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Developing a Phase-Appropriate

Extractables & Leachables Program

by Wayland Rushing, Ph.D.

Abstract of these evolutions have focused struggle with how to acquire E&L
Until recently, the evaluation of on the data required for registration information without increasing
extractables and leachables (E&L) in of a drug. During each of these development time and expense.
drug products has been performed evolutions, regulatory guidance and
Fortunately, there are commonalities
almost exclusively during late-phase industry best practices have evolved
in the questions regulators are
development. These requests can that provide a framework for what
asking and the types of programs
put clinical trials on hold and be is required. However, these have
receiving these requests for
expensive and time-consuming. always been focused on what is
additional E&L data. Typically, it is
required for final approval and none
It is possible to Identify products provide any information on what is
non-aqueous formulations, unique
and their attributes likely to be or may be required during the early
syringe configurations, biomedical
questioned by the FDA during phases of the development process.
devices and drug delivery systems
early-phase clinical trials. For these that receive these requests.
products, a streamlined E&L study The FDA provides general guidance
In response to the growing need for
design can help answer or avoid about E&L but hasn’t stipulated
E&L studies during early phases,
requests for early-phase data. The what needs to be measured,
and the need for evaluations to be
study design helps companies how to measure it, or at what
cost-effective and brief, Eurofins
be proactive about gathering level extractable and leachable
BioPharma Product Testing created
information, builds Quality by Design compounds are a safety concern.
a condensed experimental design to
(QbD) principles into the drug Vendors rely, instead, on industry
identify extractables and leachables
development pipeline, and reduces groups for best practices that they
in early phase clinical trial materials.
the cost and time of development. can use to support their submission
Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
for a final drug registration.
Introduction has used it successfully many
Patient safety and drug potency In the past five years, drug sponsors times for a variety of drug products,
depend on minimizing the risks have seen a marked increase in helping drug development teams
posed by leachable compounds requests from the FDA for detailed answer or avoid regulatory requests.
migrating from container closures, E&L data during Phase 1 and Phase
manufacturing equipment, 2. These requests are not only for
Extractables: Compounds that
and drug delivery systems into clinical trial materials including
migrate out of materials under
pharmaceuticals. Over the past 20 container closure systems, but
aggressive laboratory conditions.
years, E&L evaluations have evolved also for manufacturing equipment
and taken on a larger role in the and dosing components. Several Leachables: Compounds that
drug development process. The first programs were placed on clinical migrate into the drug product under
drug products to require E&L studies hold until this data was gathered, actual conditions of usage, such
were orally inhaled and/or nasal leading to delays and increased as during production. These are
drug products (OINDPs), followed costs. normally a subset of extractables.
by parenterals, then ophthalmics
The expense and time consumption Safety Concern Threshold (SCT):
and dermal products. E&L studies
of undertaking E&L studies can The level below which there is
of manufacturing equipment have
be an onerous burden on a drug negligible risk associated with the
increased with the advent of single
development program. Managers toxicity of the compound based on
use systems, due to the presence
in charge of the CMC portion dosing. It is used for leachables with
of plastic components that replace
of a regulatory filing, analytical unknown risks, as compounds with
traditional stainless steel in the
development managers, and heads known risks have toxicology data.
manufacturing environment. Each
of manufacturing and processing

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Analytical Evaluation Threshold rely on advice from CRO’s and best other impurities are deemed to be
(AET): The level at or above which practices document published by controlled in the IND phase because
a leachable or extractable needs to the PQRI, BPSA and BPOG along the clinical outcomes are closely
be reported for potential toxicological with the new USP chabters. monitored; therefore, E&L studies
assessment. It is based on SCT. are generally not required, unless
These sources deal with the data so deemed warranted… However,
Sources of Extractables & and information required to submit from a manufacturing perspective, it
Leachables a final registration for an NDA, is advisable to be cognizant of E&L
• Primary packaging components BLA or NADA, but do not outline during component and packaging
• Vials the requirements that might be selection in early development to
• Stoppers necessary earlier in the development avoid possible problems in late
• Syringes process. development.”5
• Secondary packaging components
Clinical Trial Material:
• Foil overwraps This comment underscored the
The Next Step in E&L Studies
• Labels challenge associated with performing
Companies typically start an E&L
• Inks and dyes E&L studies in the early phase.
analysis at the end of Phase 2, as
• Associated/dosing components Typically, it may be a good idea
the container closure system had
• Medicine droppers to generate the data for future
been chosen and the manufacturing
• Infusion sets challenges and qualityimprovement,
process has been finalized with
• IV sets it is not required for a safety
the leachables stability data being
• Processing components evaluation “unless so deemed
generated during Phase 3. A
• Single use systems warranted.” The question is, “what
thorough E&L program can take six
• Manufacturing equipment do regulatory authorities consider
to eighteen months to generate the
• Shipping materials ‘warranted?’”
data necessary for registration filing.
Regulations & Guidance This timeline makes it challenging to Which products get questions?
The FDA has similar requirements do a complete E&L study during the Using internal data from our
for container closure systems and short length of Phase 1 and 2 trials. experience with many different
equipment, for both pharmaceuticals drug products at various stages of
Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
and biologics but has provided only development, along with information
saw the first request for E&L data
limited additional guidance: from colleagues and pharmaceutical
for Phase 1 material in 2012,
companies, we are able to predict
• Guidance for Container Closure for a non-aqueous formulation
whether a particular product will
Systems for Packaging Human using a nonstandard vial/stopper
receive a request from the FDA for
Drugs and Biologics (1999) configuration. Since then,Eurofins
E&L data in Phase 1.
BioPharma Product Testing worked
• Reviewers Guidance for with a large number of programs Products receiving requests tend
Nebulizers, Metered Dose Inhalers, that received regulatory requests for to be high-risk as identified in
Spacers and Actuators (1993) E&L evaluations and/or data during the FDA guidance document for
• Metered Dose Inhalers (MDI) and Phase 1 or pre-IND. In some cases, container closure systems. The
Dry Powder Inhalers the FDA stated that USP testing was only exception to this is inhalation
(DPI) (1998) insufficient for performing a risk products, because the information
assessment. A significant portion is made available to the FDA by
• Nasal Spray and Inhalers Solution, of these programs were placed on manufacturers.
Suspension, and Spray Drug clinical hold pending generation of
Products (2002) this data. Category 1: Products with a
Material Qualification Program
• Drug Products Packaged in Regulations for Clinical Trial Drugs that have been assessed for
Semipermeable Container Closure Material quality and safety through a material
Systems (2002) While specific regulatory qualification program typically
requirements are vague, Dr. Ingrid receive no requests for additional
With the limited available guidances
Markovic of CBER stated, “E&L and E&L data. A company’s material
from the agency, companies typically
qualification program establishes Category 2: Vendor Supplies there could be unknowns above the
a standardized testing protocol to Extractables Package for a SCT.
assess the risks of all materials. Standard Formulation
If leachable studies are desired, the
The extraction uses as many as ten If a product was not qualified with
vendor’s extractable methods might
solvents, a range of pH and ionic a material qualification program,
be available. Some CROs that do
strength, alters the organic/aqueous but the vendor supplied a thorough
E&L testing have in-house generic
ratio and uses common additives extractables profile for formulations
screening methods that can be
such as surfactants to mimic the that are standard in commercialized
used. It should be kept in mind that
conditions of the process. They are products, it is not likely to see a
extractable unknowns could show
tested with a variety of analytical request for additional E&L data.
up as leachables, although vendor’s
methods, such as HPLC. It allows The information gathered prior
data should catch these.
a comparison of two possible to selecting a material includes
components in compatibility and whether there is a DMF, whether Category 3: Lack of Extractables
leachability. the component has been used in Data for a Nonstandard Formulation
a successful filing, and the testing These products are routinely getting
This testing comes with a low risk performed on the components for requests from both CBER and CDER
that an unknown leachable will release. for early-phase data. While every
appear later on. It requires significant
product that received a request
up-front time and cost to generate This is the recommended route for
for additional E&L data fell into
this category, not every product
PRODUCT TYPE PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES that falls into this category requires
additional E&L evaluation. In one
• Non-aqueous formulations • Specialty/uncommon case, the company did not have a
Additional requirements

• Unique syringe components

configurations • Proprietary packaging material qualification program, it was
• Implantable devices • No supplier-provided E&L not supplied with an extractables
• Injection cartridges packages package from the vendor and
• Infusion sets • Components not used in an
approved product
the product is a nonstandard
• No chemical control tests on formulation. Preemptive generation
the components of early-phase data can benefit a
company expecting questions from
• Aqueous based formulations • Well-known suppliers
• Typical stopper/vial • ‘Characterized’ materials
the FDA or to prevent getting those
No additional requirements

configurations • Supplier-provided E&L questions.

• pMDIs packages
• Oral formulations • Filed DMF Category 4: Parenteral Dosing
• Lyo-based formulations • Already used for commercial Devices
• Specific extractables control
An exception to the scenarios above
test are infusion sets used during clinical
• Companies had a Material trials. These tend to elicit requests
Qualification program
from the agency to provide E&L data.
Products that are dosed via this
route during clinical trials are also
the data and internal resources to for early phase products. Vendors at the highest risk of being placed
maintain and perform the testing. As should be evaluated to assess which on clinical hold if E&L risks are not
such, it is best used in companies offers the best extractables package. addressed.
with large development pipelines, If two components are equal in
such as those that might have a terms of functionality, it makes sense Challenges of Designing an Early-
dozen vial/stopper configurations to to pick the product with the better Phase Program
test. extractables package because it Study designs for early phase
lowers the risk. It is also advisable to programs need to be shortened to
choose well-characterized materials. take into account the time, cost and
The one drawback to this is that resource limitations inherent in
early-phase trials. A thorough E&L typical program with a minimum Analytical Interpretation: Data
evaluation can take 18+ months and of three solvents, covering the interpretation is straightforward:
cost as much as $500,000. So how polarity and pH range of the drug comparing fingerprints between the
do we design a study that is based product. One of the solvents closely extraction and placebo samples.
on good science, focused on patient resembles the drug product placebo. Use of the API and drug formulation
safety, and addresses the timeline We use reflux or sonication, making samples allows for removal of API
and cost constraints of early-phase sure not to be too aggressive as this and drug product-related peaks.
development? can produce spurious extractables Thus, we trace back peaks in the
that are unlikely to be leachables. final drug product to determine
Condensed Early-Phase E&L Study Extractables are analyzed using whether they came from the API,
Design HPLC, GC, ICP for metals and other the drug product formulation, or the
The standard, late-phase techniques. leachables. Then we only focus on
E&L study design begins with those that can be traced back to the
information gathering, followed Leachables Program: Early phase extractables.
by a determination of SCT/AET of drug products generally have a
materials, extractable studies and shorter shelf life, as little as one Case Study 1: Non-Aqueous
then leachable studies. Eurofins month, and infusion sets might only Vial/Stopper
BioPharma Product Testing has be used one or two days in a clinical We used this compressed
simplified this design to make study. This allows us to shorten the experimental design to analyze
it phase appropriate while still experimental design to simulate a a non-standard vial/stopper
providing high-quality data that quicker leachables profile. configuration which had no vendor-
lowers risk and answers potential supplied extractables information
We store the drug product and
questions a company may receive and used an unusual cottonseed-oil
placebo in the container closure
from the FDA. We used this study formulation. The FDA requested E&L
system to be tested under normal
design successfully, especially for data prior to the clinical study, which
and accelerated conditions. Then
products placed on clinical hold. was scheduled to be two months
we age, stress simultaneously, or long.
The first two steps are the same: start the leachables before initiating
gather information and set the extraction studies to generate E&L Study Design: We performed
analytical level. The third step has samples that can be analyzed extractables on the stopper.
extractables and leachables studies concurrently. Additionally, we test Leachables were generated using
performed in parallel instead of placebos and the forced degradation only the placebo for two reasons:
separately. It allows us to analyze all of the API. sufficient quantities API (a specialty
extractable samples, and simulation compound) were unavailable;
Since testing everything together,
has extractables and leachables the API concentration in the drug
Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
studies performed in parallel product was low enough that it
performs subtractive fingerprinting
instead of separately. It allows us wasn’t going to alter the leaching
between the different samples
to analyze all extractable samples, profile. We stored samples for
for each analytical technique. For
and simulation or actual leachable two months at the normal storage
example, we generate our HPLC
samples to generate that data temperature (25ºC) as a worst-
profiles for the E&L in the API. We
simultaneously. Then we identify case scenario, then analyzed the
may find 40 extractable peaks,
potential leachables in all these leachable samples concurrently with
but only three of those appear in
samples that are above the AET. The extractable samples, API, and drug
leachables. That means we do not
final step is to perform the toxicology product.
have to identify all 40 extractables
evaluations on these leachables.
because the data shows that 37 do Results: There was a large number
Extractables Program: We perform not leach. Instead, we focus on the of extractables, which was expected
controlled extractions as per the three that appeared in our samples. as one of the solvents was
cottonseed-oil. Many other were a temperature that mimics the state that could lead to a clinical hold on
unknowns. Fingerprinting revealed of having the equipment next to a a study.
only two leachables above the patient.
The two case studies presented
SCT and both correlated with
Results: Given that the infusion sets represent the many companies for
known extractables. At 25ºC, four
were constructed of five different which we have successfully used
leachables were observed, of which
polymers, multiple extractables were this condensed plan to aid their drug
one was an unknown compound
observed. Many were unknowns. development.
that we identified from a library
Fingerprinting showed that, even
match with its gas chromatography
after 48 hours, there were no
mass spectrum. Since they were
leachables above the AET, as References
all knowns with available toxicology
expected given the low contact time.
data, risk assessment showed that 1
. Norwood, D.L. and L.M. Nagao. “The Analytical
Risk assessment showed no safety Evaluation Threshold (AET).” PQRI. August 2015.
there were no safety issues.
issues even at twice the length of PQRI_AET_Poster.pdf
The program took three months typical use. The study took six weeks 2
. US FDA. “Guidance for Industry: Container
from beginning to the issuance of until issuance of our report. The data Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs
our report. Our data satisfied the was accepted and the clinical trial and Biologics.” May 1999.
downloads/drugs/ guidances/ucm070551.pdf
regulator’s request and no additional hold was removed.
questions were posed. 3
. PQRI. “Thresholds and Best Practices for
Conclusions Extractable and Leachables.” 22 March 2017.
Case Study 2: Infusion Set There is growing regulatory scrutiny CombinedPQRI-PODPSlides_PQRI-
Evaluations of drugs infused by of extractables and leachables of FDA_22Mar2017.pdf
pump in clinical studies typically clinical trial material. E&L evaluations 4.
BPSA. “Technical Guides.”
focus solely on drug product are now part of drug development technical-guides/
compatibility, asking whether the at all stages. Fortunately, we have 5
. Markovic, I. CBER, ASTM E55 workshop. 21 May
API is sticking to polymer or whether been able to identify the specific 2014

there is loss of potency. For this early-phase products used in clinical

early phase study in which the drug trials and their particular attributes
was infused by a syringe pump for that make them more likely to face
less than 24 hours, no E&L data enhanced scrutiny from the FDA for
had been presented in the IND. E&L data.
The FDA had questions about the
To meet these growing requirements
infusion sets, not the syringe pump
for phase-appropriate E&L
or syringe, and put the study on
evaluations, we have developed an
clinical hold until an E&L evaluation
abbreviated study design that is
was performed.
ideal for generating data in a cost-
Study design: We performed effective, time-efficient manner for
extractions on individual components early-phase clinical trial material.
of the infusion set using the drug This experimental process has the
product and placebo Then, we added benefit of building Quality
dynamically generated leachables by Design principles into drug
under the actual. conditions of use, development from the early phases,
using the infusion pump over 24 and thus lowering overall risk and
48 hours at 37ºC, a temperature that ensuring patient safety. The study
mimics leachables under the actual. design helps companies answer
conditions of use, using the infusion and/or avoid questions from the
pump over 24 and 48 hours at 37ºC, FDA during Phase 1 and Phase 2

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