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BRIDGE Souimions| RIOGEREARNGS ——APANSIONIOWTS SERVES. CERTHIATONS Bridge Bearings Introduction ridge decks supported by pers oe susceptible to domage due to vice movernens ond est exporsion. The primary fureton of Elastomaric Bearing Pods |S to provide a connection to conteltheinteractns af loading and mavernents between parts of structure, usually between superstucture and substruive, Bearing pads provide 0 uniform tronafer of loa from bom to subestuctre earing pads are used extensively bridge stuctue~ Pre-stested and Pre-cst concrete bullings, ORF Bearings are manufoctued fom premium quality neoprenchatwal rubber. Al te Bearing pads are manufactured in compliance to stordords bee AASHTO, 85 5400, EN-1337, DIN 414% et,hardness ranging from $0 Shore’ to 70 Shore‘ Upon request, pedal designed beating nods fornos-starderd appcatian can ete be provided, ncuting testing ‘and cerscation, Bearing function Permit lateral movements due to temperature change, af ‘Transmitting load to substructure foundations ‘movements, win, shikage and eeep foundation movement Seismic actions, dynamic forces and resulting vibrations © Accommodate girder eration © Support vertclloass Design Bearing pads are designed as per AASHTO LRFD Braye Design Spectictions-2007. The design ule Is based on the assumption thet rubber is @ \scocastic materi the defection of which, under compressive loads, is ifluenced by ks shape. Reinforcing plats in the bearings ore chemically bonded to ‘he elastomes to prevent ory relative movement Designo! the Beating pods rests in achieing the size, which would be stable unde” the specie ood ‘vansletion and otatons ofthe ven aus Loads and Deflections ona Bearing Pad PIDGERTINGS ——APANSONIOWTS———SIRVIES CERTAIN. fv ‘i Combined Vertical & Combines Rotation Vertical Deflection Honzonal Dflection {8 Verical Detection Standards and Specification ‘We follow AASHTO LRFD and AASHTO M251 standard for ‘moter specication bearing pad designs Buta the some time, we are nat restricted to any standard and based onthe enquiy speciation, we low ol other standards tke BS ‘5400, EN 1337 ete. © Flastomer Used: ‘Te inner enforcing steel plates ore steel grade ASTM A36 or ‘tee of minimum equivalent elongation at break The minimum thickness ofthe plates used is 2mm waren pRoventy | __ TEST ACQUAMENTS stanoano | _unt_| sorcrication si 2407 trrscalrepery | Horeness ssrosrerA2s/On | Suen | 60ss 0 isin oa asimpaaressos |" "30 ‘Shear Modulus °G' value, Por A2/DINSSSO4 MPa 0.90 Crago ress TTD aTa7ES | Seve | pectomee) ‘Max Change in Tensile strength 903 Port A19/ DIN, * 15 Gorseroor) —_[ecchonenUimete suaniea| 55508 t = 7STD 305 Hanoa on Sot (Max Permissible Change B/BS9O3Port Ab/ * 35 farmse too) onsssr conn "SIMD 147 C5epmt6rex | Croker matoat 705909 | | Wo crocs fore ot sen) aah nstmpinea88 Bond Test Load at fore: 9O3:Port A2LI2/ Nimm 7 on 200 Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Pads (Steel Reinforced) Steel Reinforced Lominated elastomeric bearing pods con accommedate movement in ny drecton ord rotational movement of any axis by east deformation. They ore ually used where bridges ore surceptible t high lading high anslation and rotation. Akerate nye of sel and rubber are vlcarsed together to tai the desied ad bearing capacty. Lamineted beings canbe ether rectangular recur as pe the requirement atthe abutments (Cotton Duck Pad ‘Searing pode con cto be reinforced with ction duck fob, which ie commonly known a caton ck pads (CDP. CDP are hrown to be quite si ond to have large compressve lead capacty, Because of he gret stress the rotatonal capacty and vanslatonal movements of CDP has bean severely {APANSIONIONTS SERVES ERTMVATINS =. nominated os per the AASHTO stondarde ond caklations Plain Elastomeric Bearing Pads Plain elastomeric becring pads are sold blocks of rubber without any steel reinforcement plates. They are rot generally used In bridges. They are Plain elastomeric bearing pads are simple low-cost rubber separation stip, capable f carying compressive loads end providing limited wonsltonal Pe Davceanes — aPNBONIONTS RES aH ‘This typeof specol purpose becring pod consists oF top and Botom lead pltes wits @ guide to restrict the moverrertto the required rection. The top and bottem ad plates are ht-wulearized to the rubber. Anchor rods are ako provided inthe ood plates fr anchoring to the bridges as per BS Standards. The ‘ubber pads could ether be plan or reinforced as per te load cordon prevaling Sliding Bearing Pads (Frictionless Bearing Pads) Sliding type beating pads ae povided where there's a requirement of higher rslaton with respect to avaible eee inthe abutment, especially In large ‘mols orports where spons oe very wide and higher relative translations, PTFE sheets with miror-fished stainless steel plates are used for cbalnng the desired resut of higher tronslatons. PEE i ether chemically bonded or ‘xed using adhesives othe top portion ofthe bearing pads, Bearing pads ae either pln or enforce with respect othe loads define. Pot bearngs ae special types of bearing pads fr taking large loads, tanstaton ‘end retain in contined areas, Pot bearing oe olen regarded as stable fr use ‘when orge bearing rotavons ore to lage Fetaion may occur on any ax’ and Is accommodated by deformaton of the ‘lostomerie pod, Pot bearings are Fixes against ll raslaons unless they are wed with @ PTFE sling surface, The pod ie deformable but almost ‘ncompressble ond the pot bearing hos lrge reserve copacty against versal bo Pot bearings are divided int three t () Fixed ot Bearing + Cons lengiusinol and wonsvesal movements + Beorstongitusinl and wansversal horizontal loads OD) (Y) Free Sliding Pt Bearing + Allows longhusnal ond transversal movements «Beas longitusinl ond traversal horzotal loads (Z) Gaided Pot Bearings + Atows tongue movements + Canstins wansversolmoverents «Bears horertlroneversaloode Standards and Specifications The basic elements ofa pot bearing: 1 Shallow cylinder or pot 2.Flastomeric pad 3,Set of sealing rings 4: Piston S PTFE Sliding surface 6.Stainless steel mating surface 7.Sliing plate SOUTIONS ac HEKNGS —APNSMHIONTS—iRVS THORS. Y-ARSHTOLRFO ridge Deion Spcieaons AASHTO M251 [tendo Spectaton fe Bride Beara Water) © enas3y + as8100 When compared to normal elastomeric bearing pads, it has the following advantages: “Tokeslrge loads where spoce isa constraint a compared that of Maintnene is ecorameal as the replacements elected oni fr the flostomer bearing pods rubber ise freon sustain larger eyles of rotation anc movement © Long term serviceability Yee of etmospheri orasonis minimal Pot Bacring i cuted Type " Pet Bearing Pot Be Spherical Bearings (OFF Spherical Bearings are desigred to transmit vertical ores inthe bridge Sub-structure orto facltte tations by means of convex top pte and concave lower pat Theft sicing surface between th op ofthe alte ana sing plate accommodates longitudinal an ransverse movement. Guide bare and a resting ing ae sed to transmit naignta foes. Depending on whether the bearing is Ske, guide a ee sng, accommodates vertical bods. hozoral forces, rotations ond longitudinal or ransverse movements ae ee ee | f spherical Bearing Spherical Bearing “The construction varies sfghty depending onthe typeof bearing, However. ell ORF Spherical Bearings are manufactured exclusively fom high quality meters. Main reasons ar he qual and durbiy of the Bearings: SOWUTIONS © Sophisticated ond rile nsvdunl components Weghsavolty ceried materia min Disc Bearings roc aAas NSIONIONTS SERVIC. CRTIICTINS. © High quoty stondord fered 01503003) ‘OR Rubber Factory LLC is specialized inthe design and manufacuring of various types of bearings fr bridges anal types of intrastructure projects. a ‘addition tothe stondord Flestorerie Bearings, Pot Bearings ond Spherical Bearings, ORF Rubber Factory has row perfectes a soliton forthe Bearing ‘npication where extensive ive load effects come into play, as suc nal projects, Features Dice Bearings have been extensively uted on ritaod bridges at wall as highway Sidges The Dike Bearing with ts Polyurethane Disc clement gives @ cushioning elect, durbilty and is designed to handle the excessive Ive leads, often present in rairoods The Pelurethane elements athe Disc Bearings posses good fetique resistance properties ving the Disc Bearings advantage over the Pot Bearings when subjected to excessive cyctic lading. ORF Disc [earings meet the extensive ond stringent requementsof road industry gudeines Major Pats of Disc Bearings ‘The Polyurethane Disc The Pelyuethane Disc in the Bearing accomedates very high vertical design loads, of the

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