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CBIO261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab, F2022

Week 2 – Histology and Integumentary System

Virtual Microscope Instruction Guide and Assignment (15 points)
*Unless stated otherwise, weekly activities will be “scan” scored and generally awarded full points for
completion. If any point deductions are determined to be necessary, brief instructor-feedback will be provided.
If you would like to discuss further, please stop by student office hours or reach out via email*
Please work through the following instructional guide CAREFULLY (take your time, read, and think!)
and answer the questions along the way. Submit this packet to the “Virtual Microscope” assignment
submission folder according to the following schedule:
Submit to D2L by the due date indicated in the table below:
Lab Section Due Date
Section 303 (Tues 12:30-2:20pm) 2:30pm Wednesday (8/31)
Section 308 (Tues 3:30-5:20pm) 5:30pm Wednesday (8/31)
Section 304 (Tues 6:00-7:50pm) 8:00pm Wednesday (8/31)
Section 305 (Wed 1:00-2:50pm) 3:00pm Thursday (9/1)
Section 306 (Wed 3:00-4:50pm) 5:00pm Thursday (9/1)
Section 307 (Thurs 12:30-2:20pm) 2:30pm Friday (9/2)

Part 1: Follow these steps and answer the questions

1) Go to
2) Click the “Guide” button in the menu on the bottom of the page
3) Within the “Guide,” use the page arrows followed by the “Next Chapter” button to proceed
through the following sections:
a. Introduction
b. Overview
c. Objective Lenses
d. Immersion Oil Lens
e. Microscope Care
4) Click the “Close” button on the top right when you are finished
Guide Questions to Answer
1. What is the proper/safe way to carry a microscope? (1 point)
Place one hand under the base of the microscope and firmly grip the neck
2. True or false: The eyepiece lenses do not offer any magnification power to the microscope. (1 point)
3. What are the magnifications of the 4 objective lenses on a typical light microscope? (1 point)
4x, 10x, 40x, and 100x
4. What equation is used to calculate total magnification of an image viewed with a microscope? (1 point)
The eyepiece magnification multiplied by the objective magnification
Calculate total magnification for the following: (1 point each)
1. Eyepiece lens = 5x; objective lens = 40x; Total magnification = 200x
2. Eyepiece lens = 10x; objective lens = 20x; Total magnification = 200x
Part 2: Follow these steps and answer the questions
1) From the Main screen, click the “Explore” button on the menu at the bottom of the page
2) Click the “?” icon on the slide box to open it
3) You are welcome to view as many of the slides from the catalog as you like, but should at
minimum view the following:
a. Sample Slides  Letter E
b. Human:
i. Adipose tissue
ii. Blood
iii. Compact bone
iv. Dense regular connective tissue (tendon)
v. Dense irregular connective tissue (elastic tissue)
vi. Hyaline cartilage
vii. Simple columnar epithelium
viii. Simple cuboidal epithelium
ix. Stratified squamous epithelium
4) When viewing the Human tissue slides, use the “coarse focus,” “fine focus,” and “light adjust”
sliders (as needed) at the bottom of the window to create a clear image of the sample
5) Proceed through the 4 objective lenses in order (lowest to highest magnification) for each tissue
6) You can move around within the field of view (circle that you can see) by clicking, holding, and
dragging the tissue.
7) When you are finished viewing a slide, click “Remove Slide” in the top right corner of the viewing
window then return to the slide box to proceed to the next slide
8) When you are finished viewing all of the slides, click the “Main” button to return to the Main
Explore Questions to Answer
Identify each of the following human tissues based on the description provided: (1 point each)
1. Contains erythrocytes and leukocytes: blood
2. Contains bundles of collagen fibers that run uniformly in a single direction: dense regular connective tissue
3. Contains a single layer of square-shaped cells, can be found in kidney tubules: simple cuboidal epithelial
4. Contains osteocytes embedded in lamellae of osteons: bone
5. Contains multiple layers of cells which take on a flattened-shape near the apical surface: stratified squamous
epithelial tissue
6. Contains a single layer of tall, rectangular-shaped cells, can be found in the stomach: simple columnar
epithelial tissue
Three tissues that you (should have) viewed are not described above…list them below and provide a
comparable description (1 point each)
1. Nervous tissue – sends/receives electrochemical signals to provide body with information
2. Adipose tissue – loose connective tissue that insulates and protects under the skin
3. Dense irregular connective tissue – has bundles of collogen fibers that run irregularly (ex. Dermis)

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