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Class – V
Time : 2 Hours ______________ Maximum Marks : 40
General Instructions:
(a) Read the question paper carefully.
(b) This question paper consists of Section A: Objective and Section B:
(c) Do not copy the questions. Write only the answers neatly.
(d) Write the question number against each answer.
(e) Q 7 and Q 8 in Section B have choice.
(f) Do not write anything on the question paper.

Q1. Read the question carefully and choose the correct option.

A. "A screw is better than a nail". Which of these can justify the given statement.
(i) More force is needed to insert a screw than to insert a nail.
(ii) Screw is bigger than a nail.
(iii) Less effort is needed to insert a screw than to insert a nail.
(iv) A screw has threads due to which the grip is not firm.

B. Read the given statements and select the correct option-

Statement 1 :  All seeds can  be dispersed by sticking on an animal's body.
Statement 2 :   Velcro, a useful material was inspired by the idea of spiky seeds.
(i) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.  
(ii) Statement 2 is true but Statement 1 is false.
(iii) Both Statement are false. 
(iv) Both Statements are true.

C. Match the following:

Column I Column II
a) Pupil                                  (i) They carry messages to the brain
b) Nerves                                (ii) Hole through which light enters

c) Retina                                 (iii) Tube through which the sound is sent inside the

d)Ear canal                             (iv) Light sensitive innermost layer of the eye

(i)      a-ii,     b-i,    c-iv    d- iii

(ii)     a-ii,     b-iv,  c-i      d-iii
(iii)    a-i,     b-iii,   c-ii     d-iv 
(iv)    a-iii,    b-iv,    c-ii d- i

D. The figure shows a plier. Which points marked K, L and M represent the fulcrum,
load and effort.

(i)    Fulcrum  Effort   Load  


(ii)   Fulcrum  Effort  Load   

K M L 

(iii) Fulcrum    L Effort   K Load   M

(iv Fulcrum   Effort   Load   

) L M K

E. Identify the food materials that will test positive for the presence of starch 
a) Boiled rice, corn, cereals, bread
b) Apple, grapes, orange , lime
c) Potato, biscuits, pasta, banana
d) egg, fish, meat, milk

(i) Option a) and b)

(ii) Option b) and c)
(iii) Option a) and c)
(iv) Option b) and d)

Q2. Give one word for the following. . (1x5=5)

(a) The baby plant inside the seed. Embryo

(b) The process by which plants make their food. Photosynthesis
(c) Simple machine used to cut a wooden log into two pieces. Wedge
(d) Sense organ which helps us to feel various things through the sense of touch.
(e) Toothed wheel which works in pairs. Gears

Q3. Fill in the blanks. (1x5=5)

(a) Dandelion seeds are dispersed with the help of …wind….

(b) Rajesh was constructing a Robot using his mechanic tool kit. He wanted to join
few parts using the screw. He used a…screwdriver… (tool) to complete this work .
(c) …Chlorophyll………pigment traps the sunlight in plants.

(d) Reena was passing by a garbage dump. She could smell a foul smell coming
from there. Her nose sensed the smell and passed it on to the…brain………, which
decided that it was an unpleasant smell.
(e) The point of support on a lever is called Fulcrum….

Q4. Read the statements carefully and rewrite them correctly.


(a) When one gear turns, the other gear wheel turns in the same direction.

⇒ When one gear turns, the other gear wheel turns in the opposite

(b) Eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the inner ear.

⇒ Eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the
middle ear.

(c) Carnivorous plants dissolves insects with the help of nitrogen

⇒ Carnivorous plants dissolves insects with the help of enzyme.

(d) Each eyeball is set in a socket which is a protective cavity in the brain.

⇒ Each eyeball is set in a socket which is a protective cavity in the skull.

(e) Carbon dioxide is one of the by-products of photosynthesis.

⇒ Oxygen/ water vapour is one of the by-products of photosynthesis.


Q5. Define the following the terms. (1x2=2)

(a) Chloroplast – Chloroplast are millions of small structures in a leaf that

contains green pigment, chlorophyll which traps the energy of the sunlight..

(b) Iris – Iris is the coloured part of the eye that has pupil at the centre and it

adjusts automatically to control the amount of light entering the eye.
Q6. Give one reason for the following. (1x2=2)

(a) Visually challenged people are able to read and write using a braille script.
Ans. Visually challenged people are able to read and write using a braille
script as it replaces the sense of sigh with sense of touch. They use their
finger tips to feel/touch the raised dots.

(b) The stalk of a sunflower always bends towards the direction of the Sun.
Ans. The stalk of a sunflower always bends towards the direction of the Sun
because as the Sun moves across the sky , the plant follows it by bending
towards it. It tends to grow towards the direction of the Sun.

Q7. Give two differences between a lever and an inclined plane. Write the
differences in a tabular manner.
S.No Lever Inclined Plane
1. A lever is a rod that can move It is a gentle slope that helps us to
around a fixed point called move heavy load with less effort.
fulcrum. It helps us to lift or
balance heavy objects with ease.
2. It acts against a fixed point It may increase the distance but
called fulcrum. To lift a large load reduces the effort.
the effort has to move a greater
distance than the load.


Give two differences between the outer ear and the inner ear. Write the differences
in a tabular manner.
S. No Outer Ear Inner Ear
1 It consists of ear flap and ear It consists of cochlea and three semi-
canal circular canals.
2 It collects the sound waves It sends the sound vibrations to the brain
and sends them to middle via the auditory nerve,

Q8. Our eyes have the ability to adjust in bright light as well as in dim light. With the
help of a tree map show how our eyes are able to do so.
You are not required to draw the map in the answer sheet. (2)

Our eyes are able to adjust to the amount of light

1-In dim light 2-In bright light

Ans. 1- In dim light, the pupil expands to allow more light to enter into the eye which
enables us to see clearly..
2- In bright light, the pupil contracts to allow less light to enter into the eye.
Identify the simple machine used in the picture below and complete the bubble
map by giving the appropriate answers for B and C.
You are not required to draw the bubble map in the answer sheet.

A. It is used to lift B. Describe the

heavy loads. machine?

C. How does this D. Examples –

machine reduce our found in blinds, lifts
effort? and wells.

Ans. B- It is a Pulley. C- It reduces the effort by changing the direction of force. The
effort is towards the downward direction.

Q9. Rashmi and Anjali wanted to eat sprouts, so they soaked a handful of whole
pulse in water overnight. In the morning, Rashmi placed the seeds in dry cotton
while Anjali placed the seeds in wet cotton. Whose seeds will sprout and why ?

Ans. Seeds soaked by Anjali will sprout as seeds were placed in wet cotton whereas
Rashmi placed her seeds in dry cotton. Water is one of the necessary conditions for
seeds to germinate.

Q10. Human beings help in dispersal of seeds. Write four points about seeds
which have been dispersed by humans?
Ans. 1.Seeds of tomatoes were brought from South America and Mexico to England
and India..
2. Traders from South America brought the green chillies to India from South
3. Coffee beans and lady’s fingers were were brought to India from Africa.
4. Cabbage and peas were brought to India from Europe.
Q11. Observe the diagram of a seed given below and answer the following


(a) Name the parts of the seed marked as 2 and 5.

Ans. 2- Micropyle, , 5- Cotyledon

(b) State the function of the parts you have identified
Ans. Micropyle allows the water to enter into the seed.
Cotyledon stores the food for the growing embryo.

Q12. Observe the picture given below and answer the questions which follow.

(a)  What is the aim of the above activity?

Ans. To prove that Sunlight is necessary for the process of photosynthesis.

(b) If the above plant is kept in the sun for few days, the portion of the leaf covered
with black paper appear different from the rest of the leaf. What is the difference in
appearance and why? 
Ans. The leaf will turn pale yellow as it is covered with black paper will not receive
any sunlight thus will not be able to carry out the process of photosynthesis.

(c) What will you observe if the leaf covered with black paper is tested for the
presence of starch?  Give reason for your answer.
Ans. The part that appears pale yellow will not turn into blue-black colour as it does
not have starch and could not carry out the process of photosynthesis.

(a) Stage 1 and stage 2 of seed germination is missing in the picture below. Draw
and label stage 1 and stage 2 of seed germination in your answer sheet.



Stage 2
Stage 1

Write ONE difference between a dormant seed and active seed.

Dormant Seed- Dormant seed is a seed in its sleeping stage.It is dry, hard and
small in size.
Active seed-An active seed is the one which is germinating as it has received all
conditions necessary for germination such as air, water and warmth. It is wet,
soft and bigger in size.



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