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Provide Lash & Brow Treatments

This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to provide lash and brow treatments. Topics include:
Set up work area and equipment Client preparation Occupational Health and Safety Provide before and aftercare advice Eyebrow waxing using both hot and strip wax Eyebrow and eyelash tinting Colour choices Eyelash perming Trouble shooting The course costs include: Learner guide eyelash and eyebrow tinting kit

Commercial Short Courses


Course Number: 32000 TAFE PLUS Statement Location: Tamworth Campus K block

(off Piper Street below Oxley Bowling Club)

Enter through main door go straight ahead to beauty rooms.

Cost: $615 (GST inc) Dates: (over 5 nights) Mondays 10, 17 & 24 Oct 7 & 21 Nov 6:00pm - 9:00pm OR Wednesdays 12, 19 & 26 Oct 9 & 23 Nov 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Register at your local campus complete the registration detaills overleaf and pay at your local campus or forward to: Customer Service Officer TAFE NSW New England Janison Street Tamworth NSW 2340 call Customer Service Centre on 1800 448 176 and register over the phone.

Course Instructions:

Clothing: You must wear enclosed shoes Models: Models will not be required on the first class night You will need to bring 2 to 3 models to have an eyebrow wax, eyebrow tint and eyelash tint on the night. (The cost of your models treatments are $15 per person) NOTE: If you are not able to bring models, please organise this at your first class with your teacher. Please ensure to bring pen, paper and highlighters with you On successful completion of this course, you will receive the following nationally recognised unit of competence: SIBBFAS302A Provide lash and brow treatments There are no pre-requisites for this course.

For more information please contact: Customer Service Centre 1800 448 176 (free call)

Human & Personal Services Faculty

LDR: 20/9/2011


Course Details Please enter chosen course date Course Name: Course Number: / /

Provide Lash and Brow Treatments 32000 Location: Tamworth

Enrolment Details Family Name: Postal Address: Date of Birth: Phone: Email: Payment method I enclose payment of Cheque $ Money Order Mastercard Card Number: Name on card: Signature: / Visa Please make payable to: NSW TAFE Commission Exp Date / // / / / Mobile: Given Name/s:

Student Declaration
1. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?1
No 2 Yes, Aboriginal 3 If you are both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place a cross (x) in boxes 2 and 3 Yes, Torres Strait Islander

2. Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition? If YES, place a cross (x) in any applicable box listed Vision Intellectual Medical Condition Other



Hearing/Deaf Physical Medical Illness Learning Acquired Brain Impairment

Do you require assistance because of this disability, impairment or long term condition from a Teacher/Consultant for Students with Disabilities? Do you require assistance from a TAFE NSW Teacher Consultant because of this disability, impairment or long term condition?
If YES, further details are available at the campus enrolment centre.





3. Citizenship and Residency - Do you reside in Australia? Cross (x) one box only
Please mark your citizenship or residency status below. Cross (x) one box only I am an Australian citizen a New Zealand citizen an Australian temporay visa holder and my visa sub-class is



an Australian permanent resident a Permanent humanitarian visa holder

If you are a TEMPORARY VISA HOLDER and are required to pay tuition fees you will need to complete the SUPPLEMENTARY ENROLMENT FORM FOR TEMPORARY VISA HOLDERS.

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