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1)What are the three remaining components?

(active classes , components,

nodes ,(class like meaning)
A)The three remaining things are 1)active classes 2)components 3)Nodes all of
them look class like meaning
2)What they describe?( sets of entities that share same R O SA
attributes,operations,Relationships and

A)They describe set of entities that share same attributes , operations, relationships
and semantics

3)what is the importance of these three elements?( they are necessary for
modeling certain aspects of
an object oriented systems)

A)These three elements are different enough and are necessary for modeling
certain aspects of an object oriented sytems.

4)What are active classes? (1)whose objects can own one or more processes or
threads ,
2)whose objects can represent elements whose
behavior is concurrent with other element
3) its objects can initiate control activity)

A)An active class is one whose objects own one or more processes or threads and
therefore can initiate control activity, whose objects represent elements whose
behavior is concurrent with other elements.

5)How an active class is represented?(with double lines on the left and right of a
rectangle, with the keyword Artifacts)

A)An active class is represented as a class with double lines on the left and right of
a rectangle with the keyword <<artifact>> above the name .
6)Diagram for active class?
Figure: Artifacts
7)What is a Node?(it is a physical element that exists at run time and represents
a computational resource)

A)A node is a physical element that exists at run time and represents a
computational resource.

8)What may reside on a node? (set of components , which may migrate from
node to node)
A)A set of components may reside on a node and may also migrate from node to

9)How a Node is represented? ( as a cube , including only its name)

A)Graphically a node is represented as a cube , usually including only its name , as
shown in the following figure.

10)Diagram of a Node
Figure: Nodes

11)What basic structural things we can include in a model?(ICU NCC artifacts

and active classes)

A)elements like Interfaces,classes,Usecases,Nodes,Collaborations,Components ,

active classes , artifacts etc can be included in a model

12)What are the different variations of structural things?(FLAT ADS

actors, signals, and utilities ,
libraries,pages, and tables)
A)Following are the several variations such as
1)actors 2)signals 3)utilities 4)processes 5)threads 6)applications 7)documents
8)files 9)libraries 10)pages 11)tables

F - Files L- Libraries A- Actors T- Threads

A-Applications D-Documents S-Signals
U-Utilities P-processes P-Pages T-Tables

Behavioral Things
1)What are behavioral things? (verbs, dynamic parts of UML models)
A)Behavioral things are the verbs and dynamic parts of UML models
2)What they represents?( behavior over time and space)
A)They represent behavior over time and space
3)What are various types of Behavioral things?(interaction,
A)There exists three types of Behavioral Things 1)Interaction 2)State Machine
4)What is an interaction? ( behavior that consists of set of messages exchanged
among a set of objects to accomplish a specific purpose)
A)An interaction can be defined as a behavior that comprises or consists of a set of
messages exchanged among a set of objects or roles within a particular context to
accomplish a specific purpose.
5)What an interaction specifies? (behavior of society of objects or behavior of
individual operations)
A)An Interaction may be used to specify behavior of society of objects or behavior
of an individual operation.
6)What an interaction involves?( messages , actions, connectors etc)
A)An interaction involves a number of other elements including
messages,actions,and connectors which are used to establish connections between
7)How Interaction is denoted ? (directed line, including name of its operation)
A)Graphically a message is rendered as a directed line, almost always including
the name of its operation .
Figure: Messages

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