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My journey through unanticipated transition began with my decision to pursue a master's degree

in supply chain innovation. My lack of direction and conviction about pursuing a professional
path after graduating with a business degree in marketing and international management was due
to my lack of experience in the working world and my fear of failing in a field or industry that I
am not suited for. With my personal attitude of being open-minded, I began to consider choosing
a path that I would never have considered three years ago.

I began studying and searching for master's courses and discovered that Swinburne University in
Australia was providing a relatively new course called Master of Supply Chain Innovation. The
course topic called out to me because it emphasised the significance of change and adaptability
to an ever-changing environment, which resonated with me because I have always been adaptive
to new experiences and am eager to gain new skills while on my path to financial success. I am
competent in adjusting to new environments requiring interaction or understanding of customer
wants and needs due to my background in the F&B Industry as well as having done two separate
marketing internships in retail organisations.

However, my lack of discipline was concerning since I did not have any significant obligations
as a university student. I was scared that if I continued to indulge in this harmful routine, I would
miss out on the opportunity to study abroad in an unfamiliar country. As a result, I've been
focusing on bettering myself by incorporating basic routines into my daily activities, which
includes working a job, exercise, and academics. I presently get up around 7 a.m. five days a
week for work, go to the gym every Monday and Friday, and spend at least 1 - 2 hours each day
practising skills I have learnt or look for new ones to learn. Discipline is a really wonderful
attribute to have as a person, and if I am in control over my actions, I believe anything is
achievable. Thus started my journey of pursuing a master's degree in Australia.

After applying for the course, I began researching the supply chain sector and how it worked; the
procedures and processes in supply chain; as well as communities to join and skills I should
focus on to match the current skill demands within the industry. I utilised my networking
opportunities and spoke to managers and colleagues who have had experience in the sector,
gaining insight into the industry through the experiences of others. I also took webinars and
self-paced learning chances to further develop my abilities and build my confidence. This
proactive approach resulted in potential interviews and contacts in my sector of interest back in
my home country.

This journey of mine that is still ongoing has definitely changed a part of me for the better, and
has made me a few steps closer to my objective of being an individual that will make a positive
and innovative impact to the world in the oncoming future filled with uncertainties.

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