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Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Subject: Jeffrey Dahmer File Number: 7-MW-2605: 7-Section 1 Federal Bureau of. Investigation @, ¢, PR I BoB THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. PI BI DA BAB MEMORANDUM *-’, TO: BAC, FROM: ne ‘to Open and Assign ation Below-Listed Case OPEN A CASE Class: L ALPHA: _ CASE SQUAD: la 00: mo ASSIGNED TOs, sc STATUS: e CASE TYPE: _ celery / Dk SDUECLINATION 4 {R)ECORD CHECK / (Z)ERO ar "oR ADNISTRATTE Page(s) withheld entirely at this locaton in the file. One or more of the following statements, ‘where indicated, a Deltions were made Pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for ‘explain this deletion. release 10 you. ‘Section $52 o ex OG &)Q) Do wa) eee eee eee ae eee 2 axa O Os) Bw) @xmMa) co Ome) 0 exe oO eno) 0 Ox) 5 OMe SB oye) DB Oyo) Section $520 5a 5 o@ oa 9 wey 5 wa a we 0 ws) 2 we) a wm a {eformaton Penainod only toa third party with no referenoe tothe subject of your requestor the subject of your Fequest is listed in the tisle only. © Documents originated with another Government for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another’ Government ‘0 the rlessbility ofthis information following or consllation with &€ other agencyties). agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) agencytics). You will be advised by the FBI as \__ Pages were not considered for release 35 they are duplicative of 34Q"\- ALA Ty — | eee Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): The following muynber is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Pauper die. 2 7-MW-NEW NEP/k1j a jouing information was provided to Special agent (SA) by SA\ akron Resident Agency of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): A xeview of missing persons files of the Summit County, Ohio Sheriff's Office and Bath, Ohio Police Department reflect the following: A missing report, filed June 18, 1978 listed the following: ~——~star on forearm, birthmark the size of a dime on back, dental Missing was STEVEN MARK HICKS. date of birth June_27, 1959, weight 150 pounds, height 5710", brown eyes, brown hair, records available. May have been a hitchhiker. Photograph, if available, will be sent to FBI for Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Department. 7) -W-ALWOS-4, o KG) G wey CoG) Oo oa O OKs) 2 HO G. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the request is listed in the tide only. C1 Documems originated with another Government for review and direct response to you. Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release Gisposition at a later date. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): 5 exer 8 One 5B we eG) 0 OMe 0 OOH O oye) OD ox) Pages contain information furnished by another Ggverument ageacy( ies), (0 the releasability of this information following our consultation with tH€ other ageacy(ies). 9 @@ - 0 OW a we) 0 we wa - 5) O 6) o wm subject of your request or the subject of your agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) ‘You will be advised by the FBI as determination has not been made. You will-be advised as to the Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of ee areca eeeeten eet eae BF folowing munber iso be used for seerence regarding these p2ees: No Ne Duplicstiin Fee N Xf this pase x NNNXXNNXNXRNNNN FBYDor Section 552 © ext) Bw) a @G) O aay D @xs) OO) 8 exmay oO we) 0 OE o exo) 5 wae 3 OMe o He) 5 Section $520 0 aK) 9 @@) -o ao we 0 we 0 we) 0 ax owe 0 @M G Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your Tequest is listed in the title only, |G Documents originated with another Government agency(ics). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response (0 you. Pages contain i (0 the releasb formation famished by another ‘ ity of this information following Ggvernment agency(ies),_ You will be advised by the FBI as /our'consultation with tHe other agency(ies). AA. Pages were not considered for release % they are duplicative of HQ 7-219 Te—4-, Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): eee 1B Te following nugber iy be wed for reference regarding these pages: Tqu-abos7-8. x x x XXXNXXXXNNNXKX Deleied Pageis)— X ‘No-Duplicaitin Fee NX fr this pase x XXXXNNNRX Fumo Sst? (Ree. 1-27-88) G83! Memorandum To SAC, MILWAUKEE {7-MI-New} Date 7/24/91 300: Sh i IC : FQN ff SAC, ST. LOUIS (7-MI-R_New) (RUC) Subject: JEPPREY LIONEL DAHMER; OLIVER LACY - VICTIM (HOMICIDE) ; UNSUBS - VICITMS (HOMICIDE) ; 00: MILWAUKEE Reternce: SLtelcall to Milwaukee, 7/24/91. FEDERAL RECORDS CENTER (FRC) RECORDS CHECK kX. for JEFEREY LIONEL DAHMER, SSAN: 284-60-5333 ‘ef ocated at the (Géeikon) (1 amelie Stale, Mo., and reviewed on 7 [247 9T by TA hject to restriction stamped thereon, exe copies of self-explanatory documents from FRC files. Crermonnel, Fe (Civitan) (Aititaty) Peanch, Veterans Administration Records Processing Center, SLMO, advised oe 1 ne record on aubject of could be Totated on basis of inforination turslahel. Ta identifying oF vaitable, another lead for review of the FRC ar9) records should be submitted. stare ae cacen: te and place of Leth, name mllieed in employment or mlltey aes eee and Inilitary nerviee mimber, dates of nploying individual, specific organisation to which OFite thas not yet been ‘located svidch is under way, Le will be reviewed promptly [rite won nok teated at (Chuan) (Miltary) Mranch, FIEG, SLALO, aed shld he tested , Ottice record located your division, Mande review. ics, copies of pertinent For veforence g. Milwaukee (Encs.) (Express Mail) - St. Louis AEM/aem e \ yy 3 YW kaeeiesct Reed useoron ) russe an Bborsan conn ) sy atreranions i suape0 OENIPICATION PURPOSES ee TArOOARe NT i) AnEAS RENDER FORM YOR. 5 “em 214 ‘RevioUs coupe, mse CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE OR DISCHARGE] ee Teas or From aCIvE out =F ‘BEPARTTENT, COMPONENT RD BEAN ee 284) 69] 5333 DANMER, JEPFREY LIONEL ARMY—Ra Pas canbe arora 8 Parone Ta Ee wins CEP TRIS TOTNES CLEVELAND. aii PFc £3 sras2r 44199 TST UT ARCRMENT aROTAGE COIR BNC OD RR man wna area SOTH ARior ES ySARRUR FT Jackson, sc__ 30207 ¥ Oman TOWNER TRF Tr 16, SouCOvEiAGE swountt___20_ 00 [Jone TR ET RON TRE RG RTI a acon oF see vento | nono) [pave ‘MONNS SPEC CAdtona spy mann ond itn re covert ee Oe Ered AD Pal 79{ oi [12 a TTR REE ats BI 33 SL YEAMS, © MONTHS, 52| 02 [15 tools acne Se $a| 00 | aa] 75] wo] rer 5, CHATIONE AND CANPAGN RTORT TPH MALS prey AM PADCR WET E BAR +45 CALTRER etstaL ‘SNAROED OR AUIHORLED (Al periods of ERT STARPSHOOTER RANGE WITH HAND GRENADE Rar "W.MIRARY EDUICRTION (Eoarae Fle nba BPATO, CPReTAT aT 6 oWERKS ‘eethn and month and year comphaed) ete 979 5 Meni CONUS To FOREMAN YEtERAWs EOUCATIONAL ASSSTANCT hroceAM Ow Bho 15. GH SOOT GRADUATE OREO ATT ves No. TBARS leaveran, 23 Te aT NOTHING FoLLows 4406 WEST PATH ROAD AKRON ONTO 8 nee GUESS COM ORE senrto_OIf on. oF vet arrans [Aves no SPECIAL ADDMONALINFORMATION (For ui by authored agence ont) ey heh ae a [ARETE BERTON FOR TEP aT ACCT AR- OPER” ORO ATOR TERRE TT POLITY oa SERVICE-2 a DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 2ND EATEALION, 6811 ARMOR AEO NEW YORK 09034 sem. _ Baum Holver, a SUBJECT: Appointment of Escort Ae: AFO New York 09034 2. This letter is to advise you thot you have been appointed as escort for _prn Ie 284-60-5333 __, who is now pendin: elimination under the Brovidions oF i BAN 2. Your specific responsibilities are as follows: a+ Assist in completeing the local installation requirewents, be tense that individual has the following docusents for processing at the 2lst Replacement. Battalion: (1) A valad serviceable military ID Card (iD Form 2A). * (2) MPRJ (DA Form 201), including DD Form h (Bnlistecnt Contract, Armed Forces of the United Stetes) or’h7 (Record of Instruction), ne applicable. (3% Health and Denta1 Records. (2) A complete ond authenticated copy of a separation physical examination, (5) Individual Inmanization Certificate (SF 701). (6) Military Clothing Recora (when applicable). (7) bb Form ail WS (Armed Forces of the United States Vorksheet for Report of Transfer of Discharge), ) (8) At least 20 copies of orders directing separation (Including amend- ments). (9) Individual Personal Finance-Records that have been closed out by the servicing finance and'accounting office. “l ie (20) Dd Form 1482 (ic ‘Transportation Authorizatn n) « (21) DD Form 1854 (US Customs Declaration). 3, At no time will _ PRC Dabmer, Jeffrey b. be permitted to hand carry hie personal records, 4. Your assignment to this duty terminates at the 2st Replacement Battalion @ut- bound Processing Activity (Room 113, BLDG 110, Rhein-Main Hotel, Rhein Main Airbase) peee You physically see the Aireraft upon which PRC Dahmer, Jeffrey: Le has boarded, depart the area, 5. A copy of this letter has been furnished 0 Sc. Copy Furnished: Order_77-60, 19 Mareh 1981 DA, 257th Personnel Service Company APO NY 09036 Aray Teanafer Point, Fort Jackson South Carolina 29207 26 March 1981 333 PFC US Army Transfer Point (WOUG1A) by ‘Asad to (for separation processing) is changed to read: US Aray Fansfer Point (HOUG1A) Ft Jackson SC 29207 wc ofiffectiverdate of discharge ra ERICTAL 3H ops ALSOHOL AND ORUG AuUSE PREVENTION Ane Os s PROGRAM PROGRESS REFORS (USAREUR Suppl 1. AR Tomander fs A mS HC 2/68 Armor DAAC APO 09034 ‘and eegutatione, ved within TNARE Thaai Frat, Wy c | | DAHNER, Jeffery | 2e4-60-6533 + HEC 2/68 CL] votuntety sored X] sms 8 dan. 81 tor deve atconol abues (vpeeits) Alcohol PFC Dahmer has been showing no desire to be rehabi11- tated and has been involved in several incidents, is not willing to contro? his alcohol intake. Recommend he be declared a failure at this time. Sestee « FOR OPTI Fe swe ‘bs srsiveted Oy « phyelcion for Scioraimailon of payale ae sl er parchological drag Sapendency 20 DD oee % Other connects ender recommendations: ae ILT, OIC CDAAC WANE-& TITLE (OIC) Commander's determination: . a. Success _y failure b. reasons for this determination ara as follows: 1 declare PFC Dahmer as a failure to she active = tar Vere is a chapter 9 pending on this service monber, To un phase of the ADAPCP, :‘DISPOSITIUN FORM . ee ete ofthis fom, 996 AR 24015, the propenent oncy te TAGCEN! : REFERENCE OW Tree TSE waaeer = - ~ADAPGP Failure AETIO-H orc FROM COMMANDER PATE 25 February 61 MTT ATTN; HRC WHC 2/68 Armor BN 56th Gen. Hospital APO NY 0903, APO RY 09034 DAIMER, Jeffery 284 605333 PFC 3 Was clinically evaluated for alcohol abuse 29 January 198]. private Dsbner has had sever#l alcohol ineidents and is not willing to control his alcohol intake. Zeclare PFC Dahmer us a failure to the active and follow-up phase of the ADAPGP. There is a chapter nine pending on this servicescmer? REPLACES GO FORW 96, WITCH 1S SBFOUETE DAE: 2496 4 TE ero of hi em Soe + [Be Norwmmre menue pox — 5 SMILTARYCLIENTEOLLOW-UF REGE S Seed ee ee Serpe, mi frye ee in grenied by se fe cacety wt t have hat IIe rue and complete to the bes of my kroweage, ish the Goverment» compte tranacit of my magia record for purposes ‘ot procetsing ny application for tls employment or sce esas ar a boner es wa Ty 7. OTE nano Yo Ywe0OGTON on RUNGE. ORF wnLED mann EnvaLOe 7 EDIEAL OF ONLY {Shapers summery on snborston tah pervet ete Payacen sak ontna eect ae #wugh 2, Pen er cevclon by tov ty ncaa! mutes! Mayne ano tno wd teers gene fod eh Mens serve oe freee Pe “ih fe phe os J USA 5922-38-82 rea§! J = ‘SHeers eo al 7 Jac leone ww S86 NOTES ON REVERSE BEFORE ; Ge ectenrine' roma RECO OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER ARTICLE 15, MJ \ For use ofthis form, se AR. 27-10; the proponent agency i the Office of The Judge Advocete General, i/ Wante- AND GRADE june Tam considering whether you should be punished under Artie 16, UGMJ, Tor The folowing misconduct 7 been reported that you, having knowledge of '» verbal lawful order issued by to witt Company Policy, en order which it wos your duty, to obey, did, at jaumholder, Germany, on or atout 30 tay 00, trongfully foil to obey the same by having hard’ (sce continuation shect) 2. You have several rights under this Article 15 procedure. First, L want you to understand that J have not yet made a deci: Glon whether or not you will be punished, and I will not impose any punichinent unless I am convinced beyond & reasonable doubt| {hat you committed the offense. You may ordinarily have a public hearing before me. You may bring e perean to speak on your behalf. You may present witnesses and other evidence to show why you shouldn't le punished at all atters in defense) or why, Punishment should be very light (matters in extenuation and mitigation). I shall consider everything you present before deciding ‘whether I will impose punishes amount of punishment I will impose. You are not required to make any state: ‘ments at all, but if you do, thex.may be used against you in this Article 15. If you do not want me to dispose of this report ot isconduct under Article 18, you have the right to demand trial by court-martial instead. “3/" In deciding what you want t6 do you have the right to congilt with a lawyer located at suilding 6250 You now have 72 hours to decide what you want to do. i ‘Bienature and Dated 4. Trial by Court-Martial isnot demanded! and in the Article 16 proceedings: 4 An open hearing Cis (is not requested. 6/ ~ . A person to speak on my behalf C) wit (A will not accompany me. 5/ €. Matters in defense andor extenuation: Dare not presented. Clare attached hereto, Zeb will be presented in person. 5/ 1952 instars and Baa & Thave considered all mattaa presented tn defense ahdfor extenvation and mitigation. 7 ‘The Tolawing FOnTRmeRTG) (EY (Gre) imposed: 77 : OF T-1t suspended until 5 Sent AD REDUCTION TI TIS aR month for two nontha, one month suspend PSRPHTTURS OF f19.00 until 5 Sent 99 15 Days extra duty 6. You are advised of your right to appeal this punishment to é bie the next superior authority. An appeal made imore than 16 dage ater tie Gukaheat wee elpoued ag Meine Meenas of unusual circumstances, be considered as not being made within a reasonable time and be rejected. ‘The next superior will decide whether not. NOTES See Appendix E, AR 27-10, for further guidance. y 2/ Insert a concise statement of each offense in terms stati if i it 7 ich offense i ing a specific violation of the UCMJ. If additional Space is needed, use Part IIT and/or continuation sheets as described in Note 10 below. = 2 jf the individual is attached to or embarked in a vessel he is not permitted to vefuse Article 15 punishment fr ph ctr al feference to demand for trial will be lined out and an appropriate remark wil be made the vessel at the eg the Official name of the vessel and that the individual was altachod to or omnbaahn es, the vessel at the time punishment was imposed, eee Aw | SUBJECT: Continuation of Record Of froceedings Under Article 15, UONSo Vertatninis to FFC Jeffrey L. Dahmer, HHC,2/édeh 2h . liquor in the billits, This ie in violation of Article 92, UCM, It further been re; ‘ted that you did, at Baumholder, Germany, bout 30 May 1! ) behave yourself with disrespect toward 1 ina Fou superior commlasioned officer, by saying to hin, rT SCins to fucking do it," or words to that effect, This is in viulation of article @9, bus. br has further beenreported that you wore, at Baumholder, Germany, 22 Pr about 30 May 190, drunk and disorderly in quarters, This ts in violation of Article 134) ULMJ, ee ® in are sus ime punishment War ss-~-- the vessel at the time punishment _ eau. eLnvet t-2 mod va wens ote muos va anb3 Conan saivathiauss vo Samvaan © NolLvalstLug9 ONvOR NyDIuaRY bares BOK 0 “iswa T7100} a 330 BET [ean NW 4¥yd - a¥03ay NOILVoIdIIvND_TaNNOSYad ava [west] Tar ; esp] aa ae i bet aero as = L_BeTEe laa G TIS SEL era 7 ST JO] NEOGL Pret SUS NEWS GAVE Wi Waa XTREVEE AZETIG CIOS | TPT | OCORL Peet “ON gE Ta Siw] Sana} ow Tainned any vay una [noua OT | Op [amosL] sNaTvanva Ehoilvedasa souvey ano] Soinwas VERITAS a : = oer 327 5 ae LI aT CerD aa wea [bsoat iauose vaw aanunav@] neal] noravaian vadlavanaas wisvvorswny RTT Bouveraives Tae we ee | ore | RE ores: EauOSE NOTLVOTWAT So > a ¥ 7 YAYO LNBMNOISSY ONY NOILYOIAISSYTD — 11 NOLLI3S. sae Ser >] Ba vsast WOT AVE fi ‘TROT Amal, <4 (eeneiwe5) Viva ANaWNDIGS¥ ONY NOILYDIAISEVID ~ UI NOSES epee alinaa~ 1 NoUDaE ext) nasa SAREVSTT| [CALEY TET Tey StS 7 =e ws THOTPOH, “Shay 3 oar | SHH 8 KOSG)_WOaNE_ aT | saver] Ce # Tersuey SH ere x07 EE TOUTES Set lBL TETOGL { 2tt06é | | Ido $5 SEICL [ee ~“PeTORL] aa sVAV TT RE Many TREE [sot SRON BH avogay Aang aaiontud TOSI Ta NOTED aS \ hve {63168 on te oor tor twa nie mre vt aed vo wi BYCOS_AB¥d OF “aes eo ive 19S 30 Buc9s ouTitvey saycasvveee-ac09 ins scowl © aucod gaia | ‘HS tixd¥ T WEL SHE 2c WE WY 8900 | STLOGL | STLOGL | mmo MESIE Wy, €£/e€. fe | we | ome enti souranrovo 7 ae | EL Vive TOT Ma NONDSS SANGNNOISSY SNONGUd ORT Ou¥ INFUBRO TA NODES xt * SUSKLaT, ce | eceoc ge] 9d Tao Tetets MYHGIY ‘Wordaw [zo T tt | osti 3009” AROS STWH TS | anes pees] ae Tun fa = ¥iVG NOWIS04 GIFIMONIAY “TANOUSAE “ Ts EYONIT | TP Mwe-EATI WW ] gotaze 2 3 a tren | OE gl gz FIAT ETS Wo-H™ | T2506 zitoe. | ezzter a ort gy wititee: 9] Sane a] esr a eae ae } momma S Vive ATiW¥a ONT TNOBTS” A NOUSSS [SELvO Wino ¥ ous SOURS“ HTNOUIORS 2 07 vayaen 3] 2 Treuve | 37 aves SH] Bievoliedy 19M c21 3 Tee vin a ve woven sab oe ane ow : ® Bangg vee : raw ae a Tasers = g 7 x] Reoune | wa3c on] octoee 1: = = wf ene ESSE [eos 3 ae z sy 2 a TeTITT | csv awn ES i EN CE Teer nor =] eS @| « Toneni aie | enemas a] eee i | oe | orsts reine =] = ee oc] otete] os TrTeze v0600E | € Be [ee @ wor | Wa Flom] sae] me na # “3 ea OL eee a, elem ew Vivo INGWNOTSEY anv ROLLS SIOTTETT \) ax AN I~T3NND S13 err0Td B €ces-09-ye2] TENOLD ATWIIIE YBWHVO ince a ep wena sa 7 ae] oer = 7 aS UAE o EEN ¥ Ua ENT AND fi pe and duly swom to (or affirmed) before me on _89 December 1978, 16a SIGHATURE Oe ERT TSS NAME GRADE scan, and REPRESENTATIVE ini i ‘DRO CLEVELAND OND 18e. The-oath of enlistment in Item 16, (or affirmed) before me on OPEIGER Figs oe AN ONGANTERTION OF ENISTING OFFICER hype or arin) cPr aca AFEES CLEVELAND OFTO aunts 4/4 ENLISTMENT/REENLISTMENT DOCUMENT — ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES a IDENTIFICATION DATA c 7 WARE (hans Fe RGR T 2 SAN STORTE OF ENUREENI [© GRADE Delmer Jeffrey Idonet 2éi,-60-3333 | 29 DECREER 1978 PUT Et fs wowe OF RECORD (Gli, Sate, BF Codey [PLACE OF ENLISTMENT IREENCISTOENT : Moron 08 | 1313 ‘AFEES Cleveland OH CORES SATE BELECTIVE HEAVICENG. PREV WL OVE UPON ERUREERL [VERS 2 wr 1 Toate ny Ee 9] bate! Bi nor necisteneo Tot ee ny Soa Oo S AGREEMENTS 10. Tam enlisting/reenlisting in the United States ARMY RESERVE on, 29 TRORMIER 1976 for_§ years in pay grade Bl. The additional details of my enlistment/reenlistment are in Section C and Annex(es) fs ‘ Paster 4% FOR ENLISTMENT INA DELAYED ENTRY/ENLISTMENT PROGRAM (DEP) (Not applicable the Army or Air National Guard): I understand that I will, within 365 days, be ordered to active es eptienian eo luty as a Reservist for__3__ years unless I enlist in the Regular Component of the United States_ARMY _ for not less than _3__ years. My enlistment in the DEP is in 2 non-pay status. I must maintain my current qualifications and keep my recruiter informed of any changes in my physical or dependency status, moral qualifications, or mailing address. ; gh a - oe? 3 get er eo Z 08 ie tik a “ and tive attachSd gnnét{es) are all the promises made to me by the ONE. HAS PROMISED ME IS NOT VALID: AND WILL NOT. BE Beton Mendes cue ey 282° PARTIAL STATEMENT OF EXISTING UNITED STATES LAWS : 11. FOR ALL ENLISTEES OR REENLISTEES: Many laws, regulations, and military customs will govern my conduct and require me to do many’ things a civiliari does not havé to do. ‘The following statenients are not promises or guarantees of any kind. ‘They explain some of the proient laws affecting the Armed Forces Which I cannot change but which Congress can change at any-time. = 7° ¢ 1, it : a. _ My enlistment is more than an employment agreement. As a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, I will be: (1) Required to obey all lawful orders and perform all assigned duties. (2) Subject to separation during or at the end of my enlistment. If my behavior fails to meet acceptable military standards, I may be discharged and given a certificate for less than honorable service, which may hurt my future job opportunities and my claim for veteran's benefits. (3), Subject to the military justice system, which means, among other things, that I may be tried by military courts-martial. D scents 4/7 ‘Ob rom 4, privacy ner STATEMENT. 20 SEP 95 1 OOSOLETE, \ 4 ” U.S. Department of Justice e ~—~-~-Federal Bureau of Investigation Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-2058 July 25, 1991 JEFFREY L. DAHMER; OLIVER LACY ~ VICTIM (DECEASED) ; UNKNOWN SUBJECTS - VICTIMS (DECEASED) + KIDNAPPING ~ HOMICIDE The St. Louis Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBE}:was able to, obtain the Military records in regards to JEFFREY LIONEL DAHMER, date of birth May 21, 1960; Social Security Account Number 284-60-5333, and the records reflect the following: BL ERTIFICATI JEFFREY LIONEL DAHMER was born on May 21, 1960 at Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, 2357 South 57th Street, West Allis, Wisconsin; he was born to LIONEL HERBERT DAHMER, whose age was listed as 23 years and whose occupation was listed as a student at Marquette University, and ANNETTTE JOYCE (FLINT), whose age was listed as 24 years, and that this was their first child. LISTMEN’ ERS. DAHMER's application to enlist in the United states Army indicated that his only criminal violation was that of a motor vehicle offense for driving in the left hand lane and crossing the center lane in June of 1978 at Bath, Ohio, for which he paid a fine of $20.00 in the Traffic Court in’ Akron, Ohio. His application also stated that he attended the Revere High School in Akron, Ohio from September of 1975 until June of 1978, where he graduated with his high school diploma. He then went on to Ohio state University in Columbus, Ohio where he attended that institution of higher learning from September of 1978 until /\ IND HOW Bim This docunent contains neither recomendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your ageney; it end its contents are not to be distributed outside your egency. dye. JEFFREY L. DAHMER; OLIVER LACY ~ VICTIM (DECEASED); — UNKNOWN SUBJECTS - VICTIMS (DECEASED) ; _ KIDNAPPING? HOMICIDE December, 1978; he did not graduate. DAHMER listed his iate family as being father: LIONEL HERBERT DAHMER, born at Milwaukee, Wisconsin with an address of 4480 West Bath oad, Akron, Ohio; mother: with a date of birth oc Saini, at Alliance, Ohio, and an address of 4480 West Bath Road, Akron, Ohio, and a brother of DAVID LIONEL DAHMER, whose date of birth is at Barberton, Ohio, and an address of 4480 West Bath Road, Akron, Ohio. Tt. should be noted that the individual the subject listed as being his mother on his Army application is in direct contrast to the nother's name listed on the birth certificate of JEFFREY L. DAHMER. He answered "no" in response to a question regarding engagement in homéSexual activity. 3 A photocopy of DAHMER's Social Security Card indicates that his correct Social Security Account Number is 284-60-5333. The date of his enlistment in the United states Army is December 29, 1978, where his grade was a PVT E-1, and his place of enlistment is listed as Cleveland, Ohio. The agreement is that he would be enlisting in the United States army for a period of three years effective December 29, 1978. Following his enlistment in the United states Army, he was sent to Military Police School at Fort Mc Clellan, Alabama for an eight week course which he did not complete. On May 11, 1979, he was sent to the Army Hospital School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he attended a six week course to become a medical specialist. Upon completion of this course he was assigned to Headquarter Company, 268th Armored Division, Second Batallion, 68th Armor in Baumholder, Germany. He was stationed at this post from June of 1979 until March 24, 1981. During his time there he was repeatedly abusing alcohol and was forced to enter a Rehab Center. The records indicate that he was repeatedly drunk anywhere from four to six times per week both while on duty and off duty. While attending the rehabilitation center, he was released from there as he had no desire to be rehabilitated. He was then physically escorted to a plane in Baunholder, Germany for return to the United states. Upon his return he was sent to Fort Jackson in South Carolina where he was discharged on March 26, 1981 from the United states army. The records also indicate that DAHMER was a sharp shooter with the M-16 weapon and a marksman with the .45 pistol. an Article 15 was also filed in which the Commander of the base in Germany was conducting an investigation into the following misconduct: It was reported that DAHMER, having knowledge of a 2 JEFFREY L. DAHMER; - OLIVER LACY - VICTIM (DECEASED) ; a UNKNOWN SUBJECTS - VICTIMS (DECEASED) KIDNAPPING; HOMICIDE Verbal lawful order issued by a ranking officer in which it was his duty to obey did at Baumholder, Germany on or about May 30, 3980 wrongfully failed to obey the same by having hard liquor in the Billits. It was also alleged that he behaved with disrespect towards his ranking superior commissioned officer by saying to him in effect "I'm not going to fucking do it." It was further alleged that on this same date that he was drunk and disorderly in his quarters and that this was all in violation of Military rules. The punishment imposed was that he was reduced to the grade of E-14, suspended until September 5, 1980, with a forfeiture of $100.00 per month for two months, and 15 days extra duty. DAHMER's-medical recogds indicate that on a self- reported medical checklist, hé indicated that he does wear glasses, and has been treated for hay fever and a ruptured hernia in his past. According to the records of informal counseling sessions, DAHMER was reprimanded on the following occasions: August 8, 1980 he was counseled due to the fact that he was caught going through the BEQ looking in a refrigerator for food and that he had no business being in the BEQ and that that behavior would not be tolerated; on August 11, 1980, he was gounseled on an incident which occurred on August 2, 1980, when he was picked up by the Military Police for being under the influence of alcohol and that this behavior would not be tolerated; on September 2, 1980, he was counseled on an incident which occurred in the barracks on August 30, 1980, on the fact that his stereo was too loud and after being told’ by a Commanding Officer to turn it down, he did not and if this incident occurred again, the radio would be taken away from him for 30 days; on or around December 8, 1980, DAHMER arrived for work 45 minutes late, and upon his arrival was so intoxicated he could not even stand up. On December 22, 1980, he was written up for being drunk and disorderly during the previous weekend on several occasions. on December 22, 1980, he arrived on duty heavily intoxicated and at that time the recommendation was for maximum judicial punishment; on December 23, 1980, he was counseled because he failed to perform a duty that was assigned to him, and he was again intoxicated; on March 7, 1981, DAHMER reported for formation in improper uniform and was sent back to his room to get in proper uniform. He did not report back and his area was in a shambles. At this time, it was also noted that he was again intoxicated. On March 9, 1981, DAHMER was given a direct order and refused: on March 9, 1981, DAHMER was drinking on duty and as a result of all of the above the Commander revoked his access to classified 3 5o sy JEFFREY L. DAHME! material and he was dischar received an Honorable Disch: ‘ged from the United States Army and arge Certificate. % orcas «2389 @ e reo00n FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOrA _ DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET ~ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, ‘explain this deletion, OF Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you, ‘Section $52. ‘Section 552a_ 1D ey D way ao @s) 5 @Q) 1D ON) a @@ D we) “B wM7C) D away = 5 wm) , 9 &@ D ene) D we) 2 One 5 wa OD yay 0 me) D 5) G ex) D eo) 2 wo OD x6) 5 w@a Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. G Documents originated with another Govemment agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agencyes) {for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Govemment agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies), Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date, B_ Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative ordlep 2-AlTMo-5. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): — eee The following nets isto be used for reference regarding these pages: ~ XXXXXKXAANAXAAAK X Deleted Pages) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXAK XXXXXX XXXXAX FBYDOI SVK 0020 HRI 02170 PPEBIMW — ~~ DE FBISY #0023 2062326 NR UUW P 2522027 JUL 91 Ft FBI SAN JUAN (7-Mlt-26057) (P) TO FBI MILWAUKEE (7-"W-26057) (HRA) (P)/PRIORITY/ aT UNCLAS CITE: //3800// * oh ‘SUBJECT: JEFFREY L. DAHMER; OLIVER LACEY-VICTIN (DECEASED); UNSUB(S)-VICTINS (DECEASED! + KIDNAPPING-HOMICIDE} 002 MILWAUKEE. ‘REFERENCE MILWAUKEE TELETYPE TO DIRECTOR AND ALL FIELD OFFICES DATED JULY 26, 1991. FOR THE INFORMATION OF MILWAUKEE DIVISION, A REVIEW OF KIDNAPPING MATTERS REVEALED THAT SAN JUAN DIVISION DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNRESOLVED KIDNAPPING CASES. MILWAUKEE DIVISION SHOULD BE AWARE THAT JULY 25, 1991 1S CONSTITUTION DAY, A LOCAL HOLIDAY IN PUERTO RICO. THEREFORE, 52 PAGE THO DE FBISJ 0023 UNCLAS CONTACT WITH THE POLICE OF PUERTO RICO_(POPR)-WILL-NOT-BE POSSIBLE ON THIS DATE, SAN LAN MILL ENDEAVOR TO CONTACT POPR ON WULY 26, 1991 AND DETERMINE IF ANY MISSING PERSON CASES MAY BE CONNECTED WITH CAPTIONED MATTER. BT #0028 NNNN 53 6 e G1 QUERY WISCONSIN DRIVER RECORD, FROM ORI _NIFRIMOo, -At-STATION 1505 HANET STHTHASONPHONE , CONERAK ‘GEX/H RACE/U DATE OF BIRTH/12) WIF BINNIE 24 91 OF AL 1/9998 15¢ TIE, bOT NEI CIE ) EDIT succESsruL \PHOME / COMER AK 26 BT/26/91 0 fe we 1 27 og S91 ve eo Saucy f a SPONSE THASOAF HO: E Js ORICASNO: Fi2zZoa EMVERED BY NIG NOL wanEiseigl\ A THIS 19 @ MISSING PERSON RECORD: JUVENILE UpLDAvhy> AK DOB: b 803 WEIGHT: AP HOWE WEIGHT: BRO HAIR: BLK: LS BIE JEAN SHORTS BLK ark aorDHA TENNIS BHOES ORI 1S MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTNENT ORI UINFDOWES VERIFY MISSING PERSON STATUS IMMEDIATELY WITH ORT | my p74 UIERINwE 24 91 OF OL 2B O7/28/91 XA RACIW PHONE, KONERAE =/BRO_WAL/ BLE. W BIB JEAN SHORTS BL) TE LWAUKEE PD WE 194-169-8p9 9/24/86 —-194-169-9p1 Qo / Ka rpleritek a durthen pr: cat oi Bir 10/21/85 NAM UNKNOWN SUBJECT 87-15436% Se NARC F 00:M. tnt inimical Jc Se 7-7 4/24/85 12-211-Sub NN-49 a 166 r820-938-H 87-12750* 91-S264-58 Pe Pages contain information furnished to the releasability of this information following our consultat FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Fora DELETED PAGE INFORMATION-SHEET ~~ Section $52 Oo ex D we) © we) SE ee B way 2 ws) 7 5 we OD (7A) D OB) +0 OIC) OD aD) “D'@oe 0 OF) O Os) OD eK) Section 3520 5 @) o @@) 3 way 5 we) oD we) 5 way 5 ays) 5 we) 2 way ‘2 Information pertained only toa third party with no reference to the subject of ‘Your request or the subject of your Tequest is listed in the title only. 5 Documents originated with another Government agen for review and direct response to you. isposition at a later date. y(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) by another Government agency(ies). You willbe advised by the FBI as ion with the other agency(ies). He Pages were not considered for release as they are supticaive of AG 1-219 be —Lo Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): eee BCTne following number isto be used for reference regarding these pages: XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Stk XXXXXXXAXAAAANKK, X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee X X for this page x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FByDOS Mathew, urushiye, j.Woulda't have run away. f —— ‘home. “We have ng idea whe lcescence; Mathew, gobemouche, might have gone,” she said. i brother's girifriend and frie also have 0 clue to bls. whek ae eaid. 2s eg frequent. out for aad hls dian; Lagatta, nulifdlan, <4 55 fiuyed saece, 9 prosopous; Mathew, repetiteur. here almost Hf father came to the Ualed 8 e wa | Cont oes ae Me This time Wm Her father, Somthone, wa ae Konerak never farmer in Laos, He Is now un Vin L. Wicker, 12,'of Riverton, showed up, ployed. He and his vilte, So N.J.,” asked Cameron i sald'the sister, came to the United States w] ~ Questions about *tautophony,” a Kelsone Phal- Konerak:Last their alne children. ‘Word he had been asked to spell. . phouvong, 22. . Seen Sunday ‘The family lives in the SUill unsatistied, Devin asked, ‘The family notified police block of N. Séth St. Konerak: “Can I buy a vowel?” ‘Tuesday that he was missing. among three boys who stil vet Cameron, who teaches English Someone called Thursday and homie, hls sister sald. st the University of Dayton in aaid, “Konerak la in danger ri hos chucied and mig, sim Row. Messer ald THe cal Inking about early retirement,” who had a deep vole, then bi but he rejected the request. Upetesalde eect em MMB Ee ctish well, P Devin spelled the word correct. .~'- Kouerak’s mother, who has a The family reported the Yama and wagered away heat llmen, hs ben unable phan cl to pai but he fom the microphone in amaze. eat OF sleep since Konerak ‘hag ” there was tle they eo ment. 7, 7 been gone, her daughter sald, Phalphouvong said." The tition, be “All she does Is cry,” she sald, “They don’t know where In 1995, fs Miponsored by Series “She hasn't had sleep for a couple look, where to start. So it's go! Howard newspapers in'13 citles days. She keeps thinking her son to be hard,” Phalphouvong said, ‘and 208 other American newspa- 1s dead. "We have no trace of him. Teas Phalphouvong sald her brother have cilled everywhere.” 0003 HRI 00996 a 00 _ FBIM ———--— DE FBISC #0002 2101909 ZNR uuu 0 278092 wuL 91 FM FBI SACRAMENTO (7-MW~26057) (P) ‘TO FBI MILWAUKEE/IMMEDIATE/ \ aT ; UNCLAS. cite 1372011 SUBJECT: JEFFREY L. DAHMER; OLIVER LACY ~ VICTIM (DECEASED); UNSUBS - VICTINS (DECEASED); KIDNAPPING ~ HOMICIDE; 00: MILWAUKEE. hie RE TELCAL BETWEEN SAQQMMIMMIMNIE FRESNO RA, TO SSA (QR 0726/91; ono micnauKee TELETYPE To THE BUREAU AND ALL OFFICES OF 7/25/91. ENCLOSED UNDER SEPARATE COVER IS ONE COPY OF A FRESNO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE REPORT AND A PHOTO CF Ss PER REFERENCED TELETYPE, CONTACT WITH THE HOMICIDE She moe Ye fot fed Yr Gnas PAGE TWO DE FBISC 0002 UNCLAS _ DIVISION OF THE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA POLICE-DEPARTMENT REVEALED THAT ‘THE MEDIA IN FRESNO HAVE REPORTED THAT THE SUBJECT’S MOTHER LIVES IN FRESNO, THE "FRESNO BEE" NEWSPAPER STATED ‘THAT THE “EAU CLAIR (WISCONSIN) LEADER-TELEGRAM” REPORTED VOYCE A FLINT, AGE 55, AS BEING THE SUBJECT’S MOTHER WHO PRESENTLY LIVES IN A NORTH FRESNO APARTMENT COMPLEX, OETECTIVES HV Fd ees | a PAGE THREE DE FBISC 0002 UNCLAS ADDITIONALLY, FOR THE INFORMATION OF MILWAUKEE, TWO Jie MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL AT THE QIBBMBMIBarantnent conpLex ! HAVE SEEN PICTURES OF THE SUBJECT ON TELEVISION AND HAVE TOLD DETECTIVES THAT THEY REMEMBER SEEING THE SUBJECT AT THE COMPLEX APPROXIMATELY SIX MONTHS AND/OR ONE AND. A HALF. YEARS 400; ONE INDIVIDUAL REMEMBERED Ai FROM SIX HONTHS'AGO_AND._ ONE REMEMBERED ONE AND A HALF YEARS AGO, GRD 1s 05081020 45 FoLious: ALIASSQMMMM RACE: WHITE: SEX: MALE: DOG: QM HEIGHT: = 32. ‘5°10"s WEIGHT: 165 LBS.; HAIR: BLOND; EYES: BLUE. sie Ss bY BT #0002 0005 MRI 0218 a 00 FBI DE FBIKC #0001 2110236 INR UU © 3002302 wuL 91 FU FBI KANSAS CITY (7-Hi-26057) (S05) (P) TO FBI MILWAUKEE/IFMEDIATE/ BT UNcLAS NM CITE: //3950: $05// ‘SUBJECT: JEFFREY L. DAHMER; OLIVER LACY-VICTIN (DECEASED); UNSUBS - VICTIMS (DECEASED); KIDNAPPING - HOMICIDE; 00: MW. RE MILWAUKEE TEL TO KC, DATED WULY 24, 1991. PER REQUESTED ON JULY 29, 1991, FUGITIVE UNIT, KCMOPD, WAS CONTACTED RE CAPTIONED HATTER. \e \o GERM vv 15e0 no mrssins PeRsoNs IN METROPOLITAN AREA MEET A CRITERIA OF CAPTIONED VICTIMS. IN AD01T{ON, SS KANSAS CITY, KS, PD, ADVISED WOULD RECONTACT KC FBI OFFICE AFTER REVIEWING THEIR MISSING PERSON’S FILES. KC WILL AWAIT RESULTS FROM KANSAS CITY, KS PD AND WILL gem) 2057 ~IS ste ON PAGE TWO DE FBIKC 001 UNCLAS AIRTEL POSITIVE INFO, BT ‘#000! NNN ur s OPCA-20 (12-3-96) é ® XXXXXX_ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA a DELETED PAGE INFORMATION. SHEET Page(s) withteld entirely at this location inthe file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion, Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release 10 you. Section $52 Section 5528 5 om DB way 2 @ 5 we 1D wn) 3 @@ Dw) + ONE) 0 wm 5 @m@) © we) ee “2 wane) ‘og GB) ww) 5 wa) O wa) 5 we) 0 we) 5 6) 0 Me 5 wo DO 2 wo ‘equest is listed in the title only. © Pocuments originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you, disposition at a later date. 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Section 552 © ay 2 @Q @y3) ae ee 5 way ows) D Me) 1D eneay 8 wane “3 WOVE) © wo) “wane 5 MOR O mys) 5 wo Section 5520, OO @s) O a 5 way 5 we 5 wey Oo we) 0 we PO) a wom 5 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of Your request or the subject of your Tequest is listed in the title only. 5 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These document for review and direct response to you. disposition at a later date. 5 were referred to that agency(ies) agency(ies). 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Section 552 oe 5 wana) 5 @s) 5 we 5 we 5 @@ 2 : BBO Dax - & GH) D we) “Aone "awe o we D aw) D oy 5 w® 5 ws) ows) 5 He ow) 2 wx6) 2 wm © Information pertained only toa third party with no reference to the subject of your Fequest or the subject of your ‘Tequest is listed in the title only. ‘Documents originated with another Govemment agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. raaky Stain information fumished by another Government agencies). You willbe advised by the FBI as {0 the releasability ofthis information following our consultation with the other agency(ies) Pages) withheld ingsmuch as a final release determination has not been made, You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of — eee Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s: Qbp g PDA spt at. BTh following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Ens-aln81~12. XXAXAXXXXKXXKXKK, X ‘Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee X X for this page x XXXXXXXXXXAXXKNN, XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Favoos Aad orcaz 2340 e @ ovo XOX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION a FOPA - —— ~ DELETED PAGE. INFORMATION SHEET ~~ Page(s) witheld entirely at this tcation inthe file. One or ‘more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion, Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you, Section $52 Section 5520, D axy D wna 0 ws) O (2) BD 7B) O we) D @3) 7 “O @y7TNXC) a wl) joa ch MTD) ; 0 @) : “a @me o we) 0 mF) O we) OD ma) D wy) O «Ks OG @\s) O m9) OG aye) D &\6) 0 Hm 5 Information pertained only toa third pany with no reference to the subject of your Tequest or the subject of your request is listed in the tile only, Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agencyties) for review and direct response to you. 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