Application For The New Licence

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A Requisition of New Amateur Station Operator Licence


R. AjayMugam
S/o Raji. A
3/7A, Nandavanakula Street,
Vedaraniam, Nagapattinam

The Assistant Wireless adviser (C) COP Section

Department of Telecom
WPC Wing, Sanchar Bhavan, 20 Ashoka Road
New Delhi- 110001

Sub: Request for issuing Amateur Wireless license-new: regarding

1. ASOC Exam held at SRHQ, Chennai on 18/09/2017
2. Result sheet from SRHQ, K-12011/01/2017-SR Dated 08/11/2017

I have passed the ASOC exam conducted at Chennai as per the references cited above and I request
you to issue the Amateur Station Operator’s Licence, which is governed by IWT (Amateur service)
rules. I have also enclosed the necessary documents required for the issue of the same. And hereby,
I declare that the details furnished in my application are true and correct and I will abide the rules,
regulations and guidelines put forwarded by the IWT (Amateur Service) rules and its amendments

Name R. AjayMugam A boy of Scout

Date of Birth 13-02-2003 World Radio Day
Father’s Name Raji. A
Grade of ASOC passed Restricted
Transaction Details
Amount 1000/-
Transaction ID 1302180001469
Date 13-02-2018

My call sign preference details:

1.Vu3 PCI (Point Calimere International)
2.vu3 AJV (AJay Vedaraniam)
3.vu3 LRM (Laila-My grandmother-L, My father-R, My name Mugam-M)

1. Transaction receipt from NTRP portal-(Ref.No:1302180001469-Feb 13 2018)
2. Result sheet (self attested copy)
3. Two photographs(Name noted behind)
4. Date of birth proof (attested copy)
5. Address proof (attested copy)
Yours faithfully,

R. AjayMugam

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