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SOURCE 1 The graph below shows the trend in world trade since 1980.

Countries do not benefit equally from world trade; some countries are more able to
trade and therefore become wealthier than others.

Trading with other countries has many benefits. For individuals, there is increased
opportunity to find a job and improve their standard of living. This allows people to afford
better housing and improve their health. For governments, increased trade with other
countries helps the economy so that more businesses can grow and become
successful. With increased tax income from larger businesses, governments can spend
more money on education, health and transport. Increased world trade brings closer
communication and more cultural sharing between countries. The United Nations (UN)
believes that increased world trade will build relationships and promote global peace.
Rich countries have many advantages in world trade. Rich countries spend more money
on science and research than poor countries. According to the World Bank, the United
States spends over $1250 per person on research but Malawi in Africa spends less than
$1 per person. Spending money on research leads to technological advances; for
example in computing, robotics, genetic engineering and medical treatments. These
technological advances can be sold to other countries. The rich countries also control
the international trade organisations. They make the rules. The rules are unfair. For
example, rich countries often create trade barriers. This makes it expensive and more
difficult for others to sell goods and services to the rich countries. Even worse, some
rich countries only give aid to less developed countries if they agree to spend it in the
rich country. What’s the point of growth in trade and wealth if it benefits the rich
countries more than others? The problem with world trade is that it is not equal.
1. Identify the trend in world trade shown in the graph in Source 1.
2. Identify the country with the highest level of trade from Source 1.
3. Explain which benefit of trading with other countries you think is the most
important from Source 2.
4. Explain why inequalities in world trade are an important issue for governments.
2. Study Source 3.
‘Rich countries have many advantages in world trade.’
Do you agree with this statement?
In your answer you should:
• state your opinion
• give reasons and evidence to support your opinion
3 Study Source 4.
(a) Identify one opinion from Source 4. Explain why you think it is an opinion.
(b) Identify one prediction from Source 4. Explain why you think it is a prediction.
4. Your government wants to benefit from the opportunities of globalisation.
The following actions are being considered:
• allow more people from abroad to live and work here.
How far would you recommend to the government, and why?
In your answer you should:
• state your recommendation
• give reasons to support your choice
• use the material in the sources and/or any of your own ideas
• consider different arguments and perspectives
5. Focus on Poverty – A TV Documentary
Source 1: Two different perspectives about poverty and healthcare
As a Professor of Community Health, I have studied healthcare in developing nations.
Some of the fewer international charities, like the Bill Gates Foundation, are excellent.
They employ good quality people with experience, have the money and resources, and
move fast in new ways. For example they have made real progress in distributing
medicines to fight HIV/Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria. They have vaccinated more than
250 million children in poor countries and prevented more than an estimated five million
deaths, according to a recent newspaper report. If children and adults are healthy they
can go to school, get training and become better workers.
There just isn’t enough money in the charities or governments to fund high technology,
expensive healthcare for everyone. If we don’t educate local people about personal
healthcare they are more likely to become ill; health will become worse. Doctors are too
expensive. Why not train some local people to be general health care workers in their
home communities? Most illnesses are easy to treat and you don’t need a doctor. Then
use mobile phones to give them access to advice from doctors from a distance when it’s
needed. Giving local people more power is the right way forward.
a) Refer source 1 - Whose reasoning works better, Rafaela’s or Zhen’s? [10]
In your answer you should support your point of view with their words and phrases and
you may consider:
• the strength of their knowledge claims;
• how reasonable their opinions are;
• whether you accept their values and why;
• the reliability and validity of their evidence;
• other relevant issues.

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