Stages of The Counseling Process

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Stages of the Counseling * There is plan for how to achieve them.

Process * Action is directed in accordance with

new perspective nd change.
Stage 1: Relationship Building * Collaboratively established plan works
Tasks here include: best.
•Laying foundations for trust * Educational information is given to that
•Establishing the structure and form the client is offered regarding options, and
relationship will take advantages/disadvantages for each.
•Informed consent process
•Articulating roles of counselor and
client - developing a collaborative

Stage 2: Identifying the nature of the

presenting problem Intervention
* To understand the kind of change that ° New perspectives on both the way
is sought. clients have looked at the problem and
* Seeing the problem in context to the ways they might approach it
client's larger world. •Confrontation Vs Carefrontation
* Keeping an eye on the strengths and •Self Disclosure as appropriate
resources of the client. • A clear, simple plan toward goals and
* Counselor builds hypotheses during intervention
this stage and throughout maintain ** Counseling skills are all the time at
process. hand and in use in lI these processes.

Stage 3: Formulation of Counseling Characteristics of a good intervention

Goals plan:
* The client articulates where they want 1. Goals are clearly defined and
their counseling journey to take them. reachable
Client role as one of driving the bus. 2. Plan able to be adapted with time
* Enhances sense of ownership and 3. Positive and action-oriented focus
motivation factors important in the 4. Essential to an effective plan is
change process. client's motivation and willingness to
* Well identified goals help create a follow it.
roadmap and means to evaluate. (We follow) Prochaska's stages of
* Goals may change, evolve as therapy Change (Intervention Phase)
progresses (James O. Prochaska's Model of
Stage 4; Categories: Counseling
Goals •Pre Contemplation - is the stage at
* To change an unwanted or unwelcome which there is no intention to change
behavior. behavior in the foreseeable future. Many
* To better cope. individuals in this stage are unaware or
* To make and implement decisions. under-aware of their problems." Some
* To enhance relationships. people call this phase "denial."
* To help client's journey of growth •Contemplation - is the stage in which
toward achieving potential (Nystul, people are aware that a problem exists
2003) and are seriously thinking about
overcoming it but have not yet made a
Stage 5: Intervention and Problem commitment to take action." Many
Solving people in this stage can be described as
*Begins as soon as goals are ambivalent. They want to improve their
blood sugar, but are not yet ready to cut client only till client is aware of own
back on eating sweets. needs.
•Preparation/Determination Action *Preparation for termination begins long
- can be considered the information before
gathering and planning stage. The Open door / plan for possibility of future
preparation stage is the most important. need are required to be given by the
Fifty percent of the people who attempt counselor to the client. Termination
behavior change and skip this stage will considered not just at end of successful
relapse before on within 21 days relationship, but also is considered
approximately. when it seems that counseling is not
•Action and Maintenance Action being helpful.
 - is the stage in which individuals
modify their behavior, experiences, or Stage 7: Research and Evaluation
environment in order to overcome their •Throughout the counseling process,
problems. Action involves the most towards the end, there is a feedback
overt behavioral changes and requires and the counseling process is reviewed
considerable commitment of time and through:
energy." During the action stage, one •Generating hypotheses
implements the plans developed and •Trying intervention strategies
information gathered in the preparation •Determining if/when goal is met and a
stage. plan for evaluation is made.

Maintenance is the stage in which Therapeutic counseling and counseling

people work to prevent relapse and skills
consolidate the gains attained during Therapeutic counseling is an activity
action. For addictive behaviors this undertaken by people who are
stage extends from six months to an specifically trained in this field. It differs
indeterminate period past the initial from many other occupations and areas
action." of work that are often described as
- There's a necessity for Consciousness ‘counselling’ but, strictly speaking, are
raising not.
 - the is the process of actively
becoming more aware, mindful or These other areas include, for example,
conscious of the current situation. career counseling, financial counseling,
• Crafting a Treatment Plan - Begins sports counseling and style counseling.
with clearly articulated problem and In fact, there is a growing tendency to
priority from client's perspective of describe any occupation in which advice
primary (presenting) vs underlying is given as ‘counseling’. Therapeutic
clearly defined, broad goals - global counseling does not include advice
objective giving in its repertoire of skills, although
•Objectives - behaviorally stated, steps it should be added that clients cannot
on way to broader goal - mindful of fail to be influenced by a counselor’s
accountability. attitudes, even when these are not
• Interventions to be utilized by explicitly stated.
In therapeutic counseling, the
Stage 6: Termination and follow up relationship between helper and client is
Collaboration with client in identifying a especially significant and based on the
date in advance for next follow up principle of equality. Vulnerable clients
session and the role to review progress, may not always feel equal, but it is a
create closure in client counselor principle that all counsellors need to
relationship and plan for future. respect and uphold.
Think of this as a means of empowering The following is a definition offered by
client. Counselor always is mindful of the British Association for Counselling
avoiding fostering dependency for the and Psychotherapy:
Counselling and Psychotherapy are Problems of advice giving
umbrella terms that cover a range of In discussing the limits of advice giving,
talking therapies. They are delivered by Rollo May makes the point that it is not
trained practitioners who work with ‘an adequate counselling function
people over a short or long term to help because it violates the autonomy of the
them bring about effective change or personality’ (May, 1993: 117).
enhance their wellbeing. Even before Rollo May expressed his
reservations in this way, Freud (1920)
British Association for Counselling and had cautioned against giving direct
Psychotherapy (2013). advice, for it was his view that people
Counseling skills and counseling theory should be helped to identify their own
It is important to make a distinction conclusions without pressure from a
between theory and skills in the context therapist.
of counsellor training. However, many clients seek counseling
At a basic level, the word ‘skills’ refers in the hope that they will be told what to
to the interpersonal tools counselors do. Others hope for advice about the
need to possess or acquire, in order to best ways to tackle their personal
communicate effectively with clients. problems.
These essential tools or skills include
those of: Nevertheless, advice is not given in
* Listening and attending * Paraphrasing therapeutic counseling, and there are
* Summarizing many reasons (including those
* Asking questions highlighted by Freud and Mayo) for
* encouraging clients to be specific withholding it.
* reflecting their feelings Perhaps one of the most important
* helping them to clarify their thoughts reasons is one which
* encouraging them to focus on key Amada (1995) identifies. He refers to
issues * offering forms of challenge the experiences of young children who
when needed. are given frequent and copious advice,
Implicit in the skills listed here are and who harbor deep feelings of
certain counsellor attitudes as well. resentment on account of it. These
These include: feelings do not disappear, but are
* acceptance of, and respect for, clients carried into adult life and operate at an
* recognition of each client’s personal unconscious level thereafter.
values, cultural background and Advice, therefore, is not always valued
resources. in the way that advisers would like to
believe. Nevertheless, there are some
Counseling theory, on the other hand, people who may be quite willing to
deals with assumptions and follow any advice in a slavish and
hypotheses about the process of human uncritical way. 
development. The problems and
difficulties that can arise at various These people tend to view all helpers as
stages throughout our lifespan, as a experts, but in the context of therapeutic
result of environmental or other counseling they can be helped to look
influences, are also considered under more closely at this aspect of their
the heading of counseling theory. thinking and identify the reasons such
expectations exist.
The ways in which different forms of Clients who habitually invite or expect
therapy and counseling approach these the control of others, or those who
problems, as well as their individual acquiesce to the views of other people,
methods of helping clients, have are in danger of losing sight of their own
evolved alongside theories about capabilities and resources. Counselors
human development and the acquisition can help their clients to locate and
of helpful and unhelpful behaviors. identify these resources, but in order to
do this they need to be honest in
relation to the subject of advice and its Counseling hold from 3 to 12 or 15
distorting influence. sessions while psychotherapy and its
interventions go beyond that point.
Clients are helped much more when Counseling is characterized by the
they gain some understanding of the terms such as “educational”,
insecurities that impel them to seek “vocational”, “supportive”, “problem-
advice in the first place. When clients solving”, “conscious”, and “oriented in
develop greater understanding of their the present”.
emotional problems, they tend to Psychotherapy, on the other hand, can
become more self-directed as a be characterized by such terms as
consequence, and the opinions and “reconstructive”, “in-depth”, “oriented in
views of others are considered in a the past”, “analytical”, “emphasis on
more detached way. dysfunction”, and “long-term”.
This represents a real shift towards But in the middle range of the
personal development and continuum, where the interventions are
empowerment. less defined, the terms counseling and
psychotherapy are often options for
describing the same thing.
Counseling or Psychotherapy?
It is believed there is a great distinction Counseling – is the application of
between the two. Others see it as mental health, psychological or human
useless to make distinction. But it is development principles, through
more important to know that there is a cognitive, affective, behavioral or
distinction between the two, most often systematic interventions and
it is used interchangeably. techniques, and strategies that address
Counseling has traditionally been wellness, personal growth or career
viewed as less intensive than development, as well as pathology.
psychotherapy. It has focused more on
preventive mental health, while The definition contains a number of
psychotherapy has concerned itself with implicit and explicit points that are
reparative intervention. important for counselors to realize:
1. Counseling is a profession
Counseling as a profession grew out of -practitioners complete a prescribed
the guidance movement, in opposition course of study
to traditional psychotherapy. Yet today, 2. Counseling deals with wellness,
professional counseling encompassed personal growth, career and
within its practice clinicians who focus pathological concerns.
on both growth and lifestyle issues as - counselors work in areas that involve
well as the remediation of mental relationships; both intra and
disorders. interpersonal concerns
The goals of counseling have been related to finding meaning and
oriented toward education and adjustment in such settings as schools,
developmental concerns, while the families and careers.
goals of psychotherapy have generally 3. Counseling is theory based.
been remedial. -counselors draw from a number of
Work settings also have been used to theoretical approaches, including those
distinguish between counseling and that are
psychotherapy. Psychotherapists, cognitive, affective and systemic.
according to traditional expectations, - these theories may be applied to
are more apt to work in hospital settings individuals, groups or families
or in private practice, while counselors 4. Counseling is a process that may be
are more likely to work in educational developmental or intervening.
settings. - counselors focus on their client’s goals
The number of interventions to be and it involves the process of both
deciding factor also. choice and
change. your full attention, to what they are
Psychotherapy – (or therapy) saying or doing, valuing them as worthy
traditionally focuses on serious individuals.
problems associated with intra- psychic,     This includes the counsellor listening
internal and personal issues and to silences as well as words, sitting with
conflicts. them and
- It deals with the “recovery of  recognizing that the silences may
adequacy” facilitate the counselling process.
 3. Reflecting and Paraphrasing
There are 2 Criteria that distinguish  Reflecting in counselling is part of the
psychotherapy with counseling: ‘art of listening’. It is making sure that
1. Psychotherapy usually involves a the client knows
“long-term relationship”.  their story is being listened to.
- 20 t0 40 sessions over a period of 6 This is achieved by the
months or 2 years that focuses on helper/counsellor by both repeating and
reconstructive change. feeding a shorter version
2. Psychotherapy is provided in both   of their story back to the client. This
outpatient or inpatient settings known as 'paraphrasing'.
(residential treatment facilities such as  4. Clarifying and the Use of Questions
mental hospitals), unlike counseling it is  Questions in counselling are classed as
provided in “outpatient settings” (non- a basic skill. The counsellor uses open
residential buildings such as schools or questions to
community agencies)  clarify his or her understanding of what
the client is feeling.
Skills include:  Leading questions are to be avoided as
Effective Counseling Skills they can impair the counselling
Core listening skills are basic relationship.
counselling skills, or practiced  5. Focusing
techniques, that help the Focusing in counseling involves making
1 decisions about what issues the client
  Through active listening, rapport is wants to deal with. The client may have
built, trust forms and the speaker feels mentioned a range of issues and
heard and problems and focusing allows the
 understood by the counsellor or counsellor and client together to clear
listener. away some of the less important
••• surrounding material
The core counselling skills are   and concentrate on the central issues
described below. of concern.
2. Silence  6. Building Rapport
Silence in counselling gives the client  Building rapport with clients in
control of the content, pace and counselling is important, whatever
objectives. model of counselling the
  Key Counselling Skills Explained counsellor is working with. Rapport
Core Counselling Skills means a sense of having a connection
   counsellor to empathetically listen to with the person.
the speaker.  7. Summarising
  active listening Counselors use counselling skills to
 being aware of nonverbal help them better understand and listen
communication to clients.
 building rapport   Summaries in counseling are longer
  1. Attending paraphrases. They condense or
 Attending in counselling means being in crystallize the essence of what the client
the company of someone else and is saying and feeling. The summary
giving that person 'sums up' the main themes that are
8. Immediacy
  Using immediacy means that the
therapist reveals how they themselves
are feeling in response to the client.
According to Feltham and Dryden
(1993: 88), immediacy is ‘the key skill of
focusing attention on the here and now
relationship of counsellor and client with
 helpful timing, in order to challenge
defensiveness and/or heighten
 a. Be genuine.
 If you don't understand, it's OK to check
and ask for further information.
 b. Try to be brief when reflecting back.
 The speaker should do most of the
 c. Use your own words to reflect back.
 However, the art of listening can be
practised by almost anybody.

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