What Desperation Leads

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What Desperation Leads To...

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/49192339.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre
Relationship: Kishibe Rohan/Kujo Jotaro
Character: Kishibe Rohan, Kujo Jotaro
Additional Tags: Porn With Plot, just wanted to write porn lets be honest, the plot is that i
wanted to write porn, Smut, why have i done this, jotaro is freaking
autistic okay, Autistic Kujo Jotaro, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4:
Diamond is Unbreakable, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Awkward Kujo Jotaro,
Kishibe Rohan is a Mess, Kishibe Rohan is in way over his head
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-08 Words: 3,900 Chapters: 1/1

What Desperation Leads To...

by C_used_to_write


Kishibe Rohan has been trying to get in Kujo Jotaro's pants for a while but keeps getting
ignored.. that is until he makes a plan to do something so bold Jotaro will have to respond.


I wanted to write porn so here ya go

Need more Jotahan in my feed wtf *crying emoji*

Did I write this because I have become mentally unstable as of late? The answer is yes

Rohan didn't have that many people he was close to. He had contacts in many places, yes, but
never anything he would consider close. His relationships were about power, favors, and
information, never emotions. Emotions brought too much baggage. That wasn't to say he didn't get
around. He had had many partners, indiscriminate of gender, which wasn’t a surprise considering
who he was. He had good looks, fame, and money -- that is to say, when he wanted something he
usually had little trouble getting it, and that included people. In terms of sexual relationships he had
many, though majorly with people he met once and would never see again, and he found no need
for romance. Those passions were saved for his work.

He had not gotten much time to throw himself into his work after the Kira investigation,
however, as something else kept drawing his focus. Someone else -- a certain Kujo Jotaro. There
was no doubt that he found the man attractive but he didn’t intend on making any moves, after all
the man had only come to Morioh in search of a Stand-related artifact and was bound to leave after
he had finished his work. That turned out to not be the case. Jotaro was not only staying in Morioh
but began a job related to marine biology work, further cementing himself in the town to a point
where other people knew him, other people invited him to things, and thus Rohan could not stay
away from him.

Kujo Jotaro was tricky, however. He was a man of few words and did not particularly do well in
showing emotions. Rohan was great at reading people, even without his Stand, but reading Jotaro
became confusing even for him. He was determined to try, and try he did, but the result always
ended the same: Jotaro never reciprocated his advances, and it bothered Rohan to no end. He
would put his hand on Jotaro’s shoulder or his arm, offer to take off his coat for him, brush his
hand against him when walking past, catch his eyes from across the room, offer to drive him home,
even reach out and brush crumbs from his face or turn his chin to look at him… and still the man
offered nothing in return, positive or negative. He went as far as asking the man out to dinner,
which made him ecstatic when Jotaro agreed, only at the end of the night for Jotaro to thank him
politely and leave. He felt like he was going crazy! It wasn’t even that he couldn’t have Jotaro, it
was that Jotaro brushed off every one of his advances as if they were nothing! Rohan had never
felt this frustrated in his life, and if he didn’t do something about it he was sure he’d go insane.

He had used his Stand in the past to gain intel but never once in his life had Rohan thought of
using it to take advantage of someone, at least not like this. But it was simple really: he would
make a move on Jotaro so boldly that the man would be forced to react, and in the case that
anything went horribly he would erase that small section from Jotaro’s memory. The plan was in
no way fool-proof, and he knew there was the potential that Jotaro would stop him before he was
able to use his Stand, but he felt he needed to take the risk. The worse-case scenario was Jotaro
never talking to him again, and living without people was something he had learned to do well

There was some sort of conference going on between some panel of scientists Rohan knew
Jotaro would be at, and afterwards there would be a gala event at the theatre downtown open to the
public. Jotaro didn’t particularly seem interested in parties or social events but Rohan knew that
Jotaro’s recently published findings on a rare species of jellyfish would pressure him to attend, and
so was the case. Rohan decided to enjoy the gala for himself before conversing with Jotaro, all
while thinking over his plan and eyeing him from a distance, making sure he had a chance to get
him alone. When the moment arose, he struck.

“Ah, Kujo Jotaro. I’ve been looking for you.”

The man was sitting alone at one of the white padded couches that had been arranged for
guests, leaning with his elbow on a crossed leg with a rather plain expression, almost as if lost in
thought or perhaps just bored. There was a flute of champagne in his hand that looked untouched
and a small plate on the table in front of him containing rather picked-over hors d'oeuvres. Perhaps
he was nervous, but who really knew with Jotaro. The man looked up as Rohan spoke.

“We worked together,” he stated, his expression still rather blank, “you know you can just call
me Jotaro.”

Rohan made sure to chuckle and smiled, settling on the couch next to Jotaro and leaning back in
the casual way he always did, making sure to seem relaxed and open. He didn’t think Jotaro would
be scared or put off by him in any means but it was a habit of his when it came to social situations,
not to mention it made hiding the anxiety easier.

“I was looking to get a moment alone with you, Jotaro.” He didn’t want to waste too much time
with subtleties, as it all hadn’t worked before. There was a precious balance he needed to hold
between stating his intentions outright and letting Jotaro feel comfortable; blurting it out might
shock the man into closing himself off, and on the other hand softness and nuance wouldn’t get
through to him.

His eyebrows furrowed but somehow his eyes and lips remained the same. The silence indicated
to Rohan to continue. He pulled himself closer, making sure the other was close enough to touch if
he wanted to; and as he wanted to, Jotaro noticed this.

“I know you’re not a dumb man, Jotaro. I’ve been propositioning you for weeks.” He reached
his hand out carefully but decisively, putting it on Jotaro’s thigh. “What, do I not deserve an

The man’s face changed for once, but in a surprising manor as Rohan saw the tiniest
movements of a grin appearing in the corners of Jotaro’s lips which lasted no more than a second.
A small exhale of air came out of his nose almost in a snort, before he responded.

“Propositioned me, Kishibe Rohan? You have not asked for anything.”

What a stupid answer. Rohan almost laughed. He was taken aback, almost shocked by the
thought of such ridiculous words. What kind of fool did this man take him for? He could not
possibly be that socially oblivious.

“Why do stupid answers come from smart men? Do you expect me to believe you are a
successful biologist with blind eyes?”

“You mistake me, Rohan.” He moved to put the champagne flute down on the table and in
doing so Rohan realized his hand was still on his thigh.

“I mean if you’re going to ask something of me…” Jotaro’s eyes suddenly changed, his gaze
cold and piercing, so steady and forceful he felt like they could stare into his soul. Jotaro took his
own hand then and put it over Rohan’s, pressing it down a little harder onto his own thigh “...then
go ahead and say it.”

The frustration turned into disbelief, turned into shock, turned into embarrassment, and then
embarrassment to arousal within the span of a few seconds. Jotaro’s expression barely changed --
he saw no lust, no anger, no amusement, no tension behind his fixed green eyes; the man just sat
silently, staring intently but patiently down at him as if legitimately waiting for an answer.

Rohan had to collect himself fast, upset by the idea that he was being toyed with by a man who
he was supposed to be toying with, that he was supposed to be pursuing. He grinned in return and
leaned in so that their shoulders were pressing together, their faces closer than before.

“You want me to say it, Kujo Jotaro? Okay, I’ll say it slow. I wanna fuck you.”

Calmly, with the slightest narrowing of his eyes he replied. “Well, did you bring a condom?”

With that Rohan couldn’t keep his cool any longer. If it wasn’t his hanging mouth that gave it
away it was the intense heat he felt on his ears and the blush that he knew was spreading from the
sides of his cheeks in a mixture of embarrassment, confusion, and arousal. If this was an act then
Jotaro was playing him like a fiddle, though he was starting to think that Jotaro had no intentions of
manipulation or torment. He was just sitting there, patiently and attentively… to Rohan he was just

Jotaro furrowed his brow again, not used to seeing a Rohan that didn’t respond to a remark or
question, much less a completely speechless one. He eased the pressure on the other’s hand, though
Rohan didn’t take it away, and decided perhaps he should be leading.

“Ah, I see.” He looked down in thought, taking Rohan’s silence as a no, then glanced at his watch
and frowned. “I don’t have a lot of time...” He sat up and looked around the room a bit before
turning back to Rohan. “Here, come with me.”

“What?” Rohan managed words.

Jotaro stood up from the seat, gently pulling Rohan’s hand and gesturing with a tilt of his head
to the side of the room. “I said come with me. I know a place.”

The anxiety in Rohan’s chest had changed to something else now. Before, he could feel it in his
chest but now it had settled lower in his abdomen, mixing with arousal and creating a sort of
nauseating excitement that he didn’t love but definitely didn’t hate. It was confusing him. Jotaro
had acknowledged the proposition and accepted it… he thought, at least. The implications were
there but the responses were off, the mood was off, it felt so quick and confusing and yet he could
feel his pants becoming more and more uncomfortable as they continued. He couldn’t help but to
follow him, to see where this would lead, in hopes that this night would really turn out like he
hoped it would.

Jotaro led him down a red hallway lined with framed movie posters, newspaper clippings,
signed photographs, and such, that seemed to be leading to a set of bathrooms. He went through
another door, however, marked with an employees only sign and opening up into a space that
connected to the storage room and emergency exit. He stopped there.

“Ah, Jotaro? You intend to- Here I mean?”

“The staff won't be back until the event is over, we have time.” He replied, and just like that
grabbed Rohan by the arms and held him to the wall.

Rohan’s breath caught in his throat. He was suddenly very aware of how large the man in front
of him was, not only in height but in width, and it made him tremble a little with delight but also
with fear. Perhaps it wasn’t a great idea to follow a very tall, muscular man he only worked with
occasionally into a back hallway alone and far away from people with the promise of sex… not to
mention the Stand with unimaginable strength that could freeze time.

Jotaro didn’t continue, however. His browns furrowed again and his eyes scrunched a little.
“Did you not want this, Rohan?”

He did. He wanted it. His body wanted it. He wanted it so bad. He was terrified and he wanted it
so bad. He could not remember a time when he felt like this… like he was at the mercy of another
person in a way that brought pleasure to him. He didn’t believe Jotaro would hurt him, though he
knew he could, but for some reason the idea of being hurt by this man wasn’t something he
thought he would hate.

“Did I say that?” Rohan grinned, the snarkiness coming out of him naturally.

“No.” Jotaro said quietly and closed the space between their bodies, taking Rohan’s chin in his
hand so he could angle his head up enough to reach his lips. The air was taken out of Rohan. When
he opened his mouth to breathe Jotaro’s tongue was there, pushing its way into his mouth and
entangling his own tongue. With his free arm he reached out and grabbed Jotaro’s coat,
desperately trying to pull him back enough so he could breathe. Jotaro parted their mouths for a
second, taking a few heavy breaths himself before continuing once more. Finally Rohan grabbed at
the arm holding his chin, causing Jotaro to remove his hand as well as his lips.

Rohan couldn’t help but grin and let out a small laugh as he struggled to catch his breath. He
hadn’t expected the other man to go right for his lips, and with a desperation that would have been
embarrassing to Rohan coming from himself. He watched as Jotaro breathed heavily, feeling
satisfied to have been wanted like this.

“And I thought we were gonna have sex… here you are making out with me.”

Jotaro narrowed his eyes once more, in a look of slight confusion this time, and shifted himself.

“You mean you’re-” he started but broke off, choosing instead to grope between the other’s

The action made Rohan let out a huff of air and he held back a small noise that was building up
in his chest, grabbing Jotaro’s hand away more out of shock than anything and feeling a bit of
regret as he did so. He didn’t want to feel like he was being taken advantage of; he was the one
who usually led, the one who usually made the rules, and part of him felt uneasy to be on the other
side of that. The other part, however, didn’t want it to stop, and he wasn’t sure which side he really
wanted to be overcome by.

The next words out of Jotaro’s mouth decided for him.

Jotaro pressed in closer, still holding him to the wall with one arm but letting the other one fall
back down to Rohan’s thigh, which he ran his fingers over before squeezing, pulling on the fabric
just enough to rub against Rohan uncomfortably. Jotaro’s lips curled up slightly in one of his rare
soft smiles, and when his eyes look into Rohan’s the other finally knows what Jotoro really looks
like when he teases.

“You’re already hard, I guess you wanted this for a while.”

Fuck yes. Rohan screams in his head because he has no voice to say it out loud. God dammit,
Jotaro, please. He can’t do anything but grab Jotaro by the front of the shirt, which Jotaro meets by
pinning him against the wall with his body. The lack of touch suddenly seems unbearable and
somewhere it must be showing on him, as the other man quickly complies by attempting to loosen
his belt buckles. Rohan grabs for his chest while he does so, pulling his shirt out from his belt and
managing to get his hand up Jotaro’s side, causing small shivers from the other man that just make
Rohan want more.

Jotaro grabs his arms suddenly, pulling Rohan away from the touch and pinning him up against
the wall once more. Rohan wants to protest as Jotaro leans in towards his neck instead but dies
down when he feels the other man begin to slowly move down the front of him, his lips and nose
touching the front of his shirt and that stupid hat he wears tipping back so far its bound to fall off.
He is so focused on where Jotaro’s lips are, occasionally brushing and kissing at his clothes as they
descend, that it takes him a moment to realize that the man has gotten on his knees in front of him.
His lips brush his belt buckle and Rohan almost can’t help closing the distance, making more
friction between them. The belts are unbuckled, his pants unfastened, and Jotaro holds Rohan’s
hands tight in place as he takes the zipper of his pants between his teeth and slowly unzips it with
his mouth. A string of curses are coming from Rohan but in a voice that’s a little too raspy, a little
too pleading, to take at face value. Rohan would never beg, Jotaro knows, but he’s able to get the
message off pretty clear nonetheless.

He doesn’t want to wait any longer, or make Rohan wait any longer. He lets go of Rohan’s
hands and pulls down the front of his briefs to finally release him, causing Rohan to let out his
breath as if he had been holding it in, and perhaps he had been. “I’ll stop if you tell me to” is the
last thing Jotaro says before taking the other man into his mouth. The sensation brings Rohan
almost immediate relief after all the pent up emotions and frustrations he had been building up, not
only today during their encounter but for weeks prior. He reactively tries to move his hips slightly,
trying to create a rhythm, and Jotaro allows this, taking his hands off the other’s hips and placing
them on the wall to steady himself.

Rohan feels so hot under Jotaro’s gaze suddenly, like the man is once again trying to peer
through his soul. Except this time his eyes are lidded, and slightly watery, and the sensuality
behind them contrasted with the lewd way Rohan’s own dick moves in and out of his mouth brings
him closer to the edge way faster than he wants to admit. To see the man who he had lusted over
for so long suddenly on his knees for him, taking him, with such unashamed indecency… it was
heaven, yes, but he just knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on as long as he wanted to. His previous
plan of erasing Jotaro’s memories came to his mind suddenly, and it was a hilarious thought. He
never wanted either of them to forget this, he wanted it to last forever. Since it couldn’t, though --
he knew that very well considering the sensation that was pushing on his lower stomach and hating
up his thighs -- he wanted to get as much enjoyment as he could before it was over.

Jotaro’s hat finally tipped back off his head as one of Rohan’s hands moved through his hair,
gently pulling his head back but not off of him as he pushed himself off of the wall. Jotaro’s
movements slowed as he waited for what the other man might do, expecting to be treated a little
rougher as Rohan finally steadied himself, yet instead he felt him tremble and grip is hair harder to
stop himself from wobbling. Jotaro held his legs steady but slowed as Rohan was no longer
rocking into him. Instead the man had an almost pained expression on his face, which was slightly
sweaty and very flushed, and he breathed irregularly through a string of mumbles and curses and
things that were most likely not even words. He did not look like the cocky, dashing, sometimes
abrasive Rohan he knew but something else entirely -- something more delicate and vulnerable and
frantic -- and it was not something he pictured experiencing coming into this encounter. It was not
a bad thing by any means, just unexpected for a man who acted and spoke like Rohan did. He did
not wish to take advantage of that.

Jotaro slid his hands up the back of Rohan’s upper thighs and took hold of him, gently
beginning to rock him back and forth into his mouth, causing the other to grab onto his shoulders
for support. He could hear small moans gurgling within the other that he was trying desperately
not to let out, which Jotaro found cute but also comforting in the sense that it was very much like
Rohan to be doing. He put more pressure into his sucking, wondering how much it would take to
get that moan to surface, and the answer was not long. I came out from under his breath as if it was
escaping despite the mumbling and curses and followed alongside of them, a combination of
eroticism and ire that was present from his lips as well as in his eyes. He grabbed onto Jotaro’s hair
and pulled rather hard, from frustration and embarrassment but also desire.

Thinking that perhaps he was coming close, Jotaro took hold of his hips and began to rock
Rohan faster into his mouth, causing a mixture of gasps and short panting moans from the other
man in sync with the rhythm he was creating. Soon the pulling on his hair and shoulders turned
into clawing and Rohan all at once tried to pull him in, desperate for those last overwhelming
sensations before the orgasm, begging with his body for a release. Jotaro took a deep inhale though
his nose before taking the man into his throat, suddenly feeling an intense rush of warmth. Jotaro
gagged as Rohan came in his throat but managed to keep him in, letting him use his mouth to ride
out the orgasm. Jotaro held Rohan’s hips until he steadied himself then stood up, however his
hands were knocked away when he tried to help Rohan back into his pants, which was expected.
The other man turned away to compose himself, waiting until his breath was even and his face was
no longer flushed before he turned back around.

“You swallowed it!?”

“Well it wouldn’t make a mess that way.”

“You-!” Rohan was somehow frustrated and pleased at the same time. He wasn’t sure if he
wanted the next thing out of his mouth to be fuck you or fuck me but he was leaning towards the

Jotaro picked up his hat and secured it on his head once more, looking relatively unfazed
despite what had just happened save for a light pink that was dusting the top of his cheeks. He
looked at his watch then cleared his throat.

“I have to go now.”

“What do you mean, go?” there was the same frustration in his voice.

“I have to give my speech in about five minutes.”

“Wha-? Minutes!?”

“Yes.” He looked down at his watch again.

“But we just-! Now!?”

“Are we not done here? We can do this again some other time if you’d like.”

“ Again!? ”
“Don’t you want to?”

“ Want to? Of course I want to!” The words just came out of his mouth in all his confusion. I
want to right now!

Jotaro did another one of his second-long smiles. “Good, I would like that as well. Invite me out
to dinner again some time.” And with that he turned and left, leaving Rohan flustered and
disgruntled. He calmed himself down eventually, putting his hand on his head and sighing. He had
gotten remarkably more than he expected to out of Jotaro and should have been content with it --
his body sure was content with it. He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it, though, not when
he still wanted so much more…

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