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Duration: 1 yr. after death (6 months for children)

Characterized by:
1. intense yearning
2. Preoccupied memories of deceased

Aleast 3 occurs in the last month:

 Identity disruption
 Avoidance of reminders of death
 Disbelief
 Difficulty reintegrating.
 Loneliness
 Intense emotional pain
 Feeling life is meaningless
 Emotional numbness
 Clearly exceed bereavement reaction
- Symptom cause CSD
- symptoms are not better explained by another
mental disorder


Duration: before 5 yrs- old Pattern of a
emotionally withdrawn towards their caregivers a.
minimally seek comfort
b. minimal responds to comfort

atleast 2 ff social and emotional disturbances:

a. minimal social and emotional response
b. limited positive affect
c. Unexplained irritability w/ caregiver

at least 1 ff Experience insufficient care:

a) social neglect
b) changes of caregiver
c) rearing in unusual settings

- not met for autism

-evident disturbance -5yrs old
-developmental age atleast 9 months

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