Lesson 03

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General English Course Level B01

Lesson 03: The Weather Objectives: Talk about the weather/ likes and dislikes/ Write a web post

1- Warm up:

Describe the weather in the following pictures.

2- Vocabulary

Match the symbols and temperatures to the weather headlines.

Hot, cloudy and humid

Cloudy and mild

Sunny, dry and pleasant

Cold and damp, with a few showers

Heavy rain, and thunderstorm

Light snow, temperature below zero

General English Course Level B01

Replace the words in italics with the words in bold from the previous task.

1. If it’s a nice evening, we can eat outside.

2. I hate this warm, wet and uncomfortable weather.
3. The air was cold and a bit wet this morning.
4. There are going to be some short periods of rain later.
5. Yesterday it was really cold, but today it’s not too cold.
6. Did you hear the heavy rain, thunder and lightning last night?

3- Listening:

Listen to Faisal from Dubai, Marek from Alberta, Gina from Rio De Janeiro talking about their
favourite seasons. Who talks about these topics

Listen again and complete the sentences

General English Course Level B01

Prepar a mini presentation about things you like/dislike about teacher’s/professional life Use the
ideas below and add your own.

Exams. Early morning lectures.

Travelling abroad for conferences/ scholarships. Sitting at the computer all day.

Working in the library. Working at home.

Writing articles. Going to meetings.

Food in the college cafeteria. Grading students’ assignments.

4- Writing

A web post about the best time to visit a country

General English Course Level B01

Linkers: and, but, so

 We use and for …………………………………….

Example: The weather is good and there aren’t many people

 We use but for ……………………………………

Example: The sea is nice and calm, but there are lot of tourist at this time of the year.

 We use so for ……………………………………..

Example: The beaches are empty and the prices are low, so I think it is the best time to visit it.

Practice: Join the sentences below using: and, but, so

It rains everyday. It’s not heavy rain.

The restaurants are good. They aren’t expensive.

It’s a very interesting street. It can be dangerous at night.

The temperature reaches 40˚C. People go to the mountains where it’s cooler.

All the children are on holiday at this time of the year. The beaches get crowded.

There’s an excellent museum. It’s free to enter.

Your turn: Write a post for a travel forum about the best time to visit your country/ town. Talk
about the topics from the box

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