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This chapter comprises the discussion of the findings, conclusion, recommendations,

suggestions for further study, on the impact of teachers characteristics on student

academic achievement in chemistry in senior secondary schools in awka south Local

Government Area, Anambra State.

Discussion of Findings

The discussion is centered on the research on teachers’ characteristics on student

academic achievement in chemistry in senior secondary schools in awka south Local

Government Area. Based on the results of the study, the researcher found out that

teacher attitude and chemistry students performance has a strong relationship, also a

teacher’s behavior has a significant toll on the students academic performance in

chemistry students in Awka South, Anambra State.

It was also discovered that teachers with eleven years and above experience were of

greater number in awka south during this research. It further implies that Teacher

experience has a significant effect on student performance in secondary schools.

Experienced teachers have a richer background of experience to draw from and can

contribute insight and ideas to the course of teaching and learning, are open to

correction and are less dictatorial in classroom. Teachers’ experience and student

achievement was that students taught by more experienced teachers achieve at a higher

level, because their teachers have mastered the content and acquired classroom
management skills to deal with different types of classroom problems (Gibbons et al.,

2017). Also, more experienced teachers are considered to be more able to concentrate

on the most appropriate way to teach particular topics to students who differ in their

abilities, prior knowledge and backgrounds (Stringfield & Teddlie, 1991)

The researcher also found out that a Degree in bachelor of Education is the most

rampant qualification in Awka South Local Government Area. Although it has no

cause of alarm, it simply implies that teachers ought to further their qualifications in

chemistry if they really want to be upbeat with the on going trends in chemistry


Additionally, it was found out that teachers that use student centered approach during

teaching, produced more academically sound students. This is tantamount as student

centered teaching approach has proven to be more effective over the years.


From the above discussion, the results showed that despite the fact that teachers’

attitude and teachers’ behavior is of great importance to the process of teaching and

learning of chemistry in this 21st century, it brings cohesion between teachers and

students and at the same time extend their academic intellect.


From the result of the findings, the researcher found out that teacher attitude and

teacher behavior has a significant toll on teacher characteristics and also on students.

Based on that, the researcher made the following recommendation:

1. Teachers should be duly informed that a good attitude is paramount for the

assimilation of chemistry

2. Principals and teachers of schools should create more awareness of the positive

impact of teacher attitude and behavior in the teaching and learning process.

3. Monitoring teams should be sent out to observe the teachers behavior during

classroom sessions.

4. Extensive trainings should be given to all teachers on the importance of good

attitude and behavior as key teacher characteristics

5. Students should be given quarterly reviews about teacher behavior and attitude

on their various teachers.

6. Students and teachers should develop a cohesive attitude towards each other.

Suggestions for Further Studies

1. A study should be carried out to ascertain the impact of teachers’ characteristics

on students’ academic achievement in chemistry.

2. The study should be carried out in secondary schools of other local governments

in Anambra state.

3. The study should also be carried out in secondary schools of other states of


4. A study should also be carried out to determine the number of basic science

teachers that possess knowledge of and technical know-how to operate ICT


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