the cloth. I rest one arm behind my head, slowly stroking my length as
she closes her eyes, humming once the minty sweet fragrance fills the air.
Swallowing deeply, I shift as she lathers every inch of her body.
Thoroughly sudsing the curves of her hips, up the plains of her stomach,
and between her legs, leaving no area untouched as I fight the urge to take
over. But stay in my place as she faces the stream, taking her time to rinse
herself clean.
I clear my throat, and she peeks over her shoulder before walking
toward me. “All yours,” she says, slapping the cloth across my chest, then
lightly running her fingertips over my shoulder to lean against my spot.
Shelby raises a brow as I douse her cloth with soap instead of a fresh
one, watching me wash my dick while I stroke myself, scrubbing my body
as she sucks her middle and ring finger. Slowly she glides her hand down
her neck, between her tits, then stops above her pussy when I pause my
Once I start again, she sinks inside, moaning while rubbing her clit, and
I toss the cloth. She yelps as I stride toward her, swiftly lifting her onto my
shoulder to cover her body in suds.
“Wait—” I sink my teeth into her plump asscheek—and fuck, I need
more. “Ow, you bit me!”
Her laughter echoes around the room as I smack the left cheek next,
then drop her onto the mattress, making the sheets soak through. As she
maneuvers onto her stomach to crawl away, I grab around her waist,
kneeling on the edge to kiss my mark, and before I can continue, she
scatters across from me, standing on the other side while shaking her head.
“It’s time I head to bed, Mr. Anderson.”
“There’s no way you’re leaving this room.”
“We have all the time in the world.” Stealing my top sheet, she walks
backward toward the door and opens the right side, taking one last glance at
my raging erection. “Let’s save fucking for another day.”

I don’t feel bad for leaving him hanging last night. It’s best to let the mood
simmer before becoming a boil, and when we reach that point, I want him
rolling. Though I only slept a few hours, I’m wide awake and feeling
refreshed, even with Garret awake at 8:30, running around the playroom as
I prepare breakfast.
Slipping the last banana chocolate chip pancake on the platter, I turn off
the fire and grab the syrup from the fridge. “Garret, time to eat!”
He sits in record time as I set the food on the table. Carter strolls into
the kitchen, and he looks great in his two-piece suit with the top buttons of
his shirt still undone, day two stubble, and hair freshly styled. He opens the
cabinet and glances at me over his shoulder before grabbing a Halloween
mug shaped like a black cat and making himself a cup of coffee, which he
never does.
“Feeling tired today?” I ask, sitting at the table while sipping my own.
He leans back on the counter, staring at me over the pointy ears, and I grin,
holding back my laugh while patting the seat next to me. “Why don’t you
join us?” Narrowing his eyes for a second, he pushes off the counter and
takes the seat.
Lifting from mine, I stand behind him, lean over his shoulder with my
breasts pressing against his back to grab a plate in the middle of the table,
then whisper in his ear, “Excuse me,” before serving him two orange
Halloween pancakes, along with a drizzle of syrup.
“Thank you,” he says, checking out my low-cut shirt as I retake my
Carter stares at his breakfast, hesitating before cutting a small piece to
eat, and I smirk when he closes his eyes, swiping his tongue along his lips
before eating another. “Better than Mrs. Jetty’s?” I ask, taking a sip of
“Yeah,” Garret says, licking the syrup off his fingers.
A wrinkle appears between Carter’s eyebrows as they furrow. “Garret,
don’t do that. Now wash your hands.”
“Why? It tasted good.”
He frowns while shuffling toward the sink, and I follow to help, shifting
my seat closer to Carter as Garret runs to play again. “You know, I used to
lick the syrup off my plate when I was a kid.” I swipe some goodness off
his dish, and he follows the dripping mess as I suck the sticky substance
from my finger. “Mm, being dirty is part of the fun.”
“Ms. Morales, I know what you’re doing.”
Keeping my eyes on him, I drag my foot up his wide-spread leg. “And
what’s that, Mr. Anderson?” He exhales a long breath when I press onto his
hard dick, his gaze flicking to my lips. “Do you not agree? Or are you still
anal with cleanliness?”
I tip my head back when he stands, eyes flicking to his thick bulge
before he leans forward onto my chair. “No.” When he grabs my chin to
make me focus on his face, I stop breathing, my lips parting as he licks the
corner of my mouth clean. “But keep getting dirty, and you’ll find out just
how anal I can be.”
Breathing hard, I attempt to kiss him, but he steps away. “I have to meet
the building engineers with Cole today. I’ll be back at noon.”
“Should Garret take a nap for when you return?” He lingers only for a
second, then grabs his Halloween cup before walking into the living room
without a word.
I close my eyes and hum into my mug, leaning further back before
placing my coffee on the table, then swipe my phone screen to check the
time. There’s a car on an auction site I’ve been watching closely, a specific
model Dad’s been searching to get his hands on for some time, and with his
birthday coming up soon, I want to be the one to purchase it for him.
With every bid I place, someone outbids me by a few dollars, and I
know the other buyer is him. I can already hear Mom saying, why would
you bid against your father just to make the toy more expensive? The price
could rise to 200.00, and I’d pay double if that meant I’d win to see his eyes
light once I give the car to him.
Unplugging my laptop from the charger beside the toaster, I walk back
to the table to check on the auction that ends at 11:59 p.m. tonight. The
current bid is 155.00, still the same as last time, so I leave the site to open
my writing program instead.
Last night…closing my eyes, I lean into my chair and press my thighs
together as an ache forms deep within to feel Carter’s wicked mouth again.
Those hands—no man has pleasured me to that extent before, as if their
only goal in life was to make me come over and over, draining me lifeless
until my body was no more.
That’s a hell of a way to die.
I hum and write my next sex scene with fresh memories of Carter’s
tongue because every woman should feel desired in such a way. Once I
finish, I highlight where I left off and snap my head toward the foyer area at
a loud crash.
Rushing toward the office, I find a large binder on the floor, along with
the mess from last night, and Carter at the top of a ladder searching through
others. He doesn’t notice me, so I back out of the room since he seems in
the zone searching for something, then head back to the kitchen.
My heart’s still racing, so I go to the playroom instead and sit by Garret.
Even though today’s not an official holiday, the preschool is closed to give
the children time with their families. So Garret’s staying with me today. He
smiles and continues to color on the floor while playing with a toy car. I
could use fresh air and need paints to include in Dad’s gift.
“Do you want to take a ride with me?”
Garret nods, placing his crayon on the coloring book, and jumps to his
feet. “Can we get ice cream?” he asks, pulling on my hand to stand.
“You can’t have ice cream, but how about we build Teddy a new
He gasps, “Okay!”
Giggling, I run my fingers through his soft curls when he hugs my leg.
“Go put on your shoes, and meet me by the front door.”
With Garret on the way to his room, I head to the foyer, grab my
wristlet in the dish, and knock on Carter’s office door next.
“Come in.”
Peeking inside the room, I find Carter still on the ladder, pulling a black
box off the highest shelf. “Hey, I’m stepping out with Garret to pick up a
few items at the store.” He descends to the floor, places the box on his desk,
and walks toward me—there’s something about the way he folds his shirt
up his forearms that gets me going. “Do you mind if I buy him a new toy?”
Carter smiles, shaking his head while stroking my chin with this thumb.
“Go ahead. Get him a few things.” Pulling out his wallet, he adds, “How
much cash do you need?”
“It’s okay—” He hands me a few bills, and I hesitate before taking it.
“Do you need me to pick anything up for you while I’m out?”
“No. Garret’s your priority. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
A sinking feeling hits my gut. While I’m technically still the nanny, this
business exchange oddly hurts, as if last night didn’t mean as much to him
as it did to me. I glance over my shoulder at Garret driving his car down the
“Hey.” Carter furrows his brows as I turn back to him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing….” He bends to kiss my temple, and I sigh into his chest as he
pulls me in for a hug. “I enjoyed our time last night.” Tipping my head
back, I add, “But I’ll understand if one night together was enough to satisfy
“Really, it’s okay. We had a lot of tension between us, and everything
can go back to how we were before—”
Holding my cheeks, Carter draws me to his lips, and I surrender as he
pours every ounce of himself into this single, passionate kiss that leaves me
breathless, wanting more. “Shut up,” he whispers once we break, and I
smile as he rests his forehead on mine with his eyes closed.
“Okay.” My skin prickles when he exhales a long deep breath of
contentment, humming and nudging his nose along mine before pressing
another gentle peck.
“Can we go now?” We look back at Garret lying flat on the floor, and
Carter’s hearty chuckle makes me grin.
“Have a great meeting.” One quick kiss on the cheek, and I turn toward
Garret. “Alright, bud. Ready?”

Even with that intense moment, I can’t stop the gnawing sensation sitting in
the pit of my stomach, continuing to eat at me the entire ride to the craft
store. That either of us will regret stepping forward down this road, and I
hate feeling this way—having doubts. As I drive into the parking lot, I
glance at Garret in the back seat and sigh. Is taking our relationship to the
next level a mistake? Are we even in a relationship after one sexual
encounter? I huff a laugh, resting my head on the seat with my eyes closed
once I park.
Stop overthinking, and just flow for once in your life.
“Are we going, Shelly?” Garret asks, trying to unfasten his top buckle.
“Yes. Wait, I’ll help you.”
“No thanks. I can do it.”
I step out of the car and open his door just as Garret gets his finger
caught between the chest clips. “Ow, ow, ow!” he cries, and I quickly
unbuckle him.
“Oh, Garret. Are you okay?” He wraps his arms around my neck as I
hold him close. “Let me see.”
Showing me his index finger, he whimpers, getting the skin pretty good.
“It still hurts.”
“I’m sorry. When we get home, you can practice. That way, you’ll be an
expert buckle opener for next time.” I swipe his tears away with my palm.
“Does that sound like a good plan?”
“Okay, baby.” I kiss his cheek, and Garret rests on my shoulder as we
head inside.
I could spend hours in this store, but keep my browsing to a minimum
while searching for the acrylic paints, Garret helping me fill the basket with
various colors and tools. I grab an art set for him before we raid the toy
aisle, then Garret stares at a little girl wearing a princess costume in the
checkout lane, excited for her night of trick or treating. His hold on my
hand strengthens, and I sigh.
There’s not much I can do since Carter’s against the idea, but maybe I
can do something for Garret in the house. We leave the store, and he
watches outside as we drive home, the lull of the car sending him to sleep.
Good. The longer he’s out will give me time to plan.
Already mastering the transfer from car to bed, I get to work in the
kitchen slicing fruit and looking up different ideas on Pinterest with
ingredients I have on hand. By the time I get cookies into the oven and half
the goodies into the fridge, the kitchen is a disaster. Carter strolls inside,
and I stare at him, waiting to hear something about the mess, but he smiles
“Smells good in here.” He stares at the selection of sweets along the
counter, picks a dark chocolate-covered strawberry, and eats it while
standing close to me. “In the baking mood?”
“Sort of. Since Garret can’t go out for Halloween, I thought I’d bring it
to him.” My gaze flicks to his lips as he licks some chocolate off. “Want to
“What would you like me to do?”
“Can you draw spider webs on those bananas with a knife? I’m sure
yours will look better than mine.” I show him my attempt, and he grins.
“Anything else?” He moves closer, and my heart pulse quickens.
“Um...maybe cut out bats too. There’s black construction paper on the
round table.”
My back presses into the island as he stands before me, brushing my
chin with his thumb. “You have powdered sugar everywhere.” I bring my
lower lip between my teeth when he sucks his finger and hums, drawing me
taut to his body. “Do you need help cleaning too?”
“If you don’t mind.”
Carter bends forward, his mouth hovering above mine. “I can’t stop
thinking about you, Shelby,” he whispers, placing me on the island. “I’ve
been waiting to taste these lips again since you left.”
Smirking, I widen my legs and lean back on my hand. “Hm, which
A deep groan leaves his throat before his mouth crashes on mine. I wrap
my arms around his neck, deepening our kiss, and Carter lifts me from the
counter, walking toward the couch just as the timer on the oven goes off.
“Wait,” I moan, rocking on his dick when he draws me into him by my
ass. “The cookies—”
“Let them burn.”
I giggle, kissing him more as he presses me onto the cushion, gliding his
palm up my shirt to knead my breast, making me moan. “Garret could wake
any minute, and—” He dips to suck my nipple into his mouth, making me
inhale a sharp breath, gripping his hair as he pinches the other. “There’s still
a lot to get done. Unless we….”
Carter stops his lingering mouth down my stomach and looks at me
with a heavy gaze. “Unless what?”
Bringing Carter closer to my face, I say, “We take him out for a little bit
tonight.” He sighs, resting his forehead on my chest. “It’s not the candy he
cares about, Carter.” Stroking his hair, I add, “It’s dressing up and going out
to have fun like all the other kids.”
He straightens his stance, straddling me with his muscular thighs on
either side of my body, and I shift to my elbows. “Around the block, and we
eat all the candy.”
My smile is instant as I pull on his shirt, and there’s no rush in our next
kiss as I maneuver from beneath him to wrap my legs around his hips.
Holding each other, I thread my fingers into his hair, his strong hands
roaming over my body and creating an ache deep within me, wanting to be
nowhere else but here because of this man in front of me.
We break away, staying intertwined while breathing each other in, and I
grin, rubbing my nose against his. “Thank you,” I mumble against his lips.
“Now get to drawing. We’re still surprising Garret with my sweets when he
Carter maneuvers off the couch first, holding out his hand for me to
take, and I stand before him. “On it.”
We walk toward the kitchen, and I quickly clear the timer, removing the
cookies from the oven, which are on the dark side but still salvageable.
Placing them on the burners, I glance over my shoulder at Carter scoring
the bananas effortlessly, going about my tasks as he finishes each one in
minutes, then walks to the bats. I abandon the cookies to check out his
work, in awe of how good the webs look as lines begin to brown.
“You’re very good with your hands, Mr. Anderson.” Carter meets my
stare as I grab a banana from the tray. “Even with such a delicate fruit.”
Keeping eye contact, I skim my fingers down the peel.
He turns his head and clears his throat. “If you want to get these done, I
suggest you continue working.”
“I am. Just wanted to give your talented fingers some appreciation.”
“Work, Ms. Morales.”
“Yes, Sir…Bossman.”
Arching a brow, he looks at me again while shifting in place, and I grin,
placing the banana back on the tray. With the rest of the cookies transferred
to the cooling rack, I start washing the dishes, and Garret strolls into the
kitchen, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Carter has already
finished a few bats, placing them into a bowl before he stands.
“Hey, come with me,” he says, and Garret rests his cheek on his
shoulder as Carter lifts him, then walks into the playroom.
I head to the door frame, peek inside at them by the slide, and Carter
places Garret at the top. He glances back, waving for me to go, and I bite
back a smile doing as he says. Taking each platter, I place them in different
areas around the main floor, and once I’m done, I pull my phone from my
back pocket to text Carter.
All finished. Where did you put Garret’s costume?

A minute passes with his reply.

Check the bottom drawer of my desk. I forgot which side it’s

I send him a winking kiss emoji, then head downstairs, strolling to his
desk. There’s nothing on the left but a few candy bars, which makes me
giggle, so I go to the right side with Garret’s costume neatly folded inside,
his helmet on top along with Carter’s mask.
Placing everything on the desk, I tilt my head and kneel, withdrawing a
broken photo wedged in the back with half of the glass cracked. Pins and
needles scatter across my skin as I stare at the picture inside, furrowing my
brows at the beautiful woman standing close to Carter.
Our resemblance is undeniable.
She reaches just past his shoulders, her dark brown curls resting mid
back while her head is tipped from her apparent laughter, and Carter has his
arm wrapped around her waist to keep her upright, touching her round belly
ready to pop any day. The photo seems to be taken without them knowing,
someone capturing a pure moment, but what makes my stomach stir is the
love in Carter’s eyes while staring down into hers with his beautiful
dimpled grin.
Garret’s giggling sounds in the distance, and I blink away from my daze
and store the picture frame back in the drawer, quickly closing it once he
enters the room, Carter a step behind him.
“My race car driver!” Garret runs, takes the costume from the desk, and
plops onto the floor to stick his foot through an armhole.
“Alright, get over here.” Carter playfully scoops him up, making Garret
squeal as he places him over his shoulder and walks to the chair on the
other side. “Let’s put this on.”
Though this is a cherishing moment, I can’t stop the ache forming in my
gut. Everyone expressing how Garret looks like me, and Carter’s father
confusing me with her…does Carter see his ex-wife as well? He glances at
me with a smile, and I frown. Could our resemblance be why Carter gave
me a hard time when I started here? Does he still see her—wish I was
Valerie instead of settling for a fantasy? I leave the office needing a minute
to compose myself.
It’s only a coincidence. You’re overthinking, is all. “Hey, you okay?”
Carter asks, taking hold of my elbow.
Letting out a shaky breath, I slowly turn toward him. “Yeah…felt hot
for a second.”
He moves his hand to my forehead, then my cheek and I nuzzle into his
warm palm. “Do you need fresh air?”
“No, I’ll be okay.”
Garret runs out of the office and squeezes between us. “Are we going
trick or treating?”
“Only for a little while,” Carter says, and Garret gasps, jumping a few
“Go to the playroom and wait until we get you.”
“Okay!” He races to the stairs, carefully taking the steps as he holds the
side of his helmet, and the sight makes me smile.
As I follow him, Carter keeps hold of my hand. “Come here,” he
whispers, gently drawing me to his chest, his lips inches from mine as he
tips my head back, and I can’t stop my tears from building before I close
my eyes. “Are you crying?”
Licking the one that escapes to my lips, I let out a shaky breath. “I’m
“Shelby, hey, look at me.” He wipes my cheek dry, and I peek at him.
“Talk to me, baby.”
My lip trembles as he draws me in, and I revel in the passion behind his
kiss until he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine.
I exhale a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Are you guys coming?” Garret yells, and we look upstairs as he places
his mouth against the glass panel, making us laugh.
“We’re coming. Don’t do that.” Carter hugs me tighter, then kisses my
hair. “We’ll talk tonight.”

As a few hours pass, we walk around the neighborhood, Garret having so

much fun earlier searching around the house for the goodies I placed
everywhere, taking bites of the sweets as he found them, and Carter
sneaking just as many. He seems content as we wait close by for Garret to
return from the group of kids ringing the next doorbell, and I can’t stop
peeking at him, watching him grin.
“Whoa, I got three candies!” Garret waddles toward us with his full
bucket, and Carter lifts him into his arms.
“Show me.”
He removes three random pieces. “See.”
Carter chuckles and releases him back on the ground because of his
eagerness to continue to the next house, and I gasp when he trips on the
grass he crosses over instead of taking the pathway.
“Not too fast!”
Intertwining his fingers in mine, Carter draws me closer to him to
whisper in my ear, “Look who’s being the overprotective one.”
My nose scrunches as I look at him. “Shut it.”
He hums, resting his arm around my shoulder with our hands still
clasped, waiting for Garret to get his next piece of candy.
“Trick or treat.”
“Ooh, I like your costume. Here, take a few pieces.” Garret takes a giant
handful, and the woman chuckles. “Have fun.”
“Thank you!”
Carter brings my knuckles to his lips as we walk forward. “Thank you.”
“For helping me see what I’ve been missing.” He circles his thumb
along my palm. “And being here with me.”
“Daddy, Shelly, look!” Garret yells, staring at the floor while racing
toward us.
I crouch to lift him into my hip, then turn toward Carter. Though he’s
wearing a mask, there’s no missing the happiness on his face as he stares at
the both of us. My stomach flutters, and I hug his son closer. Carter’s a
different person than the man I met three months ago. Do I want to ruin
what we have going by bringing up the photo?
Open old wounds?
We visit a few more houses, walking for about an hour before heading
back home, and Garret’s asleep on Carter’s shoulder. “I’m gonna be sore
tomorrow,” he says, closing the door behind us.
“Probably, but totally worth the ache, right?”
He smirks, and we reach the main floor, Carter bringing Garret upstairs
while I plop onto the couch. A few minutes pass until he returns, and I rest
my head on the cushion as he leans forward from behind me.
“I have work that needs finishing. Can you meet me at 10:00?”
“This is a big place.” Grabbing the neck of his shirt, I tug him closer.
“Where should I meet you?”
“Wherever you feel most comfortable talking.” I nod, and he arches a
brow as I trail my palm to the nape of his neck. “Which is?”
“Well, you’ll have to find me now, won’t you?” Pulling him for a quick
kiss, I mark him with red lipstick. “Now, get to work, Bossman.”
Carter growls, placing his hand around my throat, and I hum, sucking
my bottom lip into my mouth. “Make it nine,” he says, then leaves for his

It’s almost 8:30 as I stroll upstairs, stripping my clothes to leave a trail

toward Carter’s room, and I grin while hanging my panties on the outside
door knob. His bathroom is much larger than the others, and I stare at the
massive skylight above, showcasing the darkness forming beyond. The grey
walls match his room, with dim lights along the edges of the ceiling, just
enough to see the walk-in shower taking up the back wall.
I walk through the opening of the glass panel, stopping at the shower
knobs on the right side. The water pressure is pleasant, goosebumps rising
on my skin as I close my eyes and lift my hair to allow the jets to hit my
shoulders. Thoroughly washing, I relax until a door shuts in the distance,
and my stomach stirs, keeping my eyes closed once footsteps get closer.
One, two, three seconds pass, and I inhale a heavy breath once Carter glides
an eager hand up my spine.
“You said 9:00….” I whisper, tipping my head back when he grips my
hair, kissing across my shoulder.
“I couldn’t wait.”
His erection slips along my ass, and I release a breathy moan, breathing
faster when he rubs my tits, then slides down my stomach to cup my pussy,
gliding his fingers along my slit. Inching two inside me, he slowly pumps
and laps his tongue along my jaw before turning my head for a firm kiss.
“You want some dick, baby?” Carter grabs my throat, and I close my
eyes the faster he strokes, biting my lip to stop my giggled moan as he
voices everything he’ll do to me tonight—how badly he wants my beautiful
body, then releases a deep hum when I rock my ass on his dick for more
than his words.
“You gonna keep talking about my pussy, Bossman, or get down to
business and fuck me already?”
Pausing his motion, he chuckles, withdraws his fingers, and glides them
to my mouth for me to suck my arousal. “Such a filthy mouth, Ms. Morales.
Do you need reminding of whom you’re speaking to?”
I moan around his thick digits, continuing to suck, keeping my heavy
gaze on his handsome face as his lips part, inching further inside to make
me gag, but he doesn’t get far enough before I twist to drop on my knees. “I
know very well who you are,” I pant, taking hold of his dick. “But yes, Mr.
His chest quickly rises while smoothing my wet hair away from my
face, then he swipes his thumb across my bottom lip as I slowly pump base
to head. “Open that mouth.”
I keep eye contact while lapping my tongue along the tip, moaning as
the taste of him mixes with the faint scent of his body wash. Stroking the
base, I work down his length to meet my fist, his dick hitting my throat
before I continue slowly sucking until his lips part from his heavy
breathing, and he grabs my hair from behind to push in deeper.
Every sharp breath he takes causes my pussy to clench. With each grunt,
I suck harder, humming as he widens his stance while gripping the nape of
my neck. Carter cocks his head to the side, easing his hips forward to push
into my mouth as far as he can go with my hand still at the base, and when I
release, I take him all. He grunts as I swallow around his dick, gagging as
he holds me there before I withdraw.
Breathing hard, I use my saliva while stroking his head, continuing to
suck fast until Carter’s roughly grunting, now pressing his palm on the wall
behind me while fucking my mouth, then suddenly he pulls me off, his dick
popping from my lips as he squats to kiss me hard. I rise with his tongue
still in my mouth and gasp as he spins me to press my front against the cold
tile with my arms above my head.
He glides his cock along my ass, and I release a shuddering moan as he
spits down my crack, using firm circles while rubbing his middle finger
between my cheeks. “Would you like me to stretch this tight little hole,
Shelby?” I nod, my eyes fluttering the more he presses his thick digit,
bucking my head when he gives me a tantalizing inch. “Use your words.”
“Fuck….” he moans, gliding his palm up my spine to grip my hair while
biting my shoulder, and I hum when he soothes the sting with his tongue.
“Tell me what that means.”
I shake my head, pressing my lip together to suppress a laugh. “Hmm,
words are only jumbled letters until actions deem them true.”
One sharp slap to my right asscheek, and I inhale a quick breath,
breathing hard for more as I press further into him. “Keep being a smartass,
Ms. Morales.”
Shaking my ass on his dick, I say, “Then fuck me senseless already.”
Carter moans, and I lower my hands on the wall when he taps his dick
along my clit. “You want me raw?”
“I want all of you.”
The anticipation of finally feeling him drives me wild, but instead, he
falls to his knees, spreading me wide to lick my pussy. Squeezing each
cheek while eating my ass, he grunts, thoroughly works his tongue to get
me dripping before he stands, and draws me toward him by my hips, finally
easing his dick inside. His heavy breaths hit my ear with every inch he
gives and takes while stretching me wide.
“Your pussy feels too good like this, baby—ah, fuck,” he moans, slowly
pumping, inching deeper with each stroke until his thighs slap against my
I meet him with the next thrust, and he grunts a shudder into my neck,
gripping my hips harder to draw me back again. Over and over until he’s
pounding my pussy, my tits bouncing as our sounds of pleasure echo
through the room. Carter grabs my throat as I rest my head on his shoulder,
kissing me hard between our heavy breathing, and he pulls out, wrapping
my legs around his hips when he turns me to face him, our mouths moving
feverishly with my back pressed against the tile.
Needing to feel the stretch, I grab and rub his dick on my pussy, making
him growl while holding my ass tight as I slip him back inside me,
continuing to grind. “Yes, that’s right—” he breathes, inhaling sharply
through his teeth. “Keep working my cock, just like that.” Every word
leaving this man has me trembling, his voice rough as he pants heavily
against my lips with each buck of my hips.
With a secure hold on my body, Carter walks toward the bedroom, and
the soft sheets cling to my back as he places me down, his dick glistening
with my wetness when he pulls out. He moves to his end table to grab a
condom, and I try not to grin—it’s great he’s thinking about being safe,
even though we already did the deed raw.
He arches a brow while rolling the rubber up his jutted length, applying
lube from tip to base. “What are you smiling at?”
“You.” I rub my thighs together, and he pulls them apart, kissing each
side. “We shouldn’t have fucked in there, but damn if I couldn’t help
He hums while sucking my clit, making my pelvis buck forward, then
kisses my stomach, saying between each peck, “You are the most
breathtaking. Intriguing. And persistent pain in the ass I’ve ever met.”
I giggle a moan, biting my lip while threading my fingers through his
hair as he swirls his tongue along my nipple next, rubbing his slick fingers
down my pussy and ass. “Mm, what a way to sweep me off my feet.”
Staring into my eyes, he grips my neck to tip my head back so our lips
brush while he gradually enters me again. “You have no idea what I have in
store for you.” Staying close, he inhales every whimper, every breathy
moan leaving my lips from the slightest jerk of his hips. “Fuck, you’re so
beautiful.” He kisses me. “So damn perfect.”
Carter straightens his stance, lifting my leg to his shoulder while
increasing his drive, slow yet firm strokes until I grip the sheets with his
first deep thrust into my pussy. I gasp hard, slapping my palm on his
stomach when he thrusts again and again, moaning as he continuously
works the same spot before rapidly pumping inside me, every stroke never-
ending, unable to catch my breath, feel my face, my body on fire as the
impending explosion quickly surfaces until he withdraws.
“Fuck, no,” I whimper, quickly losing the intense sensation.
He crawls over my body, humming into my mouth to revel in our
tongues lapping, our bodies one as he eases back inside me to gently thrust,
loving my pussy after punishing her just right. I drink in this moment and
squeeze my thighs to keep Carter close because I feel whole with him deep
inside me.
Rolling to his back, Carter takes me with him, rocking his hips while
I’m on top. I rise from his chest lust-drunken, hearing nothing beyond my
pounding heart as I tip my head, trailing up my body to squeeze my breasts,
my pussy full to the max, and he feels so damn good just like this. Carter
reels me back from my high by stroking my clit, and I take a deep breath,
gazing at him as he urges me to move with his hand on my ass.
So I grind.
I give him everything. Every part of me. Determined to show this man
how badly I want him to feel the same pleasure he gives. His sharp slaps on
my ass as he grunts fuel my desire to work harder, stroking the tip before
slamming to the base just to see his head buck backward, his mouth falling
slack with his moans, cursing the faster I fuck him as he rubs his fingers
between my cheeks, down his length and back to circle my asshole. A burst
of pleasure hits me, and one long look is all Carter gives before he slips a
finger inches inside me.
The invasion is unfamiliar, never allowing a man to touch me there
before him. Yet his gentle in and out motion is enticing, a sensation that
builds with my increasing pleasure.
“Want me to keep going?” Carter asks, lifting to kiss me as I nod,
panting when he grabs the lube to apply more to the area. “Tell me the
second you feel uncomfortable.”
Carter rests back, bringing me to lie flush with his chest as he slowly
rocks his hips, and I look back while his middle finger strokes at the same
pace, grasping his damp hair the faster he moves. “Goddamn,” he breathes,
kissing and sucking my neck. “Keep watching me stretch this tight little
asshole.” Gripping the left cheek while still inside, Carter thrusts faster, his
moans increasing along with mine as I rock my hips in time with him.
“Yes, that’s my girl—” Inhaling a sharp breath through his teeth, he hugs
me tighter, his grunts increasing against my skin as I clench around his
dick. “Ohh, fuck—” another sharp breath, “just like that,” he whispers,
“Keep working that pussy on me.”
We’re panting, our lips brushing once I face him, my lungs racing while
exhaustion catches me the longer we fuck, yet Carter holds my throat to
kiss me hard as tears emerge, kissing one that escapes down my cheek.
“I know you’re tired, baby,” he says, his tone gentle as he continues to
kiss me. “I’ll take care of you. Just trust me, okay?”
“I trust you.”
And I do, with every bit of my being as Carter rapidly thrusts, making
my eyes roll back, goosebumps scattering along my skin with prickling
sensations creeping from deep within my core, the intense pleasure so close
I taste the orgasm sitting on the tip of my tongue until he halts his strokes
“No, please,” I cry, huffing to find my breath, then losing it completely
when he tightens his grip on my neck, thrusting non-stop with his gritty
moan in my ear as I spiral against him.
Waves of pleasure take over, awakening my body with his dick pulsing
deep inside me, feeling light—like air surrounding him until my lungs
expand, and I gasp my stolen breath, filling before I fall slack against his
body, shuddering with each intake while exiting my state of utter bliss,
Carter holding me tight against him.
“So beautiful,” he breathes, stroking my hair from my face to press his
soft lips on my cheek, across my temple, finding my lips for a deep gentle
kiss. “You did so good, baby. So damn good.”
His soothing words fill me beyond anything I’ve ever felt before, and I
sob, unable to stop the emotion pouring out of me as he keeps me close.
Carter’s touch never falters—if love were a sense, then his embrace would
be the entity that binds us. I don’t want to move or break this bond we
“Shh, sleep now,” Carter whispers, caressing my skin as my exhaustion
pulls me further into him.
I stay against his rising chest, listening to his heart beating as the
rhythm lulls me for who knows how long before my eyes drift open, and I
stare at the clock on his nightstand. My brain doesn’t register the time until
the next minute passes to 11:57. I furrow my brows when a thought lingers
in my mind, unable to pinpoint what, until—gasping, I shoot up from
Carter’s chest, stirring him awake as I rush off the bed, running across the
hall to my room with my thighs aching and heart racing.
My laptop’s open on the end table for quick access to the auction site,
and I kneel on my bed with several seconds left on the countdown. Quickly
typing with shaky fingers, I submit the bid and exhale a long relieving
breath when the amount goes through, outbidding my opponent.
“Shelby….” I snap my neck toward the doorway where Carter’s
standing naked, his brows furrowed and chest pumping fast. “What the fuck
Crawling off the mattress, I grin, crossing the room toward Carter, and
he holds my weight as I jump into his arms, confused while I hum, deeply
kiss my man before saying, “I won.”

Is there such a thing as having too much sex?

Over the last several days, we’ve been fucking any chance we can—
Carter bending me over his desk after reddening my ass to admire his handy
work before, a quickie on the kitchen island during nap time, and a late-
night snack on the top step because his dick is just that addictive where no
surface area is safe from us. His stamina is unlike anyone I’ve been with
before. And I’m here for the experience.
Every stroke, suck, and lick….
“Mm, yes—right there,” I moan as Carter’s gentle licks turn to rapid
flicks on my clit, kissing me right where I need him.
Carter grunts into my pussy as I stuff my mouth, humming around his
tip while my hips defy the restraints he holds on me, riding out the waves of
pleasure by fucking his face and jerking the base of his length at once. He
grips my ass, slapping both cheeks while coming soon after, and I milk out
every last drop of cum onto my tongue.
As I suck him clean, I continue to stroke his still erect dick, making him
inhale a sharp breath through his teeth. “Fuck, baby, that’s too much right
now—” Pumping his head faster, I giggle as he grunts, then rolls over so he
hovers on top. As I twist onto my stomach to crawl away, he quickly pins
me with his thighs, my ass on full display.
“Say you’re sorry.”
I’m laughing too hard to speak, so he swats my behind, smoothing his
palm over my stinging cheek while glancing back at me. “Wait—I can’t
breathe,” I pant, trying to wiggle free.
Once he releases me, I crawl to the other side of the bed, twisting to
stare him down by the headboard as he says, “I’m waiting.”
“And I’m…not sorry.”
Carter lifts a brow, nodding his head before maneuvering off the
mattress. My heart pounds the closer he gets to me, and I shift to my knees,
backing away until I slide to the floor on the opposite side.
My gaze only leaves him for a second as I glance at the door, and he
chuckles, leaning with his palms down on the sheets. “You can try.”
“Is that a threat, Mr. Anderson?” I ask, sidestepping to the foot of the
bed, ready to bolt.
I get across the room before Carter can open his mouth, just missing
him as I swing the door open, yet he wraps his arm around my waist once
I’m almost to my room. With Garret still asleep this early, Carter covers my
laughter with his palm before walking me backward into my bedroom. I
love this playful side of him so much that I’m willing to push his buttons
enough to see just how mischievous he’ll become.
He releases me before closing and locking my door as I cross the room
to put distance between us. “Get on the bed.”
“Or what?”
“I’ve gotten to know your body very well over the last several days, Ms.
Morales.” I stay put as he saunters forward, my pulse thumping as his dick
grows, bobbing with each step he takes. “I know every button to push that
drives you wild.”
I swallow deeply as Carter reaches me. “So you’re planning to torture
me with pleasure?”
Cocking his head to the side, he lifts my chin with his index finger. “Get
on the bed.”
Without protest, I sit on the edge, scooting to the middle as Carter
follows and tugs my ankle so I fall back. “I’ve learned a thing or two about
you as well,” I say, breathing harder as he sweeps my body with those
russet hues.
“And what’s that?” Crawling, he settles between my legs. “How much I
enjoy eating your pussy. Draining you lifeless.”
“Where did you hear that from?”
He smirks against my skin, trailing wet kisses between my breasts. “In
your spicy book. You left your laptop open on the kitchen table.”
My brows raise at his confession. “So sticking your nose in my business
is what you’re doing?”
Chuckling, Carter says between his next kisses, “Oh, I’m getting there.
Just like Parish.” He nips below my navel, and I inhale a sharp breath.
“Give me a moment.”
I hum and thread my fingers through his hair the lower he presses his
lips on my body. “What makes you believe Parish is about you….”
His gaze darkens as he grabs my thighs and spreads them wide. “Read it
to me.”
Heat rises along my neck, flushing my face. “What?”
“That last scene you wrote. Read me every word and prove me wrong.”
He licks his lips, hovering above my pussy. “While I prove I’m right.”
Goosebumps scatter along my skin, and I tip my head back at the first
swipe of his tongue. “Oh, Carter….” I pant, my chest rising faster. “I can’t.”
He moans while sucking my clit, and I squeeze my thighs, rubbing them
together when he lifts from the bed, glances at my laptop on the nightstand,
then sits along the end of the mattress to open the password-protected
device. “If I may?”
I press my lips together before nodding. “Donutlover224.”
The way he tries to contain his laughter as he types the password I made
when I was fourteen years old makes me grin, and he clears his throat while
scanning my document. It’s been a few days since I wrote that sex scene,
and I’ve yet to read any word to catch mistakes.
“It’s still rough.”
He raises a brow, scrolling while those dark eyes flick toward me before
he rests back against the headboard. “I see no flaws.”
“Quit it,” I say, shifting onto my stomach to hide my smiling face in the
crumpled sheets while he reads a scene aloud.
“The knife clatters to the floor as I pin her wrists on the wall above her,
grabbing her throat the second she tries to headbutt my nose to get away—
Oh, she’s mad.”
I bite my bottom lip while peeking at Carter. “Yeah, but she’s not the
only one.”
Carter raises a brow before he continues reading. ““Don’t. Move,” I
seethe, tightening my grip with an urge to snap her pretty little neck when
she jerks forward. “I should kill you.” Squeezing harder, I stare as blood
rushes to her cheeks. “Make you suffer.”
Panic replaces the rage she holds against me, and the fear in her dark
eyes guts me worse than the knife she once possessed—so I loosen enough
to give her breath, resting my forehead on hers to prevent myself from
crushing the one person who matters.
“But Goddammit. I can’t.” One step back, I release my hold, and her
body slumps to the floor with her weapon between us. Two worlds, one
decision, unsure where I should stand. Over her dead body or underneath
her luscious skin.”
Parish’s words feel potent coming from Carter—the sincerity in his
tone, as if he relates to his contradiction. ““You’ve wrecked me, Sunshine.”
The longer we stare, I no longer care if I meet the end of the dagger first
because a life without her, I’m already dead.”
Furrowing his brows, Carter silently reads further, and I crawl toward
him to see where he’s at. “Why can’t they choose to love one another?” he
asks, then looks at me. “Is something holding them back?”
I snuggle into his side, hugging his bicep. “Or maybe someone.” The
hairs on his arms rise, and I smooth my fingers over the goosebumps on his
“So they’re stuck between loving and hating one another?”
“Their rage is the war keeping them apart, yet whenever they’re
together, their desire prevents them from killing each other on the
battlefield. That’s the best way I can describe their dynamic.”
“Then how does their story end?”
Leaning forward, I kiss his cheek before resting my chin on his
shoulder. “Like any other love story. No matter where my characters start,
how long their journey takes, or how hard the finish line may be to cross,
their ending will always be a happily ever after.”
Carter blinks several times before he closes my laptop and carefully
stores it on the nightstand to face me. “Shelby, why were you crying that
night in the foyer?”
My skin prickles, and I swallow the knot forming in my throat in hopes
he wouldn’t bring that night up. “It was noth—”
“No, please don’t dismiss something that was bothering you. I want
honest communication between us. To ensure our relationship stays
Our relationship?
I can’t hold back how pleased those words make me as I move forward,
holding Carter’s cheek while whispering, “Me and you?”
One gentle peck on my lips, and he declares, “You and me.”
“Okay.” Crawling off my bed, I head for my closet to slip on one of
Carter’s white t-shirts I stole, and he raises a brow as I dress him in another.
“If we’re talking, we don’t need distractions.”
“Good call,” he says, hiding his dick under the sheets. “Now, come
here.” I giggle when he pulls me between his legs, then wraps his arms
around my waist in a bear hug, kissing my neck from behind. “Are you
“Good. Now spill.”
I haven’t had the best track history of expressing my concerns calmly,
so I allow myself time to find the right words to explain how that photo
made me feel. “I saw something that drew several emotions from me at
once, and I couldn’t stop the racing questions that rose before understanding
why they upset me. If I should be upset.”
His hold tightens on my body, and I close my eyes for my first question.
“Do you often think of Valerie?”
The silence between us makes my stomach churn. “I have. For many
sleepless nights.”
“And you drink because of her?”
“I have a long history with Whiskey, but yes, drinking was a way to
control the pain that consumed me…until you came along.”
Goosebumps rise on my skin, and I tip my head onto his chest as Carter
strokes his fingers along my arms. “That night at the bar, who did you see?”
The second he stops his strokes, I already have my answer. “Shelby, I
was hurting, drowning myself to forget the ache festering inside me, and
when I saw you sitting across the bar—”
“You didn’t see me.”
He releases a deep, shaky breath, though his hold on my body never
falters as he whispers against my neck, “No.”
I can’t stop the drop in my stomach, even though we were strangers—
our mindsets couldn’t have been farthest apart. “Is that why you stopped
kissing me? Because you couldn’t see her when you really looked at me?”
His mouth opens and closes before he dips his chin, ridden with guilt
once he meets my gaze. “Yes, and I’m sorry.” Carter’s arms strengthen
when I try to free myself. “No, please. Stay with me.”
Needing to face him, I remove his grasp on my waist, and the panic set
in his eyes guts me as I rest on my heels within his reach. “You didn’t want
to hire me because I reminded you too much of her—then you changed
your mind. Why?”
He moves forward to take my face into his hands. “Because what I see
inside you is farthest from who Valerie is. I hired you because of your
strength and passion.” Pressing his forehead on mine, he adds, “I fell in
love with you because you never gave up on me. Because you love my
I exhale a strenuous breath, my eyes stinging as I back away. “Yet you
took out your frustrations at every wrong turn as if I was Valerie. And that
day I almost left, you stopped me because you couldn’t stand to see her
walking out again.”
As I maneuver to get off the bed, Carter’s at my back, drawing me tight
against his chest. “I’m not the same man I used to be, Shelby. Please, baby.
Don’t use my past against me today.”
“Yet you used your past against me when I was merely a stranger in
your home.”
“Fuck,” he breathes against my shoulder, and I close my eyes to stop
my fallen tears as he kisses my neck, jaw, and cheek to whisper in my ear.
“I did, and I’m so sorry.”
His admissions sting, yet the question lingering on my tongue feels like
acid until I ask, “Did you wish I was her—still wish I was her?”
“Never.” Carter shifts to face me, and I stare into his glossy gaze. “I’ve
had to remind myself often that you may resemble Valerie, but you are
nothing like she was because you, Shelby, are selfless, caring, encouraging,
so full of light—you help me see through my darkness. Opened my eyes to
the man I was drowning, become the father Garret needs, and now
recognize the man I’ve once strived to be.” My lip trembles as Carter rests
his forehead on mine. “So know when you’re with me, baby. I only see
you.” He kisses my lips. “And I love you, Shelby Morales.”
I close my tear-brimmed eyes and kiss Carter’s palm when he caresses
my cheek. “Now that’s how you sweep a girl off her feet.”
Releasing a hearty laugh, Carter breathes deeply against my lips while
swiping away my fallen tears with his thumbs. “How did I get so lucky to
find a beautiful soul like you?”
“Well….” I slip off the bed, tipping my head to the side while walking
backward. “You needed a nanny. Preferably one with a teaching degree, so
you got me instead.”
Carter hums as he follows suit, sauntering forward while removing his
shirt until my back presses against the door. “I’ve never been happier to use
the wrong term in my life.”
“I’m glad you did.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smile close to
his lips. “But now, to finalize your apology, you must give me a kiss.”
“Mm, you’re the boss. Ms. Morales.”

Leaning against the closet door, I take in Carter’s well-defined thighs as he

steps into slacks, how each muscle in his back contracts once he fastens
them, then slips his arm into a white dress shirt to cover his masterpiece.
Though the fabric enhances his build, adding character as Mr. Anderson
arrives. I’ve come to enjoy the benefits of Bossman and that black tie
securing his neck.
He glances at me from the full-length mirror as I stroll inside. “Why
wear suits if you’re only going downstairs?”
“Because I like them,” he says, finishing his look with a jacket.
I nod, skimming my fingers over the dark charcoal material hugging his
waist. “I like this one.”
Facing me, Carter lifts my chin as I pucker my lips, and he smirks,
laying a gentle kiss on them. “I’m working at the site today, but I’ll be back
before our dinner date.”
“Okay.” I adjust his tie, gliding my palm down to flatten the satin fabric.
“Jessie and Dane should arrive around 5:30, but I’ll understand if you’re
running late and need to reschedule…if meeting my friends is too soon—”
His peck turns into a knee-buckling kiss as his tongue enters my mouth,
thoroughly erasing my words of doubt before they ever cross my lips.
Once we part, I close my eyes and hum while Carter nudges his nose
along mine. “Baby, I’m all in. Understand?”
I grip his tie to unfasten, my breath increasing when he doesn’t stop me.
However, he gathers my wrists once I reach for his shirt buttons and
lifts them above my head to press me against the mirror, hovering over me.
“Keep the tie.”
“Okay,” I breathe, tipping my head back when he draws me into his
hardening dick by my ass, showing me his need, and yes, I’ll be patient to
see what he’ll do with me tonight.
Carter releases me, swipes his thumb along my chin to free my bottom
lip from my teeth, and presses another peck before strolling out of the
closet, leaving me to simmer. With lots of prep work for dinner, I get Garret
and myself situated, heading to the store for every ingredient needed. As
time flies in the kitchen, Jessie and Dane are soon to arrive, and I’m
finishing the final touch of my outfit while Carter keeps Garret busy and
away from the feast on the table.
I lay the last of my baby hairs, glad my high curly bun is behaving
tonight. The slick back look goes well with my sleek black jumpsuit, adding
a red lip stain to complete the look, thoroughly feeling myself with the
My phone screen brightens on the vanity as Jessie’s face appears. “Hey,
are you here?”
“We just pulled up. What’s the code again?”
“1645. Park next to my car.”
“Okay, see you in a second.”
Ending the call, I look once more in the mirror, adjusting the loose black
tie around my neck before heading downstairs to the front door. Jessie
strolls toward me wearing a rose pink mock neck dress—Dane steps behind
her in a grey sweater with his sleeves rolled up and black slacks.
“Damn, babe, you look hot,” she says, pulling me in for a hug, then
whispers in my ear, “I’m so happy for you.”
I smile and glance at Dane. “Thank you, and the feeling’s mutual.”
Dane gives me a one-shoulder hug. “Hey, Shelby.”
“I’ve missed you guys. Thank you both for coming today.”
“Are you kidding?” Jessie says, threading her arm with mine. “I
wouldn’t miss a meal from you. I’m already drooling. Oh, I kinda missed
your face too.”
We both giggle as I bump her away, then hug her tight again as we head
inside. “Well, good thing you’re hungry because I went overboard with
As we enter the kitchen, Carter strolls from the playroom with Garret in
his arms, matching in light grey dress pants and a white button-down. The
sight makes my heart skip, wishing Carter and I were alone right now as his
gaze darkens while staring at his tie secured around my neck—I don’t
believe there’s such a thing as having too much sex.
“Wow, you look stunning,” he says, drawing me in for a quick kiss, and
Garret giggles.
I tickle my favorite little man’s side, making his dimples appear. “Hey
there, handsome.” He looks adorable with his new haircut, Carter taking
him earlier to get the sides tapered like his, keeping his curls neatly styled
on top.
“Aww, you guys are the cutest couple,” Jessie says, her lips set to a
broad smile while holding Dane’s hand.
“Carter. These are my long-time friends Jessie and Dane.”
He takes hold of Jessie’s hand, giving it a quick shake, then gives Dane
a firmer one. “It’s nice to meet you both.”
“Your home is something else,” Dane says, sticking his hand in his
“Thank you. It’s one of my favorite designs.”
“You designed it? Damn, I’m impressed. Great craftsmanship.”
The food will get cold the longer we wait. “We should get settled in the
dining room.”
There are four fresh whole tilapias, beautifully fried, one deboned for
Garret, and many choices for sides scattered along the middle of the table.
Everyone wastes no time making their plate, and Garret’s sitting at the end
of the table to my right, already digging into his Patacones.
“Shelby, I didn’t know you cooked like this,” Dane says, scooping a
large portion of Arroz con Gandules onto Jessie’s plate, then his next. “You
were working the wrong part of Roux.”
I shrug, sitting across from Jessie, Carter to my left. “I doubt my skills
would’ve mattered anyway with Patrick running the place.”
“Yeah, he’s a dick. Lots of people quit after the way he fired you,
including me. He was wrong for that.” Jessie does something to him under
the table, and he looks at her while she whispers in his ear.
The hairs on my arms rise with the feel of Carter’s gaze on me, so I
place my hand on his thigh and turn toward him—he’s smiling, his easy
expression easing my nerves. “Is this true? Were you wrongfully fired?”
“It’s okay. I’m glad it happened because if Patrick hadn’t, I never would
have found your ad.”
Carter intertwines our fingers, kissing the back of my hand. “I couldn’t
agree more.”
We eat our meals, conversing and enjoying each other’s company for
the next hour, then Carter shows Dane around the house. Now Garret’s
sitting with Jessie watching a video on her phone, and I love how
comfortable they are together, which makes me smile. She whispers in his
ear, making him laugh, then nod before they leave toward the kitchen area.
Finishing off my white wine, I stand to gather a few plates but stop as
Carter descends the stairs, strolling toward me for a kiss. “Don’t worry
about cleaning. I got it.”
“How about we clean together?”
Carter grabs a few more dishes than me, and we walk toward the
kitchen to deposit them next to the sink while Dane helps Jessie entertain
Garret in the playroom. As I ready myself to start, Carter wraps his arm
around my waist and moves me away from the faucet.
“Grab another glass of wine and go relax with your friend.”
Facing my handsome man, I tip my head while trailing my finger down
his stomach. “Well, if you insist.” Then draw him closer by the belt, lifting
to press my lips on his. “Thank you.”
The mention of wine reminds me of how full my bladder is from having
one too many glasses, so I head to the gym bathroom to relieve myself.
Once I’m done, I leave to find Jessie waiting on the other side with a bottle
of red and two wine glasses.
“Dane’s driving, so why not.”
“You guys could always crash here in my room.”
“Nah, we fuck loud, so I’ll spare poor Garret’s ears.”
I burst out laughing, hugging my best friend. “I’ve missed you.”
“Back at ya.”
“Let’s go to the patio.”
Settling by the fireplace, I drape a throw blanket on my legs, sipping a
glass of wine as Jessie does the same. “You look very content living here,”
she says, unable to contain her grin.
“I am.”
“Do you love him?” I take a huge gulp as butterflies invade my stomach
from her question. “I think I love Dane.” She looks into the kitchen where
Carter and Dane are deep in conversation, both with a Whiskey in hand. “I
know we haven’t been together for long, but whenever I’m with him, I just
want to kiss him non-stop, love on him in every way possible. How do I tell
him without scaring him off?”
“There’s no way that’s happening. That man is nuts for you.”
“You think so?”
“I know him pretty well, and he wouldn’t come to a stranger’s house for
dinner unless he were utterly in love with the woman dragging him there.”
She laughs and pulls her rosy bottom lip between her teeth. “I’m going
to tell him tonight.”
“Good. You should.” Carter’s prior words replay in my mind, and every
time they make me smile. “Carter told me he loves me.”
Jessie’s eyes widen while mid-sip, and she places her glass on the small
table. “What? When? How did he tell you? Did you say it back?”
“One question at a time,” I laugh, and she grabs her glass before
relaxing into her chair, waiting for me to elaborate. “It was a few days ago
after we had an intense conversation, and Carter was sincere with his
“Why does it sound like there’s a but?”
“Because I didn’t say it back.”
Her brows raise as I frown, staring into my glass, and she moves to sit
next to me on my lounge chair. “Hey, that’s okay. Is there something
keeping you from reciprocating?”
“No. I just didn’t.”
“So, do you think you’re in love?”
I look at Carter, and he meets my gaze, his smile stirring something
deep within. If me not saying I love him back bothers him, then he has a
great way of hiding his hurt. Or perhaps he understands love takes time.
Giving yourself over to someone completely takes trust, commitment, and
hard work to prove to the other they’re worthy of holding their heart.
However, as Garret walks into the kitchen rubbing his eyes, lifting his
arms for his father to carry him, my heart bursts as he rests his little cheek
on Carter’s shoulder.
The thought of never meeting either of them causes a pang in my chest,
and I smile when Jessie rubs along my knee because she knows what I’m
feeling. Carter’s my fish and patacones.
“Yes. I believe I am.”

It’s 9:00 when Jessie and Dane say their goodbyes and leave the house.
Garret’s asleep in bed, leaving Carter and me alone as he strolls to kiss my
shoulder from behind.
“Let’s take Garret to the aquarium tomorrow.”
“That sounds fun. What time should we go?” I ask, turning to face him.
“Since it’s busy on the weekend, we’ll go toward closing time.”
“Okay.” Carter hugs me closer, pure contentment on his handsome face,
and I want to keep his relaxed state going. “Would you like to take a late-
night swim with me?”
“I’ll go change—”
Grabbing the tab on my jumpsuit, he gradually drags the zipper down
the front, stripping me of my thong and leaving his tie around my neck.
“Pool rules state there’s no swimwear allowed at night,” he says, loosening
his belt as I work the buttons on his shirt from the bottom up.
I push the light cotton material off his shoulders, and he yanks my
naked body to his. “Is there a no fucking rule too?”
Carter chuckles, releasing a deep growl into my ear. “No such rule
Too much sex? Not even a question.

“Shelly, look at the shark!” Garret presses his entire body to the kelp tank
and tries to pet a fish that swims by. “Hi, little fishy.”
We’ve been here for over two hours, and I love how even the littlest fish
excites him. “Garret, remember to keep a distance from the tanks. You have
to respect fish’s home and not disturb them,” I say, holding his hand, and he
turns to me smiling.
Carter returns from using the restroom, draping his arm around my
shoulders, and I lay my head on his chest as Garret rushes back to the tank
with a big yellow fish swims by. Today’s been a great day. I lock my arms
around his waist, and Carter kisses the top of my head, asking, “Ready to
Nodding, I continue to watch Garret until he gasps. “Jessie!” Then runs
past us to jump into her arms.
What’s she doing here?
“Whoa, you almost knocked me on my butt, kid. Are you having fun?”
“Uh-huh. We saw big jellies and sharks. Come to see the fishes.”
Squirming to the floor, he pulls her hand toward the kelp tank, and Jessie
smiles at me as she passes.
“Fancy seeing her here, huh?” Carter whispers into my ear.
I stare at him with my brows raised, then narrow my eyes. “What are
you up to?”
He smoothes the pad of his thumb over my cheek before gliding to my
chin. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”
“You’ve intrigued me.”
Jessie’s holding Garret’s hand as she strolls toward us with a sinister
smirk. “Hey, babe. Crazy bumping into you guys here on the same day.
Same time.”
“You two are terrible actors.”
“No clue what you’re talking about.” She winks at Carter.
“Coincidences happen all the time.”
Okay, they are definitely planning something.
“Can we get hotdogs?” Garret asks before releasing a yawn with his
cheek against Jessie’s thigh.
Tonight will be an easy bedtime, which means more Carter time for me.
It’s twenty minutes to five as we exit the aquarium, crossing the parking lot
to the Camaro, and Jessie parked her car two spots away from us.
“Wanna ride with me, Garret?”
I snap my head toward Carter, who looks anything but surprised.
“Yeah!” Hopping for Jessie to pick him up, Garret squeezes around her
neck, and I glance inside her car with his seat already installed.
He intertwines our fingers while guiding me to the passenger side of the
Camaro and opens the door. I eye him, smirking before entering, and he
gently closes me in, jogging to the other side. Whatever plan these two have
cooked up, they succeed in keeping me in the dark. Jessie’s first to leave as
Carter settles behind the wheel, taking his sweet time securing his seat belt,
and glances at me before starting the car.
Backing out of the space, he turns in the wrong direction and heads
toward the back of the aquarium, re-entering another parking space. We sit
for a long seconds before he kills the engine and continues to stay quiet. I
am beyond confused right now.
“What are we doing, Carter?”
“Right now? I’m sitting in a car, alone, with my lady.”
His words ignite a fire inside me. “And after this?”
He steps out and walks around the front to open mine. “Come with me.”
I no longer question his antics and do as he says. The unknown is
exciting, and I’m enjoying this adventurous side of Carter I’ve yet to meet.
Heading toward the wooded area, we carefully cross a small sketchy bridge,
then trudge along a steep, narrow trail. Good thing I wore my comfortable
shoes today. Carter’s close behind me as we reach the top, and our prize is a
stunning view of La Jolla Shores.
“Wow, this is beautiful.”
Carter wraps his arms around my waist from behind, my curls blowing
past my face by the wind, and he kisses my exposed neck. “You’ve only
seen part of the surprise.” We continue walking the trail and stop at a tree
with a white wooden chain swing attached—a perfect spot to overlook the
ocean. “What do you think?”
“I love it.” Facing Carter, I hug him tight. “Thank you for taking me
He lifts my chin and leaves a peck on my lips. “Anything to see you
And I do, taking a few steps back before strolling to check out the
There’s a quote on the wood:

Be happy on purpose.

The words tug at my heart, and I trail my fingertips along each letter,
the chains jiggling as I sit, staring into the distance. Pushing off the floor, I
move through the air, swinging until I stop again as the sun begins to settle.
Carter steps behind me, and I rest on his chest as we enjoy this moment
together, in each other’s presence,
“Shelby….” he whispers near my ear, releasing a shaky breath.
There’s a long pause, and I turn to look at him as he stares down at me
with such affection. “I love you.”
Instant goosebumps spread across my body as he trails kisses along my
shoulder—I haven’t been more sure about loving someone than I do now.
“And I love you.”
He grins, his eyes glossing over, and I stand to meet his embrace,
colliding with a searing kiss. We breathe each other in, kissing on our last
breath, needing every bit of the other to stay alive, and I’ll give him all of
me to continue tasting these lips forever. I moan once we part, tipping my
head back while Carter kisses my neck, humming against my skin and
kneading my ass to draw me closer as if it were physically possible to fuse
into one.
And I want more. “Carter, take me home.”
The walk back to the car is a mix of sucking face, falling, and laughing.
Now on the road, the drive feels longer than the route actually is because I
want—fuck, need to make sweet, passionate, mind-blowing love to this
beautiful man.
Home can’t come fast enough.
“Carter, you missed the turn,” I say, glancing at the street we passed.
“We’re not going to the house.”
My brows furrow. “What do you mean? Jessie’s waiting there with
He peeks at me with a smirk. “I know.”
“Okay. So you won’t tell me why we’re getting on I-5?”
Moving his hand to my thigh, Carter squeezes while gliding this thumb
across my jeans, and my pulse spikes—his touch not helping my horny
state. “I have another surprise for you.”
“Does this plan involve you lying in a bed naked?”
He chuckles, sliding deeper between my thighs, and I press my legs
together to ease my throbbing clit. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“You’re torturing me—you know that, right?”
Grinning, he removes his hand to shift gears, drinking in what he’s done
to me. “Baby, we have all the time in the world, remember?”
Dammit, now he’s using my words against me.
I smirk, gliding my palm along with his and crossing my legs—two can
play hard to get, and I know this game very well. Intertwining our fingers, I
place a soft peck on the back of his hand and smile sweetly.
Carter arches a brow, glances at me, then back to the road. “That’s it?”
“What else can I say, mi amor?” I trail my fingertips up and down his
arm, making the hairs stand. “I’ll have to wait to see what you’re up to.”
Two hours later, we pass a sign that says Pine Cove, traveling into the
wilderness in the dark, and I hug his bicep as we navigate a rocky trail, trees
in every direction until we meet a little light in the distance to a small
triangular cabin. It’s adorable. The A-frame roof hangs about two feet from
the ground, and the entire front is glass with a modern grill design dividing
them, except for the accent red door on the left.
Immediately I get out once Carter parks the car, walking up several
steps to the deck decorated with black string lights replicating fireflies
flying above, and I’m in complete awe. “Carter, I love it,” I say as he stands
before me.
“I wanted to spend time away from the outside world. Just you and me.”
My smile matches his, and I lean into his caressing touch on my cheek.
“When I’m with you, I feel far from alone. You give me purpose, the will to
strive toward building a better future—a secure one, and there’s no other
person I rather start fresh with than you.” He kisses me, and I melt into his
embrace as he whispers against my hair, “Will you stay with me and
Quickly nodding, I lift onto my toes to kiss him again. “There’s
nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Carter moans as he deepens our kiss, holding me tight with my tongue
gliding along his while surrounded by the romantic setting—the wilderness
makes their music as I breathe in the fresh pine scent mixed in with his
intoxicating one. I’d bottle this moment up to keep it forever if I could.
With our next breath, I wrap my legs around his waist as Carter walks us to
the front door, holding me against the wooden surface when I grind onto his
hard dick.
“We’re not making it inside if you continue doing that,” he says, and I
do it again, making him growl against my lips while pinning my hips
against the door, wanting that exactly because I can’t wait another second
without him inside me.
“There’s nobody here but us.”
“Baby, I’m taking my time with you, and I can’t do that out here.”
The thought alone sends a shiver down my spine, so I nod, placing my
feet on the ground. “Then get me inside.”
Carter types into a keypad and opens the door, taking hold of my hand
as he walks inside. “Let’s settle in first.”
“How long are we staying? I don’t have clothes.”
“We leave Monday. Jessie’s watching Garret and packed you a bag.”
My heart skips, loving that he trusts Jessie to stay with Garret, that my
best friend continues to go above and beyond for me, and I love her to
pieces. Carter presses another kiss but removes his lips from mine too
quickly, making me pout.
“I’ll get our stuff,” he says, flicking lights on by the door, then smirks
while walking backward toward the stairs. “Take a look around.”
The inside is just as cozy, with light oak wood from the floors to the
walls and ceiling. There’s a wood-burning stove on the right side of the
room in front of a coffee table and two brown leather couches. As I walk
further inside toward a small round table in the middle of the room, I glance
at the bookcase along the right wall, full of old stories and board games I
can’t wait to sort through.
Floating stairs spiral up to the second floor to my left, and straight
ahead is the kitchen—a cute little room with plain white counters and oak
cabins, the sink with a window above it, unsure what’s beyond since it’s too
dark to tell.
“What do you think?” Carter snakes his hands around my waist, and I
shift to look at him.
“It’s lovely. Did you design this place?”
“My mother did.”
My brows rise, and I spin around to face him. “Your mom was an
“Yes, and my father. They both worked for different firms. Competitors
until my mom created one of her own, and he joined shortly after.” Carter’s
brows pinch as he releases a deep sigh. “They worked well together until
my father decided he should take over fully, but Mom refused his
proposition, bought him out, then he left for New York.”
The hint of sadness in his eyes makes my stomach sink. “A woman with
a dream and stuck to her guns is a woman to admire. She seems
His expression lightens to a smile. “I wish you could’ve met her. Garret,
too. Her work inspires mine, and I wanted to finish what she started.
Continue building her empire, so one day Garret can take over—” He stays
quiet for a second, staring at the floor. “If he walks in our footsteps. I’m not
so sure he will.”
“He’s still young to know what he wants in life, so only time will tell.
However, it’s best to support whatever path he chooses.”
Carter nods, and I press my cheek on his chest, holding him close as he
rests his chin on my hair—a yawn escapes me, and I close my eyes, fully
content being in his arms. “Let’s go to bed.”
We head to the floating stairs, and I go first, watching each step until I
reach the top. I’ve never seen a triangular house like this before, the design
making the second floor a tighter fit but still roomy enough to be
comfortable to hold a king-size platform bed. A railing behind that
overlooks the living area and deck, and the windows in the front of the
cabin reach the ceiling in a unique rectangular pattern. Simple, rustic with a
hint of elegance, and I love everything about this place.
Sitting on the comfortable mattress, I lean on my palms as Carter stands
a few feet away with his hands in his pockets. He looks incredibly
handsome in casual wear—happy, which makes me smile. I kick off my
shoes and scoot back until I’m by the pillows.
“Are you coming to bed?”
Carter swiftly moves forward, his shoes already off as he crawls toward
me and molds my body to his. Even though his erection presses against my
ass, I focus on his arms wrapped around me, his content breath hitting my
cheek as he presses a gentle kiss. How good he feels, so right, my man
created just for me. There’s no other place I’d rather be than right here.
“Goodnight, Shelby,” he whispers, kissing my temple.
I intertwine our fingers and hold them to my chest. “Goodnight.”

Light pours into the room through the windows, and I shield my eyes with
the blanket. Though the sizzling sound in the distance piques my interest,
the bacon aroma filtering through the fabric gives away what awaits me,
making my mouth water and stomach growl. Either Carter had someone
stock the fridge beforehand, or he must’ve woken early to stop at the store.
I stretch my body, still wearing yesterday’s clothes, and straighten to
look around the brightened room. My bag is on the small chair against the
wall, so I shuffle off the bed to check what Jessie packed, knowing her I’ll
only have lingerie to wear—it’s much cooler here than in La Jolla, so
hopefully, she packed accordingly.
Drawing out a white v-neck sweater, I pair the soft fabric with light
high-waist skinny jeans and place them on the bed before searching for
underwear. I brush over lacy material while digging in the side, and
withdraw a black babydoll nightdress and a matching thong freshly washed
and ready for wear.
This outfit I do appreciate. Leaving the night dress for a later time, I
fold the lace back inside, keeping the thong, and grab a pair of cozy socks,
placing everything on the edge of the bed where there’s a grey towel with
toiletries on top.
I stride toward the bathroom across the room with them, and the space
is humid, my pulse thumping at Carter's lingering scent. Taking a quick
shower, I dress and slip into my shoes, eager to go downstairs because last
night was serene—how good he felt pressing against me. His muscular
arms wrapped around my waist, feeling his chest moving along my back,
lulling me to sleep.
My stomach growls louder as I stroll toward the kitchen, the fragrance
hitting my face in the most delicious way, though Carter looks completely
edible, wearing an olive green thermal that hugs his build just right while
standing in front of the sink washing a pan.
Hair is still damp, the natural waves do their own thing, and it’s taking
all that I am not to run my fingers through his strands as a few drops of
water land on his shoulders—I may have a slight addiction.
There are two covered plates on the counter next to the stove, and I
glance over my shoulder to the table behind me set with two glasses, fresh-
cut fruit, a pitcher of orange juice, and a small vase full of white hydrangea
in the middle.
I fall more in love with his romantic side, just as much as I enjoy
playful Carter. As the toaster pops with four perfect slices, Carter dries his
hands on his dark blue jeans, and I smile once he turns to the fridge on the
left, finally noticing me.
“Mornin’,” he says, smiling while grabbing butter, and I walk toward
him with my arms crossed, tipping my head back for a peck on the lips. “Go
relax at the table, and I’ll bring everything.”
“Thank you. For making breakfast. It smells delicious.”
“You’re welcome. Now—“ Carter lays another peck, and this time, he
lingers above with his hand on my neck as we part. “Go sit.”
Arching a brow, I do as he says, sauntering backward toward my seat
while keeping my gaze on him. Before I sit, I pull the elastic out of my hair
for my curls to tumble along the tops of my breasts. With my tight sweater
tucked into my jeans, my cleavage is rather revealing while showing off my
He stares when I lower the front, showing off the girls even more before
taking my seat. I want our time together tonight to be sensual, but I also
need Carter steaming hot—unable to keep his hands off me, so if I must
continue torturing us both to get to that rolling point, then so be it.
“Mr. Anderson, I believe the toast is ready,” I say, crossing my legs and
leaning into the chair with my head tipped. “Are you not hungry?”
Carter rubs along his jaw, then focuses on the food, arriving at the table
a minute later with both plates piled with scrambled eggs and bacon.
“Enjoy.” Settling across the table, which he’s much too far from me, he
mimics my stance by leaning into the chair with his leg resting on his knee.
“Why not sit here?” I pat the chair to my left and add, “I don’t bite...too
“Eat your breakfast, Ms. Morales,” he says, taking his first bite of
With bossman at the table, I oblige, eating my toast, plus my hunger
takes over since my last meal was the burger we got on the way over last
night. “What’s on today’s schedule?”
“There’s none. Anything goes.”
I like this plan.
“Do you want to explore with me? I could barely see outside on the
drive in here.”
“Of course. We’ll hike the trail and check out the views.”
“Sounds nice. Maybe we can light the fire pit out front tonight? Watch
the stars in the hammock. I wish we had marshmallows.”
“Who says we don’t?”
My brows rise, unable to contain my smile. “Okay, then it’s settled.”
As we eat, my phone brightens with a group text from Emily, Madalyn,
and Natalie, and I swipe the screen.
Hey, Shelby, since the wedding’s creeping up, we’re using a
chat to keep everyone on the same page.

So Natalie’s going through with the wedding? I’m glad. However, I still
haven’t told Carter yet.
Please spam with nudes of hot men and ladies when

I giggle, then warmth rises up my neck, burning my cheeks when

Natalie sends an explicit photo, and I stare at the pierced dick on my screen.
“Oh, my—” Placing my phone face down with the next celebrity dick pic, I
stare at Carter as he raises a brow while chewing his food.
“What’s so funny?”
“Just talking to my cousins. Um, interested in attending a wedding with
Grabbing my phone, I quickly type:
I love you guys.

Love you more!

Love and miss you.

Sending all my love, Prima.

“A wedding? Who’s, when, and where?” he asks, taking a sip of orange

“My cousin Ben is getting married on November 19th in Jersey, but I’m
going a few days before for my dad’s birthday.”
He furrows his brows, placing the glass on the table. “That’s two weeks
from now. Why tell me last minute?”
“I should’ve. I’m sorry. I’d like Garret to come as well.”
“And meet your entire family?”
“Yes, I suppose you would.”
Nodding, Carter stares at me before eating another piece of bacon. “I’ll
clear my schedule.”
My smile is instant as I bounce in my seat. “Really? Okay, just a fair
warning, my family can get kinda intense, especially if I’m bringing a man
and his son. Also, since you’re with me, expect to be greeted with a kiss.”
He raises a brow before cocking his head. “This kiss...mind
I smirk, standing to stroll toward my man, and Carter tips his head back
as I trail my fingers along his jaw. Bending forward, I hold his chin,
stroking my thumb across his stubble before pressing my lips to his cheek.
“Buenos días, mi amor.”
Carter pulls me onto his lap at my attempt to step away, and I giggle,
wrapping my arms around his neck as he kisses me properly. I like his
greeting best. He rests his forehead on mine, humming against my lips
while stroking my thigh, and I lay another kiss before heading back to my
seat with a grin.
We finish our meal, and I leave the cabin first, taking a deep breath of
the fresh air before walking down the stairs. Carter joins me a moment later,
slipping on a black vest, and I can’t draw my gaze away from his rugged
look, how well he pulls off any style. Taking my hand in his, we intertwine
our fingers, and he lifts to kiss my knuckles while walking toward the trail
with the leaves crunching beneath our feet.
“What’s your family like?” he asks, draping his arm over my shoulders
with our hands still connected.
“We’ll be walking for hours if I talk about them.”
He chuckles. “Okay, your immediate family then.”
“Well, my dad’s supportive, understanding, and loving—overall he’s an
amazing human being. Mom’s an entirely different person. I know she loves
me, but we can barely talk without our conversations turning into an
“Are there times you get along?”
I kick a pinecone and sigh. “A rare occurrence. We were closer when I
was young, but once I hit thirteen, it was as if a switch clicked where the
pushing started. She’s constantly on top of me about every little detail of
my life, and I can’t even breathe without her criticizing it. Boundaries is not
a word in her vocabulary.”
Carter nods, his eyebrows furrowed. “My father’s the opposite. He
barely talked to me, didn’t give a shit what I had going on in my life. All he
cared about was his wife and his money.” He lets out a huff as he chuckles.
“I was merely an inconvenience dropped on his doorstep after my mother
My heart sinks, and I stop walking to hold Carter around his waist. “I’m
He draws me closer so my cheek rests on his chest. “I learned to deal
with his ways. Still do. The last time he dropped by was bullshit. Using
Garret as an excuse to get me to talk to him because he knew I’d go to him
after I found out.”
I look at him. “Why would he do that?”
“He wants to buy a percentage of my company—turn the firm into a
father-son business since having a senior architect onboard will bring in
more clients. His proposal from a business standpoint is ideal, though I
know my father and history will repeat itself. I’ll never allow him to take
what my mother and I worked hard to build.”
“You don’t need him, Carter. The talent your mother passed onto you
will get you far in life, and your determination will keep you on the path to
success. I’m so proud of you. Of what you and your team achieved, your
first commercial contract, which that alone will open so many doors.” I lift
to my toes, slipping my arms around his neck, and say, “And I’ll be by your
side every step of the way, helping you any way I can.”
Carter takes hold of my cheeks and draws me in for a deep kiss before
resting his forehead on mine. “So damn lucky.” He presses another kiss and
whispers, “You and me?”
And I smile, nodding my head. “Me and you.”
Carrying on with our hike, we return to the cabin several hours later,
enjoying a light lunch and continuing to learn more about each other—and
the more I know, the harder I fall for this beautiful man. We have more in
common than I thought, which could be why I’m drawn to him.
“Do you have any fives?” I ask, swaying my body to the slow music.
“Go fish.”
We both have several cards left and now have a single article of clothing
when I remove my bra. Yeah. We made our own rules. Toward the end of
our game, we decided whoever withdraws a card takes something off. Steal
a card—the giving opponent must take a shot. The first person to get four of
a kind wins, and if the loser still has on clothes, they must deliberately strip
each remaining article off for the winner’s viewing enjoyment. It’s mid-
afternoon, and I’m tipsy as fuck—what’s not fair is Carter doesn’t look
affected whatsoever, and he’s had just as many shots of Whiskey.
“You look beautiful,” Carter says, licking his lips.
“Don’t try buttering me up, liar-liar. What? Do you have imaginary
numbers in your hands?”
“Nope….” He draws a card and holds it out to me. “You don’t realize
this, but you’ve asked me the same number the last three turns.” My eyes
narrow, and he chuckles as I snatch the card out of his fingers. “Don’t be
mad at me, drunky-drunk.”
The new card is a five of clubs, and I smirk, straightening my stance.
“Hm, I hope you can dance. Because baby, I want a show.” Spreading my
fives out, I grin as he laughs and claps his hands.
I grab my phone and switch to a sexy song playlist, then move my chair
back. “Strip.”
Carter glides his hand along his jaw before he stands, strolling toward
me. The way his boxer briefs hug his thighs, the deep lines peeking out
above the rim, and the growing bulge now in my face make me want to peel
his underwear off, but I restrain myself.
“You want a show, Ms. Morales?” The chair scrapes against the floor as
he grips the sides and drags me closer to his groin.
My body heats. “Yes.”
“Then you’ll get your show. But there are rules.” Carter takes a few
steps back while adjusting his dick. “No leaving your seat or touching the
entertainer unless the entertainer allows you.”
“How is that fair? The winner makes the rule—” I gasp when he strides
toward me, and leans the chair on its back legs, his biceps bulging while
keeping me secure. 
“My rules, or no show.”
I release a shaky breath and nod, burning inside to see what he’ll do—
keeping my fingers to myself will be hard. “I’ll try to behave myself,
Carter chuckles, placing my chair on all fours before walking behind
me, smoothing my hair over one shoulder. His touch is light as a feather as
he trails across my collarbone, dips to my breast, and circles his thumb
along my nipple until it hardens. I close my eyes and lean back onto his
stomach, moaning as he does the same to the other.
“This is not the tease I asked for. I want balls in my face.”
“Shh,” he whispers, and I arch a brow.
“I can’t talk either—” I lose my breath, my core muscles clenching as
Carter pinches the left side, and I release a deep moan, gripping the bottom
of my seat, waiting for another.
He strolls in front, dips low, and takes the sting away with his tongue,
lapping a trail up my chest and neck, then stops just below my ear. “Do you
want to touch me?” he asks, his whisper kissing my ear.
Taking my hand, he presses my palm to his chest, gradually sliding
down his abs and stopping at the band of his underwear. He gazes into my
eyes, his lips parting as he inches my fingers inside, and my cheeks are on
fire at how hard he feels.
“Do you see how much you affect me, Shelby?” Removing my hand, he
straightens his stance, straddling my legs while sliding the band down his
thighs until his cock springs free.
If we were only allowed one penis in our lifetime, I’d gladly take in
Carter’s. I’m breathing harder when he slowly jerks his shaft inches from
my face, and he takes a few steps back before I can suck the tip, stripping
himself completely bare while continuing to stroke his dick. Since I’m not
allowed to touch, move, or say anything, I enjoy the view instead.
Though, have I ever followed his rules?
Rising from my seat, I walk toward him, keeping eye contact as I lift
onto my toes and lean close to his lips. He breathes me in, taking hold of
my neck, but before he can kiss me, I step back until my thighs hit the table.
The wood’s sturdy, so I plant my ass on top while leaning back on my
palms, the cards shifting beneath me. Carter doesn’t move, so I do,
spreading my thighs wide to show him my covered pussy, dipping my
fingers inside the lace fabric.
“Come to me, mi amor.”
He’s on me in seconds with his tongue down my throat, and I moan into
Carter’s mouth, anchoring an arm around his neck while rubbing my clit.
The motion feels too good, waiting long to relieve the tension rising within
me, so I keep going, bucking my hips while Carter grips them tight. A low
moan leaves his lips as he rests his head on my shoulder, dragging my
thong down my thighs while watching me touch myself.
Kneeling, he places my legs over his shoulders, making me lean back
more, and I stop my pursuit for him to take over, though Carter shakes his
head. “Keep making that pussy feel good. Make yourself come around
those fingers.”
My lips part while I pant, my chest pumping hard once I continue to
circle my clit inches from his face, and I buck my head back as Carter
kisses my inner thighs, working faster, feeling my climax rising with him
near. As I slip two fingers inside my pussy, I stroke along the spot that’ll
make me come quickest so Carter can work me next. I bite back a moan
when he glides his palm up my stomach to knead my breast, breathing
harder with his firm hold on my throat, and I grab his hair, drawing him to
me as wave after wave takes over my body.
Carter grunts as I use his mouth, and he releases his hold to squeeze my
hips, urging me forward while thoroughly sucking my pussy for my cum,
pushing my orgasm before meeting my gaze once my body gradually
settles. I stare at him with heavy eyelids, barely able to keep them open as I
mellow from my high, so he lifts to kiss me, causing my senses to run
haywire between my distinct taste and the Whiskey he drank, the two
creating the perfect concoction to make me weak.
This time his pace is different, slow, sensual, and driven with love.
I wrap my legs around his waist, humming once his dick presses at my
entrance, and he rocks forward so the tip slips inside. Inhaling a sharp
breath, he moans while inching deeper, his girth stretching me wide as he
fills me to the max. His size creates a delicious ache that soon passes once
he withdraws completely, his dick jutting, rubbing my clit before he eases
the tip back inside once, twice, and the third time he enters me to the hilt,
keeping still while resting his face in the crook of my neck.
“Carter,” I moan, gripping his sides, needing him to fuck me.
Gliding my fingers up his chest and into his hair, I tug the strands,
awakening something inside him as he groans, draws back, and returns with
a firm thrust.
I cry out, pressing my breasts on his chest as he holds still for a second
and repeats the same motion, continuing this steady, tortuous rhythm with
his fingers digging into my hips each time. The sharp plunges send a jolt
through my body, but the ache deep within my core goes nowhere, needing
him to move faster.
As if he reads my mind, Carter increases his thrusts, pounding inside
me, and my climax builds to the surface only to decrease as he goes back to
slow, steady strokes.
“Please, move fast, mi amor.”
Lifting me from the table, he walks toward the couch for me to straddle
his lap. “Go ahead and ride my dick how you like to be fucked.” He rests
his arm behind his neck, gripping my ass with his other hand, and he closes
his eyes, tipping his head back once I take over, rocking on his length.
The pleasure on his face makes me work faster, and he moans, rubbing
my ass before slapping the left cheek, then repeating on the other side to
match. I hum against his lips as a spine-tingling sensation builds again, so I
intertwine my fingers with his, kissing him hard while thrusting my pussy
how I like him.
Our kiss breaks as he bucks his head back with a low grunt, then curses
under his breath when I nip his exposed neck, pressing soft pecks across his
skin, and he rolls his head to the side.
I know he’s close by the heaviness of his gaze and the way his lips part
as his hold on my ass wavers. So I hover over his mouth and slam my pussy
on his lap nonstop.
“Goddamn—” Carter says low and gritty, his hot pants heavy against
my lips as he grips my throat. “You want my cum, baby?” He pushes
forward, inhaling sharply with a firm kiss, forcing my mouth away. “You
can take it—take anything you want from me.”
“Yes,” I moan as he tips my head back, each wet kiss between my
breasts making me lean further into his supporting hold at the base of my
spine. “I need you—” I brace myself on his spread thighs while he meets
thrust for thrust to find his release, needing badly to feel his dick throbbing
deep inside me.
Carter’s grunts drag, fingers digging into my hip as he lays his cheek on
my chest, his heavy pants hot on my damp skin. “I love you,” he breathes,
lifting his head to draw me to his lips, hastily kissing me through his
pleasure, sucking my tongue, his firm grasp strengthening on my ass while
urging me to thrust at his chosen pace with his dick pulsing.
The sensation combined with his rough moans of satisfaction is now my
new obsession as I tip over the edge and we ride out our release together.
Our movements slow, then come to a still as we hold each other. I stroke the
back of his head with my fingertips while Carter trails tender kisses along
my shoulder where all that’s left is our heavy breathing, the last light
filtering in through the windows, which set the perfect scene for this
moment—for our moment.
He’s perfect.

Our getaway ends all too soon as we return to La Jolla. Every glance toward
Shelby pleases me as the early morning sun shines on her face, illuminating
her beauty while in her relaxed state, drinking in the scenery beyond our
intimate bubble. I grab her hand, kissing the knuckles, and my heart skips
once she looks at me, her slight smile stirring my stomach—tempted to pull
aside to kiss her for hours more, so I re-focus on the road to get us home.
“I love you,” she says, those three simple words grasping my full
attention, road be damned. “Thank you for this weekend.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb,
intertwining our fingers before placing them on my lap, and she returns to
watching outside.
An hour later, we pull into the driveway, and her excitement to see my
son the closer we get makes my love for her grow much deeper. The intense
emotion chokes me, my chest burning to release the happy tears rising to
the surface, but I keep them at bay, living in the moment, reminding myself
I deserve every good thing coming to me. 
We walk to the door, Shelby’s giddiness my undoing as I stop her from
entering the house and draw her to me, unable to keep my lips away. She
moans into my mouth as I tip her head back, pouring every ounce of me
into her. To have my body, mind, soul…last name, even with our short time
together, I’ve never been more sure of making her mine. Shelby hums as
she sucks her bottom lip, and I stroke her cheek, pressing a few more pecks,
my new addiction every bit as sweet.
“Ready?” I whisper, and she nods, gliding her palms up my sides, along
my neck to thread her fingers into the back of my hair, gazing at me for
several seconds before we enter the house.
Blueberry pancakes is our welcoming call as we walk through the foyer
with our fingers intertwined, making my stomach growl. Taking the stairs,
we head for the kitchen, where Jessie and Garret sit at the table eating their
“Daddy, Shelly, you’re home!” Garret yells, climbs from his chair, and
runs to hug my leg. “I missed you.”
If my heart wasn’t already full, it’s overflowing now as I crouch to hug
my son, lifting him. “I missed you too, Son.”
Garret wraps an arm around my neck, and he giggles when Shelby
smoothes her thumb across his dimpled cheek, kissing him before tickling
under his chin. “Hey, bud.”
“I can’t stand how adorable you guys are,” Jessie says, walking toward
us. “Your kid is the best, by the way.” Then she hugs Shelby, whispering
something in her ear.
“Thank you for everything. I love you.”
“Love you most.” Pulling away, she smirks, stroking her arms. “There’s
extra pancakes warming in the oven if you’re hungry. I’m heading out
 “Thank you for watching him.” I place Garret on the floor, and he runs
to Jessie.
“Anytime, and I mean it. Whenever you guys need a break, ship him to
me. I’ll gladly take Garret off your hands.”
“Good to know,” I say, glancing at Shelby when she leans into my side.
Jessie lowers to Garret’s level for a hug. “See ya, kid.”
“Bye, Jessie.”
Standing, she kisses Shelby’s cheek, then heads toward the foyer. 
“Alright, Garret. Let’s get ready for school,” Shelby says, and he whines
though takes Shelby’s hand when she gestures for him.
“He can stay home today.” Meeting my gaze, she raises her brows, and I
maneuver her to my front by her waist. “What do you say we go to the park,
have lunch, then eat popcorn while watching a movie?”
Garret gasps and jumps a few times. “Yeah, yeah! Can Justin play too?”
I furrow my brows, and Shelby laughs, smoothing away the wrinkle
between them before pressing her cheek to my chest. “I’ll call his mom to
see if they can meet us today.”
“Okay! I’m going to get my toys.” 
As Garret runs into his play area, Shelby twists toward the living room,
but I keep her with me. “Who’s Justin?”
“A friend Garret made at the park a few weeks ago. We usually meet on
the weekends.”
While I trust her judgment, I still ask, “And you trust his parents?”
“I haven’t met his dad, but I’ve come to know Laura. She’s very nice.”
Releasing a deep breath, I nod. “Okay. Do you mind getting him ready?
I have something to take care of before we go.”
“Of course.”
I kiss her a few more times, and when she giggles, smiling against my
lips with a satisfied hum, I lose it, deepening my next kiss while breathing
her in. My dick rises as she moans, glides her palms up and down my back,
along my sides, then toward my front until I part from her mouth, staring at
these kiss-swollen lips. I glide my thumb across the bottom, wanting to lap
my tongue and suck to make her lip plumper before she wraps them around
my cock again like last night.
“Thank you.” 
With my blood pumping, I leave for my office with a purpose. My
private investigator hasn’t contacted me in a few days, even after giving the
company everything they need to aid in finding Valerie, so my patience is
running thin. I need to see her once, to officially end all ties, not only from
our marriage but ensure her parental rights are terminated. I no longer care
for answers, but for Garret’s sake, I’ll have them to give when the time
being comes he asks about his biological mother—knowing too well how
abandonment feels on numerous accounts.
Regardless, Shelby loves Garret unconditionally while giving him
everything he’ll ever need from a mother, though curiosity will catch him
I open my bottom drawer to withdraw the broken photo, and the ache in
my chest is less prominent while I stare at my wife, no longer allowing the
memories to haunt me. Placing the frame face down on my desk, I sit,
dialing my PI’s mainline rather than him directly, and the woman at the
front desk says Richard’s not in the office, so I leave a message, ending the
One deep breath, and I exit the room rubbing the frustration from my
eyes before being with the two people who matter most to me. As Shelby
comes into view by the top step, I smile, taking them faster.
“Almost.” She gazes into my eyes before asking, “Are you okay?”
Dipping to kiss her, I reply, “Never better.”
“Okay. Good.” I let Garret dress himself, so we’ll see if he’s ready to go
soon enough.
And just as requested, Garret arrives wearing jeans and a backward
inside-out shirt, making us chuckle before Shelby takes him upstairs for
appropriate play attire.

Walking along the pathway, Garret runs to the swings as we reach the sand
while Shelby and I find an empty bench to sit on. Her friend should be here
soon, though I can’t get my mind off this case since leaving the house. Once
they gather enough evidence on Valerie’s whereabouts, I’ll be able to clue
Shelby in on my plans. As of today, I’m trying to keep my hopes up, but if
the entire ordeal fails, I’d rather be the only one disappointed—
Shelby gently nudges my shoulder, and I look at her. “Hey, Garret was
talking to you.”
My stomach sinks, and I search the playground for my son, finding him
flying high on the swings. “Sorry.”
“Carter, are you sure you’re okay? You can talk to me if something’s
bothering you—”
“Hey, girl! Sorry we’re late.” A woman with long blonde hair appears,
walking toward us with a stroller, and a boy around Garret’s age runs to the
swing area.
Giving a quick hug, Shelby says, “Hey, it’s fine.” Then crouches next to
the stroller, smiling at the baby girl propped in the front who reaches for her
dangling curls. “Hi, pretty girl.”
“I’m glad she’s happy now because Sophie’s been throwing a fit all
“Were you giving Mommy a hard time today? I don’t believe that for a
second.” The baby giggles as Shelby smooths her thumb over her cheek,
and I beam at how great she is with children.
Glancing at me with that beautiful smile, Shelby says, “Laura, this is
Carter, my boss—”
My heart thuds at the term, and while technically I’m still her employer,
hearing that with all we’ve been through these past months doesn’t settle
well since our relationship has progressed well past professional. Her words
affect her too as Shelby stares at the ground, pushing a curl behind her ear,
which is one of her anxious tells.
Slowly standing, Shelby walks toward me, making my heart race for a
different reason as she glides her palms over my shoulders to give me a
light peck. “I mean my boyfriend.”
A quick breath leaves me, my smile instant as that chokehold returns
with a vengeance, and I stand, taking her cheeks in my hands to properly
kiss my lady until she moans into my mouth, pressing her entire self to me.
I break away before I devour her whole in the middle of this very public
area and leave one more peck before she rests her cheek on my chest, where
I feel her smiling.
Laura smirks while watching our exchange. “Nice to meet you, Carter,”
she says, reaching out her hand, and I take her gesture while nodding.
We sit again, and Laura removes her daughter from the stroller, taking a
seat on the other side of Shelby. The baby girl reaches her arms out, and
Shelby cues as Laura passes Sophie over.
“Aw, hey, little one,” she says while the baby jumps on her lap, fixating
on me, and I chuckle while she blows little bubbles down her chin.
I hold out my index finger, and the second Sophie grabs it, my heart
constricts and melts at once while I give her a gentle handshake. Hating
how much time I missed with my son by distancing myself when life got
too rough—I cheated him, cheated myself from this experience.
Shelby tightens her grip around Sophie’s waist as she tries coming
toward me. “Whoa, pretty girl. Where you tryna go?”
She starts fussing when Shelby doesn’t let up, glancing at Laura as her
friend says, “I think she wants your man.”
Snorting a laugh, Shelby bounces her a few times, but that doesn’t stop
Sophie’s next attempt at reaching for me. “Would you like to hold her?” she
asks, and goosebumps rise as I look at Laura before taking her daughter.
All smiles, I hold her steady with each jump she takes on my lap while
chewing her hands, staring at me with those electric blue eyes. Having more
children never crossed my mind until two seconds ago, guilt settling in my
gut for wanting to try again when I failed the first time. I don’t want to feel
this way, needing to forgive myself in order to move past these intrusive
thoughts, and hopefully, with closure, that moment will come.
Garret’s laugh pulls me from my daze, running toward us with the little
boy close behind, and my pulse spikes when ringing sounds in my pocket.
That could be Richard. Passing the baby to Shelby, I fish out my device,
then stalk away to answer the call.

“Shelly, come see what I found!” Garret says, jumping at my feet. 

I turn to Laura, and she smiles, taking her daughter before Garret pulls
my hand to follow, though I gravitate toward Carter in the distance as his
brows furrow while slowly pacing back and forth. The call doesn’t seem
business-like, but personal, which must be important if whoever he’s
speaking to is affecting him this much.
I don’t like seeing Carter stressed.
After a long day of fun with Garret, I’m exhausted. All I want to do is
lie in bed and open a good book until I fall asleep. Carter’s mood improved
once we left the park, and seeing his smile diminished the uncertain
thoughts as we went on with our day. While he’s finishing work in his
office, I’m in his room trying to figure out how to wrap Dad’s gifts after
getting Garret down for the night.
I bought everything I needed except for the adhesive. Pulling out my
phone, I send Carter a text:
Do you have tape or maybe ribbon?
When he doesn’t respond after a minute, I head downstairs to his office
to check for myself, and I halt as I reach his ajar door.
“I hired three investigators for fast-tracking, and your company is well
beyond the timeframe you provided in finding her.” Gripping the knob, I
lean closer during his pause. “No, I need her in person—” Carter sighs, and
my stomach drops with his next words. “Just do your job. Find Valerie.” He
ends the call as I peek inside the room, dropping his cell phone on the desk
before rubbing the exhaustion from his face.
Why didn’t he tell me he was searching for her?
My skin prickles when Carter holds the broken picture frame he stored
in his desk drawer, staring at the photo of them, and I step back when he
glances my way, striding upstairs with my heart racing. As I pace the guest
room, I chew on my thumb nail, needing to get a grip on myself.
Of course, he needs closure because who wouldn’t after someone you
loved left without a word? Though what’s going to happen when he does
find her? Will Valerie want to be a part of Garret’s life? Would Carter let
her? What if she tries to convince him to give her a second chance—to be a
family? So many damn questions, yet I can’t stop the jealousy building
inside. Valerie being around either of them makes my skin crawl, wanting
her to be as far from Carter and Garret as possible. She lost that privilege
the second she walked away from them.
I huff a laugh, sitting at the foot of the bed. Do I even have the right to
say that? Threading my fingers through my curls, I inhale several deep
breaths because jumping to conclusions won’t do me any good before
getting the facts. Carter could be putting a hit on her for all I know.
My phone chimes on the bed, and I peek over my shoulder at the screen.
Yes. I’ll be up in five.

Wiping my sweaty palms along my pants, I head back to Carter’s room,
resume wrapping Dad’s gifts, yet I can’t focus on my task as my mind
continues to race. Once the door clicks behind me, I stop my maundering
and close my eyes as footsteps approach until Carter stands behind me. Is
this the silence before the storm?
Our life doesn’t have to downpour.
I turn toward Carter, reading the defeat etched on his handsome face as
if the weight of the world is heavy on his shoulders, and he needs someone
to strip away the strain, even for a moment. So I hug him, resting my nose
in the crook of his neck as he embraces me, pouring every ounce of himself
from his lungs in an exhale. Caressing the back of his head, I whisper sweet
words to my man, reminding him of all the good in his life, of his
accomplishments, and how much I love him. Leaving tonight for everything
that matters most.
Valerie can wait.

Jessie narrows her eyes while staring into the distance of her apartment,
slowly chewing breakfast while contemplating my words as I sit across
from her at the table. “Hm, and Carter hasn’t mentioned anything about
searching for her?”
“No. At least not yet.”
Nodding, she takes another bite of cereal and mumbles, “I wouldn’t
worry much.” She swallows, pointing her spoon at me, and adds, “Best case
scenario, he put a hit on her.”
I burst out laughing, not wanting to find this situation funny but
enjoying how wicked we both are. “That would be something.”
“That’s good material. But in all seriousness, if Carter not saying
anything is eating at you, then why not be honest with him? I bet you’d
both feel a lot better afterward.”
“Yeah….” I pick at my thumb nail and peek at Jessie’s smirking face.
“You look stressed, and I don’t like it—what’s today?” She swipes her
phone screen. “Tuesday, and you leave when? Next Wednesday?”
“Yes, why?”
Jessie stands, bringing her bowl to the sink before leaning her hip
against the wall. “I know what you need.”
“Tell me.”
“To get your pulse racing.” She does a seductive slide down the wall
before pushing off toward me. “Dancing into the night, and see how many
drinks we can muster before Ralph goes all daddy mode on us.”
I wrinkle my nose. “Eh, I don’t know.”
Pouting, Jessie slings her arms around my shoulders. “C’mon, we
haven’t had a girls night in forever, and I miss you.”
“What about Dane?”
She raises a brow. “What about him? He’ll be there to scrape me off the
floor if needed, and this time maybe I’ll let him sweep me off my feet.”
I shake my head but smile. A girls night may be what I need to unwind
my mind. Have fun before heading to Jersey to deal with Mom again.
Jessie squeezes me tight from behind and kisses my cheek. “Okay, I’ll
swing by with Dane around 9:00?”
“Sounds good. Can I bring someone along? I met her a few weeks ago,
and she’s cool.”
Her giddiness depletes as she acts heartbroken. “Are you cheating on
“Very.” We both laugh, and I stand to hug her.
“Thank you.”
“Any time, babe.”
Saying our goodbyes, I leave to finish my errands before picking up
Garret from preschool, and his sweet little face brightens my mood as he
runs to me with a huge paper turkey in hand. “Shelly, look what I made for
I crouch next to him as he tells me about his drawing, and I’ll say it time
and again, Garret has natural artistic talent, just like his daddy. “Wow, I love
it.” Kissing his temple, I say, “Thank you, mi vida.”
“What’s mi vida?”
“Mi vida is an expression used to show love for someone near to your
heart.” I swipe my thumb along his dimpled cheek, my heart full as I say,
“Because you are my life, and you make me very happy, Garret. I love you
so very much.”
“To the moon?”
“Yes. And to the sun.”
 His warm hug is everything I need today, so I lift him into my arms to
keep him near, Fiona watching us in the distance with a smile before
waving goodbye. I take the long route, stopping for donuts before entering
the house where Carter meets me at the doorway, dressed for work, and
takes sleeping Garret from my shoulder.
“Hey,” he says, kissing me while holding my neck. “Sorry I missed you
this morning. Had to leave at dawn.”
“It’s okay. Can we talk for a moment?”
“Of course. Wait for me in my office while I put Garret down.”
I nod, watching him until he rounds the second flight of stairs, then I
enter the brightened room with the drapes open. Dark and brooding no
longer, I place the donuts on his desk and skim my fingers over the soft
fabric chair in front before walking toward the bookshelves to look over his
romance section.
Sin and Sinuous capture my eye again, so I remove the dark book from
the shelf, reading the back blurb.
“That was my mother’s collection,” Carter says, strolling into the room
while folding the arms of his shirt to his elbows.
I smile, flipping through the cream pages as he lifts the lid of the box of
donuts. “Have you read any of them?”
“I haven’t, but you’re welcome to take them whenever you like.”
“Thank you.”
Keeping this one for tonight, I place the thick book under my arm and
lean against the shelves as Carter perches the edge of the white table with
his hands in his pants pockets. How long will he hold back telling me he
hired a private investigator? Is that what he was searching for that day in
here, evidence to put toward his search? And going all in with not one but
three PIs to find this woman—
“Ask me.”
I blink a few times at his question. “I’m sorry?”
Carter pushes off the table and walks toward me. “There’s something on
your mind. So please, speak freely.”
“I should say the same for you, Mr. Anderson.” I look at the picture face
down on his desk, and he follows my gaze. “Is there something you’d like
to get off your chest?”
“Shit….” he whispers, furrowing his brows as he steps closer, holding
my waist. “I can explain.”
Nodding, I maneuver past him to sit in the chair in front of his desk,
placing the book down before gesturing for Carter to take his seat to talk
business. “Go on.”
Instead, Carter moves to kneel between my legs so we’re face to face.
“Baby, I don’t know what or how much you heard, but know that
everything I’m doing has a purpose.”
“You need closure.”
Taking my hands in his, he kisses my knuckles. “I want peace. To find
the will to forgive and rid myself of this guilt that eats me inside.” His eyes
glossing over makes my chest tight. “I want to breathe, baby, without the
pain that constricts my chest every time you walk out that door and not
wonder if you’re coming home to me.” Moving close, he caresses my
cheeks, his mouth inches from mine. “I want freedom.” He kisses me. “For
me and my son. To break the chain that ties us to a heartless woman, so one
day I can ask the love of my life to be my wife.”
I rapidly blink back my tears, my face scrunching as I whisper, “Carter,
you will.” Then sharply inhale when he kisses me, moaning between every
I love you that leaves his lips. “I know, mi amor. We’ll get through this
Carter smiles, resting his forehead on mine as we breathe each other in.
“Thank you. For being understanding.”
“I’ll always be here for you, Carter. To be your shoulder and ear.” He
draws back to look at me. “But even after finalizing everything with
Valerie, I think you should seek a therapist to talk with, and I say this out of
love. They’ll guide you to reach that point of tranquility you’re searching
A long sigh leaves him before he nods and kisses me again. “I will.”
Smiling against his lips, I wrap my arms around his neck to hug him. A
professional could benefit us both, especially with everything I’ve held
inside regarding Mom—needing to get a lot off my chest to move forward
and start rebuilding our relationship.
One step at a time.

It feels like forever since I’ve seen Cole, missing our nightly talks while
living two weeks straight of pure Carter. Our moments together have cut
drastically, so I’m sitting at my favorite cafe this late Friday afternoon,
waiting for Cole to arrive. Since he’s designing numerous projects, his free
time is limited, so I hope he’ll be able to join me today—my screen
brightens with a text, and I frown.
Sorry, Shelby. It’s gonna be a late night for me at the firm.

Releasing a deep sigh, I reply:

Hey, it’s okay. I understand.

Rain check?

I smile, resting my forehead on my palm as I type:

Of course. How are you feeling?

The ellipsis comes and goes several times before he says:

I’m alright. Thank you for asking.

He sends a wink face emoji, but something feels off.

Okay…see you soon then?

See you soon.

Furrowing my brows, I reread his texts before storing my phone in my

purse, twisting the cup of my watered-down coffee since I’d barely drank
much before the ice melted. Cole’s always been attentive, not wanting to
disappoint those close to him no matter his circumstances, so I truly hope
everything’s okay. I toss my drink and head home, finding Carter and
Garret relaxing on the couch watching cartoons.
Carter looks back as I wrap my arms around his neck to kiss his cheek.
“Back already?” he asks, checking his watch as I round the couch to sit
next to him.
“Cole couldn’t make it.”
“What do you mean?”
I shrug, maneuvering to rest my head on his lap while facing the tv.
“Said he has a late night at the firm, so I understand.”
He strokes my hair from my temple, and I snuggle closer, holding his
wrist as he rubs my cheek with his thumb. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah….” Staring at Garret lying on his stomach at the end of the
sectional, I smile as he slowly rocks his legs, completely immersed in the
show he hasn’t noticed I’m home. “Do you think Cole’s okay?” His strokes
stop, and I look back where Carter’s gazing at me. “Have you noticed any
changes lately?”
“Besides his workload, he seems fine. He’s taken it upon himself to
manage our residential projects for me to focus on the hotel with Brian. To
be home with you and Garret.”
Cole’s selflessness has always been something I admire, always looking
out for others, though is he forgetting to take care of himself this time?
“Have you gotten food delivered to the firm before?”
“Yes.” He tilts his head, resuming his strokes. “Why do you ask?”
I want to remind Cole that there’s someone out there who’ll always look
out for him, that we are a package deal.
Lifting from Carter’s lap, I ask, “What’s the closest pizza place?”

I almost forgot tonight was girls' night until I received Jessie’s You better
dress slutty text. So I apply the last of my smokey eye, add a red lip, then,
with my day two curls, I slick my hair back into a high ponytail. Carter put
Garret to bed tonight, giving me time to get ready, and I’ll be thoroughly
thanking him later.
Throwing on my outfit, I stroll out of my room after stepping into my
red heels and stop at Garret’s doorway. Carter’s sitting against the
headboard with Garret snuggled into his side, reading a book, and the sight
melts my heart, wanting to stay home with my boys even more. I grab my
phone from my back pocket to snap a photo, then walk inside, both of them
glancing from the pages before I crawl into bed next to Garret.
Carter smiles while I stare into those deep brown eyes, then rest my
head on Garret’s pillow as he wraps his tiny arm around my neck, focusing
on his daddy continuing to read aloud. He fidgets with my hoop earring
before gradually falling into his slumber, slightly snoring, and I hold back
my giggle at his adorable state, though Carter doesn’t so much. Easing
Garret’s arm onto his stomach, I inch off the bed, Carter following my lead
as we exit into the hallway.
It’s almost time for me to leave—
 “Come here,” he says, drawing me toward him by the small of my back
while staring at my lipstick. “Is this the smudge-proof one?”
I shake my head. “Is that gonna stop you?”
“Only if you don’t want me smearing your makeup.”
Smirking, I tip my head, slowly trailing my finger down his torso until I
meet the bulge of his sleep pants. “Let’s keep my lips neat so you can
smudge them later.” His dick juts against my palm, and Carter hums, his
grip around my waist strengthening as I slowly rub him stiffer. “You’re
making it hard for me to leave after seeing you in daddy mode.”
Carter releases a deep chuckle, his dimples showing, which doesn’t help
my decision. “Go have a good time, baby. If I’m asleep when you return, I
give you full consent to wake me however you please.”
I glide my palms up his sides, feeling every curve, every dip of his
muscles to hold his strong shoulders from behind. “Just like your wake-up
call this morning?” I mark his lips with a peck. “I liked that.”
He raises a brow, squeezing my ass through my black skinny jeans
before cupping his fingers between my cheeks. “Only liked?”
Losing my breath as he lifts me closer to his body, I say, “I really liked
waking up to your mouth on my pussy. Explore my body any time, any way
you wish.”
His breathing deepens as I hover over his red-tinged mouth, my heels
giving me a good vantage point while I flick my tongue along his lips.
“Fuck—” he whispers, kissing me hard while breathing sharply through his
nose before we part. “Hurry home to me.”
 “I have a few moments to spare.” Carter shakes his head, tugging on
my white crew neck tank bodysuit from behind, the snaps now riding up my
ass. “Don’t remove a thing later. I’m slowly breaking through this fortress,
so I can taste how good of a time you had tonight.” 
Holding back a laugh, I wrinkle my nose and smile against his lips.
“You want me sweaty?”
“You heard what I said.”
“Hm, yes, Sir.”
With one last kiss, I walk toward the guest room to touch up my
makeup, then head downstairs when Jessie texts me they’re outside. Her
whistle makes me roll my eyes as she sticks her head out the passenger
window, likely already pregaming since Dane’s driving.   
“Damn, baby. Come slide in here so we can talk for a minute.”
“Stop it,” I giggle, sitting in the back passenger side. “Hey, Dane.”
“That’s not how I sound,” he says, catching Jessie by the nape of her
neck, and she hums as he draws her close to him. “You gonna behave
tonight, Angel?”
“And if I don’t? You gonna take me home and give me another stern
“I just might.”
I widen my eyes while looking between them. “Then I’ll be on my
bestest behavior.”
“I don’t believe you for a second.”
Trying not to grin at their exchange, I press my lips together while
staring out the window as Dane pulls out of the driveway. “Hey, Shelby.”
“Thanks for driving tonight.”
“No problem. We picking up someone else?”
“Oh, yes.” I type Laura’s address into his GPS. “She said she’s ready.”
Jessie glances at me over her shoulder. “How long have you known this
“A few months.”
She nods, focusing on the road while we drive, and I text Laura once we
turn into her long driveway. A few minutes later, she quickly exits her
house, walking toward us in her stilettos while adjusting the hem of her
black mini-dress that rides up her thighs.
“Oh, I know her—” Crawling over Dane’s lap, Jessie rolls down his
window, and I smile as she pops her head outside. “You should’ve gone
Laura stops for a second, pushing her long straight hair off her shoulder
while squinting her eyes before stepping to the driver’s window, embracing
my best friend. “Jessie, no way! It’s been too long.”
“Hurry and get your sexy butt in here.”
Slipping into the back seat, Laura gives me a quick hug. “Hey, Shelby.”
“Hey, how do you two know each other?”
“We go way back. We were attached to the hip in high school before life
happened. Now I’m married, sneaking out the house so my kids don’t keep
me hostage.”
“How many kids do you have?” Jessie asks, sticking her ass in Dane’s
face while maneuvering back to her seat. “This is Dane, my boyfriend.”
They greet each other while Laura puts on her seat belt. “I have two—
well, my stepson Justin just turned five, and Sophie’s almost six months.”
“Aw, you just had a baby? You look amazing.”
“Thank you.”
As they continue to catch up, Dane drives to our spot, and I smile once
we arrive, looking forward to strolling on the beach later.  
“First round’s on me,” Jessie says before exiting the car, Dane and
Laura meeting her by the bumper.
My phone rumbles in my wristlet, and my smile grows at the text
message on my screen.
Thank you for the slices.

Of course. Everyone needs pizza and a good time once in a

So, I hope you enjoy, and have a great night.

I will.

Chewing on my thumb nail, I contemplate calling him and hate that I

feel hesitant to. It feels like he’s distancing himself from me, and I’m
unsure why. So I send him one last text.
I miss you.

After a few seconds, the ellipsis appears for several more, and my skin
prickles when he doesn’t respond. Blinking back the tears threatening to
emerge, I store away my phone and exit the car. Dane stays behind with me
while Laura and Jessie head inside, locking arms.
“You alright?”
“I don’t know. Feeling off today.”
“Everything okay at home?”
Smiling, I nod. “Yes, we’re great—really great, actually. Let’s just go
“Alright. I’m here if anything, always.”
“Thanks.” I lean into him for a hug. “You and Jessie look very happy
Dane rubs my back, releasing a content breath. “She’s something else.
Since the first night she walked into Roux, I was determined to meet her,
and now I can’t see myself with anyone else—”
“C’mon, you can love on each other later. Get your butts inside!” Jessie
yells from the doorway, and I giggle. My best friend always knows how to
brighten my mood.

Two hours of dancing, drinking, and laughing with good conversation has
my thighs aching, my side hurting, and my face hot as I cross the parking
lot to dig my feet into the cool sand. I sit along the edge for a moment,
watching the waves crash in the distance, then hug my legs while listening
to the ocean’s lullaby. I want to wrap myself in a blanket and lie here all
night, reminiscing about all the good times spent at my favorite bar.
Today’s been an eye-opener of how much Cole truly means to me and
how much I’d hate losing him as a friend if he does distance himself.
Digging my feet more, I rub them together, then rest my cheek on my knees
as someone sits beside me, wrapping their arm around my shoulder. Every
fine hair on my body stands on end when a sweet woodsy scent hits me, and
I look to my right.
“Hey, Gorgeous.”
I breathe hard, blinking several times before shifting into his embrace.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, hugging his neck tight.
“Carter told me you were out tonight, and I assumed you’d come here.”
“So you came to see me?”
“Yes. And to apologize.”
Backing away, I relax on my heels. “What for?”
“For lying to you.” Cole stands and gestures for my hand to help me
from the sand. “Walk with me?” I place my palm in his, rising to my feet,
and we stroll toward the shoreline, silent for a few minutes before Cole
speaks. “That night you came to me after your dinner date, I wasn’t
expecting to see you. Though I was happy to be the person you felt
comfortable losing yourself with.”
Goosebumps rise on my skin, and I rub my arms as the breeze brushes
the tiny hairs. “I’ve always felt safe with you. Since day one. I knew you’d
take good care of me no matter my state of mind.”
He nods, kissing my temple as I lean into him. “I knew you arrived
because you needed to hear your thoughts. For someone to say it’s okay to
have them. To follow your gut, and I truly believe what you and Carter have
is the real deal because I saw the shift in him the moment I stepped into his
foyer, that you were his. But you both needed the extra push to see for
I stop Cole from walking, and he turns to face me, the wind blowing his
sandy blonde hair past his shoulders as I drink in this beautiful man. Who’s
been hurt. Keeping himself afloat just enough so others don’t know he
needs saving. 
“You didn’t expect your past to come forth along the way?”
Cole huffs a laugh, staring into the distance as the waves continue to
break. “I’ve been good at pretending the years between Kimber and me
never happened, and I’m a fool to believe life wouldn’t eventually catch me
with my past still fresh, too many shards of my heart scattered for me to
pick up the pieces to move forward. Until you opened my eyes to see what
I’ve been keeping myself from by doing so.”
“Your butterfly?”
A slight smile tugs on his lips, and he looks at his feet before we
continue strolling. “I told you I wasn’t looking for a relationship, yet I
couldn’t stop myself from seeing get a glimpse of what I could have
if I tried because deep down, I want what you and Carter have. That
undeniable draw to a person where you’re not afraid to leap, to take a
chance on something that could fail again, yet if it did, that draw will keep
you together. And that’s true love.” 
“With a happily ever after.”
“Yes.” Facing me, he adds, “When I saw how deep Carter fell for you, I
felt I needed to back away and give you the space to explore each other
without being the other man in your life. I was ready to end what we had to
prevent any hardship, one less obstacle in the way by ignoring our
friendship, purposely pushing you away, and for that, I'm sorry.”
I intertwine my fingers with his, resting my head on his arm as I lean
into his side. “I had a feeling that’s what you were doing, and I wasn’t
going to let that slide because, sorry to say, you’re stuck with me. Best
friend included. Remember?”
Cole chuckles, kissing my head as he drapes his arm around my
shoulder. “Your man was the one who told me to get my head out of my ass
since my relationship with you would never interfere with what you have
with him since our love is different. A true friendship well beyond our
encounters, and for that, I am grateful. Thankful for you, for him, for
everything good I have taken for granted because I was afraid to allow
anything new to grow only to be stomped on. To prevent anyone from
taking advantage of me for their selfish gain, and protect my shards from
blowing away, never to love again.”
Hugging his waist, I say, “Cole, it’s okay to be afraid. That’s part of
living and taking chances. You learn and grow with each breath you take,
making mistakes. Don’t allow anyone to defer you from moving forward.
From healing so one day you can catch your butterfly.”
“And you?” he asks, and I squeeze him a little tighter before staring into
those icy hues. “Have you come to terms, willing to put actions behind your
words, and show your mom your breath is yours to take? So she can see her
mistakes to decide to learn and grow for her daughter’s sake. You can
continue to protect your mother from the guilt, but you’re only hurting
yourself. She needs to feel how much she affects you for both of you to
move forward.”
I nod, already coming to terms that I have to put myself first, for once.
“I am.”
“Good.” Cole rubs my back, and I close my eyes while wrapped in my
“Thank you. I love you, Cole.”
“I love you, too. Now, let’s get you home.”
Pins and needles prickle my skin as I look toward the bar where I left
my heels and wristlet by the beach entrance. “Shit. I’m here with my
friends, and they’re probably looking for me right now since I snuck out for
air.” He chuckles, bringing me close to his side while we trek back,
grabbing my belongings before stopping at his car. “Drive home safe,
“Are you okay to drive?”
“My friend Dane is our designated driver, so no worries.”
Cole seems hesitant to leave me, but I assure him I’m safe with my
friends, so he kisses my cheek. “Have a good night, Gorgeous.”
“Goodnight. See you soon?”
“Yes. You will.”
His answer makes me grin, and I hug him once more before Cole gets
inside, waving while driving out of the parking lot. As I enter Tipsy Duck, I
walk toward the bar, glancing around for familiar faces and not seeing any,
then beeline for the bathrooms, relieved to find Dane leaning against the
men’s room door.
“Hey, where did you go?” he asks, looking from his phone.
“Went for a stroll. Where’s Jessie and Laura?”
“In here. Your friend had one too many.”
I raise my brows, entering the room with heaving noises echoing from
within the stall. “You weren’t kidding about not getting out much,” Jessie
says, holding Laura’s hair as she vomits into the toilet.
“How much did she drink?” I ask, and Jessie wrinkles her nose.
“I lost count. We need to hydrate her.” Stroking Laura’s back, she adds,
“She’ll definitely feel the effects in the morning.”
Jessie’s a great friend, and I’m glad they were able to reconnect. “Ready
to get going?”
Looking over her shoulder, Jessie straightens her stance, adjusting her
black high-waisted skirt, and Laura moans, resting her arms on the chipped
seat. “Oh Laura, we don’t sleep on toilets, so we’re getting you home to
your comfy bed.”
“No, I wanna go dance.” Her eyes are heavy, slurring her words while
we help her rise. “Can we go back to dance?”
“It’s getting late, and your husband will be worried if you’re out all
“Ah, screw him—he can wake perfectly fine with Sophie. I never have
a break.” Her head slumps to Jessie’s shoulder as she pouts, and I snicker
while walking toward the sink.
“How about we continue girl’s night then? Once a month,” I say,
splashing cold water on her cheeks, and Laura blinks a few times. “But we
need to limit your drink intake.”
“Okay, please—rescue me.”
“We got you.”
Helping her out of the bathroom, Dane takes over, guiding Laura toward
his car, and I don’t miss the twinkle in Jessie’s eyes as she watches him
secure her friend in the front passenger seat. As we settle in the back, Laura
snores lightly against the window, the ride to La Jolla quick, but getting her
to the door, not so much as she hangs off our shoulders.
“I love you, ladies. Thanks for getting me out of my house—it’s nice
not having a baby attached to my boob right now.” I contain my laughter,
glancing at Jessie when she doesn’t hold back hers.
“Anytime, girl. Call me if you ever need out of the house,” she says,
ready to knock on the front door, but it opens as Laura’s husband steps onto
the landing with a smirk.
“Seems you ladies had a good time.”
Laura grins, stumbling into her man’s arms. “Baby, are the kids
sleeping? I want you to rip my clothes off.”
“Yes, please, then get her into a shower,” Jessie whispers, and this time
I’m unable to stop my giggle. “And sorry, I didn’t think she’d drink this
“No worries. She’ll fall asleep right as she hits the pillow. Thank you
for inviting her out—it’s been a while since she allowed herself to have
“Aw, Laura’s lucky to have a guy like you,” Jessie says, then she rubs
her shoulder. “It was nice catching up, and I’ll text you tomorrow, okay?”
“Hm, bye. I’ma make love to my husband now.”
Her man chuckles, closing the door behind them.
“How much you wanna bet she’s stripping him butt naked right now?”
“Poor guy already lost his pants.”
We snicker while striding toward the car, Danes waiting by the driver’s
door since we said we should take her alone, and Jessie leans into him.
“Thank you for tonight.”
Sweeping away her hair, he smiles, gazing into Jessie’s eyes before
kissing her. “You’re welcome, Angel.”
I’m ready to get home, missing Carter, wanting to lie in his arms, feel
his warmth, and breathe in his intoxicating scent. So I rush inside the car,
glad the drive’s only several minutes away, saying my goodbyes and
entering the house.
It’s dark and quiet, my heels clicking along the hardwood as I take each
step toward the third floor, hoping if Carter’s awake, he’ll hear me coming,
and as I reach the landing, he’s there, leaning against the frame of our
My desire for Carter is more potent than ever as I stare at his smooth
pecs, the night casting shadows along his golden tan skin. And I become
lost in his trim waist—each well-defined line guiding me closer, drawing
me toward the man who drives me wild until I reach the end, ready to
explore the happy trail leading inside those black boxer briefs riding low on
his hips.
“I’m home.”

“Back for more now, are we?”

Leaning into the bar with my palms face down, I glare at Evan, tipping
my head as I suck my teeth. “Listen here, I’ve got a five-hour flight ahead
of me with a hangry four-year-old, so I’ma need my six ounces of gold, you
Evan chuckles, already mixing my Mimosa with more champagne than
orange juice, and slides the glass over on a pristine square napkin. “Thirty-
four dollars.” I gape at him dumbfounded, my jaw literally dropping, which
gains me a heartier laugh. “Aye, me matey, since I fallen pity on ye, yer
beverage is on the house. Until next time.” He winks, and my smile widens
to a grin for him being a good sport.
“Thank you.”
Swaying my shoulders while sipping, I savor every drop, swiveling my
stool to watch the crowd and snort as Carter stares at me with an arched
brow. “Do I even ask?”
“Best not.”
Garret seems to be in a better mood as he snacks on Cheetos Puffs that
dear Daddy went to purchase. He rubs his cheesy fingers on his clothes
while hugging a bottle of apple juice to his chest at 7:30 in the morning. I
try hiding my grin behind the flute glass, taking another sip, but Carter
catches my amusement.
“I didn’t say anything, Daddy.”
His eyes darken, a reaction I wasn’t expecting as Carter settles between
my legs, and I tip my head back to stare into his heavy gaze. “You wanna
repeat that later?”
“No,” I breathe, licking the sweetness from my lips. “I much prefer
Bossman in the bedroom.”
Carter holds the side of my neck, gliding his thumb below my bottom
lip as his eyes flick to my mouth. “Mm, that can be arranged—”
“Daddy, I have to pee.”
We focus on Garret staring at us below, and I smile as Carter sighs,
analyzing the orange residue covering his son. “Did you eat any of it?”
“Yeah. It tasted good.”
“Alright, let’s get you clean first.” Holding Garret’s cheesy hand, Carter
faces me again, and I pucker my lips as he dips for a kiss. “We’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here.”
I finish my drink while they walk toward the restrooms, leaving the
glass on the napkin just as my phone rings in my purse, and I answer Dad’s
call. “Hey, Papá, we’re boarding soon.”
“Mija—” His voice breaks, and my stomach immediately drops as I
jump to my feet.
“Dad, what’s wrong?” Striding a few feet from the bar, I stop when he
whimpers into the line, and my chest constricts. “Dad, please. Tell me what
happened. Are you hurt?”
Mami Lu says for him to give her the phone, her tone soft, almost
numb, as she sniffs near the speaker. “Shelby. How are you? Are you at the
“Yes. We’re waiting.”
“Benny will meet you at 4:30 when you land. Call me right away, and
I’ll explain everything once you’re here.”
“What—no, please. Tell me now.”
“Aye, mi amor—lo siento. Tu papá should’ve waited to call until you’ve
come home.” She continues talking to Dad in Spanish, and my pulse rises
as they go back and forth too quickly for me to grasp what they’re saying
before the call ends. 
I hold out my phone, staring at the blank screen, my breathing
increasing, nearly hyperventilating, while I try to process what the hell just
“Shelby?” One look at my panic state, and Carter rushes toward me
with Garret in his arms as I visibly shake. “What happened?”
He places Garret on the floor and holds my face with both hands as
tears blur my vision. “I—” Inhaling a sharp breath, I close my eyes, shaking
my head as every worst-case scenario runs rampant in my mind, making me
sob, “I don’t know. I don’t know anything.” 
The only time Dad cried like that was when Papi Nico passed away.
“Look at me, baby.” Swiping the fallen tears from my cheeks, Carter
draws me into his chest, holding me close when I don’t. “It’s okay,” he
whispers, stroking my hair. “Whatever it is. Everything’s okay.”
“No, how do you know that?” Quickly backing away from him, I search
for my phone, needing to call Dad back, realizing I’m still grasping it. “I
gotta get to Jersey. Where’s the gate?”
“Shelly—” Garret cries, and I halt several yards away, turning toward
Carter as he follows in the distance, lifting Garret to catch up with me.
“What am I doing?” My heart skips as I rush back to them, needing to
gain control of myself. “I’m sorry,” I take Garret when he reaches for me
with his face scrunching. “Carter,” I whisper, tears burning my eyes, and he
presses his forehead on mine while holding my neck, his actions speaking
louder than any words could express. “I’m sorry.”
“Baby, shh. The gates at the end. Let’s go.”
Nodding, I hug Garret closer, kissing his cheek while we walk, and I
take the first available seat when we arrive, Carter going to the desk to read
the flight information before returning to us. “Boarding begins in ten
“Okay. Thank you.”
He sits to my left and secures his arm around my shoulders as we wait,
then board with priority. Heading to row four, I usher Garret to take the
window, and he sits on his knees to look outside as I take mine next to him,
fastening my belt.
“Garret, sit on your butt, please,” I say, and he does so I can buckle him
in, craning his neck to keep looking out the window.
Closing my eyes, I tip my head back while bouncing my legs, waiting
for who knows how long until the captain speaks over the intercom, and I
grip the armrests to brace myself for takeoff. I had high hopes this time
would be easier, and now I’m back to day one. Pins and needles scatter
along my skin when a warm, reassuring hand touches my left, and my
bottom lip trembles as I restrain my sob.
I peek at Carter across the row as he rubs small circles on the back of
my hand with his thumb, only leaving me when someone needs to pass
through, and he returns the instant he can. We don’t speak while the plane
taxis out, getting myself in a zone, and once the plane speeds up, Garret
gasps. His whine makes my stomach drop, and Carter releases my hand as I
face Garret, his eyes wide once we lift.
“Shelly—” he cries, and I hold his head, stroking his little cheek as he
rests on my arm with a tight grip.
“You’re safe, mi vida.” I point out the window. “Mira, see. Look how
pretty the clouds are. You see them?” He nods, leaning further into me, and
I continue to talk to him—asking questions about stuff he enjoys, making
him giggle until the plane levels out for several minutes, and he loosens his
The attendants begin serving the beverages, and I look at Carter. His
expression is soft, gaze warm as they linger on me, his touch gentle once I
reach for his hand, and he lifts to kiss the back of mine, mouthing I love
you. I do in return, love this man with every inch of my heart.

I’ve never been more scared to turn off airplane mode as I hover over the
button. We landed on time with no issues, yet the flight was the least of my
worries as we arrived. A time meant for relaxation and celebrating is now
riddled with anxiety about the unknown. Stalling from calling the one
person I’m afraid won’t answer because the worst-case scenario will be
about her. Yet I won’t know until I press the button…press the damn button

Several text messages and call notifications come through from my
cousins as my data returns, and I choose the safest option from Ben, stating
where he is outside. So I reply we’re on our way just as a call from Mom
appears. I sharply inhale, my heart pounding as I answer immediately.
I sob, unable to stop the tears from falling when she answers, “I’m
fine.” Staying quiet for several seconds, she adds, “Has anyone told you
“No, tell me what?”
She sighs, and it only makes my stomach twist harder. “Your father got
into an accident this morning driving to the restaurant. He fell asleep at the
“What? Did he get injured? I spoke to him before my flight—”
“He wasn’t alone, Shelby.” Carter grabs our check bags from the
conveyor belt and walks toward me with Garret as Mom adds, “Your aunt
was ejected and hit her head on the windshield. She was unresponsive when
the EMTs arrived but regained consciousness about an hour ago.”
“Oh, my god. Have the doctors said anything? Is she okay?”
I meet Carter’s gaze while he stands beside me, then he kisses my
temple. “She was confused, which is normal for a head injury. They’re
running more tests now that she’s awake.”  
“Okay. What hospital is Tía Luci at?”
“Come home, and settle in first…your father—he’s not doing too
“We’re leaving now.”
Ending the call, I store my phone, slightly relieved the outcome isn’t as
bad as I thought, though knowing Dad, he’s still in the same mindset I was
since he was responsible for his sister’s injuries. I turn toward Carter,
releasing the tension from my body in a long strenuous breath as I bury my
face in his chest, and he envelopes me with his arms. A moment of his bliss
is what I need before pushing on, and Carter gives me all that I need as he
loves on me, pressing soft kisses, and whispering sweet words before I soak
in more from Garret.
Not wanting to keep Ben waiting, we head for the pickup destination,
and I zip my coat from the wind chill before hugging my cousin tight as he
exits his car. “Ben. I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, Shelb. Mom’s okay. Scared the shit out of us, but she’s okay.
Dad’s with her now. Hasn’t left her side, actually.”
I nod, backing away from his embrace, and turn toward Carter as he
gestures to Ben for a shake. “Nice seeing you. I wish your family well and
hope for a quick recovery.”
“Mr. San Diego, finally we meet, but if only it were under better
Lifting a brow, I look between them as Carter replies, “It’s a pleasure.
Your father speaks very highly of you.”
That seems to brighten Ben’s mood as he pats Carter’s shoulder. “Thank
you.” Kneeling by Garret, he holds out his palm and says, “Hey, little man.”
Garret slaps his hand before retaking my leg using both arms. With
Ben’s relatively calm manner, I’m less worried, though I am impatient to go
see Tía Luci. Her being in the hospital, the wedding is officially postponed
until further notice, which doesn’t seem to bother Ben, so I wonder if either
of them are okay with this outcome due to Natalie’s uncomfortable state?
Have either of them announced the baby news yet? Does he know I know?
Using the time it takes to get home with traffic, I return calls, and text
messages, keeping Garret entertained with outside games until we arrive in
Keyport. Several cars are in the driveway, so everyone must be here since
Tía Luci’s in a neighboring hospital. The closer we got, the quieter Carter
became, and I look at him from the front seat as Ben parked. I touch his
shaking knee, and Carter meets my gaze for long seconds before his
dimpled smile appears when I blow a kiss and wink. He’s nervous,
especially meeting my parents for the first time, so I get it.
Garret jumps at his daddy, squeezing his neck tight with all the bottled-
up energy of the last how many hours of restrictive activity. “Are we
“Yes, we are,” I giggle, and Carter holds him while exiting the car.
I stand by him, taking his free hand in mine to intertwine our fingers,
then lift for a peck. Looking forward to a moment alone so I can deepen our
kiss, tempted to do it anyway just because I can’t stop my craving for this
man—to feel his touch, his lips on my body, every deep stroke inside me as
we lose ourselves in each other, and by the look in those russet hues, Carter
feels the same.
“Until later,” I whisper, pressing another soft kiss to his lips, and Garret
keeps us close, giggling, and we laugh.
Someone catcalls from the second floor, and I look at my bedroom
window where Madalyn and Emily stick their heads out, talking to each
other, and I don’t miss the damn, he’s fine, comment. 
Yes. Yes, he is.

We step inside the living room of a colonial-style home, jumping head first
into meeting Shelby’s immediate and extended family. She warned me
outside that everyone but her aunt and uncle were there, and there was
nothing to be nervous about. Though my palms sweat as a man, likely in his
late fifties, stares at me behind his round-frame glasses from the couch as I
close the door. One respectable aspect upon entering a new household is
waiting for their lead.
I’ve never done family meets, as the same for my son, but I keep a calm
composure, trusting in Shelby. “Papá.” She goes to her father as he eases
from the cushion with a groan, and she tries to stop him from lifting. “No,
stay seated.”
“Mija, estoy bien.” Still looking at me standing by the door, he
straightens his stance. “Let me greet your guests into my home.”
Walking back to me, Shelby takes Garret as my son reaches for her,
wrapping his arms tightly around her neck while her father slowly follows
past the coffee table and gestures to me a handshake. “Nicolas Morales,” he
says, standing a few inches shorter than me. “Good to meet you, Carter.”
His generous shake is firm as he pats my shoulder, and I admire his
effort to know my name beforehand. “Good to meet you, Sir. Thank you for
having us.”
“Aah, sir—” My brows raise as he waves off my comment. “Say,
Nicolas, Nico, old man, whatever else you want.”
I smirk at his easygoing manner, giving a curt nod before he faces my
son, Shelby grinning against his cheek before pressing a kiss and
whispering, “Say hi, Garret.” He looks away from Nicolas, dipping into the
cook of her neck, and she softly speaks to him until he faces her father
“Hm, hola, mijo. I hear you’re a chef. Is that right?”
“¿Si? What do you cook?”
“I make eggs.” Shelby whispers in his ear again, and he adds, “And
Nicolas’ brows raise high as he looks at his daughter. “¿Hace Ajiaco?”
“Si,” she says, and he slowly nods in approval.
“So, you make my favorite chicken soup?”
“Shelly helpted me.”
“Aye, Shelly. Que bueno.” Chuckling, he folds his arms, then asks, “I
have a hard time remembering how to make Ajiaco. Would you show me? I
think a chilly night deserves good soup.”
Garret perks up, lifting his head from Shelby’s shoulder. “Okay.”
“Then come with me to La cocina de Morales.”
Glancing at me with a smirk, Shelby holds back her hand, and I
intertwine our fingers while following suit up a short hallway, enjoying this
welcoming exchange. Numerous people talk in the distance, those watching
us from the second floor sitting at a table in the dining area, Ben relaxing
with his arm around a petite brunette woman.
They all grin at us, one with auburn wavy hair smirking into the
shoulder of a curly dark hair woman, and I continue to say hello, but Shelby
draws me toward the kitchen on our left first.
“Madre, take a seat and relax for once,” Nicolas says to a woman with
short grey curls resting by her shoulders.
Without looking from the large pot, she says, “Nicolas, you need rest,
mijo. Go sit as the doctor said.”
“She’s right, Papá—” Gasping, Shelby’s grandmother covers her mouth,
abandoning her task while rounding the island toward her and Garret.
“Hola, Mami,” she says, smiling while the woman kisses her cheeks and
holds her tight before drawing back to meet Garret, who’s back to resting
his head on Shelby’s shoulder.
“Ay, que monito precioso.” Her gaze is full of tenderness as she talks to
Garret, even for just meeting him.
I’ve only felt unconditional love when Mom was still with me, deprived
for so long that I almost forgot what affection was like, to experience
someone who truly cares until Shelby entered my life with a bucket full to
give—now I see where she got hers filled.
Stepping toward me, Shelby leans into my chest for an embrace and
smiles. “Mami, this is Carter.”
She wipes her hands against the skirt of her apron before touching my
cheek to kiss the other. “Hola, mijo, glad to finally meet you.”
Unable to contain my smile, I say, “It’s a pleasure meeting you and your
Patting my cheek twice, she backs away, Garret giggling as she tickles
under his before quickly walking toward the kitchen to stop Nicolas from
tending to her meal. As Shelby moves to the table, I’m a step behind her
while she introduces us to her cousins Emily, Madalyn, and Ben’s fiancée
Natalie. By now, Garret’s warmed up enough to be on his own, his curiosity
to see what Nicolas is doing in the kitchen swaying him closer to the island,
and I grin when he talks to him.
“Want to settle in upstairs while they occupy our little chef?” Shelby
asks, hugging me around my waist, and her use of our makes my skin
prickle. “He’s in good hands.”
Needing to be closer, I dip to kiss her. “I know.”
Her smile draws me into a trance before she ushers me back toward the
living room, where Ben deposited our luggage by the stairs. I take both,
gazing at every photo of Shelby’s childhood until we reach the landing.
There are several rooms, and I don’t miss the tightness of her hold on my
arm as we pass the closed one on our right before we head to the bedroom
to the far left.
“Will Garret sleep with us, or are you comfortable having him use one
of the guest rooms?” Shelby asks as we enter a brightened space with soft
natural tones.
Once I place the luggage by our bed, I turn toward my lady—her lips
mine not a second later as I hold her cheeks, tip her head back, and
thoroughly give her my answer. She moans as I deepen our kiss, drawing
closer while our tongues collide, needing my fill of this beautiful woman.
My beautiful woman who I want all to myself tonight.
As we part, Shelby smiles against my lips. “Guest room it is,” she
whispers, kissing me more until someone clears their throat by the doorway.
Shelby backs away, staring at the dark-haired woman crossing her arms
while leaning against the door. “You’ve not been here two seconds.”
“Sorry, Mom.”
I furrow my brows as Shelby drops her tone, almost disappointed in
herself, which she has nothing to be ashamed of, so I meet her mother’s
stare, walking toward her for a greeting. “Carter. Nice to meet you,
She raises her brow at my addressing her first, taking my handshake.
With everything Shelby expressed about her mother, my priority to
remember every detail of the person she was running from was at the top of
my list.
“I’ve read a lot about you, Mr. Anderson,” Camila states, cocking her
head while assessing my wealth. “A very successful businessman who’s
proud of his accomplishments. Strive for professionalism in the workplace,
yet you hire my daughter to care for your son only to lure her into your
One scolding look from her mother has Shelby snapping her mouth
shut, and it takes everything in me from speaking what’s on my tongue—
words that are not mine to tell. So I walk toward Shelby to show my
support, to show her mother that I’m here for more than an infatuation. The
base of our relationship builds on love, trust, and healthy communication,
which is more than she’s given her in years.
“You’re right,” I say, meeting her narrowed gaze. “But my success is
nothing without the strong woman I stand by for showing me what I’ve
been missing hiding behind my career.” Looking at Shelby, I smile when
she does, soaking in her radiance. “Because the best accomplishment I’ve
achieved is meeting your daughter, and I couldn’t be more proud of her.”
“Oh, Carter. I love you,” she whispers, touching my cheek, her lip
trembling before she kisses me without reservation—how it should be.
The air is still dense even after her mother leaves the room, the tension
rattling within Shelby’s bones with how she hugs me tighter, on the verge of
breaking down, but I won’t allow her to fall apart. Not while I’m here.

There’s nothing better than seeing love rekindled during a time of healing.
When two people who were perfect for one another realize they are better
together than apart because they wouldn’t be whole without their other half.
That’s what I see when Uncle Brian sweeps his ex-wife’s bangs from her
forehead to press a tender kiss.
If only life were that simple for everyone.
Dad sighs, standing by the hospital window with his hands in his
pockets, and Tía Luci tilts her head to the side while staring at him. “Nico,
for the hundredth time. I don’t blame you for the accident,” she says, and he
glances at her before returning to the view. “You’re gonna raise your blood
pressure if you continue stressing about it.”
“If I hadn’t asked for your help—”
“Then it could’ve been Camila or Mamá with a different outcome.” Dad
stiffens his stance, removing his glasses to rub between his brows, then
places them back on the bridge of his nose. “Do you hear me? I’m okay, so
let’s move forward from here.”
Walking toward him, I rub his back, pressing my head on his shoulder
because she’s right. It could’ve been much worse, and there’s no need to
dwell on the if I or what if’s. But I know Dad, and he won’t stop beating
himself up for driving while sleep deprived. I kiss his cheek, then walk
toward the right side of the bed where Uncle Brian is.
“Do you wanna sit, Kiddo?” he asks, standing from the chair, and I
thank him, sitting near Tía Luci.
She smiles as he leans forward again, this time kissing her lips, then he
walks toward Dad, asking him to take a walk as they exit the room.
“Good. Maybe he’ll knock some sense into your father’s thick head.”
“Tía….” I say, leaning forward to hold her IV-covered hand. “You have
to think about this situation from his point of view. Dad caused the accident
that left you unconscious. He’s gonna think the worst, especially since the
memories are still fresh.”
“I’m worried about him.” She chews on her lower lip before meeting
my gaze. “He asked your mother for help first, and she refused to go with
him. So he left to come to my house in the middle of the night. Didn’t sleep
a second and already looked tired when he arrived. So I know they must’ve
been fighting. I shouldn’t have let him drive.”
I furrow my brows and stare at the door. “I’m scared they are at a point
where nothing will fix their relationship. Half of me feels if they separate, it
would be for the best, but then the greedy part of me wants to keep them
together. For them to want to fight for each other.”
Tía Luci gives me a meek smile, placing her hand over mine. “I know,
mija, but at what price when the bad days seem to outweigh the good?” I
dip my chin and let out a deep sigh. “They will figure out what’s best, later
if not sooner. If you need time away, my home is always open for you to
stay while you’re here. Even for a day. I’d love to get to know Carter and
Smiling, I nod, and lean in to hug her. “Thank you. We will.”
She kisses my cheek then I step back as Ben and Natalie walk into the
room. “Hey Ma. How are you feeling?”
Her smile fades, and I hate seeing her down about the wedding being
postponed. “Oh, mijo, I'm so sorry. Your wedding—”
Natalie’s the one who says, “Without you, there wouldn't be one.” She
turns toward Ben, gazing into his eyes. “I'd marry you right here if I could.”
“A hospital wedding?” He chuckles, stroking her cheek. 
I stare at her because she sounds almost relieved, and her glance my
way shows me she’s likely not ready to spill their news yet, which I
understand. “I’ll give you two some time with her.”
Natalie takes hold of my hand, giving a gentle squeeze before I walk
into the hallway, and Garret runs toward my legs, hugging me tight. “Shelly,
we’re having ice cream and cake!”
Raising my brows, I look at Emily, and she scrunches her nose. “Sorry, I
didn’t know he was lactose intolerant. Told him about the cake I made for
your dad.”
“It’s okay. We’ll find something to substitute.”
“I could make a dairy-free smash cake with the leftover ingredients. I
don’t mind.”
Smiling, I nod, then sit by Carter, who seems overwhelmed as he leans
against the wall with his leg bouncing. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Not a fan of the Hospital, but I’m alright.”
My stomach sinks, not thinking about him losing his mom in one or
what happened with Valerie. “We can go if you’d like. My aunt discharges
tomorrow. So you can meet her at the dinner. Maybe we can visit her place
for a little down in Long Branch.”
“Sure. Thank you.”
We say our goodbyes, heading to Mom’s car, driving the short way
home. “Has your mom gone to see your aunt yet?”
I furrow my brows. “Not sure. Why?”
“Your dad’s upset about her not wanting to be there. I overheard him
talking to Brian about her not making the effort.”
As we enter the driveway, Carter parks by the corner, then we go inside.
Since Garret’s asleep, he carries him into the guest room as I enter mine.
Dad didn’t seem upset when we arrived earlier, so I wasn’t sure why Mom
said he wasn’t doing well. Maybe he blames her for not wanting to help him
in the restaurant? I sit on the edge of the bed as Tía Luci’s words hit me
hard, not wanting to think about them anymore.
A yawn escapes me as Carter enters the room, locking the door behind
him, and I lean back on my hands, closing my tired eyes. I need to shower
away the day, but my exhaustion is catching up to me, where all I want to
do is knock out for three days. His footsteps get closer, and I smile when he
leans in to kiss my temple, then I tip my head back to look at him with a
“Hi, mi amor.”
We’re alone for the first time in hours, and since Garret’s a heavy
sleeper, he’ll likely knock out for the rest of the night. Kneeling between
my legs, Carter takes hold of my cheeks to kiss me, and I hum against his
soft lips as he slowly lifts my shirt away from my body, removing my pants
and underwear next. He lowers to kiss below each breast, removing my bra
last, then gazes into my eyes as I sit before him naked.
“Let me take care of you,” he whispers, and I nod, following his lead as
he stands, removing his clothes next.
Gesturing for my hand, Carter intertwines our fingers as I place mine in
his, guiding me toward the bathroom. My space is much smaller than his,
but the intimate size couldn’t be more perfect as we enter the tight fit after
he heats the water. He takes his time using a cloth to clean every inch of my
body, washing away my worries and every doubt, replacing them with all
the love he holds for me.
I do the same for him, thoroughly cleansing his body, touching the deep
lines of his abdomen, wanting to show him how much he means to me, how
badly I’ve fallen in love with him, appreciating everything he does for me
and Garret. Once I finish, I drop the cloth, using my hands to help wash
away the suds. I stare into his eyes as his dick rises with every pass, ready
to kneel, but he stops me with a kiss.
Pressing me against the wall, he kisses deeply, drawing me flush to his
body where water can’t pass between us as our breathing turns into heavy
panting, and I whimper to touch his hard dick pressing against my stomach.
To taste him, feel his length deep inside me. Any hole would do at this
point, but he continues to restrict me from relieving him.
“Carter,” I breathe, inching my hand down his stomach, but he stops me
again. “What’s wrong?”
He breathes against my lips, closing his eyes. “I won’t be able to stop
myself from fucking you if you touch me.”
I giggle, and he opens his eyes with a heavy gaze. “Are you withholding
your hunger for me because of my parents?”
Dipping his head to my shoulder, he kisses my skin before saying, “I
want to be respectful.”
“I can be quiet.”
Lifting his head, he arches a brow at me. “Baby, we both know that’s
“Is that a challenge, Mr. Anderson?” I ask, slowly backing away, taking
a thorough look at his erect dick before stepping out of the tub to dry
He turns off the shower, moving the curtain to watch me sway my ass
out of the bathroom, spread the towel along the mattress, then lie back to
spread my legs next. Giving me the same show, Carter kneels before me,
still dripping wet, kissing my inner thighs, and when I make the slightest
moan, he stops. I bite my lip, waiting for him to continue, and I breathe
harder when he does, bucking my head back once his mouth meets my
His hum at the first swipe of his tongue makes me giggle, and I inhale a
sharp breath when he sucks hard on my clit only to pop off. “Fuck….” I
moan, grabbing his hair while urging him to do that again, but he doesn’t
resume. “I’ll be quiet, Carter. I promise. Just, please. Don’t stop.”
With a heavy gaze, he continues to suck my pussy, and I lie back, biting
hard on my bottom lip as I close my eyes, the bed creaking when I shift
from a pleasurable jolt, and he meets my wide-eyed stare as I lift my head.
He draws out my pleasure with gentle flicks, knowing how loud I can be
with his relentless mouth, though I want him to lose control and eat me like
he’s starving.
So I lift my hips to meet the next lap of his tongue, and he pins my body
down from beneath my thighs, spreading me wider. My breathing increases
as he stares me down, and I lift again to watch, my mouth falling slack with
heavy pants as I try to hold back, which makes him work harder because
deep down, he wants my moans, to hear every sound I release from the
pleasure he gives. The reason he was trying to hold himself back from the
His wicked intent is my undoing as an orgasm rocks me, and I punish
my lip, biting so hard to stop myself from screaming with the intense
pleasure. Before I can breathe, Carter’s on top of me, the bed creaking
loudly from his weight, but it doesn’t resonate with him while he removes
my bottom lip from my teeth to thoroughly kiss me. His throbbing dick
slides along my slit, ready to enter, but he keeps himself from sinking inside
“Fuck me, Carter,” I whisper, tilting my head as he glides along my
pussy again to hit my clit. “Please—it’s okay, baby. Don’t hold back.”
Deeply moaning against my neck, he eases his length inside me, biting
my sensitive flesh while I squeeze my legs around his hips to keep him
close. His hold on my thighs is punishing, every creak stopping him from
really fucking me as he moves, so I lift to straddle his lap.
“Shut up,” I breathe, bucking my pussy along his dick, the bed rocking
loud from my quick thrusts, and he lifts me from the mattress, walking into
the bathroom to kick the door closed behind him.
“Tell me to shut up again.” Placing me on the small vanity, he thrusts
hard, making my head buck backward, hitting the mirror from his sharp
slaps against my pussy. “I’ll redden your ass until you can’t sit the next
I giggle, my moans louder as he continues to fuck me like he should.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Bossman.”
Releasing a gritty chuckle, Carter kisses me hard, our tongue lapping
before he drags my bottom lip between his teeth, keeping me from kissing
him more. “Oh, I’ll show you a good time,” he says, his expert strokes
hitting my spot just right. Over and over until that tingling sensation from
deep within swiftly arises. Though, when he stops me from achieving that
explosion more than once, I know I’m in for a long night.

It’s early morning as I unload my suitcase with a smile, placing Dad’s gifts
underneath the bed, excited to show him later, then finish organizing
everything into my empty drawers. We’re here until Sunday, and I tried my
hardest not to over-pack in order to fit everything. After putting away the
rest of the clothes, I gently shut the drawers to keep from waking Carter,
leaving the room for him to sleep in for once.
I don’t think he realizes just how tired he is sometimes.
Easing the door shut, I check on Garret, not finding him inside the guest
room. His squeaky voice sounds in the distance, so I take the stairs,
stopping at the bottom step as Mom talks with him in the kitchen. My
brows raise, and I sit, watching through the railing gaps while Garret asks
her questions. She’s not as affectionate with him as Mami Lu or Dad, but
she’s attentive enough, answering all questions while asking her own.
I smile, then enter the kitchen, and both look at me the closer I get to the
island. “Morning.”
She gives me a knowing look because of last night, which deflates my
happy mood, and I press my lips together, gazing at Garret instead. “Your
father went to the hospital again.”
“Have you gone?” I ask without thinking, and I close my eyes for a beat
when she huffs a laugh, walking toward the fridge.
“You sound like him.”
“Well, it’s a valid question.”
“Are you asking because of what's expected from me?”
I furrow my brows. “What do you mean?”
She shakes her head, then moves on to cleaning the dishes. “Nothing.
You’re aunt’s coming here tonight, so I’ll see her when she arrives.”
As I look around the decorated room, I frown, having missed three
birthdays—all holidays, not realizing how my parents must feel that their
only child never visits.
“Yes?” she says, not looking up from the dishes as Garret helps.
“I’m sorry I don’t visit or call you often enough.”
Dropping the spoon, she looks at me, placing her hand on her hip. “You
know the solution to that. Are you coming to see my reasoning? Moving
home to help your father?”
I just apologized and this is what she says?
“Why do you always do that?”
“You always have something to say about everything I do. Why can’t
you take my apology, like a normal mother, or I don’t know, fucking hug it
She gasps, her eyes going wide. “Shelby, don’t talk to me that way—”
Garret looks between us, and I swallow deeply before lowering my
tone. “This is why I talk to Tía Luci more than you. She actually listens to
what I have to say and gives advice. Never once has she criticized me like
you always do.”
“Wait until I tell your father.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “Go ahead. He’ll only agree to what I’m
saying because he understands how I feel.” Taking Garret into my arms, I
hold him close as tears brim my eyes. “If you continue to bully people,
you’re gonna end up alone, Mom. That’s the last thing I want for you.”
She stares at me, shifting to face away with her jaw tight, only
hesitating for a second before rinsing the spoon she already washed. “Go
get ready.”
Wiping my cheeks, I leave the room, needing to be away from the
kitchen as I busy myself with Garret, setting him a warm bath. “Are you
sad, Shelly?” he asks, and I press my cheek onto the cool porcelain, smiling
while swirling my fingers in the water.
“Si, mi vida. But don’t worry. I’ll be okay.”
As the day passes, Dad returns with Tía Luci, and everyone else arrives
soon after. The meal mom prepared hot and ready on the table. Dad
acknowledges me, then Carter and Garret, skipping Mom before sitting at
the head of the table on my left. I don't miss the hurt in her eyes, but the
sting doesn’t stay long, which makes my chest constrict.
“Mom made your favorite dish,” I say, and he looks through the feast
before him, merely nodding.
I press my lips together, wanting to defuse the tension in the air, but I
feel I’m only making it worse, the room unbearable as the clock ticks in the
silence, and I hate it. So I stay quiet while everyone settles into their seat,
and once Mom leaves the room, pleasantries begin, which only makes my
chest ache harder as I watch her take the stairs. Carter removes my tight
grip from the tablecloth, threading his fingers with mine as my eyes gloss
over. He kisses the back, and I smile, leaning into his shoulder before
releasing a heavy breath.
Dad hasn’t said a word, only when Mami Lu asks him a question, and
even she seems worried about his state of mind. We wait over ten minutes
for Mom to return, Dad’s rule for everyone to be present before we can eat.
She’s still wearing the same close as earlier, and doesn’t look at me or
acknowledge anyone as she sits at the other end. The rims of her eyes are
red, and she seems tired.
“Camila, what’s wrong?” Dad asks, leaning forward on the table as he
addresses her for the first time since he arrived.
“Nothing. Let’s eat.”
His palms pound on the hard surface, Garret whining, and a few gasps
expel from his outburst. “If you don’t want to be here, then leave.”
Those words hold more meaning to Mom than others would understand
because she knows he’s not talking about the dinner. “Dad—”
“No, Shelby. Your father has spoken his mind, just as you.” Standing
from the table, she adds, “Everyone, please enjoy the festivities.” Before
she promptly leaves the room.
Dad removes his glasses and places them on the table as he rubs his
eyes with the tips of his fingers. “Alright, let’s eat.”
Mami Lu stares at my teary gaze, then at Dad. “Mijo, I didn’t raise you
to speak that way.”
“What am I to do?” He holds the bridge of his nose, the emotions he’s
been holding back quickly rising as he releases a shaky breath, then clasps
his hands together. “I can’t pretend everything’s okay, not anymore.”
My stomach sinks, already hearing the words screaming in his head.
“No, Mijita, it’s not okay. We’re not okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t want you
to see us this way.”
The tears he’s been holding back roll down his cheeks, and it makes
mine fall too. “I’m not a little girl anymore, Dad. I can take it, and all I want
is for you to be happy.”
He closes his eyes, resting his forehead on his knuckles, so I stand,
rushing upstairs, knowing where to start. What needs to happen to make
change. As I enter my parents’ room, I find Mom on the edge of the bed,
staring out the window.
She jumps, quickly looking over her shoulder, then relaxes, dabbing
under her eyes with a tissue. “Do you have anything to add?”
“No.” I sit a foot away from her and breathe out a sigh. “Are you
“I’ll be fine.”
The air is quiet, but I only allow it for a moment as I scoot closer to lay
my head on her shoulder. “I’m sorry for yelling at you,” I whisper, and she
huffs a laugh, not out of spite but in disbelief.
“You have nothing to apologize for. It’s me who should be apologizing
to you.” She turns toward me, taking hold of my hand. “I love you, Shelby.
I don’t express it, but I do. All I want is for you to succeed in life, to be
happy.” I meet her gaze as she adds, “I’m sorry I don’t listen, for constantly
pushing instead of encouraging you to make your choices—the right
choices for you.”
“I’ve tried to tell you. So many times.”
“I know. And I hate that I hurt you—” Her voice breaks, and I kneel on
the floor, kissing her knuckles. “The more independent you become, the
more afraid I am of losing my only daughter, and look what I’ve done.
Drive everyone apart.” She sighs and stares out the window again. “Your
father and I are getting a divorce.”
A pang hits my chest, and I rest my cheek on her lap. “No. I don’t want
“Shelby….” She strokes my hair, and I lift to look at her. “Eventually, it
was going to happen. I think for us to be away from one another will be
good. To reflect on ourselves.”
“Mom, I’m sorry,” I cry, hugging her middle, and she sighs while
stroking my hair. “What’s going to happen now?”
We pull away, and she smiles at me, holding my chin. “Don’t worry
about me. I can take care of myself, just like you. Because you’re so strong,
Shelby, and you have a good man by your side. One who loves you, so I
want you to keep doing what you’re doing. Okay?”
I nod, though I can’t stop the ache in my chest. “I hate that we argue,
and I miss being able to come to you like before, not having to walk on
eggshells when we talk. I just want to start fresh. Can we do that?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Mom wipes under her eyes. “I’d like that very much.”
Smiling, I hug her tight, closing my eyes while taking in her tender
touch on my head. “I love you, Mom.” I wipe away my tears as I straighten
my stance the nod. “Let’s get you changed so we can eat. It won’t be the
same without you there.” Stepping toward the closet, I find a cute outfit and
return to her. “I think this will look pretty.”
She grins and nods. “Thank you. Go, I’ll be down in a bit.”
I kiss her cheek, then stroll out of the room, leaning against the wall to
let this moment sink in. A day I never thought would come when we’d
settle our differences, and I can’t help but grin before descending the stairs
where Carter’s standing at the end.
“You alright?” he asks, and I walk into his embrace.
“I am. Thank you for coming here with me.”
“Hey….” Stroking my cheek, he presses his forehead on mine. “I
wouldn’t be anywhere else but here, baby.” He kisses me, and I smile
against his lips before we stroll back to our seats.
A few minutes pass, Mom arrives, and the room quiets as she takes her
seat at the end until I move to be next to her, holding her hand. She gives a
gentle squeeze before I pass her the rice, then pleasantries begin again.
I peek over to Dad, and he watches our gesture, a slight smile appearing
as he nods his head before eating his birthday meal. I’m unsure what this
means, but I feel the air is less dense. Hopefully, it’ll become clear after

Parting with Shelby for two weeks is the farthest from what I want, but with
her family on the mend, her staying in Jersey is best for their relationship.
She’s been away from them for too long, while Garret and I have the rest of
our lives to build with her here in San Diego.
Garret leaving was the hardest. Not only for Shelby, but everyone in her
family, having quickly grown attached. I’ll ensure they get their fill of him
every chance we can.
With two weeks to work, I’m ready to cleanse, starting with the one
place I’ve avoided. After dropping Garret at school, I stop at several home
improvement and decorative stores, gathering items that resonate with
Shelby Morales, leaving room for her to add personal touches, then set off
to work. With everything scattered along the patio behind me, I unlock the
door to the back building and enter the dark space.
This extension was designed with Valerie in mind because I wanted to
create a personal space she could call her own—where she could retreat
whenever she needed time alone. Since our dynamic was expanding, I did
everything to keep her happy. But I was wrong with what she desired
because no matter how hard I tried to keep her near, to keep us together, she
was farthest from present. And I was farthest from what she wanted—since
the start.
Taking a deep breath, I purge everything, stripping the area bare down
to the last nail on the wall, and I exhale, closer to freeing myself with each
step I take. With the help of Cole over the next few days, we removed
everything to make room for the new furniture that arrived today. And I
only give Shelby glimpses of my busy time, hinting at a surprise awaiting
her once she returns home as I prep the back wall for the mural I have
scheduled for later today—art aspired by our time in the cabin, I want to
bring those moments here.
The doorbell sounds from the speaker in the corner, and I check the
time, toss the dusting rag onto the patio table, then leave the space to
answer the front door. A woman with wavy chestnut brown hair flowing
past her shoulders stands before me. Her full smile is wide on display,
reaching her bright blue eyes as she bounces in place, likely eager to start if
her paint-splatter white overalls didn’t already show her passion for art.
“Hello, I’m Willow,” she says, promptly walking inside my home as I
gesture for her to enter.
“Carter. Thank you for coming on short notice. Not many painters in
San Diego were willing or able to get an intricate piece done by Sunday.”
“Of course. I know you’re giving me a week, but I’ll finish the mural by
Friday to give the wall time to dry. Then give you time to move your
furniture and decorate by your deadline.”
I raise a brow, then recheck my watch. “Half of today is over. Four days
is enough?”
“Hey, could be even sooner if I start now.”
Nodding, I guide Willow to the pathway on the third floor, her
expressing the beauty of my home before she stands in front of her blank
canvas. If her eyes were eager before, now she’s ecstatic with the various
paints and brushes I purchased for this project.
“Wow, this is enough supplies to last months.”
I chuckle, grabbing a fresh rag to finish dusting the wall. “You’re
welcome to keep anything you don’t use.”
Glancing over my shoulder, I say, “I’m knowledgeable in the arts, but
painting was never in my field. The supplies will go to waste here.”
“That’s so nice of you. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Sweeping along the bottom corner, I ball up the rag
and face Willow. “Call me or come to the main house if you need
“Okay.” Before I leave the room, Willow asks, “You said the forest is
the backdrop for the bookshelves you’re installing. If I finish the base
design by Wednesday, can you install them Thursday night so I can add the
final detailing around the shelves Friday?”
“Shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Great. Then I’ll get to work.”
After several hours of working and spending time with Garret, I close
his bedroom door, then head to check on Willow because she hasn’t
emerged from the building since she started. Standing by the doorway, I
raise my brows when the entire top half of the vast wall is now various
shades of blue and green, replicating a darkened sky.
I knock as Willow steps down from the stool, but she doesn’t
acknowledge the sound as she scans her progress from afar. Instead, I enter
the room, and she startles once she notices me, removing her left earbud as
she holds her chest.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” I say, smiling before staring back at the
wall. “You’re very talented.”
“Thank you. You gave me a lot of tools to work with, which makes the
process easier. Since it’s late and you’re probably ready for bed, I’ll stop for
tonight. Clean up before I leave. I gotta search how much the nearest hotel
is anyway.”
Furrowing my brows, I look at Willow. “Do you live far from here?”
She wipes her brow with the back of her hand. “Like an hour and forty-
five minutes, maybe two. I packed a bag just in case.”
I didn’t realize she wasn’t local.
“There’s a room here. You’re welcome to stay, so you don’t have to
travel back and forth.” Walking toward the door on our right, I open the
spare bedroom, already stocked with new furniture, though it’s cluttered
with everything for the office space.
“Wow. That’s very generous of you. Thank you.”
“I’ll grab fresh linen and toiletries—are you hungry?”
She wrinkles her nose as her stomach growls from the mentions of food.
“I could go for a pizza. Maybe delivery or I’ll step out for fresh air.”
I nod a few times. “Probably for the best since I’m not much of a cook
outside eggs and bacon.”
“Hey, that’s okay. I bet it’s the best-tasting breakfast ever.”
Chuckling, I leave to gather everything Willow needs, and by the time I
return, she stores the paints and lays the brushes out to dry on a drop cloth.
“I hope this is enough.”
“More than enough. Thank you again. I’m really enjoying this project,
and I hope you love the end product.”
“I’m sure I will. If you need to come and go, take the stairs by the patio
down to the ground floor, then follow the path on the side of the house to
the front. Use the code to enter and exit the gate.”
“Will do. Have a great night, Carter.”
“Goodnight. Sleep well.”
As the week progresses, every chance I check on Willow, she’s working
on the mural, and I don’t believe she slept for a second. Not because she
was afraid of not meeting her deadline, but from truly enjoying her art that
she didn’t want to stop.
It’s Friday night, and her finished product surpasses my expectations.
“What do you think?” she asks, crossing her arms as she leans her shoulder
onto mine.
“You deserve more than your asking price—well beyond.”
She presses her lips together, her fair cheeks flushing as she returns to
packing boxes. “The two thousand dollars cash, supplies, and housing you
provided me is far more than enough payment, Carter.”
“I have to disagree. Your technique at shading is unbelieving because
there’s no way we’re not standing in the forest right now.”
Giggling, she shakes her head. “That’s what we call an illusion.”
Willow smiles and rubs my arm. “I really hope Shelby loves it. She’s a
lucky girl to have a great guy like you.”
I nod, continuing to look at the mural. “Thank you.”
“It should dry within 48 hours. Since you’re not actively using the space
yet, you can start moving everything in place tomorrow night.”
Before she stores away the last of her paint, I ask, “Did you sign your
“Oh, I don’t think I did….” Taking a small brush, she lifts the lid on the
white can and kneels by the left corner, creating an effortless butterfly—a
one-line drawing that curls into a scripted Willow. “And done.”
“That’s pretty.”
“Thanks. That’s how my mom signed her paintings, and it kinda stuck
with me.”
“I can relate. Learned a lot about art from my mom.”
Standing, she finishes storing the products, and I help her carry
everything to the back of her van, tapping the roof as I walk toward the
driver’s door. “Safe travels.”
“Take care, Carter,” she says, waving before exiting the driveway.
Dinner will be ready soon, so I enter the house, peek into the playroom
for Garret, then a call sounds from the kitchen island. Grabbing my phone, I
answer Shelby’s nightly video call with a grin, impatiently waiting to see
her beautiful face.
“Hey, baby. I miss you.”

“Damn, she did that in five days?” Cole asks, staring at the mural with his
brows high before entering the bedroom to help me move the wooden desk.
“If I hadn’t kept interrupting her, she would’ve finished sooner.” The
desk is a lot heavier than it looks as we lift the real wood, maneuvering to
get through the doorway without scratching the paint, and set it center to the
“Should’ve called me to help you put that together. Must of taken
“No less difficult than designing a building.”
Cole chuckles, crossing his arms as he takes in more of Willow’s hard
work. “What company did you use? Or is she independent?
“Willow’s independent.”
His head snaps toward me. “Willow?” Then he furrows his brows,
staring harder at the wall.
“Where did you find her?”
“Searched for nearby artists, and her name, with several others, popped
up. She was the only one willing to meet my deadline, even living nearly
two hours away.”
The light in his eyes diminishes, and his shoulders dip as he sighs.
“Must be a common name, then.”
“You know someone by that name?”
I raise a brow, patting his shoulder before we get back to work since
Shelby’s plane lands in a few hours, wanting to get her office move-in ready
for her return.
Once we get all the heavy lifting out of the way, Cole leaves while I
touch up a few marks on the doorway, checking the baby monitor I set in
the playroom often for Garret, then decide to call Fiona if she can take him
instead. I’d prefer not leaving him alone while I finish the final touches.
The doorbell rings, and I promptly leave for the main house, gather
Garret’s belongings into a small backpack, then call out for him once I jog
to answer the door when it rings again.
“Yes, Daddy?” he says, running and kneeling by the banister to press his
mouth against the glass. “You called me?”
I chuckle, telling him to stop and wipe my hands on my worn jeans
before opening the front door. My heart nearly stops, and I lose my breath
from the pair of sapphire blue eyes staring back at me.
“You tryna talk? Then let’s talk.”

Leaving Jersey is bittersweet, and while I’ll miss my family, I’m going
home fuller than ever, looking forward to returning on my next visit.
Especially since I plan on bringing more gifts next time. I’ll take Dad’s
scolding for bidding against him just to see another sly smirk afterward
because he loved it. I’m looking forward even more to the surprise awaiting
me once I land in San Diego, Carter vaguely hinting he’s been working on
something since he got home.
The virtual torture is brutal since he knows how impatient I can be. Two
weeks away from my boys has been hard enough to the point I’m ready to
jump Carter once I arrive, kissing him until we’re forced apart for air—
though who needs to breathe? He’s always been about pushing our limits,
I smile, giddy to see Garret, too, though this plane ride can’t go by fast
enough. With little over an hour left, I unbuckle my belt and head to an
available bathroom, needing to stretch my legs. Using the small space, I
wash my hands, refresh my curls, and smile at the mirror for several
seconds as warm effects take over me, my cheerful thoughts releasing
because there’s no withholding love. This woman staring back is beautiful,
glowing, and full of life.
And I love her.
My eyes gloss over, and I smile wider, licking the satisfied tears from
my lips as they fall. Sniffing, I wipe my cheeks dry and walk back to my
seat, passing the rest of my time reading. Once I’m off the plane, I call
Carter until his voicemail, calling several more times as I wait for my
luggage, then head toward the pickup destination to see if he’s there. I walk
along the sidewalk, checking for his car, then trying his phone once more.
“You’ve reached Carter Anderson—”
Ending the call, I furrow my brows, lifting onto my toes to see over the
crowd of people waiting for their rides, then find a nearby bench. It’s almost
11:00 in the morning, so I wait a few more minutes, tempted to order a ride,
but reach out to Jessie instead to see if she’s not busy. Once she arrives, I
walk to her SUV and place my luggage in the trunk before entering the
passenger seat.
“Hey,” she says, leaning in for a hug. “I thought Carter was picking you
I rest back in my seat and stare out the windshield. “He was. Maybe he
got caught up with work, and time slipped him?”
“Hm, I don’t know. If my man were coming home after not seeing him
for two weeks, I’d be on top of the clock making sure to get him on time.”
She’s right. Carter did call early this morning, saying he’d be here right
before my plane lands. “Let’s go now to beat traffic.”
“Sure.” We didn’t miss the rush hour, adding fifteen extra minutes to
our trip, but as we reach the driveway a white car I’ve never seen before
exits to our right. “Who’s that?” Jessie asks, and I roll down the tinted
window, staring hard at the woman with dark curly hair in the passenger
seat when she does the same.
 My stomach drops as my pulse thumps loudly in my ears while her
piercing blue eyes hold mine for long seconds. I get out of the car, her smirk
making my skin prickle before she slips on her sunglasses and the man
driving exits through the gate. Gravel crunches beneath my shoes as I rush
toward the front—the door unlocked, so I enter, heading straight to Carter’s
open office.
He’s zoned out, sitting at his desk with a bottle of Whiskey open,
wearing a black t-shirt and jeans covered with dried paint. I blink a few
times, unsure of what’s going on, but once he looks away from the glass
with several papers underneath, he stares through me by the doorway before
jumping from his seat with his eyes wide.
“Shelby—fuck.” He pats his pants pockets before stalking toward me.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…what time is it?”
“Was that Valerie?” Is all I muster while staring at him.
Meeting my gaze, he nods. “I was working when the doorbell rang—I
wasn’t expecting Valerie to be the one waiting for me to answer.” His brows
push together with a deep crease before he clenches his jaw, covering his
mouth with his hand, and I inhale a shaky breath as he fights back tears.
“Oh, mi amor,” I whisper, holding his face as he stares into my eyes, his
tears nearly spilling, and I hate he had to face her alone. “I’m so sorry,
baby.” I kiss his firm mouth. “It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel hurt, to let
out the ache.”
The strenuous breath he releases rips into my heart as his forehead
touches mine, his gripping embrace painful, but I’ll take every bit of the
pain he feels inside so he doesn’t have to. “I wasn’t ready—” His voice
cracks, and I nod, drawing him onto my shoulder while soothing him the
best I can by stroking the back of his head, holding him close as he releases
the tension he’s been holding in for four years. “I thought I was until she
appeared and tore my heart back open because she still doesn’t care. Not
one ounce of her feels regret.”
“One fucking look at my son.” Lifting to gaze at me, Carter holds my
cheeks while whispering, “Our son.” Then he kisses my trembling lips as
goosebumps spread on my skin. “That’s all Valerie took before turning
away as if he doesn’t exist—because Garret will never be hers.”
Walking toward his desk, he sets the bottle of Whiskey aside and
gathers the papers. “She brought the court forms. Her fiancé the one serving
me, and she was all the willing to sign over her rights. To end our
Carter’s chuckle is low as he sorts through the document, storing them
in his top desk drawer. “None of that matters. All I care about is we’re free.
My last burden soon to be a distant memory—how it should be.” He grins,
stepping forward until we’re inches apart. “Because the only path I choose
is one that always leads me back to you and Garret. No matter what life
throws at us, we’ll continue to build our home together. How it should be.”
I smile, staring into his russet hues. “Me and you?”
His gentle kiss against my lips seals our words before he states, “You
and me.”
“I’d like that very much.”
Shifting to lift me onto his desk, he settles between my legs, arching a
brow as he says, “Only like?”
With my head tipped back, I giggle as Carter dips, just enough until our
mouths touch. “Really. Really, like.”
“Mm, I could take that.” Kissing me once, he inches away from my lips.
“But give me more, baby.”
“Are we getting greedy, Mr. Anderson?”
His deep hum stirs my stomach. “For your love? Always.”
“Then love it is—” One long, lasting kiss as our tongues lap, and I nip
at his lower lip when he lifts again, needing more. “That forever love of
waking up in your arms every morning.” I moan once he glides his palms
along my sides to hold my waist, still hovering. “To you and Garret making
breakfast, your laughters a beautiful melody I play on repeat.” Kissing him
this time, I taste the lingering sweetness on his tongue from his earlier
drink. “Mm, and Whiskey—he’s only for me. Not her. Ever. You hear me?”
“I hear you,” Carter whispers, and I grin, leaning back onto my hands.
“Good. Now, really fucking kiss me.”
And he does, rewriting our first and every other kiss before us, tearing
down walls and making change, taking chances, because all the matters
from here on out is us—our little family.
“Where’s Garret?” I ask, holding his neck while catching my breath as
we break away. “I miss him.”
“I called Fiona earlier, if she could take him for a few hours, and she left
with him shortly after Valerie arrived.”
Carter chuckles as I frown, smoothing his thumb between my brows.
“He’ll be back soon. I want to show you something first.”
Backing away from me, he holds out his hands, and I take them,
slipping from the desk. “Your surprise.”
We intertwine our fingers while walking out of the office, up the stairs
to the third floor, and onto the pathway leading toward the back building.
My eyes widen at the open windows, and I quicken my steps to see what’s
inside the mysterious room. Stopping at the open doorway, I take in the
fresh pine scent, the walls bright white with one accent painted with trees
behind a massive dark bookshelf.
“Wow….” I step inside, running my fingers along the matching wooden
desk in the middle while staring at the beautiful mural. I glance at Carter
smiling, moving forward to read a few romance novel titles already piled in
one corner, then smooth my index finger down the spine of Sin and
Sinuous. “Your mother’s books?”
“They’re yours now.” I turn toward Carter as he steps in close to me.
“This room is yours to pursue your passions. Anything you desire.”
“Anything I desire?”
Heat courses through me as he draws me flush to his body. “Anything.”
“Is that a spare bedroom over there?” I ask, staring at one of the open
doors in the corner.
“It is, but who needs a bed when there’s a whole new room that needs
breaking in.” I giggle against his lips, moaning when he lifts me to straddle
his waist. ”Give Parish a few more pointers on how to get the girl.”
“Oh, he’ll definitely get her then.”
Carter pushes my back against the bookshelf, his erection pressing
between my thighs as his tongue enters my mouth, and I moan while
rocking against his dick, needing him badly until we break away when a
doorbell rings around us several times.
He chuckles, sliding his forehead to my shoulder. “Seems Garret’s
home.” Staring into my heavy gaze, he adds, “Meet you here later?”
I bite my bottom lip and nod. “9:00?”
“Mm, Ms. Morales, there’s no telling when. You’ll just have to find out,
won’t you?”
Pins and needles scatter across my skin at the possibilities to come. “I’ll
be waiting. Bossman.”

Staring blankly at my laptop screen, I blink a few times and re-read the
subject line, which popped up five seconds ago. My eyes are clearly
deceiving me because there’s no way Ashton Juniper’s Publishing is in my
inbox right now. I hover my mouse pointer over the link, clicking, and
there’s no further denying.
Good evening, Ms. Morales.
On Saturday, January 26th, Mr. Juniper formally invites you to attend a
writer’s conference in New York City. This event is open to aspiring, new,
and seasoned authors alike to meet and mingle. Our goal is to help expand
our community while searching for new talent. Please respond if you’re
interested in attending, as we are tallying up the number of participants.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Violet Brooks
Ashton Juniper’s Publishing
Midtown Manhattan
Any sane person would instantly reply, but of course, why would that
somebody be me as I slowly close my laptop and deposit the device inside
my top desk drawer.
In the ninth grade, my English teacher, who had a few novels published
himself, informed me about this well-established publishing house smack in
the middle of Manhattan, and how they are known for taking in new authors
and supporting them in their climb to the bestseller’s list.
Some of the biggest names come from there, and gaining recognition by
anything remotely close to Ashton Juniper is insane. That a renowned
company took an interest in me from a tiny snippet?
Grabbing my phone, I text Cole:
Tell your mom I love her to pieces.

Then I stand and wander out of my office, needing time to compose my

thoughts before replying to anyone. As I head into the main house, Carter
walks out of Garret’s room with him trailing close behind, and both of their
smiles ease my nerves.
“Shelly!” Garret takes hold of my leg, squeezing tightly before sliding
to sit on my foot.
“Hey, did you work out the hole in your story already?” Carter asks,
holding the side of my face and planting two pecks on my lips.
“No, but it’s getting there.”
He hums, smoothing his thumb along my cheek, then draws me in for a
deeper kiss. He can kiss me all day, and I’ll never tire of his lips on mine. 
“Dinner’s on the table. Hope you’re hungry for chicken lo mein.”
“Sounds great.”
We head downstairs to the kitchen, enjoying our meal while I try to
figure out a plan for going to New York. Should I travel alone? No. Carter
and Garret should come with me since there’s no way I want to experience
this accomplishment by myself.
“Hey, you okay over there?” Carter asks, finishing up the last of his
“Yeah, something popped up today.”
“Character related?”
I smile, setting my fork on my plate. “No—well, it’s book-related, but
requires me to travel.”
His brows furrow. “Okay, what is it? Anything I can help you with?”
Garret yawns, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles, and I smooth my
fingers through his curls. “Tired, bud?”
“No,” he says, his eyes lowering.
“I think you are. Time for bed.” Glancing at Carter, I add, “I’ll explain
once he’s down.”
“Alright, I’ll clean up.”
I lift Garret from the chair, and he rests his cheek on my shoulder as I
walk toward Carter for a kiss. “I’m in the mood for dessert.” 
“Are you?” he asks with a smirk. “I’ll throw something sweet together.”
“Yes, please. We can watch a movie too.”
Carter rests his arm on the back of the chair. “Meet me in the theater in
an hour.”
“Okay. It’s a date.”
He chuckles, and I head upstairs, tucking Garret, who’s already fast
asleep, in bed.
“Goodnight, mi vida,” I whisper, kissing his forehead.
Turning off the lamp, I stroll down the hall, peeking inside the dimmed
theater before entering our room for a brief shower. I wrap the towel around
my chest while entering the walk-in closet. It’s a decent size, with enough
space to put most of my stuff inside, but with the number of clothes and
shoes this man owns, there’s not much room for anything new.
I open my drawer, put on a pair of lacy panties, then head to Carter’s to
wear one of his cotton t-shirts, loving how his faint scent sticks to the
fabric. Ready, I’m off to the theater as Carter finishes his sensual setup: a
tray with chocolate-covered strawberries, and chilled wine, while Carter
pauses my favorite movie at the beginning and settles on the couch.
“Wow. This is nice,” I say, stepping inside and Carter looks at me, his
gaze wandering my bare legs while I saunter forward, sitting beside him to
cuddle into his body.
I draw my legs underneath me as he drapes his arm over my shoulders
and presses play, though I stare at him instead, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you.”
“All of this and being here with me.”
He shifts, his arm diving low behind me with his palm resting on my
thigh, his touch creating goosebumps all along my skin. The movie’s
playing, but I immerse myself in him, taking in Carter’s handsome face,
how he let his neat beard grow longer than the usual stubble, and I’m all for
it. I kiss his jaw, and he glances at me with a smirk. 
“Are you here to watch Ryan Reynold’s or me?”
Maneuvering onto my knees, I straddle Carter’s lap and he grips my
hips. “You’re an intriguing man, Mr. Anderson. I can’t help but watch you.”
Carter’s eyelids lower as he tips his head back onto the cushion,
caressing my ass through the thin fabric. “We could take this movie into the
I twist to grab a strawberry from the platter behind me, then hold the
delicious fruit over his mouth. “I’m right where I want to be.”
A piece of chocolate cracks off as he takes a sizable bite, the piece
dropping onto my leg, and we both look down as the sweetness softens.
Carter uses his thumb to spread the chocolate along my inner thigh, his
heavy gaze meeting mine for a split second before he suddenly lifts, and
presses my back into the couch cushions.
“Seems I’ve made a mess.”
Bunching my shirt to expose my stomach, he dips forward, making me
squirm by trailing gentle pecks below my breasts, kissing the soft line
downward until he reaches my panties. The heat from his heavy breath as
he hovers inches above my pussy causes me to grasp his hair, craving so
badly for him to slip the fabric to the side and work his tongue in wicked
ways to alleviate my throbbing clit.
Instead, Carter tends to my thigh and sucks the chocolate off with an
approving hum. I’m waiting for his next move as his gaze lingers on mine,
but he straightens his stance, takes another strawberry, and continues to
watch the movie.
He enjoys torturing me with foreplay.
I grin at his poker face, pretending the tease hasn’t affected him as much
as it did me, but his dick begging to be freed states otherwise. Rising to my
elbows, I continue to observe him with my head tipping to the side,
awaiting the moment he cracks.
“Come watch the movie with me,” he says, adjusting his erection which
only makes his hard dick more prominent in his black sweats, then spreads
his arm along the top of the couch.
I giggle, shaking my head while snuggling back into his side. “Tease.”
“And you love every minute.”
“Indeed I do,” I say, placing my palm dangerously high on his thigh.
As I stare at the screen for several minutes, my mind strays to the email,
waiting for an answer inside my desk.
“Carter, I need you.”
He chuckles, wraps his arms around me again, and draws me closer to
his side. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m starting right where we left off, later.”
I stare at him. “Very much looking forward to that, but what I meant
was will you come with me to New York at the end of January?”
“Sure, what for?”
“I received an email earlier, an invitation to attend an event at a well-
known publishing house, and I don’t want to go alone.” 
Carter pauses the movie and faces me. “Shelby, that’s incredible. How
did they find you? Did you submit your work to them?” 
“Cole’s mother contacted Ashton Juniper on my behalf, and the
unknown of what’s coming is terrifying. I’ve yet to submit anything besides
Marie showing them a sample of my writing style. I don’t know. What if
my work’s not as good as they thought, and they reject me?”
“You’ll need to develop thick skin. Not all will be in your favor, but you
won’t get anywhere unless you try. Show them who you are, and baby, you
deserve every bit of success coming to you.” 
I grin into his chest, pressing my cheek before he kisses the top of my
head. “Thank you for the pep talk, mi amor.”
“You’ll do great.“ Resuming the movie, he asks, “Have you emailed
them back?”
“Not yet. I’ll reply in the morning.”
As we focus on the movie, I push all but Carter off my mind because
when it’s our alone time, my attention belongs to him and only him.

I’m naked, entangled in dark satin sheets with sex and Whiskey still
permeating the air. Sunlight peeks in through the dense curtains of the
balcony door, and I stretch my arms, feeling the delicious ache within each
crevice of my body, the after-effect of our vigorous time last night because
of how well Carter knows me inside and out. I want more, insatiable deep
to my core from his teasing mouth, for those strong hands exploring,
craving for him to thrust his dick inside me over and over again.
Rolling over to face Carter, I pout when he’s not in bed. Lately, he’s
been spoiling me, staying in as we wait for Garret to wake before starting
his work day, though possible he had an early meeting. As my heavy gaze
wanders to the time, I straighten—it’s 10:30 in the morning, and I rarely
sleep past 8:00.
I roll out of bed, quickly shower, and ready myself for the day before
strolling downstairs, where my favorite squeaky voice echoes in the
distance. “Daddy, you popped it again!”
Following a deep chuckle, one I love so much. “Alright, you finish the
I peep around the corner, leaning against the wall to revel in the scene
playing before me. Carter’s come a long way, and I’m so proud of the father
he is today. Strolling toward my boys, I snake my hands around Carter’s
stomach, hugging his back before settling beside him, and he relaxes his
arm around my shoulders.
“Good morning,” he says, and I tip my head, taking his tender kiss
while gazing at him.
“Mornin’, mi amor. I enjoyed last night.”
His lips touch mine again. “Did you sleep well?”
“Always when I’m with you.”
Garret places the last egg on the plate. “All done!”
“Good job, little chef,” I say, and he grins, carefully climbing down the
chair to push it back to the round table.
There’s a Christmas mug beside my laptop where I usually sit, and I
peek at Carter’s smirking face before he nods his head toward my future.
“Go take a seat.”
Arching a brow, I roam to the table, and Carter leans into the counter,
dimples appearing as he presents a delicious grin. I smile back, take my
place, and lift the screen.
“Alright, let’s do this.”


So far, so good.
The hostess sits us at the corner table, which overlooks the La Jolla
shoreline. Glad I was able to snag one of the best seats in the restaurant for
this special occasion. It’s our third anniversary, Kimber and I had our first
date here the week I moved back to California, and I saw it fitting to be the
place to ask for her hand. The past six months have been the best over the
years, making up for the few not-so-great, but we’ve both grown as people,
communicating to strengthen our relationship.
I pull out her chair, Kimber’s rosy lips opening to reveal her beautiful
smile, and I give her a wink before taking my seat across the small table.
“Thank you,” she says, then hangs her purse off the back of her chair.
“I’m starving.”
“Me too.”
Picking up the menu, I search through each category, in the mood for a
savory steak, and a woman with dark hair holding a pitcher of water
approaches the table.
“Hello, I’m Willow, your server for this evening. Can I start you off
with a drink and appetizers?” she asks while filling our glasses and then
placing the remaining along the side of our table.
Kimber glances from the menu, sweeping her straight platinum hair
behind her ear. “How big is the Bruschetta Sampler?”
“The sampler comes with six pieces, two of each flavor—”
“Obviously. I mean, how big are the pieces of bread? If I’m paying
18.50 for six pieces, I’d like decent-sized slices.”
“Oh, it’s bite-size, about….” Willow shows the approximate size using
her fingers, and I narrow my eyes at Kimber when she snorts a laugh.
“Kim,” I say, rubbing my palm along my bearded jaw.
She looks at me, grinning while trying to contain her laughter. “What?
I’m impressed with her way of delivering. Most people would compare to
an object, but that works too.”
I sigh, looking at Willow as she presses her lips together, then turn back
to Kimber. “That comment was unnecessary.”
Her brow arches. “Okay. I was expressing myself. Isn’t that what we’re
working on?”
“Yes, but being rude wasn’t the best way to go about it—”
“Rude? How’s asking for clarity to my question rude?”
“It’s okay,” Willow says, holding up her hands. “She’s right. I
misunderstood her question. Do you need another minute to look over the
Kimber smirks. “Just bring the Bruschetta. I’m so hungry I’ll eat
anything right now. Also, I’d like a Mojito, but make sure they don’t use
too much mint. Last time I was here, the intense flavor ruined the drink.”
“Of course. I’ll let the bartender know. Anything for you, Sir?” She
turns toward me, gnawing on her bottom lip while she waits for my reply.
I’ll make it easy for her. 
“Jack and coke, please. Thank you.”
She nods, a slight smile appearing before she walks away.
“What was that?” Kimber asks, narrowing her eyes. “Why would you
embarrass me like that?”
I huff out a laugh, shaking my head. “Okay, I’m sorry. I don’t want to
argue tonight. Can we try having a nice dinner for our anniversary?”
“I have no issues with that.”
  Keeping further comments to myself, I continue looking through the
menu, glancing at Kimber every so often as she talks about what happened
at the office with one of the senior architects this afternoon, and half
wondering if our relationship will end up spiraling again. Like clockwork,
happening every few months, and once we passed the half-year mark, I was
hopeful that couples therapy was working.
“And then, Rodney was like, well, if you hadn’t worn that low-cut shirt
today, then maybe my eyes wouldn’t wander to your tits. That man’s
something else.”
My brows raise. “Wait, he said what?”
“Are you even listening to me—”
“Okay, here are your drinks,” Willow says, holding a large black platter
in her right hand. “And the appetizer.” She places the long plate in the
middle of the table. “I put in a word to give your order the larger baguette
Kimber takes a sip of her drink and scrunches her face. “Again, way too
much mint.”
Willow furrows her brows but softens her expression quickly. “I
apologize. I’ll have the bartender remake you one.”
“Did you remember to tell them?”
“I did.”
“Doesn’t taste like it,” she mumbles, taking another sip before sliding
the glass away.
What’s her problem tonight?
Lowering her head, Willow grabs the drink before walking away, and I
stand from my seat, staring at Kimber before heading to the restroom by the
back corner.
“Where are you going—”
I quicken my steps down a short hall, enter the men’s room, and blow
out a deep breath while leaning on the sink. The small velvet box in my
right pocket feels heavier by the second as I stare into my reflection. For
three years, I committed to Kimber, introducing her to my family and
friends, which I’ve never done with any relationship. The first year and a
half were incredible, and never did I believe she’d become so insolent.
Someone enters the room, and I give him a curt nod before straightening
my stance, leaving soon after. Strolling with my hand in my pocket, I palm
the box, stopping by the bar while pulling it out, and open the top. Kimber
fell in love with this ring as we passed a jewelry store in the mall. The
extravagant design is the opposite of my grandmother’s simple ring, which
Mom passed on to me. I have the diamond stored in a safe in case Kimber
ever came about it.
The fact that I didn’t think to use Gram’s ring should say something
about marrying Kimber. Worrying about if she’ll accept the vintage design
over the princess cut, yet the thought of not asking Kimber for her hand
after everything we’ve been through, how hard we’ve worked at our
relationship seems like a slap in the face.
It’s the right thing to do.
Willow halts her steps as she strides forward with her head down,
staring wide-eyed at me as she looks up. “I’m sorry—oh, hi.”
I smile, moving out of the way to let her pass. “Hello.”
Her gaze falls to the box in my hand, then back to my face—eyes as
blue as a bright sunny sky, not a cloud in sight behind those long dark
“Hi….” she whispers again, then places her knuckles over her mouth,
covering the gorgeous smile that pulls at her lips. “I already said that.”
I chuckle, storing the ring in my pocket. “You did.”
Willow slowly backs toward the women’s restroom, smirking before she
enters, and I blink a few times as my phone sounds in my pocket, silencing
Kimber’s call before stepping toward our table. 
“There you are. Why did you leave that way? That waitress came to
take our order while you were gone, so I got you the chicken.”
Lifting my drink, I take an immense gulp while staring out the window.
I’d rather have something different, but no need to create an issue about it.
Kimber takes hold of my hand, and I turn toward her. “I have news and
a favor to ask,” she says, barely able to contain her grin.
“What’s that?”
“So, I found out this morning the head designer is retiring, and I was
thinking maybe I could apply for the position. I’ve been at Anderson’s
Architecture & Design since the beginning, and my portfolio’s better
developed than any of the designers….” Intertwining our fingers, she
strokes along the back of my hand. “Plus, since you and Mr. Anderson are
friends, I was hoping you could put in a good word for me?”
“Sure. I’ll talk with Carter tomorrow at the firm.”
Kimber squeals, clapping her hands. “Thank you, baby!” Chewing on
her bottom lip, she glances around the room before leaning forward. “Want
to meet me in the bathroom? We can do the thing I’ve been wanting to do.”
I raise a brow. “What thing?”
“You know….” She glides her foot up my leg, stopping at my inner
thigh. “Your tie, my wrists bound behind my back.” Pressing along my
dick, she smirks as I grip my napkin, then adds, just as Willow arrives with
our food. “While you fuck my throat raw.”
Eyes wide, Willow’s cheeks turn bright pink while she blinks a few
times, looking between us before placing our meals down. “Enjoy.”
Quickly she leaves when I grunt into my hand, stopping Kimber as she
continues rubbing my dick hard.
Her smile widens as she tilts her head. “What’s the matter, Cole?”
“Now’s not the time.”
“Why? Stop being a prude. You act like you’ve never fucked me in
public, a dressing room not so long ago, if you’ve forgotten.”
“Alright. Just wait until later, please.”
I adjust my erection when she removes her foot, then scoffs while
looking at her plate. “She can’t even give us the right food. Here, this one’s
Kimber holds out the chicken dish, and I glance at the sirloin before me,
then switch plates. After a few minutes, Willow returns to replace our
pitcher of water.
“How’s everything?” she asks without looking at either of us.
“Great. Thank—”
“I never got my new drink,” Kimber responds, and with a tight smile,
Willow nods.
“I’ll go grab that for you now.”
“Don’t bother. I wouldn’t expect you to get the order right anyway.”
Placing my utensils on the plate, I lean back in my chair, rubbing my
eyes before staring out the window again.
She’s definitely being a bitch on purpose now.
“Why are you being so rude to me?” Willow asks, her tone low as if
she’s trying her hardest to keep a calm composure.
“Maybe if you did your job correctly, I wouldn’t have to complain. How
hard is writing down an order?”
I clench my jaw, staring at Kimber with my brows furrowed before I
look at Willow. “Can I have the check, please?”
“No problem,” she says, then strides away.
“Cole. I’m still eating, and you’ve barely touched your food.”
“I’m not hungry.”
Kimber huffs a laugh, shaking her head. “Of course. You always do
“Me—” I hum into my knuckles, pressing my lips together while
bouncing my knee under the table. “I’m not continuing further.”
“Here we are.” Willow places two containers and a black booklet on the
table a few moments later. “I apologize for my outburst. That wasn’t
professional of me, and please know I took both drinks off the bill. Thank
you for dining with us tonight, and I hope to see you again soon. Take
care,” she states, then leaves as quickly as she came.
 Rolling her eyes, Kimber stands, fixing the hem of her dress. “Can you
box this for me? I’ll be outside, and don’t give her a tip. She doesn’t
deserve one.”
I don’t reply as she leaves the table, watching her through the window
before I scrape the food into each container, leaving exact change to cover
the 70.00 bill, plus slip 50.00 for a tip under the book. There’s no way I’m
not tipping Willow with the way Kimber treated her. If she wasn’t waiting
outside, I’d find Willow to apologize, but I shouldn’t keep Kimber waiting.
Once I step into the parking lot, she gasps, feeling around her body.
“Shit, I left my purse inside.”
Rushing back into the building, Kimber heads straight for the table
where Willow stands, covering her mouth while holding the bill I left, and a
moment later Kimber’s striding toward the exit. 
“Really, Cole? I said not to leave her anything—” She hits me
repeatedly with her purse, getting me good on my lip. “Do you like her? Is
that why you left her fifty fucking dollars!?”
“Kimber, stop—” I take hold of her waist, drawing her back to my front
to keep her from hitting me harder, and she gets out of my arms to push me
“Excuse me!” Willow yells, her eyes wide as she rushes toward us. “I’m
so sorry. I overcharged you instead of taking off the drinks and went to give
you your change, but you had already left….” She glances at Kimber who’s
scowling, then gazes into my eyes while holding out the money. “I’m glad I
caught you.”
I hesitate to take the tip she deserves, but if I don’t play along, there’s a
chance this situation could escalate toward her, and that’s the last instance I
I peek at Kimber before taking the money. “Thank you.” Expressing
while staring into her beautiful blue eyes. “I appreciate it.”
Willow gives me a meek smile, her eyes flicking to the fifty before
heading back into the building, and Kimber strides toward the car. I look at
the bill, and on the back is a drawing of a small butterfly, using a single
unbroken line that ends with a curly thank you.
Our eyes connect through the window, only for a second, this moment
I’ll never forget, and I turn as a horn sounds in the distance, swiftly
pocketing the bill before walking away. The drive to my home is a blur, not
registering a word of what Kimber has to say, though her tone has shifted
back to normal as if she didn’t make a scene outside the restaurant.
Parking in my driveway, I leave and stride inside, dropping my keys on
the island before placing our leftovers in the fridge. I rest my forearms on
the chilled metal surface when Kimber hugs me from behind, pressing her
cheek on my back.
“Are you mad at me?”
I sigh, and her hold tightens with my attempt to turn. “We need to talk.”
“No.” She maneuvers to my front, lifting onto her toes to wrap her arms
around my neck. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
Pressing my lips together, I close my eyes, tilting my head back as she
kisses my throat, whispering more apologies, threading her fingers into my
shoulder-length hair to draw me to her mouth. I give in to her gentleness,
lifting her as she wraps her legs around my waist, then carry her through the
short hallway toward my bedroom to place her on the bed.
Kimber removes her dress, reaching to unbuckle my belt, but I stop her.
She bites her bottom lip while staring into my eyes, tears brimming those
dark brown hues, so I blow out a shaky breath, allowing her to continue
removing each article of clothing. The time her mouth takes to get me ready
as she sucks my dick is longer than usual, but once I’m hard enough, she
grabs a condom inside the nightstand, then straddles my lap once I lie back
on the mattress.
Rolling on the rubber, she sits on my length, moaning while bringing
my hand to squeeze her breast, rocking her hips, and I swallow the knot
lodged in my throat as she expresses how good I feel inside her. I’m trying
to enjoy the moment as my beautiful girl fucks me, but all I can focus on
are the negative aspects of our relationship. My chest aches with each
passing second they fill my mind, and I grip her hips to steady her
movements once she picks up the pace.
“I can’t do this anymore, Kim.”
“Shh,” she whispers, kissing me as she bends forward, but I gently press
her back.
“No. Don’t do that.”
“Mask our problems through sex.” I straighten with her still on my lap.
“I’m tired, so fucking tired of making excuses for our relationship, hoping
time will eventually heal us, but we both know what we have isn’t healthy.”
Taking her cheek in my hand, I gently stroke a few strands of hair away
from her face. “Tell me honestly, Kim. Are you happy? Because I can’t say
I am. Not anymore.”
She furrows her brows. “Cole, are you…you’re seriously dumping me
with your dick still inside me?”
“You’re such an asshole!” Shoving me down, she climbs off my lap,
grabs her dress, and strides toward the doorway while dragging the fabric to
cover her body.
I groan, rubbing my eyes before discarding the condom and heading for
the kitchen just as glass shatters in the distance. Quickening my steps, I
duck as Kimber throws anything within reach.
“Can’t believe I wasted three years of my life with you.” A cup whips
past my head, breaking on the wall.
“Kim, that’s enough!”
“You’re not happy with me—fine. You’re doing me a fucking favor. I
don’t have to put up with your mediocre sex anymore.” She laughs, wiping
under her eyes, striding to push on my chest. “So glad I won’t have to waste
my pussy on you to get ahead.”
“What are you talking about?”
She smirks, taking a few steps back. “I found someone better suited for
the job anyway, knowing how to make me come over and over after
wasting a night with you.”
I clench my jaw, my throat constricting as tears threaten to emerge. “Get
She shakes her head, dropping another glass to the floor to shatter as she
reaches the counter. “What? Why do you care another man fucks me?
You’re tired of trying. Right? So I might as well stop pretending. Did you
know I think of him whenever your dick’s inside me? Wishing I didn’t have
to fake my way through you because when I’m with him, I never have to
get him ready to fuck me.”
I stay quiet, and it only makes her laugh.
“Look at you, thirty, and still can’t grow a pair of balls to defend
yourself, allowing people to walk all over you. You’re a joke, and he’s
incomparable, just as you’ll always be second best. In bed, at work—
around your family.”
“Get the fuck out!”
Kimber’s smile widens to a grin, and she grabs her purse on the island
before promptly leaving my shattered home.

Link to Spotify:
music in story order

Thank you for taking the time to read Whiskey Lullaby!

I hope you enjoy Carter and Shelby’s story as much as I've enjoyed writing
Next is book two, Blank Canvas, Cole & Willow’s story in the Insatiable
Series. Coming 2024.
Info to my social media pages are in the about the author section. Stay
updated on future books, enjoy teasers, and more.
If you’ve enjoyed Whiskey Lullaby and would like to leave a review, it’s
much appreciated!

Rule Breaker: Book one

I had one rule...

then she came along.
Sadie Oakley
The client I shouldn’t have taken.
My escort business has always come first, working with women who are searching for that extra
boost in their life, and I enjoy the gratification of a successful weekend.
Building trust. Satisfying needs.
Yet, Sadie makes me reckless, willing to risk everything, and each day we’re together, I’m falling
harder, my rule becoming damn near impossible to keep.
I’m close to breaking.
I don’t know how much more of her I can take with every urge to draw her close while keeping her at
a distance.

Broken Rules: Book two

I hid behind my own set of rules…
until he came along.
Lennox Hunter
The guy who won’t stay away.
As a Red Vixen, I’m a man’s most lavish fantasy come to life, and for years I’ve learned to suppress
emotions for my job.
No care. No pulse felt.
Yet, Lennox affects me whenever he’s around until one drastic moment flips my world upside down,
and every feeling comes crashing at once.
I’m barely holding on.
I don’t know how much more I can take, with every urge to push him away while I crave to have him

My family and friends: I love and appreciate you all! Thank you for being
so supportive and your encouraging words. Thank you to my sister
Casandra for always being there to talk with me through the details of my
stories and piecing together the new elements of Whiskey Lullaby.

Andrea: Thank you for always being there to help me brainstorm, keep me
on track, and put up with my late-night shenanigans. Without you, I’d be
plotting a new story instead of finishing Whiskey.

My Beta-reader: Margo Brialis, thank you so much for your time and help
in strengthening Whiskey Lullaby to its full potential. Wonderful feedback,
once again, and it was a pleasure working with you! Now onto the next
book! :)

S.J. Rosalie is a steamy contemporary romance author who’s big on writing empowering female
leads and a sucker for swoon-worthy love with happily ever afters. When she’s not writing, you’ll
find her relaxing with her three kids and husband, cozying it up under a warm blanket with a book, or
binge-watching a tv series.

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