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What is communication?

 Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information in other words, talking or
writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators pay close attention to others' opinions,
speak or write effectively, and appreciate them. Strong communication skills can help kids
interact both face-to-face and in the online world. Understanding how words and visuals affect
other people is essential for texting, chatting, and posting safely. By modeling effective
communication, teaching kids to use responsibly on social media, and bringing them to media
that values healthy communication, you can aid in their development as communicators.

How does communication work as a process?

 To communicate requires a sender; the person who initiates the conversation; must convey
their ideas or encode a message. The receiver is the individual who gets this message, and it's up
to the receiver to decode or interpret it. Although it may appear simple, it's more complex.
 To break it down, in any communication there is a sender and a receiver, a message, and
interpretations of meaning on both ends. The receiver gives feedback to the sender of the
message, both during the message's conveyance and afterward. Feedback signals can be verbal
or nonverbal, such as nodding in agreement or looking away and sighing, or other myriad

What is effective communication?

 Effective communication implies that your ideas and concepts be comprehended and put into
practice. Effective communication also refers to the ability to hear, interpret, and respond to
what others are saying. This is how effective communication is established and how a team,
department, or company attains success by recognizing what needs to be done and carrying it
all out.
It appears that successful communication should come naturally. But when we attempt
to communicate with others, mistakes occur far too often. When we say something and the
other person hears another, miscommunications, dissatisfaction, and disagreements occur.
Effective communication skills give you a deeper understanding of what others want and how to
deliver information to them, it builds strong work and personal relationships. Your work
environment and personal life both naturally improve as others come to feel heard and
understood by you.
The variety of communication options; texting, email, instant messaging, Slack, Teams,
and mobile devices; is bewildering. The process of effective communication is more difficult by
having to keep up with and respond to so many sources. Additionally, the practice of
multitasking has entirely undermined effective listening skills since people pay much less
attention while they are juggling multiple tasks. You must choose your words carefully because
there are so many more options for communicating successfully and things might be easily
misunderstood. Ask for clarification if you're unsure of a message to avoid any confusion. Keep
the conversation going and make sure you're listening to understand for consistently effective
Factors to consider to become effective communication?

 There are many ways that people communicate. Language is deeply ingrained in the culture and,
thus, communication types and styles will vary. General types of communication include the

Verbal- This is verbal, spoken language, which includes formal vs informal language, as well as the
language and words used, as well as the tone, tempo, and pace with which they are expressed.

Nonverbal- This form of communication involves body language, gestures, facial expressions, and
eye contact (eye movements and behavior). Nonverbal forms of communication include American Sign
Language (ASL), an officially recognized language.

Visual- Social media has given the world accessibility to a kind of visual communication that must
unite us on a world basis. The way we interact with one another has changed as a result of social media
platforms like Zoom, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and many others. Other forms of visuals include the
use of audiovisual aids in presentations or signs and symbols that convey a message.

Written- This is communication that is written in many forms, from emails and texts to old-fashioned
pen and paper.

Active listening- This is a vital type of communication because it encourages and guides
communication by reflecting on what is being said and responding to the sender thoughtfully and
deliberately to indicate that the receiver is truly listening to what is being communicated.

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