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Installation Instructions for MeyerFire Toolkit

Updated 07/14/18

1. Double click the setup file that accompanied this instructional PDF. This is the installer for the

a. If prompted with a warning by Windows, select More Info and Run Anyway

2. You now have the Toolkit Installer. Navigate through the prompts to install the software onto
your computer.

3. Double click on the MeyerFire Toolkit shortcut on your desktop.

4. You will be prompted to provide an Activation Key. Use:


5. Select Original Workbook to start a new file. You can save any calculations you’ve created and
re-open those later by opening the MeyerFire Toolbox file, and then File > Open > and selecting
the saved file.

6. Congratulations! You now have access to the latest Toolkit we’ve built just for you.
Quick User’s Guide

1. The red text on the front page are links to each of the tools.

2. You can always navigate back to the home page by selecting the MeyerFire logo in the top left

3. Feel free to save files, print, print to PDF with these tools.

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