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Final Production


The Final Production is an oral presentation in which you demonstrate what you have
learnt in the course.
You can use visual aids to help you, but you can’t include texts.
You must choose ONE topic from the list below and get ready to talk about it.

Topic 1: A talented person

Choose a talented person.
Introduce him or her to the class.
Tell us some basic details about him or her such as:
-What’s his/ her name?
Nickname, age, nationality, marital status, birth date, language, job.
-What does he like?
- What can he/ she do?

Topic 2: Family photos

Tell us about your family members.
Introduce them to the class.
Mention the relationship they have. (This is Sara. Sara is Martin’s wife…)
Describe the photos. (In this photo, you can see…)

Topic 3: My personal profile

Tell us about you. (Personal information)
What’s your job?
What do you do at work?
Where and when do you work?
How often do you work?
Preparation for the Communication Level Final Production

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Interactive Communication

Is mostly intelligible, and
Shows a good degree of Uses a range of appropriate has some control of Maintains simple exchanges.
5 control of simple vocabulary when talking about phonological features at Requires very little prompting
grammatical forms. everyday situations. both utterance and word and support.
4 Performance shares features of Bands 3-5
Maintains simple exchanges
Shows sufficient degree of Uses appropriate vocabulary Is mostly intelligible,
despite some difficulty.
3 control of simple grammatical when talking about everyday despite limited control of
Requires very little prompting
forms. situations. phonological features
and support.
2 Performance shares features of Bands 1-3
Has considerable difficulty
Shows a good degree of
Uses a vocabulary of isolated Has very limited control of maintaining simple exchanges.
1 control of simple grammatical
words and phrases. phonological features and Requires very additional
is often unintelligible. prompting and support.
0 Performance below Band 1

Adapted from Cambridge KET Speaking

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