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Krishna Rajendra Rd,Parvathipuram,Vishveshwarapura,Basavanagudi Bangalore 560004

Group Members : Abhishek S (1BI20ET002)
Anil Kumar (1BI20ET006)
Dev S Shah (1BI20ET009)
Vijay Kumar (1BI20ET047)
Date : 16/05/2023

Title: Ubuntu Installation, User and Group Management, and File Management Report

1. Introduction
This report provides a concise guide on Ubuntu installation, user and group management and file handling. Ubuntu, a
versatile Linux distribution, offers a user-friendly environmental for personal computing, servers, and software
development. We cover installation steps,user creation, group management, file navigation, creation/deletion, and
permissions.Additionally, we have discussed about Tomcat installation for web application deployment.

2. Ubuntu Installation
2.1. Downloading Ubuntu
- Visit the official Ubuntu website ( and download the latest stable version of Ubuntu.
- Choose the appropriate architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) based on your system's specifications.
2.2. Creating a Bootable USB Drive
- Use a tool like Rufus or Etcher to create a bootable USB drive with the downloaded Ubuntu ISO file.
- Follow the instructions provided by the tool to create the bootable drive successfully.
2.3. Installing Ubuntu
- Insert the bootable USB drive into the target system and restart it.
- Access the system's boot menu and select the USB drive as the primary boot device.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu, including selecting language, keyboard layout, and partitioning options.
- Choose the desired installation type (e.g., alongside an existing operating system or as the sole operating system).
- Set up a username and password for the administrator (root) account.
- Wait for the installation process to complete, and then restart the system.

3. Adding Users and User Groups

3.1. Creating Users
- Log in to the Ubuntu system using the administrator account created during the installation process.
- Open a terminal window and use the `adduser` command to create new users.
3.2. Creating User Groups
- To create a user group, use the `addgroup` command in the terminal.
3.3. Assigning Users to Groups
- Use the `usermod` command to add users to existing groups.

4. File Management
4.1. Navigating the File System
- Use the `cd` command to navigate to different directories in the terminal.
4.2. Creating and Deleting Files and Directories
- To create a new file, use the `touch` command.
- To create a new directory, use the `mkdir` command.
- To delete a file, use the `rm` command.
Example: `rm file.txt`
- To delete an empty directory, use the `rmdir` command.
Example: `rmdir directory`
4.3. Managing File Permissions
- Use the `chmod` command to change file permissions.

5. Conclusion
This report provided a detailed overview of the Ubuntu installation process, adding users and user groups, and managing
files on the Ubuntu operating system. By following the steps outlined in this report, users should be able to successfully
install Ubuntu, create users and groups, and effectively manage files on their Ubuntu systems.

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