Marketing Asiggment (Individul)

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Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology

Academic Year 2022/2023


Individual Written Assignment

Student’s name: TAN CHOON ONG Student’s ID: 22WBD13119

Programme: Word count: 1396 word Tutorial class: Group 7
Assessment Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor
Introductio 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0
n and Outstanding Good research Sufficient Lacked Little
Company research with with some research but research and evidence of
overview important important only a few most points serious
(10.0) organisational organisational important are minor or research.
details. details. details unimportant.
Macro- 30.0 24.0 18.0 12.0 6.0
environmen 6 macro- 6 macro- 6 macro- Less than 5 Many wrong
t analysis environmental environmental environmental macro- choices of
(30.0) factors factors factors environment macro-
affecting your affecting your affecting your al factors. environment
brand/product’ brand/product’ brand/product’ Many al factors.
s growth. s growth. s growth. irrelevant or Little
Highly Good points Some contents superficial evidence of
relevant raised. are taken points. Some understandin
points. Evidence of directly from contents are g the topic.
Evidence of good analysis. the source. taken No evidence
in-depth Evidence of directly from of analysis.
analysis. some the source.
analysis.  Little
evidence of
References 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
and Outstanding A good Generally Incorrect Non-
citations application of application of correct referencing TARUMT
(5.0) TARUMT TARUMT referencing with many Harvard
Harvard Harvard with some errors. Referencing.
Referencing. Referencing. errors.
Minor errors
Appendices 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
and Highly Good Generally Few and Very few
academic relevant appendices good poorly appendices
format (5.0) appendices that support supporting chosen and mostly
that support and enhance appendices but appendices irrelevant.
and strengthen the writing. with some have little Non-
evidence- Neat academic poorly chosen relevance to academic
based writing. format. ones. Average the writing. format.
Excellent academic Poor
academic format. academic
format. format.


COURSE CODE/ COURSE TITLE: ABDT2043 Fundamentals of Marketing


Individual assignment /50 =            /100

Overall Feedback:

Student’s Acknowledgement: Date:07 JAN 2023 Lecturer’s /Tutor’s Name and Date:
Academic Year 2022/2023

Plagiarism Statement

Read, complete and sign this statement to be submitted with your written work.

We confirm that the submitted work is all our own work and is in our own words.

Programme: Diploma in Business Administration

Tutorial Class: DBU1S1G7

Date: 7/12/2022

Name (Block Capitals) Reg. No. Signature





2.1 Demographic Environment 2
2.2 Economic Environment 3
2.3 Natural Environment 3
2.4 Technological Environment 4
2.5 Political and Social Factors 5
2.6 Cultural Factors 5
References 6
Appendices 7


One of the most popular and successful brands in the beverage sector is Coca-Cola. Doctor
John Pemberton, a pharmacist, founded the business in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, in the
United States. Since then, the brand has established itself as a staple beverage in the more
than 200 nations. About 78% of the entire volume of carbonated beverages sold by the Coca-
Cola Company in 2008 was made up of these beverages. According to a keynote report, the
company has more than 3000 beverage products and about 500 brands in its portfolio,
including the Coca-Cola/Diet Coke family, Coca-Cola Enterprise (CCE)'s line of carbonates,
which includes Fanta, Lilt, Sprite, and PowerAde, as well as the Schweppes brand in the UK.
Our goal is to create the brands and beverage products that people like this in order to revive
their bodies and spirits. And carried out in a manner that builds a more sustainable business
and a better shared future that improves the quality of life for individuals, communities, and
the environment. To "refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, to inspire moments of
optimism and happiness via our products and deeds, and to create value and make a
difference," according to Coca-mission Cola's statement Coca-Cola is a business that
prioritises creating a lasting impression wherever it works. The business places a high
importance on improving people's lives and communities while still allowing them to savour
the delicious flavours of its products. The following elements make up the mission statement.


2.1 Demographic Forces

In general, businesses target all age groups regardless of other demographic segmentation
factors, but they especially market to the younger population. Secondly, businesses want to
communicate to their customers how youthful and cosmopolitan their products are. Men and
women approach goods purchases with different attitudes and behaviours. Coca-Cola
beverages' portfolio of goods caters to consumers of both male and female. To outlets in
different lifestyles, age groups, sexes, ethnic groups, etc., Coca-Cola uses different blends.
The business understands that as people age, their preferences and capacities change. Given
that everyone has varied needs as they age, age and life cycle are significant factors. As a
result, the company offers several beverages for various age groups. For instance, they
promote the juice "OASIS" to target participants between the ages of 20 and 30. Secondly, it
creates products like "Diet Coke, Coca Cola Zero" for calorie-conscious consumers who can't
live without flavour. The folks in range age range from 30 until 50. This promotes in
successful business operations. Coca-Cola supports its segmentation in proportion on family
size. Families with various family sizes exist in New Zealand. However, the multinational
company offers a variety of trying to serve bottle sizes, including 300ml, 420ml, 600ml, 1ltr,
1.5ltr, and 2.25ltr package. Whatever the size of their family, people can choose an
acceptable pack with simplicity. (Appendices 1)

2.2 Economic Forces

A nation's political climate has an impact on its economic conditions, and vice versa for
corporate performance. A variety of economic factors outside the company's control have an
impact on Coca-Cola sales. These variables include the rate of national and sectoral economic
growth, tax and exchange rates, interest rates, labour costs, and others. The global financial
and economic crisis of 2007–2009 is a pertinent illustration of an economic element that had
a significant impact on the majority of firms worldwide. However, compared to many other
industries, Coca-Cola has been less affected by the crisis. Despite the crisis, its operating
margin held at an industry-leading 22%, despite a decrease in dividend yield to 2.6% Quarts.
H. Timmons (2014). Aspects of the economy have to do with products, services, and money.
Although these factors directly impact businesses, they also speak to the overall financial
health of the economy. Whether local or worldwide, inflation drives up manufacturing costs.

2.3 Natural Forces

Both WWF and The Coca-Cola Company depend on water. The Coca-Cola Company makes
beverages, and the primary component of each one is water. The sustainability of the
communities we serve also depends on safe water. The goal of WWF is to preserve nature
and safeguard natural resources for both people and wildlife. Freshwater ecosystem
preservation is a primary concern for WWF. We are now pooling our international resources
and strengths to help water conservation around the globe through a collaboration that was
announced on June 5, 2007. Presently, environmental issues have a significant impact on the
company's operations. Today, there is a lot of interest in the emissions and industrial waste
that businesses dump outside. More people support products made in a healthy, natural
setting. When energy prices are rising, the cost of energy becomes another major issue. In
order to reduce production expenses, businesses must identify alternate fuel sources.
Resources are scarce because businesses and services have overused them. Coca-Cola must
therefore discover new materials for its beverage offerings. It's vital to develop a production
line and efficient bottle recycling.

2.4 Technological Forces

The use of technology and the growth of technology have greatly increased Coca-Cola sales.
For instance, when businesses utilise glass bottles followed by plastic bottles and cans,
customers can easily dispose of them. Television and the internet have a tremendous impact
on communication technologies and marketing strategies due to the development of
communication channels. However, when technology advances, we must be aware of new
tactics and analyse how to make them better. It's possible that the ones we currently employ
are incorrect, so we must update our approach. Coca-Cola really adheres to this tenet. With
time, they refine their marketing approach. The sale and production of products made by the
Coca-Cola Company expand as a result of improvements in machinery. CCE (Coca-Cola
enterprise) has six contemporary factories and makes use of contemporary technologies to
guarantee the finest possible quality and prompt delivery. Wakefield has high-tech equipment
installed. It makes cans at a rate that is faster than the human eye can perceive. It produces 21
bottles each line at the fastest rate in the entire world. The technology is getting better and
getting used more and more. The beverage sector is currently using applications to improve
packaging and develop production procedures. Particularly, many businesses make bottles
that are environmentally beneficial. Additionally, Coca-Cola now comes in new Plant
Bottles. It is constructed of plastic and contains 30% refined molasses from sugar cane. It can
be recycled and has a 30% lower CO2 footprint than PET bottles. Coca-Cola internalised web
page design tools last year. Users of the machine design can access and create new bottles.

2.5 Political & Social Forces

Political concerns frequently have an impact on businesses that conduct international imports
and exports. Coke typically operates in the neighbourhood market. Government regulations
and deregulation often have little impact on Coke because there are rarely significant changes
to the food laws. Coke is a highly eco-friendly product. Everything on the PET bottles,
including the labels and caps, is recyclable. Coke typically is unaffected by currency
depreciation because it doesn't import or export much on a large scale. They make an effort to
focus on the local market and maintain at least one company-owned plant in each nation.
Coke, a business that values its customers, consistently acts to protect their interests. The
recyclable materials used in the production of coke contribute to environmental preservation.
Coke also assists the less fortunate and those who are seeking education by giving them
access to literature, scholarships, and employment possibilities.

2.6 Cultural Forces

Coca-Cola has extended its influence into a variety of cultures and lifestyles worldwide. Our
movies, television shows, decorations, vending machines on every corner, and its countless
commercials all reflect its influence. Coca-Cola has also ingratiated itself into customs. This
is evident in regions of Latin America where Coca-Cola has influenced the regional food and
spiritual beliefs. For instance, in Mexico in the 1970s, religious brotherhoods switched from
rum to Coca-Cola to facilitate communication with spirits while avoiding the rising rate of
alcoholism. The phrase Coca-Colonization, which refers to the changes in diet, economic
growth, and health beliefs as they relate to the consumption of soft drinks, can be used to
characterise the integration of Coke. The Coca-Cola Company's culture is mission-driven and
centred on inspiring positivity, renewing the mind, and standing out from other businesses.
The business included real-world instances in its stories, which motivated both customers and
staff. Employees can build upon positive tales to become model citizens as well as model


UKEssays, 2018, Company background and overview of Coca Cola, viewed 4 December 2022,

Decramer, 2011, Coca Cola Mission and Vision Statement Analysis, viewed 4 December 2022,

Tannu Bhatnagar, 2014, Marketing Management, viewed 4 December 2022,


Emilia Hyland, 2019, Cultural Influences, viewed 4 December 2022,


Nidhi Mevada, 2020, Marketing Strategy of Coca Cola, viewed 4 December, 2022,

(Appendices 1)

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