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Name: Cristine Joy Labaro BSED IV-A

Subject: Field Study 2

UNIT II: Activity 2

1. Suppose that students in the school (where you are teaching) are not achieving at the desired level in
the area of Language/Social Studies. Using the procedure for action research, briefly describe how you
might systematically examine this problem. (20 points)

*Since I already have a problem which is about students that are not achieving the desired level in the
area of language, the first thing I will do is to come up with the suitable topic for this problem. Second is
gathering information, I have to gather data as to why students are not achieving this level in the area of
language. I will do preliminary interview to the administrators, teachers, and especially the students. It
will help me to have ideas and to better understand the problem. I will ask various teacher on their
opinions about this matter. Third, is to review the related literature of my topic, I will gather information
from books, journals or websites that is relevant to my tooic so that it would add to the credibility of my
study. Fourth, is to develop my research plan. In developing the entire research plan I know that it
would be hard. Thus, I will go over with my topic and understand it thoroughly in order to come up with
a strong statement of the problem and research questions. For I know that designing thses two will be
crucial to my entire study especially in doing my methodology. I will formulate problems/questions as to
what factors affect these students to not achieve the level in the area of language. Fifth is implementing
the plan and collecting the data. In this study I will be using the qualitative method since I want an in-
depth understanding of my topic. I will do classroom observations, and interview students since they are
the respondents of this study. In collecting the data, I shoould first ask for the permission of the school
that I am teaching as well as to the participants ofy study. Sixth is analyzing the data, in this process I will
analyze the data that I have collected, the results of the classroom observations and interviews.
Seventh, is to develop my action plan. My action plan is ro implement what I have already analyzed from
the results. This will serve as the basis for me to employ better classroom strategies and mangement to
achieve the desired level of area in language for my students. This will also help my co-teachers that are
handling Language/Social Studies to improve their strategies as well. Thus, sharing and communicating
the results of this action plan will also help the teachers and administrators, not just in the current
school that I am in but also to the other schools, tgey may use this for the better implementation and to
achieve the learning needs of the students. The last one is to refelcting on the process, as a teacher
during the planning and conducting stage, we must already reflecting on why and how we do this
research. We should be able to reflect on the implementation and effectivity of our teaching before,
during, and after the the research. In the end of this process, we should be able to reflect if our study
that we have conducted is feasible in helping the students to achieve their desired level in the area of
language. It helps us to monitor ourselves in terms of making mistakes, biases, and still needs
improvement regarding the research.

2. Using the same scenario presented in Number 1 above, outline specific research study you might
conduct conforming to the nine-step process you learned from the lesson. (30 points)
Steps in Action Research Research Study to be Conducted

1. Identifying and Limiting the  The focus of the study is about the factors of students for
Topic not achieving the desired level in the area of language.
 The topic would be... Factors affecting the desired level of
achievement in the Language from student's perspectives
 The study is limited to the students and teachers of the
selected school.

2. Gathering Information  Teacher-researcher of this study will talk to the other

teachers as well as to students to gather information
about the factors for not achieving the desired level in the
area of language.

3. Reviewing the Related  The Teacher-researcher will collect literature regarding

Literature the study, specifically on the feasible strategies to achieve
the desired level of performances or knowledge of the
 Teacher-researcher will also gather literature on the
factors that affecting the level of achievement of the

4. Developing a Research Plan Statement of the Problem:

 Generally, the focus of the study is the factors affecting

the desired level of achievement in Language. Specifically,
the researchers sought the following questions:
a. How do students react or respond on the given stimuli
regarding Language?
b. What are the social, emotional, and cognitive factors
that affects the students level of achievement about
c. What are the effects of rewards and reinforcements if
used to teach the language?


 Research design used in the study is narrative research

design for researchers seeks to analyze and interpret the
data based on observations and experiences of the
 The participants of the study will be the students of the
said school. Participants will be selected through random
samplings from the population.
 The instrument used is observations and interview.
 In collecting the data, researchers will ask permission to
the school and to the respondents.
 Results will be analyzed to answer the problem to this

5. Implementing the Plan and  In implementing the data, interviews and classroom
Collecting Data observations will be undertaken by the researchers.
 Teacher-researcher will record what is being observed in
the classroom to determine the factors that affects the
students level of achievement in the area of Language.
 Doing interviews will also be necessary for this study,
since the researchers seeks narrative answers on the
experiences of the students about the problem of this

6. Analyzing the Data  The results of the data will be analyzed from the
beginning upto the end of conducting the study.
 Results of the data will be compared to know the
differences on the students responses.
 Results will be analyzed and teacher-researchers will
identify tge feasible strategy to assess the current
problem to the study regarding the Language.
 Results will be analyzed in order to prove or support the
hypothesis of the study.

7. Developing an Action Plan  After the results have analyzed and interpreted, teacher-
researcher will approach the principal of the school as
well as to the co-teachers in order for them to recognize
their shortcomings and come up to a more feasible
teaching strategies and improve their curriculum planning
and development for students to attain the desired level
of achievement in the area of Language.

8. Sharing and Communicating  When the study is impressive to the principle and
the Results curriculum coordinators. The school will have a
representative to present the study in a board meeting
and later suggests thay the study is very timely and
relevant especially to English teachers. It will help them to
employ effective classroom strategies and improve the
implementation of the curriculum.

9. Reflecting on the Process  Teacher-researcher will reflect on their previous study

and see if there are weak parts which needs
improvement. They will eliminate what is irrelevant and
add what is more necessary to the study.

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