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January 1

Odoo ERP
[Portal page uses for customers to access shared
information, files, links and collaborate through instant
messaging (conferencing) in group channels or peer to
peer. This manual is for end users how to visit, access
and collaborate on the portal module]
Login URL: http://erp.hijrabank.com/

How to login?
Users can visit above URL, click on the ‘sign in’ menu and use their /active directory
credential /outlook user and password to login to the ODOO-ERP. It is already integrated to
Microsoft exchange through LDAP.

Fig 1: Login page

Access shared information

All departments will always published necessary and up-to-date information, forms,
documents, files, announcement, notices, links and reports on their page in the ERP. Users
can visit each department page to get all necessary information.

To access published information, visit main menu with symbol (::) on the left top corner of
the window, click ‘portal’, then ‘pages’. Here users can access information shared on each
department page.

Instant messaging (collaboration)

Directors, managers and also each user can create group channel for instant messaging including
video conferencing. To use instant messaging (discussion), visit main menu with symbol (::)
on the left top corner of the window, click ‘portal’.
Fig 2: Portal access work flow

1. Create group channel

To create group channel, click + symbol on the ‘channels’ tab, set group name and hit enter
on key board to create a group. Users should set group privacy settings as invited users only.

Fig 3: Create group form

To add members to the created group, click group name, then on the right top corner of the
window, click user add symbol as shown on the image below. Invited users will be
automatically added as members of the group.

Fig 4: Add members to group

2. Chatting

Each user can send message /share file to individual user or to a group. To send message
/share file to individual user, search for user by clicking + symbol on the ‘direct messages’
tab as shown on the image below, write message and hit enter on key board to send your
Fig 5: Chatting window

To send file, click on the file share button shown on right bottom corner next to the message,
browse and hit enter on the key board.

Fig 6: Chatting window (share file)

To send message /share file to group, click on a group channel, write message and hit enter
on key board to send your message.
3. Live meeting

To make a live meeting, click on ‘start meeting’ button, invite users and share screen if
needed for presentation. Follow the image bellow.

Fig 7: Start meeting

Note: - Group channels should be created in descriptive (proper name and description) way to
identify against others.


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