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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/24352774.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre
Relationship: Kishibe Rohan/Kujo Jotaro, Star Platinum/ Kishibe Rohan
Character: Kishibe Rohan, Kujo Jotaro, Star Platinum
Additional Tags: hard sex, Boys Kissing, rough sex with a lot of fluff, BDSM, very slightly,
Light Dom/sub, Star Platinum gets to play, Blowjobs, ass eating, face
fucking, bathroom fuck, safe words, Rohan’s safe word is Louvre I don’t
care, Pink Dark Boy, Use of Safe Words, gagging, Soft Boys, They love
each other, Established Relationship, Sort Of, Friends With Benefits,
almost boyfriends, Hair Pulling, Biting, sex with stands
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-05-24 Words: 4,179 Chapters: 1/1

by schoolboyblue


Rohan wanted Jotaro to be rougher, the only problem was figuring out how to tell him.

Rohan gets fucked by Star Platinum and Jotaro on his bathroom floor.

Jotaro slammed into Rohan, his strong hand pressing his head into the floor. Tears streamed
down his face as he whined and cried out, grinding back against Jotaro.


Still a little new to writing Rohan but I love him sm so I’m having a good time.


See the end of the work for more notes

Rohan and Jotaro had fallen into a bit of a slump.

No, it wasn’t a slump, Rohan corrected to himself. It was just a routine. Jotaro came over
throughout the week when Rohan finished chapters and took him apart under his tongue and
fingers. He would sweetly kiss him and fuck into him, entirely too gently. Sometimes it was nice,
if Rohan had an off day and just wanted to relax, but Rohan wanted something... harder.

He just had to figure out how to tell Jotaro.

Sure he’d grab at Jotaro’s thigh and moan ‘harder’ but all that granted him was Jotaro picking up
the pace a little, still being sweet and not wanting to hurt him.

Rohan wanted the man to hurt him, just a little.

Jotaro was such a fucking gentleman, it was infuriating.

It was Tuesday at five, one of their set meeting times, and Jotaro should be walking through the
door any minute. He’d finished three chapters of Pink Dark Boy, done his stretches, and was
lounging on his bed in his favorite silk pants.

He considered making tea for himself and a Jotaro but he was a little too nervous to have anything
in his stomach. What if Jotaro said no and thought he was weird? Maybe he had some hang up
about being rough that he didn’t want to talk about and just left? Rohan’s heart raced.

A knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts. Rohan looked out his window overlooking the
door and sure enough there was Jotaro, in his long white coat and signature hat looking as
handsome as ever.

“Come in, its open.” Rohan called out the open window and watched Jotaro enter.

They met in his living room, Rohan reaching up to kiss him. Jotaro leaned down and pressed their
lips together, Rohan melted. They parted and Jotaro unbuttoned his coat, shrugging it off his
shoulders and taking it off.

“How was your day?” Rohan asked, hanging the coat on his rack. Jotaro toed off his shoes and
stepped in.

“Good, yours?” Jotaro came over and smoothed a hand over Rohan’s ass. Rohan made a muffled
sound in his throat. Jotaro must already be in the mood, he loved when Jotaro came over all pent up
like this.

“It was alright, I got a lot of work done.” He turned around and snaked his arms over Jotaro’s
shoulders. Jotaro held his bare waist. “Was pretty distracted thinking about you though.” He said
playfully and Jotaro rubbed a thumb over his hip bone.

Jotaro just nodded and leaned in, kissing Rohan deeply. Rohan sighed into the kiss when their
tongues slid together and one of Jotaro’s hands wound around to squeeze his ass.

Jotaro usually wasn’t this forward until they got up to the bedroom, Rohan thought to himself. He
wasn’t complaining by any means, instead he pulled Jotaro closer so they pressed together. Jotaro
was already hard and poking against his stomach. Shit. Rohan pulled away.

“Before we go to the bedroom uh-“ Rohan started, Jotaro still kneading his ass. “I wanna ask
something.” He finished quietly. Jotaro just nodded and let him continue.

“I want you to be.. rougher.” Rohan admitted, cheeks flushed.

“Ok.” Jotaro said simply.

“That’s it?” Rohan questioned, a little stunned.

“Do you have a safe word?” Jotaro asked and Rohan paled a little.

“Do I need one?”

“I’d prefer if you had one, but it’s your choice.” Jotaro smoothed a hand down his arm.

“Ok uh.” Rohan thought for a second. “Louvre.” He decided and Jotaro nodded.

Jotaro put a heavy hand on his shoulder.

“On your knees.” He commanded and Rohan felt his dick jump. He sank to his knees, enjoying
whatever side of Jotaro he’d just uncovered.

Jotaro ran his fingers through Rohan’s thick hair and took himself out of his pants. Rohan took a
second to breathe before licking at the tip, just barely tasting precome and salt.

“Good boy.” Jotaro breathed and Rohan nearly melted then and there. He wanted to hear that
again. He took more of Jotaro’s cock into his mouth and sucked, hollowing his cheeks. Jotaro
smelled slightly like sweat but mostly like his stupid sandalwood and citrus cologne. He tasted
alright. Rohan felt precome drip onto the back of his tongue and he sank further down the shaft.
Jotaro groaned and tightened the hand in his hair, his cock pulsing.

Jotaro guided Rohan down a little further on his cock and rolled his hips lightly. Rohan did his best
to stay still and open his throat to the intrusion. Jotaro got a couple of good thrusts in before Rohan
pulled away coughing.

“Good, you did so good.” Jotaro breathed and put a comforting hand to Rohan’s face. Rohan
looked at him with teary eyes but smiled. He cleared his throat again.

“I wanna try again.” He said and positioned himself back in front of Jotaro’s cock. Jotaro nodded
and pumped himselfna few times producing lewd slick sounds with Rohan’s saliva.

“Tap me three times if it’s too much and I’ll back off.” He said, waiting for Rohan to nod and take
his cock back into his mouth. He wrapped a hand around the base so it didn't choke Rohan this
time. He thrusted in slowly and Rohan took it, the cock sinking down his throat a little deeper each
time. He felt heavenly, his mouth was warm and Rohan’s tongue wasted no time in flicking over
the head whenever it could and rubbing up against the shaft. Rohan had always been amazing at
this, he took to it naturally and Jotaro almost didn’t believe he’d never been with a man before.
Rohan pokes his tongue just barely in the slit. Jotaro hissed through his teeth. Rohan backed off.

“That ok?” He asked shyly, pumping Jotaro’s cock.

“Yeah.” Jotaro breathed. “It’s good.” He said, voice just above a whisper. Rohan dove back in and
did it again, flicking his tongue over the tip and into the slit.

Jotaro made a strangled sound in the back of his throat.

“Good boy.” He said gruffly and started guiding Rohan up and down his cock by his hair.

Jotaro took his hand off the base and held Rohan’s head in both hands, thrusting in a little deeper
and quicker. Rohan’s throat fluttered around his cock in a half- gag and Jotaro let Rohan breath
before going back in again. Rohan moaned around his cock and Jotaro pressed a foot against his
crotch. Rohan whined around the cock in his mouth and took a shaking breath.

Jotaro applied gentle pressure with his foot and Rohan ground up against it, leaking into the silk of
his pants. Normally he’d take his pants off but something about this was filthy and perfect. A cock
in his mouth, a foot on his bulge hurting just a little. He whimpered. He was absently aware of
drool sliding down his chin as Jotaro fucked in. Disgusting.

He gagged a few more times and tapped Jotaro thrice, the grip in his hair instantly releasing. He
pulled off and panted.

Jotaro let him pull off to catch his breath again, just barely moving his foot tonstroke Rohan’s
aching cock.

“You did so well, no one does that well on their first go.” Jotaro pet Rohan’s hair lovingly. Rohan

“Thanks.” He said quietly and let Jotaro help him to his feet. Rohan wrapped his arms around
Jotaro’s neck and pulled him down into a searing kiss. He pulled back. “How many other people
have you done this with?” He questioned suddenly, a little insecure about being a virgin until he
met Jotaro.

“It doesn’t matter.” Jotaro said easily and slid his hand past the waistband of Rohan’s pants and
squeezed his ass. “I’m with you now.” He kissed the side of his temple. Rohan leaned against him,
enjoying how sturdy and warm his body was. Jotaro ran his fingers through his hair.

“Get up against the wall and take your pants off.” Jotaro muttered in his ear and squeezed his ass
again harshly. Rohan nodded and slipped out of his pants, scooping up the puddle and throwing
them over the back of a chair. He should wash those as soon as Jotaro leaves.

Rohan positioned himself against the wall in the living room, now completely nude and bending
over to expose his ass. Jotaro came over and wasted no time in pressing two fingers teasingly over
the fluttering hole. Rohan whimpered.

Rohan cried out at the sensation of something hot and wet at his entrance and realized that Jotaro
had sunk to his knees and was eating him out. Jotaro’s work roughened hands spread Rohan’s legs
apart for better access and licked a hard line across his rim. Rohan did his best to stay still and not
grind against Jotaro’s face yet.

Jotaro rubbed the pad of his thumb over the rim and with enough gathered saliva he pushed in,
stretching Rohan. Rohan took a sharp inhale and steeled himself, the finger already burning.

“Relax, Rohan.” Jotaro said soothingly and spread his fingers across the small of Rohan’s back.
His name sounded beautiful on Jotaro’s lips, he desperately wanted to hear it again. Rohan did his
best to relax and pushed back on the finger, trying to mask the wince at the pain.

Jotaro instantly noticed and took the finger out, giving his cheek an apologetic kiss. Rohan whined
a little.

“Shh, it’s ok.” Jotaro said before turning his attention to eating him out again. He massaged
handfuls of Rohan’s ass before pulling the cheeks apart to kiss and suck at his hole. Rohan was a
mess, clawing against the wall and whining. He slowly pushed his tongue in and worked it around
the rim, relishing in the gasps coming from Rohan above him and the way his legs were shaking.
Rohan didn’t even reach a hand down to touch himself, he just let himself leak and pulse against
his stomach. He let out a soft rhythmic chant of “Jotaro, shit, Jotaro yes.” And ground back against
him. Jotaro gave his cock a teasing pull before leaving it alone again, Rohan but back a whine.

Jotaro worked his tongue in quicker and focused on rubbing his hands over his pale thighs and
fucking his tongue in even though his jaw was already aching. The sighs from Rohan were enough
to keep him going. In all honestly he wanted to finger fuck him and take him on his cock right there
against the wall, but he needed lube and he knew Rohan preferred to be in his soft bed with the silk

Well, Rohan had asked him to be rough. He still wanted lube though.

“Jotaro, bed please.” Rohan nearly sobbed as if reading his mind, pushing back against his face and
tongue. His stubble scratched the insides of his thighs when he moved like that but Jotaro knew
Rohan liked the red marks. He would often admire them as soon as Jotaro left.

Jotaro kissed his fluttering hole and stood.

Rohan stumbled over his shaking legs on their way to his bedroom and gratefully let Jotaro pick
him up to take him to the stairs.

Jotaro kissed Rohan deeply as soon as he was placed down in his bed, their tongues sliding
together lewdly. Rohan moaned into the kiss and Jotaro pulled away, panting lightly. He looked
amazing like this, blue eyes huge and visible without his usual cap on. He was flushed and was
busy unbuttoning his work shirt. Rohan laid back and let him instead of intervening.

Once Jotaro got his shirt off Rohan sighed, the expanse of tanned muscle and taught abs coming
into view. He was a work of art. Rohan leaned up to run his hands over Jotaro’s stomach and chest,
which he leaned into appreciatively. Rohan kisses against his shoulder and bit down, Jotaro just
groaned a little.

“That didn’t hurt?” Rohan asked, sounding a little disappointed.

“No.” Jotaro smiled and claimed Rohan’s mouth, swiping his tongue over his plush bottom lip. He
pulled back. “You’re very weak.” He added, his face still expressionless. Rohan laughed weakly.

“Damn.” He said before Jotaro cupped his balls and massaged a little. He bit his lip. Jotaro leaned
in close, still gently folding his balls.

“I better not feel teeth on me again.” He growled in Rohan’s ear. Rohan’s cock jumped. “Do you
hear me?” He squeezed roughly and Rohan whimpered.

“Yes sir.” Rohan said breathlessly and was met with a gruff ‘good boy’. He nearly sobbed when
Jotaro leaned down and took all of his cock into his mouth.

“Jotaro, shit.” Rohan swore and grabbed at Jotaro’s hair helplessly. He sucked hard and bobbed
quickly, and embarrassingly enough Rohan felt his orgasm approaching. He quickly tapped Jotaro
on the arm three times and he pulled off immediately.

“I don’t wanna cum yet.” Rohan explained to a concerned Jotaro. Jotaro’s features softened and he
kissed Rohan's stomach.

“Can I finger you, dear?” Jotaro asked, lazily pumping Rohan’s cock.

Rohan just nodded.

“Lube is in the top shelf.” He said hurriedly. It was always in the top shelf, Jotaro knew that.

Before Rohan could blink Jotaro already had lube on his fingers and was circling his entrance.
Rohan gasped in surprise but relaxed and let Jotaro sink a finger in. It didn’t burn like last time,
now aided by lube and the light edging.

Had that fucker stopped time just to lube up his fingers and look cool?

Rohan rolled his eyes but cried out when Jotaro slid in two fingers and immediately started
scissoring. It hurt but it made his cock pulse, how he hadn’t even asked if he could add another
finger and hadn’t given him any time to adjust. He whimpered again.

“Look at you.” Jotaro said under his breath. “So pretty.” He complimented and fucked his fingers
in, Rohan squirming against his hand.

“I wanna fuck you.” Jotaro said bluntly, right in Rohan’s ear. His voice was low and gravely,
Rohan shivered. He slid his fingers out with a slick sound.

“Yeah.” He breathed and flipped over onto his front, spreading his legs just enough for Jotaro to
have access. Jotaro kept fingering him, flinging his prostate easily and rubbing against it. Rohan
melted and cried. “Jotaro, fuck me please.” He raised his ass and pressed against Jotaro’s hand
eagerly. Jotaro swiftly added a third finger.

“No, not here.” Jotaro said, watching every inch of Rohan with rapt attention. “Is your bathroom
clean?” He asked after sliding his fingers out again and wiping them on Rohan’s ass. He wrinkled
his nose at the gesture. Rohan turned to look at him.

“Of course, why?” Rohan asked, all too innocently.

“Great.” Jotaro said and without saying another word he hoisted Rohan over his shoulder and
carried him into the bathroom.

It smelled like lavender, vanilla, and citrus. Jotaro spotted a candle flickering on the counter. He
moved a few things aside and set Rohan down, kissing him hungrily as soon as he was settled.

“You’re so hot.” Rohan gasped against Jotaro’s chest and allowed him to wrap his legs around his
waist. Rohan cling to his shoulders.

Jotaro just grunted and lined his cock up, pushing in slowly until it was buried to the hilt. They
moaned in sync and Rohan tightened the leg wrapped around Jotaro’s hips, forcing him a little
deeper. Rohan hissed when Jotaro’s cock rubbed directly against his prostate. Jotaro kissed his lips
again before pulling away and grabbing Rohan’s hips.

Jotaro groaned and gently rolled his hips in, continuing the stretch and burn that started with the
blunt head of his cock. He was definitely bigger than three fingers, but they already knew that.
Jotaro was being rough. Rohan was eating it up. Rohan unwrapped his arms from Jotaro’s massive
torso and held himself up on the counter, his head falling against the mirror with a soft thud.

Jotaro kept up the agonizingly slow pace, just slipping in and out of Rohan leisurely and letting
him scramble at the countertop and moan.

“Fuck me, please.” Rohan gasped out, trying desperately to fuck himself back on Jotaro’s cock.
Jotaro nodded and started pumping in quicker.

All Rohan could hear was the rush of blood in his ears and the sounds of skin slapping against
skin. It was lewd, and he felt sated and comfortable. He liked this exercise with Jotaro more than

Jotaro wrapped an arm around Rohan and hauled him forward on his cock, impaling him further.
Jotaro ruthlessly fucked him on the counter and Rohan could tell his legs were getting tired from
how much they shook with the effort of staying up around Jotaro. Rohan wrapped himself back
around Jotaro’s shoulders and cried into his neck.

“You feel amazing.” Jotaro said into his ear, low and masculine.

“So do you.” Rohan gasped and held onto Jotaro’s hair for dear life while he was fucked hard on
the counter. Jotaro buried himself deep and groaned before resuming the quick pace.

“I’m gonna cum soon, floor?” Jotaro asked, snapping his hips hard into Rohan. Rohan was barely
aware of the question.

“Floor?” Rohan asked and before he knew it he was in Jotaro’s arms again, being gently set on the
floor on top of a bath towel. “Oh, yeah.” He absently agreed and shoved two fingers in his hole,
missing Jotaro already.

Jotaro batted his hands away. Rohan whined, annoyed.

“Flip over, I wanna see your ass.” Jotaro commanded and rewarded Rohan with a light slap. Rohan
groaned and shook his ass from side to side.

“Again.” Rohan said teasingly and Jotaro brought his hand down harder. Rohan whined but melted
into it, welcoming the next blow. It left a pretty red wet on his cheek. Jotaro leaned down and
pressed his lips against Rohan’s tender flesh. He pulled up and fired another one off quickly, the
sound echoing throughout the bathroom. Rohan was glad he didn’t have housemates.

“Rohan I wanna fuck you.” Jotaro said desperately and Rohan just nodded, spreading his legs
further. “You little slut.” He added quietly, more to himself. Rohan heard and leaked onto the
bathroom floor. He felt Jotaro line himself up again and push in all in one go. Rohan’s hand clawed
against the tile floor. It was good, it was just overwhelming. Hearing Jotaro groan was all he
needed though.

“Harder, please Jotaro.” Rohan cried out and was met with Jotaro snapping his hips roughly into
him and keeping up a brutal speed. Rohan gasped and whimpered and did his best to stay still and
take it.

Jotaro grunted and put a hand on the side of Rohan’s head, pressing him into the cool tile of the
bathroom floor.

“You want hard?” Jotaro asked, giving Rohan one last out. Rohan keened.

“Yes.” He breathed and Jotaro indulged him.

Sparks shot up behind Rohan’s eyes and he felt tears start to prick the corners when Jotaro fucked
in roughly, reaching around to grab his cock and squeeze hard. Rohan felt himself leak into
Jotaro’s grip.

Jotaro slammed into Rohan, his strong hand pressing his head into the floor. Tears streamed down
his face as he whined and cried out, grinding back against Jotaro.

“You like that, pretty boy?” Jotaro asked gruffly, pumping himself in and out of Rohan’s hole
roughly. The harsh sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the bathroom.

“Jotaro, please-“ Rohan gasped and was met with only Star Platinum manifesting in front of him.
Jotaro didn’t look up, he just fucked in harder, his own legs and glutes burning, completely
oblivious to Star Platinum looking at Rohan with the biggest, most curious eyes on the planet.

Jotaro’s beautiful stand had showed itself during sex a handful of times before, just stroking his
face or arms or kissing him. It was nice, it was like another person but he knew it was just an
extension of Jotaro. So it was safe. He briefly wondered if stands got anything out of sex.

Star pushed two fingers against Rohan’s lips, he bounced against them from where Jotaro was
roughly fucking into him. Rohan opened his mouth experimentally and let Star slide his fingers
over the expanse of his tongue. Rohan let him explore and even rubbed his tongue over the tips, it
caught on his neatly manicured fingernails.


Jotaro looked up to see his stand with his fingers in his not quite boyfriend’s mouth and his hips
stuttered before resuming their previous bruising pace. Rohan whimpered,

“He’s just curious, and he feels everything I do.” Jotaro gasped out from where he was fucking
Rohan as hard as his tired muscles allowed him to. “He’s- shit, Rohan,- He knows what sex is, let
him just-“ Jotaro groaned and cut himself off, pulling out of Rohan. “I’m sure he’d be up for a
round if you’re interested.” He pulled himself and offered to a fucked out Rohan crumpled on the

“Huh?” He asked weakly when Star Platinum took his fingers out of his mouth.

“Star wants to fuck you.” He explained, breathlessly. Star nodded, those huge blue eyes half lidded
and glossy.

“Yeah, ok. But I wanna watch him.” Rohan said and flipped over onto his back. Star manifested in
front of him and moved his loincloth to the side, revealing a thick purple and blue cock. It looked
like Jotaro’s but just a little larger. Rohan worries about it fitting for a second before he decided he
more than anything wanted to take Jotaro’s stand’s cock. He lined his ass up with Star’s cock and
hooked a foot around his waist, pulling him in. He took the cock all the way to the hilt before he
was whining from the stretch. Star glittered and his hair waved in the air, fucking gorgeous alien
man. Rohan had been meaning to draw the gorgeous hulking stand.

Rohan glances up at Jotaro. He pumped his cock quickly, watching them and panting through
parted red lips. He looks absolutely ruined, it was beautiful. His thumb caught over the head of his
cock and he groaned.

Star started rocking gently into Rohan, staying fully buried but knocking against his prostate and
making stars spread behind his eyelids. Star leaned down to kiss him, messy and needy. Rohan
whined into his mouth and grabbed at his shoulder, not worrying about his nails digging in. Star
could take it.

“Shit, you’re both so pretty.” Jotaro sighed, tipping his head back and feeling the slit of his cock
against his fingertips. He leaked into his hand.

Rohan just whined and cried out when Star picked up the pace, he was fucking in at nearly the
same pace Jotaro was and it was punishing with a somehow even larger cock. Rohan laid his head
gently on the tile floor and arched his back, meeting Star’s hips halfway on every thrust. His core
ached, his abs crying out in protest from holding him up. He was close, and hopefully Star was
close behind him.

He felt the cock in his ass pulse and he knew Star was almost there. Jotaro just kept making the
prettiest cries and Rohan heard his name fall from those beautiful lips.

Stand masters could feel whatever their stands were feeling, right? Rohan vaguely remembered
seeing Star get cut and seeing the cut show up on Jotaro with a wince. Current Jotaro panted and
wasn’t even touching himself anymore, just tweaking a nipple roughly. His cock jumped a leaked.

“Star I’m close.” Rohan choked out and moaned, low in his chest. Star seemed to understand and
with shaking hips he came inside Rohan. Rohan grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled down the
weirdly room temperature man, throwing an arm around his shoulders and cumming hard.

Rohan took a second to catch his breath before looking at Jotaro.

Jotaro’s chest was heaving and on the floor in front of his shining cock was a small puddle of cum.
His cock pulsed and he whined. He must’ve cum when Star did.

Star slipped out and disappeared and Jotaro took his place, holding Rohan on the floor and kissing
his tear stained cheeks.

“Are you alright?” He asked. Rohan nodded.

“Yeah that was good.” He said through labored breaths. “Can you help me to bed?” He asked, even
though it was maybe 6:30. Jotaro nodded and scooped him up bridal style, carefully getting them
through the door without hitting Rohan on the doorframe.

Once Rohan was settled in bed he felt his muscles give up, he relaxed into the pillows.

“That was amazing.” He said, exhausted and sated. He was vaguely aware of Jotaro dressing again.
“Are you leaving?” He sat up a little to ask.

“I have research to do, I’m sorry.” Jotaro said and kissed Rohan’s lips sweetly. “That was
wonderful, we should do it again soon.” Rohan nodded weakly.

And like that Rohan was drifting to sleep and he was gone. He didn’t even hear his door close.

End Notes

Tell me what you think darling reading! And enjoy your day.

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