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The Meaning of Modularity

1)Why a program should be partitioned? (to reduce its complexity to some

A)A program should be partitioned so that its complexity can be reduced up to
some degree.
2)what is the more powerful justification behind partitioning? ( it creates a
number of well defined , documented boundaries
within the program)
A)A more powerful justification for partitioning a program is that it creates a
number of well defined , documented boundaries within the program.
3)what is the importance of these boundaries and interfaces? (invaluable in the
comprehension of the program)
A)These boundaries or interfaces are invaluable in the comprehension of the
4)What is modularization ?(dividing a program into modules which
can be complied separately)
A)Modularization can be defined as a process of dividing a program into modules
which can be compiled separately but which have connections with other modules.
5)what are connection between modules according to parnas? (assumptions
which modules make about each other)
A)According to parnas "the connections between modules are the assumptions
which the modules make about each other".

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