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ANGLAIS LEVEL: 3e Coef: 10 Duration: 1 Hour


Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Languages Culture Christianity Although Diverse While

Should Will Will not `Unless Straight Right

1. I like to listen to music ___________ I dance in my room.

2. Cameroon is called “Africa in Miniature” because of how ___________ it is.
3. Food, literature, art, religion, and language are all part of the ___________ of Cameroon.
4. ________ is the most widely practiced religion in Cameroon along with Islam.
5. _____________ I did not know anyone at the party, I still went.
6. French, English, Bulu, and Hebrew are all examples of _____________.
7. Students _______ follow the rules in class so that they do not get in trouble.
8. I usually write with my ________ hand since I am bad with my left hand.
9. When I leave school I walk ______ along the road back to my house.
10. I _________ come to school tomorrow as it is a national holiday.
11. I will lose a lot of weight ______ I eat a lot of food.
12. I ________ break the rules because then I will get in trouble.

Activity 2
Fill in the following blanks with the correct form of the positive future tense.

1. I _________ (to eat) dinner tonight.

2. You ________ (to sing) the Cameroonian national anthem every Monday morning.
3. She ________ (to write) a letter to her family who lives in the USA.

Fill in the following blanks with the correct form of the negative future tense.

1. You all __________ (to come) to school tomorrow because it will be Saturday.
2. We _________ (to play) football today because it is too hot.
3. They __________ (to travel) to China because it is a very long flight class.

Activity 3
Read the text and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

“I receive this award as recognition of UNESCO’s work in this country. Our history is rich and there is
hardly any area in our activities where Cameroon is not active, from biosphere reserves to heritage sites,
from community radios – which are very active in Cameroon – to higher education. Cameroon is an
incredibly diverse country, with more than 200 local languages, different communities and different
religions, and in today’s world, dominated by intolerance and rejection of others, it is good to have
positive examples like this one, and to see that we can be different and yet live in peace, accepting and
understanding of one another. This daily work is sometimes difficult, which is all the more reason for us
to carry it out together. From this point of view, Cameroon can be an example to the world”.

1. What are some ways mentioned in the reading in which Cameroon is diverse?




2. List some things that contribute to the success of Cameroon that are mentioned in the reading?




3. In what ways is Cameroon an example to the world?




Activity 4

Write two sentences in present continuous and present simple:

Present Continuous:


Present Simple:


Activity 5
Use the this sheet of paper to write a paragraph about diversity in Cameroon and what you like and
don’t like about culture in Cameroon.

Activity 6
Bonus: Write a sentence using an ellipsis (…). ________________________________________________



















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