Chemistry IA2 - Khushi Shah - 8D CLSP-2

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Khushi Shah (8-D CLSP)

Reactions of metal and metal carbonate

with acids.

a) To study the reaction between metal(zinc) and acid(hydrochloric acid)
b) To study reaction between metal carbonate(potassium carbonate)
and acid(sulfuric acid)


Reaction between Reaction between

zinc and hydrochloric potassium carbonate
acid and hydrochloric acid
● Bunsen burner ● Test tube
● Splint ● Spatula
Apparatus ● Test tube ● Test tube rack
● Stirrer ● Tong
● tong ● Stirrer
● Test tube rack
● Lighter
● Spatula

Chemicals required:
● Zinc ● Potassium carbonate
● Hydrochloric acid ● Hydrochloric acid


1. Keep clothing away from burning splint

2. Make sure that test tube is kept carefully in test tube rack at
the end
3. Hold test tube carefully as to not drop it
4. Do not touch zinc or potassium carbonate with bare hand-
use the tong to carefully add in the solution


Serial Procedure Observation Inference

1) Potassium carbonate When potassium carbonate When potassium carbonate is
is added to the acid is added to the acid solution, added to the acid, bubbles
solution. the clear lime water reacts form because potassium
vigorously to form many carbonate and acid form
The solution is slowly bubbles. carbon dioxide.
When it is slowly stirred, the The lime water turns milky
lime water turns milky in because carbon dioxide
colour. passes through it. Carbon
dioxide reacting with calcium
hydroxide solution, turns
colour milky.

2) Zinc is added to the When zinc reacts with When zinc reacts with
test tube containing hydrochloric acid, the hydrochloric acid, the reaction
hydrochloric acid, and reaction bubbles vigorously. bubbles vigorously because
mixed. hydrogen gas is produced.
When the burning splint is
Lighter is used to turn brought close to solution, a The pop sound is heard
on the bunsen burner pop sound is heard. because of the hydrogen gas
and splint is lit. present in the solution as the
Burning splint is hydrogen reacts with oxygen in
brought close to the the air in a small explosion.
solution of zinc and
hydrochloric acid.


● Zinc and hydrochloric acid:

When the metal zinc, and the acid hydrochloric acid react, they form
zinc chloride and hydrogen.


Zinc + Hydrochloric acid → Zinc Chloride + Hydrogen


Zn + Hcl → ZnCl2 + H2
● Potassium Carbonate and Hydrochloric acid:

When the metal carbonate Potassium carbonate and the acid

hydrochloric acid react, Potassium chloride, carbon dioxide and
water are formed.


Potassium Carbonate + Hydrochloric acid → Potassium Chloride

+ Carbon Dioxide + Water


K2Co3 + Hcl → KCl2 + Co2 +H2O

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