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Toward a stable classification of genera within the Entolomataceae: A

phylogenetic re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade

Article  in  Mycologia · July 2014

DOI: 10.3852/13-270 · Source: PubMed


48 1,621

3 authors:

Kerri Kluting Timothy J Baroni

Uppsala University State University of New York College at Cortland


Sarah Bergemann
Middle Tennessee State University


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Mycologia, 106(6), 2014, pp. 1127–1142. DOI: 10.3852/13-270
# 2014 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897

Toward a stable classification of genera within the Entolomataceae:

a phylogenetic re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade

Kerri L. Kluting arising from the epicorium of the cell wall (Baroni
Middle Tennessee State University, Ecology and 1981, Singer 1986, Largent 1994, Co-David et al.
Evolutionary Biology Group, Biology Department, 2009). These shared microscopic characters suggest
PO Box 60, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132
that the family is a natural group, and molecular
Timothy J. Baroni phylogenetic analyses support this hypothesis by
Department of Biological Sciences, PO Box 2000, State demonstrating its monophyly (Matheny et al. 2006,
University of New York, College at Cortland, Cortland, Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni and Matheny 2011).
New York 13045 Despite the emphasis on molecular phylogenetics to
Sarah E. Bergemann1 understand the placement of species within an
Middle Tennessee State University, Ecology and evolutionary context, classification of genera corrob-
Evolutionary Biology Group, Biology Department, orated by phylogenetic and morphological evidence
PO Box 60, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132 remains unresolved (Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni and
Matheny 2011, Baroni et al. 2011, Kinoshita et al.
Abstract: Despite the recent molecular systematic Co-David et al. (2009) conducted the first compre-
analyses of the Entolomataceae (Agaricales, Basidio- hensive phylogenetic analysis of the Entolomataceae
mycota), a robust classification of genera supported using the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA
by morphological and phylogenetic evidence remains (nLSU), the nuclear RNA polymerase subunit II
unresolved for this cosmopolitan family of pink- (rpb2) and the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU)
spored fungi. Here, a phylogenetic analysis for one gene regions. This analysis revealed that the family is
of the two major clades (Rhodocybe-Clitopilus) was divided into two main monophyletic groups: one
conducted using three nuclear protein-coding gene
containing the agaric Entoloma (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P.
regions, the mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit 6
Kumm. s.l. and sequestrate Richoniella Costantin &
(atp6), the nuclear RNA polymerase subunit II (rpb2)
L.M. Dufour and Rhodogaster E. Horak (Entoloma
and the nuclear translation elongation factor subunit
clade with ca. 1200 species) and the other containing
1-a (tef1). Five monophyletic groups are resolved with
Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. and Rhodocybe
strong statistical support and a set of morphological
Maire (Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade with ca. 300
features for delineation of genera is presented. In the
species). Species within the Entoloma clade can be
revised classification proposed here, Clitopilus is
distinguished from those within the Rhodocybe-
retained, Rhodocybe is emended, two genera previous-
Clitopilus clade by the presence of basidiospores that
ly accepted as synonyms of Rhodocybe (Clitopilopsis
are weakly to strongly angular in polar, profile and
and Rhodophana) are resurrected and Clitocella is
face views due to interconnected or broken ridges
described as new.
that form facets on the spore surface (Singer 1986,
Key words: Agaricales, Basidiomycota, Clitocella,
Largent 1994, Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni et al.
Clitopilopsis, Clitopilus, Rhodocybe, Rhodophana, sys-
tematics, taxonomy 2011). In contrast, basidiospores of species within the
Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade are ornamented with
either longitudinal ridges or scattered and finely to
INTRODUCTION distinctly pustulate ornamentations respectively and
The Entolomataceae Kotl. & Pouzar (Agaricales, appear angular in polar view only (Baroni 1981,
Basidiomycota) is one of the three largest euagaric Singer 1986).
families and contains nearly 1500 described species Although there is support for clear separation of
(Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni et al. 2011). This species in either the Entoloma or the Rhodocybe-
cosmopolitan family is united by the presence of Clitopilus clades, Co-David et al. (2009) show: (i) most
basidiospores that: (i) are flesh-colored or pinkish in of the generic or infrageneric agaric ranks within
mass; (ii) have evenly cyanophilic walls and; (iii) Entoloma s.l. (e.g. Largent 1994, Noordeloos 2004)
appear angular in polar view due to ornamentations were not monophyletic, (ii) sequestrate taxa such as
Rhodogaster and Richoniella are nested within Entoloma
Submitted 25 Aug 2013; accepted for publication 28 Mar 2013. s.l. and (iii) Clitopilus was nested within Rhodocybe. As a
Corresponding author. result Co-David et al. (2009) concluded that only two


genera should be recognized within the Entolomata- The rpb2 region was chosen because it had sufficient
ceae: Entoloma for all species in the Entoloma clade nucleotide polymorphism to infer evolutionary relation-
and Clitopilus for all species in the Rhodocybe- ships in the Entolomataceae (Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni et
Clitopilus clade. al. 2011, Matheny and Baroni 2011, Kinoshita et al. 2012).
The tef1 gene was chosen based on the relatively high
Here, the focus is on the classification of genera
number of informative sites (Matheny et al. 2007), and the
within the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade. Baroni et al. atp6 was selected primarily because of the availability of
(2011) suggested that the taxon sampling of Co-David universal primers (Kretzer and Bruns 1999, Binder and
et al. (2009) was too limited to substantiate the Hibbett 2003). Other gene regions commonly used for
recombination of all Rhodocybe spp. into Clitopilus. phylogenetic analyses of Fungi, such as the nuclear rDNA
Baroni and Matheny (2011) proposed that multiple, internal transcribed spacer (nITS), the nLSU and the
segregate genera could be recognized based on an mtSSU, were avoided. The phylogenies of the Entolomata-
analysis of a larger subset of species that showed ceae based on nLSU and mtSSU sequences were less
strong support for four major clades (Clitopilus- resolved with lower statistical supports compared to the
Rhodocybe p. p., Clitopilopsis, Rhodocybe s. str. and rpb2 (Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni et al. 2011) and the nITS
Rhodophana clades). To resolve the conflicts among gene contains many ambiguous sites that are not easily
aligned (Kinoshita et al. 2012).
the proposed classifications, a phylogeny of the
Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade was generated with the DNA isolation, amplification and sequencing.—Tissues for
goals of this research designed to: (i) augment the each sample were excised from preserved collections with
single protein-coding gene (rpb2) used in previous the protocol in Baumgartner et al. (2010). Tissues were
systematic studies of the Entolomataceae (Co-David et pulverized with 6.35 mm glass beads in an FP120 FastPrep
al. 2009, Baroni and Matheny 2011, Baroni et al. 2011, instrument (QBiogene, Carlsbad, California) after lyophili-
Kinoshita et al. 2012) by development of an addition- zation at least 30 min to 2 h. Extractions of DNA were
performed with 23 CTAB (cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium-bro-
al set of protein-coding loci (the mitochondrial ATP
mide) buffer followed by isolation with phenol-chloroform-
synthase subunit 6 [atp6] and the nuclear translation
isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). The DNA was suspended in
elongation factor subunit 1-a [tef1]), (ii) conduct an Turbo GeneClean GNomic Salt (MP Biomedicals, Solon,
in-depth phylogenetic analysis using this set of three Ohio) and bound to GeneClean Turbo Columns (MP
independent protein-coding genes in tandem with Biomedicals, Solon, Ohio), washed with 70% EtOH and
a robust taxon sampling for this group and (iii) were eluted from the columns with 0.13 Tris-EDTA (TE).
delineate generic boundaries within the Rhodocybe- Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were performed to
Clitopilus clade using a molecular and morphological amplify partial sequences from the three partial protein-
framework. coding genes (atp6, rpb2, tef1) with previously published
primer sets and taxon-specific primers designed for this study
using the default parameters in Primer 3 (Rozen and
MATERIALS AND METHODS Skaletsky 2000). The details of primer combinations,
Taxon and gene sampling.—For each collection in this optimized PCR annealing temperatures (Ta) and references
study, this information is provided: collector identifier, for published primers are provided (TABLE II). All sequences
herbarium, herbarium accession number, collector, collec- of atp6 were obtained with primers ATP6-3 (Kretzer and
tion location and year of sampling (TABLE I). Two hundred Bruns 1999) and ATP6-6r (Binder and Hibbett 2003). Several
forty-five sequences from 90 collections within Rhodocybe- primer combinations were used to obtain rpb2 and tef1
Clitopilus clade were generated. The taxon sampling sequences. The forward primer, rpb2-i6f-RhoF1, in combi-
includes representative species from all infrageneric sec- nation with either of the two reverse primers, rpb2-i7r-RhoR1
tions of Clitopilus (Singer 1986) and all but one of the or rpb2-i7r-RhoR1b, were the most successful primer
infrageneric sections of Rhodocybe (Baroni 1981, Singer combinations developed in this study for PCR amplification
1986). Rhodocybe section Tomentosi (Baroni 1981) was of rpb2 sequences. In many instances tef1 sequences were
excluded because of the lack of material available for generated with EF-983F and EF-1953R (Rehner 2001), but
destructive sampling. Taxa that are closely related to the tef1 sequences were obtained more frequently by separate
Entolomataceae were targeted for outgroup sampling based PCR amplifications and sequencing of two segments of the
on an analysis of the Basidiomycota (Matheny et al. 2006) gene with two primer combinations: EFA-RhoF1 with EFA-
and included Catathelasma imperiale (Quél.) Singer, Mycena RhoR1 for the first part of the sequence and EFA-RhoF2 with
aff. pura, Panellus stipticus (Bull.) P. Karst., Tricholoma EFA-RhoR2 for the second part.
aurantium (Schaeff.) Ricken and Tricholoma flavovirens PCR amplifications were performed in 25 mL reaction
(Pers.) S. Lundell. The GenBank accession numbers for volumes with 13 GoTaq Buffer (Promega, Madison,
each sequence are presented (TABLE I). Wisconsin), 2 mM magnesium chloride, 0.2 mM dNTPs,
1–1.5 mM each forward and reverse primer, 0.025 U Taq
Molecular markers.—Our analyses included partial sequenc- polymerase (Promega, Madison Wisconsin), 0.2 mg/mL
es of three protein-coding genes commonly used to infer bovine serum albumin and 0.5–4.0 mL genomic template
phylogenetic relationships in fungi: the atp6, rpb2 and tef1. DNA. Amplification of atp6 sequences used a cycling
TABLE I. Voucher specimen collection information and GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in phylogenetic analyses

GenBank accession No.

Species Collection ID accession No. Collector(s), location and year atp6 rpb2 tef1

Clitopilus apalus 26394 Watling WAT26394c R. Watling, Kepong, Forest Research Institute, Malaysia, 1995 KC816738 KC816906 KC816822
C. cf. argentinus Klaus Siepe MTB4804/2c H. Bender, Mönchengladbach, Germany, 2011 KC816739 KC816907 KC816823
C. ‘‘cinerascens’’ 8024 TJB 8024 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Alachua Co., Florida, USA, 1996 KC816740 KC816908 KC816824
C. ‘‘cinerascens’’ 8133 TJB 8133 TJBc T.J. Baroni, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, USA, 1996 KC816741 KC816909 KC816825
C. crispus 10027 TJB 10027 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Chiang Mai Prov., Thailand, 2006 KC816743 KC816911 KC816827
C. crispus 9982 TJB 9982 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Chiang Mai Prov., Thailand, 2006 KC816742 KC816910 KC816826
C. hobsonii DLL9779 D.L. Largent, Danbulla National Park, Kauri Creek Track, rainforest KC816747 KC816916 KC816831
section, Queensland, Australia, 2010
C. hobsonii 5967 TJB 5967 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Hamilton Co., Raquette Lake, New York, USA, 1988 KC816748 KC816917 —
C. aff. hobsonii TDB-3667 UC1860830a N. Nguyen, Mariposa Grove Area, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa KC816759 KC816928 KC816841
County, California, USA, 2011
C. hobsonii DLL9586 D.L. Largent, Crater Lakes National Park, Lake Barrine, Queensland, — KC816912 KC816828
Australia, 2009
C. hobsonii DLL9635 D.L. Largent, Mt. Hypipamee National Park, Queensland, Australia, KC816744 KC816913 KC816829
C. hobsonii DLL9643 D.L. Largent, Mt. Hypipamee National Park, Queensland, Australia, KC816745 KC816914 —
C. hobsonii DLL9746 D.L. Largent, Daintree National Park, Tribulation Section, Emmagen KC816746 KC816915 KC816830
Creek Track, Queensland, Australia, 2010
C. hobsonii grp. 7051 TJB 7051 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Macon Co., Coweeta, North Carolina, USA, 1993 KC816749 KC816918 —
C. paxilloides 5809 TJB 5809 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Mendocino Co., Little River, California, USA, 1987 KC816750 KC816919 KC816832
C. peri 10040 TJB 10040 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Suthep National Park, Thailand, KC816752 KC816921 KC816834
C. peri 10033 TJB 10033 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Chiang Mai Prov., above Ban Pha Deng Village, Thailand, KC816751 KC816920 KC816833
C. peri 10041 TJB 10041 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Suthep National Park, Thailand, KC816753 KC816922 KC816835
C. cf. prunulus E226 Gates E226c G.M. Gates, Kermandie Track, Tasmania, Australia, 1999 KC816758 KC816927 KC816840
C. prunulus 11CA012 11CA012 K.L. Kluting, Big Lagoon Elementary School, Trinidad, Humboldt KC816757 KC816926 KC816839
County, California, USA, 2011

C. prunulus 8456 R.E. REH8456c R.E. Halling, Novgorod Region, Valdai District, Valdaiski National KC816754 KC816923 KC816836
Halling Park, Russia, 2003
C. prunulus 6805 TJB 6805 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Erie Co., Orchard Park Township, Chestnut Ridge Park, KC816755 KC816924 KC816837
New York, USA, 1992
TABLE I. Continued

GenBank accession No.

Species Collection ID accession No. Collector(s), location and year atp6 rpb2 tef1
C. prunulus 7003 TJB 7003 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Macon Co., Coweeta Hydrological Research Station, KC816756 KC816925 —
North Carolina, USA, 1992
C. sp. 7130 TJB 7130 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Hamilton Co., SUNY Cortland Outdoor Education KC816760 KC816929 —
Facility, Camp Huntington, New York, USA, 1993
C. venososulcatus 8111 TJB 8111 TJBc T.J. Baroni, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA, 1996 KC816761 KC816930 —
Rhodocybe alutacea 5726 TJB 5726 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Haywood Co., Cherokee National Forest, North Carolina, KC816762 KC816931 KC816842
USA, 1987
R. caelata 6919 TJB 6919 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Macon Co., Coweeta Hydrological Research Station, KC816764 KC816933 KC816843
North Carolina, USA, 1992
R. caelata J. Parkin J. Parkinc J. Parkin, York County, Ontario, Canada, 1988 KC816765 KC816934 —
R. caelata 3569 R.E. REH3569c R.E. Halling, Jurmala, Latvia, 1982 KC816763 KC816932 —
R. caelata K(M): 158060d R.G. Betts, Tyntesfield, Wraxall, North Somerset, England, UK, 2006 KC816802 KC816978 KC816885
R. collybioides 10417 TJB 10417 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Jujuy Province, Parque Nacional Calilegua, Argentina, KC816766 KC816935 KC816844
R. fallax 136 LP K(M): 116541d P. Leonard, Camino Real, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, 1997 KC816769 KC816938 KC816847
R. fallax 52/85 O-F88953e A. Hov and P. Marstad, Valtersborg, Vale, Vestfold County, Norway, KC816767 KC816936 KC816845
R. fallax 25668OKM 25668OKMc O.K. Miller, Jr., Malheur Co., Malheur National Forest, Oregon, USA, KC816768 KC816937 KC816846

R. formosa 1061015-6 1061015-6c F. Caballero and J. Vila, Spain, 2006 — KC816939 KC816849
R. fuliginea E537 Gates E537c G.M. Gates and D. Ratkowsky, Waverly Flora Park, Bellerive, Tasmania, KC816770 KC816940 KC816850
Australia, 1999
R. hirneola 8490 R.E. REH8490c R.E. Halling, Novgorod Region, Valdai District Valdaiski National Park, — KC816904 KC816820
Halling Russia, 2003
R. hirneola 155 SC 155 SCc S. Carpenter, Mt. St. Helens, Polar Star Mine, Washington, USA, 1982 — KC816905 KC816821
R. hirneola PM 247-08 Artsobs. 1376857e P. Marstad, Konglungen, Asker, Akershus County, Norway, 2008 — KC816977 KC816883
R. hondensis 6103 TJB 6103 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Humboldt Co., Largent Property, California, USA, 1988 KC816771 KC816941 KC816851
R. lateritia E1589 Gates E1589c G.M. Gates and D. Ratkowsky, Waterworks Reserve, Hobart, Tasmania, KC816772 KC816942 KC816852
(ISOTYPE) Australia, 2002
R. Lodge G-162 GUA241c D.J. Lodge, Guana Island, Quail Dove Ghut Trail, lower Tamarind KC816773 KC816943 KC816853
luteocinnamomea orchard, British Virgin Islands, 1999
R. mellea 6883 TJB 6883 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Alachua Co., Sugar Foot Hammock, Florida, USA, 1992 KC816774 KC816944 KC816854
R. melleopallens K(M): 143160d A. Henrici, Pembrey, Tywyn Burrows, Carmarthenshire (Dyfed) KC816775 KC816945 KC816855
County, Wales, UK, 2006
R. melleopallens 415/83 O-F172919e G. Gulden, Bonn., Frogn, Akershus County, Norway, 1983 KC816776 KC816946 KC816856
R. minutispora 1071101-4 1071101-4c F. Caballero and J. Vila, Spain, 2007 KC816777 KC816947 KC816857
TABLE I. Continued

GenBank accession No.

Species Collection ID accession No. Collector(s), location and year atp6 rpb2 tef1
R. mundula 7161 TJB 7161 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Essex Co., Upper Jay, Styles Brook Rd., New York, USA, KC816782 KC816952 KC816862
R. mundula 20894 O-F19454e J.K. Stordal, Hensvoll, Østre Toten, Oppland County, Norway, 1980 KC816784 KC816954 KC816864
R. mundula PM 67-95 O-F71544e G. Mathiassen and P. Marstad, Lulle, Skibotndalen, Storfjord, Troms KC816780 KC816950 KC816860
County, Norway, 1995
R. mundula 7599 TJB 7599 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Tompkins Co., Ringwood Preserve, New York, USA, 1994 KC816783 KC816953 KC816863
R. mundula 7115 TJB 7115 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Hamilton Co., SUNY Cortland Outdoor Education Center, KC816781 KC816951 KC816861
Camp Marion Swamp, Long Point, New York, USA, 1993
R. mundula K(M): 164736d N. Mahler, Minsmere RSPB Nature Reserve, East Suffolk, Suffolk KC816779 KC816949 KC816859
County, England, UK, 2009
R. mundula K(M): 49620d J.R. Hawes, Near St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, 1996 KC816778 KC816948 KC816858
R. nitellina K(M): 132700d N.W. Legon, Mildenhall Woods, Mildenhall, West Suffolk County, — KC816960 KC816867
England, UK, 2004
R. nitellina Artsobs. 1541959e P.G. Larsen, Møre og Romsdal, Seljeneset, Stordal, Norway, 2009 KC816790 KC816961 KC816868
R. nitellina Artsobs. 1553208e R. Braathen and E.W. Hanssen, Ormtjern, NedreEiker, Buskerud — KC816966 KC816873
County, Norway, 2009
R. nitellina O-F291457e O. Førland and J.B. Jordal, Hjelmeland, Rogaland County, Norway, KC816787 KC816957 —
R. nitellina 6404 TJB 6404 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Graubunden Canton, Switzerland, 1990 — KC816963 KC816870
R. nitellina 6740 TJB 6740 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Mendocino Co., Navarro River, California, USA, 1992 — KC816964 KC816871
R. nitellina 7861 TJB 7861 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Mendocino Co., Rt. 20 near Chamberlain Creek west of KC816789 KC816959 KC816866
Willits, California, USA, 1996
R. nitellina 11CA025 11CA025 Location unknown, California, USA, 2011 KC816792 KC816965 KC816872
R. nitellina HH74/10 O-F293352e H. Holien and T.E. Brandrud, Kvam, Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag KC816788 KC816958 KC816865
County, Norway, 2010
R. nitellina I-LF08-48 O-F285851e I.-L. Fonneland and D. Pettersen, Askerøya, Tvedestrand, Aust-Agder KC816786 KC816956 —
County, Norway, 2008
R. nitellina MC3-CAR MC3-CARc M. Contu, Italy, 1995 KC816785 KC816955 —
R. aff. nitellina 5528 TJB 5528 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Sevier Co., Cherokee Orchard, Great Smoky Mountain KC816791 KC816962 KC816869
National Park, Tennessee, USA, 1987
R. aff. nitellina DLL10199 D.L. Largent, Barrington Tops National Park, Williams River Day Use — KC816967 KC816874

Area, New South Wales, Australia, 2011

R. pallidogrisea E652 Gates E652c G.M. Gates and D. Ratkowsky, Mt. Field, Tasmania, Australia, 1999 KC816793 KC816968 KC816875
R. paurii 99/233 JM99/233c J.-M. Moncalvo, Garhwal Himalaya, Pauri, Nagdev, Uttaranchal, India, KC816794 KC816969 KC816876
Moncalvo 1999
R. popinalis K(M): 143166d R.G. Betts, Bamburgh, Northumberland County, England, UK, 2004 KC816796 KC816971 KC816878
TABLE I. Continued

GenBank accession No.

Species Collection ID accession No. Collector(s), location and year atp6 rpb2 tef1
R. popinalis K(M): 167017 E.W. Brown, Palace Lawn, Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens, Surrey KC816797 KC816972 KC816879
County, England, UK, 2010
R. popinalis O-F63376e J.I. Johnsen, Brusand, Hå, Rogaland County, Norway, 1997 KC816799 KC816974 KC816880
R. popinalis 6378 TJB 6378 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Graubunden Canton, Fetan, Switzerland, 1990 KC816801 KC816976 KC816882
R. popinalis 116-2000 O-F105360e P. Marstad, Skallvold, Tønsberg, Vestfold County, Norway, 2000 KC816800 KC816975 KC816881
R. popinalis 648/06 K(M): 146162d D.J. Savage, Invernaver raised beach, Bettyhill area, West Sutherland, KC816795 KC816970 KC816877
Scotland, 2006
R. popinalis MC2-TRENT MC2-TRENTc L. Pennone, Trentino, Italy, 2003 KC816798 KC816973 —
R. pseudopiperita E1159 Gates E1159c G.M. Gates and D. Ratkowsky, Mt. Wellington, Myrtle Gully, KC816803 KC816979 KC816886
Tasmania, Australia, 2001
R. reticulata E2183 Gates E2183c G.M. Gates and D. Ratkowsky, North West Bay River, Tasmania, KC816804 KC816980 KC816887
Australia, 2005
R. rhizogena 5551 TJB 5551 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Macon Co., Ellicot Rock Trail, Ammons Creek Area, KC816805 KC816981 KC816888
(ISOTYPE) North Carolina, USA, 1987
R. roseiavellanea 8130 TJB 8130 TJBc T.J. Baroni, East Baton Rouge Parish, LSU campus, Louisiana, USA, 1996 KC816806 KC816982 KC816889
R. sp. DLL9851 D.L. Largent, Myall Lakes National Park, Seal Rocks road, New South KC816809 KC816986 KC816893
Wales, Australia, 2010
R. sp. DLL9846 D.L. Largent, Barrington Tops National Park, Jerusalem Creek track, KC816808 KC816985 KC816892
New South Wales, Australia, 2010

R. sp. DLL9860 D.L. Largent, Barrington Tops National Park, Jerusalem Creek, KC816810 KC816987 KC816894
bottom end of track, New South Wales, Australia, 2010
R. sp. DLL9952 D.L. Largent, Barrington Tops National Park, Williams River Day Use KC816811 KC816988 KC816895
Area, end of blue gum track to lion’s rock, New South Wales,
Australia, 2010
R. sp. DLL9957 D.L. Largent, Myall Lakes National Park, Mungo Brush track, New KC816812 KC816989 KC816896
South Wales, Australia, 2010
R. sp. DLL10218 D.L. Largent, Barrington Tops National Park, Jerusalem Creek, lower KC816813 KC816990 KC816897
parking lot, New South Wales, Australia, 2011
R. sp. DLL10032 D.L. Largent, Yorkies Knob Beach Forest, northern end, KC816814 KC816991 KC816898
Queensland, Australia, 2011
R. stangliana 2073 T. Læssøe 2073TLc T. Læssøe, East Jutland, Mariager, Hou Skov, Denmark, 1989 — KC816992 KC816899
R. stipitata 5523 TJB 5523 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Sevier Co., Cherokee Orchard Trail, Great Smoky KC816815 KC816993 —
Mountain National Park, Tennessee, USA, 1987
Rhodophana 6167 TJB 6167 TJBc T.J. Baroni, Essex Co., Wilmington, New York, USA, 1989 KC816807 KC816983 KC816890
Rhodophana sp. Hama 434 COFC5029b O. Hama, Tamou, Parque Nacional de W. Mekrou, Niger, 2010 — KC816984 KC816891
Catathelasma 11CA01A 11CA01Ac K.L. Kluting, Redwood National Park, Orick, Humboldt County, KC816816 KC816994 KC816900
imperiale California, USA, 2011

protocol of 95 C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95 C for

KC816817 KC816995 KC816901

KC816818 KC816996 KC816902

KC816819 KC816997 KC816903

JN019434 JN019705 JN019386

30 s, an optimized Ta for 2 min, and 72 C for 1 min and a

GenBank accession No. final extension at 72 C for 10 min (TABLE II). Sequences of
the rpb2 were amplified with a touchdown protocol with an
initial incubation of 94 C for 5 min, followed by 12 cycles of
94 C for 1 min, 67 C for 1 min, decreasing 1 C each cycle

and 72 C 1.5 min, followed by 36 cycles of 94 C for 45 s, 55 C

for 1 min, 72 C for 1.5 min and followed by a final extension
period at 72 C for 7 min. An alternative protocol with an
optimized Ta also was used: 95 C for 4 min, 35 cycles of 95 C

for 30 s, optimized Ta for 1 min, 72 C for 1 min and a final

extension period of 72 C for 7 min. Tef1 sequences were
amplified with either the touchdown protocol described
above or a cycling protocol of 95 C for 3 min, followed by 35
Herbario, Departamento de Biologı́a Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain (COFC).
cycles of 95 C for 1 min, optimized Ta for 1.5 min, 72 C for
K.L. Kluting, Grays Falls Campground, Trinity County, California,

1 min and a final extension period of 72 C for 10 min.

K.L. Kluting, Redwood National Park, Orick, Humboldt County,

Sequences were generated on an ABI3130xl at Middle

Tennessee State University with sequencing protocols
described in Largent et al. (2011). For sequences with
K.L. Kluting, Humboldt County, California, USA, 2011

overlapping chromatograms due to nucleotide insertions or

deletions, weak signal strength or contaminants, PCR
Collector(s), location and year

amplicons were cloned with the TOPO TA cloning kit U

(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California) following the procedure
described in Bergemann and Garbelotto (2006).
L.C. Grubisha, British Columbia, Canada

State University of New York College at Cortland Herbarium, Cortland, New York, USA (CORT).

Phylogenetic analysis.— Sequences were assembled and

The Royal Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK (KEW).
The Mycological Herbarium, Botanical Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (OSLO).

edited with Sequencher 4.2.2 (Gene Codes Corp., Ann

Arbor, Michigan), and multiple sequence alignments were
generated manually with Se-Al 2.0a11 Carbon (Rambaut
2002). Introns were delimited from the tef1 sequences with
Augustus 2.4 webserver (Stanke et al. 2008) and excluded
California, USA, 2011

Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (JEPS).

before analyses. Alignment lengths of atp6, rpb2 and tef1

were 471, 906 and 898 bp respectively. The atp6, rpb2 and
tef1 alignments were assembled into a supermatrix (12 atp6
and 13 tef1 sequences were coded as missing data). The
USA, 2011

concatenated sequence alignment can be found on

TreeBASE (
Before phylogenetic analysis, models of sequence evolu-
tion were chosen with AIC in TOPALi 2.5 using MrBayes as
the method for tree estimation (Milne et al. 2008). For
accession No.




Bayesian analyses, a symmetric model with fixed equal base

frequencies and a gamma distribution (SYM+C) was selected
for tef1 and rpb2, and a general time reversible model
(GTR+C) was selected for the atp6 alignment. The GTR model
with a gamma distribution (GTR+ C) was used for all
partitions in maximum likelihood (ML) analyses because
the RAxML manual suggests that a GTR model is the most
Collection ID




appropriate DNA substitution model for this software.

The phylogeny of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade and
levels of support were inferred with an ML analysis and ML
bootstrap values (MLBS) generated with RAxML-HPC

8.0.24 (Stamatakis 2006, Stamatakis 2014) on the CIPRES

gateway (Miller et al. 2010). All trees were viewed with
Panellus stipticus
Mycena aff. pura

FigTree 1.4.0 (Rambaut 2012). Each gene region first was


analyzed individually to test for topological incongruence



between them with the program (Kauff and


Lutzoni 2003). A conflict in tree topologies of individual

genes was considered significant when incongruent


topologies both received MLBS values of 70% or greater.


TABLE II. Sequences of primers (using IUPAC ambiguity codes), citations for previously published primers and annealing temperature used for PCR amplification of
sequences generated for this study

Gene Forward PCR annealing

region primer Primer sequence (59–39) Reverse primer Primer sequence (59-39) temp (C) References
atp6 ATP6-3 TCTCCTTTAGAACAATTTGA ATP6-6r AACTAATARAGGAACTAAAGCTA 40, 42 , 44, or 50 Kretzer and Bruns 1999, Binder
and Hibbett 2003
rpb2 rpb2-i6f GAAGGYCAAGCYTGYGGTCT rpb2-i7r ATCATRCTNGGATGRATYTC touchdown Co-David et al. 2009
rpb2 rpb2-i6f-RhoF1 GAAGGNCARGCWTGYGGTCT rpb2-RhoR1 GTGRATYTCRCARTGTGTCCA 56, 58a, or 60 this study
rpb2 rpb2-i6f-RhoF1 (see above) rpb2-RhoR1b ATGRATYTCRCARTGTGTCCA 56a or 58 this study
rpb2 rpb2-i6f-RhoF1 (see above) rpb2-RhoR3 TGRATYTCRCARTGCGTCCA 56 this study
rpb2 rpb2-i6f-RhoF2 GAAGGNCARGCWTGYGGCCT rpb2-RhoR1b (see above) 50 Liu et al. 1999, Matheny 2005
rpb2 RPB2-5F GAYGAYMGWGATCAYTTYGG bRPB2-7R GAYTGRTTRTGRTCTGGGAAVGG touchdown Liu et al. 1999, Matheny 2005
rpb2 RPB2-5F (see above) bRPB2-7R2 ACYTGRTTRTCNGGRAANGG touchdown Liu et al. 1999, Matheny et al. 2007

tef1 EFA-RhoF1 (see above) EFA-RhoR2 ACCRACACACATRGGYTTG touchdown this study
tef1 EFA-RhoF2 CNTGGTAYAARGGYTGGNC EFA-RhoR2 (see above) 54a or 56 this study
tef1 EFA-RhoF3 GGTGAATTYGARGCYGGTATYT EFA-RhoR2 (see above) 58 this study
tef1 EFA-RhoF4 GCYGGTATYTCNAARGAYGG EFA-RhoR2 (see above) 58 this study
tef1 EF1-983F (see above) Efgr GCAATGTGGGCRGTRTGRCARTC touchdown Rehner 2001
tef1 EF595F CGTGACTTCATCAAGAACATG Efgr (see above) touchdown Kauserud and Schumacher 2001,
Rehner 2001
Annealing temperature most often used.

Because no major incongruence was detected, the The terminal Clitopilus clade (MLBS 5 93, BPP 5
combined three-locus dataset was analyzed with a parti- 1.0; FIG. 1A) is composed of two internal well
tioned model. The dataset was partitioned across each supported sister clades. One of the supported internal
gene region and codon position (nine total partitions for clades includes the pleurotoid species of Clitopilus
the combined matrix of three protein coding loci
(MLBS 5 95, BPP 5 1.0; FIG. 1A1) and the second
partitioning across codons). ML analyses were conducted
with 1000 MLBS replications using the rapid bootstrap clade includes centrally stipitate Clitopilus species
algorithm (Stamatakis et al. 2008). Further branch (MLBS 5 100, BPP 5 1.0; FIG. 1A2). The Clitocella
supports were obtained with a Bayesian approach in clade includes three species formerly classified as
MrBayes 3.2.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012) with Panellus stipticus Rhodocybe (R. popinalis [Fr.] Singer, R. fallax [Quél.]
specified as outgroup taxon. Analyses of individual gene Singer and R. mundula [Lasch] Singer) with basidio-
regions and the combined three-locus dataset with the spores obscurely ornamented with pustules (MLBS 5
same partitions stated above were conducted with two 100, BPP 5 1.0; FIG. 1B). The Clitopilopsis clade
separate runs using one cold and 10 heated chains with contains multiple collections of R. hirneola (Fr.) P.D.
default temperatures for two concurrent runs of 1 000 000
Orton, a species with an obscurely bumpy ornamen-
generations (rpb2, combined matrix of atp6+rpb2+tef1) or
2 000 000 generations (atp6, tef1). Trees were sampled
tation on thick-walled basidiospores (MLBS 5 100,
every 100 generations employing three swaps per chain BPP 5 1.0; FIG. 1C). The Rhodocybe clade contains a
for each generation. The substitution rates, transition/ diverse assemblage of Rhodocybe species, including the
transversion rate ratios, character state (stationary nucle- type species for the genus, R. caelata (Fr.) Maire, that
otide frequencies) and the alpha shape parameter were have prominent pustulate ornamentations arranged
unlinked so that each parameter was estimated indepen- randomly on the basidiospore walls and lack hyphal
dently for each partition. In all analyses the two runs clamp connections (MLBS 5 100 BPP 5 1.0;
converged on the same tree topology (standard deviation FIG. 1D). The Rhodophana clade comprises species
split frequencies # 0.01). Scatterplots were generated to classified as Rhodocybe that have abundant hyphal
determine stationarity and parameter values for the
clamp connections and basidiospores with prominent
remaining samples after burn-in were discarded (burn-in
length 5 50 000 generations for all analyses. Bayesian pustules on the basidiospore walls (MLBS 5 100, BPP
posterior probabilities (BPP) and branch lengths were 5 1.0; FIG. 1E).
calculated for a 50% majority rule consensus tree.

Microscopic techniques.—All light microscopic digital images TAXONOMY

were made with DIC optics from revived tissues mounted in
3% KOH. For scanning electron microscopy small pieces of
Based on the presence of five strongly supported
dried lamella tissue, approximately 1–2 mm2, were rehy- monophyletic clades with morphological characters
drated in 95% ETOH for 1 min, transferred to 3% KOH for delineation, we recognize five genera within the
1 min, washed twice in dH2O 1 min each. The samples then Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade of the Entolomataceae:
were sandwiched between Whatman No. 4 filter papers in Clitocella gen. nov., Clitopilopsis, Clitopilus, Rhodocybe
modified BEEM capsules and placed immediately into 10% and Rhodophana. The necessary taxonomic changes
ETOH. Dehydration in an ethanol series (10%, 30%, 50%, are made below.
70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 100% for 2 min each at room
temperature, then 2 min in100% ice-cold ETOH) was
followed by critical point drying of the samples in liquid Clitocella Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann, gen.
CO2. The dried tissues were mounted on aluminum stubs nov.
with carbon-impregnated sticky tape and sputter-coated MycoBank MB805406
with approximately 350 Å gold. Digital images were Diagnosis: Basidiomata centrally stipitate, clitocy-
obtained on an ISI DS130C SEM at 10 mm working distance boid, white, grayish, gray-brown or purplish gray.
and 15 Kv accelerating voltage.
Pileus small or large (30–110 mm), fleshy and
opaque, glabrous, and smooth or matted tomentose
RESULTS or matted fibrillose, fleshy. Lamellae long-decurrent,
Because no topological incongruence was detected narrow or very narrow (up to 3 mm), and close to
when the three genes were analyzed individually, the crowded or very crowded with a smooth lamellar
results of the three-gene (atp6+rpb2+tef1) analysis are edge. Stipe equal and glabrous, pubescent, floccose
presented here. Run files and results for all analyses or matted fibrillose. Basidiospores are flesh-pinkish in
available upon request from first author. This deposit, have thin (0.2–0.4 mm), evenly cyanophilic
multigene analysis provides strong support values and inamyloid walls that are minutely and often
for all nodes that constitute the backbone of the obscurely angular in polar view with 7–12 facets and
phylogeny as well as five well resolved major clades are ornamented with obscure or sometimes distinct
(FIG. 1A–E). undulating pustules or minute bumps visible in

FIG. 1. Maximum likelihood phylogram of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade based on combined sequences (atp6+
rpb2+tef1). Branches with an asterisk represent those with support values of both 100 and 1.0 for MLBS and BPP respectively.
Both MLBS and BPP support values are reported for nodes A–E, nodes along the backbone of the inferred phylogenetic tree
and for nodes with high branch support values (MLBS $ 70, BPP $ 0.95).

profile and face views under transmitted-light micro- Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm., Der Führer in
scope; hymenial cystidia are generally lacking, but if die Pilzkunde. 96. 1871.
present then they are rare, arranged in small bunches Description: Basidiomata are clitocyboid or pleur-
along the lamellar edge; pseudocystidia with brightly otoid and mostly white, with grayish or brownish
colored contents are never present. Hyphal clamp colors present for a few species. Lamellae are long-
connections are always absent. decurrent, narrow, and close on centrally stipitate
Type: Clitocella popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & species, but adnate or adnexed on pleurotoid forms.
Bergemann Basidiospores are pinkish or flesh pink in deposit,
5 Agaricus popinalis Fr., Systema Mycologicum binucleate, longitudinally ridged in face and profile
1:194. 1821. views, and angular in polar view with either 5–6 facets
Etymology: Clitocella, reflecting the morphological simi- and ridges or in most species and all the pleurotoid
larity and phylogenetic proximity to Clitopilus and Clitopi- forms, with 7–12 facets and ridges in polar view.
lopsis, cella, a Latin term referring to a storage place and in Clamp connections are absent.
this case for taxa not belonging to Clitopilus or Clitopilopsis. Type: Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.) P. Kumm., Der
Notes: Macroscopically Clitocella closely resembles Führer in die Pilzkunde. 97. 1871.
centrally stipitate Clitopilus forms but differs in the Notes: The distinctive longitudinally ridged basid-
scattered pustulate basidiospore ornamentation in iospores are diagnostic for this genus.
contrast to the longitudinally ridged basidiospore
ornamentation of Clitopilus. Clitocella differs from
Clitopilopsis by close, narrow, long-decurrent lamellae Rhodocybe Maire, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 40:298. 1924
and thin-walled basidiospores with pustulate orna- [1926]. Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann, emend.
mentations and minute, obscure angles in polar view. Type: Rhodocybe caelata (Fr.) Maire, Bull. Soc.
Clitopilopsis is differentiated by its basidiospores with Mycol. Fr. 40:298. 1924 [1926].
thickened walls (0.5–0.9 mm wide) that have smooth Description: Basidiomata pleurotoid, collybioid, my-
or barely perceptible undulate bumps even with SEM cenoid, clitocyboid or tricholomatoid, variously colored,
imaging and obscure irregular rounded angles of the white, gray, brown, pinkish, reddish, yellowish or
basidiospores in polar view. Rhodocybe and Rhodo- combinations of these colors. Lamellae variously at-
phana differ from Clitocella because both possess tached, ranging from adnexed to adnate or subdecur-
basidiospores with well developed, isolated pustules rent (but never crowded and long-decurrent). Basidio-
on the surface of the basidiospores and distinctly spores are pinkish or dark fleshy pink in deposit,
angular basidiospores in polar view. Rhodophana is angular in polar view with 6–12 facets, have thin, evenly
further differentiated by the presence of hyphal cyanophilic walls and have pronounced undulate-
clamp connections in the basidiomata. pustulate ornamentations on the walls in face and
profile views visible under the light microscope.
Hymenial cystidia are present or absent, and when
Clitopilopsis Maire, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique del N. present they can be pseudocystidia with brightly colored
28:113. 1937. contents or hyaline leptocystidia found as cheilocystida
Description: Basidiomata clitocyboid or omphali- and also pleurocystida. Clamp connections are absent.
noid, gray or pallid. Lamellae close to subdistant and Notes: With recognition of Clitocella, Clitopilopsis
decurrent to subdecurrent. Basidiospores are pinkish and Rhodophana as segregate genera, the circum-
in deposit, have thickened walls 0.5–0.8(–0.9) mm) scription of the genus Rhodocybe has changed
that are evenly cyanophilic, nearly smooth in all views, significantly from its recent concept (Baroni 1981,
and round or obscurely angular in polar view. Singer 1986). With molecular analyses supporting
Pseudocystidia and clamp connections are absent. these three monophyletic genera, it is now possible to
Type: Clitopilopsis hirneola (Fr.) Kühner, Bull. Soc. clearly define with a set of morphological features
Mycol. Fr. 62:138. 1946. Clitocella, Clitopilopsis and Rhodophana and thus
Notes: The angular spore morphology in polar view, eliminate the argument that Rhodocybe is paraphy-
typical of the Entolomataceae, sometimes may be letic, as conceived (Co-David et al. 2009).
difficult to decipher in this genus because not all
basidiospores have the obscure rounded angles, but Rhodophana Kühner, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 87:23. 1971.
at least some do with careful examination under the Description: Basidiomata are collybioid, mostly
light microscope. This obscure angularity may be an ocher, orange-brown, honey, straw yellow or brownish
artifact of the thickened spore wall. Only two species or rarely pinkish and mostly hygrophanous. Lamellar
are known, and the colors are either gray (C. hirneola) attachment ranges from adnexed to adnate (but never
or pallid (C. heterospora). decurrent). Basidiospores are angular in polar view,

have thin, evenly cyanophilic walls that are pinkish or Rhodophana melleopallens (P.D. Orton) Kluting, T.J.
flesh pink in deposit and have pronounced scattered Baroni & Bergemann, comb. nov.
undulate-pustulate ornamentations. Hymenial cystidia MycoBank MB805411
are absent. Clamp connections are present. Basionym: Rhodocybe melleopallens P.D. Orton,
Type: Rhodophana nitellina (Fr.) Kühner, Bull. Soc. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 43:380. 1960.
Mycol. Fr. 87:23.1971.
Notes: With the transfer of some taxa formerly
Rhodophana stangliana (Bresinsky & Pfaff) Vizzini,
placed in section Rhodophana of Rhodocybe (e.g. R.
comb. nov.
speciosa Lennox ex T.J. Baroni, R. priscua T.J. Baroni
[Baroni 1981], and R. trachyospora [Largent] T.J.
Basionym: Squamanita stangliana Bresinksy & Pfaff,
Baroni & Largent and its varieties [Baroni and Largent
Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 34:169. 1968 [1969].
1989]) now recognized as members of the genus
Entocybe T.J. Baroni, V. Hofstetter & Largent (Entoloma
clade) based on molecular and morphologic evidence DISCUSSION
(Baroni et al. 2011), the genus Rhodophana is mono- Several studies have examined the Entolomataceae
phyletic. Species of Entocybe, in addition to having large, on a molecular basis (Moncalvo et al. 2002, Matheny
obvious clamp connections, are distinguished by their
et al. 2006, Co-David et al. 2009, Baroni and Matheny
isodiametric, angular or obscurely angular basidiospores
2011, Baroni et al. 2011, Kinoshita et al. 2012,
in profile and face views, where the pustulate ornamen-
Morgado et al. 2013), however this is the first to
tations of the basidiospores are connected by a partial or
provide a densely sampled systematic treatment of
incomplete ridge-like pattern as seen under the SEM
Clitopilus and Rhodocybe. Traditionally Clitopilus and
(Baroni et al. 2011). The basidiospores of Rhodophana
Rhodocybe have been treated as segregate genera
species are either ellipsoid or amygdaliform that are only
based mostly on morphology of the basidiospores
angular in polar view, and the pustulate ornamentations
(Baroni 1981, Singer 1986), but molecular analyses
are scattered and not interconnected with partial ridges.
suggest either a single genus (Clitopilus) (Co-David et
Rhodophana and Entocybe, although superficially similar
al. 2009) or at least four segregate genera (Baroni and
from a morphological perspective, are phylogenetically
Matheny 2011). In the molecular analysis using
placed in segregate clades.
partial sequences of the three protein-coding genes
analyzed here, five strongly supported monophyletic
Clitocella fallax (Quél.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & clades are resolved and are classified as distinct
Bergemann, comb. nov. genera: Clitopilopsis, Clitopilus, Clitocella, Rhodocybe
MycoBank MB805407 and Rhodophana.
Basionym: Omphalia fallax Quél., Comptes Rendus Each genus is defined with a combination of
de l’Association Française pour l’Avancement des morphological characters, and in most instances
Sciences 24: 617. 1896. distinct synapomorphies can be defined on the basis
of basidiospore ornamentation. Clitopilus contains
Clitocella mundula (Lasch) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & species with either clitocyboid (FIG. 2A) or pleurotoid
Bergemann, comb. nov. stature types (FIG. 2B), and longitudinally ridged
MycoBank MB805408 basidiospores (FIG. 2). Clitocella includes species with
Basionym: Agaricus mundulus Lasch, Linnaea a clitocyboid stature (FIG. 2C) and basidiospores
4:527. 1829. ornamented with relatively few or obscure pustules
(FIGS. 2H, 3A) in comparison to the prominently
undulate-pustulate ornamentation of Rhodocybe spe-
Clitocella popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & cies. Clitopilopsis includes species with a clitocyboid
Bergemann, comb. nov. stature (FIG. 2D) and basidiospores that have distinct-
MycoBank MB805409 ly thickened walls visible with a light microscope
Basionym: Agaricus popinalis Fr., Systema Mycolo- (FIGS. 2I, 3B). These thickened walls obscure the
gicum 1:194. 1821. pustules and render the basidiospores smooth or only
slightly pustulate in a small fraction of the basidio-
Clitopilopsis heterospora (Murrill) Kluting, T.J. Bar- spores. The stature of Rhodocybe is highly variable
oni & Bergemann, comb. nov. (pleurotoid, collybioid, mycenoid, clitocyboid, tricho-
MycoBank MB805410 lomatoid), with lamellar attachment ranging from
Basionym: Eccilia heterospora Murrill, Lloydia 9:324. adnexed to decurrent (FIG. 2E), and basidiospores
1946. ornamented with prominent pustules (FIG. 2J). The

FIG. 2. Macro- and microscopic characters used in the delineation of genera within the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade. A.
Clitopilus prunulus basidiome, 9425 TJB, T.J. Baroni. B. Clitopilus hobsonii basidiomata, 8490 TJB, T.J. Baroni. C. Clitocella
mundula basidiomata, 2737 TJB, T.J. Baroni. D. Clitopilopsis hirneola basidiomata, 2370 TJB, T.J. Baroni. E. Rhodocybe caelata
basidiomata, 3843 TJB, T.J. Baroni. F. Rhodophana nitellina basidiomata, 7861 TJB, T.J. Baroni. G. Clitopilus prunulus
basidiospores, 3213 TJB, T.J. Baroni. H. Clitocella mundula basidiospores, 7161 TJB, T.J. Baroni. I. Clitopilopsis hirneola
basidiospores, REH8490, R.E. Halling. J. Rhodocybe caelata basidiospores, REH3569, R.E. Halling. K. Rhodophana nitellina
basidiospores, 6740 TJB, T.J. Baroni. L. Rhodophana nitellina clamp connections (at arrows) 6740 TJB, T.J. Baroni. Bars: A–F 5
10 mm, G–L 5 5 mm.

FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrographic images of basidispores of Clitocella and Clitopilopsis. A. Clitocella popinalis 6378
TJB, T.J. Baroni. B. Clitopilopsis hirneola 155 SC, S. Carpenter. Bars: A, B 5 1 mm.

basal Rhodophana includes species with stature types ous pustules or bumpy ornamentations are character-
most often collybioid (FIG. 2F) that have basidio- istic of Clitocella (FIG. 3A), whereas basidiospores of
spores with prominent undulate-pustulate ornamen- Clitopilus are ornamented with pustules arranged in
tations similar to Rhodocybe (FIG. 2K). The abundant longitudinal ridges. Two Clitocella spp. sampled over a
hyphal clamp connections found exclusively in broad geographic region, C. mundula and C. popinalis,
Rhodophana can be used to distinguish this genus are often confused because they share many morpho-
from Rhodocybe (FIG. 2L). logical characters and are separated only by spore size
The phylogenetic analysis by Baroni and Matheny and habitat preference. Clitocella popinalis has broader
(2011) also highlighted segregate clades for Clitopi- basidiospores (5.0–5.5 mm) and is associated with
lopsis, Rhodocybe s. str. and Rhodophana, but the grasses, whereas C. mundula has narrower basidio-
terminal clade Clitopilus was collapsed with what we spores (4.0–5.0 mm) and is associated with woodlands
recognize as Clitocella. Our analysis additionally (Baroni 1981). The lack of monophyly for collections
demonstrates that Clitocella constitutes a segregate of C. mundula and C. popinalis borrowed from
clade that is nested between Clitopilus and Clitopi- herbaria in Europe (as R. mundula and R. popinalis
lopsis and that Clitopilus contains two sister clades: in TABLE I) is likely due to misidentifications. Because
one with centrally stipitate species (FIG. 1A2) and the no attempt was made to carefully examine all
other with pleurotoid statures (FIG. 1A1). The dichot- European collections morphologically due to the lack
omy between the centrally stipitate and the pleur- of field notes, we suggest that C. mundula and C.
otoid Clitopilus species will receive further scrutiny in popinalis of Europe and North American should be re-
future studies. examined to resolve this taxonomic issue.
Clitocella was erected as a new genus to accommo- In the Clitopilopsis clade, three collections of
date species with crowded, narrow, long-decurrent Clitopilopsis hirneola (Fr.) Kühner from Russia, Nor-
lamellae and thin-walled basidiospores that are ob- way and the western United States were included in
scurely pustulate. In general the clitocyboid basidiome this study (TABLE I as Rhodocybe hirneola). Based on
stature of Clitocella bears a macroscopic resemblance the monophyly observed here, it appears that this is a
to the centrally stipitate species of Clitopilus and yet cohesive species with a widespread geographic distri-
basidiospore morphology differs between the two bution. Clitopilopsis heterospora has basidiospores that
genera. Basidiospores with scattered and inconspicu- are morphologically similar to those found in C.

hirneola (Baroni 1981) but differ by color of the 2. Basidiospores ornamented with obscure pus-
basidiomata and the lack of cystidia. Clitopilopsis tules or appearing nearly smooth and with
heterospora is known only from the type collection and minute or obscure angles in polar view . . . . 3
29. Basidiospores ornamented with prominent,
therefore was not included this study.
random isolated pustules in profile and face
Rhodocybe is the largest and most morphologically
views, and distinctly angular in polar view . . . 4
diverse genus in the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade and 3. Basidiospore wall thin, , 0.5 mm . . . . . . . Clitocella
contains R. caelata, the type species of the Rhodocybe. 39. Basidiospore wall thick, $ 0.5 mm . . . . Clitopilopsis
In a revision of the genus that included a study of the 4. Hyphal clamp connections absent . . . Rhodocybe
neotype for R. caelata, Baroni (1981) recognized that 49. Hyphal clamp connections present . . . Rhodophana
macro- and micromorphological variation existed
among species collected from different geographic
regions but was unable to determine consistent ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
characters to substantiate the variation noted. Rhodo-
We thank Dr Katriina Bendiksen, head engineer, Dr Karl-
cybe caelata is not a monophyletic species based on the
Henrik Larsson, curator, from the Botanical Garden and
phylogenetic placement of the four collections Museum at the University of Oslo (OSLO), Dr Bryn
sequenced in this study. A detailed analysis to clarify Dentinger, head of mycology and Dr Elizabeth Woodgyer,
the boundaries of these and other similar morpho- head of collections Management Unit, the Royal Botanical
species is necessary. Gardens (KEW), for preparing herbarium loans of collec-
Rhodophana most closely resembles Rhodocybe in tions used in this study. We also thank Mr Marco Contu, Dr
terms of basidiome stature and basidiospore mor- David Largent and Dr Thomas Bruns for providing
phology, but Rhodophana is unambiguously differen- additional collections. A significant portion of the collec-
tiated by the presence of abundant hyphal clamp tions used in this study were obtained during work on two
previous National Science Foundation grants awarded by
connections. Kühner (1947) emphasized this charac-
the Biotic Surveys and Inventory Program of the National
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could be recognized lacked the required Latin DEB0103621). In addition we are grateful for financial
description and was considered nomen nudum. Later support from the National Science Foundation for sequenc-
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