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Exercises on adjectives and adverbs

Find the part where there is a mistake

1. Brayden carried the basket from the coop to the house careful and slow,

mindful not to break any of the eggs within it. No error
a. Carried
b. careful and slow
c. No error
d. of the eggs

e. it

2. I could never distinguish between the two Johnson twins, and their

mother did not help matters by dressing them similar.
a. Similar
b. did not help
c. No error
d. And
e. Between

3. Playing a brass or woodwind instrument good requires one to have good

posture. No error

a. a brass or woodwind instrument

b. No error
c. good
d. requires one
e. good posture

4. “We need some pie,” he said to Joleen gentle, hoping that the sugary treat

would lift his melancholy friend’s spirits. No error

a. melancholy
b. to
c. need
d. sugary
e. gentle

5. When her boyfriend arrived at the airport, Cathy ran quick towards him,
ready to give him a hug. No error

a. No error
b. towards
c. give him
d. arrived
e. quick

6. My mother explained the process to me in an excruciating detailed manner;

you don’t need to worry about me forgetting anything.

a. excruciating
b. No error
c. to me
d. manner; you
e. anything

7. The kite caught the breeze, flew up in the air, danced graceful about the

sky, and lodged itself in a tree.

a. graceful
b. in the air
c. flew
d. No error
e. and lodged itself in a tree

8. It was impossible to choose between the litter because all of

the kittens were just too adorable! 

a. , because
b. between
c. kittens
d. no error
e. !

9. The scapula are not actual connected to the rib cage through any bones or

a. are
b. through any
c. No error
d. or joints
e. actual

correct the mistakes

10. She will arrive lately than expected due to travel issues.

a. expectedly lately.
b. later than expected.
c. lately than expected.
d. lately expectedly.
e. later expectedly

11. The parents looked at their college graduate so proud that they seemed to
glow with happiness.
a. so very proud
b. so much pride
c. so prideful
d. so proudly
e. so proud

12. While the trick may look effortlessly, the actual execution of a perfect

double back handspring is quite tricky to achieve successfully.

a. No error
b. effortlessly
c. quite tricky
d. may
e. execution of

13. The woman convinced the rest of humanity that the aliens should be
allowed to stay, and they settled peaceful in the Great Barrier Reef.

a. should be allowed
b. convinced the rest
c. they
d. No error
e. Peaceful

14. As soon as (A) he woke up, he sprinted (B) quick downstairs to open

his gifts (C) that were (D) under the tree. (E) No error

a. B
b. A
c. E
d. C
e. D

15. Having finished their homework, the students quick decided to escape to

the TV for entertainment. No error

a. their
b. Having
c. to escape
d. No error
e. quick decided

16. Randy grabbed the ball with his hand,

moving intense and with a focused look in his steely blue eyes. No error

a. focused

b. steely blue

c. grabbed 

d. intense

e. No error

17. The narrator described how as a child, he loved to let his
body drift down the river, floating serene and happily in the
sparkling water. No error

a. described
b. No error
c. happily
d. serene
e. as a child 

18. It is often hard to keep up with my friend because she is in

much better shape than I am and also walks very quick. No error

a. quick
b. keep up
c. she is
d. No error
e. than 

19. As the online presence of businesses has expanded at

a rapidly pace, so too have the outlets for cyber shopping. No error

a. online

b. rapidly

c. No error

d. for

e. too

20. The artist painted slowly and deliberate, trying to

capture every detail that she could with her paintbrush. No error

a. with
b. No error

c. painted
d. deliberate
e. every 

21. The horse ran beautifully and fierce towards the ranch,

anxious to see its new foals, which were only a few weeks old. No

a. its
b. fierce
c. which 
d. ran
e. No error

22. The bird flew cautious over the fence, which the owners had laced

with barbed wire. No error

a. barbed
b. which 
c. No error
d. had 
e. cautious

23. The nurse adjusted the bandages softly and gentle, as

she knew the wound beneath them was very tender. No error

a. adjusted
b. No error
c. beneath
d. gentle
e. knew 

24. Many people find the appearance of the potoo, a small brown
bird, to be extremely amusing due to the large of its round, yellow
eyes. No error

a. the potoo, a small brown bird,

b. No error
c. round, yellow eyes
d. large

e. to be extremely amusing

25. "I'm sorry that I'm running late for dinner," I said to my

mother on the phone, "but I'll be home real soon." No error

a. said
b. No error
c. running
d. that
e. real

26. Though the dog had been washed by the pet sitter

just yesterday, he continued to smell badly. No error

a. yesterday,
b. had been
c. smell badly
d. No error
e. continued to

27. Sarah, Emilie, and Jenn competed against one another in the

four hundred meter hurdle event,
and they both scored similarly. No error

a. event, and
b. one another
c. No error
d. similarly
e. both

28. Many popular books and movies

are inspired by folktales that were original passed down
orally from generation to generation. No error

a. that were
b. from generation to generation
c. original
d. No error
e. inspired by

29. Despite the terrible dress rehearsal the night before, the

opening performance of Romeo and Juliet went really good. No

a. of

b. Despite

c. went

d. No error

e. really good

30. Tom had a terrible sense of direction but a wonderful sense

of humor; he consistently headed off in the complete wrong
direction but laughed about it later. No error

a. complete
b. he
c. laughed about it
d. headed
e. No error

31. May dragged on painful; Dorothy was counting the hours

until graduation, and they couldn’t pass fast enough. No error

a. they
b. graduation, and
c. painful
d. No error
e. was counting

32. The little girl could never sit still for longer then  five minutes.

a. The little girl could never sit still of longer then five minutes.

b. The little girl could never sat still for longer then five minute.

c. The little girl could never sit still for longer then five minutes.

d. The little girl could never sit still for long then five minutes.

e. The little girl could never sit still for longer than five minutes.

33. Because the oven did not heat up properly, Megan's

cupcakes baked uneven; some were burnt and
overdone, while others were raw and runny. No error

a. No error
b. uneven
c. while
d. properly
e. raw

34. The sloth crept slow across the roadway, risking life and

limb in its determination to explore the world on the other side. No

a. risking
b. No error
c. slow
d. on the other side

35. Chad’s political views took an abrupt swing to the

left; afterwards, he had to find a way to remove bumper
stickers quick. No error

a. afterwards, he
b. quick
c. a way to
d. No error
e. took


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