Foreward (Dicetak 3X)

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First of all I would thank GOD for all blessing that I could
completed my sea project successfully without any problem or accident
happened on my self. I would like also to address my special thanks to
Maritime Academy Suaka Bahari Cirebon (AKMI) that has given me
guidance until my sea project finished.
I gained so any experience on board by mean I can learn and
practice well. While on board I met with so many good officers, so I can
learn from their knowledge and experiences before I become an officer.
They taught me everything that I need to know on board, and olso they
little told me abaout his culture and it’s made me open my perception
about any style each culture. I hope all knowledge that I learned from
them will become useful for me.
This program is to ensure the cadets receive systematic pratical
training and all knowledge on board especially navigational and engine
knowledge. During sea project requirement for joining again with
Maritime Academy AKMI Cirebon on last semester.
During sea project cadets have to claimed finished sea project on
board with all responds to questions in the cadet’s Training Book. All
cadets have the responsibility to obey order of the officers on board
finish their Training Record Book, and follow all regulation on board.

Cirebon, …………………2023



NIT. 19333204

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