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Division of City Schools


Usab, Masbate City

First Parents’ Forum

(S.Y. 2019-2020)

I. Present

A. Presiding Officer: Leah M. Romblon (TIC/ HT-I)

B. Faculty Teachers:

1. Abapo, Meggie C. (T-III/Science)

2. Alcao, Alvin M. (T-I/ Math)
3. Arellano, Candy B. (T-I/Science)
4. Ballestamon, Lorena L. (T-III/T.L.E.)
5. Bagalihog, Leah C. (T-II/SHS Teacher)
6. Bajar, Gioia N.(T-I /T.L.E.)
7. Besana,Wilina B.(T-I/SHS Teacher)
8. Cajepe, Ma. Sandra C. (T-III/A.P.)
9. Caliwan, Emerita R. (T-III/Filipino)
10. Cantonjos, Ana Jean V.(T-III/English)
11. Cantre, Ruby Ann R. (T-I/English)
12. Castillo, Gines III I. (T-I./T.L.E.)
13. Cledera, Irene C. (T-III/T.L.E.)
14. Cortes, Glory C. (SHS Teacher)
15. Danao, Antonio Jr. B. (T-I/T.L.E.)
16. Danao, Eliseo C. (T-I / Mapeh)
17. Dela Rosa Elmer (T-I/Senior High)
18. Depamaylo, Allan Y. (T-I/Mathematics)
19. Endrina, Nikko Mark Joseph F. (T-III/A.P.)
20. Estoquia, Gerard Leomel R. (T-III/English)
21. Guiriba, Dexter I. (T-I/Math)
22. Laure, Karen M.(T-III/Filipino)
23. Nacional, Emie E.(T-III/Math)
24. Nunez, Marian Janeth (SHS Teacher)
25. Oliva, Roter Ron B. (SHS Teacher)
26. Ponsones, Felirose A. (T-III/ Filipino)
27. Rosero, Blessly Grace R.(T-I / MAPEH)
28. Rosero, Joseph S. (T-III/Math)
29. Soylon,Mawen Pamela R. (T-I/Science)

C. Parents

II. Meeting Date: June 08,2019 (Saturday)

III. Call to Order: Leah M. Romblon, School head, called the First Parents’ Forum at
8:30 in the morning, in makeshift building.

IV. Agenda:

1. Orientation on:
a. School Kasunduan
b. Excuse letter
c. Haircut
d. School uniform
2. Schedule of Quarterly Exams
3. Orientation on the Vaccines of Grade 7 Students
4. Classroom PTA Meeting

V. Reports/Content of the Meeting

1. Preliminary(ies):

The following was conducted before the meeting proper:

a. Philippine National Anthem: Karen M. Laure

b. Prayer: Nikko Mark Joseph F. Endrina
c. Opening Remarks: Dexter I. Guiriba

2. Meeting Proper:

a. The school head informed the parents that starting this school year
“School Kasunduan” will be imposed and implemented.

1. The main content of “School Kasunduan” is the school policies

and regulations.
2. If the students disobeyed and go against the implemented
rules, corresponding sanctions will be given.
3. Parents will be called to the office and will be informed if their
students committed some misdemeanors.
4. “School Kasunduan” will be distributed by the school in two
copies, one for the school and the remaining copy is for the
parents. Parents and students should sign the “School
Kasunduan” form.

b. Another concern raised by the school head was the “Excuse Letter”.

1. Parents were told to send excuse letter if their student is sick

or absent from their respective classes. In this way teachers
will be informed of the whereabouts of their students.
2. The school head told the parents that the attendance of the
students is being checked by period.
c. Proper haircut of the male students was also mentioned during the
meeting. Students are not allowed to have colored hair.

d. Designated uniforms of the students were discussed in the forum. The

following are the prescribed uniform:

1. Girls : White blouse/ T-shirt and skirt

2. Boys : White polo/ T-shirt and maong/dark pants

e. The schedule of quarterly exams was announced during the forum. The
parents were informed that no money will be asked from the students
during the quarterly examination. Testpapers are free. The following is
the schedule of quarterly exams:

1. First Quarter: August 8-9, 2019

2. Second Quarter: October 17-18,2019
3. Third Quarter : January 9-10,2020
4. Fourth Quarter :
Grade 12: March 13, 2020
Grade 7-11: March 19-20, 2020

f. Rhoda L. Estoquia, Division Nurse conducted an orientation about the

different vaccines which are to be given to the Grade 7 students. The
said activity helped a lot in making the parents understand the
importance of vaccines in improving the health condition of their

g. After the orientation at 9:30 in the morning, Parents were asked to

proceed to their children’s classhome for the election of the PTA officers
and the selection of PTA Project.

VI. Time Ended: 9:30 in the morning.

VII. Documentation:
Prepared by:

T-III / Section Adviser


HT-I/ T.I.C.

Division of City Schools

Usab, Masbate City

First Parents’ Forum

(S.Y. 2019-2020)

Attendance of Teachers
June 08, 2019 (Saturday) : 8:30 in the morning

Presiding Officer: Leah M. Romblon (HT-I/School Head)


1. Abapo, Meggie C. (T-III/Science)
2. Alcao, Alvin M. (T-I/ Math)
3. Arellano, Candy B. (T-I/Science)
4. Ballestamon, Lorena L. (T-III/T.L.E.)
5. Bagalihog, Leah C. (T-II/SHS Teacher)
6. Bajar, Gioia N.(T-I /T.L.E.)
7. Besana,Wilina B.(T-I/SHS Teacher)
8. Cajepe, Ma. Sandra C. (T-III/A.P.)
9. Caliwan, Emerita R. (T-III/Filipino)
10. Cantonjos, Ana Jean V.(T-III/English)
11. Cantre, Ruby Ann R. (T-I/English)
12. Castillo, Gines III I. (T-I./T.L.E.)
13. Cledera, Irene C. (T-III/T.L.E.)
14. Cortes,Glory C.(SHS Teacher)
15. Danao, Antonio Jr. B. (T-I/T.L.E.)
16. Danao, Eliseo C. (T-I / Mapeh)
17. Dela Rosa Elmer (T-I/Senior High)
18. Depamaylo, Allan Y.(T-I/Math)
19. Endrina, Nikko Mark Joseph F. (TIII/A.P.)
20. Estoquia, Gerard Leomel R.
21. Guiriba, Dexter I. (T-I/Math)
22. Laure, Karen M.(T-III/Filipino)
23. Nacional, Emie E. (T-III/Math)
24. Nunez, Marian Janeth M.(T-II /SHS)
25. Oliva, Roter Ron B. (T-I / SHS )
26. Ponsones, Felirose A. (T-III/Filipino)
27. Rosero, Blessly Grace R.(T-I / MAPEH)
28. Rosero, Joseph S. (T-III/Math)
29. Soylon, Mawen Pamela R.(T-I / Science)

Time ended: 9:30 in the morning

Division of City Schools

Usab, Masbate City

Preparation for School Foundation Day

(S.Y. 2019-2020)

I. Present

A. Presiding Officer: Dexter I. Guiriba(T-I/ Math)

B. Faculty Teachers:

1. Abapo, Meggie C. (T-III/Science)

2. Alcao, Alvin M. (T-I/ Math)
3. Arellano, Candy B. (T-I/Science)
4. Ballestamon, Lorena L. (T-III/T.L.E.)
5. Bagalihog, Leah C. (T-II/SHS Teacher)
6. Bajar, Gioia N.(T-I /T.L.E.)
7. Bello, Julie Therese L. (T-I/English)
8. Besana,Wilina B.(T-I/SHS Teacher)
9. Burabod, Ma. Socorro Mikaela M. (T-I/English)
10. Cajepe, Ma. Sandra C. (T-III/A.P.)
11. Caliwan, Emerita R. (T-III/Filipino)
12. Cantonjos, Ana Jean V.(T-III/English)
13. Cantre, Ruby Ann R. (T-I/English)
14. Castillo, Gines III I. (T-I./T.L.E.)
15. Cledera, Irene C. (T-III/T.L.E.)
16. Danao, Antonio Jr. B. (T-I/T.L.E.)
17. Danao, Eliseo C. (T-I / Mapeh)
18. Dela Rosa Elmer (T-I/Senior High)
19. Depamaylo, Allan Y. (T-I/Mathematics)
20. Endrina, Nikko Mark Joseph F. (T-III/A.P.)
21. Estoquia, Gerard Leomel R. (T-III/English)
22. Jardin,Dan Virgil M. (T-I/JHS)
23. Laure, Karen M.(T-III/Filipino)
24. Nacional, Emie E.(T-III/Math)
25. Nunez, Marian Janeth M. (T-II/SHS)
26. Oliva, Roter Ron B. (T-I/SHS Teacher)
27. Pe, Jerwin L. (T-I/Filipino)
28. Ponsones, Felirose A. (T-III/ Filipino)
29. Rosero, Blessly Grace R.(T-I / MAPEH)
30. Rosero, Joseph S. (T-III/Math)
31. Soylon,Mawen Pamela R. (T-I/Science)

C. SSG Officers

II. Meeting Date: October 04,2019 (Friday)

III. Call to Order: Dexter I.Guiriba, T-I/Mathematics, called the meeting at 1:00 in the
afternoon, in room 1.

IV. Agenda: 2019 Foundation Day Celebration

V. Reports/Content of the Meeting

1. Preliminary(ies):

The following was conducted before the meeting proper:

a. Prayer: Nikko Mark Joseph F. Endrina

b. Opening Remarks: Dexter I. Guiriba

2. Meeting Proper:

a. The presiding officer, Dexter I. Guiriba informed the teachers that the
12th Foundation Day will be held on October 30, 2019 (Thursday).

b. Some of the suggested activities for the event are:

1. Search for Mr. & Ms. Foundation

Every year level should have at least one pair of candidates.
2. Raffle promo will be done during the event.

 Raffle ticket amounting to P 30.00 will be distributed to the

students by the Mathematics teacher.
 The ticket will be used as the pass slip during the event.
 Candidates will be given 20 tickets, if they are able to sell
their tickets immediately then they can request for another
set of tickets.
 The candidates with the most purchased tickets will be
awarded as Mr.& Ms. Popularity
 Gains or proceeds will be used for establishing a school
project and for the other expenses of the said event.

c. For the prizes, teachers were asked to look for sponsors.

 Mawen Pamela R. Soylon (T-I/Science),one of the teachers,

sponsored Royale products and Tupperwares.
 Some of the raffle prizes will be from the sold tickets.

d. It was suggested that miscellaneous fee will be free to the candidates.

e. The following is the designated committee for every teacher:

 Stage

Chairman: Gioia N. Bajar

1. Jerwin L. Pe
2. Ruby Ann R. Cantre
3. Elmer Dela Rosa
4. Emie E. Nacional
5. Dan Virgil M. Jardin
6. Enjay Hermocilla
7. SSG Officers

 Physical Facility

Chairman: Gines I.Castillo

1. Dexter I. Guiriba
2. Gerard Leomel R. Estoquia
3. Eliseo C.Danao
4. BSP

 Invitation/ Program

Chairman: Candy B. Arellano

1. Alvin Alcao
2. Felirose A. Ponsones
3. Ana Jean V. Cantonjos
4. Julie Therese L. Bello

 Sounds and Lights:

Chairman: Joseph S. Rosero

1. Allan Y.Depamaylo
2. Wilina B. Besana


Chairman: Leah C. Bagalihog

1. Roter Ron B.Oliva
2. Antonio B. Danao Jr.
3. Lorena L. Ballestamon
4. Karen M. Laure
5. Ma. Sandra C. Cajepe
6. Emerita R. Caliwan
7. Ma. Socorro Mikaela M. Burabod

 Usher and awards

Chairman: Nikko Mark Joseph F. Endrina

1. Blessly Grace Rosero
2. Marian Janeth Nunez

 Receptionist

1. Irene C. Cledera
2. Glory C.Cortes
3. Meggie C. Abapo
4. SSG
5. BSP

 Letters/ Solicitation/ Raffle Prizes

1. Gerard Leomel R. Estoquia

2. Dexter I.Guiriba

f. The following is the proposed budget of every committee:

 Stage- P 5,000.00
 Physical Facility- P 200.00
 Invitation / Program / Certificates – P 1,500.00
 Sounds & Lights – P 5,000.00
 Ushers and Awards – P 3,000.00
 Raffle Prizes – P3,300.00
 Miscellaneous – P 3,000.00

g. The teachers agreed to contribute P 300.00 for the food of the said

VI. Time Ended: 2:00 in the afternoon.

VII. Documentation:
Prepared by:

T-III/ Section Adviser


HT I / T.I.C.

Division of City Schools

Usab, Masbate City

Second Quarter Parents’ Forum

(S.Y. 2019-2020)

I. Present

A. Presiding Officer: Leah M. Romblon (HT-I/ School Head)

B. Faculty Teachers:

1.Alcao, Alvin M. (T-I/ Math)

2.Bajar, Gioia N.(T-I /T.L.E.)
3.Bello, Julie Therese L. (T-I/English)
4.Cajepe, Ma. Sandra C. (T-III/A.P.)
5.Castillo, Gines III I. (T-I./T.L.E.)
6.Danao, Antonio Jr. B. (T-I/T.L.E.)
7.Dela Rosa Elmer (T-I/Senior High)
8.Jardin,Dan Virgil M. (T-I/JHS)
9.Nacional, Emie E.(T-III/Math)
10.Oliva, Roter Ron B. (T-I/SHS Teacher)
11.Pe, Jerwin L. (T-I/Filipino)
12.Ponsones, Felirose A. (T-III/ Filipino)
13.Rosero, Blessly Grace R.(T-I / MAPEH)
14.Rosero, Joseph S. (T-III/Math)


II. Meeting Date: November 09,2019 (Saturday)

III. Call to Order: Leah M. Romblon, the school head, called the meeting at 8:30 in the
morning, in Makeshift.

IV. Agenda: Attendance of Students

V. Reports/Content of the Meeting

A. Preliminary(ies):

The following was conducted before the meeting proper:

1.Prayer: Nikko Mark Joseph F. Endrina

2.Opening Remarks: Dexter I. Guiriba

B. Meeting Proper:
a. The presiding officer, Dexter I. Guiriba informed the teachers
that the 12 Foundation Day will be held on October 30, 2019

b. Some of the suggested activities for the event are:

3. Search for Mr. & Ms. Foundation

Every year level should have at least one pair of candidates.
4. Raffle promo will be done during the event.

 Raffle ticket amounting to P 30.00 will be distributed to the

students by the Mathematics teacher.
 The ticket will be used as the pass slip during the event.
 Candidates will be given 20 tickets, if they are able to sell
their tickets immediately then they can request for another
set of tickets.
 The candidates with the most purchased tickets will be
awarded as Mr.& Ms. Popularity
 Gains or proceeds will be used for establishing a school
project and for the other expenses of the said event.

c. For the prizes, teachers were asked to look for sponsors.

 Mawen Pamela R. Soylon (T-I/Science),one of the teachers,

sponsored Royale products and Tupperwares.
 Some of the raffle prizes will be from the sold tickets.

d. It was suggested that miscellaneous fee will be free to the


e. The following is the designated committee for every teacher:

 Stage

Chairman: Gioia N. Bajar

1. Jerwin L. Pe
2. Ruby Ann R. Cantre
3. Elmer Dela Rosa
4. Emie E. Nacional
5. Dan Virgil M. Jardin
6. Enjay Hermocilla
7. SSG Officers

 Physical Facility
Chairman: Gines I.Castillo
5. Dexter I. Guiriba
6. Gerard Leomel R. Estoquia
7. Eliseo C.Danao
8. BSP

 Invitation/ Program

Chairman: Candy B. Arellano

5. Alvin Alcao
6. Felirose A. Ponsones
7. Ana Jean V. Cantonjos
8. Julie Therese L. Bello

 Sounds and Lights:

Chairman: Joseph S. Rosero

3. Allan Y.Depamaylo
4. Wilina B. Besana


Chairman: Leah C. Bagalihog

8. Roter Ron B.Oliva
9. Antonio B. Danao Jr.
10. Lorena L. Ballestamon
11. Karen M. Laure
12. Ma. Sandra C. Cajepe
13. Emerita R. Caliwan
14. Ma. Socorro Mikaela M. Burabod

 Usher and awards

Chairman: Nikko Mark Joseph F. Endrina

3. Blessly Grace Rosero
4. Marian Janeth Nunez

 Receptionist

6. Irene C. Cledera
7. Glory C.Cortes
8. Meggie C. Abapo
9. SSG
10. BSP

 Letters/ Solicitation/ Raffle Prizes

3. Gerard Leomel R. Estoquia

4. Dexter I.Guiriba

f. The following is the proposed budget of every committee:

 Stage- P 5,000.00
 Physical Facility- P 200.00
 Invitation / Program / Certificates – P 1,500.00
 Sounds & Lights – P 5,000.00
 Ushers and Awards – P 3,000.00
 Raffle Prizes – P3,300.00
 Miscellaneous – P 3,000.00

g. The teachers agreed to contribute P 300.00 for the food of the said

C. Time Ended: 2:00 in the afternoon.

D. Documentation:

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