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Martin Parrott Writing Academic English FOURTH EDITION Alice Oshima Ann Hogue Writing Academic English, Fourth Edition Copytight © 200% by Pearson Euuction. Ine All rights eoserved ‘No part ofthis publication may be reproduced. ‘Stored in retrieval system. or transited many feem or by aay means. electronic, mechanical, locopying. recording, or otherwise, Frimout the prior permission of the publisher Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606 Fuinorial Director: Laura Le Dréan Be ccloganent editor: Motly Sackler Vice president. director of design and production: Rhea Banker Associate managing editor Jane Townsend Production editor: Lynn Contracci Production supervisor: Christine Edmonds Marketing director: Oliva Femaniez Senior manufacturing buyer: Nanzy Flaggman Photo research: Rhea Banker Cover design: Jil Lehan Gover ingen left Sumerian cuneiform. Bildarchiv Preusischer Kultubesit/n Resource, NY. ‘righ Computer circuit board, close-up (digital composite) by Jan Fanz. Collection: Stone, Getty Images ‘Text composition: Integra “Text font: 115/13 Times Roman Credits See page 337 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hogue, Ann. ‘Writing academic English/Ann Hogue and Alice Oshima. —4th ed. p. om Includes index. ISBN 0-13-152359-7 (alk. paper) 1 English language—Rhetork—Handbooks. manuals, ete. 2. English language—Grammar— Handbooks, Hoeaa aan rane English language Textbooks for foreign speakers, 4. Academic writing—Handbooks, manuals, ets, 5. Report wriing—Handbooks, manual, etc 1. Oshima, Alice. Tite PE|408,H6644 2006, ‘808 042—de? 2005017872 offers online resources for teachers and students. Access our Companion ‘Websites, our online catalog, and our local offices around. the world. Vist us at ISBN: 0-13-152359-7 Printed in the United States of America 1715 19—Voo1—11 10 READING EATLORER PAUL MACINTYRE * DAVID BOHLKE Second Edition NATIONAL | Geographic | “CENGAGE LEARNING learning sTON : GBahric | > CENGAGE Gaming | Learning Reading Explorer 4 Second Edition Paul Macintyre and David Bohike Publisher: Andrew Robinson Executive Editor: Sean Bermingham Senior Development Edt ‘Associate Development Editor: Michelle Harris leh Mackrelh Product Marketing Manager: Lindsay Miler Senior Director of Production: Michael Burggren Senior Content Project Manager: Tan jin Hock ‘Manufacturing Planner Mav Roth Hennshys Compositor: Page 2, Lt, Cover/Text Design: Creative Director: Christopher Roy, Art Ditector Scot Baker, Senior Designer: Michael Rosenquest ‘Cover Photo: Ray Chul/Your Shat/National Geographic Creative Copyright © 2015 National Geograoh Learning apart of Cen ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of may be reproduced, transmit work covered by the copyig Stored or used in any form or by any means Staph electronic. or mechanical, including bat not limited to photocopying Fon Earning. digitizing taping, Web dstrbution, information so : sec qermation storage and retrieval system, except as permitied mec, econ 107 or 108 ofthe 176 United States Copyright Ac mica rior veritten permission of the publisher hetein Fer permission to use mater from this exo produ, “submit all quests onine at Further permissions questions ean be omaled xs ‘Student Book with Oniine Workbook ISBN73:978:1.208-2n40.7 Student Sook 'S8N-13:978-1.285-8469.7 National Geographic Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 Usa Sage earring ia leading provider of eustomized leaning solutions with ice locations around the globe, including Singapore, the nice Kingdom, ‘Australia, Mesico, Brazil, and japan, acate your local ofice ae, engage Learning products ae represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Lt, ‘si National Geographic Learning onin at NGL. isitour corporate website at

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