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NAME: Naag, Lea L.

SUBJECT/COURSE: 2MBA653C3 Total Quality Management
SEMESTER/YEAR TAKEN: 1st Semester 2022-2023



1. Total Quality Management

2. Continuous Improvement
3. Quality
4. Goals
5. Team
6. Improvement
7. Plan
8. Do
9. Check
10. Act

Key concepts:

1. To accomplish total quality management, consideration must be given to

employee engagement. Employee involvement is crucial because multiple
brains are wiser than one. Each team member has unique skills that can be
utilized to solve complex problems.

2. TQM transformation involves four steps: The first step is to "Plan," which should
reflect the organization's missions and values. The second phase is "Do," which
is where the plan is put into action. The third step is "Check," which involves
verifying that the project's objectives are met and conducting a full evaluation of
the project after completion to identify successes and shortcomings so that
future adjustments may be made. Finally, there is the "Act," which is taking
corrective action once past errors have been acknowledged and resolved.

3. One of the most important aspects of a TQM program is making sure that both
internal and external customers are satisfied with the products and service they
receive. The organization should prioritize the views and opinions of its clients
and do more to ensure their ultimate satisfaction.

4. TQM is a management philosophy that aims to enhance the quality of an

organization's products and services without compromising on standards.
TQM's ultimate aspiration is to ensure that things are done correctly the very
first time. When it comes down to it, the customer is the one who determines


As an accountant with a demanding and rigorous career who is also pursuing

an MBA, my life is filled with work and study responsibilities. My life is sometimes
disorderly and disorganized. When I have too much work on my plate, I often skimp
on quality to get it done on time. After studying the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” or PDCA
approach that was pioneered by Dr. William Deming, I have attempted to implement
this strategy into my daily life as a means of improving the quality of my work and
academic outputs even though I have a full schedule. Initially, it was challenging. This
is something new that I do not want to include in my schedule. But because I am
aware of the benefits of planning, doing, checking, and acting, I have made it a point
to follow this pattern in everything that I do. I tried to create a system using the PDCA
approach and so far, I’m liking the result it has been giving me. It is always better to
plan, do, check and act every time I do a certain task. This approach assisted me in
becoming more organized, having a clearer perspective in life, and having more time
to do important tasks. With this, I plan to consistently deliver high-quality work for my
career and in every other aspect of my life.

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