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Math: Sets I. BASIC MATH CONCEPTS: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. 1.

A _________ is a well-defined collection of distinct objects, called ________ having common characteristics and is usually named using a _____________ of the English alphabet. 2. A ______________ is the set containing all sets under discussion. 3. A ________ of two or more sets is formed when their elements are combined. 4. Two or more sets are said to be __________ when they have common elements. 5. A ________ set is a set with no elements. 6. The symbol for an element of is _____. 7. A ________ is a set contained in another set. 8. The symbol for a proper subset is _____ and ______ for an improper subset. 9. The set written as S = {x/x is an odd number less than 10} is an example of the ____________________ method of writing sets. 10. Set A = {1,2,3,4} is an example of _________ set while Set B = {January, February, March.December} is an example of _________set. 11. The set of counting numbers less than 7 is an example of the ____________ method of naming sets. 12. When two sets have exactly the same kind and number of elements, they are called ______________ sets. 13. Sets are said to be _____________ if the each element of one set corresponds to exactly one element of the other set. II. 1. Look at the following sets: K = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 } L = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 } M = { 4, 8, 12, , 48 } Answer the questions below by fill in the blank. a. The elements of K are : _____________________________ Fill the blank by or 5 _____ K 20_____ K 25_____ K b. The elements of L are : _____________________________ Fill the blank by or 2_____ L 4_____L 12 _____L

6_____ K 14_____K 50_____K

21_____L 28_____L 32_____L

c. The elements of M are : _____________________________ Fill the blank by or 16 _____ M 52 _____ M 36 _____ M 44 _____ M 40 _____ M 72 _____ M 2. Expressing the following sets using three ways. a. The set of the first five natural numbers. WORDS: ROSTER: NOTATION:

b. The set of the factor of 18 WORDS: ROSTER: NOTATION: c. The set of the letter on word MATEMATIKA WORDS: ROSTER: NOTATION: 3. Expressing the following sets by the others ways. a. N = { x| 2 < x < 7 , x natural numbers} WORDS: b. P = { the odd number between 6 and 36 } ROSTER: c. Q = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 } NOTATION: 4. Look at the following sets. R= { 1, 2, 3, , 10 } S= { 10, 20, 30, 40, } T= { the factor of 56 } V= { x| 3 < x < 18 , x even number} W = { the odd prime numbers } a. The finite sets are : _________________________________________ b. The infinite sets are : _________________________________________ c. Counting every sets and thus:n (R)= ____ n (S)= ____ n (T)= ____ n (V)= ____ n (W) = ____

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