October 10

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Aminullah Zahine

October 10, 2022

University Life
We all go through various terms of aspiration, yet which one could we call the best? The most precious
part of our lives; university term is considered to be the best and the worst with all the struggles and
wishes we have. As a matter of fact, no one has the choice to have options of having a happy or sad life,
and university term is one of the inevitable parts of life. Living in such period where it is possible to reach
the highest or stay at the normal state of life will require a load of financial and intellectual efforts.
There is always this one question asked, “how much does it cost?” before we start anything. Money
speaks first when it is about doing anything in life. It could provide you all you need and want, but there
are two possible conditions. First, your family will pay each bill for the fees you will have to pay. Second,
you will have to have a part time job so that you can fulfill your university needs plus life needs.
Another attempt we are supposed to face will be the ones which requires your mind’s struggle. Beside
the payments you have to make, focusing on your studies is extremely needed. They say money brings
success, whereas education brings money. The lead cause to your life failure could be not learning enough
for your career. Along with working for hours to achieve your financial goal although it is challenging still
your best is needed.
In summary, seeking a glorious era of life means suffering and accepting the challenges of two
individuals; Receiving money by yourself or relatives, in case you are lucky to build up your financial states,
and concentrating on what you learn. University life can be hard however in spite of working hard, you
could still rejoice.

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