Diagnostic Exam

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1. What is the nature of political philosophy?

The term is composed of two (2) — political

and philosophy. Given this, how do these two words aid in your attempt to understand
the nature of political philosophy? What role is played by each? Does it make sense to
try to understand the nature of political philosophy by reflecting on the words "political"
and “philosophy”?

The term political philosophy consists of two words - political and philosophy. Philosophy
in a general sense is a study that concerns basically everything as well as the good and the evil.
It focuses on understanding through a series of questions rather than answering. Political on the
other hand is related to understanding society, government, political institutions, policies; politics
in general. Considering the meanings of the two terms, political philosophy is related to
understanding what is and what can be good or bad to the society. Guided by the nature of
philosophy, political philosophy concerns itself in finding out what will be best to achieve the
common good by digging deeper into the past.

2. What’s the difference between political philosophy and political theory? Political
philosophy Was born during the time Of the Ancient Greeks While political theory was
formally conceived at the onset of the 20th Do these pieces of information reveal
anything about their respective natures?

The difference between political philosophy and political theory varies on their uses.
Political theory is used as a framework that helps people understand a given political
phenomenon. It becomes a guide for us to understand and interpret the topics and events that
are recurring in the political arena. Political philosophy on the other hand is focused on
analyzing knowledge from the very beginning of a political thought/ideal. Political philosophy
and political theory becomes a way for us to understand different questions and circumstances.

3. Does it make sense to categorize or group the political thinkers based on the historical
periods Such as Classical antiquity. Medieval period, and early modem? IS there no
deeper meaning attached to the category besides the historical fact that the thinkers who
were grouped together belong in the same period (example: Plato, and Aristotle belong
to the classical antiquity)? Do you think that historical periods carry a deep meaning.

Yes. I believe that it makes sense to group and categorize political thinkers based on
historical periods because it is the only way for us to understand how the academic discipline of
political science evolves through time. Moreso, each of these political thinkers has their own
kind of political problem, system and political occurrence at their time which are not yet occuring
in other periods of time. For instance, the period in history when women are excluded from
voting. Only through categorizing historical periods we can understand how women in this
modern period attain their right to vote.

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