Module 1 - Introduction To Computing Programming

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Module 1 - Introduction to

Computer Programming
BITS Pilani Dr. Jagat Sesh Challa
Pilani Campus
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
Module Overview
• General course information

• Objectives of the Course

• Computers and Computing

• Introduction to Programming

• The C language

• Program and Process Execution

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

General Course Information

CS F111 - Team

Dr. Jagat Sesh Dr. Rajya Dr. Tejasvi Dr. Asish

Challa, I/C Lakshmi Alladi Bera

Sakshi, Vijay Kumari, Abhishek Vyas, Arti Jha, Rakhee Gupta, Sunil K Yadav, Shivam Lahoria

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Evaluation Components
Nature of
Weightage component
Component Duration Date & Time
(%) (Close Book/ Open
90 Min. 20 TBA Closed Book
180 Min. 40 TBA Partly Open Book
19 June 2022
Quiz 45 Min. 10 Closed Book
(Sunday) 11 AM
Programming 24 July 2022
120 Min. 20 Open Book
Test (Sunday) 10 AM
Laboratory 120 Min.
10 -- --
Sessions each
Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Make up Policy
• Makeup will be granted only for medical emergencies leading
to hospitalization (or a personal emergency of similar nature).
• The decision by the Instructor-In-Charge regarding makeups
would be final.
• Makeups are allowed for Mid Semester Test, Quiz, Lab Test
and Comprehensive Examination.
• No makeup for weekly laboratory sessions.
• Out of 11 lab sessions, 9 will be evaluative. Best 7 of 9
will be considered.

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Text Book and Reference Books
Text Book:
Hanly, J.R. and E.B. Koffman. Problem Solving and Program Design in C(7/e).
Pearson Education, 2013

Reference Books:
1. Patt, yale. Introduction to computing systems: from bits & gates to C
&beyond (2/e). Mcgraw hill education, 2017.
2. Forouzan, b.A. And richard F. Gilberg . computer science A structured
programming approach using C (3/e). Cengage learning, 2007
3. Gottfried, B.S. and Jitender chhabra. Programming with C (schaum's
outlines series, 3/e). Mcgraw hill education, 2017.
4. Kernighan, b.W and dennis ritchie. The C programming language (2/e).
Pearson education india, 2015.
5. Das, s. Unix: concepts and applications (4/e). Mcgraw hill education, 2017.
6. Das, Sumitabha. Computer fundamentals and C programming. New delhi,
india: mcgraw hill education. (2018)

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Laboratory Sessions & Course Website

Laboratory Sessions
• Weekly 2 hours
• Lab sessions on Ubuntu
• Sublime text for writing programs
• Ubuntu terminal for compiling and execution
• Practicing at home – install OS or VM or WSL on your
machines for practice [DIY]

Course Website
• Nalanda – LMS of BITS Pilani

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Course Objectives
Course Objectives

• Computer and Computing Methodologies

• Basic concepts of the C programming language

• Problem-solving through programming

• Systematic techniques and approaches for constructing


Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Computers and Computing


• A device that takes data as input, does some processing and
then returns an output

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Types of Memory

Registers (inbuilt on the


Cache (inbuilt on the

Cost and processor) Speed
Primary (RAM, ROM)

Secondary (HDD,

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Introduction to Programming
What is a Program?


• Collection of instructions that performs a specific task when

executed by a computer

• Written using a Programming Language

• Programming languages are mechanical and not natural;

hence are unambiguous

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Levels of Programming

High Level Language

Assembly Language Ease of


Machine language

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Machine Language

• Language of the machine

• Made up of a series of binary

High Level Language
Ease of
Assembly Language understanding

• Can be run directly Machine language

• Difficult to learn

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Assembly Language

• Uses simple pneumonic

High Level Language
Ease of
• Unique to a specific CPU Assembly Language understanding

Machine language

• Requires assembler

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
High level Language

• English-like

• Easier
High Level Language
Ease of
Assembly Language understanding
• Requires Compiler
Machine language
• Compiler: Generates object

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

The C Programming Language

The C language
• General Purpose high-level programming language

• Language is platform independent

• Closely associated with the UNIX operating system

• Most versatile as it supports direct access of memory

locations through pointers

• Compiler based language

• C programs are fastest in execution time!

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Program and Process Execution

What happens to your program?

You write a program…

1. Where is your program saved?

2. What happens to your program when you try to compile and run it?

Before we answer the above questions let us see what is an

operating system…

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Operating System (OS)
• An OS is a layer of software interposed between the
application program and the hardware

• OS manages everything of your computer including hardware

• OS is responsible for executing your program
• A program under execution is known as a process

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Basic layout of Computer Hardware


CPU Disk

Memory (RAM)
Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
What happens to your program?

Now let us answer these questions…

1. Where is your program saved?

2. What happens to your program when you try to compile and run it?

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
1. Where is your program saved?

Your program
when saved gets
stored on the



Memory (RAM)
Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
What happens to your program?

Now let us answer these questions…

1. Where is your program saved?

2. What happens to your program when you try to compile and run it?

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
2. What happens to your program
when you try to compile and run it?

• OS loads the
program into RAM
• Executes it line by
line on CPU

Program Program

Program is Program
executed gets
on CPU loaded

Note: Program under

execution is known as a
Memory (RAM) Process

Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

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