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A feasibility study is a preliminary assessment of a proposed project's practicality, viability, and potential

for success. Here are some key factors considered in the feasibility study for the Farmers Connect

Technical feasibility: The project will require a sophisticated software system and a high level of
technical expertise to develop and maintain.base on this system the required hardware and software
resources are available. This includes databases, networking infrastructure, development tools, and
programming languages needed for system development.

Financial feasibility: The feasibility study should assess whether the proposed project is financially
viable. In the context of this project, it involves evaluating the financial aspects to determine whether
the project is financially feasible and sustainable. Here are some key factors we consider while
conducting the economic feasibility analysis:

Cost Estimation: Determine the costs associated with developing, implementing, and maintaining the
Farmers Connect system.

Market Analysis: Assess the market demand for the services provided by Farmers Connect.

Funding Sources: Determine the potential sources of funding for the project, such as investment capital,
loans, grants, or partnerships

Legal feasibility: The project may be subject to various legal and regulatory requirements, including data
protection laws and regulations governing online transactions. The project Complice with Agricultural
Regulations, intellectual property rights, licensing and permit, consumer protection laws as well as the
contractual agreement laws

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