Types of Propaganda

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BANDWAGON PROPAGANDA – It is all about persuading the

target audience to take action. Its about creating an urge
amongst people to become a part of the crowd.
CARD STACKING PROPAGANDA – This technique is perhaps
most popularity used . It involves the deliberate omission of
certain facts to fool the target audience.

PLAIN FOLKS PROPAGANDA – Have you ever noticed how

some brands use ordinary folks to promote their products

and services as opposed to celebrities. The ultimate goal here
is to demonstrate how the product is meant for everybody
and will provide value to everyone .
TESTIMONIAL PROPAGANDA – It is popular advertising
technique that uses renowned or celebrity figures to endorse
products and services .
GLITTERING GENERALITIES – A propaganda technique where
propagandists use emotional appeal or vague statements to
influence the audience.
NAME CALLING PROPAGANDA – This type of propaganda
uses completely opposite approach to glittering generalities.
TRANSFER PROPAGANDA – This type of propaganda uses
technique to project certain qualities this can be either
positive or negative of a person ideology or object to other
things and people.

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