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Cambridge International School Dasuya

A Vasal Education School

Social Science

Topic: The Mughal Empire (History Ch-4) Date: ___________

Name: ______________________________ Grade / Section: 7_______

I. Objective Type Questions:

A. Mutiple Choice Questions:

1. C(1526 AD) 2. b(His wife) 3. d(Abul-Fazl) 4. b(1556 AD)

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Jaziya 2. Ibadat Kahana 3. Sulh-I-Kul 4. Zabt System 5. Khalsa

C. True/False:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True

II. Very Short Answer Questions:

1. What is the meaning of ‘Mansab’?

Ans: Mansab means positon or rank called zat.

2. The Mughals were descendants of which clan?

Ans: Changez Khan(mother’s side) and Timur(father’s side).

3. Who were defeated at Chanderi in 1528 AD?

Ans: Rajputs were defeated at Chanderi in 1528 AD?

4. Who built the grand trunk road?

Ans: Sher Shah Suri built the grand trunk road.
III. Short Answer Questions

1. Explain Babur’s new mode of welfare.

Ans: He introduced a skilled combination of artillery and Calvary. He was a
good leader and an excellent general. Artillery gave him a benefit in wars and
helped the mughal rule in India. His victories made gunpowder and artillery very
popular in India.

2. Mention the nine gems of Akbar’s court?

Ans: Akbar court was adorned with the talent and brilliance of nine gems or
navratnas. They were:
1. Abul Fazl- Biographer of Akbarnama and Ain-I-Akbari
2. Fazal- a poet
3. Miyan Tansen- Great Musician
4. Birbal- Great Wit
5. Raja Todar Mal- Finance Minister
6. Raja Maan Singh- General and commander-in chief
7. Fakir Aziao-Din- Mystic and advisor
8. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana- Poet
9. Mulla Do-Piyaza- Advisor

Long Answer Questions:

1. Briefly describe Akbar’s religious policy.

Ans: Akbar followed the policy of religious tolerance and established harmony in
his kingdom. He adopted the following means:
i. Abolition of Taxes: He abolished the unjust taxes imposed on Non-Muslims
such as Jaziya and Pilgrim taxes.
ii. Translation of the holy books: The holy books of the Hindus(Bhagwad Gita and
Ramayana) and Christians(Bible) were translated into Persian so that they could
be read and understood my Muslims too.
iii. Celebration of other religious festivals: Hindu religious festivals like Depavali
and Basant Panchmi began to celebrate. His Hindus wives have complete
religious freedom.
iv. Peace to all: He believed in the principle of Sul-I kul(peace to all). He bought
peace and harmony to his empire and laid the foundation of a strong stable
v. Respect for all religions: He built Ibadat Khana(Hall of Prayer) where he
welcomed scholars of all religions. He tried to compile the good points of all
religions into a single faith called Din-I-Ilahi.

2. Explain the Mansabdari System of Mughal Empire.

 Ans: The Mansabdari system was the administrative system of the Mughal
Empire introduced by Akbar.

 Every mansabdar holds a mansab which means rank or position. The

mansabs were divided into Zat and Sawar. Zat meant personal salary and
sawar meant the number of horsemen, a mansabdar had to maintain.

 The manasabdars got their salary in the form of jagirs. The revenue was
collected by the servants. The Mughal Mansabdars were paid very well.

 Apart from his own salary the mansabdar had the responsibility to
maintain a specified number of sawars or horsemen. He brought his
cavalrymen for review, got them registered and their horses branded.

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