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Anmol Arjun

January 27, 2022

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You are most like The Growth Seeker
Growth Seekers are defined by a deep passion for learning and personal growth and development. They
tend to be curious, humble, open to new ideas and experiences, and adaptable.

Typical Growth Seekers have an endless fascination with personal growth, meaning they devote themselves to improvement and
evolution. They possess a never-ending curiosity about the world and how they fit into it. They have a thirst for knowledge and a need to
understand the world and the people in it, particularly in service of personal and professional growth. If it makes them more effective, it’s
on their to-do list. They are open to any constructive advice, even if it’s tough to swallow. They are flexible and adaptive to new
experiences and circumstances.

Other distinguishing characteristics include being composed, grounded, and balanced in their approach to managing stress and
pressure. They love engaging new ideas and information and making sense of things for themselves. They can often be both
determined and humble; they love to challenge themselves, but don't stress too much over mistakes made. In fact, they know the ability
to reflect well on their failures is key to their personal growth.

At times, their desire to reflect inwardly first before acting can slow down their response time. They may need a stronger push to force
action and decisiveness. And while some Growth Seekers are natural leaders, many are comfortable being good followers. The key is
understanding their nature and finding a path that’s right for them—which is ultimately where the Growth Seekers, with their capacity for
introspection and adaptation, shine.

Growth Seeker Talents Growth Seeker Growth Needs

Being deeply inquisitive into broad and varied subjects Moving from reflection to decisive action
Acquiring knowledge, understanding, and wisdom for self- Sharing knowledge and taking on leadership roles
growth Pursuing more defined paths and objectives without letting
Remaining calm, cool, and collected under pressure go of their taste for open-ended discovery
Achieving goals independently and being internally
Adjusting to changing circumstances

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You also have attributes of the Thinker and the Explorer

The Thinker
Thinkers are inclined to approach problems in an abstract, philosophical fashion. They naturally seek the deeper
meaning of issues that arise in their daily lives. They tend to be conceptual, independent, reflective and open-minded.
At times they may be indecisive.

The Explorer
Explorers love to take in new knowledge and are drawn to new experiences through intrinsic motivations. They tend
to be curious, open-minded, reflective and adaptable.

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How You Prefer to Think

Creative 58% Deliberative 18%


You are willing to think independently and do things your own You rely on intuition and instinct over logic and analysis, with a
way, and have more interest in sticking to familiar routines than moderate inclination to be methodical and process-oriented
in exploring new and unfamiliar experiences. when reaching decisions and making choices.

Original 58% Logical 9%

Curious 18% Systematic 43%
Non-Conforming 82% Impartial 25%

Detailed and Reliable 31% Conceptual 52%


You tend to be less organized and scheduled rather than You have a moderate preference to think abstractly and
spontaneous, though with a stronger focus on precision and philosophically, using theories and models to solve problems.

Organized 11%
Detail-Oriented 82%
Dependable 23%

Practical 86%

You have a preference to focus on direct, real-world

consequences in making decisions and choices.

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How You Engage with Others

Extraverted 45% Tough 81%


You may prefer less social activity and to engage in more You tend to be willing to debate your and others' ideas and
intimate settings, though tend to seek adventure and perspectives, share criticism openly when warranted, but tend
excitement in the activities you participate in. to be more diplomatic and nuanced than blunt and direct in your
Gregarious 28%
Feisty 90%
Engaging 50%
Critical 90%
Adventurous 73%
Direct 32%

Nurturing 36% Leadership 27%


You tend to be less sensitive to and aware of people's feelings, You tend to be less inclined to take charge in groups or direct
behaviors, and tendencies in the moment, with a strong desire others to achieve common goals and objectives.
to prioritize and support others' needs.
Taking Charge 36%
Helpful 68%
Inspiring 21%
Empathetic 28%
Demanding 29%
Person-Oriented 22%

Humorous 91%

You tend to be more joyful and lighthearted than serious and


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How You Apply Yourself

Composed 75% Autonomous 58%


You tend to stay calm and keep your emotions under control, You tend to be self-motivated, hold yourself accountable to the
with a general tendency to be resilient and confident under outcomes you experience, though have a desire for more
stress or pressure. direction and clarity when achieving tasks and goals.

Calm 84% Independent 14%

Confident 54% Self-Accountable 80%
Poised 78% Internally Motivated 79%

Flexible 48% Determined 8%


You prefer environments with less change and uncertainty, to You may be less inclined to set ambitious rather than realistic
be consistent in who you are and the roles you play regardless goals, and prioritize pushing through to achieve them above all
of the circumstances, though you have a strong interest in your else.
own growth and development.
Persistent 25%
Adaptable 36%
Driven 7%
Agile 29%
Proactive 10%
Growth-Seeking 79%

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Humble 56% Energetic 33%

You like to explore different perspectives, are open to being You tend to be quickly drained of energy and enthusiasm,
wrong and receptive to critical feedback, while generally needing to recharge after activity.
projecting self-confidence rather than modesty.

Receptive to Criticism 72%

Open-Minded 71%
Modest 23%

Status-Seeking 29%

You tend to be comfortable with your station in life, content to

be who you are, and not worry much about others’ impressions
of you.

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How you respond in different situations:

Now that you've reviewed your detailed results, "You" in Context gives insight into how the combination of your attributes may play out in
a variety of work and life situations

When interacting with others, you... As a leader, you...

...Balance time spent alone and with groups ...Are straightforward and candid when expressing your view
...Tend to be fun, joyful, and lighthearted ...May more comfortably critique from the sidelines rather than
...Speak your mind, even when it comes across as harsh take the lead yourself
...May be less sensitive to and aware of the needs and feelings ...Are comfortable engaging in new ideas and ways of doing
of others things, but may prefer others to drive change at the team level
...Tend to avoid getting deeply involved in other people’s rather than taking the lead yourself
problems and issues ...Balance when to take direction from others and when to set
your own
...Assert yourself when necessary, but don't have a strong desire
to direct or manage others

When planning, you... When solving problems, you...

...Are generally comfortable modifying tactics as things unfold ...Look for new solutions if necessary, but don't need to "reinvent
...Tend not to overplan up front, knowing change is expected the wheel" when traditional approaches work
...May benefit from working with others who are more organized ...Are generally comfortable finding solutions on your own
to ensure you push through and stay on track ...May be distractible and can benefit from help keeping you on
...Work toward solutions more instinctively than analytically

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When setting goals, you... On a team, you...
...Set above-ordinary targets, but stop pursuing them too early ...Are more straightforward than subtle, though don't need to be
...May be more comfortable adapting to your circumstances, the first to share your view
sometimes at the expense of maintaining focus on your goals ...Are generally comfortable engaging with the team, but don't
always perceive when others need support

Under stress, you... When learning, you...

...Generally remain cool, calm, and focused ...Prefer topics that are subjective and intuitive over highly
...Can find value in turning to others for advice rather than going analytical
it alone ...Prefer an adaptive outline and flexible schedule
...May lose interest when subjects get too specific
...Can engage in a mix of subjects, both practical and abstract
...Are comfortable studying around people, but also need
moments of peace and quiet
...Need mental breaks to recharge when you study

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