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SST 207 Teaching Social Studies in the Primary Grades

1st semester, 2022-2023

Unit 1

Task 1 (15 points)

Part 1 (Individual Activity)

Directions: Do you agree or disagree with the statements regarding the teaching of Social
Studies? Check the column that corresponds to your answer.

Statements Agree Disagree Undecided

1. I find Social Studies subject interesting. ✓

2. Social studies subject helps me understand ✓
my self-identity.

3. I find Social Studies subject more fun than ✓

other subjects.

4. Social Studies subject helps me understand ✓

the differences of others.

5. Social Studies is important because it ✓

helps develop good citizens of the country.

Part 2 (Team Activity)

Directions: Form yourselves into 6 teams, 3 teams with 5 members, the other 3
teams with 6 members. You may choose your own members then answer the
questions that follow. Prepare for a short sharing of your output.

a. Based on the results you have indicated in the matrix, how do you personally view Social
Studies as a subject?

- According to the results obtained using the presented matrix, social studies is actually
interesting, especially if you want to learn more about yourself and other people, our
differences, social relationships (psychology), and how society works (politics), cultures, and
citizenship in our own country as well as countries around the world. This can help them
understand where they came from and embrace diverse differences.

b. As a future teacher of Social Studies subject in the primary grades, what are your
perceived challenges in dealing with the subject and the learners considering their
Behavior towards it?

- It is expected that as a teacher, you will encounter lots of challenges when teaching
various courses, especially social studies. Learners may have varied information and
incorrect knowledge about a certain topic. A teacher may have a difficult time guiding
learners in discerning which information is factual or true and which is prejudiced.
Another challenge is learners' interest. While some learners pay close attention to the
teacher's discussion, others do not. When we discuss about history or people's former
lives, we expect that the majority of our learners will not be willing to listen intently.

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