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Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Read the short story. Then answer each question.

Hide and Seek

“Come boys, what shall we do? Let’s play hide and

seek,” suggested Fred.

“Oh yes! That will be fun for all of us. Who will shut his
eyes? Fred, will you shut your eyes?” asked Roy.

“Yes, I’ll shut my eyes while you all go and hide,”

replied Fred. Then Fred stood by the tree and shut his
eyes, and the other boys ran off to hide. Pretty soon
Fred shouted, “Boys, are you all hidden? Well, here I
go. One, two, three, here I come!”

Fred started to look for the

hidden boys. He spotted
Andrew hiding in a box.
“Ha! I found you,
Andrew. You are in that
box!” shouted Fred.

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Then Fred said to Roy, “I found you, Roy. You are

under the sofa.”

Fred could not find Frank. Fred kept looking and then
saw Frank behind the curtain. “Oh there he is! I
found you, Frank. Come out from behind the curtain.
I see your black shoes!” shouted Fred.

Now it was Andrew’s turn to stand by the door and

shut his eyes while the other boys hid.

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Worksheet


1. Who is the first person to close his eyes and seek?



2. Where was Roy hiding?



3. What is Frank wearing that others can see?



4. How many boys are playing the game all




Reading and Math for K-5 ©

Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Worksheet


1. Who is the first person to close his eyes and seek?

Fred is the first person to close his eyes and seek.

2. Where was Roy hiding?

Roy was hiding under the sofa.

3. What is Frank wearing that others can see?

Frank is wearing black shoes that others can see.

4. How many boys are playing the game all

Four boys are playing: Fred, Roy, Andrew and

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

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